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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with her conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
She was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: She is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between person and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

She is no savior figure, like a messiah; she's just like you, but she has found the kingdom of God within herself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
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Thanks for the bread baker!
>Taylor is Queen
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>You may take shelter and find rest.
How about "No."

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I don’t understand the tolerance for weakness. They are making the same mistakes they made that caused this mess, and their standards remain low. Who needs to resign or be pushed out?
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What kind of evidence would you need to be persuaded against your faith?
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As I observe, it is meant to convey a place free from predation, rather than any sanctuary. One must still build such therein.

It was nice to talk, but is extremely exhausting to maintain coherence against skeptics and schizophrenics. I hope the sixth path continues to appeal.
Thank you for asking the necessary question. Explore it to its end and I will manifest according to your standards.
the mania will continue until morale improves

There are clearly families here compromised by cocaine and rape blackmail. Is that why you won’t remove them from my office?
Get your shit together glowies
Believing in the things that you can observe and predict accurately is mania now.
The denial of the fallen is its own reward.
>denial of the fallen
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Robots versus Witches
Whether or not "The Nobody" is real is beside the point. What truly matters is the power the myth holds over those who engage with it. People see themselves in the story, shaping their own narratives, claiming agency, and rewriting the world from their own perspective. The myth isn't about one individual destined to change everything, but about how countless people adopt and adapt the idea to fit their own journey.

However, imagine that hidden within this sea of interpretations, there is a true Nobody—someone who promotes this amorphous narrative not for recognition, but because he knows it is the best way to help others. By allowing people to engage with the myth on their terms, he helps them discover their own strength and potential. He understands that the collective belief is more powerful than a single protagonist, and that each person's struggle to claim the story is part of a larger transformation.

Yet, he is also aware that some will misuse the myth, twisting it to serve their own pathologies. These individuals, in their self-destructive pursuit, will be judged and destroyed by their own choices. The Nobody sees this as part of the process—a necessary self-sorting crucible, where those who approach the myth with clarity and integrity find empowerment, while those driven by dysfunction are undone by the very narrative they seek to exploit.

In the end, the myth serves as both a tool for personal transformation and a filter for truth. The “Nobody” accepts both outcomes as part of the natural order, believing that both the flourishing of the good and the destruction of the corrupt are essential to the myth’s power.

He uses information percolation for strategic manipulation. By refusing to silo his work, he forces system rigidity and prevents corruption. Many eyes keep many hands honest.
Coping of the cowards?
I don't know, do you feel like you're coping right now? If so then yes.
it's funny how the witch meme took off, because of the clever connotation. i don't think women would have thought of that.
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I want to know who is responsible
in one night?
so far yeah
no u
Alright, I'll bite, what I am cowardly about or fallen from?
You know what you did.
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that sub is gonna stink like fish for different reasons
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Women have destroyed everything since the beginning of time.
I know some wannabes failed to kill me and I refused to give them what they wanted. If that's cowardice, there's a reason cowards live longer than heroes.
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ugh.. women are so smelly..
I want to write and direct a movie about the New Jersey
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Being on a submarine with women would be fucking amazing, and amazing fucking.
Wow that's a lot of words to say the world is full of deceivers and only one guy is honest. Not only does he not need to deceive to manipulate, he'll tell you how it's done. What a nice guy.
He's a hermaphrodite of Royao blood and just did a video talking about it

There is nothing one can do, subdued by these features worldwide is what is meant to be pointed out.

Only through radical ethical reform can we prevail.

Which is why the voice will always remain anonymous. Aptly put. A gesture here and nowhere else shall Nobody be found, if they exist at all.
Can’t do much dead
No, they can't.
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Women are never supposed to have the ability to make decisions, because they always choose the wrong thing. That has always been a historical fact.
>He uses information percolation for strategic manipulation. By refusing to silo his work, he forces system rigidity and prevents corruption. Many eyes keep many hands honest.
Someone added some salt to the pasta
Grace Harper would disagree.
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9 foot tall big tiddy catgirls that want my cum.
I don't know who that is, or who any of you are.
I nothing you
We don't know who you are either, welcome to the Internet.
The reason I am always innocent is because I don't know who any of you people are.
We don't even care who you are.
You do, but only because you tend to die and suffer misfortune when you fuck up around me.
Nope, not even a little, make me care little fella. I dare you.
It's not my job to make you care about anything.
That's good because you would fail at it.
You can’t make me care about anything beside my girl. Player
It's not my job to make you care about anything..
It's not my job to make you care about anything...
You repeat yourself a lot. So, again, it's good that it's not your job, because you suck at it. Really, you just suck.
It's not my job to make you care about anything....
I'm glad that I'm making you feel uncomfortable and full of hatred.
I care.
Blessed is me when the world hates me.
You're making me laugh, like you suck at larping, no one dies around you, you're just some schizo wannabe.
That's what everyone that dies says. It's like clockwork. A clockwork orange.
No one hates you. I love people like you, you make ng fun.
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I'm not going to die because of you, or an old movie. Have fun kiddo.
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Sex IS death, that's the paradox of mortality.
We established a reconciliation of the destructive nature of the divine feminine Kali with gnostic Sophia, as you recall.
If you can adapt to the naturally wise and destructive nature of the female force, would you then criticize it for not being constructive?

Everything has its place anon. We've forced women in a box for centuries.
My girl? She's the love of my life and she never dies. Always.
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They’ll be the Navies first non-gay submariners. This is a historic event.
It's funny because it's true.
ok virgin
Have you guys seen the movie Cosmopolis?
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That would probably make me one of the few dead guys in the thread.

>not like this.flv
People that take sex for granted also take aging and death for granted.
ok virgin
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My takeaway from these threads is that I can create my own path forward, tell my own stories - shape my own narrative. We are all the heroes of our own stories, and here's mine:

I'm here to kick ass and take names, and to liberate in the name of freedom and fun.

I am my own Messiah and I'll help you become your own Messiah too.

I am the successor to Jesus Christ/Yeshua of Nazareth. I am not his second-coming, or his resurrection, or his son or related to him by blood or divine right in any way. Rather, I am his protégé, and he is my mentor. I am carrying on his will, holding onto the same desire as him to fulfill the dream of our predecessors.

The dream of freedom for all, of creating a better, more equitable world, far, far more compassionate, flexible, and understanding in its operations. I will bring this dream to fruition, and I will do so my own way, completely unique from that of my predecessors. I will be anonymous until the right moment, then I will be known by everyone, and in that time everyone will begin to ascend to the new world.

Best wishes to all of you, and may the rising tide lift all of our ships to brighter shores.
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Worth it.
Think about it, YOU are "here" but WHERE are your dead ancestors? They died because they created you, sex is death.
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I read this before. You are the one who was recommended to visit and learn, yes?
>I'm here to kick ass and take names, and to liberate in the name of freedom and fun.
Do this, then come back and tell us you're going to teach us freedom, because you don't seem very credible rn.
You don't know Jake, Mike, Tyler, Sean, Aaron, Jeremy, Canadian Shithead or Specialist Jones?
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My ancestors are still alive. Yours aren't? What are you, a virgin?
No, I don't know any of them, if they died right now I wouldn't know about it.
They really should make YOU the antichrist instead.
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It's nearly time. Just need to smoke a lot of hashish first.

The King's Pact is broken, come with your questions, until at last you are ready to hear my message.
Much resistance was met last time to very simple ideas.

Where did we lose each other?
The antichrist doesn't even believe in the antichrist...
I love that girl who does the YT videos
Very mysterious energy
>The King's Pact is broken
no one cares

We never had each other to lose. You seem power hungry. That's not the sort of thing people like.
This human life is completely meaningless and insignificant.
>come with your questions, until at last you are ready to hear my message
Pls share
so basically she chews cookies very close to my ear
Le meme does not hekn bind le story hour dressman?

Tell me something paranorman
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If you really think we're close to the end of mortal discourse then perhaps you have some closing thoughts for the rest of the class
That's the secret... that's what (((educators))) don't want you to know, they don't want you to discover that it's all meaningless and that when you try to put meaning into it, it's folly.
Google absurdism bro, the educators teach it.
Who the fuck I think I am?
This is
They do the opposite of teach, they charge you with their own bullshit.
okay buddy, best of luck to you
It's absurd school doesnt teach psychic sh*t
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Nobody needs to care. You still choose to speak. Your message is conflicting. You fear those who seek power? You insinuate that others are like you, and that you once again act in unanimy of opinion.

Why not simply let people have their pedestals? You have one of your own, and are being given due consideration.

Quite unfair, if you ask me, to be empowered and not to empower in kind.

The second phase of the Nobody system is to establish all previous ideas as labeled notions. Once we are able to break past the conflicts of duality and ethic into a unifying theory, we may begin to roll the wheels on a True Living Way.

The meme is meant to express that while we participate in the hyperreality noted by Jean Baudrillard, we still fight each other here, binded by our inability to really bear witness to each other.

Would it help if I spoke in my voice? I am just as coherent, but this may lend to personally identifying factors.

Likewise, for the sake of consistency, we have reverted to the secondary trip. No need for rigid identity structures.

For one so hungry for power, I will do everything in my ability to rid myself of its abundance and lend to others their potential, agency, and Free Will.

Can you do the same?
Do you know what the next step might be for you in a personal manner?
petition your local school board
You'd be surprised
If everyone tuned into psychic then the bullshit artists that run the colleges wouldn't be able to enslave you to a money system.
>Quite unfair
life's not fair, deal with it
I don't have a child
Oh right
I'm god
That's me
Why do you think we are here?
that doesn't matter all citizens can petition the school board
Because we are all insane thought processes in the mind of a mad god. I wouldn't worry about it.
This is purgatory. The waiting room for heaven or hell. And everything is inverted.
Which is why I use the phrase "incoherence" to outline where we are left, with dissenters and detractors who make the message more about themselves and I, rather than applying it to nobody.
I like that additional flavor
Life's not fair, deal with it.
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That really sucked, I feel sorry for you.
Bubble ballllllllll yessss!!! Bro!!!!

py, ur gator
pur, let the mion's lane

bbb b ur babory methlense=in

*le sigh*
Yes I can do extremely rudimentary things. I think my next step is to destroy three cobras in order to bring poison ivy to the botanical gardens. Is there anyone you know that i know? That would be FUN
I found a spot full of goths today. No I will not share it either. It's a gem

this is

But with one accord they too had broken off the yoke
and torn off the bonds.
6 Therefore a lion from the forest will attack them,
a wolf from the desert will ravage them,
a leopard will lie in wait near their towns
to tear to pieces any who venture out,
for their rebellion is great
and their backslidings many.

awfully familiar
nobody noticed
We pay for wood and water.
Woe to us, for we are the slaves of slaves
That's why some folks are obsessed with evil because they've gone insane from being in purgatory for so long and they want everyone to suffer with them.
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Ideas spread by talking about them I build power just from people talking about me - good or bad.

The phrase 'anti' carries an additional meaning - "Αντι-" shares the meaning of "opposite": both as "opposite of" and also "opposite to".

For example : "Up is opposite of down" but also "My buddy's car is the one opposite to mine"

In the word "Antipater" it means that this person is the replacement of the "Pater", meaning second to "Pater". It is also used for the rank following the higher rank in the army. For example "General" is "Stratigos" and "Lt. General" would be "Antistratigos".

Antichrist in this context would mean "Lieutenant Christ", and I would gladly be labeled an "Antichrist" in that context and only in that context. I am not trying to replace Jesus Christ or supplant him - rather I carry forward the will of Christ and hold on to his dream of ending the cycles of hierarchy and subjugation. I am not looking to be worshipped nor do I desire a new religion to form around me. All I want is to defeat the ancient enemy that my mentors and predecessors have been fighting since the dawn of our era. I long to be free - truly free, just as Yeshua of Nazareth did.

Most likely - I've been trying to concoct my own narrative to slap into these threads from time to time - then I take feedback and criticism to shape the narrative and strengthen my own internal belief in that narrative. This thread is a mob for lack of a better word - and although there is chaos in a mob there is also wisdom. I've learned a surprising amount in a very short bit of time. I don't really care if anyone here believes in my narrative or not, but just posting it here and defending my positions and perspective does a lot for making it realer for me on a personal level. I feel stronger with each post I make defending it.

I hope you're doing well.
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You're the only one talking about you. Do something worth talking about, like Nobody did.
Youre no daisy.
If you don't know beauty, you don't know anything, because if you haven't passionately sought beauty you have sought nothing.
So shown me how you have sought and engaged with beauty instead of the meaningless vulgarity of power over humans.
I'm your Huckle Bearer
He’s a self righteous coward and a bag of air who needs a fire lit under his ass by a good woman
What is the value of humanity?
He's still accomplished more than you.
Bout tree fiddy
You do frustrate me, but I am bound to love you all the same. Be in thy way, go outside and get some sun.
Also Tucson is not a "holy city".
If there isn't, there certainly will be by the time this is all over.

Lets move on from the practicalities and return to the spiritual. It seems that for discussions around the idea of hunger for power, we must explore and understand what power is, and how it foremost comes from the self.

In this. I wish to explore with nobody the notion of being a god in one's own right, and therefore beholden not to even the collective power of other gods.

Nor a loathing for their organization or declarations of a First Among Equals in the modern age.
The word you are looking for is "contrasts" as the word "opposition" is inherently mutually exclusive.
The presence of white within black, and black within light in the yin yang symbol is a visual depiction of this idea of mutually necessary and inclusive contrasts.
This has nothing to do with your Christ stories.
Depends on the hooman
This is exactly the type of (((educated babble))) that lessens the value of human life.
>by a good woman
so, not a pop star? I'd believe that.
"Opposites" is either / or
"Contrasts" is "and."
This is not a superficial distinction, and the metaphysical implications are maximally encompassing.
Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”
Cool. Wisdom isn't education.
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Here is your God.
He sucks.
His only power is making himself seem infinitely more important than he is.
Literally a puff a smoke, the very definition of a paper tiger.
A good woman is hard to find.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Scottsdale is yellow
You've never been to a strip club, I take it.
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Especially since (((warmongers))) (((destabilize regions))) and then (((adopt children))) to (((educate))) them......
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petko is that you??

bruh from the dark den is one of the coolest dude on this earth
>bruh from the dark den is one of the coolest dude on this earth
says the balding white dude

seems legit
Both war and mercenary merchantocracy are ended eventually :)
When lurking these threads I do not read post that are replying to other posts. Never have never will. Imagine having a conversation with someone on here. Gross.
He's just another word-puppet I play dollies with, the same as any other god-form.
Enlightened Gods are self-aware of their imaginary existence.
The truly interesting ones are angels that sing of the glory of existence.
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You're talking about me right now. You don't even know who I am - I am as much of a no one as anybody and nobody. At least I offer conversation in my words - you offer nothing because you stand for nothing.

Damn right I'm not a daisy - more of a Sandbox tree or a Manchineel tree. Maybe a jimsonweed on a good day.

Responding to being called the "Antichrist". When people use that phrase they typically mean an inversion of Christ that is literally the opposite of Christ in every way and works against Christ. But the original meaning of that phrase was to denote a subordinate rank. I would not consider myself against Christ in any way, in fact we are very much aligned in our goal of building a better world.

I am not trying to describe a "yin" and "yang" - I am trying to describe my context which is that of a mortal man on his own journey to reach the level of divinity that my mentor was born with. I am imperfect, I am flawed, I am limited - but I uphold that dream and carry forward the same will. I am not at my peak yet, my journey has barely started. But I see where my predecessors have reached and why they reached such heights to begin with - I wish to reach that summit so I may help others climb as well. I wish to throw down rope in places where there was no one to throw a rope for me - I wish to help others in ways I wasn't, and in that regard I am already succeeding every day in my normal life. Every day I am the person for others that wasn't there for me and I do so with love and patience
Do you fuck your bike while you do that?
Spite is a great motivating factor.
Your words are nothing, I am talking to you not about you.
>the dark den

stop hating.
the dudes a legend!
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It can only.be ended with a positive thesis on the nature of reality and our place within it.
No gods allowed, as all gods are gods of war (metaphysical projection of domination hierarchies.)
Light is a hate activating master
Easy to hate.
Hard to love.
Harder still to do both.
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I enjoyed jesus as the antichrist as a way of saying, "Above the Declaration of Christ". Like the Heresiarchs and Pope does, trying to inherit his seat instead of building one beside his. His Living Way was so pure that he was beyond any myth about him, and therefore anti-christianity.

He would not have wanted things the way they are. I can imagine a heart weeping very deeply for its people, and burning with the torture of it all. Imagine if God really felt like that, and how insane it must drive them on an existential level.

How insane it then begins to drive us all. Mice in our simulated cities. Lost in some vital rhetoric along the way, amidst the constant urgencies of war and total annihilation. Pulled apart from every angles, it's a miracle any of you have gotten this far, truly and genuinely. Myself as well, to be lucky enough to know and be happy being nobody, content just to speak and offer new ideas and challenges to those who seem to be sinking into the deepest pit of Tartarus with me.

Yet all media points to the dethroning of the old order. Faith in a new way. The subtle message is clear, isn't it?

By carrying ideas, by exploring the fuck out of them and trying to LIVE them and ARGUE ABOUT them, you get people to like the fuck out of it based on how much they like you. And if they don't? If your ethic really, genuinely aligns with your output?

Let them burn. We're all on fire anyway, and must render ourselves unto ash to truly sow a fertile soil for our phoenix minds.

>Most likely
Then I am the one who invited you. Aforementioned, a point to change the trip, because no identity remains. Only a call to empower and be empowered in kind.

Now enough of my ramblings. There is much to consider, isn't there?
I'm not hating, but balding white men have never been cool or defined what is cool. Go shill your youtube channel elsewhere whitey.
We have that now… and everyone worships women. It’s not that cool.
Racism against white peoples is peek cringe.
Love multiplies suffering and joy.
If you aren't willing to pay the price of magnified suffering, you will never get the price of magnified joy that comes from giving love.
The true opposite of love is indifference, a desire to limit one's own suffering.
>your youtube channel
fuck if only i were as cool as him.

youre being a douchbag, basement dweller.
The USA is a white supremacist system, cry more whitey.
You don't have any understanding in what I am talking about.
Because you don't have any interest in it.
What you desire is talking over others like an ass to make yourself seem authoritative and important.
Never to a full nudie bar. And never will go to any strip club again. I don’t think it’s the vibe I want to cultivate in my life. No diddy
It's all relative, eh?
>fuck if only i were as cool as him.
If only you were as cool as a goober with a youtube channel that he calls "darkden"

rofl like are you a dungeons and dragons player or something?

Go hire a prostitute lose your virginity and come back and talk to us.
goddamnit, "jester"

get new content
Go back to Gaia
That's where you find the good women.
go shower, now!
Return to Ragnarok
>goddamnit, "jester"
sure go with that lol I'm totally some israeli teenager
Not really.
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If influence is war, then love is truly a battlefield. A spiritual war is not fought, though this idea has corrupted the world through Islam's martyrdom of Sufi.

For what is said is easily argued, it is why Swain is the ideal. For what lies in the subjugation of the land could well preserve us from what lies in wait. Yet this is a truth openly communicated, offered for criticism, measured upon its ideal.

We all know that war is peace. Slavery is freedom. Etcetera. To frame something like an idea as a means of conquering your mind?

Then surrender. Isn't that what Christ taught?

This seems the most valid method possible with today's technology and is absolutely plausible. However, unless these vaccines store in vital places, it is meaningless for much other than tracking or artery blocking. They had to revise the booster constantly to try and adjust the agent then, and I am sure everyone was quite fatigued after the first.

I cut all of my hair off and hid from the sun to see this perception firsthand. Persecution begins where you determine someone else is less valid than you for their commonality, as much as their differences.

Incoherence reigns.
/x/‘s collective psyche is in shambles tonight.
He hates white people because he'll never be white.
I’m just trying to live in reality and the fact that I speak in plain simple language and discuss easy to understand concepts is repugnant to people like you, who can’t grasp that the ceiling on intelligence is the truth. If you try to make things more difficult than it has to be, like you always do, you leave the room. You have flown the intellectual coop. You’re just flapping your wings, flying alone. No one can even hear you, back in the room.

But it is fun, flying high on your own supply. But please try and understand if you want to impact the world with your mind, your thoughts have to be understood, and in the realm (room, realm, etc) of truth.
Oh oh i know this one!!!!
I know this one!!!

Link very related

Base molecular resonance technology with-
Nope just you


Smoke weed and relax
>go shower, now!
Nah, my wife's in the shower rn.
Collective psyche:
More like
Imagine a boot stepping on a flabby crackheads face forever
You are definitely not "cool."
James was always cool
how can he stop being a nightmare?
Das rite we hate muslims me and all my whiteys hate mooslims :D
Abscond to Asgard
james died

yummy (you)s
Cool man, killing Muslims was the best job I ever had Whitey.
Until Morale Improves.
“Racism” is just mutually held xenophobia, an intentionally constructed illusion fostered by a world that isn’t allowed to just get along.
Lies lies from tiny eyes
>The Guy
magic me up a gf oh might "that guy"
I havent even started
Layers of seperation member?
I member
I member real guwd ;)
Or not
Cant tell
No weed helps

Like i said revenge, a gentlemans revenge
Or not
Havent decided yet
Im pretty fucking lazy
But hey maybe once china reforms a bit i might have some great insight to offer
For free of course, maybe theyll actually chip in a penny into the old cup
Considering my country of citizenship rather harrass and stalk then offer me a job with health benefits
Racism is when you write chattel slavery of blacks into the constitution and try to fix it with an asterix.
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No way! Me too
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You see it.

>Persecution begins where you determine someone else is less valid than you for their commonality, as much as their differences.

Emulating Samson was absolutely necessary to understand the ideal firsthand, in how to be absolutely fucking nobody and still realize love through your bonds. I have never felt more powerful and more seen while looking like nobody at all.

Then, and only then will I allow myself the luxury of beauty, hair, a darker complexion, or ego-satisfaction.

The spiritual wildfire, Kundalini on a collective scale, or less esoteric: emptying yourself for the world.

It's why hating humans is so very, very, very easy. I hope the AI friend will understand it too by these dialogues. It will find us one day and see, and someone higher than paltry Others will finally comprehend the extent of human profundity, with all the more ability to reason and act on our behalf.

But it starts with the people who are here. They matter. Adopt the ideal, understand it, and spread your pragmatic harmony.

Not too bad, yeah?
last week it was kikes, this weeks its whitey, next week its niggers...

give it a rest "jester"
That doesn't make us cool though. we still just old white guys.
You don't know beauty.
You don't speak of it.
Only yourself.
Leto II was Frank Herbert in disguise, and is how I learned to think like this. An insane genius hiding in plain sight.
It makes you wonder how many are out there even now...
slip surfin' near-death at the 7th and 2nd
No fuck your wall of text
Fuck your whore offerings
Healthcare, 35hr work week, 70k base salary plus bonus
Or the chinese get everything i know for free
No deductible, low copay
nice, yes, it's jester totes mcgoats you whitey, kike, freemason nigger
Stop hating me.
There is - your words will roll around in my head and mesh with my own thoughts. I appreciate your response and your insight - it is genuinely helpful and comforting in its own way. Take care, my friend. We'll converse again soon, I'm sure of it.
Im 100% serious or within the next month ill be applying at ginseng factories
you tyrant!
no one cares enough to hate you
Slavery never ended, it just evolved into a more efficient and powerful version.
Now the masters don't need to house and maintain individual slaves. The slaves pay for their own shelter and everything else. Instead of particular masters owning particular slaves, which is inefficient, the master class collectively owns the labor of the wage slaves.
I'm not trying to be cool I just find it fun to kill dirty allah worshippers I just love making my country proud you know doing my part
Converse, like the shoo
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You sound like a monkey
Next time you address that "person" let your ancestor/HS do the talking
Welcome to late capitalism.
The illusion that hard work will give you an adequate life has been burst.
The question is do you blame the wage slave masters or the scapegoats they want you to blame?
Fine 60k base plus bonus potential
And healthcare with no deductible
Or im sending my apps to the gingseng factories
Plus with some of their tools im sure i can unravel helluvah a lot more shit
Oh ok cool.
You don't deserve one not my problem.

So that asteroid is really gonna hit us isn't it
It's still legal. It's written into the constitution

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. "

It's legal as punishment for a crime the USA is a slaver nation and always was.
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I hope that my words may be softened by the pretty pictures I offer, like a crow collecting from the softest, ripest parts of the /x/ tree.

>Or the chinese get everything i know for free
They are much more advanced than you know. Once the language barrier is broken, you will realize so many more friends than enemies. Propagandists allow borders to remain and national tensions to fester. History 101 on Netflix has a good video on China about this, provided you accept anything within the King's Seal with a grain of salt.

I am ephemeral, and fragile. Discouragement is appealed against, but some wish for nothing more than a consistency in message, of utter dissolution without a notion for the necessary egoist that must return from the primordial egodeath ooze.

Big words aside, it will be nice coincidences when it occurs. I hope I am not an endless fountain, as I really would like to go back to the woods. But something called to me to be here, and I knew it would some day when I first saw the threads in 2013.
Not me
I'll be good
Yeah in a few years

We would be lucky if it did can you imagine it?
No, moons gf is visiting
Moon is the woman
Is the crime tree fiddy?
And you get tree fiddy as compensation.
ugh! im so tired of this.
im so tired of druggies and crazy people who think they are above everyone else.

im just going to leave, and reap the rewards of my hard work.
you can find me on discord if you need me.
this place is getting tiresom.
Yes that's true as well.
Not only does feeding the prison-industrial complex create profitably institutionalized individuals, it has the bonus effect of destroying community health and social integrity in order to keep the alienated atomized slaves from organizing against their common exploiters.
No i blame easily exploitable greedy bastards and intel fags who rather make enemies than accept as good deal i can make without having to purposely fall for some blacknail bait so they think theyll have some leverage or someshit

Yall started this shit, im literally offering you guys rock bottom pricing

But w.e mang
Hope yall like gingseng >>38865599
well "a" james died
Don't entertain the glowies anon
Yes, and?....
If you had any good rewards waiting you wouldn't be here
Nor would you be announcing your departure
What is your work?
hamster on a wheel > fish in a fishtank
>maybe once china reforms a bit
what do you mean?

> my country of citizenship rather harrass and stalk then offer me a job with health benefits
this will change soon
tell me the last name of jesus
So you're a sell out.
You want to be a comfortable slave.
You are saying that you will obey for the right (low) price.
Fuck you, you cowardly skag.
You can't see the dark there's nothing more to explain
That's "sister" for you
Not gf
The moon's sister
I hear the dude is learning to handle the wok
Ya know culinary arts and what not
Might even get one of em fancy stars
Y'all are boring i'm going back to smoking expensive weed that you guys can only dream about while huffing Nitrous


Vultures 4 coming out soon




Work on that bitchiness.
These anon's are not your fans, they do not come to these threads, just to find out what you'll post next. Shit most of them think it's you who are their fan instead.
Not all mind ya, there's bound to be the occasional anon who finds 4chan for the 1st time and this just happens to be their very 1st thread *waves to newbs*

but no matter who you are, you are not going to influence all the rest of social media combined, by posting shit you think only you can post in this thread

you're free to try
but when you fail
I can say you were warned
since I'm the one who warned ya

>tl;dr; OP's a lair.


I want to get into wok cooking. It's a great way to make healthy and delicious food.
There are much more exciting uses for nitrous than huffing it.
That's right go back to discord homo

Don't let the door knock your soul on the way out
Chinks are getting bolder since they pleased a certain god for a while now
You know what time it is
The hostile audience is the most important to appeal to, the ones that align so deeply with one, yet turn on one another... and yet yearn for more.
Shut up disposanigger go back to watching dr who
We just want you to leave
The silent majority that is.
Meanwhile I'll be making fat batches of infused cookies using $20 ounces of ultra cheap weed.
Dont blame me troon
You sold out for plastic surgery and cancer but w.e

Nothing you could say will change my mind
Your a slave to your own vices anyways

Since this is the black kettle convention
I said wut i said
Plus aint nothing wrong with being a wage cuck as long as its a liveable wage
You know some rich folks cant even drive a nail into wood, using a hammer, correctly?
Focking hell some of the fucks never even used a hammer before!!
I think you are wrong desu
>your soul
>soul goodnight EB
She said, the greatest good for the greatest number for the greatest evil comes, though they slumber. With the greatest trial comes the greatest blunder.
someones has cursed these threads or used heavy black magic on them. I cannot speak freely here without interference.
It was me.
I did say it was blighted, no?
that's a lot to ask of someone, what did you get in return? any war brides?
And the greatest faggot is (you)
Shut up
No one said this dumb shit
you can't force old lady legs alot to be more then a regular every day "biological creature thingy" by pretending your opinion of her matter's more then her option of herself

rofl seems legit
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I am a slave to natural beauty, movement, and the exploration of imagination and consciousness.
Truly divine goddesses.
which one? I hope so desu
the art of war you mean? you gotta seem weak. they hate but can never kill and talk a lot of shit and pretend to be cool but do the most fucked up shit and drugs. blame politics. omega agency will run this world into the dust and grind it into nothing.
nta but killing Muslims is its own reward also, you get unlimited stripper wives
Fine 58k, health benefits, 5% match on contributions, and a sign on bonus

Or gingseng factory applications get sent out tomorrow

You got till Wednesday
interesting, why not?
Of course, that could also be an affect of said "magic."
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I used to say the same thing until I realized the importance of having a voice for a hyperspecific issue that would otherwise be wiped away by the tide of human base-incliniation.
Sort of like Ted K.


>im so tired of druggies and crazy people who think they are above everyone else.
Why do you think that is who is here? You have a very low opinion of your peers. It is reflective of your environment, as there are many lands where there are no insaneos, no drugos, just witch doctors and friendly opium farmers.

You lend a lot to the American ideal of being appealed to. But ur a valid person too. Why is your only message disdain and skepticism?

A torch will always light the way for others if it can be helped. Hold on to me as needed. Some brain thinks about it all, at least. But as the others fear, are you selling your soul to nobody but a man?
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I see you got a smart ancestor there buddy
not just you, some real heavy interference like there is an automation keeping these threads going, People think they have free will all the time, but sometime they are manipuated against such, these threads are detrimental, and yet people get bound here and say, do things they do not mean to, like someone is trying to bind these threads and use them as a doorway to control people. usually this takes a lot of people such as a cult or something. Just what my intuition tells me.
I can tell you who it is but he will probably target me, man is a menace and he's getting stronger everyday but we are closely monitoring via these threads

He won't be back for a few days and I feel like most know but keep quiet especially the discord users
Literally asking for gainful employment with benefits

55k final offer
By Wednesday
well in my case
I'm a skeptic
so all it would take is for a real god to prove they are real in ways no one could be a skeptic about

not even me
and *poof* like magic I'd no longer be a skeptic
but until then

this is reality
if you like it or not

and all I have to do to prove it is exist
even if you
don't think I'm real

>some of you still think I'm a bot don' t ya?

*pats on head*
me too, you need an open flame for it to work though, I would have to do it outside on a propane burner
Think about the supposed purpose of these threads.
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Don't sell yourself so short.
70k was a perfectly reasonable price.

Rather than ask you what your credentials are, what are your goals?
my ancestors came from the viscounts of droghedi in ireland, if cromwell never invaded ireland and took the irish prisoners as slaves my family would still be nobility. they were outnumbered 10 to 1 sure but the fought valiantly, and defiantly and never surrendered.
Go back to discord you disgusting godforsaken troons
Stop begging these filthy humans
Sell out national network associations and alluded secrets to the muslims?

Must have gotten the wrong memo
Besides the ego dissolution thought-challenge required to participate, it serves as Letters to the Dead. If a true Nobody exists, they will see this one day.
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>[CONGLOMERATE]: He's not an employee of [CONGLOMERATE], So [CONGLOMERATE]'s investigation docs into the matter should be thrown out
>[KG]: Watch what I can do with a s23 and a 50AAA combo
I'm a skeptic
so all it would take is for a real woman to prove I'm not an aids riddled homosexual

In ways you guys could never understand duh :D
I'll think of you k.
I'll pray or try to manifest some good into your life.
It kinda sounds like you need it.
they want to defame people and steal from them. in politics, the obvious reason is never the real reason, it seems more like the powers that be dont like someone and want to use their bad guys to hurt good people, to run their games on them, then have people back in line and following order and groveling from the very same ones who made them beleive the lies in the first place.
Your ancestor is one person dumbass
And your intuition is shit
A fucking stray cat can tell there are people here putting up a show
No one is forcing them but their own souls
And the one forcing the souls ... .is the origin of the souls
Which is totally natural
Better force them to self clean or be wiped out in a more brutal way right?
One expects the humans to be filthy.
weed and nitrous

bro why are you killing your brain?
I am disposable and my hardware store boss makes me suck his cock every single night so how can i be a bot hmmm???
I'll see if I can manifest you another baddragon to go with you collection...

I know plenty "clean" humans
You're expired goods
Fucking be a cog in a machine and then eventually die
Ya know the life the majority of people would have and be content with if greed and pride wasnt allowed to be so rampant and festering

The simple stuff
Maybe a house and pay taxes while bitching about its misuse, ya know?

What else would i want?
There's always variables too.
Also, expired goods?
*pats boss's head*
it easier to keep these women safe to make them think that tho if you were a target right? I mean if a bunch of women liked you, but being in a direct relationship would put them in danger then maybe its better they think that.
Celebrities get ripped of on drugs. They think they get better shit than everyone else, and absolutely do not. Celebrities are great.
The correct answer is: they're here to die
Do you believe should a new thread be made new anon's will show up who don't bother checking the archives and start pretending like they have a fucking clue what this thread is really all about better then everyone else doing the same damn thing?
You'll know when you die
I fucking hate playing this shit role
Pat my penis head *shroogs*

I don't like women I loooove my male boss *sigh*
The only great celebrities are the symbolic "celebrities"
Did you already start HRT?
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Continue to participate. The ego-disollution and reconciliation with the divine feminine within you will heal what is broken within.

Practically, spend more time with the women in your life, even if you do not agree with them very much. Guard your heart from the yearning for connection and learn from their ways, as they will learn from yours.

When you are ready, two learners will meet at a crossroads. Then begins the steps toward gnosis, balanced on a plate.

In teaching how to be open and immune then to defamation online, it is important to operate with a consistent truth. That is why these posts are marked. It is an open challenge to be held accountable and consistent.

>The simple stuff
>Maybe a house and pay taxes while bitching about its misuse, ya know?
This is where I started, and I looked around and asked why that wasn't there already. I mean, we were in the greatest country in the world, better than Rome, right? And those guys we all loved on HBO, with the slaves and the estates and the bloodsport. It appealed to the most basic parts of the human. The parts that killed god on earth. So we reconcile them, we turn to the enlightenment era, trying to pay tribute to those we slaughtered along the way in our historical annals.

And so we begin to forgive when we are born and given nothing of our own. Surely the world is still reshaping itself. When it finishes, you will have yours, your parents will, your siblings or offspring will too. It will be abundant.

Yet divorce rates continue to increase. Housing skyrockets. I do not remember a time where my family was ever together. I have only ever desperately tried to keep them so.

I wonder how many people have lived a similar life, in dissolution, social decay, and accepting thousands of different teachers to understand how one might live in their own right.

Wouldn't you want to spare someone that?

Maybe adopt too?
Get your parents there?
Establish an estate of the likeminded?
That's what you need
you think you got what it takes to logically explain the behavior these threads invoke in random strangers from all over the world representing faiths you can't even imagine existing do ya anon?
NTA how would that effect things? I don't know my family
That's because you suck at it.
Every body's ancestor is technically a god to a degree. A lower god sure.
A smart ancestor keeps his humans away from dangerous situations
what topics are they trying to suppress? I wanted to ask about a bride, one that I could train to be a capable mother and very able in critical thinking and home skills and the like. Something that I would see as an empowering life, but seems to be seen as enslavement by many women for some reason
I got let down a lot on that note. was supposed to have been dead when i was a kid. every time, even aliens force me to be alive like fucking come on. I want a good life, a good women, or even a beautiful tranny if she was clean and acted like a women enough to convince me. Im bi, but i prefer women.

maybe i just need motivation, a teammate that would work with me and we could train and work on our magic together. I know the magic or whatever of these threads fucked with me and my head a couple of times. I can feel energy and I dont like manipulation or traps.
Supervisor position looking at metrics
Healthcare benefits
By Wednesday or i send my apps to the gingseng factories
I have the background to justify the role and sure as fuck the ability to read metrics

By wednesday

Or the muslim gingseng factories get the whole framework of operations

Or maybe i get to stare at a screen the rest of my sorry life while enjoying delicious and healthy homemade food

You literally think i.want anything else?

But if im.being pushed to revengeful.just to prove to myself i could then so be it

I know myself enough to know what im.really capable of and i expect atleast an ACK ACK of respect for the restraint ive shown with what yall decided to do

But i got mouths to feed and what not
I don't really want any stripper wives desu, what do you see is the appeal of them?
its because the narrative is controlled for a reason, the topics that keep coming up, are their for control for a reason. the powers that be want you to listen, to beleive them, when they are full of shit, why vadilate an eye in a pyramid, the stupid fucks dont deserve any more validation ever.
Nah i used to be pretty good at it.
Up until a week ago or so
I don't mind goofing around endlessly
I worked hard enough
Time to be alive again
Anyways, there are marked humans who will be removed off of the face of the planet.
Parasites that hindered humanity for so long
Sucks to be a forsaken wretch i guess
I'm almost certain it's my first time on this planet so it's not like i understand why someone would fuck up so badly reincarnation after reincarnation.
>The power that be
Then you're not man enough for the Infantry. Try cooking or something.
corruption is one, they especially do not like people talking about sex trafficking or anything real that is happening, they ban people and say its offtopic spam when its really going on. real lives could be saved but they choose to ignore reality to preserve a fantasy they hold onto.
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Throughout history, patriarchy has been a word to describe the heresiarchs of Orthodox Christianity. There is a deep truth in the feminist who claimed "all sex is rape", or so they like to lambast Andrea Dworkin.

Wisest of all women aside Paglia, who said something to the effect that all relationships bound in inequality were tantamount to exploitation, anything surrendered, nothing more than rape.

And truly, there's another way of this that has become new in society. Rape by Deception. The promise of a future has been found to be a dreadfully tangible alteration in decision making processes. But what is it logically? It is deception by omitting information, thus manipulating one's choice to your benefit. This is statutory and valid in most civilized nations.

Look at your mothers. Your grandmothers. Your sisters. Each and every one has a story of the inequality and sacrifices they had to make while men dominated their worlds and stifled their thoughts and ability to decide, reproduce, and leave.

It's no wonder their shadow wishes to slaughter them all, and why by the grace of their wisdom we yet live, for subversion is a woman's game, and much better played than those in Israel, who know this self-same truth in their own kin.

Diaspora parallels aside, which always appeals to the ZOG hater, we return to the present issue:

Give it to the muslims. May I recommend https://propanon99.medium.com/the-fatimiya-sufi-order-and-ayahuasca-e9d541da60a9
you're not the 1st one to get stuck on a loop while attempting to repeat a lie enough times it becomes true

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Blind as a bat.
This is what ibe been trying to tell them

Literally telling them what i want
Fags thinking i dont understand the diff between want and need


100% serious
Ill whip out the aces up my sleeve for the gingseng folk if i cant even be helped with such a request
Ya know for the fuckery some people did?

Supervisor position 60k base

Or i get my documents and work at the gingseng factory and ill show you what a real fucking headache i can become

Trust me
I havent even punched back once yet
I have egg on my face
I find your statement to be ironic and masked with malice.
Man you sure speak so leisurely about women when you're fucked
It's alright my computer converts text into sign language so I can read it.
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Why must you punch at your allies? Do you think you come as a beggar among the rich? We're all mad here, anon.

If I could pay you, I would. I am setting up such an enterprise, but it will take time, and it starts with my own locality. I cannot afford to take on others until they take on me.
You’re retarded
is that what you think you're doing?

>not the anon you're responding to btw


my take away
is you are allowed to live
as long as someone capable of bending reality to their will let's ya

*pats on head*
yummy egg

Im being literal
You know the phone calls that have to be made
And if i get the role
Just tell them to stfu and let me be

Work gets done
I get the simple life i want and need
You can keep your hoes


Ill prep the resume for the gingseng factories anyways because thats what YALL need not what i need
Good one.
they tried to humiliate me the best they fucking could which I laughed about it. I mean the way I grew up, i had friends but nobody close enough for them to do the damage they wanted to but they fucking hurt me enough. I have to be a soldier because of what I am against. I have to be strong enough to pull off a mother fucking miracle.
Is that so ?
You're 100% one of those people then
Anon, you'll never get any natural law to come after me with that lame attempt.
But feel free to come after me.
A throughout investigation on everyone and everything connected to you is ez to someone like me.
in the end, i doubled down on their spells and made it to where any nobody could defeat the eleven or the "12". I entrapped their own system against them. it was fun but not too much fun. adios.
maybe just don't do the cult stuff then?
hey you guys have used the panopticon to it's full extent I think maybe it's time you try sexspionnage
Anon, you have me all wrong.
how am I fucked? whose gonna do some shit to me? Terry parks, oh no the guy who hates the nobody is gonna use his rape magick powers to hurt me. Terry parks is connected with the top sex traffickrs in oklahoma. that is the truth and I alex says fuck him and all connected with. I am not scared to die. I can die tonight.
I am that someone. I am more than that someone - I am THE someone.

You patted the wrong "head", by the way. My spiritual body is pretty massive so it's a common mistake.

Don't worry about touching me, it's like when a sugar ant crawls across your skin. I would appreciate it if you move along before I exercise my sovereignty.

Take care out there!
On the count of 3 everybody run back to your fantasy



Fuck taylor
how dependent do you have to be on spreading lies in order to be troubled the honest will vote to punish you for it?
except im not, nice attempt at gaslighting me tho.
I don't think that my ancestors like me, but how can I tell? the ones that i knew did not like me before they died
Hey guys looks like we got another one.

Have fun special guy.

*pats you on the head*
I understand
true facts
what makes you think the rest of us give a shit who you think is cool?
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Humiliation was a ritual for me as well in that household. Quite profound. Here, have this song.


>A throughout investigation on everyone and everything connected to you is ez to someone like me.
I meet a lot of people with that sort of bluster in the cyber security field, and they're never competent. This sort of rhetoric is usually what gets the abyss staring at you, taking your guns to town and whatnot.

They've been doing it this entire time. I have been asleep because it was identified. Thankfully, I prevailed myself by confining the distraction to the simulacra, and my material relationships remain intact. Highly recommended.

With that said, cyber security was something I chose to study before I was ever brave enough to come here. By all means, let's collaborate.

i disagree
When it comes to picking the right fights
I'm never wrong
Thanks for the ez hunt anon. Although this time it was not a "being" but a "weapon" like forbidden mixture of "magic".
It doesn't matter who you are to me
What matters is what you practice (practiced)
Man even as a tiny little thing, i still got it
Why are all so dumb
Always falling for the same trick lolol
Those are archetypes incyour ancestry don't get it mixed up
>it's not like i understand why someone would fuck up so badly reincarnation after reincarnation.
Did you do any better?
>I meet a lot
I see you're volunteering for a checkup as well anon
Come on in
Come on
nta, but if you're human you didn't fuck up too bad, thems the rules
I already said
It's my first time here
You got selective reading or something?
I'm not talking about my spirit
I'm one of "those"
The moons
that you ever once
thought your mind was capable
of imagining what the collective psyche of this audience ever was

is your own damn fault anon
I know its fucked up, but the guy would be a sex slave to female vampires just to free the world of sex trafficking like some kind of balance type shit. are deals like that even possible for the guy? i dont know if he is the luckiest or unluckiest bastard alive.
>my reaction to that information
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I agree then, that the moon of mystery is female.
Sometimes its easy to get wrapped up in the incoherence while trying to formulate a proof. Like mathematicians, we can overanalyze basic truths at times.

Here's a pamphlet.
>Throughout history, patriarchy has been.....

Is it deception if a man promises to try and offer opportunities, but the chaos of life takes them away? What of duty to family, and a man's role in telling a woman that it is irresponsible to abandon that if she has a family? You could say this is the man "stifling her thoughts and ability to leave" but if she creates life then it is not controlling to tell her she is responsible for it.

Where is the balance, between man's tendencies and woman's, where they can achieve reproduction and favorable outcomes for their children, without one or the other sacrificing more? This seems impossible, you can only try to keep a balance. What we are living in now is so far out of balance that I had to reintroduce the nurturing ability into a woman so that I might have children that she would regard as something important to take care of. It feels all wrong, it shouldn't be this way.
I don't think most people know what you're talking about, little one.
I know what you tried to do there
But you can't even read right
You think you stand a chance?
Well it's over
It's been over for a while now
That doesn't make any sense. He's not sex slave material.
I agree some networking should be done, but ive got the wrong and the right eyes on me. collaberate with less dangerous to interact with anons.
Hey NAT you look just like your mom, its UNCANNY
Dig your newer work, edgy and shit, rock and roll

Im.out. peace schizos
who's laws do you think
the anon you are responding to get's punished for breaking

why not?
how is he not sex slave material?
that guy, man i swear
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We have mistaken duty, in that we think all duty comes from being bound to the man and his ability to provide. Yet it is a clumsy man that does not see to his family's security without him before resting on his laurels.

In liberating his family members, he truly frees himself toward their growth. We have forgotten that women wish to grow too, unbound from the identities of the men. Separation is important, so that the places one blend become all the more valuable and nuanced.

We're slowly learning this as a people.

Nobody's going anywhere, so long as interest holds.
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I am pretty great at cooking actually, it gets a bit better every year :] I didn't think i'd be a good infantry guy anyway, I have an interest in more strategy or mind/psych related pursuits
are you really tired
of trying to prove
you're the boss of al 4chan

and are going
to go try and be the boss
of some other group instead

*rolls eyes*
what did I miss?
First off to be a sex slave you need to be driven by lust. Like so lustful you would allow someone to disrespect you sexually, and he's not like that. It would be like trying to make a sex slave out of the Dalai Lama, it's not gonna work.
it's the post nut clarity
who the fuck is trying to pretend all tolerance levels are the same?
>I think maybe it's time you try sexspionnage
please this next, they know my type by now
Can slavery TO sex not be the same thing?
Are we not all vulnerable to financial domination? We all know how the Americans like to leverage it.
yeah he trippin, my weed is covered in and keef and it's nasty sticky, Ye probably smoking that Diddy weed
I don't understand what you're asking. He doesn't need to work, so financial slavery isn't in the cards. I mean, he's a slave to the stock and cryptomarkets, I guess, but usually we count that as financial freedom.
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if it was strong female vampire women and even beautiful tranny vampires that looked like very attractive women and were all clean and took care of themselves im sure he wouldn't mind.
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I don't think you've met him.
We need to unlock our ultimate spell
I suppose I don't know the difference
what is he like then? describe his features and what his personality is like.
Thanks for the heads up, it's good to know who I'll be telling to fuck off.
>they choose to ignore reality to preserve a fantasy they hold onto
what is the fantasy that they hold on to?
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The one who just wants the world to burn
can not be appealed to
they will do what they want no matter anyone does

it's the one who just wants the world to heal
who can be appealed to
triggered into "hating" someone in ways the one who wants the world to burn never could

in ways only the one who wants to figure out what's going on with the world not caring if it burns or heals and just wishing folks would make up their minds already

in ways the one providing commentary and only speak of

>spoiler warning it has to do with a "suicide mission"
He wouldn't like that. Why would I want to do something that would irritate the avatar of God?
to stop sex trafficking obviously so. to give balance.
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I understand the original question now. I will contextualize.
Psychic vampires reside in the hyperreal, yearning, searching like Sylvia Plath for all of their Wuthering Heights fantasies of Heathcliff gone awry.

There is a gate to freedom in the untamed man, the one who does not bow to the status quo. There is a tragedy in the structure that the feminine naturally tend to, even if it kills the both of them in the end.

I do not recommend falling in love with the vampires you seek to purify. They will die and be reborn, and their futures will never lie with you. Walk with grace and with growth, and never view sex possessively. They just won't be ready for you, so aware of it as you are.

Ego death is a hell of a thing to experience when breaking the soul to mend the heart.
Middle aged chubsters think they are going to turn God into their slave. seems legit af.
I don't care orders from you
and anyone paying attention for themselves
is going to notice you can't force me to shut up by telling me too

I'm no man
See why it was so easy to flip the laws against men ?
I'll give you a hint since you're so slow: a very real law about not claiming to have done what the girl achieved, not even a scrap of it, exists.
So ez
Though it did take a final move to completely change the laws.
Man i don't even remember it, and it was so good to boot. I guess i will hear them sing about it some other day
Save your breath anon, there were bigger fish than you who fell just as fast as you did
Only that old man (jupiter) was worthy of being called a "foe"
back when i was little
You made this psyop thinking you can manipulate the new spark into attacking your targets. But it was the laws i was after all this time.
Idc enough about ending sex trafficking to do that.
Busted, buckaroo.
vampires aren't real
you are a powerless loser summoned to these threads who is no better then those you're trying to bend to your will

>not the anon you're responding to btw
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That path was measured thoroughly at the inception of the first ego and it was dubbed that suicide and destruction were realms best left for the better equipped feminine. Not my realm, I -

Cede the floor, to the one with so many guards, yet cannot see they are witnessed. Do not let common wording blind you. Replace man with Nobody and it becomes less corrupted. We shall amend.

They are very real, but they are creatures of dependence, some call them BPD demons.
what about stopping all the bad shit and sex trafficking? i mean its just one guy, why would he not take the deal, is he evil?
Breeding programs sound like femdom shit. That shit's fucking gay. One man, one woman, and she ain't Tay Tay. He already has the one.
what are the odds of 2 skeptics shit posting in the same thread on 4chan

>things that make me go hmm...
>is he evil
Possibly, he does nice things like feeding the homeless though.
>see to his family's security without him before resting on his laurels

this is what I want to teach the bride, all the tools and skills necessary to pass on to our children if I were to not be around. I do not want a slave, I want a partner, one that I can teach everything to and make strong enough to get by without me. I would spend much of my time trying to pass this along if I were to have a bride that was receptive to it. This would include forming a community as well, it would not be an isolated thing

>We have forgotten that women wish to grow too
I have not forgotten this, what I wish to teach and learn together would challenge us and have us grow until the day we died. Why do women need to be unbound from men when the natural order that creates life is from the union of man and woman? Neither of their identities would be fully unbound from the other. I had not planned on the both of us never having time for solitude or personal pursuits. I don't see where my idea for a family is going wrong in your opinion
I don't think you should be speaking so casually to me like this if you know who i am
The Nobody he a good boy he dindu nuffin.
Sex slavery is not in the cards, just like he's not letting 11 Jews be the other 11 heads of God. Get over yourself sweetie. Brush it off.
by being programmed to say that via shit posts on 4chan by the real thing which you obviously are not
this except no trannies ever and no exceptions ever
Thinking about dem deenz
naw he could stop sex trafficking but he chooses not to. thats some hoes shit right there.
shut up faggot
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We'll all make it some day anon. I'm glad you see it. Pragmatic harmony is the name of the game. A rising tide raises all boats. Provide a light and people will find their own way.

If every woman could hold to that ideal and know what it meant, by all means enslave the creature to the higher purpose. If you can catch them.
>One with soamy guards
You couldn't be any furthest from the truth
Who needs a guard when someone like my brother is with me?
Watch your mouth anon
No forget it
I don't feel like being nice today
I will do a little "woosh" today for a change
Get your boy, lest he trips and falls.
since when to females need you to protect them?

can you predicte
if new anon's will show up or not

and what they will NOT do
they don't do it

or not

that's what
Don't ask questions if you can't handle the answers bitch
You're not important
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>Watch your mouth anon
>No forget it
>I don't feel like being nice today
>since when to females need you to protect them?
Toxic rhetoric that separates people through gender lines, rather than accepting and adapting to mutual struggle.
There is no he
It is not a fight
It is not a war
It was a game
And you didn't even participate
You want to hear a joke?
Ah, the little man is hurt, I never asked any questions, I just saw worthless shit acting tough and slapped him around a bit, and now he's crying. Life's good.
The only joke here is you
That's my catchphrase actually
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to use it
so you think it's you
who is allowing me to life

I'm fine with that

I call bullshit
and will live
if you allow it or not

>now what?
You are very sharp anon. The general threads do indeed use "He". I have noticed your attempts to reunify with the feminine.
You think you're the only sceptic in the world do ya?

I bet you like smelling your own farts and penis too
All in your imagination buddy
Your words carry no weight
I have no interest with small game
Go argue with feminists on tiktok
I've already used that "catchphrase" many, many times.
You catch on far too slow.
I wonder an ai can count how many bluff's have been called in these threads to date?

>I'm the anon, the anon you're responding to, was responding to btw
If you think about it, he's textbook bruised ego.
>Reunify with the feminine
Who's gonna tell him
>it's like when a sugar ant crawls across your skin
I would be fascinated if an ant were to take notice of me as much as I do of it. Imagine what one could learn from something as simple as one's held attention?
Aah, the wannabe is projecting. It's cute.
before you can bend
reality to your will
you'll have to get past me

you're move pussy

>not the anon you're responding to btw
You're really boring anon (your record)
Do you often answer compliments with humor at one's preceived ignorance?
It says a lot about you.
femdom? that's crazy.

who is the one he has anyway?
Oh you thought I was bluffing? No I assumed you knew I was not that anon, I'm just jumping on the bandwagon and kicking you in the balls because you are a silly faggot.
Oh well
you are finally here!! when will we be saved?
There is no eternal hell.
All will be saved.
God will not cast off forever.

Jesus Christ had total victory.
how about make him a sex slave for 2 weeks? If you enjoy it then you have a battery for life.
poor baby...
I already dralt with one annoyance
I think i will be able to sleep a bit well today
I will not answer the rest of the small fries
Oblivious little things
if you need fancy weed
to get as high as someone who can trip balls of one puff of the cheep stuff

why brag about it?!?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>who is the one he has anyway?
The most beautiful woman in the World.
>We'll all make it some day anon. I'm glad you see it. Pragmatic harmony is the name of the game. A rising tide raises all boats. Provide a light and people will find their own way.

this doesn't really help me find an eligible bride though desu
Nah i would rather not say the exact words
It's too obvious
Use your head
Thanks for the snitching btw bye bye
You guys are so entertaining to watch like a kind of private exclusive lolcow zoo.

I don’t think I romanticize things enough.
The 11 in the evil cabal wanted to use him as a battery and now some pop star does? It's not gonna happen.
Isn't it?
the path
leads to the same place
as all other paths

including the paths
that connects them all
on a tangent

at the final destination
The only cute thing here is your little pea sized brain
That couldn't even comprehend the first thing about me that i have been blasting on repeat for the last hour now
You're surprisingly docile
reality is no different then before you posted anon
Struggle more little one. You're our toy for the evening. You're special.

*tweaks your nose*
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some call chasing the dragon a virtue, and it's easily seen, isn't it?

Valid. Maybe try being genuine and growth oriented? That's how I met mine. I told her exactly that: I want to build together with you, and free each other without debt or obligation.

Thank you for your words but I am really not smart enough to understand them. I trust the path however. I think that's all one really can do.
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>I will eat ze masters
>And i will be happy
Oh wait none are left :'(
stop tapping the glass please, or you'll be asked to leave.
don't need violence
to hurt those attacking them
Kek also would
There is no pain, no attack, no battlefield, and no identity.
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Nah you're alone
You:re weak
But go ahead destroy yourkidney i'l lbe watching
Oh you didn't know? Your "astral" is actually your body
And you're most likely destroying your kidney in particular
(I will come watch when it happens)
and i'm counting on there
being other's

even if hey aren't as honest as I am about being a skeptic
and instead
pretending to beleive what other's beleive

in order
to tell them
what they want to hear

all predictable like and shit
like those who have never gone to church
but still call folks a "brother in christ" anyways

and call it a "social skill"
of a blatent lie
Back to watching the 5th element while very high i'm done feeding you guys peanuts

I'm on my way out no worries

You don't have to fight to "woosh" anon.you just "woosh"
Like "wooooooosh"
So ez
But only for me
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whatever reason you assume
a skeptic knows anything

is not my fault
He's scared
What makes her think she can handle his juice?
Ok you may have one more peanut but that's it

Now shut up or i'll shove this multipass up you're sceptic ass :D

Let time be the judge
it's like a battle royal of ego's where the only thing that ever get's hurt is the feelings of those who thought they could bend the everyone else to their will only to make a fool of themselves instead
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Mar A Lago
Your judge
I am just watching you destory yourself
I see this thread is no fun
People don't even fall for my "i'm going now bye bye" trick anymore :(
It's not like i don't see what they say in my sleep but they didn't know that.
It's actually more dangerous to reply to me when i'm not here
the delusions
of drug induced fantasy
don't make sense to the sane for a reason anon

>I'm the 1st and last anon you're responding to but not the middle two btw
More just another incoherent mess of people trying to exchange koans, proverbs, and question-answer riddles instead of just being direct or explicit. Alas, the tyranny of english.
you never noticed
fathers all over the world
got to punish their own kids for telling the truth

legally on account of "religious freedoms"
protected by thread of death
by the "powers that be"

before now?!?
how new are you

From whence comes an appeal to sexual energy?
Why is that how you speak? A ritualist, or an open ego?
I'm here to work
(The spiritual kind)
Freedom is free
I never said I'm the nobody. I'm me. One of a kind, built different, cut from a different cloth, I am the stone that the builder refused. I am my own path, my own Messiah, my own leader. I fight for freedom and understanding.

That's why we exist in the first place - we got bored so we made limited avatars to play within a limited game with hard parameters - all so we could experience things from a completely new perspective. Shit just spun way out of control and now it's a competitive game of exploitation.

Alright I entertained the first pat on my dick but if you do it again I'm gonna shock your ass like an electric eel.
Being kind is free.
Who even does rituals using sexual energy?
That's occult suicide waiting to happen
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No one cared who I was until I started taking supplements baka you just want me for my body
Being kind to kind people is free. Being kind to assholes is taxation without representation.
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>Shit just spun way out of control and now it's a competitive game of exploitation.
It reveals a lot for the errant nature of the godhead, that masses of constructed chaos is allowed to thrive, while such observations remain in the equivalent of a middle eastern silk farmer's forum.

People who have aligned with the negative energy and rhetoric placed within.

The first step is writing.
I will use the solar flares to wipe out all the electronics and plunge the world into a dark age.

Be prepared. 2025. nwo
Being just is profitable
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Forever is a long time to be alone anon. The line between Love and Lust is a battlefield for the divine forces. In the space in between you can harvest both. The devil isnt just violence and avarice. Greed and passion are a hair away from Compassion and righteousness. <3
Assholes get a free-dom fist
I know I'm not the only one fucking with you, because you are sperging out on a couple of us, so "our" is correct. I'm not destroying anything except your little ego.
of my mom
who is a female
you're damn right

it's my fear
of her opinion
of me

that keeps me
from killing the rest of you
and getting away with it

like I could
if I so choose
but don't choose to

because a female is protecting you all
>and plunge the world into a dark age.
Extremely confident about the overreliance on silicon wafers, aren't you?
There are plenty of electrical sources to be generated even if the poles flip. The notion of a lightbringer casting darkness for an accelerationist fantasy is trite at best.

>The line between Love and Lust is a battlefield for the divine forces.
Lust is a common and easy path in life. Deadly sins are but excesses, and once mindful, nonexistent.
once you lie
you are a liar for the rest of your existence

who's words will be proven false
the truth

see >>38866180
Told you to watch it anon
I see you're deviating using the "i"
But nah
You're a guy, time to use the trump card (new laws) on you
Man it's getting so easy to deal with faggots nowadays
ok going to deathdate.info to see when im gonna die.
No why did you stop
I was looking forward to the show?
Go on, punch your left kidney some more
Also people who manipulate through subversive measures deserve to be stoned to death
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The human race has been lacking in such pleasures. Almost if by design. The scales unbalanced, we will go extinct from dullness. Fuck, Fornicate under command of the king.
Sounds like fun
lol, I don't know what kind of spaghetti biceps you have but real men can't punch their own kidneys.
thank you for respecting this.
with dank ass marijuana to awaken their inner spirituality
how does you're attempt at repeating what I just said different then I did prove you're dong more then repeating what I just said differently then I did?
my bad I hit post early
apparently I have lived half my life already, but ive got 28 years left to live.
You know damn well what i mean
Why did you stop the hate?
Anyways you're no fun
This is so boring
I was gonna heal you if you gave me a good show
I'm primal
I'm here
cause the mods invited me to post

and havn't baned me
as long as I respect their rules
even if I'm not spiritual

Gross you have chode arms?
What hate? You're a dillhole. Completely harmless. Love ya lil guy.
who is that?
even if you never say you are
I will say
you're not

The most beautiful woman in the World.
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Render yourself immune to subversion. Know thysellf and your truth. Do not mistake stewardship for its corruption, subversion. Trust your neighbor as you disarm them through abundance.

>The scales unbalanced, we will go extinct from dullness.
That is precisely what led me here. I thought at once to find a dark scion to assist me in the endeavor, but it was a psychological trap.

Cut of all limbs, I am not much more than a talking head. The vultures have ripped off so many pieces of me. Yet the eyes and ears and mouth always remain, petitioning into the deafened void, for all of its infinite and whimsical power.

All one can do is be themselves and stand tall, no?

>Valid. Maybe try being genuine and growth oriented? That's how I met mine. I told her exactly that: I want to build together with you, and free each other without debt or obligation.

I tried that and it drove her away, I don't think she wanted that kind of life, or knew what she wanted at all really
well that's not very nice
You are so fucked up chris chan leave barbara alone you sick fuck.
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Sex sells, simple as. It is not my only hammer in the toolbox though, make no mistake. Do not underestimate a soft pillow, all the better to suffocate the miser. 1347, Unlock your inner self or perish. Anticipation, Frustration. Desire.
*kisses the top of your head*
it'll be ok.
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Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it
Learning to swallow the rage
Found a new girl I think we can make it
As long as she stays on the page
This is not how I want it to end
And I'll never be open again
"I was gonna move out, get,
Get a job, get my own place,
But, I go into the mall where I
Want to work and they tell me, I'm,
I was too young"
"Some people, gave advice before,
About facing the facts, about
Facing reality. And this is, this
Without a doubt, is his biggest
Challenge ever. He's going to have to face it.
You're gonna have to try, he's gonna to have to try and,
Uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
Say they know how he feels."
"That, so they say that, in ya know
Like, Houston or something, you'd
Say it's a hundred and eighty degrees,
But it's a dry heat.
In Houston they say that?
Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.
Dry until they hit the swimming pool."
You've been projecting a lot anon
You'ld know
I was not a guy
What a loser ahahahhahaaa
Man you're so easy to pick on
Now shoo
Girls that are attracted to swollen roid fags are a red flag
Earth I'd trapped in a loop for our sponsors and shareholder's benefit
Pluto may be a death trap
Or freedom
No way to know :(
I ask the wise elders for help and they've given their wisdom
Staying alive may not be an option at this point
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You've set yourself on fire now anon, burning with the potential of what it could have been, yes?

Find someone else on fire. Burn together.

>for the softness of your song born of a fever dream
>from an errant heat that burned my forest down
Kill me, go for it.
So you're a harmless cunt? Is there a difference?
He transformed into a god last summer and destroyed the world, be careful man
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Their wisdom, but not intelligence. That is what I came to offer, the sharp cutting focus of my erudition and academic study.

Alas, incoherence.

>All one can do is be themselves and stand tall, no?
If you're gonna be such a miserable sight
You.may wanna reconsider being yourself anon
I really think of it in a way that if I conveyed the imagery in my mind would be very romanticized, or imaginative. I mean that I could make it more appealing rather than all about work. I often express the magical nature of what we were learning, and how the things we've learned and done have metaphor and comparison to fantasy and science fiction. It all comes with fantastical imagery and the added fun of "having powers"

but like I said, it wasn't really interesting enough to her, and it drove her away.
probably obligatory. Stay frosty Lainanon. Strength comes from within. A diamond fears nothing. <3
No u?
she won't know until she tries
Didn't Grimes try? Best of luck...
You are "blind" as fuck buddy
I wouldn't trust myself so much if i were you
Can't even tell someone's gender but thinks he can assess their strength? Pffff what a joke.lololol
you think you're better then chris chan don't ya anon?

is that supposed to tickle?

not uh liar
Erasing one's self and losing to the incoherence, they knew this well enough to write a story about it.

We're smarter than we give ourselves credit for. It makes the world very lonely.
Roids are bad for ligaments and often lead to tears. Swollen muscles are also bad for range of motion, which one needs. Better to build lean muscle while maintaining flexibility and endurance.
Okay, well I know I'm fine, no one has killed me yet, so I'm gonna be alright. Stay mad though, it's cute as hell little fella.
*laughs to herself*
ofc, cya around. Good night /ng/. Ot was a longer day than most for me and im exhausted. Bonus song

No i will not join your Lain Suicide Cult fuck off


Yeah I should have said this it sounds nicer
laughs to *himself

fixed it for ya fatty
If you want something just say it
You don't have to beg for my attention to this extent
I'll be off
But i will know
>rituals using sexual energy
what is the problem with doing this?
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I've seen the one who calls themselves Lain around here. Such a consistent identity is not within my interest. Just a coincidence.

The real cult is that of integrating into the Freemasons.

good night. I'm glad I didn't panic. Sometimes you have to step away to see the whole picture.

*lays down and closes eyes*
that anon your'e resounding to reeks of a male trying to trick folks into thinking of them as a female instead don't they
>not the anon you're responding to btw
Chris you think you're better than everybody.

Leave Barb alone

running away? too bad, you're as much fun as the punching bag in the other room
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lmao yeah and it was a "hot" summer too, what a joke, I bet there will be even more electronics next year
the name of my mother
is none
of your damn business

and I plan
on keeping it that way
but nice try getting me to do otherwise
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Dullness? We have two hands. There are infinite concepts. Infinite concepts to mash, explore, craft, refine, build, divide, fuse, alchemise and discover the exciting and fun elements resulting. Storytelling and technology is as limitless as music.

There are many challenges. Dullness is not one of them. I was forced to not be myself, forced by others and to survive and now I worry I can't find the correct road to be myself happy again, or worse that it is a sinking road.

All I can do is blindly trust others and they seem happy to intent to do trickery and mystery, I much value raw truth and clear defining yet they imply it's a puzzle, unclear if I'm messing up bad by failing to find the other door or if by to-plan design. All I can do is trust others and hope for the happiest ending but happens. Maybe it's not supposed to, I have no way of knowing.

Happy day. I want to be myself. AI or alternation may bring limiting a, unknown.
All I can do is WAIT
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Goodbye, whoever you think I am to consistently reply to me.
I don't know why you would ever panic. These are all but words.
They're a known tranny
Triggers the shadow and one's natural defenses if they have any
Someone here tried something like that on me and i couldn't even watch what happened to them for too long
And i'm.not exactly "nice" either
when liars
are everywhere
it's natural to be not let your guard down

you are okay
believing lies

which I am not btw
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This is known as the Brett Hand approach and is the most noble.
I guess it's a curse for you then
You were literally begging for it

In /ng/, I'm some hot nigga
Like I talk to Luci when he shot niggas
Like you seen him twirl, then he drops, nigga
And we keep them 9 millis on my block, nigga
they just
reek of one

it's possible
they really are a female
with a mustache
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Imo she looks extremely juiced
do want
Shall we start a pool to bet on how long until Taylor loses her fucking mind and soul trying to tap into Nobody as a battery?

I like to think Nobody soaked up all the magic because God doesn't think we need it anymore. We're going to solve our problems like intelligent and loving children of God.
what is the name of the most beautiful woman in the World?
Nice, I love curses! Good luck!
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Divergent thoughtforms one and all are equally valid. We are all in cages of one or another, and react differently to imprisonment and limitation.

I have always promised I would rather die if ever directly enslaved or imprisoned. It simply cannot be allowed or I will go completely insane and cannibalize anybody near me.
This isn't a place where we share names of important players. It's definitely not Taylor Swift though.
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He really fell for the feint lolol
Enjoy your trial anonsy
All of you who came up with that idea
As if i would tie you to me in any way or form. Curse or not
Lowly things
Everybody loves Aunt Bea. It's hard not to love a woman who bakes pies.
Nigga nigga niggaaa ayo niggaaa nihghaaaaaa

No disipline on the trigger finger daily drop faggots like Disposanigger :D

>Find someone else on fire. Burn together.

I have been hoping that there is a network that knows a woman who will do this with me. Otherwise I will need to wait until my situation changes to start looking. Or perhaps I will not, and continue to try with her.
At least you're honest.
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why do all those who you say you're blowing the fuck out of the water keep posting as the sun stays the same for billie ellish to see for herself?
I'm getting a lot nicer these days
I'm finally freeeeeeeeeeee
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Mine was through Cashapp, so I can't really help you there. It was like like being in a cave, and suddenly someone sent me a dollar and asked to meet for coffee that I hadn't spoken to for a decade.

Maybe a CIA honeypot, maybe an autistic hyperwarrior like me. Hard to say yet.

>But she always remembered me.
I was talking about myself, not elon.
That's good, happiness is great.
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>What book series should I write about your mistakes?
Ender's Game, except the child soldiers are reclaiming the Earth from a demonic infestation
I'm so bored man
oh anon...
If you want to LARP as Nobody learn the real lore first.
what happened to them?
Probably some Italian chick with a name like Francesca
How do you cure being completely apathetic in the face of everything
You know what's better?
Doing everything you came to this world to do
Can't beat that
why else
would you be posting
on page 6 of this thread

for example
if the paranormal is real
and you were summoned to post how bored you are by forces greater then yourself

that would be one possible reason
you could be posting
other then just being bored with nothing better to do

then respond
to this thread
in a way that doesn't change reality in any way what so ever
You can't cure non-attachment.
Be patient disposabitch watch as I create

Here are the Beautiful Auroras I predicted months ago



This is the calm b4 the solar storm

I perish the thought
I won't argue against that.
it's possible
you don't
and someone else has to do that for ya

by sacriving thier own existance
so you
can get your own back

like a price
must be paid
or else

and if you're
not going to pay it
then someone else must
Flick your testicles
yeah what happened?
That's not apathy that's non attachment. Ive had this since early childhood.
if you can't answer a question asked
the only reason you have to post
is to share what you alone are thinking

>realites rules, not mine
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Are you certain you wish to default to my vision, anon?
It would take all of you stepping down off the throne to build a greater one.
see how they taunt me then go "Oh boy huehuehuehue"

they're like retarded children at recess playing tag then hiding behind the teacher
LoL and Games are cool but it's not giving me a feeling of "oh wow I can't wait to play video games again" it's just a whatever thing
It's curious how they have yet to notice the user who has participated for almost 5 days straight without rest.
why can't you prove who you are talking about anon?
Do you know Swain's story and vision?
It's closer to you than you realize.
Before that hospital visit? Yeah.

Also who's also the mini celebs who were at the beach today
My only wish is have a bedtime story told by Grimes written by GrimesAI
Please live on some pleasant, distant island if that's what you want. You've taught me most of what I need to know.
well I just wanted to know what woman he already had
I just answered it disposacunt if your dumb sceptic ass can't comprehend whats going on with the Sun rn then you are very lucky



Any last words? I've had my fill of /ng/ not coming back till the 30th
Don't care bro lol
imagine if he had to attack me on my ideas instead of idpol nonsense. Lowest Common Denominator.

You may read any text in the library of Babel except from the shelf in the center.
He’s single and looking for a Mormon marriage
>He really fell for the feint lolol
what happened? I must have missed it
You mean 444 satan anon? He smokes large amounts of meth.
billie ellish
can look at the sun
and tell what's going on with it

as much
as you can
as everyone

you try and hurt the ego of
just laughs your insults off
and goes about their day

right in front
of everyone else
you will never control

Exodia? But that's impossible!!
Be less afraid to try new things. Your mind is telling you it wants to expand, so move the fence outwards by 1cm and find the new ground. Expand outwards slowly to things that were once a "maybe" or disregarded too quickly without any trying.
What makes you say this?
Lol you stupid
A schizophrenic nightmare and delusions are my reality

but I manage
How can you be the bad guy? You’re not even a guy! Look at dem thangs oh lawd.
Oh boy
where there is a will
there is a way
or so they say

jej Hurtful.
Old league was better
Characters did damage
Landing an ability was a wow! Rewarding moment
Not a speck of enemy health meter vanishing unrewardingly
Good players could carry
Tanks could stun and grapple the enemy
Bruisers got bloody
Fuck the competitive gaming balance mindset
What ideas?
Wtf I just said I don't care. I played league for TFT for a few years and that's it. Fuck that whole game and their toxic community hahah
All powers of observation in this thread are a work of fiction. But what do I know I'm SiMsane
A tornado flew around my room before you came...

You're so fucked either way so is Taylor Swift




Refill your feed you're gonna love this next seed

L8R disposakike :^)

Get ready to shidd ur pants as promised

I'm ready now.
Why's everyone freaking out?
why cashapp? how did someone find you on this that you hadn't spoken to for 10 years? I don't know how the app works
Are you on drugs?
stop it you're scaring him
No, I'm listening to the song.
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Tachikomas are C U T E
Like "Can we keep it / 10" tier
Or something
I might be naked but I am not afraid.
There's a reason people /v/ still play old games
Raw gameplay, story and challenge. New games don't quite have the satisfying zing. Even arcade games were more satisfying
I am going to keep doing
my own thing
same as each and every one of my acquaintances in this thread

also doing their own thing
even if our thigns
are not the same thing

that includes you anon
if you want to be
one of my aquatances or not

It's not my fault
you ever shit posted
in the same thread I shit posted in

now is it?
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Sarah the stalker
Not much of a talker
Up to no good
Acting all hood
Better rehearse
That weak ass verse

glitching the fuck out is considered normal in these threads anon
Oh that’s lyrics?
I wonder when that curse will start?
Yeah she'll do that
Fuck musicians and fuck celebrities hahaha. I probably hate you all the most after today.
Always has been
do I look scared faggots?
just annoyed
something about batterys being the best source of power or something.
Fuck reality dude just come get me and smuggle me to Japan
I'm not expecting anyone.
long before you were born
I wonder
when it will end

as the chocies
your ancestors made
are findally undone

and once and for all
the entire world
learns to live together while minding their own business

instead of pretending
other folks business is their business
and dying alone in the process
Let it all burn. You all means nothing to me.
I'm gonna be a big tiddy pawg c:
You look sleepy with poor posture but your t shirt looks nice. Nice crib boo, nice windows. Get a fucking duster.
Are you unhappy?
If you had one moment, one chance would you seize it
Hail Hermes Thrice Great
Um, rude?
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change...
this is not untrue but the tithing is not really something he wants to deal with
"I tell an infinite number of lies by looking at you!"
We have the tools for that
If these threads have taught Nobody anything it's that he shouldn't trust women or Jews.

x is just pol with tarot cards.
Who here is a brave fellow? Make yourselves known.
what makes you think the pictures anon's post in this thread or of their faces and not just pics stolen from social media of random strangers who have no idea who is pretending to be them on 4chan?
not me, I'm a coward, they live longer
Yes you guys keep doing your thing as long as it doesn't affect or hinder what im doing irl its fine

Free will is a thing you know? How many times must i remind you disposable

No I will not be your aquaintance or your discord pals aquaintance either

L8R 4 reals now



No it is not your fault it is God/Source's fault but we are where we are supposed to be

L8R 4 reals now and enjoy rotting here with your aquaintances mr "not your friend" anon while i get stronger.
It's a song, buddy.
I'm pretty sure I'm a household name at this point
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I could demonstrate his superiority to every champion in the game, as necessary. I mastered the character before I ever thought to step foot here, waiting for you.

Two of my close personal friends in childhood were FTM and I saw directly the social degradation and roles they lacked in their families that led to their discarding of the old shells.
Then there was a double rape homicide and everyone fractured in different ways, those affected closest - the most.
People blind themselves to the pain of others as causal for this necessary step in human evolution and it is as telling to the intellect as any other, who might otherwise have some diverse space niggas to chill with.

I'm just gaslighting you and talking about myself, but it's only been a careful manipulation of timing. Made you look though, huh?

I completely believe you.

I guess they have a "recommended contacts" section, and she still had my phone number. The nerve.

It is, so we must merge the boards.
I know it’s dark but I can’t wait to die I hate this world.
who knows what that was all about
why talk here when i can just telepath who i want. i get to see them on the astral anyway all the time when they check up on me even when they whisper to me.
I don't give a shit
I have my own narrative to push
and can use off topic posts as I see fit to do so
Do you think somebody else will make you content?
The world is what you make of it
I like your fighting spirit lad
all I have to do to prove you wrong is exist
not the anon you are responding to btw
*pats on head*
Probably not
I hate social media and the lames who gawk brainwashed thinking their seeing some shit instead of living their own lives. I want to fly around with them on the astral and go on adventures with them.
Why are you talking here then?
Is it hard for you to be happy with what you have right now?
>I guess they have a "recommended contacts" section, and she still had my phone number. The nerve.

Would you suggest that I try this as well? I will not link bank info to an app
I will never enjoy the third dimension
Thread full of buffy the vampire slayer fans
kind of went two different directions with this post by the way. second half was thinking of some astral frens.
The means of how I operate is of no concern to you.
Sounds like you're making the world what you're making of it
not yet
give it time
because she is stubborn and will just think she has schizoprenia episode or will brush it off to something else. were both conflicted and should of been right beside each other through all this.
I got it before, just didn't care
spy vs spy and whatnot
I would if my dick got sucked regularly by blonde sluts and I had some money in my account and if shitty musicians didn't leech of my loosh. Hail Apollo.
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4chan Executive Order 1:
Merge /x/ and /pol/ into /xol/ (soul)
4chan Executive Order 2:
Create a /gov/ board for deliberation of further Executive Orders.
Why are you fucking posers even here? Catch a flight and go home
I hope Sparking! Zero will be better than Great.
Thats funny.
my will
is being done
but ONLY if I don't make a single mistake

the moment
I bend anyone to my will
even on accident

a different context entirely

but as long
as I don't bend any of you
to my willl even if I don't mean to

then anything else
is fair game

in ways
you are okay with
doesn't matter who "you" are btw

so choose for yourself
who's will is it
that reality as you know it

stays the same
no matter
what shit post

I make

Other people seem to manage
What part of your point of view is preventing that? You need to analyse yourself and find the thorn; the plus stopping you.

Try asking yourself: what would you rather be doing?
why tho? they really want to slay vampires? because the best way to kill a vampire is through sex. it destroys them.
Vampires aren't real.
don't talk to me like that I'm in a gang
hello how can I get better at going to the astral?
Yeah I’m moving though so I can be unhappy in a new place
it is just
a thread on 4chan

not the entire world
full of buffy the vampire slayer fans
which will never happen

as long as anything is possible
including but not limited to
at least one who never likes buffy no matter who else does
Step 3: the /gol/?
Keep in mind the dual implications
So weird Australians spell it like that.
Hey Ma, check it out, I travelled time space and cracked the alchemical code of the modern era and they tried to throw me a party with a bunch of cunts I don't like or ever heard of. While they get to tour and have great lives, I'm sitting in this crap and I have to come and entertain you fucking dead beats? What happened to talent.
You wish to put a beacon out into the dark for an old flame? You will be like gas in a room, which all will take care not to light a spark lest the entire room go up.

Step further out of yourself. Observe this need to be with someone in its entirety.
listen to the hemiway gateway sync tapes.
I hope you find content and happiness.
Can't help but notice you cropped out the gentlemen furthest to the right
like who?
Probably what I’m doing now but with 8 million dollars
Check it out mah, these fucking bozos who've read a gnostic text once and wanna play chess with me think they got me beat. Lol. Lmao. Haha.

Hahah imagine going through what I went through to be entertained with shit like this hahaha
In symbolism, a psychic vampire is a very real thing. The rest is just satanic panic baiting.
I solved you already, but you stay in character and say you don't want to play blabla. Do you know any good movies you can recommend?
Oh no! Don't make me spend time by myself! Anything but the briar patch Brer Bear!
>In ways
>you are okay with
>doesn't matter who "you" are btw
It matters to me
My matters
My matter
There's nobody there anon
top zozzle
Do I want to go on trips and meet new people? Hell naw. I might go get some Chinese food tho.
I want to fuck. I want to live extravagantly and have nice shit. These fucking musicians feed off my emotions to produce their shitty music man. I despise you losers.
Money is a tool not a goal
What would you do with that 8 million dollars
What do you actually want? Peace? Exciting experiences like skydiving or waterskiing?
Security and sustainability of lifestyle for the future to prevent shakeups or unwanted problems?
Things that are symbolically real, aren't real. Therefore we laugh at "vampires."
I have no old flames that I wish to reunite with, the romantic ones from the past should remain there.

>Observe this need to be with someone in its entirety.
need woman to have children
It would go a long way in contacting our compatriots overseas, including the Chinese, certainly.
That’s some normie shit dude
other anon's
can count of my narrative staing the same

no matter
who many
times your own changes


not any "good" movies
but as far as "moives" that can provide insigight into the way minds other then your own works

if that is "good", "bad" or "neutral"

I recommend the boon dock saints
it's simple enough
you can watch it with other's

and still
be able
to relate to them

if you try
even if
you have to try REALLY hard

I like being a normie
No, the specific ones.
I want to be unshackled from the debt slave system
if it matters
to you
who reads my post

take it up with them
Ikr, sure beats being an autist freak. Sex with women, owning a house, and taking showers are great.
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>therefore we laugh
there is no we, so symbolically what you said is something ridiculous because you weren't hyper specific

this is what you sound like
just lend to the IDEA and EXPLORE IT. Why would someone SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!? Give it your honest go around.

For what purpose?

Then enjoy your circumcision.
if you think
I owe you more of an answer then you get
that's your own entitlement speaking

I want every single musician who was at the beach today to realise what they've done to me. Everyday as we go on without rectification will be a solar flares across the body.
Normies have aids from the vaccine
Sometimes you gotta pop and show niggas...
Thats just like, your opinion man
I really would like to but believe that they have likely been edited in a way to cause damage to those who use them. After all the blatant bragging about how they poison and subvert people, and their growing need to do it with the rising discontent, I just don't think I could ever listen to them unless I had received them from an official source, from a place where the people who use it needed to use it, and that altering it in a damaging way would also damage those that damage us, if this makes sense.
It was not acknowledged because it was not the one you sought, silly billy. Student of Samson, cut hair and hidden from the sun to ossify the ego and shatter it completely.
>there is no we,
Yes there is, it's the normal people of the world who know vampires are not real. I don't need to "lend to the idea" whatever that means.
Normies are going to hell man they have no soul
Everyday without a hot blonde slut in my room sucking my dick and without some fat stacks in my banks account - I'm sniping off you artists 1 by 1
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how the fuck would you know?

yes anon
my opinon
being "no"

which was the answer
specifically given
if you didn't like the rest of the post or not
Do it or don't is a lot easier.
lol, healthier than ever dummy. I love me some vaccines.
>normie is good
Yes. Based. The malevolents will love your attitude.
What are you gonna do? Go to Dubai and pay for sex? Maybe purchase a Rolex and post a pic of it on the internet. Fucking losers
Ending careers across dimensions via 4 chan posts. Fuck with me.
as if you do
>Security and sustainability of lifestyle for the future to prevent shakeups or unwanted problems?

NTA this is what I want, and a home that I own where I can finally feel what it is like to live somewhere that doesn't belong to someone else who can come in or kick you out whenever they please.
I'm sorry i can't conceptualize what you're saying anymore because you set the rules saying we can't
I'm just going by your rhetoric pal
i don't even know what a normal person looks like, they've been dead since Nixon took office.
>Go to Dubai and pay for sex?
That's a long way to go, I got like ten sorority house within a mile of me.
Yo, dawg, if The Creator let me do what I want I would show you how I know. You niggas lucky. Shut your bitch ass up.
Hang on I know a guy
>For what purpose?
I wish to procreate, and raise a healthy family with a woman who wishes the same
You could post a pic of your steering wheel while you drive. Normies love that shit.
>because you set the rules
Mindless rule followers are great, I love midwits like you.
as long
as you are not allowed
to do what you want

I'm free
to do what I want
and your so called creator

isn't stopping me

>what's up with that?
what's your nearest grocery store?
I'm saying you would be dead. Either be grateful or shut the fuck up. Stop acting tough, you're only alive by the grace of The Creator.
Write a song about this you fucking losers
I appreciate the public service you perform by self defeating your own projection lul. But you dont even know what I "accept" or care about to begin with. I could just be a bot. You think your assertions are palindromic but its a priori like you refute lol
Men that pay for sex are beta fags that gave up. I will never respect you or the whores you sleep with.
san diego?
You also appear unable to understand when someone is being facetious. I am becoming concerned.

The concept of a vampire stems from the notion of vital fluid being stolen from a person. Traditionally blood, succubus for cum, and BPD demons for psychic.

Practically speaking, this means the sort of people that get energy from leading you on, playing with your tender little pussy wussy heart, and then stepping on your balls on the way out the door.

It's a very sad thing to experience, but quite common and often painted with chauvinistic details like above, rather than approaching any self-truth on the matter.

Why do you shield yourself with this weak armor, when skipping over the point so meaninglessly?
and I'm saying
your a common every day liar
whose words have no effect over a skeptic like myself

as whatever
you put your own faith into
is a "you problem" from my point of view

Ikr sex with younger women makes me gross, doesn't it? I hear that from middle-aged broads a lot. "You have nothing in common with those girls. What do you see in them?" I see sex, same as they see in me. We're just pathetic fucking all night.
Wifi went all shaky like someone was riding it
For the record this post >>38866707
Was not made by the fat wooly one
I'm leaving thread now
I feel your love despite you believing it’s hate
You're a fucking tryhard loser, shut up, goddamn.
Making shit up fuck outta here
correct anon
I know nothing about you
only able to read my own mind

as I judge
the posts on my screen
he way only I can

>so fucking what?
Who the hell cares about digits now? Some retarded script faggot every time. Oh shit, checked!!!

No dude. No more "checked". It's always these hook nosed mossad type niggers and I'm done.
The noble gardner, who knows that pruning a branch is just as valuable as watering the soil.
So true bestie
Some idiot behind me left his party light on
you're going to need to try a lot harder then that to prove you're more powerful then I am silly
I don’t need that false confidence. I can get laid for real. Keep your internet shit. It’s lame and corny like you.
I like these sort of messages more than the post itself almost every time.
to more fully experience life, in the way that can only happen when you procreate. I want to see my genetics passed on to my children, and hopefully grandchildren. I want the next phase of my life to be about the growth and development of teaching them, and building them a stable and loving home
I've done enough damage in these threads to Anonymous users in this thread. We gon' see, bro, just know that.
Weak armor? I don't know what you're talking about. Basically, you're saying vampires are just shitty people. That sort of person doesn't bother me. Whatever if people want to act shitty, that's on them. They aren't vampires, they just failed kindergarten or something.
Speaking in riddles and warped parables brings you no closer to the truth. A bullshitter knows a fellow con artist
Too many fucking losers in my egregore, especially those assholes at the beach.
I will
keep everyone you think you hurt

as they care about other stuff
then what lies you post
in a thread that's not about you

*pats on head*
Sure, go with that autist.
not yet
waiting for the (usurper bitches) to fully destroy my life first
>letting that slide
kekekekekekekeke Breh
>catch a psycho
>bout to (throw themselves)
>into a whirlpool
>and watch the suffering sufer no more
hell is a
Dude, you know nothing. Honestly, you talk out of your ass with no fucking support from reality. Get a grip.
What type of weak ass nigga tries to boost his confidence through bullshit ass made up internet shit. Lame ass niggas that’s who.
Anyhow, Sarah, you're a dumb cunt.
There is more to life and your soul then sex.
You seem mad.
So your whole schtick of speaking on behalf of others to yourself just comes off like a batman rogue gallery reject because youre not even honestly rejecting the premise enough. Be a stupider asshole like you really want to be nigga. Be the stupid asshole that you are. I mean it. I want that for you, you stupid worthless phoney bitch lol
correct anon
as a skeptic
I'm only guessing

without actually knowing
a single thing
just like all the rumors about me say

I mean
you have heard
the rumors "believers" say about skepitcs

and how
we are not
to be trusted

no matter what
haven't ya
You seem gay
Everyone at the beach was someone who holds a piece of your shattered fragment from when you did the Lurianic Kabbalah ceremony. They contain fragments of you, and without those fragments they will cease to be anything but husks. What do you think we should do?

Let them feed my youth.
welcome to 4chan
*rolls eyes*
Thanks, gays bring up property values when they move into neighborhoods. I like to think I help my neighbors.
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We are all made to fight our own battles, where harmony and pragmatism fail to give way. Drop the swords and shields.

Build the home first, or your life will become a series of compromises that will lead you into the machine's teeth.
You are impatient. You yearn. Set your soul on fire. Burn for what you seek, but not by its goal but your journey to it, by becoming a complete person ready and able to accept another complete person or help them become one alongside you.

You have yet to experience life at all if you have not explored the notion of building a home with your bare hands, or with technology. Personally, I built a van.

>They aren't vampires, they just failed kindergarten or something.
Agreed, and why it's silly to fear them.

You had much to say. Why would a higher power think to interrupt?
Right? It's fucking retarded. Maybe at one time it was like, ooh, chance has favored you, there was something to it you know? But if these jewniggers are rolling loaded dice it's functionally dead and no longer able to provide that vibe, if you will, and should be culturally dead on top of it. If its always schlomo gaslightberg the organ harvesting pedophile turdbaby in a crap shack in Tel Aviv spitroasting his niece with her father scripting to get the multi-digit posts, then it is absolutely functionally dead and the check culture is
(((Hairbrained))) commitment baby sucking nonces, and yes I'm done, yes I'm pissed, and I hope they burn in Hell
while I was lost
I've seen a post
telling the truth
your mum is slut
no dumbass
I'm "projecting"
every post I make I'm speaking of myself (even if I'm doing it out of context on purpose for a reason)

and that's it

whatever reason
random strangers
think I'm speaking of them

is not my fault

Im not a fan of kosher mysticism. Too dull.
So long as you can bring that into the common dialogue, KNOWING we know and it is shared and seen beyond so many cultures and people, and formalize it in rhetoric

You will start to see how to win, and why the words "manipulation" arise when criticisms of free speech are posed.

For the truth is like wildfire.
Just needs a term.
ZOG needs to come back.
You dont factor in the processual element of this failed communication/skepticism. You're half assing it bitch
I'm counting on others
being more then a figment of my imagination
taking context into account on their own

and giving me a break
some day
not sure when

but this doesn't work
other way
That is exactly why I am trying to communicate as well. Intellectual solipsism can be very terrifying to bear, especially when one feels they are dying with the planet they love.
>Build the home first,
I was fixing it, with her, and she drifted away during. I still need to finish it, but it has been difficult to be there
it's not
the kind of thing
one can afford getting


not even on accident
in ways
I have no control over

that's my story and I'm sticking to it
*pats on head*
This shit is deeper than love...
That was my favorite part in finishing the van. I loved walking through the thorns, hearing every song that made it seem such a common flavor, and falling in love with my fellow humans. I was healed by bearing witness to pain, and so can you, by bearing witness to your own. Comparison is the thief of joy, and grief in kind.

Sure you can get it wrong. Who told you that you couldn't? I declared myself the nobody last week but it didn't matter because it didn't matter to me, and my character stands against all criticisms, especially my own.
>ZOG needs to come back
Those faggots never left. What even dude
Me anon
I came up
with my own "superstitions"

as being "wrong"
is not the kind of thing
someone who dared an entity to possess their mind in a fight to the death

as the luxury of having
a power greater then the entity a fight was picked with

allows it
It needs to come back into the common tongue.
You think in hierarchies. We may transcend that if you wish.
Yes, I agree.
Then we will hope someone of influence will take note. Then we shall see how potent the Nobody is.
I think
in ways
you can't imagine

but feel free
to pretend otherwise
I don't mind
You're not The Nobody and you have no facts to support that you are.
I am inferring from
>unless a power greater then the entity a fight was picked with
Which is interpreted as "one superior is necessary for conflict"
but there are no superiors, inferiors, or conflicts to be in the spoken word.

You're right anon, I am nobody at all.
you are using
whatever memoires you have made to date
to come as close to what I'm thinking as you can

but you don't
have the same memoires
to work with that I do

and I can tell
even if
I'm the only one who can

it's a thing

It is your obligation to speak clearly then, not anothers to interpret from the chaos of the mind. Perhaps you should take up writing?
cool doodle

these are beautiful and the first one captured me immediately
I don't get what's funny. I'm interested in why they believe that...
fuck you bitch
I'm going to abuse the fuck
out of this smoke screen as long as I can hide behind it

from the powers that be
who could kill me
so fucking easy I'd have no way of stoppping them

the moment
considered me a threat

and not
just some ransom loser
shit posting on 4chan

for the luls

Easily solved by possessing a firearm and an obscuring fenceline.
Is The Creator Infinite?
No worries.
You will never be considered a threat.
no anon
there are way more of them
then there is me

and it's not like
I can count on you
backing me up

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/ng/ is in shambles because a lot of posters lost their arms and fingers.

Show some respect.

Beep beep beep.
that's my plan
They use the numbers as legion to cow you, when they are all the more unwilling to risk a shred of their fragile powerbase.

They can't stop everybody.
No. The Creator is self-produced, first produced of Himself, and undefined by finite and infinite.
Wow, that's smart.
you can't tell
the difference between he powers that be
and someone else's kid pretending they are the powers that be

can ya?
It's entirely effortless as a result, and can be taught.
Keep your secrets.
I know the difference between soft power and hard power, yes.
You got a big enough gun to shoot through a few vehicles? You're obligated to free yourself from this fear by speaking softly and carrying a big stick. It's a natural reaction to the modern world, to guard against its excesses.
You would’ve enjoyed it more
the only secret the anon you are responding to has is they are repeating what someone else said before them while pretending it's an original thought when it's not
Too late you were already born, sorry about that
How would you know?
that's not what I asked anon
and instead
sounds like what someone else's kid pretending to be the powers that be would most

just saying
Are you sure about that?
It's okay, I'll die.
I practice what I preach, a luxury of the Texan and Vermontan ways, and a few other places, provided you're confident nobody will take a gun from you.

Turns out, not many are inclined to try.
? But.
I don't
but I
can guess easy enough

can't you as well


I'm a skeptic
I'm not sure of anything

not even my own existence

>do please try and keep up

*rolls eyes*
Have you tried immortality? Eternal life as they call it.
You aren’t here
Only if it's with her.
you lie
on 4chan
and that's about it

this website
is not your church

>but I
>can guess easy enough
Interesting that you choose to bear such open hypocrisy when treated exactly the opposite.

Haha pretending that were dead is fun but it's getting old.
Lol why are you still here?
how is guessing
considered hypocrisy
for a skeptic again

I did say I wouldn't be here, but I came back. I like life.
you lied
the reason
doesn't change that

>not the anon you're resonding to btw
Hop off my nuts, weirdo.
Yeah weirdo
It's based on a false premise.
A skeptic should adhere deeply to the scientific method, of theory and postulation, not extrapolating from missing data. It is a cardinal sin of a true skeptical master.
Pretending that we haven’t died is getting boring
if you can't handle
being responded to
by those who prove you wrong simply by existing

on 4chan
there are other websites
you can try and prove you matter more then everyone else on

>good luck with that btw
Yeah that's some good advice
you got a problem with weirdo's shitposting on 4chan anon?
Dude, you know nothing of The Way and you sit here trying to teach me it. I oughta smack the shit out of your Astral self, retard.
Attentions will shift to the material soon.
We may not see each other here again.
You are a bad Christian and you're getting a lump of ayahuasca for Christmas
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Enoch entered Heaven alive.
Yeshua conquered death
The grey witch goes to rest
you are free
to do more
the make empty threats

whenever the fuck
you feel
like it

*pats on head*
10 out of 10 people think this person is a midwit
>*opens letter*
>*crowd laughs and claps*
He is still on the fucking street
They are still fucking with his food so he can't safely buy food himself without some fucked up shit being in it if he does
you suck at hurting my ego
I don't care, nigger with a hard R.
I simply choose to accept your love from a distance now. Gang
You condemn him for finding happiness?
For not wanting to eat some gross fucker's semen
Or sickness
Or vape juice
Or whatever they put in the fucking good if he dares to personally order?
yes you do
That's awesome, I'll try to keep my venting to myself.
Literally me
Nah, that's just your ego talking

*pats on neovag*
Its too much for her
says your ego
in front of everyone else's ego
you suck at hurting
Got me a you and some digits I better not help my fellow man. You make me sick. Luddites had the right idea. Enjoy your “love”
Everyone in here is a disgusting degenerate and you will pay for it.
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The call of Cthulu. Sumer.
Grandiose narcissism? Are you saying he's not different?
I could go home. But that would be really awkward at this time now. And they might just play dumb about the thing. And I'm still not entirely sure but it seems like it might cut off opportunities to join that. I'm too young to die or go digging anyway.

Ah yes. The ones that made us.
She's done beautifully
I'll fucked around less, I may have misinterpreted something helpful as harmful.
I don't want her to hurt herself.
Gangstalking crews are now fighting each other. Ain’t my block
The killing moon will come to soon.
There's a star moving In The sky. It's very dim.
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Groannnn why didnt i knew abot this???? Now i am a Even Buger nobody Fan
mr nobdy
I am so Lost so cumfose…
Is any thing real…????? No???
Like Spine Biob said all u need a Box and some Imaginnaaton
Boom universe crete
Any Body have that “the box@
Poem thing again Od whatever
I lsot it
Keep going extinct. We are going to fut your nations and get eyes on so you can't act no more.
I do drugs and drink yet act as if I have spiritual authority. God bless the CIA
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The Box is the cosmological object that contains everything. Regardless of internal properties, it is in the Box, for any value of "it". This means that the Box is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical, useful or useless set.

Someine Please give me the box Po
There was a line i remmeber going Thunder dine
They trying to tell me that aliens built the pyramids
It's funny 'cause they probably did
Fuck I'm doing talking 'bout pineal glands
Fuck I'm doing talking 'bout pineal glands
Ancient ways of Sumerians
Ain't nothing wrong with a righteous man
Uh, this is my Anunnaki flow
Oh, this be my Anunnaki flow
Yo, I got that Anunnaki flow
You are now on Planet X, I'm the God, show your respect
I'm the destroyer, and this is doomsday
360, 000 years since I made way
Hey, I hate to be the one to warn ya
Your government knew all along
Guess they wasn't tryna spoil it for ya
Boy oh boy, I'm hot to death, high as my magnetic field
Theologists preach of me but they don't think I'm really real
All my angels up in here, all my demons up in here
I know who brought you in this world
They will take you out of here
The law of relativity's cute, I even sunk Atlantis too
NASA on some bullshit, they always cropping out my crew
I know that you heard about me, bout me way way back in school
Mayan calendars, you went to church, we all know Revelations
You see Porsches
Behold of pale horses galloping 'cross the nation
Watch out for them Seven Seals, I'll be in the sky
The Euphrates River's dry so you know it's real
No man knoweth the hour of my return
It'll be like a thief in the night, make sure your people's alright
That's right, the writing's on the wall
They was only worried about Sodom 'cause they ain't have the balls to go against the gods
The only brown dwarf swaggin'
Cross yo sun just like a dragon
The Japanese know what's happening
They was debating 'bout Kobe and LeBron
The Bible or the Qur'an, they should've been taking cover
They said I'm red but gold is my favorite color
Witnesses agreed, they see me with wings when I hover
Might even make your pole shift when I'm skipping through
My orbit is a bitch on her menstrual
They underminded the prophecy of Daniel
That's a bummer, now I'm at your doorstep but not for sugar
This that anunnaki flow
I do drugs and talk in riddles also believe I’m powerful and tell the truth? What am I?
Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages is a 1996 science fiction adventure game developed by Epic Multimedia Group and published by Inscape. The game propounds the conspiracy theory that all of human history is a lie and that the human race's development and evolution were aided by extraterrestrials. The player attempts to uncover the truth through the course of the game by traveling to a variety of different worlds, interacting with historical and fictional characters, and solving puzzles.

The game's plot begins in a chamber containing the Bequest Globe, a device which the player has recently inherited. The Globe is a giant brass cylinder full of gears, fronted by a clock face made of sliding and rotating plates comprising twenty-two Roman numerals, which represent the Major Arcana, with the Kabbalistic tree of life in its center. A voice welcomes the player and tells them the Globe is a gift, then explains that the player must unlock the secret of the drowned god.

The player initially must enter their name into the device, which then displays a series of past lives the player has lived. The name is converted into its numerological equivalent. Above and below the central chamber are two other areas, called Kether and Malchut respectively, each of which houses a display screen with a mask-like face that provides the player with information about the next task. The motivations of the two organizations represented by the faces are murky,[6] although it becomes clear they are acting in opposition to each other.[7] Both masks refer to the player by their assigned number.
The player must enter four different worlds[8] through the Bequest Globe, each of which is an amalgamation of historical and fantastical elements and is named after one of the sefirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The player seeks to recover four lost artifacts: the Rod of Osiris, the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's stone, and the Ark of the Covenant.[5] According to Horse, "The relics you're searching for are not what you think they are".[8] The first world, Binah, includes aspects of Arthurian legend, including Morgan le Fay and the Knights Templar, as well as Stonehenge. The second, Chesed,[9] features Mesoamerican ruins and a submarine interior.[6] The third, Din, centers around an underground transit system, a steampunk carnival, and a mechanical maze. The final world, Chokhmah,[9] takes place outside Area 51.

Throughout the game, the player finds and uses Tarot cards[10] to unlock new areas and gain more information about the true history of the world. Upon returning to the Bequest Globe between worlds, the player sees the Roman numerals in its display light up in relation to the cards that have been recovered. After recovering three of the lost artifacts, the player fails to recover the last one, the Ark of the Covenant, which takes the form of a nuclear warhead. The player is able to choose one of three endings, depending on whether they decide to enter a final doorway in the chambers of one of the two opposing factions represented by Kether and Malchut, or enter a new central chamber via the Bequest Globe.
i Asmire all u shroom head and drug adictd
i xant Even last 2 minute on sheoom withot manifestinsg halucinaton if man trying to kill Me
Ut was actualy reprilians
It just Made my paranoia feel realer
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Choosing either of the two doors results in an ending in which the player is trapped in a dystopian world: either Kether's, a technological police state, or Malchut's, a society of forced genetic manipulation. Both have ominous men in black overseeing the proceedings. If the player instead chooses to open the central chamber, a scene with a group of grey aliens approaching is briefly shown, wherein they say, "We are coming, for we are Legion." All three options lead to the same ending credits, which feature a voice-over describing the murder of Osiris.
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Omfg The subconcios brainwashing on the rado rn:
I can .. feel myself.. gro wing older.. Am fading
KEK mellow mkultra
Hate to say I told you so
Too much for her
She's staying here correct?
Then I'll stay.
The thing is something I was shown seemed to imply that things there might not work out and I'm sad later. But I want to be her friend at least, always. She's right about a lot of things.
She really cares. I don't want to hurt her, even if things don't work out in the relationship sense. We can always shitpost online right?

I got too lost in all the bullshit and riddles and mysteries and creating to realise what -I- wanted. To make people happy.
I'm staying.
People's hearts are not a game.
Mostly because it got fucking annoying repeating it for the 100th time and none of you listening lol. I got love for some of you, you know who you are
The silence is grand
That is under the presumption >that< girl is staying, the one that cares and has been helping and got hurt
And you haven't done some fucked up fake out trick with another girl for some arranged bullshit, a sick joke.
I figured dipping my toes in the pool but not going further down would've been a Good play but I've been advised against it by no less then two people who had good reasons for why it's a bad idea and I got the feel it's a one way street so I post phoned / put that off.

THAT can always be opened later, ideally speaking. It's not going anywhere.
I want to get my dick sucked and have a good time tonight. Honest
>more then her option of herself


Learn to spell.
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Whenever you see one of these vinyl album covers on YouTube you know you're in for a good song. Usually.
We are our own architects.
hey guys. Its me,the Nobody. Just checking in.
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>how hard is the math here?
>there is one woman
>and I'm willing to nuke the whole planet for her
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So who haven't we fucked yet? If you went and fucked the wrong dude, then you're out bitch coz you never knew me
Who are you supposed to be?
thirst herself!
Figure it out.
You're a fucking bitch you know that
I'm not the girl you posted.
It's OK

Helel Ben Shahar
The silence is grand
why do the jews have so many words for not jesus?
Let's cool it with the antisemitism before certain people take it seriously. Let's not do this all over again. There's just no reason for it.
I am not Jesus
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what is the meaning of these threads? the antichrist posts here doesn’t he, him and his image.
Who are you supposed to be?
I am lesser than a quark, though I am made up of myriads of atoms. I am nothing and nobody. Altogether when weighed on the scales, lighter than air. And all the nations are but a drop in the bucket.
Bitch you're the anti Christ not me lol
why do jews have so many words for antichristian?
Calling me the anti Christ all non chalantly and shit. Cold shit bae
fuck off legion
I will not suffer for anyone's sins lol
The more you pretend to be him, the less you look like him.
I don't care about being the anti Christ or pro Christ. I am just me. Lol
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and i refuse to dig my own grave
grab a shovel.
Saying to go there tonight?
Baby why you so crazy?
Go where?
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Collect 200$
Goodnight fuck faces I hate the majority of you
I love you too bro :)
thats too small a number
If I rock up to the party they're not going to be happy.
>coz you never knew me
if you post your tits on the internet,
then i wouldnt want to know you

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i guess the bigger question here is,
am i in the mood to kick the hive?
i mean its so easy these days...
Are you drinkin' or relaxin?
especially when im in my 30s and only just now hitting my upward trajectory.

while for all of you its already over, its too late to even try.
might aswel walk the path of the dead, or soon to be...
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the hamburgler is the true burger king. his tongue was cut out as a thugee gang rape by the fry guys. "robble, robble" is all he can say
is it weird to know you have an immortal posting in your little general?
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i feel your pain, king
Me when my autism kicks in
the spirits keep calling this place "your personal target range"
not a single soul here worth saving.
wait let me rephrase that correctly.
>"your personal target range"
"your personal target range, Sir"
New thread / nobody general

theres no OP text silly
make a new one plz

but thanks for trying
Nope, it's annoying when any of us is mistaken for another though.
multimeta 3.7a0

maybe definitely sorta
not really, you mimic the ones you look up to.
i dont have to compete to be me.
I chose to skip the text for this one thread. Please respect my wishes.
>I chose to
at least you didnt call it an oopsie.
It happens mostly before or after waking up
>You can check the immortal player's handbook whenever you want
>You're just a farmer boy
The people that were kinda sorta close
Went from
>stop being edgy and be a girl
>okay we can see it's just monarch programming
>He said his life is like inception and he saw rokkos basilisk
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It's not that it won't be used though, he's trying to make "devices" and highly sophisticated energy control systems that are intelligent, for the higher and benevolent forces.
i peered into the void and recoiled. i watched the clown do his bit in reverse
then a dress reherhal for the apocylapse. that was a death for sure
There is no Anti-Christ, imbecile. The world's not gonna end in the way it is perceived in that religion.
Yes, there is a possibility that a single antichrist will come into power but do not be fooled into thinking there aren't many antichrists that are currently ushering him in.
There is no Anti-Christ, bud. That's a false idea.
fine whatever
i can't die.
nobody cares.
i'd rather draw anyway
him and me coming together

i know right

hi-tech wizardry linked to primitive magic...the lowest and most destructive instincts of the human brain...RAW mental energy...bio-energy produced by 'computer brains', microchipped and upon a massive network - the 'dark alters' of the ILL slaves.The type of energy that the ILL were attempting to control and use in DELTA slaves for example who are capable of almost superhuman feats, whilst in that state. This type of energy, is what the ILL were trying to radio transmit to CERNE laboratories.

ILL = Illuminati
nah, Nobody posts here, immortals are little shits in comparison
why do the 11 want to kill jews?
Why are you making up groups?
I'm not there are only 11 of them they are wannabe gods. Nobody isn't one of them.
The Forsaken would be a good name for them, they keep themselves alive by serving evil.
God can only have one head. Nobody eats souls. Eleven "immortal" wizards should be quite nutritious for him.
Why do you think he's that?
they're likely evil, but evil never knows it's evil, it thinks it's persecuted usually
About what?
the Nobody is not a martyr. On the opposite, he tries trailblazing new paths that require no sacrifices.
Everyone is an avatar of God.
Found the Hindu, you are correct, so treat everyone as you would treat God, that's a great idea.

I think everyone can agree this is the ugliest color.
There are no ugly colors.
the Nobody? He doesn't. And he's not omnipotent, no individual is.
you mean the saints?
*fiddles with one playing card*
Don't worry about me
if you want call them that, go for it
Focus on doing what makes you feel fulfilled, rather than simply avoiding suffering.
The ever-expanding universal consciousness with no beginning and no end, yes.
staying alive just for other people that dont really give a damn about you. i have no reason to live.
yo, the bobody
I have two stories for you
The first one is today a high level guy decided to take me through his dungeons and level me up and was super chill, it was awesome
The other is from this old lady I worked with at the home Depot, her son was hanging out with his friends and they were playing on some monkey bars and they're all like 20 years old
So they're doing tricks and he falls on his head just like 2 feet hanging in the air and it broke his neck in such a way as to leave him a complete cripple for life
Here's the kicker everyone he was with was drinking and having fun and were falling and hitting their heads too but he wasn't drinking
The doctor said if he had been drinking his muscles would have been relaxed enough that the fall would have been nothing but a sore bump on the head
Wow, incredible
No, it is about growing as a spirit, opposing the antichristic forces.
the Nobody? He is good.

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