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As the days get shorter and we enter the fall season, let's take time to reflect on the journey of the year and be grateful for what the gods have provided for us.
it's spring
I have a hard time reconcililing archaic worship of the gods with modern living. Like, I saw someone praying to Ares to give them strength to survive the hardness of the coming winter and I can't help but think it foolish and irrelevant. Surviving the seasons is literally not at all a concern for you. Idk I definitely view the gods in a more abstract, archetypical sense than something like praying for a good harvest.
>Surviving the seasons is literally not at all a concern for you
First world manchild detected? Some of us still like to go hiking and camping and hunting and shit.
even seeing the pagans that actually put in effort to dress accordingly, do rituals, etc. it always looks like larp.
I think this is because they have no real connection to these ancient traditions. It always comes across as hippies doing hippie things
the worship just adapts to the time. The gods aren't amorphous entities that exist outside space nor are they abstract concepts. They're discrete figures that you can literally talk to and ask for aid.
Just leave reconstructionism behind, anon.
In the 2000s I conflated Minerva with Epona and imagined a modern goddess on a war tank. This was my first step towards a denial of history, which reached its peak in 2018.
Camping, hiking, and hunting(which I do) is a decadent luxury, not a means of survival. You will always come home to modern amenities.
The syncretics on here paint a different picture of these gods.
Yeah and? New-age brain poison taints everything. Most occultists are onions elementals who don't believe in the literal existence of multiple gods. They're perennialists who believe that all religions are paths to the same "one true" (coincidentally vaguely abrahamic) god.
Winter is kino
>You will always come home to modern amenities
Okay, then watch TV and eat your goyslop, this thread isn't for you.
Why? Reconstructionism is based. Christians and Jews and Muslims don't apologize for clinging to pre-industrial values, why should we?
>buy book on taoist magick
>Magick that is worked nowadays
>Concomitally, it's adapted to modern time
>Look at western larpers
>They speak like it's the middle ages because it's larping
So you bought a book, realized that it's new-age slop, and are coping by telling yourself that people with trad values are cringe and larping
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Heil Tiw, Teutonic Father and Sword Os.
Pagans adapted to the times, they invented new tech, your tradition is imagined
Fine, I'll bite. What's this book you're on about?
our gods are alive, why should our traditions be dead?
I didn't know Thor forbade me to watch tv. You're getting angry over nothing. You're not Chris Mccandless living on the whims of the forest day to day to secure your existence, therefore I don't see the point of praying to Artemis for her blessing for a good hunting season this winter just because it's something our forefathers would have done under dire circumstances.
"Our"? Miss me with your forced teaming. MY gods are alive, I don't know about your gods.

Again, mainstream religions (like Christianity Judaism etc.) don't apologize for having oldschool values and ancient ways, why should we?
i love that you say gods, I think these asre casled Elohim in the bible, I feel like I have to tip toe around this when talking to some people and only say God. The gods are all united by a spirit, this spirit is God. The gods have their own mind and each has no master but themselves but God is as a sheperd keeping them united, not directing or controlling only coordinating and "helping" The gods have bodies, God does not, that is why he doesn't have a name. On earth the mind rules and it is chaos and ends badly.
>I didn't know Thor forbade me to watch tv
No one said that. You're nuts, man.

>I don't see the point of praying to Artemis for her blessing for a good hunting season
ok sperg, thanks for sharing
>[adusts thermostat]
You're being trolled dawg, just ignore them.
I meant our as in me and other germanic people's gods, not our as in including you. I don't care who you are or whether you're "part of my team" or not.
>Again, mainstream religions (like Christianity Judaism etc.) don't apologize for having oldschool values and ancient ways, why should we?
old school values aren't the same as old school rites. Asatru is as much if not more "old school" with respect to its values than mainline christianity. Everything is evaluated in the light of teachings we received from *our* (as in my people's) gods. But times and circumstances change. I don't pray to Freyjr for a bountiful harvest. I pray to Odin for the wisdom I need to succeed in my professional career.
Who are you quoting?
>I don't pray to Freyjr for a bountiful harvest. I pray to Odin for the wisdom I need to succeed in my professional career.
Okay, thanks for sharing. But like.... you do realize that farmers are still a thing, right? Like people still farm for a living, food doesn't just magically materialize on store shelves, you do realize that right? People hunt, too, and my uncle's rifle fed me and my family on more than one occasion. It's not just a hobby for some of us. I grew up in the south, idiot. You sound like a bougie brat who should get out of the city once in a while.
>you do realize that farmers are still a thing, right?
Ok? And this is relevant to me how?
It's relevant because you're a first-world fag who doesn't acknowledge where he came from, and one day reality is gonna give you a big ol' slap in the face.
They're trolling ignore them.
>You sound like a bougie brat who should get out of the city once in a while.
You are an absolute suburban LARPer if you think rural living requires any such hardy disposition. Fucking hell, if you're a farmer you basically live off of government subsidies.
>who doesn't acknowledge where he came from
says who?
>if you're a farmer you basically live off of government subsidies
As it should be. And yet, you can't just pay a snowstorm to fuck off, you still need to actually be able to play nice with the forces of nature.
>pretending to be a pagan barbarian against the modern world
>is posting on 4chan on a Wednesday afternoon
4chan is Wotanic.
Who are you quoting?

By the way, >>38898538 you still haven't told us what you even do for a living. What's this professional "career" you're so proud of? Did Wodan or Tyr or Freyr help you get a beta-bucks programming job? You'll never have a job that doesn't involve a computer, and you think the gods care about you? lmao
it's almost like paganism is just normal and the white nigger caricature you have in your head is retarded and ahistorical
nah, fuck it, /pol/ memes are an adequate substitute for reality
>you still haven't told us what you even do for a living. What's this professional "career" you're so proud of?
Attorney. I don't like throwing my profession around because I don't want to look like a showoff cunt.
Odin is highly correlated to the practice of law (iron age scandinavia had complex legal customs and traditions which are similar in many ways to the common law developed by the anglo-saxons, which I now practice). He speaks about the law and of court frequently in Havamal. He has been my guiding light throughout a difficult but rewarding career.
damn you're obnoxious lol

nta but I work in healthcare, and I thank the Horned One for my career advancements, for my life filled with mirth and dance and frivolity, and for the beautiful partner and the great sex we have together. You sound like a bitter varglarper who really ought to just shut up and vibe.
>You sound like a bitter varglarper who really ought to just shut up and vibe.
They're a troll. They've been baiting the entire thread.
I'm >>38897539
I drive the rig and handmix cement for a plastering crew.
That's pretty kew, would you say that you resonate particularly with the pagan sciences of architecture, temple design, sacred geometry etc?
Would Cernunnos appreciate it if I made the god in my Celtic-inspired fantasy story a stag?
Storytelling is one of many ways we've honored the gods throughout history.
Of course you didn't literally fucking say that, it was in the subtext.
it's a meme lmao chill
Nta but i cant take you seriously when your ego is so fragile you have emotional outbursts at memes. Your points are moot as they are points of a weak minded child, or a woman
If you are of a clean bloodline it is rather easy to communicate with your ancestors and their gods through meditation and communication, that being said if you have any interests in the material realm and want to project yourself, you most certainly can strike a deal with your ancestors or gods, no soul selling bullshit, but you sell physical parts of yourself in exchange for their ethereal energy so to speak, it will cost you your long term health but you most certainly will see results.

Its crazy how easy it is to do "magic" and its even crazier that abrahamics will deny its existence and try to snuff out any actual practices of it like golems due to mutt fear.

There is a line between black and white magic.
>it will cost you your long term health
Skill issue, I've used magic plenty of times and never had any negative physical effects.
How can I do that? Please teach me anon!
What kind of power can I get for some fingers? I've heard you need to give up at least an eye to get bullshit anime powers.
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They were talking about a very specific kind of magic involving selling body parts, read the full post meme man.
Okay so he does some specific kind of retard magic that involves his physical health because it's "easier" than doing magic the normal way, skill issue.
Depends on what level of success you want to get, at least it is in my case, higher risk = higher reward.

You basically meditate in your own room alone, you don't need to literally follow meditation to the T, you just find a position you are most comfortable to communicate in, then you turn off the lights in your room so its mostly dark, afterwards you exclaim out loud that you want to communicate with your ancestors and choose the ones you want in particular, I choose the warrior ones, then you will feel an aura in your room as if you are being watched, then you know you're doing something, afterwards you can normally communicate or attempt to strike a deal, I will give you X if you assist me with X.
Generally you can serve as a physical vessel for your ancestors, state that you want X role of ancestor to inhabit your body and they will do so, it will cost you your health but you will come out more powerful, and people will feel that aura.
If you feel as if the deal was somehow struck, that you feel it in your spine, wait a few days, you will feel some sort of physical ailment most likely, that means the price has been paid and they are adjusting to your body, you are still yourself, but their aura infuses with yours, in a week or two you will basically be a symbiosis until you want to somehow communicate divorce, I personally never would.

I wouldn't recommend paying in flesh directly, you state to your ancestor that you will sacrifice your physical health in return for X, they will do the work for you, whatever you lose naturally after striking the deal is the price to pay for whatever you desired from them within reason.
Here's one more (you). In fact here's two
Now stop talking to me.
ok retard enjoy your retard magic, no one else has this problem except you
I mean ,I use the same methods you describe to pray and speak to the lord,so..is it really all that different
Its not because it is based on intent. you are simply establishing a line of communication, that being said, your ancestors are the ones most likely to pick up the phone so to speak and have no ill intention.
Brother state your method if it works, I am legitimately curious.
It never occurred to me to try to speak to my ancestors .most likely because I'm not pure enough to do it,I try to speak to the lord mostly, in times where I can afford some quiet dark room at night to pray
The ones that are willing to listen will listen, shoot your shot dude.
What if I am already an unhealthy individual, but I still want to get in contact with my ancestors and have them help me in any way possible in my attempt to prolong our bloodline, our heritage, our traditions, our nation? I don't have much to give. I'm already not so healthy actually. Or maybe this chronic unhealthiness of mine ever since I was a child is because I'm already in a contract with someone? How can you tell if you have a contract with an entity? If you had made a contract with an entity in your previous lifetime, or in the time between incarnations, does the contract persist? Would you reccomend this technique for someone who is not so healthy? Actually if possible I would want to use esoteric techniques to increase my health.
Another question. Unfortunately I don't know any of my ancestors. All of them have died prior to my birth. My father is alive with me right now. However he is very old and he might not have a lot of time with me. Can I use your technique to get in contact with my father after his death? Can I strike a deal with the soul of my in the future deceased father for him to help me, so that I can have access to his mind and life experiences? If he will be able to help me from the other side? He is exactly the type of person who would help me, I have no doubt. My question is, is this possible? And how to do it? And what should I do, cultivate a positive and deep relationship with my father while he is still alive, so that I can more easily connect with him deceased?
>Like, I saw someone praying to Ares to give them strength to survive the hardness of the coming winter and I can't help but think it foolish and irrelevant.
not too different from the hymn to ares in the homeric hymns really. but I guess youre right in that its kinda silly to bother worrying about surviving the winter if you live in a middle class LA household. but I live in alaska, so its a pretty real thing up here still. you dont understand the pagan fear and reverence for nature until youve really been in it.
>I definitely view the gods in a more abstract, archetypical sense than something like praying for a good harvest.
you dont really understand archetypes much do you?
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on a WEDNESDAY afternoon. dont forget it faggot. PRAISE WODEN
Has anyone any sources on nobility's pagan traditions relating to god kings?
Not really sure where else to ask this but this thread seems the best place
Ok here's how to cast spells for real real
Create a glyph that represents your desire (trickier than it sounds, but entire books have been written on the theories behind good sigilcrafting), draw that glyph on consecrated paper with consecrated ink (on a consecrated pen etc. you get the idea)
Raise energy with whatever method fits the vibe (like ecstatic dancing, or ritual sex, or ominous latin chanting or w/e)
Charge the sigil with the energy you raised
Then, ritually burn it probably in a ritual vessel of some kind, and burn it with the knowledge that the rising smoke carries your will into the heavens

This kind of magic is your birthright, it costs you nothing
You know a good source for consecrated shit? Do I just need to get a priest to consecrate shit for me?
If you're lucky enough to have a priest in your area who doesn't frown on occult practices then yeah definitely, but idk I think you can probably consecrate the magical goods yourself, just anoint them with oil while praying sincerely to the lord and lady
>Surviving the seasons is literally not at all a concern for you.
Coddled suburbanite detected. There's plenty of places out in the boonies where winter can and will absolutely kill the fuck out of you if you don't prepare for it, and even then, things can still go wrong.
Post wholesome pagan music for the soul.
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>Coddled suburbanite detected.
Good for you that you need to live a hard, risky life while anon is comfy.
Russia is now giving Yemen free missile supplies. Therefore Russia is officially at war in opposition to the cult-of Israel.

Paganism: Each love is each a soul and a divinity and infinite multiverses.
Yin~yang etc.
I want Russia to absolutely undo the cult-of-Israel.
Any updates, anon?
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I think that those techniques can increase health you just need to make sure those "entities" are either your ancestors or gods that are willing to listen so you don't get assfucked by a demon.
You can ask for health, but there is always a price, I don't know what it costs in your life to receive good health but I would say try it if it makes you happy.
It takes a level of disassociation to make deals, I wouldn't recommend doing it with close ancestors, you need to go way farther back to ancestors that lived in older times so to speak pre industrial era at the least.
A good relationship in life is a good relationship in the afterlife, it always translates over.

Damn, I heard about this magic and never tried, though it usually works based on what I've seen, its similar to chinese fung shuei geomancy, its a very clean form of magic, you're right anon.

I was the anon that made a deal with a bogatyr apparently in my last thread, got to the bottom of my barrel so to speak and decided to call out whoever was the most badass of my ancestors (I'm a serb but somehow got a russian dude yay) and three days after feeling creepy in my room I saw a blue light in the corner of my eye, it looked like my computerscreen was kind of spazzing so I turned around and BOOM a fricking old russian guy like picrel with a beard but blue colored everything and empty white eyes jumped into my body, INTO MY BODY.
A day later I got sick as hell, got basically a variant of corona, took two weeks to come back to normal baseline health and I lost like 5-10 Kilos from that shit.
Now I'm back and much stronger/successful athletically, now I thank my ancestors and such using meditation for choosing me of all people, it is such a gift.
(Kickboxer btw, maybe future military), idk it may influence who you attract through your carrier and mentality.
Nta but you're better off taking all of your questions and speaking them aloud in prayer to whichever deity or historical figure you prefer. All magic has positive and negative consequences, all living things have shared ancestry, and all gods reciprocate indiscriminately. Do what you will.
This basically.
There's like 3 books on chinese magick anon.
In any case, Id rather have pagans than larpers
Slavanon here, I did the ritual, I really felt my energy go into the paper and I really felt as if someone was listening.
I also feel somewhat euphoric after the process as if a weight has dropped from my shoulders, this magic really works.
>sell physical parts of yourself in exchange for their ethereal energy so to speak
I have great doubts about this. Why would they even need that, what would they do with it.
I have no clue personally, I don't think they take it for themselves as much as they act as a mediator to convert your physical power into spiritual or something like that, at least that is my theory.
Another theory of mine is that very little people do such practices and there are many old souls and entities which have gone decrepit from the lack of contact with the physical world as there are few people connecting to them due to geopolitics castrating real magic through dummy religions such as abrahamism.
In essence you feed those spirits so they feed you, it isn't a declining cycle in my experience.
Its like watering a very dry old sapling so it can sprout in a tree which you can use for shade.

More "evil" based deals literally consist of you giving your physical self for temporary material things while the evil entity only takes things from you for enjoyment.
Thank you, finally someone who gets it.

No he's not "comfy", he's coddled. Manchildren with no life experiences or survival skills are never comfy.
>There's like 3 books on chinese magick anon.
So what? I'm not Chinese, and I'm guessing neither are you, so that would make you the larper.
Jason Read books plus that one by Benebell Wen?
Also how am I a larper for learning and adapting? You're insane.
It certainly isn't what some neopagans are doing mixing norse gods with qbl yes?
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The nerve!
Practicing their religion the way it's efficient instead of pretending to be iron age wildmen!
Only a coward looks eastward for moral and spiritual guidance.

>It certainly isn't what some neopagans are doing mixing norse gods with qbl
Not my monkeys, not my circus. I'm not into (((Qabalah))) and I don't worship the Norse gods.
You two don't want to practice a "religion", you want to practice magic. I have no need for Taoism or (((Qabalah))), or any European magic for that matter. I have my multitool and I have a knife and I have a gun, and that's enough to solve 99% of problems I might have in my everyday life. New-age Jew-age nonsense is a waste of time.
Why do you assume, especially given cernunnos in meditative asana in the op eastern and western religions were very different?
Magick is a spiritual discipline, a way of doing religion, you're conflating it with sorcery
Magick is: the Aim of religion with the method of science (Aleister Crowley).>>38905848
This isn't /omg/. Make your own thread if you want to talk about perennial goyslop "spirituality."
No, simply. Did meditation, merged with God, God told me via coincidence and synchronicity I was a Druid now.
If wanting to have acceptable practices that yield results irl as opposite of in front of frens is heresy of new age, count me a heretic larper.

For real, I don't care what reconstructions of druidry say because historian Ronald Hutton proofs that all historical pressumed data was a forgery by loonies, you should read the og accounts and what these people wrote and see for yourself.

Historicity my ass.
>No, simply. Did meditation, merged with God, God told me via coincidence and synchronicity I was a Druid now
This is what happens when you read new-age books lmao you fell for the psy-op

You have no religion, you're just another "not religious but spiritual" basic white bitch
The notion to meditate is older than the sun retard
>Muh new age
Found the cryptojew
>If wanting to have acceptable practices that yield results irl as opposite of in front of frens is heresy of new age
....What? Is English your first language? I can't make heads or tails of this sentence.
There's literally people in here promoting (((Qabalah))) and other new-age sewage but sure, I'm the crypto, lmao
>No he's not "comfy", he's coddled. Manchildren with no life experiences or survival skills are never comfy.
I've already established that I grew up in the country, hunt, and work in the trades. Despite all this, we(yes, you too) live coddled modern lives.
No I'm not coddled, you're coddled. I'm comfy.
>bogging down your brain with ceremonial magic and other new-age contradictions, literally psychic malware

Pick exactly ONE. I'll probably catch flak for saying this but imo too much reading makes you soft-headed and dulls the senses. True religion is experiential, not based on mind-numbing books and new-age meditation and shit. My ancestors didn't meditate.
Nta but Kabbalah isn't New Age and dates back to medieval times (not defending it, just saying it isn't New Age)
Can we just all agree that the definition of New Age is modern hippie shit defined by its beliefs in healing crystals, universal oneness, anti-Vietnam sentiment, and enthusiasm for Amerindian music?
Yeah, your ancestors converted too. What works works. Wotan went into hell and learned the secrets of jotun and dabbled in womanly arts all in the pursuit of magic.
If you mean the modern Russian Federation, the probability of that is close to zero.
However if the pagans win in Russia, if the Pagan Rus arises again, the world will be changed, the shockwaves would be more than what happened in 1917. Russia determines the future of the world. According to Edgar Cayce, in which direction Russia will go, the trend of the whole entire world shall follow.
Dude, Jesus was depicted with tits quite a lot during the middle ages and I got nothing against the guy but don't throw rocks while living in a glass house.
At least Odin's deal was being a berserk shaman.
>Yeah, your ancestors converted too
Well, to crypto-paganism aka Catholicism.
Yes. Muh ancestors.

>your ancestors converted too
Yeah, to based Lutheranism, which unironically is a more Heathenish religion than most of what passes for "pagan" or "heathen" today.

>Wotan .... is le heckin womanly and gay and has pronouns and shit
Uh huh and what faggot jew history professor told you that? Wotan would smack the devil out of your mouth for such blasphemy, shut your mouth.
>>Wotan .... is le heckin womanly and gay and has pronouns and shit
That's not at all what I said.
Yeah okay well I don't care, I'm not a magicfag. Anyone who still practices "magick" in 2024 is fucking pathetic. EVERY occultist is coping for something. Your average occultist wears glasses, is either an incel or gay (same thing really), probably on the spectrum, and most of 'em are fuckin' ugly to boot. If you're a woman and you're into this stuff then that's one thing, but if you're a guy HAHAHAHA fuck you. And if you've got a girlfriend, she's single as far as I'm concerned. What are you gonna do, cast a spell on me? bitch
So you contacted a bogatyr? Because your goals you wanted to improve in athletics and martial arts? What if I want to improve in intellectual and artistic capabilities, and also self-control. I seem to struggle with impulsive behaviors.
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Imagine it would be some wacky Slavo-Aryanist group like the Ynglists and they start WW3 when they try to reclaim Israel, Tibet, and India as Slavic homelands.
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I've been visiting Iceland and I checked out the Asatru temple today. It's still incomplete (probably will be for years to come), but there were actually a couple of the members there and they were happy to chat about the religion and the temple itself. I'm not a norse bro but maybe some of you will be interested.
Are Icelandic Asatru neo-pagans or did they survive conversion?
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On the right edge is the little temporary building they use for an office.
I don't believe in magick either but this outburst is kind of embarrassing desu
Get yourself together, anon.
>this outburst is kind of embarrassing
Why? You got a soft spot for gay autistic weirdos?
No, but you seemed to be projecting.
Reddit's favorite word.
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AFAIK they're more or less reconstructionists. A lot of their culture in general survived though, so (according to what they told me) they do know enough to practice the old rituals but they abstain from blood sacrifices. They also hold weekly readings from the old poems (eddas?).

Pic is one place they have ceremonies, it's intended to have a roof over it and be kind of the main hall. The little double door on the right goes into a small room where they do indoor readings and ceremonies, and it connects to their office.
Reality's a bitch and she's dying to meet you anon.
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Heil Thunor.
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>to practice the old rituals but they abstain from blood sacrifices
Why? I am sure you could make a deal with some butchers and farmers to supply animals that were supposed to be slaughtered anyway.
Although my opinion is a bit split on this matter because on the one hand you know they are genuine then but on the other, it's a primitive practice and probably some devolution that the actual gods taught humanity (yes, I do believe the gods came from outer space btw).
Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about? From the way you act I am pretty sure you are on the spectrum too, maybe not as far as the /omg/ crowd but you are weird as fuck too.
Is "no u" really your only rebuttal?
It's not a "no u" but a "yes but you too".
>probably some devolution that the actual gods taught humanity
probably some devolution of something that the actual gods taught humanity*
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And a blurry picture of the little indoor room. I was mid-step and trying to pay attention to the people talking, but you get the idea. They're planning to knock down the wall on the right once the main hall's roof is finished, and connect them as one area.
From how they spoke of it, i don't think they have some outright issue with killing animals but it seemed more like they just view it as a primitive, messy thing they'd rather not bother with. Modern european sensibilities or whatever.
If the religion continues growing then there'll probably be Icelanders doing sacrifices in private eventually, anyway.
Eh, it looks right but considering the budget they probably run on it's quite an admirable effort.
Man, just imagine Mayan revivalism but for pre-Christian Scandinavians.
nah man God the Highest will wipe these no problem fr
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It's hideous. It looks like some kind of ugly brutalist building. It's degradation of architecture, completely soulless. The interior looks like some kind of office. A disgrace to paganism.

Picrel is what I think a modern Norse Pagan temple ought to look like.
We have examples of pagan temples built in the 21st century. Such as the Suitengu Shrine.

Or the Japanese stacked multistory Shinto shrine.

This Hindu Temple in New Jersey

The New Russian Military Cathedral
Some are saying that this is a Christian temple. No, I don't think so. Take a look, It is dedicated to the god of war. The temple of the warrior. All the symbolism here is of the warriors.
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Brutalism can look pretty powerful and cool
Almost reminds me of megalithic constructions
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Here is another example
I hated it too at first and many brutalist buildings look like shit but if done correctly it can look terrifying, mighty, monumental and intimidating.
>The interior looks like some kind of office
As it should be. Would you prefer some stained glass windows and statues of religious figures? A gussied-up whore like modern Christian churches? Architecture should be utilitarian.
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I partly agree but obviously, Christianity didn't invent houses of worship and the utility of temples isn't to crunch in some extra hours of paperwork but to command awe and respect and to be overwhelming.
Now this looks like some pedo illuminati building, and not a place in which I'd like to be seen worshiping.
germanic heathens didn't sacrifice animals and offer the blood to the gods. Why the fuck would Odin need goat blood? The purpose of a blood sacrifice is for the benefit of the person engaging in it. Blood is used as a conduit for blessings from the gods. It's literally just more edgy holy water. And just like you can be a christian without dousing everything in holy water, you can also be an asatruar without dousing everything in horse blood.
Ancient Greek and Roman Pagan temples definitely weren't "pedo illuminati", those crooks came much later during the so-called "enlightenment".

Oh and all of this modern architecture BS comes from the Weimar period of Germany, another so-called "enlightenment" period. It's degradation, if you ask me. The destruction of civilization, tradition, and beautiful architecture. Instead of at least trying to make your buildings look pretty, making them look hideous. Just like what they are doing to the women. It's a death cult. Not what Indo-European paganism represents.
>Ancient Greek and Roman Pagan temples definitely weren't "pedo illuminati"
....BRUH, the ancient Greeks fucked kids all the time, that's literally where the word "pedophilia" comes from. Pedophilia was so uncommon in the Germanic world that they didn't even have a word for it, which is why to this day we use a Greek loanword. The Germanics didn't have scandalous orgies, and the Germanics didn't build elaborate whorehouses in which to host them.
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Calm down, it's an ancient Roman temple.
Well, to be honest, the ancient Romans were kind of pedophilic (partially at least) so I'll give you that but the Illuminati were founded literally millennia later in Bavaria.
Still a really fucking beautiful building.
I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said but I care less about beauty and more about power and monumentalism.
A grand temple shouldn't be gaudy trash but evoke megalophobia.
>Calm down, it's an ancient Roman temple
>to be honest, the ancient Romans were kind of pedophilic

Pick a lane, buddy. Don't tell me to "calm down" and then turn around and agree with me. No, don't tell me it's a beautiful building, it's an eyesore, an ugly pedo hive. If you have even a drop of Pagan blood the very sight of that building should fill you with dread. An offense to God and nature
>the Germanics didn't build elaborate whorehouses in which to host them.
Assuming you mean temples, according to Caesar and Tacticus we allegedly only had sacred groves, believing it to be wrong to trap the divine in a building but architectural evidence seemingly proved that we had temples.
Of course, it also depends on what god the temple is dedicated to and something tells me that Woden wouldn't really care about the trappings of luxury and decadence, but a fucking office is not fit to glorify a human lord much less so a god.
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This is Norway.
The Pantheon is a pagan temple, moron.
Not my fault you have a personal vendetta against greco-roman architecture.
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This is Indonesia.
Are you noticing something?

Parallels can be seen even in the oldest of the Japanese Shinto shrines, that have minimal Chinese influence.
That's awesome and what Asatru temples should look like but something tells me it shouldn't be made out of wood.
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This is Germany
Basically, a temple to honor notable German statesmen, scientists, heroes, poets, writers, and other notable figures,
The first temples in ancient times were made out of wood, before humans learned how to make bricks and stone buildings.
The oldest temples in Norway, China, Japan, Indonesia, and Russia are made out of wood. Buddhist SoutheastAsian and Russian Orthodox wooden architecture was copied from the Old Pagan architecture. This is why they look very similar to Norse Paganism. I mean Viking, SoutheastAsian, Indonesian, Shinto, and Russian buildings all resemble each other, differing only in local or regional styles.

The Buddhists and the Orthodox brought nothing with them, no building techniques or unique aesthetics, they just took everything all the architecture and aesthetics from the local pagan peoples. In fact I think that some Russian Orthodox churches the oldest ones and also some of SoutheastAsian Buddhist temples are reconverted pagan temples that were stripped of their original symbolism and idols and new religious items were brought in when the new religions took over the buildings.
In China the Buddhist temples and the pagan temples dedicated to local deities are both made of wood and they look identical. The basic profiles are the same.
That's Greek or Roman architecture. So what the Germans are imitating the Mediterranean peoples? And then some complain about Mediterranean pagan culture and architecture. Then why imitate those buildings? Use your own architectural style native to your region.
>The Pantheon is a pagan temple
And it was built by the same pagan pedos who would eventually become catholic pedos, so why are you defending it, are you a pedo?

>it shouldn't be made out of wood.
Why? Wood is based. We shouldn't have (((stonemasons))) build our houses of worship, just good pagan wood the way God intended.
Yeah, and I thing it's beautiful but the problem is that it is also really flammable
Wood is a renewable resource. Plant a seed and in several decades you have a tree. Architecture Doesn't get any more renewable and eco friendly than wood.
>And it was built by the same pagan pedos
Source for Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa being a pedophile? Why do you hate Meditteranean people and generalize them to be pedos?
>who would eventually become catholic pedos
As in you hate Italians?
>it is also really flammable
So put armed guards around the temple grounds to deter any would-be arsonists. If you won't defend your religion then you don't actually believe in it.
Why not? Germans were insanely influenced by Greek and Roman civilizations and Western Europe was basically created by Roman law and culture mixing with Germanic culture and social hierarchy.
>If you won't defend your religion then you don't actually believe in it.
I 100% but I guess I am more of a stone kind of guy after all.
Not to say that wooden temples aren't beautiful but I want something that can stand the test of time even when all that would maintain the structural integrity of the building are dead.
I 100% agree*
It's truly amazing that Viking style architecture can be found in Indonesia!
>is a decadent luxury, not a means of survival. You will always come home to modern amenities.
Every moment is an act of survival. The very fact you would think to write something so against the grain of reality tells me exactly what you’d don’t understand of the world. Additionally, it tells me the lies that “civilization” has given you you’ve internalized to a fundamental level.

You need to get to work unraveling this while you still have time.
I spend far more time in the woods than you and this is such a retarded comment to make, don't pretend like you are ever struggling in the same way out there that ancient man did.
I live in Iowa and I struggle to survive the winters here. I am not native Iowan by the way, I am originally from South California, so it's hard for me to survive the frigid cold winters. I guess that for you people in Germany, Poland, Russia, and Norway it's the same thing too. All I can think of during the winter is survival and keeping myself safe from the cold. If I get too cold I get sick easily with respiratory infections. Stop pretending that the cold is not a force for the modern man to be reckoned with. True, we have electric and gas heaters, but still it is very unpleasant.
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ᚻᛖᛁᛚ ᚠᚪᚦᛖᚱ ᛏᛁᚹ
You just state your goals brotha to them brother.
>repeating fag historian revisionists who claim literally everyone in history was a secret boy fucker

Brain rot.
Nobody says the Germanics were diddlers. Nobody says the British were diddlers. The Romans were diddlers, cope.
Nigga, I live out in the sticks and every winter I worry about whether or not I can sufficiently keep the house warm with my woodstove, I worry about getting snowed in, I worry about the power going out for a couple days at a time, I worry about the roads being undrivable, I worry about keeping myself, my loved ones, and my animals fed, etc. Not everyone is a pampered suburbanite like you.
This guy gets it.

Dumbass, I've worked in wilderness fire prevention. On private property. Where I spent months at a time in a cabin in the woods at 7700 ft elevation with only a wood stove for warmth. I extremely doubt you spend more time in the woods than me, lol
>Brutalism but let's put pedo spirals all over everything
yeah i wouldn't want to worship in here and i'd side-eye anyone who does
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Voluntarily exposing yourself to discomfort or avoiding pleasures of the flesh is quite literally the opposite of decadence
>you will always
No, YOU will always.
What could have been if sons of fornjotr returned.
Nordic non christian folk belief and finnic paganism should be must read for all norse pagans.
The one good Roman recognizes superior Germanic virtue.

Monogamy is a Heathen value. Jews and early Christians were historically always polygamous.
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it's all a larp goofy. when kings are coronated, presidents sworn in, military funerals, church services, its all pomp and circus. all of human relations are a larp. pagans were fully aware of this, the hindus call it "leela" or play. it's a game or an act and theater itself is a descendant of ritual reenactment, which is what all ritual is, a repetition of a primordial, mythical act. it's an adult version of childlike playing. but that doesn't make it fake, the gods and spirits want to play along, because theyre playing their own game. you literally just have to fake it until you make it. it works
>The Romans were diddlers, cope
As someone that has read a TON of stuff written by Romans, the overall opinion even in the most decadent late empire was that anyone who wanted to fuck a child was weird as shit and cruel. Even in the Satyricon or the Golden Ass, two very lascivious tales, anyone suggesting it was treated like a loathsome pervert and always described as such.
Yeah but also in ancient Rome, they didn't consider it diddling if the child was older than 11 or so. They did plenty of diddling, at least by good wholesome Germanic moral standards. Roman morality is disgusting.
>this gay outdoors dick measuring is still going on
I hope you're trolls, because this argument is ridiculous.
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This, especially the ancient Greeks was obsessed with drama.
Everything is a larp
My bro Yarikh keeps me sane.
Given that life expectancy in Rome was between 20-30, an 11 year old is essentially middle aged.
That's skewed by infant mortality rates.
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Any gods i can work with for wealth?
>robert 'we wuz israelites' sepehr
Fake and gay.
it would have been acceptable to marry after puberty and "diddling" a child even after puberty outside of marriage would have been an attack on the honor of the entire family and especially the patriarch. all cultures have traditionally considered puberty to be the age after which somebody can be married off, and girls would remain under the control of their fathers until they were married, even into their twenties. incest, homosexuality, and rape were widely reviled, and marriage or acts considered to be sacred to marriage without familial consent would have been as well. they wouldn't have the developed legal concepts of "pedophilia" or "personal consent" but diddling a child was by no means permissible and could even ignite extended blood feuds. the plot of romeo and juliet (who were 13), even though it's of a different era, is an example of this very ancient way of thinking. of course, even with complex laws and moral theories, molesters still run rampant today. my guess is that in the teutonic lands, rather than having some sort of higher moral character, were just more likely and willing to uphold honor laws with violence.

nice bait retard
What about Greece? I've heard they were pretty down with gay pedo shit, what with all that cup boy shit.
those are gay lies invented by gay men
Pagan "Gods" do not provide anything. They could not even prevent their own downfall in the hands of Christianity. If they had any real power of controlling seasons and harvest, no-one would have abandoned or converted from believing in them in the first place. But they are nothing and nothing is all they have to offer.

Only God, our Heavenly Father, whom made everything in the universe and beyond, sets the season and harvest, and through his Son, Jesus Christ, we are offered eternal life and salvation.
You don't know about smart meters? What if the government doesn't like you and turns your power off you going to be disregarding the gods protection from the elements then?
You're just being contrarian to waste energy
yahweh cant even prevent his own downfall at the hands of faggotry and atheism. or perhaps they are just continuing his mission. abandon abraham, abandon the noahide laws, abandon the churches that have abandoned you for aliens they see as more "faithful" than you, and for their "chosen" people.
didn't ask, pastor faggotson
And by the way, everything I've asked of Odin has materialized, so your unsolicited sermon is just wrong.
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Unfortunately my days are getting longer and hotter, not in a good way, either
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They are in a resurgence.
Life expectancy was 48-54
If you survived childhood
But you dumb fuck wouldn't have survived
Heil Freyr.
A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction would make it to 48-54, the majority did not. Also
>implying any of you hot house flowers would have cut it a century ago, let alone a millennium
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>sets the season and harvest

They don’t even hide it anymore
Yeah but you're forgetting that ancient Rome had an entire class of unprotected non-citizens called the infamis, which included such "shameful" professions as... actors, street poets, musicians. In ancient Rome you could full-on rape a preteen actress in public and people would just cheer and tell you that's based. A girl as young as 12 could be sentenced to serve in a penal brothel if she was caught stealing a loaf of bread. Romans were always (and still are) diddlers, cope.
Being a faggot also made you infami. Most actors and actresses were essentially prostitutes. I dont believe your claim about penal brothels. That just sounds silly.
I like this guy I just wish that Heathenry course he has wasn't $170
most christians and jews don't hold pre-enlightenment values
No, most of Tacitus was proven BS by archaeology and the most agree interpretation by scholars is that Tacitus was projecting his own values on the germanic people as a form of commentary on how decadent Rome had become on his eyes
It looks like larp to you because it's a thing that's unusual in modern day and is something that you aren't used to
That's no different than modern catholic priest, choir and altar helpers putting ceremonial clothes and chanting hymns when performing their ritual, that would also be perceived as larp if you weren't used to it as something normal by today social standards
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Fortuna always helped me with that
I found this schizo shit online that sums this idea up in a different way

>...We are the parrot, [a hypothetical God in a fictional universe] is the human. Confusing, I know. But let us say the parrot, or, us in this example, cries out the word “hungry”. The parrot has no idea what “hungry” means. It is mere sounds that come out of the parrot’s beak. The parrot may have a vague understanding, the parrot may notice that the humans mutter that word before they eat. But the parrot knows for certain that if it says “hungry”, the humans will provide him with food.
>The parrot knows it cannot change what it says. It knows that saying, for example, “mundee” will not get it food. It has started, and participated in, a ritual. It creates the sound of “hungry”, and it receives food in return. It still abides by the rules of cause and effect, yes, but such is a rule not of the physical world, but of the metaphysical concept of logic. Logic, unintuitively so, does not fall within the physical realm – but is rather something that can be seen as a precursor to the physical realm. What comes up, must come down. The world cannot exist without this logical rule. But this logical rule can exist without a world to present it. Logical paradoxes, and even the world of mathematics, display this wonderfully.
>That is what symbolism is, the consonants and vowels to rituals. And rituals, and their transcendent properties, can be considered the language of Gods. When we perform rituals, we speak to God, directly and in their native tongue.
Ok but the pedantic dickwaggling over who's a chad mountaineer and who's a starbucks sipping city slicker is missing the bigger picture here
Pagans have always been both the savage and the civilized
Cernunnos is both wholly beast and wholly man and you need to be able to survive in both his worlds
This is a symptom of right-wing brainrot "le revolting against le modern world". It's a reactionary performative LARP, not genuine belief in entities that govern reality. Not being a ßoyboy is more important than being a pagan.
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I heard a claim that the Soviets invented Russian Gods? That true? Or at least from what I read, that at least Chernobog, Belybog are not real or are (((Chrsitian additions))).
'd be nice to reconnect with my ethnic pantheon, but maybe the Gods have other plans for me. Nonetheless, I'm on the path of good.
Nope, not true at all. It's false. Many of these "Russian" gods, their equivalents can be found in other Slavic countries such as Poland and Slovenia.
This. One must embrace the furious inspiration of Wotan, and the stoic, disciplined nature of Tiw if one is to live a balanced life.
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It could perhaps be seen then as an evangelicalism of heathenry in its divergent modernistic adaptations of religious practice.
be thankful for absolute straw of a religion, no purpose, and certainly no actual peace of mind. you'll grow out being middle schoolers eventually and do what most pagans did throughout the ages - convert to Christianity and get actual meaning out of a religion :)
You don't believe my claim? That's silly? YOU'RE silly. You've been wrong and I've been right about every damn thing up until now, so if you don't believe me then you're just being obstinate for no good reason. Like, sorry mister president of the SPRQ fan club, but you're stanning a bunch of pedos. Fuckin'... Cope, man, I really don't know what else to tell you.

Post your hand. Sorry but every Christian is a swarthy mystery-meat amerimutt unless proven otherwise. God damn Roman piece of shit.
What did the Russian pantheon look like?
What meaning?
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>people make tulpas
>Chaos mages summon comic book chars
>Typhonian Oto summoned picrel
>But pagan are larpers because muh book of jew witchery
>It's a reactionary performative LARP
You’re talking about online Christians right? Christians that don’t go to church and hug the old ladies, but instead just share AI pics of bodybuilder Jesus and screenshots of cringey /r/pagan screenshots? The types that piss their pants over kids shoes or Olympic ceremonies call “demonic” like they’re a bunch of old Catholic Mexican grannies?

Because I know I see one of these groups loudly expressing their gay cringe TikTok influencer-distributed ideology
It's pagans and christians. Basically the Chad meme destroyed all genuine conversation on the internet.
>most agree interpretation of scholars
Don't care. I'll believe Tacitus over any number of non-specific marxist (((scholars))).

Are you kidding? Jews have absolutely stone age values, they're just really good at masking them. We're talking about the same people who believe sucking a baby's freshly-mutilated dick will prevent infections rather than cause them. Absolute animals.
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>Please ignore Kybele's/Atargatis cult.
>They're perennialists who believe that all religions are paths to the same "one true" (coincidentally vaguely abrahamic) god.
... Those ideas came from Plato and Hermeticism and Orphism, anon.
Some of you, I swear.
>ITT Loincloths are based, pants are degenerate, everyone still has a computer for some reason
Why should we ignore transgender pagan castration cults? They're based
They're indeed. Some pagans have problems with it tho.
Not Trad enough, too degenerate or whatever.
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Teiwaz, Ur-Teuton Fator, Hallower of Hagaldom; as the Moon becomes twofold, let my strength become tenfold. Tiw, You make men brave when they are afraid. Tiw, You bring victory when all appears lost. Fator Tiw, with Thy rune shining in me I March to new triumphs and a purer life, O my Guiding Star, Hail and Glory to You, Teiwaz Fator!
ᛏ ᛏ
How will you guys be celebrating Samhain this year?
You're retarded, care to explsin who is hermes-thoth or set-typhoon?
Pagans syncretized and merged, other pagans believed even more buttclenching things for you.
Just ignore him, he's probably a xtian or atheist trying to stir the pot.

Wearing cute costumes, making love to my hot bf, hailing the Horned One
this but unironically
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Are there any Pagan reconstructionist groups out there? Or better yet, how about any Pagan Traditions that are still alive? I don't give a damn about wicca or neopaganism, they are a mockery of Tradition.
I really try to take Paganism seriously, because I want to escape the death cult that is Abrahamism, but it all looks so fake, so plastic. the only other solution is Voodoo, but it's populated by black savages.
Sure, a semitic god that has led to degeneracy everywhere is the answer to our problems.
tits or gtfo
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>most of Tacitus was proven BS by archaeology
lmao no it wasnt. where are you getting this from? name one thing tacitus said thats been deboonked
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>most agree interpretation by scholars
hmmmm. which scholars would those be? could you give me their last names?
You should probably think long and hard about why a black idea such as voodoo speaks to you and not, say, any European pagan religion.
>tits or gtfo
I don't wanna get banned lol, but if you're curious you can find them on the site that is not maternal

>any Pagan Traditions that are still alive? I don't give a damn about wicca or neopaganism, they are a mockery of Tradition
Sorry but.... yes, living traditions do exist, but if you stumble in mumbling about how wicca is fake and gay and you're only interested in what's authentic and trad they're probably just going to laugh at you. It's 2024, most people have at least one Wiccan friend, and people don't like it when you talk shit about their friends so you've probably been torching bridges that you didn't even realize were there lol
Paganism doesn't need to be overcomplicated.
I carved an idol out of a 1 foot long tree log. It literally looks like a tiki head. I named it the god of luck or the god of fortune. I don't even know what the "official" gods are, and I don't care. It doesn't need to be any specific god, only that you believe in it.

I put a depression in the top of this log idol, where I insert a scented candle. Every day I insert the scented candle, light it, and I pray to the "god of luck". Ever since I've been finding random small amounts of money every few days. I found a few dollars surprisingly enough in my shirt pockets, and I could not recall when I could have placed them. I find spare quarters inside of my car, a few dollars lying around in the street. When I was at the library I picked up a book off the shelf and someone was using 1 dollar bill as a bookmark. The most that I've found at a time was 20 of 1 dollar bills wrapped up in a rubber bands, lying around in the gutter. Every time I find, I say "thank you". It's important to say "thank you". I've found about 50 dollars in total during the last two months.
the voodoo shit is larp too. you have to larp. all religion is larping and dressing funny to interact with spirituality. you have a very superficial understanding.

it's nice to find a group but you shouldn't be searching for a replacement of a church. the majority of historical pagan spirituality was kinship centered, other than state cults, local practices, etc. in fact christianity grew out of roman state cults. that's why it became so popular with elites and what led to the eventual conversion, as a tool of centralized authority; its not a coincidence that conversion was followed by increasing centralized power. if you really want a pagan group you should start a family, and im talking big. you want a whole clan. devote yourself to individual practice, there are far more shitty loser groups than there are good ones that don't do gay sex. temples and wealth and secret societies will come in time. where you live is important as well. our societies are designed to corrode strong, large kinship groups, to peel them off, like wolves hunting the strays of the herd. this means you might have to go somewhere where this is harder to do.

but you can't take yourself so seriously that you can't wear a funny hat and dance around like an idiot. if you can't do that you aren't going to make it. you have to be open to experience the divine, you're just a bit of driftwood with a measure of wind posting on 4chan about spirituality. you're worried about how people will perceive you when you should be worried about the divine.

captcha: 420RHP
woden confirms
>if you really want a pagan group you should start a family, and im talking big. you want a whole clan
As a single young man with absolutely no one in my life, how can I start a family, a big one? I'm having trouble getting a girlfriend, let alone an entire clan!
Join the military, find random qt ho in a 3rd world country and tell her you're in the military, you get married and she gets a green card. Then you just gotta cum in her vagoosh and ignore that she may or may not cheat on you while deployed.
Voodoo has abrahamic connections if you actually delve into it, it's why the Loa never try to call themselves gods.
Also tits or gtfo is for /b/, this is a SFW board and is notoriously populated by foids.
>Voodoo has abrahamic connections
Is this really true for the west african variants?
The african-diaspora variants defianitly have though
I've been under the impression that modern voodoo originated from the Diaspora and made its way back to continental Africa afterwards. So I would assume the West African variants still do even if they don't emphasize it much.
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<join the military
stopped reading there
vodoo isnt a black idea, its all french grimoire magic that was stolen by haitian niggers after they killed all the frenchies living there
how can she cheat if she's always pregnant?
It's like when parents replace a dog that dies while the kids at camp. She get preggo, you go on deployment, she aborts it and starts hoing around. Then she finds someone who looks kinda like you and gets knocked up before you come back.

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