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this iluminatti cards freak me out,bros
how they knew back in the late 80s?
when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit.
You are going to live to regret that
"Victory to the defending player"

Chance of success
Chance of failure

If only secret stockpiles were safeguarded from even the highest of clearance past a certain time frame
You know
Assuming the mil expected that over time certain groups might become complacent and had the foresight to defend againts everything being compromised

If only time travel were possibluh
The ruling class are vampires and can't create ideas of their own. So they keep us around to milk us of our ideas. Our imagination is the only thing they care about. The original Illuminati card game was just a card game. But the ruling class took it and used it as a guide for the apocalypse
I dont plan to be alive much longer desu desu senpai

Wont be around to accept the UNs and WHOs idea of who or what is considered "essential"
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Where’d my post go?
google the second bullet one,you are going to freak out
i dont want to post it here because im scared of the bad energy of that card
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Well, nice try faggot. But my Illuminati takes an Action to play Tape Runs Out.... Your World War Three card is now canceled and discarded. Next turn.
same way I knew about these dubs
because we are not earthlings, we are martians, we destroyed mars, now we will destroy earth
No dubs for you, loser. Lol.
its almost like youre playing a part in a script thats been enacted countless times since that one faggot got the idea to control other people. we should kill him
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i thought this looked like trump even before he was president

but how they knew!?
the orange still looked "normal" in the late 80s...
alex jones and ron paul?
Why are you so violent?
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Does anyone have info on "Bob". This isn't a shitpost, someone in a previous Illuminati card game pointed out some similarities between entities within both the card game and Twin Peaks named "Bob". From what I understood, it's some kind of demonic archetype which is characterised by possessing people and causing them to do evil shit
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Posting card and weird shit related to "Bob". I fucking swear there's something to this
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Read this after looking at those cards and see how fucking weird it is. WTF is "BOB" !?
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Conspiracy-R-Us discusses "Bob" on some of his videos. He believes the Nephilim/demons look like clowns. He talks about Bob at 16:20:

Thanks so much anon
ong this is a scary thread
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I always saw this bob dude online. Never quite understood what he was about. He does freak me out though.
Searching it up it seems that he is the founder of the parody religion inside the illuminati card game, having been contacted directly by god on his television (lol). It seems he became prominent in poupular culture back then.
BTW I remember there once was a mysterious website that simply asked for a password along with an image of bob or the "c'est pas ne une pipe" artwork. Never found it again nor have i found anything related to it. Does someone else remember that?
The game came later, the Church of the Subgenius is an actual parody religion founded in the 70s, like Discordianism. It used to be quite popular on usenet in the early days of internet. And that Bob Dobbs is one of their prophets
if i die in ww3 im blaming this cards
Don't forget, there's always a reason ;3
>scared of bad energy
bro you are literally on /x/ where people shill satanism
this sounds like a timeline shift, to escape the final judgement of God.
Maybe the masons are doing this and that's why they are so confident
I actually didn't know that. Thanks for the heads-up.

i dont want that card in my pc
i dont want the bad karma if that card happens in real life
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Think that's neat? Check out this. Take a look at this Pokemon. Check out the year it came out, it's "behavior/what it does" and the memes that were associated with it all. Funny stuff. Then look at it's fucking ear.
Haha that explains a lot
It is explicitly stated by the lead designers to be not based off of trump
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Half the ones posted ITT are fake.

There's the full deck.

i think some cards arent in the original set like enough is enough but they are from a deluxe version released years later or something like that
Our brightest minds are on the case.
Well, anon, they sure are real now...
there was a reprint with new art
No there isn't.

There was never such a thing.
There were multiple versions and expansion sets released, so you're wrong about this.
>there were *head canon*, so you're wrong actually
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You will find a lot of "Bob" archtype characters in nearly every media. They all have a similar scheme (have existed since the begining of the universe, a degree of omnipotence, have an endgame of doing some fucked timeline bullshittery, and often depicted with very bland facial features/suite and tie).
Coping by putting a strawman in a quote just makes your delusional more pathetic.
Because of the feminizing hormones in the water. Women are more violent than men, but when they started doing that, the myth that women are more gentle was unquestionably accepted, so they wanted to feminize men in an attempt to make humanity less violent.
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You gonna run your mouth or provide proof of the bullshit you're spewing?
Different guy but I literally just did, retard
So your telling me Bob is the creator of his own game, and forces everyone to play, but finds ways to cheat his way to winning in nearly every outcome... Interesting, but what's his REAL name?
kek complete fabrication
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Indeed. Every epoch of humanity has had its "Bob." Most are what we would call "good Bobs." The others? Well we needn't dwell on that....
Yes, I edited it 11 days ago in order to fuck with you in this moment.
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A well dressed man who seems to choose specific people for mysterious reasons...
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I think we can both agree that Bob sure does love his suit and ties. What an exquisite and timeless style!
>Walks around with pipe in mouth
>Not actually smoking anything with it
>Walks around in game in impossible location
>Disappears in portal
>No context given
Makes you hmm....
ever since the sequel, everyone's been waiting for the third. they say it'll be the worst one. makes me wonder why they seem to want it so bad.
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Every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man
>why they seem to want it so bad.
Must consoooooom new content!!
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So this commerical was actually a hard Bob disclosure?
There were expansion packs
what is the best card in the set,the twin towers one?
is the most obvious one
Is this even a playable game? All i ever see are some random dozen cards, shouldnt this need alot more?

they full set is hundred of cards,people only post the most popular that predicted something like the pentagon one or the 9/11 one
faggot you fear death pussy
The original cards (the first set) have nothing to do with Bob Dobbs

This thread has been raided by feds, this game is more important than it seems...

yeah the whole bob disccusion is bullshit
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>At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day.
quit your job for Bob!
>zoomers think war was invented in the 80s

tell me a moment we were this close to ww3 in the last 30 years
hey kiddo, might want to review israeli atrocities in the 80s
Because they plot things that will happen in advance, you know? If you only knew how much they are ploting right now. It's a lot. It's supernatural shit. They have help of supernatural forces. They are doing witchcraft in a "global" scale.
People neglect to mention the pepe the frog/Kek one

That's another dead ringer

yeah the frog god one is crazy,i remember that card being very popular in /pol/ years ago
Okay why don't you try looking up the last 40 years and then look up h the 20 years before that
it really is insane to have the youths compete against people who've had 2-3x the amount of time to accumulate resources and knowledge, there isn't much good role models in today's society only mind control slaves and programmers everybody consume and produce and live a moderately painful experience instead of the harmony we could achieve if only..... I don't know what needs to happen I'm not gonna pretend like I have the keys but life doesn't have to be a constant battering

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