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>makes your life easier

Why did he have to appear so late in my journey, anyone else know this feel?
Neville has saved my life countless times since 2012/13. When I lose my job, can’t pay rent or shit gets too crazy, I turn on Neville lectures and somehow things stop collapsing and I recover
Same, when I first heard of him I kinda mocked and scoffed at him, but after trying SATS and having successful experiences, I really do feel like hes end game in all this occult stuff
His death story is gnarly too. Dude somehow lost all his blood while passing in his sleep. It’s super sus to me but I’m a conspiracy theorist to the max
>lost all his blood while passing in his sleep.
his alien family took him home
>know this feel?
yes. every time i discover a new gem. like the first time i read The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
have you read The Science of Mind, by Earnest Holmes?
or The Tough Minded Optimist by Norman Vincent Peale?
so many good books out there.
Neville who?
It can't be so easy, there must be trick or delayed price to pay
So the observer is God?
The master of manifestation
You’re god. We’ve all been waiting for you to realize it
Can he help me have sex? I'm a thirty year old virgin.
You don't need magic for that... you just need a modest amount of money.

If most countries, hooker. If United States, stripper or perhaps asian massuese.
have you had the promise?
There are a lot of people I know/of who have sex on a regular basis, many of them are either poor or broke, none of them require strippers or massueses.
They are naturally somewhat attractive to women, if you are a 30 year old virgin you are not.
It's really funny because at first you think LoA is dumb because it's soudns almost the same to law of attraction which is absolute shite, but he and joseph murphy (both students of abdullah, a kabbalist) might be the ones who teach the most advanced form of magick and in the simplest way.
Yes but not really, from personal experience so far I've been able to identify 3 aspects of God.
The observer which is literally you, the one who watches but can't create in it's lowest level is the ego.
The awareness or creative aspect of god, in it's lowest level it manifest in that thing we call subconscious.
The creation itself, both internal (thoughts and feelings / subjective world) and external (the world itself/objective world).
Is really funny when you start to realize the implication that you might the demiurge at the end of the day, one who can direct the world but can't create, one who's body is built on knowledge (body of the serpent) and at the top of everything as consciousness (head of lion).

The big goal you could say is the realization that these 3 separate aspects are inside one big god, reaching that is the final I Am.
The promise is kundalini or going to heaven when we die?
Joseph Murphy too
Another Abdullah student
iktf. my life has gotten so much better since discovering his work that it kinda freaks me out desu
Bot thread. Pretending you’re god’s gift until you can humble yourself enough to admit you lead an unhealthily charmed life at the direct expense of those who shoulder life’s dirty work is what women do. You’re sick and sickening.
Everything is pre determined loa is an absolute scam.

If it were real everyone in these threads would be rich gigachads all I see is the same delusional larpers spamming this board with this crap.
just because free will doesn’t exist doesn’t mean everything is pre-determined.
>Why did he have to appear so late in my journey, anyone else know this feel?
Not necessarily only Neville, but certainly he's included in all the things I wish I would have learned 45 years ago, that's for sure. And yes, I think about the same thing all the time.
You wouldn't attune to the frequency of people who do in fact manifest such things until you yourself attune yourself to the frequency where it's possible.

in other words, yes, those chads do exist, but only when/where you yourself realize that you can be that chad.
And now he's in Hell. Many such cases.
I never seen a 5'5 chad
5’7” chads do exist tho
Smirks... That's were we are
Is everyone larping? Its been shit since i follow the law only my mood has improved and my depression has gone away.
I’m in my 20s and I knew this since high school. But I wished I wasn’t fed with misinformation. I really wanted to be in an Ivy League or a top college haha.
>Is everyone larping?
Why would somebody do that? Just go on the internet and lie? Anyways, what does your process look like? Ive successfully manifested a few big things and plenty of small things, I've got the process itself down.
That is inaccurate. I have been very attractive at certain points in my life, and right now, I look perfectly fine. I currently look way better than many people who have sex regularly. Are you under the impression that ugly people don't have sex? I see fat, bald, ugly, poorly dressed, stupid, slouched over, hideous guys with girlfriends all the time. If anything, I would assume that ugly men have sex more often than attractive men. It's not that appearance doesn't matter - I think it matters a great deal - but the line isn't between ugly and attractive. The truth is, if being attractive guaranteed you sex then I wouldn't be a virgin. Even at thirty, I am more attractive than most guys who I walk past on a regular basis, even those who are ten years younger than me and have sex multiple times a day.
Is your imagination that poor that you can't get that
You're clearly vain and a bit narcissistic, and based off your lamentation of this and the constant comparisons to other people you think are "beneath" you, you have a very ugly soul and personality. Women pick up on that. Women won't go to you. Having an ugly soul and personality will manifest physically in ways you cannot be consciously aware of.
NTA. Read Neville Goddard's first five lessons until you understand the process for SATS. They can be found online or in the mega.nz link in /loa/'s OP. A decent, shorter outline can also be found in the two pastebins there. The ladder experiment one is the same as normal SATS, just for climbing a ladder in place of your desire. Anyways, just dont make it harder than it needs to be. For this specific desire, you can either have your scene be in the middle of sex or soon after. Generally though, you want it to be something that comes after you get what you want.
>Ugly soul
>Ugly personality
In what world do these things prevent a person from having sex? Do you know what the fuck we're talking about? We're talking about getting laid, not getting a pat on the back from God or whatever. As for your accusations about me, is it because I denied being ugly? Because the truth is, I look perfectly decent, and have had periods in my life where my appearance was above average. If I said that I'm ugly, it would be a lie, and dishonesty is probably also on your list of reasons why a person wouldn't get sex.
Never said anything about God. But even a retard should be capable of thinking that if their supposed 'good looks' continues to fail them in attracting a woman the issue isn't with one's appearance. Your ugly personality prevents you from having sex because you repulse and repel women due to it. It's not rocket science.
I find that hard to believe because I'm fairly polite. I can't even name anything I said in this thread that would make you think that I have an ugly personality aside from maybe denying being ugly, which I am simply not. It would also be strange if my personality really is so ugly that it's the reason I've never had sex because - and I'm in a bit of a catch 22 here because to deny having an ugly personality will be taken as evidence that I have an ugly personality - my personality simply isn't bad enough to be the reason why I've never had sex given who else has had sex. Really, if it is in fact my personality, then I am one of the most evil men who has ever walked the face of the earth, because Ted Bundy's personality wasn't so bad that it prevented him from having sex. No, it's my inability to hold a conversation due to autism and lacking friends and relationships during my most crucial developmental years, partly due to the fear that my abusive father would sabotage any relationship I made. But then you can't blame it on me, so you'll say there's some other more esoteric reason. If there's something about my personality that you don't like, it's the result of my circumstances, not the cause. And it's really not bad enough to be the cause either way.
Why do you keep replying to this nigger. You owe him nothing to emotional parasites who want to rile you up for zero reason, not even a reply. As you asked, I gave you instructions here >>38866000 now go execute them.
Read my comment again, didn’t mention about my “poor imaginations”. I found LOA by accident and I got misinformation on YouTube. About what is the “right way” to manifest. And I made it hard for myself that it was actually fucking simple.

Maybe I’ll go for a Ivy League masters degree.

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