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Sethimg about having "secret" knowledge that makes one think they are better than everyone else? Charls is a great example of this just listening to him talk gives the feeling he thinks he is extremely enlightened despite his talks just being a grab bag of shitty surface level schizo stuff like flat earth and tartaria yet he does a video ridiculing the supposed health benefits of cold water? The whole "mirth" thing is also suspect being a possible reference to the Order of Jesters. I.saw a comment recently claiming Sam's grandfather was a doctor involved in MKUltra as well.
I would suggest it's because you ultimately grow to view most "normal" people as retarded. And just incapable of advanced thought.
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Normies are retarded though lol
Majority of schizos are Water sign niggers.
Here is the vid of him chimping out about ice baths and the wim hoff breathing method: https://youtu.be/yVMRNDeD3CI in another stream he gets mad at someone in the chat and said “Theres nothing you could ever know in this world that I dont know already.”
I don't get those inferior feelings when I listen to Charls speak. Rather I laugh at his jokes and have fun listening to his ramblings. Could it be your insecurity and inferiority complex is preventing you from enjoying silly streams? Or maybe you have a hard time understanding what he's saying and you feel bad about yourself? Idk why Charls triggers so many spergs. To me it looks like his biggest detractors are people who think they're way smarter than they really are, and think their own schizo beliefs are the one true path. Maybe get a little mirth in your system and get the estrogen pills OUT of your system
Your comment is a mess of strawman arguments and not worth taking seriously. Why would I feel inferior to someone married to a fucked up looking plastic surgery having ladyboi who makes money off of parasocial simps like you promoting schizo nonsense? Keep on projecting nigger.
Anyone that has a superiority complex for being allegedly enlightened is just fooling themselves. They're still living via ego. Possession of esoteric knowledge doesn't change anything. It's the equivalent of hanging a chandelier in a haunted house.
Yea, I'm schizo meanwhile you're connecting jesters and mkultra to a youtube guy. You're projecting your inferiority by seeing an inflated ego where there isn't one at all. You're just mad and whiny. Mirth. Now.
checked, this
Who is this e-celeb you are referring to?
Because the kind of people who seek secret knowledge are fucked in the head to begin with. Then they start pretending they have found something even though they haven't. Ego inflation is the natural result. You can see the same pattern occurring here constantly.
in what way wanting to seek knowledge and trying to escape the labyrinth of lies and deception of the world makes you fucked in the head?
are you trying to say that brainwashed normie NPC zog golems are sane and normal?
he keeps saying that he is still an idiot and has a lot to learn. if this is sincere then its exactly the opposite of arrogance or being egocentric.
its tough not to realize it when you have a 150 IQ and you realize its like comparing the WTCs to the height of the rest of the buildings in new york city, comparing your intellect to that of 99.999% of others
Clickbaiters, probably compensating for some form of inferiority complexes in many cases.
not OP but this board seems low on the mental illness , psysiopaty, narcisism scale , compared to other ones.

that being said maybe schizofrenia is really humbeling or something.
I dunno, why do I shid and fart in the morning after I drink iced cappuccino and have egg sammich?
Because being right often feeds the ego while seeing most people without discerning thoughts is frustrating to the point of a belittlement state towards them
Most of the WTC buildings were considerable smaller than a lot of the NY skyline, try harder kiddo
You are fucking retarded. Send more donations to the unstable jester of mirth so he can feed his golem mudbabies.
>Why do conspiracy theorists often have an overinflated ego?
Wouldn't you like to know, normie sheep.
Dunning-Kruger. I often find people posting things that contradict even the basic middle-schooler math, physics, and science.
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The site is used as a beacon to compel certain individuals to subscribe to a system of manipulation under the guise of anonymity. The true nature of this place is to get these people to invest enough of their mind and spirit to eventually induce emotional triggers and destructive behavior.

It doesn’t come off this way on the surface because it requires the victim to feel as though they hold secret knowledge about the world even though these thoughts were incepted into their subconscious from the beginning. It all starts with an object of want(usually idealogical fulfillment).Value is placed onto it only for it to be warped and used against the victim.

Again the victim is signing a contract that looks promising (meme magic, manipulation, chaos, freedom) but doesn’t hold all the power in the scenario. It’s like a soldier being handed a gun that can be activated/deactivated against their will unless the target is who those in power want to target at that time. It’s in this way everyone can be used as a deterrent against everyone else, once you see this there’s no going back.
>So it’s all one big Psyop?
The point is to create patterns of control so these circuits can be open or shut when needed. Everyone here thinks this will result in their values coming out on top, issue just enough hope to make an entire demographic predictable and thus controllable, reactionary in both action and emotional trigger. That’s why you see so many targeted hate threads, to weed out certain phenotypes to see just how many react and their responses, again it’s all about the victim giving their enemy information.
This is the only board covering the subject matter where the person giving it isn’t cared about.
It’s not the giver but the gift that matters.
It’s also why there is less interest in name fags.
Triggered Conspiritainment Drone. Calling normies "sheep" was cringe 20 years ago, kid.
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"Everything you don't know I know already. Theres nothing in this world you could know that I don't know already" - racemixer with mongoloid babies who fucked this thing
Stupid sheeple. You will never achieve the level of enlightenment and wisdom such as I.
ok sheep
Imagine getting so triggered at the mention of the term conspiracy theory that you assume a normie and sheeple when you know absolutely nothing about me or my beliefs. Time to change your tampon fuccboi.
ok sheep
seems pretty obvious. they feel like they know more and/or they develop an ego about it when they try to build their career around it. thiis is obvious.

probably the majority of such people aren't narcissistic about it.
Because people often indulge in conspiracy theories to think of themselves as a savior, the last bastion of hope in a dark world. Also to blame other things for their problems
>my life's bad because government
>my life's bad because jews
>my life's bad because reptilians
>my life's bad because demiurge
>my life's bad because life's bad
It's never their fault
>Haha ok sheeple
I feel like half of the shit he mentions is sarcastic but I do find a lot of it to be frustratingly empty words.
I don't think it is ego though, I think he's saying it in a way that illuminates that it's retarded. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TiMQZ5LH4s
This is a pretty good video and he's clearly against retarded pedowood kikes
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I agree with this guy, frankly.
On the other hand, the inability to comprehend that things outside of oneself can be responsible for certain conditions we experience for better or worse is basically binary thinking. Basically the level of NPCs. And thinking that everything in the world is based on your own outlook is 'the secret'/LOA soccermom spirituality bullshit. We are all one hive-mind mentality. Also fuck the Demiurge that nigga is a bitch.
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Ok retard
why bother with these replies
not everyone is going to agree with you, that's just how it be don't let it affect your emotions that's not only gay but also psychically harming yourself. You can do better. I expect you won't, but you can.
He has some funny moments but he reminds me of myself 3 months after discovering /x/.
Don't know who this e-celeb is but conspiracy theorists just embrace the fool archetype and embody it rather often, unmotivated by pride or material gain, just going on a journey to nowhere, seeking nothing. Normies are slaves to pride, status and money and are blind to their own hubris, they're close minded. Their minds are littered with all sorts of lies, and their self-deception and willful ignorance perpetuate this debilitated state of being, which on a large scale only brings misery and misfortune upon themselves and their environment. The one playing the fool is merely stating the obvious, it's not arrogance.
peep this >>38867110 if you care to know.
I think OP is just mad at him judging by his replies in the thread. I agree with what you've said in general but I dont think it applies to him though according to my experiences at least
I'm not ready for another e-celeb rabbithole, it's almost always mentally draining to learn about these people, oftentimes they're mentally deranged beyond salvation, acting like micro-cult leaders trying to form armies of golems.
If you confess a persuasion in something that is considered a conspiricy theory under normal people, they start to view your differently. They see you like somebody who is about to become crazy, even mental ill.
This is even the case if your intest is limited to some special topic and your conclusions are humble and doesn't contradict the well-known laws of physics and biology.

The reason for this, I think, is that even the mental handling of such things is a indication in itself. Normal people just don't watch the video of 9/11 for hours and figure out that the explosion is too late or too early or whatever. They don't care if the official paper on the event can explain it properly.
They life their life, with blinders on the eye.

When we reasone about the situation of the conspiricy theorists, the normy has a point. Many of them sacrefice houres and a lot of mental energy into some theorie about how the political world actually worked.
This behavior is hardly to see as normal. In fact, they waste a lot of time and recources on things that can neither be changed by them nor better their lifes.

In order to be one of this kind of people, you need special psychological trails.
Lack of curiosity on the part of the Crowd, and finding intellectual dishonesty/cowardice repulsive and contemptible. Reasoned discourse is every bit a canard as 'mass literacy' and 'public education'. A new barbarism is ascendant, and its fellow travelers abound. What's the harm in "what if? ..." Chuck's been caveating things more and better recently, if anything. People don't ask to be mislead, deserve a little sympathy, a bit of this >>38863084
I agree but what I'm saying is i think he isn't that way. The video i linked is like 14 minutes just skim it some time. There's nothing important in it.
That being said i understand what you're saying and there are definitely a lot of retards like that
Yeah surely not all fit the fool archetype, but it's a common type in these circles, misunderstood by most, understood by the masses only through passages of time, through the loss of cultural context and the people's lack of attachment to the fool's social envioronment.
Skimmed a bit through the video, he seems pretty normal to me, run of the mill commentator type content, he just seems like a boomer that got a cultural shock from the current wave of propaganda. Just like old people in times past used to be critical of rap music, tattoos, The Beatles, video games, any type of shit shoved down youngsters' throats that wasn't normal during their youth, whether it's good or not is barely a factor (although they're right on the money in recent times), they're just trying to enforce their own programming. He doesn't even seem like much of a conspiracy theorist, he's just following an "expired" set of social norms.
ok sheep
Because it take an extremely potent ego or the complete lack of one to move against institutional power.
they banned me from his channel because i said his wife looked like she got stung by a bee

bitch does look like she got stung by a bee. Still hot though, especially after all the surgerys
I am personally unsure about the reletive screcy of the things he talks about becuase I dont know much about conspiracy myself but i do think he talks a big game and treats himself like a phrofit figure... but who knows? maybe he might be.

The main thing i take issue with chuck is his lack of precision which i feel holds him back from getting at the heart of the topic. He is like a sugeon with a hammer.

He talks in the insane poetic style all the time so that i can hardly understand him.

A quote from the book of the new sun sums this up perfectly (i am going to butcher the quote becuase I dont have it at hand)

"Agia was intelligent, but the sort of intelligences which is good at creating puzzles and not quite as good at solving them"

if anyone knows the actual quote please let me know
I agree with this. Heard a similar sentiment on Thor Inquirely, one of the Chaz Episdoes. I thiknk its an extremely level headed take on beliving, or rather, knowing things which others want nothing to do with.

if they dont want to understand it, then why preach to them? they will just think your crazy. I do want to add that i spent time on a mental ward and the paitents their acted this out, they didnt want to talk about the things they blived.
Yep excellent analysis and then you have this guy >>38868326
You are responsible for the way you deal with the environment, and the way the environment around you is shaped, you can't dismiss this fact just because it's common sense

Life is not a competition about who has the most unknown idea, "drink water" is a good idea besides being the most common thing ever

Like I said, wacky conspiracy theories arise from wanting to be "special in a world of imbeciles", if you think normal things are bad because they are "NPC's", here's your demiurge who's ruining your life
>maybe 9/11 WAS my fault after all
Normie and conspiracy theory are both made up words to interfere with rational discussion of controversial facts. Low IQ mistake consensus for facts and High IQ make the mistake that low IQ's, if explained to there level, will ever comprehend something outside of their group-think reinforcement.
Don't use out of touch examples to defend mundane situations, it's like when someone says they smoke weed because it cures cancer
Your real issues are your fault, 9/11 is not but the way you react to 9/11 is
I don't know thus guy, but don't we all have overinflated egos? Who never did think they knew better than God for instance? I mean, isn't God the most wise and smart being that ever existed and ever will exist? So why did I think I was better than Him? I don't know shit, man. I'm a stupid mothercuker! How can I think I know better than God? I don't! DO you understand my indignation? The nerve to call myself better than God? Wow. My ego was overinflated. I feel like we all do this at some point in our lives. We all act like overonflated megalonaniacs.
Unironically you should consider misogyny and how that starts a lot of these guys off on the wrong path. It's often the very last stone they try to turn over, too, when they realize they can't figure shit out without facing that aspect of themselves.
ok sheep
'she's the sort of woman who's good at making puzzles for other people, but not at solving ones she didn't make herself'

chapter 28 in 'shadow'
Its the same as any niche. Take Warhammer or progressive metal. If you're into something difference with a little barrier of entry you're gonna be annoying. The way to combat that is to just be chill.
>he's still mad
kek silly tranny
Terminally online Conspiritainment shills with zero charisma get especially triggered when you point out their programming. Like the faggots in this thread who sayI am "insecure" and feeling inadequate for poontimg out Charls bullshit yet they have literally modelled the way they speak (Mirth, Pure, etc) after a fallen e-celeb who used to promote Trump and other alt lite faggotry and now has mid babies with a 20 something year old mudslime insta thot. Haha
Because we know. We understand. We see. We don't look away. We accept what's obvious. You are sheeple, scared and cowardly, too afraid to believe what's in front of your eyes. Relying on the Herd. We dont. We're scouts. Lighters. We bring you the unknown.
Look at you focusing on the herd. This guy, that guy. Because you need to eat someone's shit. Because you couldn't possibly rely on your own abilities to discover new things. Too scaredy cat for that. Needing a Reliable Source. As if you had no eyes, no mind but to follow the butts in front of you.
>onoes, can i trust this man? That man? Should I? Please someone tell me! Make me! Lead me! This man is famous, is he right? Should WE trust him?
After so many years in this business I realized the demonic parasites merely provide the cowardly with what they ask for
The skepdick block of concrete over the mind
-posture of fake superiority
fantasy and distraction from your own life problems is the juice of the ego

i wonder though what causes ego inflation after insane weight loss
i see that shit again and again, fat people losing weight and gaining ego
>zero charisma

Stop hitting yourself bro we're here for you
>Because we know. We understand. We see. We don't look away. We accept what's obvious.
>Look at you focusing on the herd.
Weak little shit that thinks the herd gives him strength.
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Simp harder. MDE never dies.
That post is exactly to worst of the retards on here. They assume someone is questioning their reality tunnel and write an essay of off target bullshit about imaginary perceived slights. But thanks for demonstrating the topic of the thread lol. "Sheeple"xD https://youtu.be/7xxgRUyzgs0
You are beyond stupid
that doctor was Robert Hyde, Sam's grandfather was named Frederick Hyde

so its charls then i wasn't sure
>Why do conspiracy theorists often have an overinflated ego?
they are not
they are people with overinflated ego who are "conspiracy theorists"
ok sheep
Fat people usually stay fat for so long that they start looking at skinny people as unreachable blessed figures that have everything in life. Similar to how a short guy looks at a tall guy or an ugly guy looks at an attractive guy
When they become skinny, they feel like they ascended and their ego skyrockets. Their heart dont realize that they simply returned to normalcy
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Kill yourself
Ok sheep
No, that's his dad. You think his grandfather got married in 1983?
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>Waaaaaaa someone called me.a.cumspiwacy theowist!!1
For all the simps sending superchats https://youtu.be/kNE5S9UZOls
ok sheep
Fuck off flat earth nigger
ironic picture for someone whos been crying about sheep for days now. Lol.
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Cool story bro!!1
>Now he's posting pictures of himself
ok sheep
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Wim Hof really works. It's awesome.
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I mean LaVey was Jewish and satanist so it is and can be both.
quit shilling your ugly hoe niggerfagot, nobody's interested

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