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Is this life and reality of ours really predetermined? And if so why?
No it's not. That's such an outdated concept it doesn't even fit with modern physics.
The most accurate and rigorously tested theory of modern physics is quantum mechanics, and all observations are only determinable up to a set of possibilities, but the final outcome is fundamentally non-determinable.

They are quite explicit about it, that it's not just our ignorance of what will happen, but that truly there is no answer until after the observation is made.

Reality is fundamentally non-deterministic.
It's funny because the tables have basically turned. Now it's the ones who want to hold on to determinism who are actually engaging in illogical, unfounded, beliefs.
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It is predetermined to help you obtain freedom within a law and rule set.
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tfw go back in time and it's all different because simulating in reverse doesn't get u back to the starting point dmtpgx
It's predetermined but unknowable beforehand except to God. He wants you to be happy so don't prejudge negative outcomes because life will surprise you with positive change.
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It is predetermined that I will believe it is not predetermined. Nothing you will say will change my mind.
Free will is possible if consciousness causes wave function collapse.

No, it really isn't. Chaos, the fundament of the universe, contains infinite possibilities
No, do your own research you stupid fuck.
>Yet another retarded frogposter
Its you hate it enough...
Sure why not...
Wendigo yo...
Beep boop...
It’s predetermined (both in religion and science), don’t listen to quantum retard here >>38860255 if we had 100% of all information we could predict everything that will happen and has ever happened
it's not, karma is made up, destiny is made up, your life is not written anywhere these are all tools to pacify people, you create your own destiny!
the truth if you dare
No Future
People can choose to set up a general blueprint for their lives, where we can predetermine certain events to happen, but for the most part, it's gives enough room for us to choose how it'll happen, or if it'll happen at all.
Free will is an illusion, Free will is just a word created by a man, Every word we spill is a form of representation for other to see, Everything we do is a result of our yearning for other to see our will to live.
We must remove the shackles of religion which negates the core aspect of free will as it hinders the "freedom" by relying on religion as an anchor for life and denouncing any form of free act, Now after we removed "Religion" we have man which is responsible for his own actions, His own actions stem from his brain and his brain is responsible for what comes afterwards, And sometimes the brain does actions which do not allign with reality.

We act according to our instincts and our conscious stimulus, We are forever tied to our brain's choices.

ONLY IN EXCEPTION which the free will exists is when we are in the edge of choosing between death or life, That's when we are completely free and we can exactly act against God (which stands above any form of free will and is the maestro of all the instruments) as a form of rebellion, Suicide is the only valiable solution into breaking the barrier of the will and also when Astral Projecting there is a semi-half control over the free will.

But again the free will exists but it leads into the predetermined future.
No, because we are allowed free will

Have a nice day
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Always has been.
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As a sentence proceeds, it continually narrows the freedom of the application of the succeeding terms, and tends to fix their destiny of meaning, so to speak.

A sentence does this by means of the syntax or operational rules of the language in which it is spoken. Yet this meaning is actually a reflection of the original choice of intent on the part of the speaker, who is the framer of the sentences. If there were no rules of operation and syntax, no orderly procession of results, no freedom would be possible. Freedom in fact means not only choice of cause but guarantee of effect once a cause is chosen. Fate and free will are two sides of the same coin. The first is the crystallization of the second. Imagine for a moment a world in which one never could know what would occur when one re-enacted the same cause. This would not be a world of freedom but of chaos, which constitutes one of the worst tyrannies.

Almost as important as the existence in the universe of laws or patterns of consequence is the fact that one may change consequence-pattern if one changes the intent that generates the causal pattern to which the consequence is but nature’s appropriate response. We cannot always predict what the appropriate consequences for actions will be. Indeed, that ability is called “wisdom.” But we can study the configurations of relational pattern between act and consequence and thus learn better how to determine what this appropriateness in any given case means.

It is thus there is no immutable destiny.
Is it true we are trapped in a hell matrix?
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>predetermination, free will
the answer is neither 'no' nor 'yes' but a secret third thing.
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It's superdetermined. There might even be outside influence actively going on, but we are puppets and gears.
The Truth: Frogposters will receive Outer Darkness. There will be wailing and a gnashing of teeth.
Fuck off christcuck
Is this life and reality of ours really predetermined?
Yes and no, its like a choose your own adventure book.
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Self-writing evolving recursive algorithm
No, you have free will. It's just hard to break out of your cyclic tendencies. Are you having problems with them, anon?
It's been predetermined that you will die a virgin, because you're unbearably cringe and smell really, REALLY bad
Wyrd goes ever as it may.
you don't know shit
god is a cunt
I happen to believe it isn't, in any way we could understand. Can infinity be predetermined even in theory? I'm doubtful.

Ultimately it does not matter in the sense of letting either option affect your mental state negatively. It's all good, man, trust me on this.
The river flows, swim.
Or not.
Short answer? Yes
>the most accurate and rigorously tested
>quantum mechanics
>keeps going
This is exquisitely crafted bait. It belongs on display in shitpost galleries.
everything is predetermined to an extent. There's a limited number of possibilities of things you can do physically. Like in no universe could you turn into a elephant at random, so you're predetermined to not be an elephant. Time seems to be more like a grouping of possibilities than a line. Until you decide to make a choice and cement your action in time.
Yes it is predetermined. This is because each one of us is too precious to risk. We are kept from knowing this so that our experiences feel real (and as such ARE real for the purposes of learning and developing character).
Yeah but there are so many levels between that you could never wrap your head around that fact in a meaningful way.
Tell me something. If our roles were not pre determined how do you explain how God knows the future and tell us how things will go down in the end times? How ca God know that Satan will gather and army to fight Jesus in the battle of Armageddon? How did God knew Jesus would come from the seed of David? How did God knew a virgin would have a child? Because it was pre determined. God knew way before what everyone would do and He acted accordingly.

God knows my future. He knows everything I'm gonna do in my life. My life is an open book. He knew me before I was even born. It is written in the Bible how God knows us even before we are formed in the womb, literally before we were formed in the matrix God already knew us. If God knows me He can read me. He knew what I would do even before I was born, dude. How do you explain this?

I feel like to us looks like choice, but God knows all our choices already. I just hope I'm not one of those who are supposed to exist to hate God and go to Hell. I rather go to Heaven instead. The fact that some people are destined to burn to burn in Hell is sad a little bit.
Absolutely not
Neji loses the fight against Naruto because Naruto is a tailed beast jinchuriki and the reincarnation of Hashirama Senjou. Naruto didn't defy fate, he just defeated an opponent. Neji was overhyped. Free will is not real.
Later in Shippuden, Naruto is actually the subject of two separate prophecies, which unfold exactly as foretold.
The setting of history was planned, and the course of events was predestined, but the course you take through such events or even your ability to perceive certain events depends on your own choices. Its a multiverse and the universe will try to mend time towards its chosen 'correct' outcome over time, but that outcome is much dependent on your soul and its own desires and purposes of perception it needs to witness and perceive in order to best grow and develop in awareness of its actions and choices.
There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance
A host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance

A planet of playthings, we dance on the strings of powers we cannot perceive
The stars aren't aligned or the Gods are malign, blame is better to give than receive

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear.

I will choose Freewill
It's definitely predetermined on the things that matter to God. The problem is deciphering what is important to God and what isn't.
in every moment, seeds are planted
and then we reap what was sown

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