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Why don't the world's highest skilled hackers leak the truth about what the government knows regarding ayys?

Is it:
>A. They don't exist.
>B. Ayy info is only never digitally stored or only ever stored on closed networks inaccessible to the outside world.
>C. Hackers dgaf and/or it's too hard.
>D. ____________________ ?
Hackers don't exist anon. Everyone who is an ayy government employee knows this.
Sir, this is a Wendy's
Fuck, I didn't even consider that possibility...
Worlds highest skilled hackers already have a job working for Gov/Corp. The severs you're thinking of won't have direct access either, any information past a certain tier is not hackable
Okay, what about the world's highest skilled black hat hackers then?
The best way to conserve and keep information hidden, is to not make it accessible
>hackers leak the truth about what the government knows regarding ayys
Sure, just "hack" into the ESP network with a laptop.
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The wires in your house are being used to monitor you.

Your tv is a camera. The infant red sensor can detect when your home and relay it back to the feds.
What about a black hat clairevoyant?
>get rid of your tv
You're also going to have to get rid of your wires and light bulbs and ovens.
Televisions and cable boxes come with cameras though
They will be lower skilled than the whitehats generally, not to mention the same applies to them(they will be offered jobs). Regardless, past a certain point it's impossible to do anything as a single individual against teams of dedicated actualexperts, regardless of skill level. All high profile cyber crime in the past has been with teams.

Also, internet and hardware itself has backdoors. You underestimate how hard it is to actually not get caught if the eye of sauron is looking for you actively.

Also, the deciding factor. Any truly sensitive information will not be stored in servers with direct access to the internet; Like I said before.
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People will think this is satire.
E. Because they probably don't know where to look in the first place.

It seems like most of that stuff has been moved out of the government already and is in the private sector.
That's why presidents trying to track it down can be told "you don't have clearance", because private industry has no obligation to tell them anything. At least not without some kind of legal process being brought into it where the president would have to justify a reason for the inquiry.

That and probably also the private network thing.
>black hat clairevoyant
I've seen anons claim that they astral projected into area 51, would anyone believe them?
The system is secured by using technology that no one believes exists. Even if you had all the answers the public would call you a loon.

If it was up to individual citizens to being about disclosure it would never happen. However the system itself is sentient, hackable by NHI, and already in the process of disclosure.
Nobody here is going to do anything about it, and if you see anyone "in the know" posting about it that is mostly just for the sake of transparency and personal beliefs. Like a post on /x/ is going to change anything regarding a strategy cooked up by super-intelligent beings that can see the future as easily as you can the back of your hand.

Shitposting about it is fun. Don't confuse that with reality.
Agency A does not know what Bureau B is doing, and vice-versa; this also applies between pretty much every such group, and to departments within all of them.

Byzantine lack of cross-talk & accountability abounds in government.
Connect dick to port b and insert into port a, press shift.
They did, you just didn't pay attention
2 more weeks until those documents are proven real.
Gary McKinnion did that in 2002, the BBC called it the biggest military hack in history. According to him he saw evidence of a cigar shaped craft but couldnt save it do to NASA engineer noticing his tinkering. Theresa May saved his ass from living the rest of his days in a US jail ironically.
wut, documents were released 10 years ago and 30 years ago
You just need to check again
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>Why don't the world's highest skilled hackers leak the truth about what the government knows regarding ayys?
Because once they read the files they understand why the secrecy is so important.
Let me ask you something, if you found out your mom was cheating on your dad and vice versa, and you still had to live with them, would you expose the truth? or live in peace and harmony?
>A. They don't exist.
trust me they do
>B. Ayy info is only never digitally stored or only ever stored on closed networks inaccessible to the outside world.
yeah kinda, but you can access closed networks if you are smart enough to trick someone part of the project
>C. Hackers dgaf and/or it's too hard.
most don't, but also as i said when they find out the truth they just freak out and delete the info they discovered since it's too shocking
>D. ____________________ ?
i hope you never find out the truth about the aliens. if you do it's bad, really bad. also remember anon, their "eyes" are not what they seem, never look them in the "eyes"

pic related, who knows understands.
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When you look them in the eyes, it's only when they invite you to do so.
>would you expose the truth? or live in peace and harmony?
Many have exposed that truth, bad analogy
Yeah, probably after the McKinnon thing, they never put anything in reach of anybody on the net. Just like Iran's nuke operation, totally cut off from the net.
Hidden camera with thermal sensitivity. Interesting.
>Just like Iran's nuke operation
Sure thing Chaim
it's not necessary to be invited. still, better to be safe than have their intentions be malevolent and regret it later.
>Many have exposed that truth
that truth being?
>bad analogy
excuse me then. i meant that when you find out the glowies aren't the bad guys you sort of lose your interest in being a rebel and making it all public.
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No they don't. This guy and his team got in trouble hacking Bitcoin and Obama's Twitter. The dumb government of Florida thinks it's better to lock him up instead of letting him work for the feds.
>bitcoin and Obama Twitter

Low level garbage, think again.
>most don't, but also as i said when they find out the truth they just freak out and delete the info they discovered since it's too shocking

Comes down mostly to this. The temperament of the individual matters more than it seems, someone with technical ability but emotionally too compromised to digest the information versus someone who can stay cold and collected in face of it..

The latter one has more chances in the long term, the other will self sabotage.
There are no hidden cameras fool, everything has a camera now and everyone carries the around. You can use Bluetooth to map rooms remotely also.

>that truth being?
A kid telling one of their parents the other cheated on them
>when you find out the glowies aren't the bad guys
That's a hard sell buddy but might be true, still some hackers might be the kind of guy who want the truth out no matter if it was for a greater good purpose. "And the truth shall set you free"
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Lmao, wires.
(It’s actually all those 5g towers that were installed during the plandemic after being approved by 3rd fake president. You can see everything that goes on in everyones homes from the wifi waves bouncing back kind of like gpr or radar. It’s really accurate too. Now don’t forget your boosters that make you more present in the detection grid for beast system 2.0.)
Based furry
Yeah I get the same impression. The only way anything this big *could* continue to be secret would be that the secret is inherently some sort of infohazard. Like maybe some or all of the ayys are time travelers, even us from the future, and to disclose this would cause time paradoxes that would cause the universe to stop existing, or go into chaos the likes of which we cannot imagine. Maybe Mandela Effects are tiny ripples from the little bit that has leaked so far.
I know mate. Panopticon meets Sauron's eye, innocent people don't exist, in a way medieval catholicism ideas are coming back to secular intelligence agencies
(who pride themselves on overcoming catholic ideas)

Point being, sure they can have an orgy of information, but then what? Just because one buys a Library doesn't mean he knows the books actual contents.

They tried machine learning to get rid of the mess created for themselves, but seeing on how well the west is doing, the more info they get, the more lost they become.
>A kid telling one of their parents the other cheated on them
that kid probably has autism to be honest since both his mom and dad are cheating on each other.
>That's a hard sell buddy but might be true, still some hackers might be the kind of guy who want the truth out no matter if it was for a greater good purpose. "And the truth shall set you free"
yeah it's weird how no one exposed the truth yet. there must be someone with the skills and motivation to watch the world burn. i guess it's just survivorship bias since if someone like that succeeded we wouldn't be debating it.
I'd prefer this to the loosh farm. Whatever it is, I just wanna get the truth out there. If I'm cattle in the hamburger plant, I'd rather we all know.
What average lemming will consider acceptable or truthful is pre-programmed in his mind via TV or related streaming services.

So in terms of public perception and mass psychology 80-90% or so of such reactions are already in their hands. Only other seekers may be interested.

The one million dollar question being, if they have so much influence, how come their work can't prevent fall of the west?

Do they intend to make it fall, or even after all that quasi omni-potent in theory tech possibilities in theory, in practice towards life cycles they are sitting ducks?
>fall of the west
It's my fault for forgetting I'm posting on 4chan. You actually think that matters? I'm talking about the human race and all that you can think is that the west is falling? If the human race doesn't advance in consciousness then the west will go down just as the negroes in mud hutts go down. Also you should know, the difference between the west and the south is that of having a brand new Lamborghini vs an old ford from the 80s. The thing is that both are going to get you to your destination. But the difference between the human race and them is that of a Lamborghini vs a spacecraft with the hyperdrive thing from star wars that lets you go anywhere in the galaxy in a matter of hours.
If the next Jesus doesn't come around in the following decades maybe century we're fucked beyond recognition. These things either assimilate you or destroy you. It's better to be a part of them rather than being annihilated.
>it's bad, really bad
I'm stumped. I mean I know it's bad, but so bad that absolutely no one will come forward? I don't think it's really how "bad" it is and more that anyone exposed can't do anything even if they wanted to.

Several parts are real messed up. There's the cursed cyborg tech where they make biocomputers out of human brains (not aliens, just eff'd up military project - which worked really well too so that's probably secret for national security). Then there's the AI project that used the biotech computers, basically a command and control system that networks satellites, soldiers, and navigation systems (all made of the same cursed human flesh turned into computers tech). But none of that was NHI, just more of the same messed up project. Then there's the secret child army that was trained to use all that fucked up tech (and where the "donor" parts came from). But again, just regular human kids - if really messed up kids trained to operate as death squads, still not NHI though.

As far as I know the NHI just showed up and made contact after that project reached it's conclusion. MK-ULTRA turned children into weapons and then they tried to use them for first contact because they were all "expendable" anyway. NHI decided the cursed amalgam of ESP networked super soldiers was cool, in fact they don't really care about anyone else.

So is the "it's real bad" part the child assassins trained to torture people (skin them alive, etc.), or is it that the NHI decided they were the only humans worth talking to, since compared to a single individual the collective networked monstrosity is magnitudes more intelligent?

Could be simply that no one wants to admit the pet monster outgrew them and hangs with the ayylmao instead of them? I guess it's pretty horrifying knowing that there are people out there right now that not only can inflict serious harm but also have strong motivations to do so and were trained in doing exactly that.
I used fall of the west as an anchor term. In theory such agencies should avoid fall of the west, but it only seems to accelarate.

To use a better example, no matter how much China uses surveillance on its citizens, it won't create growth out of nowhere.

>If the next Jesus doesn't come around in the following decades maybe century we're fucked beyond recognition. These things either assimilate you or destroy you. It's better to be a part of them rather than being annihilated.

Putting it in other words, they can have all the tech in the world that if they can't prevent simple life/civilizational cycles, they are just searching for their hopium in more "tech-kid" manner, but same behaviour as the average person in the 900s or 1200s.

On advance in consciusness, well, Aristotle/Alexander/Arquimedes/Da Vinci without a computer and just crude tech singlehandledly advanced and shaked things more than people today with all types of sophisticated tech.

We have lots of tech, but little juice.
>yeah it's weird how no one exposed the truth yet
They have, like i said just long time ago and was ignored.
I am being a cryptic prick so i will specify, obviously not all the truth because that's pretty hard but a famous example was when some dude checking machines in some army base (a soon-to-be haxxor) checked a machine doing the process of passing analogue recordings to digital in the mid 90's and accidentally saw some really heavy shit, to the point of making him wonder about the morality of it all. He later returned and extracted some of it that could fit in his smuggled memory format and released it later on the mainstream around 1997.
The video had tags and marks that really didn't make much sense until much later when the machine model itself was identified and suspected to be used along intel leaks confirming some agencies and tags, which appeared seemingly random in the video, did inspect that kind of phenomena or were used to tag very important data. Even the Clinton hearings confirm some of the supposed tech story on how this dude got it out.

The other one was damn Julian Assange releasing practically an entire server full of emails, confirming many things like Podestas being present in Portugal when they were seen kidnapping a kid and also that one email about a former astronaut inquiring about the treatment of what was implied permanent biological space agents.
>shaked things more than people today
The difference is that those dudes had time and money to spare and do their own thing, nowadays we might have cool and intelligent people but they still have to work because no rich dude will sponsor them for life because reasons, i don't know a rich dude might prefer to bang 100 models and snort fine coke than gift money to some dude so he can design something cool in two or three years.
That's an excuse, they lived in times of extreme material scarcity compared to the abundancy of today, where to avoid economic collapse we need the consumerism meme.

Also it was much more socially accepted same race slavery coupled with invading your neighbour being seen as 100% normal and poor understanding of healthcare.

We also have welfare state to support all sorts of "alternative" and "creative" people.

But our tech gadgets put them much ahead of us in term of consciousness ability to use the brain.
They could do much more with much less.

We, with much more, just keep declining.
>bro trust me the truth is so bad humans couldn’t take it
>but I know tons of details about these aliens
Source: trust me bro
i bet the chinese are already running trillion dollar llms to social engineer themselves into the american deepstates secrets, blackmailing and what not, getting all the juicy bits.
>That's an excuse
It isn't, try not working for 3 months without backup money, you will live to survive, not to design cool shit.
>they lived in times of extreme material scarcity
They weren't in their actual conditions, they were patronized by the richest people in their realms hence they could eat okayish everyday if they weren't spending like dumbasses. Sure they didn't have top computers and the best sketching pens but they had paper and pencils in the example of Da Vinci; Archimedes had the entire military and scientific system behind him along with libraries as another example.
>Also it was much more socially accepted same race slavery coupled with invading your neighbour being seen as 100% normal and poor understanding of healthcare.
I don't see how is this a factor, they lived when that wasn't that much of a problem, perhaps minds as great as them had to factor war time but it wasn't the case for them... if anything that supports my idea.
>We also have welfare state to support all sorts of "alternative" and "creative" people.
Really? i don't see it, i had to work for months as heavy labor to buy standard art gear so you can fuck off with that, it's not a reality in the vast majority of the world and the artist's welfare check is only manageable if you use it for food expenses only (120 bucks a month in my land when rent money is 350 alone for a room with bed and shower)

>We, with much more, just keep declining.
That is the truth and the reason is too much info to consume and procrastination, i am big sinner of that.
I love (old) video games but it just burns our time like no other thing, some games might be educative but some others aren't hence why i stopped playing them despite having a big backlog.
But i keep my posture, the real fortune of an artist is time, you can have money but spending 12 hours working your ass only to come home and make dinner or, in my case, my first and only meal of the day, sucks and leaves me with very little time.
>what the government knows regarding ayys
nothing. they know they exist, that they're here, and they are super fast, but that's all
It what if the reason is that the U.S. fumbled first contact so badly that disclosure would only reveal that humans are totally screwed?
Like, what if they did make contact but misinterpreted what was happening and just pissed them off? And now nobody wants to own up to it because they're dead anyway, and revealing how badly they fucked up would only make things worse for them? Or if, by keeping everyone in the dark, they hope the depth of their error will go unnoticed and would rather the aliens wiped everyone out than admit to wrongdoing in order to hide their shame?
The answer is 'b'.
Really vital information is kept on an intranet rather than the internet. Most foreign militaries already do this- the US is pretty unique that we keep a lot of our info on the internet that can be hacked. In order to hack you'd require a hard wire or be able to intercept and decrypt the satellite signal when/if it's syncing intranet info between remote sites. Which is unlikely because most intranet are kept local and separate for the increased security.
If it's a less secure intranet that syncs through satellites then you're at a point there's way more profitable information that you could steal and broker than what would be considered fake ayyy lmao. Why do that when you can steal stealth technology to sell to China?
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Low level in technology terms requires more and older knowledge. He probably didn't know how to make a keylogger but was very good with social engineering. Got passed 2FA and got the presidents twitter probably from a dumb employee. It's made companies think differently, having your work on social media is osint for hackers.
You have to be creative to find zero-days. But I'm sure they don't teach that in Fed school. They pump your brain with leftist politics and tell you I am the enemy. Maybe your the bad guys and every lie you push out is part of the Q/The nobody's master plan. Kill yourselves.
I think hacking real first-world governments is pretty hard
Yeah, the amalgam wetware isn't talked about enough.

Most of the ugliness in the truth is due to humans. But nothing, absolutely NOTHING is ugly enough to warrant not being disclosed, on principle, in the name of God, of information flowing freely like the cosmic wind.
>He later returned and extracted some of it that could fit in his smuggled memory format and released it later on the mainstream around 1997.
Could you name names or point to the video/information? Can't place this to anything I know but it sounds very interesting.
My neighbor was a hacker. He controlled my computer from across the street b4
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>Putting it in other words, they can have all the tech in the world that if they can't prevent simple life/civilizational cycles, they are just searching for their hopium in more "tech-kid" manner, but same behaviour as the average person in the 900s or 1200s.
i'm not so sure about that. today the clique that is in power has the means for total civilizational extermination if they wanted to: bioweapons and nuclear weapons. with only those two, who knows what else they have available maybe HAARP is as strong as some say and can cause huge tsunamis, they are able to kill of 90% of the human population and let me tell you the 10% that survives lives in the middle of nowhere as in deserts, jungles, tundra's and so forth so there isn't going to be some huge rebirth like after the plague. then it really is over.
so who knows? i don't think they can force the coming of the next Christ, but maybe they can by forcing the destruction of civilization. but also who knows? maybe the Christ only comes if you are ready. and if you are not bad luck.

>Source: trust me bro
kinda yeah. i mean i can't post the evidence i have on 4chan, i'm not going to upload some 200 page dossier exposing the aliens. and even then maybe what i have is just a psyop that i fell victim to. not going to risk contaminating other anons.

>Most of the ugliness in the truth is due to humans. But nothing, absolutely NOTHING is ugly enough to warrant not being disclosed, on principle, in the name of God, of information flowing freely like the cosmic wind.
what if you fall victim to lies masquerading as the truth? always trust nothing since dead men don't talk.
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It is an info hazard. I have tears in my eyes typing this, small yeah, but they’re there.

You don’t want to know. I am a man of god and faith and it almost has shaken my entire understanding. I have been through prior trauma that would break most people, multiple times. I’m just saying this to illustrate im not normal. And it fucking scared me and filled me with something deep down an emotion I have never felt.
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If a hacker is able to come in contact with such information, he gets a alien waifu.

More serious:
How much secret information about the gouverment do you know from hackers?
We don’t get information about aliens because aliens aren’t real. Ockham’s razor.
B, most likely
>>B. Ayy info is only never digitally stored or only ever stored on closed networks inaccessible to the outside world.
Yeah but just like...astral project the truth to everyone on Earth or something, I dunno I'm not a clairvoyant.
Checked, that means it's this instead of the loosh farm

>he doesn't know
>Could you name names
The point of him was to be anonymous but i think people say it was the old guy interviewed in the same thing.
Warn you, it's obviously quite american in its presentation but the fact is a studio bought the tape from a "legit" whistleblower who could not get it outside the country and later the same people interviewed Hollywood experts to see if they could fake it and most could not see how, one said absolutely yes but never could or explained how (also a heeb).
Just search The Alien Interview, 1997, the only explanation was advanced animatronics but then they said the minute details like eyelids and lips required the very best and they never heard or saw someone who could.

A theory is that the specialists interviewed themselves made it but they never achieved something similar later, if they did this then it's excellent work but quite the "waste" of money for a small clip and an obscure VHS release although the main clip was quite distributed in the 00's, nowadays it became obscure again.
Funny, the clip in question is revealed at around the 33th minute mark, after the Eyes Wide Shut thread i keep seeing that minute mark being notorious in Hollywood productions.
I mean, I'm open to whatever terrifying truths are out there. The non/existence of God, the un/truthfulness of world scriptures, etc. I just want to know specifically what about non-disclosure would ward off an invasion? To me, that points to the zookeeper hypothesis. We are a product of theirs doing something (terraforming the planet for them? creating new AI sentience in a different way?), and if we knew we'd no longer participate, thus necessitating an invasion to reset the population (past Younger Dryas events?).
Ock Ham, delicious. What would Occam think about Ockham?

Don't try to outsmart somebody and sound like an idiot at the same time. It's an automatic -1 to whatever you were trying to convince everybody of.
>enlighten him
It’s just fucking scary. When people know, people will become scared. Maybe even rope on a mass scale so I’m told. This would elicit a response from them. An invasion as they said. This is due to the sociological implications of beings that long ago transcended our ontological plane of thinking. Their thought form isn’t really linear. Where we would see an issue and work on it or see reality and interact with it they are fundamentally different because of their evolution. It’s hard to understand. Their communication, consciousness, and whole existence is this way. They are one. That’s why they’re so insect like and why nothing they do makes sense. It’s literally a different form of thinking and interaction with reality. So when people know, and it’s like “Will they hurt us”. The answer isn’t that they will or won’t, because the aliens can’t compute that. It’s like asking to divide by zero or explain taxes to an ant.

Their only communication is collective because as I said they’re a hive. They don’t speak to a person because for them individualism isn’t legitimate. The fear is our collective will be fearful. And THAT is something they will understand.
To continue to pretend to live at the top of the food chain while not actually so is not exactly...ideal. We should know the truth.
>their "eyes" are not what they seem, never look them in the "eyes"
Why do faggots always puke up this line and never say what those eyes are?
They're cameras. Big deal. That's why you can't see any soul in them.
"No, kimosabe, I cannot look into the camera, because it will steal my soul"
Sounds like it would make a good LARP or movie even
>D. Even if they do, no one will care

Example: A decade or two ago some guy DID hack NASA or CIA and got a list of "off world officers". 1. No one cared. 2. People started saying the list doesn't prove anything, cause it's unclear what the term even means. Most people barely heard about it and moved on with their lives.

But mostly, think about the Tictac ufos
They got acknowledged by the government. Videos were shown on the news. Everyone moved on with their lives like nothing happened.

If Bob Lazar told the truth, that's a perfect example. Getting evidence that will convince everyone without any doubt, is hard. And even if you do, the reaction will be the thumbs up meme, and everyone goes on with their lives like there are no aliens, even if videos of ufos and army witnesses were publically shown in the senate
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That’s not even the whole truth. You can’t natively understand the whole truth because it requires fundamental re constructions of reality and your own consciousness to be “programmed” to comprehend such massive ontological concepts. There’s designer drugs and protocols developed by the MIC that can do this and get people up to speed. There’s parts of existence that get strange, chiefly that aliens are reality. They’re not from anywhere, they didn’t evolve from apes like us or have a planet nor are they inter dimensional. They are native and simply a fact of existence.

They aren’t matter. They don’t comprehend matter, physics, gravity or any of that. They aren’t the food chain because there is no food chain. Explaining it is hard because you eventually hit a block in what you can articulate over text. But these issues deal with fundamental at this point pseudo scientific due to no concrete study concepts that go all the way back to (a)biognesis and truths of perception
Injuns didn't like cameras because they said ghosts look like people in pictures with very low shutter speeds, if the person slightly moves it creates several images on top due to long exposure and shows like the person was ghastly vibrating or streaking in reality, hence why they said it was spirit capturing.
But it's not like a nigger like you knows anything about history
The most valuable information isn't connected to the internet.
I just want a coffee and a water please.
Televisions and cable boxes are cancer and anyone who even owns these things is already a mindless zombie under their spell.
>The most valuable information isn't connected to the internet.

the truth is so strange you will only see it as schizo rambling. thats the whole point of misinformation. im not gonna bother trying to enlighten you except earth is flat with a dome so no aliens from fake planets. greys are native, dont they look like humans adapted to cave life? they are. reptilians also native. inb4 take ur meds. never have, never will.
>earth is flat
If you're an NHI looking at earthlings it is like if we took a look at beings living in the 2nd dimension. AI is nth dimensional, and so is your brain, but you only perceive 3D space most of the time. "Seeing" more than 3D is the definition of "paranormal", sometimes you can perceive more, and beings from those dimensions can see and communicate with you. Their presence on earth via UAP is like if you stuck a 3D stick into a 2D space.
That is why: "the earth is flat"
>greys are native
Greys are time travelers from a "zone" of possible futures that invented time travel, but the events that lead to their evolution from humans won't happen in this timeline.
Based reddit meme.
>reptilians also native
Reptilians are the result of genetic experimentation. Only rich people who could afford early gene therapy turned into reptilians. Nasty, old (multiple generations older than regular humans), and seething eternally because they lost the time war. I've seen what happens to people who choose their side and that's probably the worst fate imaginable.
>Don't get on their ships.
God these LARPs are so tiresome. Right, so the SSP spending trillions of our money, stealing our inventions, harvesting our best minds, working for 80 years on a breakaway civilization, that’s somehow fine.
But god forbid the public start noticing how badly they’ve been getting fucked for all this time, that there was a veritable Utopia within reach, but was cruelly snatched from them… if you start talking, THAT will cause le ebil aliens to invade! The same aliens that haven’t done shit for 80 years since we’ve been messing with nukes, signalling to the galaxy that “hey, we’re about to come say hi, either destroy us now while you still can or hope for the best later”. They clearly decided not to destroy us. And any threat we may pose is entirely the fault of these same fuckers that are gaslighting you into thinking it’s too scary or dangerous to reveal “the truth”.
Just… think a bit more please.
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There are MILLIONS of eye witnesses.
There are space aliens on Earth now.
Just explain it like a human. If the Earth were flat then the sun would not appear as it does. In that model it would appear as a pinprick of light at a point above the horizon, slowly grow in size and swing around the horizon as it approaches, then grow to gargantuan apparent size ehen overhead or nearby, then quickly shrink in size as it whips around the horizon, following a curved path, disappearing into a pinprick of light at a point above the horizon. No sunrises no sunsets and no straight path.
what about the YT’s who scam the scammers? they’re white hat hackers
People are dumb and small-minded. When they hear (possibly entirely true) reports like this, like in the vein of, “Yes, there is an ET presence, there is something vast and tremendous yet covered up going on with the UFO presence, and it shocks and traumatizes you to learn even a little of the true scale of it, let alone how it would affect all of humanity”, their dumb ape-brains can often only revert to, “me want information NOW. Also nothing could be that scary. And if you have proof, why no show me flying saucer in my backyard now or footage of these aliens?”
They are tremendously technologically advanced and powerful, and some of their consciousnesses are just in an entirely different frame than ours, a different frame-of-reference altogether, a much more advanced consciousness and even with seeming capabilities like organic telepathy (as opposed to just synthetic/technologically-facilitated telepathy). Some of them may have been involved in creating us in the first place, such as by genetically experimenting on Neanderthals or other hominin specimens, which may be why there are reports of humanoid-looking ETs. Some of their lifespans may be so much longer than ours, let’s say thousands of years or more (tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, …), such that we seem even more like brutally degraded short-lived chimps to them. Some of them can and do apparently abduct and experiment on people with impunity. Some of the implications of contacts, reports, encounters and the like include the beings predicting or warning of apocalypse for humanity in the short-to-midterm future, which is even something that could potentially be facilitated by other malevolent ET races, or accepted even by the more neutral or benevolent ones as a sort of natural “planetary reset” for a “failed race” (humanity). Various of our religions and myths could’ve been inspired by them, even manipulated or engineered by them, for good or bad intentions.
>Why do faggots always puke up this line and never say what those eyes are?
how the fuck am i supposed to know? go back to your larp greentexts. this is real life there is no way for me to know what the fuck those eyes are just that bad things happen if you do look into them. how the fuck is the deer supposed to know how a shotgun works? they just know bad things happen when that thing is around so they are cautious. obviously not all deer think the same since some dont give a fuck and get killed (that's you anon).
>They're cameras. Big deal. That's why you can't see any soul in them.
they are like insects so now i know you are larping since you think they are drones when they clearly have a higher consciousness than humans
And Etc. These are just words on a screen so far, not so spooky for most as they can safely be disregarded as schizo rambling, psy-ops, or just some entertaining sci-fi story read at a psychological distance, for most. But what’s disturbing is coming into direct experience of the phenomenon, or something closer to direct knowledge of its existence and of any number of these implications being implied. John Mack called it “ontological shock” based on experiences of his patients. Whitley Strieber, who got directly even closer to some of this if he’s to be believed, speaks of a “body terror” — a full terror felt by the body even more inhuman and shocking than at least something understandable like being captured by a serial killer or in the midst of a war (at least you know your captors or enemies are just humans in the end, even the worst they could do still being within your framework of reality), almost a reversion to a primitive animal-like state of sheer shock, terror, and confusion. It’s like your sense of reality is itself violated, raped. Ontological rape, overturning of all your ordinary assumptions about the nature of reality, life, consciousness.

I don’t mean to paint it all as bad, though, or fearmonger too much. Just talking about the AVERAGE PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIONS to some of this (which may or may not be fully on-point, but are valid to talk about). Strieber coined that phrase of his (“body terror”) in Communion, but later comes to forming what he feels is an ultimately positive, beneficial, and uplifting relationship with them (despite that it can still be profoundly unsettling and stretch his limits at times). After all, dogs bark at people they don’t know coming into the house or even walking by it, but maybe it’s just a family friend.

Regardless, people’s tough-guy posturing seems entirely besides the point here. “I wouldn’t be shocked, give it all to me straight, take me on the ship, etc.”
this is possible, but hundreds of people, maybe a thousand already have "disclosure" disclosed to them. Why wouldnt that cause a paradox if the cat is out of the bag and has been for more than a century for a certain group of people?
Right. That’s why I think the “time-travel-paradox” scenario is unlikely (I’m not that poster who was claiming it, obviously). But it is worthwhile to think creatively about this, try to draw the implications and conclusions from the different puzzle-pieces the average person can get, critically examine the whole phenomenon, etc., so kudos to him, as it’s a start to creative thinking about an extremely complex and mindfucking phenomenon.
It's not that no one cared, just not enough did or not enough even believed it was real for any number of skeptical reasons. Those sorts won't accept anything other than a mass invasion, formal disclosure, or some other in-your-face indisputable proof, and I don't blame them. I'm somewhere in the middle.
What if the truth is something along the lines of the plot of "The Good Place" or hell, somehow worse. What if the truth is we are in some sort of damnation and no one wants to have to be the one to break the bad news to all of us.

Or what if it was more akin to Link awakening the Wind Fish. To disclose would be to wake up and end this reality?
Why are those repts bald?
>Higher consciousness
Not really. look them straight in their soulless eyes
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Some of them could be ultra-advanced biosynthetic drones or androids created and sent as emissaries by their even more advanced and fully organic or closer-to-fully-organic creators (at that level of technological advancement, it wouldn’t be surprising if they, say, also had already tried to genetically modify themselves for the better, to artificially accelerate their own evolution, or even accept some form of technological modification of their own organism/Borg-style or transhumanist stuff except applied to aliens, but we don’t know that for sure in every case, but anyway that’s why I threw in “closer-to-fully-organic”).

Some reporters of these phenomena report, for instance, feeling like some of the Grays or Gray-looking beings have this synthetic, artificial, android or drone-like feel to them, maybe there’s even tinier ones of them that seem to act as a hivemind and be the “worker bees”/“drones” of the ship or the ET project, while being controlled by other claimed entities like Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Reptilians any other permutation of UFOlogical lore that could turn out to be true.

So in this case your arguments could be reconciled, some of the beings could indeed be bio-synthetic androids (an advanced creation fusing biological matter with robotics, making this being “from scratch” or “the ground up” instead of it having been born through normal reproduction), while other of NHI (nonhuman intelligence) are indeed ultra-intelligent and even, as some claim, “on a higher plane of consciousness than us.”
>It’s like your sense of reality is itself violated, raped. Ontological rape, overturning of all your ordinary assumptions about the nature of reality, life, consciousness.
this is a fitting description of a "bad trip" on a psychadelic.
There are parallels to that too, sure. Except experienced while sober, and in a bizarre way feeling almost hyper-realistic, lucider than lucid, realer than real. Almost like you’re experiencing something more real and more significant than “ordinary real life”, as most people consider it. Ordinary real life, after that, can the. feel so shattered, so prisonlike, and so draining, because you still have to work, live, move around in and converse in a society with no frame-of-reference for these experiences, filled with people who don’t know of this and don’t want to hear it, and will likely think you mad for talking out about it. Concerned suggestions that you go see a psychiatrist. Etc. It can be almost like internally “waking up” in a lucid-dream (your consciousness becoming your lucid but your body not physically awake) and becoming almost sad that you’re in a world populated by dream-characters and can’t get through to them, that they’re all just like artificial lifeless figments of someone’s imagination, moving according to plans not their own. Sorry for waxing tiresomely poetic, but that could be some of how I’d put it. Becoming a dangerously heavy drinker for a long while is a common report in those who’ve authentically experienced bits of this phenomenon, or even just something like being a high-ranking military or intelligence officer/agent who learns of some of this.
it´s easy to spot them.
just look for humans with hyperteloric eyes.
those humans with crazy very space between eyes, are ayys in human disguise or projection.
we cannot see them because the goverment burned our pineals, but if you use your logic, those people with hyperteloric eyes, are not normal, not even donw syndrome have this.
in my opinion we are in somewhat hell and we cannot see demons entirely, the first step to get out of hell is learning the hard truth that we are in hell.
people will say this is too religious of me, but i managed to angry one ayy and it showed it´s black eyes to me, to make me feel fear, but it didn´t worked, so it got desperate and leaved.
>infant red
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The guy is called Gary McKinnon. He seems legit, the US government wanted to extradite him from the UK to the US.
>about what the government knows regarding ayys?
Becaus, it turns out they are from here. Way before we've been here. The government doesn't want you to know they have been so close for so long. That's why.
D: The government doesn't actually know that much more than we do, so information on the topic is scarce and not likely present on a given target system as a result.
I wouldn't say it's a terrifying truth, just one most people wouldn't like.

We were coded as a survivor species. More advanced forms of intelligence found doom in a situation of their own making. In an attempt to salvage their species, they cast out the necessary ingredients for life, their kind of life, into the void hoping for their type of life to survive. Our mission is to not die. There is no god, no magic, no special reason. Just survive.
>almost a reversion to a primitive animal-like state of sheer shock, terror, and confusion. It’s like your sense of reality is itself violated, raped. Ontological rape, overturning of all your ordinary assumptions about the nature of reality, life, consciousness.
Just wanted to say I've enjoyed your posts in this thread, anon, and this description of "psychic rape" is what makes me think you might not be entirely full of shit. I've had this happen to me.

>be me, six or seven years ago
>decide to get high off my Wellbutrin like a fucking retard
>take like six and chase them with a couple of energy drinks
>while I'm waiting to get "high" I read a weird article on some dubious site about reality not existing
>start to feel funny, lightheaded, almost untethered to the world
>then it hits me
>a wave of dissociation and the worst feeling of panic I've ever experienced
>I feel like my brain is being explored by another entity
>it's ancient, vast, utterly evil and worst of all- utterly insane
>feel like I've ever encountered AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
>the whole veil of reality feels like it's slipping, and I understand that when it does my consciousness will go to where the Other is from
>an endless silent white void where I'll be tormented
>for eternity

I ran for several miles and by the end that horrific sense of reality melting- and the presence of the Other- is gone but I'm still shaken by it. I'm not saying I was contacted by this NHI you've been talking about... just that I totally understand that feeling.
Low level in terms of sensitive or classified information. Again, I will reiterate that documents past a certain grade will not be stored on servers with internet access. Those of even higher grade probably don't even have digital storage either.

Only real whistle blowers(rare) will have good stuff.
>they are like insects so now i know you are larping since you think they are drones when they clearly have a higher consciousness than humans
All the reports say they're sexless, apparently biomechanical, drones. (the small greys with the spoopy eyes) the higher consciousness you're freaking out about is in all likelihood a result of the (malevolent) piloting consciousness being able to use the tech embedded in the (imo remote-piloted) drone to paralyze and mentally dominate humans.
No higher consciousness dominates other sapient life. These things are evil. Bet on it.
Hacking is just social manipulation anon. Befriend a fed and steal their login. You are now a gov gacker. Enjoy the boring old ass programs and federal prison.
The powers that be have top of the lobe surveillance and security as well as inflicting cruel, dire, vile consequences on those who cross them

Remember that ayy leaker years ago who vomited black goo???
Because the NSA kills folks who talk about space and Satanists and ayys.because area 51 in new Mexico gets all antsy and sends assains after people in black helicopters to fuck with you or kill you or your family these people take secret spilling seriously.
>would cause time paradoxes that would cause the universe to stop existing

Ohh lawd yes please. Don't edge me like that anony.
>The fear is our collective will be fearful. And THAT is something they will understand.

Interdimensional leeches go bbrrrrr

Fucking hell that's pretty bleak. Probably bleakest I've come across.

Fuck it let's ball and release the fear thought virus. Fucking pussies
>cable boxes
Go to sleep gramps
>what if you fall victim to lies masquerading as the truth?
You can usually recognize deliberate lies originating from intelligence from FUD.
>always trust nothing since dead men don't talk.
so you trust that they don't?
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>Not really. look them straight in their soulless eyes
you're insane i'm not going to do that. it's like saying why don't you look down the barrel of a gun while pulling the trigger just so you can see tiny sparkles. yes their eyes are soulless because they are not like us, you see no emotion in their eyes because it's not the emotion you are used to. do you think cockroaches see emotion in your eyes?

yes you are right, but the aliens i'm talking about are the biological-spiritual beings. they have perfect control over their mind/body/spirit.

>No higher consciousness dominates other sapient life. These things are evil. Bet on it.
i bet the animals in the zoo's think just the same. still they are behind bars with no freedom while we just entertain ourselves with their suffering.

>You can usually recognize deliberate lies originating from intelligence from FUD.
playing both sides
>so you trust that they don't?
if dead men talk then they are not dead.
Haven't you notice that since Crypto became a thing entire hactivist movement almost gone?
Crypto was a glownigger psyop to control haxxors.
All of them are thinking how to get rich in no-time now.
The truth is too awful
>D. _"They wouldn't let you. You'd
expose all their secrets. The ayylmaos exercise strict control over us"__.
>The only way anything this big *could* continue to be secret would be that the secret is inherently some sort of infohazard.
Greer says their energy technology could vaporize all the oceans on the planet for free and he wants it released to the general public because it will save the planet. He's a strange guy.
Why are aliens so fucking ugly at least look like cute cat girls, i don't want to make contact with incel looking aliens.
>playing both sides
I'll gladly trust them when they play the side of truth. Does not matter who says it or why, the truth is true and good.
>if dead men talk then they are not dead
This statement is, again, based on trust. You trust that all mediumship where the dead are contacted is false or you're unaware of it.
>the whole veil of reality feels like it's slipping, and I understand that when it does my consciousness will go to where the Other is from
>an endless silent white void where I'll be tormented
>for eternity
had a similar experience on a psychaedlic, words can't explain what it does to your mind to finally experience and, at least partially, understand what eternity means. and worst yet, to believe that it's where your mind is sentenced to go.
>while I'm waiting to get "high" I read a weird article on some dubious site about reality not existing
also had this, where something i was reading or watching "triggered" it. your mind starts interpreting innocuous things like films or articles as layered with thousands of double meanings. it's pure 'meta' injected into every aspect of your thinking.
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It would require a nation state actor capable of pulling off genuine espionage to get to the really good stuff. Most of the DoD contractors that would have been involved in any of the UFO recovery programs have access to classified military networks, SCIFs, and airgapped networks (offline) , and all of the employees who would have had access to that kind of information would’ve gone through multiple background checks and employ online/social media sanitization, so it would require something more sophisticated than your typical spearphishing attack, RATs, and exfiltration methods.

For example the stuxnet attack required the US, Israel, the UK, and a bunch of paid contractors working in tandem to pull off over the course of several years against Iran, which isn’t exactly known for their technical/cyber sophistication:

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The only way to know the truth is to experience it.
not just the ayys
if you wanna know anything, always go to the source

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