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Turning this key piece of board lore into a general, hope myself or others will repost. Anon in 2016 had a dream about an alien invasion and listed a bunch of events, some of which are fairly plausible or happened.

Here is the link to the original story: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18298820/#18302615

If you don't want to read, here is the rundown:
>Anon has prophetic visions of 9/11 as a child
>Has 72 year long dream
>Sees Turkish war on Kurds and implosion
>Middle East (Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Jordan specified) completely falls apart
>Israel withstands
>"The People's Revolutionary Force" take the White House in a civil war and the states split
>A space station deorbits
>Mexican nationalists invade the USA
>Russia joins in, nukes are exchanged
>Aliens arrive from portals in anvil clouds
>Drop down dark caskets from ships and begin to attack
>Wear human skin and liquify people
>Resurrect some of the recently dead (fresher than one week) for experimentation
>Bathe in Zoroastrian dakhmas of liquified people
>Get kicked out of their hunt years later by unknown forces
>Leave "something" behind that hunts, but is far less aggressive
>Most life on Earth is extinct
An end to the cycle and a new beginning. One was through fire, then water; what's next? An unending onslaught of highly advance and hostile entities.

What a time to exist. I wonder if my spirit ever experienced a cataclysm of this scale before or if this will be my first? Being stationed in Cheyenne military facility with those 5 foot thick vault doors seem very comfy. I wonder if it'll keep them out.
Based necron thread
God damn do I love 40k

So, do we think the dream will end up coming true?

Based necron enjoyer
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Fuck forgot to post my necron image
>"The People's Revolutionary Force" take the White House in a civil war and the states split
This is how you know it's a larp. Have you seen the absolute state of the retards that call themselves shit like revolutionaries? They're defeated by soap and sunlight, they can't fight unless it's with a keyboard
You're wrong. These people will be trained by actual military instructors. Trump will win 2024 and "the people's revolutionary force" will be created shortly after. We saw trump had little awareness and insight to the military and the alphabet agencies during his last term. If you want to stop the incoming civil war, the mexican invasion, wwiii with russia and nuclear exchange, and the hostile invasion of aliens, you need to vote for kamala.

Trump is the key to the bottomless pit for demons to march out.
Well, his guesses weren't special but it does feel ominous overall.
I cannot get over the "Mexican Invasion" angle.

Mexico, even with past grievances, is still heavily reliant on the United States and a DJT victory in 2024 *would* put him directly at odds with the new Mexican President (who is definitely with the Powers that Be) but Mexico is in no way capable of staging an invasion of the United States, let alone siding with Russia and Putin (Who is on better terms with DJT)
Where can I get into non-pozzed WH40k lore?
I really love the universe but at current the company seems infiltrated by slaanesh kikes (troons, niggers, etc)
The timing to me is the most interesting point. It's been posted and archived and the things slowly come true or at least tangentially related things.
It's just weird how close it could be. I don't inherently believe the whole thing I'm just saying it's one of those things that's super interesting because even if it's a guess it's so close (so far) that its inherently interesting (to me)
basically any youtube channel like one mind syndicate. Anybody that has been doing this for years. Troons don't actually care about the lore
>one mind syndicate
thanks! It's hard to find a place to start because of that exactly, but it also makes sure (most) of them aren't troon shills
Which things do you feel came true in any kind of linear order so far? I don't think the anon specified any kind of order (therefore it's kind of got a lot of leeway)
He also specified it was native Mexicans from nationalism... that doesn't even sound like cartels. It just sounds like such a 2016 Trump election nothingburger type war to describe.
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I would say it's mostly the tangentially true part.
I'm no world expert mind you, just what I've kept up on
Again, I want to make it clear I'm not trying to shill for this guy I just find it weird how similar it is. Another important distinction is that the order is not strictly the same, as you pointed out.
>tangentially true or better said, seemingly going to become true soon(tm)
space station de-orbit. It's not true, but it almost happened and many people (outside of /x/) speculated that the weird boeing stuff happening on the ISS was going to cause it to de-orbit when it undocked. (this didnt happen though). I just found it particularly creepy because it had some weird unexplained beeping and it was causing problems that has them stuck in space (right now)
(down to the other set ->18302734 on the archived page)
>russian invasion of crimea, iraq falling apart, syrian intervention
this is extremely on the table at this current moment although I'm frankly certain rus-syria would not be opposed to each other. pic rel
>middle east falling apart - jordan, lebanon, saudi arabia, iran, etc
currently habbening, though I'm no geopolitical expert so I couldn't explain the intracacies of this. The petro dollar becoming retarded is going to shake things up for sure. iraq iran israel palestine etc are all currently embroiled in each others problems as well as their own.
>US / RU war
This is unfortunately shaping up to be a real thing although in my opinion Putin doesn't want this, most of the US doesn't want this, just retards in politics that always want war. Putin is holding off on going full monke against Ukraine because he doesn't want to involve EU who UKR is trying to involve very hard. I think if it comes to that it's a matter of time before the US is involved.

I wish we had the full picture of the /pol/ post this spawned, it had a lot more stuff linked together than my tiny brain can do off the top of my head.
Hope this wasn't too schizo kek.
also to clarify extremely, I think most of it is like obviously dream logic, so I wouldn't say that it's some kind of instruction manual or exactly specific truth or anything
It's fine anon, I don't consider myself an expert but the post freaked me out enough to do some political digging myself, just might clear some things up - still creepy and (depending on how schizo you are) plausible.
>the space station
If you look in the original thread, you'll see that the ISS was planned for "stage 1" of de-orbiting as of 2016, but was pushed to 2020 that year I believe, and there was also news that a Chinese space station was out of control and going to crash soon released about a month before the post.
>russian invasion of crimea + more
That part of the post was referring to things that already happened. The anon actually notably DIDN'T mention the modern Ukrainian war... only the events of 2014, which seems like a thing you'd remember clear as daylight on retrospect IMO, but maybe dream shit obscured it.
>middle east falling apart
That's true; but he also said Israel was the one area that wouldn't suffer and they're not doing too hot right now. Definitely not collapsing, but they're slowly edging there. Jordan/Saudi Arabia are fine as of now, but I do find it all odd that he didn't directly point to the (very present day relevant) Israel/Gaza crisis in specific as the problem - only the "middle east" as a whole... not so strong given Syria was being bombed at the time, refugees were flooding Jordan/Lebanon, etc.
>us / ru war
Same stance as you, more subjective right now. I think the important details lay in things like the civil war or Mexican uprising he described.

I think one of the more suspicious parts of the post is that he really emphasized Turkey "taking" Northern Iraq to genocide the kurds when that was something Turkey themselves said was going to happen beforehand, and anon only brought this up as a notable event after being pressed to say it twice. His proof of prophetic powers laid in making a prediction (Turkey fucking up) built on something already stated. Just odd.
> also said Israel was the one area that wouldn't suffer and they're not doing too hot right now.
Yeah this one stood out to me immediately too, can't believe I forgot to mention that part. They're in a really bad situation right now and they seem to be making it worse and worse on purpose, lol.

I fully agree with what you've said overall.
Whatever the case may be, the invasion of the US by Mexico and the subsequent nuclear exchange is the ultimate calling card by the Anon. If it happens
>What then?
The moment an Eastern-aligned soldier steps through the southern border, I would consider the prophecy to be true. If so... How would you prepare? Would cityfags like me just consider ourselves dead? It's such a bleak picture, but one I like to humor quite often.
If the US got nuked in more than one or two places for example, just all the capitals of states , we're pretty much unanimously fucked from fallout afterwards. There would be like almost nowhere safe from it except the mountains which is conveniently all government owned land if I recall correctly.

Outside of that, as long as you're not in some major (useful to the country) city, you're probably not fucked but places that aren't major but are still useful (like IA, for food) would likely get hit too.
I'm no prepper or anything like that but this is one of those situations where unless you have some kind of bunker whats the point of prepping, and even if you do, good luck dealing with the aftermath afterwards (extreme radiation floating all around in the wind for one example.
This is just my opinion and thoughts on it I'm no expert or anything
Do you think it's a LARP on the whole or no?
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I don't know why but this harvest prophecy dream and its possible association with three days of darkness has got my attention. Then you have Revelation 9 talking about 'scorpions coming out of smoke' which might mean aliens/demons appearing from clouds in their anvil ships.
Sorry just saw this. I don't necessarily think it's a larp as in made up entirely but i also don't think it's 'gospel'. Maybe it's just a good warning. It's definitely an interesting creepy story. I wouldn't worry about it too much overall just treat it like a good creepypasta
I find it strange that so many find it unsettling (to include myself). Typically stories that aren't reported to be happening, or have already happened, don't rile me up. But the first time reading anon's dream, my hair stood up. There's certainly something uncanny about it, and I think the fact that so many on /x/ are willing to discuss it, rather than devolve each thread into slurs, suggest that others have a certain respect for it that other stories don't get.
>Typically stories that aren't reported to be happening, or have already happened, don't rile me up. But the first time reading anon's dream, my hair stood up.
I had the same experience I was lazily half asleep scrolling in bed the first time I saw it and I got chills reading about the part where the people are re....well brought back and the weird goo pits and stuff. AAAAA
This one in particular does remind me of the good ol /x/ before the glowies started trying so hard to pretend to be schizo
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is it this one you're thinking of?
If that's the case it's way more specific than you described. Also
>Russia joins in
didn't age well at all, it'd be China now
I've seen a few people comment that that was the "unsettling" part to them. It didn't really strike me, to be honest, at least not the same way it stirkes others. Albeit, I was pretty wide eyed, because anons dream is way to similar to a dream I had in ~2020, and maybe that overwrote the other unsettling bits.
What was the dream?
Also, as OP of this thread, I personally just think it's cause it's long enough no one who just wants to mock it actually reads all of it. You have to be autistic enough to be willing to discuss if you read it in full.
Yeah, what was the dream?
I think what was creepy to me was that you can't even kill yourself to get out. Although personally I think if you're going to be murdered by robots at least it will be quick so there's no point in not fighting back. Reminds me of that Quiet Place movie. I know in the first 1 or 2 they kinda fought back but in 3 they didn't try at all I thought it was so retarded I won't spoil the ending but yeah
That makes sense, I would agree with that assessment
That's the one linked in OP innit
Myself and a friend were in a city (we're rural dwellers) at night. The city was in chaos, fires, screaming, the whole gig. Alleyways were pretty clear, so we wete hustling down alleyways. We got to a corporate building and broke in, with intention to find car keys and get out of the city.

Inside said corporate building, there were two women crying huddled together. My friend wanted to help them, I didn't. He tried comforting the girls while I searched for keys. Keys, found. Women, not comforted.

In walks Benjamin Franklin. He's making some promises, or something, but I knew it was an alien posing as ole Ben Frank; but now we have one in the room with us. In walks some historic queen (not sure which). One girl goes to the queen, I try to stop her, the queen hugs her, and bites her neck, taking a chunk off. Girls done for. I stab the queen with a letter opener, and its skin dissolves, revealing some dark grey/brown rhino-skin-texture hairless being underneath. Its slender, tall, and has visibly identifiable muscle structures. Other woman runs up to "save" her friend, Ben Frank gets her. Me and friend run.

Outside, in the parking lot, I click lock a whole bunch and find yellow hatchback that keys belong to. In the distance, I can see tall aliens standing on/near piles of corpses. They're addressing a crowd of humans.

Start car. Back tire pops. Look in rearview. Antifa looking goon slashed the tire, and is trying to get me and friend out of car. Punch it, ramping the concrete divider and into a field.

Above us, a sky battle was going down. Massive alien craft were overhead, and American Jets were trying to intercept; but the aliens had small ball shaped craft that they would just ram jets with.

Aliens also didn't have advanced weapons. Used melee weapons akin to swords and saws combined. Like a sawtooth sword. Didnt have weapons on their ships either. They just flew them really fast into stuff and destroyed whatever they hit.
oh shit I remember reading your dream in some other thread. In my brain I combined this with the OP dream as part of it. It's actually the one of the parts I was thinking about here >>38867053
>I think if you're going to be murdered by robots at least it will be quick so there's no point in not fighting back

cool dream anon
Oddities about the dream:

>I never go to cities, unless absolutely necessary
>the dream had to be night one of contact
>contact had to happen before the end of the work day (personal vehicles were still in work parking lots)
>aliens had no "advanced" weapons for personal use, or on ships
>aliens definitely had a "hunting" and "toying with prey" mindset
>aliens could impersonate people who were long dead, down to mimicing their voices
>humans were hunting humans to bring to the aliens
>all human hunters were of "Antifa" political allegiances (idk how I knew, but dream me knew)
>me and friend I was with are both former infantry, and spergs about personal protection, yet neither of us had any tools on us or available to us

I know that may seem like some particular oddities to point out, but I tend to have very "realistic" dreams, with quite particular details. Neither of us having a tool on us was the most abnormal, for my dreams. I usually always have my tool -- but the trigger just becomes 30lb pull in my dreams.
Hey! I was wondering if anyone would remember that. Yeah, Im also the one who had the dream about the human extinction event, dealing with biological robots who used gauss rifles. Two seperate dreams, but both are eerily similar to anons.
bro read some 40k lore and had a nightmare
I had a dream that's sort of tangentially related to this whole idea but also sort of not, I'll summarize. Don't think it will be all that interesting but try to think of it as a precursor to the OP / yours and it sort of fits I guess.
>visiting some building for some reason with my sister (twin but im a guy)
>she's doing something and I have to be back there at a time when she's done because I'm the driver
>wandering around the building exploring the different halls when I suddenly realize that I am not welcome here
>keep wandering looking for my sister (not frantically, just searching) and trying to blend in/look busy
>all sorts of weird labs and down one hall I see some weird alien thing and a person, the door slams closed while I'm passing by
>duck into some side room lab because I'm freaked out
>there's like some rotating wall with weird shit going on behind it, I don't remember what but it was some strange machine (reminds me of those ressurection vat things from OP dream)
>someone comes in the room and I hide
>they leave, so I quickly leave after them
>I'm right near the exit so I just kind of mill around waiting for sister
>some lady comes up and starts talking like she knows me, I'm still trying to blend in so I just like mhm nod and such
>she kicks the wall and it slides open like a drawer (this wall is the other side of the weird lab room)
>shes absolutely babbling giddy about her experiment or whatever and she says it's some old guy's ashes in the drawer and isn't it such a good invention she's so proud of herself
>I say something like wow yeah this is such an amazing invention! trying to placate her
>my sister shows up she's ready to leave
>power walk out trying to be calm about it and tell my sister about it in the car while trying to leave this massive parking lot
The weirdest part to me is I'm also a rural anon and I try to avoid places like that at all costs, so I have no idea why I would even be near there, dream logic ig.
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addition to my last post cuz i cut it out for space purposes:

I sadly almost never have dreams. Idk what's wrong with my brain, but when I do have them they're always super ultra realistic it's interesting. I have shitty eyesight irl even with glasses but not in dreams they're like "higher res" than when I'm awake if that makes sense.
I don't think those were too particular or peculiar oddities to point out, I can see why they'd all be relevant. The lack of your personal defense thing is creepy because you'd think especially in a dream you'd have it since you always have it, it'd be like not having my glasses or something.
I'm not exmilitary or anything but I am a 2A enthusiast you could say.
I also think the human "betrayer" element is a good pointer, maybe its tellign of your mindset, I dunno but I feel like those "side" of people are weird NPC bots personally so I could see them being on the freaky aliens side. I'm sort of rambling my b but also its 4am so yanno
here's a non aids version of that website. Just put anti in front of fandom
These aliens sound very similar to part in Revelation where beasts will emerge from the abyss and torment the marked for 5 months.
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Tyr!!! Pleasant to see the old ones being posted about :)

I'll see you during the next great sleep in the dream matrix

Why are the children so hungry?? Maybe too much acid? Hmmm
they are actually bio-organics infused with metallic alloys and they operate similarly to how some insects behave in colonies

Anyway I am game for it; I use to have dreams of alien invasions often as a teen and kid. They would go into weeks long sequences. Like dream one part through a night past the morning and then the next part in that night and next morning. One of the most peculiar of them were the ones where I was in a city at the time. Trump was being inaugurated as our president. People were out and about that day and it was quite nice out. Barely any clouds in the sky and the sun was shining nicely. Then suddenly these silver objects just appeared into the air above the city, and it set people into a panick. Traffick became a clusterfuck where I was and people were scurrying about in a panic. A lot of the ships were descending onto the city and hovering about while some were landing into it. The ones that landed had those grey lil freaks come out of em. They would approach people and whoever looked their way instantly would fall to the ground in a cold and hard manner or they would fall to their knees as they cried. The whole interaction looked really terrifying and quite literally like people were being forced against their wills. Anyone caught like this was moved onto their ships. I got the fuck outta there and ran back to where I lived at the time in that city. (Cuz it was a place I used to live in and unironically Trump had won the presidency later after these dreams occurred like 2 yrs before in each yr. So you can imagine I was waiting with anticipation...)

If all the stories of people being abducted are mostly negative? I cannot imagine that if actual aliens show up... That they will be jolly and friendly like a good neighbor. So all I know is when they come? I ain't hoppin on no mother fuckin space dildo.
Don't you all consider the so called "multiverse" idea — so that profet from anon already happened in some timeline of particular reality, but not ours? And that anon just had an interconnection between him and his twin clone mind that suffered that shit in his world, and than "our" boy shared those memories > so there we are, pretending that we care ??
(I mean for real, how are going to battle that alien shit? I remembered he typed down that aliens were much stronger and faster than any human, no one could escape or survive... so..the only way to save yourself - is to kys.. in some bunker where your body would stay untouched 8 days..)
lol, almost
Shit like this always makes me wonder if that anon just had an actual precog dream but then the ending wasn't real, cause the aliens don't sound too believable IMO.
This is a stretch perhaps, but consider this: the concept of these aliens in anons dream are not too unfamiliar from various stories of antiquity gods, and their cruelty. You can find inconography of godlike beings boiling mortals in cauldrons, eating people alive like french fries, or eating babies from a bag like potato chips. Even consider some of the Greek mythos.

The cocnept of the aliens in anons dream are quite familiar to some ancient concepts of gods/entities, only described using modern terminology such as alien, machines, and technology.

Here's the stretch: what if something, or somebeing, influenced the ancients to have these ideas? And that something/somebeing is still active today or influencing peoples ideas? Not to say these ancient accounts are true, but I guess its worth comparing, if you're in the mood.
fuck off
also bump
It's weird to think about how this timeline would work. To have a lifelong prophetic dream is a bit of a fallacy because to remember the dream then live out your life thus proves you'll probably change events going forward, knowing of the dream of your life, therefore it seems not to be a "prophetic dream of inevitability" so much as a "prophetic dream of likelihood".
>Israel collapsing
>Saudi and Jordan are fine
>Likely nothing will happen to Iran
Yeah, not seeing this.
I've seen how it begins in one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. When I read the original anons post for the first time I just found myself saying "holy shit, that wasn't just a nightmare". One night between autumn and winter, they will suddenly attack by using the screens we've brought into our homes as some manner of portal. They jump through suddenly wearing the skin of dead loved ones. The sky will be an odd shade of red that you will know means that there is no longer hope for you.
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Someone posted this in the UFO Reddit

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