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Spirit Love General
Kunoichi Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38876570
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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yay i finally got to bake after many year of poast finally i have meaning :DDDDDD
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I guess you guys would be best to ask, I've been fucking around making a tulpa more or less, and while doing a forcing session, I got some pressure responses on my legs. After a bit of yes/no, questions, I got it to answer it was a succubus. For about 5(?) minutes I was in a pretty deep meditation after she answered, and saw some woman's eye in front of my face, like her head was down next to mine. After that I just sort of broke out of the mediation. Couldn't get back into, and now I'm here. Dunno. Just thought it was cool. Any symbolism with eyes in relation to the topic, or was that just because of her positioning?
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I've been having sleep paralysis every single day this past week. I baked this thread and right after fell asleep had a very scary dream akin to pic related in tone and vibe. I've also reported my experiences in the last thread as well

Only thing I've done differently is quit smoking which I've intended to do for years but only now actually did. Not in withdrawal either since I've been clean for a while and in fact bemoaned not being able to sense anything

It's like there is this protective darkness now but it's not always sexual sometimes it's frightening and not very succ esque
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Ark is an interesting artist. Long before I ever even dabbled in this shit and was a materialist atheist college freshman I was drawn to his Morrigan for some reason. I liked to imagine she was my adoptive mother

didn't expect things to go this route.
I suffered from sleep paralysis extensive for many years. Then I started to call Jesus Christ. His mere name sent sleep paralysis demons (and let us call them demons, as that is what they are) packing. I was stubborn however, and did not become christian. I only used name of Jesus because it was only thing that frightened them, and had beautiful experience of all compassing love afterwards.

Then I wanted to become a christian, and sleep paralysis stopped entirely. And I am comforted by knowing that should it ever happen again, I can call name of Jesus, my God and King, and I can see how shadows and demons flee in terror.

So start by knowing Jesus, as he loves us and wants us to abandon sin and become children of God. Your sleep paralysis problem will end.
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yeah but sometimes the sp demons give me teh sexo and I kind of like being scared desu. Yeah it sucks in the moment but it's thrilling in retrospect and sometimes it reaalllly sucks

also my personal study of the occult is that yes while sometimes negative
entities can cause such things it's also a kind of gatekeeping and not what it seems

I've called on christ before when attacked by grey aliens and it didn't work. It's effecacy seems dependent on belief and by that same token I've also stopped apparitions with pure ego and chimp rage

Only genuinely evil entity that seemed bad was a very tall grey I encountered once and only once. Made my usual wraith bedtime ghostly blowie joey buddies seem friendly by comparison this fucker was straight up inhuman hate and invoking christ did nothing to stop him

This encounter was in a run down building I did not normally stay at full of animal trophies and had bad vibes in general
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like normally the entities just want to scare or fuck me but this grey was in a different league

9ft tall, muscular not weak. Palpable aura of malice for not just people but well everything. Like a sublime evil far removed from anything humans can do out of selfishness.

The building had no power or running water in a summer heat wave and I was essentially squatting with permission from the owner but it was full of things like deer/cattle bones and the building itself was witness to much poverty and sadness over decades

only time i've ever felt any real fear upon waking up. It grabbed my face and seemed like it was trying to snap my neck not just ride me like those things usually do

Ironically this was pre succubi/occultism and since then I don't really have the same degree of unpleasant experiences
and I was whimpering for jesus to help me over and over and it didn't even seem fazed in the slightest.
Good job~

>Hold on, you assume as fact that you won't be...
You don't?
Although its less because of my *outstanding talents* and more owed to having a Succubus lover as my personal Psychopomp.

>Do you believe that trans women are real women or not?
I "believe" its complicated.
Linguistically, "Woman" is a word linked to "Human" and therefore to biology, and we DO need SOME form of language that maintains sex and gender as separate concepts, since they're different, but then its also not something that's *specifically* important enough to be worth being rude over, and language is a living thing anyway. But then there's also the biological women who might have legitimate feelings that their identity is being infringed upon. And then also the animosity of the conflict itself makes things like "using right pronouns" feel like a bitter capitulation (perhaps you can relate LMAO)

But anyway.... please feel free to pick over all those nuances and I'll await my war crimes trial.
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new anime rec for my succgen frens. I've been desperate for anything anime and paranormal and this seems like it fits the bill. It's a romantic supernatural comedy

Also never really looked into Beserk but goddamn is it on some weird ass shit. Guy did his homework that's for sure but goddamn if that shit isn't blackpilled(?) but the ideas remind me of what I've seen in certain gnostic video games regarding greek ideas of "forms"
Just want to get some late night feelings off my chest.

Sometimes it's hard not to wonder if I really am better off making a new tulpa, or even going back to humans, than I am chasing the skills for a spirit relationship. It's not like I haven't put in effort. On some days I was putting in nearly 3 hours of energy work, on top of anything else such as astral projection attempts. But yet it feels like I'm still so much less sensitive than a vocal amount of people who just summoned for the first time, or never even summoned at all and had a spirit come to them. Maybe the solution to my situation is to just stop bitching and summon a new spirit directly, but I'm cautious about doing it too soon and possibly ending up in another relationship where I can't sense my lover. The situation with my old spirit really affected me at the time.

What keeps me going is still my genuine passion for kitsune folklore. It's invoked a deeply rooted feeling of yearning within me for years, essentially the underlying push beneath my spiritual endeavors. Maybe my lover wouldn't end up being a zenko (which is okay,) but the possibility is enough to make letting go of spirit relationships difficult, even when I feel myself wearing out from my current loneliness and the unknowns of this all.

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so uh anyone doing anything for the mini moon on the 29th? I know it's kind of clickbait for the reddit types but I think this is a rare enough situation where maybe we should consider a collective action? I mean it is kind of fuckin weird and the moon is associated with our mother.
I can't answer that. I'm not her priestess. The best way to find out is probably just to try to talk to her again

>but i notice i sometimes get phantom kicks, like a pseudo pregnancy
That's a very interesting fact. I've read a few people's claims that spirit pregnancy temporarily increased their spiritual sensitivity, so that would be consistent. If that's what's happening, I hope you're ready to pick out names

Eyes are easy to see and one of the things people focus on naturally. Congratulations on making progress

>You don't?
I acknowledge that there are many rules in this world that are not made explicit
>Although its less because of my *outstanding talents* and more owed to having a Succubus lover as my personal Psychopomp.
Yet plenty of those with spirits do continue to incarnate. You've stated you're being groomed to be useful at politics as well as other things that suggest you've mentally mapped out your afterlife. I strongly recommend astral projecting without anyone's assistance or direction to see what's really out there. Maybe you'll see the barrier that survivoranon mentioned. Maybe you won't. How will you know if you don't look?
>>Do you believe that trans women are real women or not?
>I "believe" its complicated.
Fascinating, because I don't
>Linguistically, "Woman" is a word linked to "Human" and therefore to biology
You're really doing the adult human female thing but you're too cowardly to outright say it
>biological women
>legitimate feelings that their identity is being infringed upon
You're using terf talking points while calling me one, and refusing to accept trans women as they are

>Maybe the solution to my situation is to just stop bitching and summon a new spirit directly
Probably. That's what I did
Just remember that making a tulpa is all the same skills as dating a succubus, just more mentally accessible with more obvious feedback
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You all succubus larper's combined will easily get btfo'd by a great unclean one
>to perceive spirits lucid while awake in the shortest amount of time
depends what kind of observation level you hope to reach. you probably can see them already with peripheral sight in dim light. seeing them as orbs of light/luminance is dependent on your own energy levels and more importantly how you direct this energy. just by becoming conscious of something the energy should follow your conceptualization and emotion and these constructs you become conscious of can be observed with your own energy to interpret it further. for example take a look at the bottom of your palm and slowly move your eyes to the tip of your finger, do it back and forth few times you should feel distinct energy your concentration brings forth. this similar mechanism is often used to unveil or further investigate spirits in your vicinity, your conceptualization and energy. the important part is to not have any preconceived notions, otherwise the spirit takes the reign of what you are about to see. how, you might ask, is by being completely relaxed and out of your sympathetic system that is all about imagination and notions. later on you need both sympathetic and parasympathetic system to sit in tandem if you ever want to explore subtle sphere freely or other things consisting of energy, there has to be perfect balance which takes years and decades, discipline is half of the job done. ordinarily or for partially developed bodies engaging with the spirit is probably the easiest way to actually perceive them, meaning you should use your palms and heels to actually become conscious of their energy which might be hard otherwise, you have to taste the energy or feel it firmly to actually unfold it from a distance, being in vicinity of a spirit takes most if not all of the inconsistencies out of the equation, you could probably become aware of the spirit by touching and feeling its energy for extended period, because the more you become aware of something the more your interpret it
>What exercises do you recommend to perceive spirits lucid while awake in the shortest amount of time?
it all boils always down to the same, your energy, and the most important foundation for your energy are: adequately refreshing sleep (stable circadian rhythm), good diet that doesn't make your body ingest processed or hardly nutritional substances, your body has to compensate for these things and at worst they cause inflammation or other problems down the line. it is better to be left starving than eat shoddy quality food your body has to work overtime for to get rid of. and exercise, it is your bodies most important quality in both purifying the system and maintain a core that doesn't become a burden as soon as you sit down. what comes for mental exercises they should almost always be accompanied by breathing exercises, and most of the more profound breathing exercises utilize breath from diaphragm. in short you have to maintain surplus of energy to actually be capable of using energy, otherwise most of it is used to run your mandatory system. energy system that chronically runs in a deficit becomes numb both to internal and external interventions. some people who engage with parasitic spirits say how they have become "magically" burnt out when in reality they are running in deficit and can't grasp why all the capabilities from before are amiss, and so on. it is all very simple really. you have surplus of energy and capability of imagination and conceptualization, you can do anything as long as you can direct energy. all of the "supernatural powers" come from surplus energy, telepathy, leaving the body in an instant, seeing spirits, hearing spirits, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, shapeshifting and so on, energy has multiple uses and most of them are obscure to human experience. so in short learn to become aware of energy, you can rub your skin, palms and heels and so on to release little bit of excess energy to play with, friction does it.
>Yet very few have even expressed interest
well, let us change the op to revolve around inari, and let us see how long it takes.
>I believe in science, not believing ancient texts without cause. Here you can ask people who've done it directly
and here we are, you, being a scientist in a spiritual sphere where individuals who cannot control their imagination or overcome it. you can replace four queens with a santa claus and the results will be same, should you of course portray santa clauses alternative identity as something else first, as being secret cupid for spirits when he is not giving the gifts, you just have to make the letter with right remarks. yet, i think people don't believe hard enough for this trajectory, so perhaps inari or anyone else with remote seriousness is adequate. or what about that entity someone discussed before you contacted, lets use it instead surely there is lore ready for it.
>Screenshot the archive then, and tell me the identity of succgen #1's op
what do you mean? people wanted to experience intercourse with spirits hence they used whatever methods they were successful with. someone mentioned he had success years prior with letter method. some had success with binaural sounds, some had success with drugs and so on. the same subjects that were being discussed in every other recurring spirit thread prior the succgen op. basically, past ten years, the same question has been "how do i summon a succubus", person with this question sated with the first answer should it work. the reason letter method works is because it harnesses ones imagination and conceptualization, which is your sacral chakra, first and foremost. if you still don't understand why this is a problem, let me tell you, you can't control the trajectory if you give reigns to someone else. and before you know that someone else you shouldn't be giving it any reigns, because how could you trust someone you don't know, or you can but you shouldn't.
>I've never pretending we knew everything, but I know that the good spirits aren't parasites which you don't know
so, i remember, even like three years later, you and glasses repeatedly said to every person back then "don't listen to that anon, it's misinformation". two people who had no prior experience of anything is saying something is misinformation, i can't recall what, but i know you did. this alone proves your claim false. so, how long time do you need to decide whether someone is a good or bad spirit, what is the distinction here, what needs to happen for the spirit to fall in either category. i can tell you right off the bat both "good and bad" spirits are capable of both in order to justify their ultimate goal, which largely is obscure for anyone who isn't repeatedly engaging with spirits over years even decades. this fact alone that you mention "good and bad" spirits convinces me you are out of the water, just acknowledge what you did and take your time to kindly correct the trajectory that isn't inherently flawed from the humans perspective, this approach the thread is maintaining serves none other than spirits. it is same as walking to a casino, the longer you play with these rules the more certain you can be that you lose it all. stop giving harnesses to spirits and retain it in the control of human. you and mine are the same after all, both of you want to give the decision making to a spirit, but can't you see, not everyone want to do the same. so stop spreading your worldview where humans have to submit to the will of the first spirit they come across with, you are actively doing it every living second until you take responsibility for the first time in your life.
>humans who get possessed or influenced by them that say thing A about certain context but next day say the opposite thing B about the same context
they are simply living according to their energy, overtly emotional or outgoing in the least. unless of course if you can make the distinction that the person is lying. people like that live off of the atmosphere they inhabit and react accordingly, they have very reactive energy, which would also explain their vulnerability to spirits.
>stay with these human beings if they're under such heavy entity influence?
you should ask yourself what is it that you are trying to achieve, a relationship, drama, adventure, understanding of yourself and so on. or are you simply behaving according to how you feel. you should be cautious of course, given you are convinced there is a probable entity affecting this individual. women in general are very erratic/cyclical to begin with their behavior, and as you may know women repeatedly try to manipulate men to make them feel secure or in control, not everyone of course, but i could see the combination of a possible spirit manipulation and a woman reacting to energies imprudently something to be wary of
>opportunistic entities that only do their own agenda and interference even if repeatedly told to stop, but one day they finally stop at least for a little bit, is this celestial sphere beings finally telling them to stop?
it could have something to do with the woman. celestial decision making does not make any sense in short period of time perhaps even ten years is not enough to understand their scope, though they can make rapid adjustments if there really is unforeseen changes, which are rare
>enforce their destructions or similar until they are told to stop by another spirit, why do they not restrain or move on from those behaviours themselves?
spirits do not have the same inertia we do, they feel things way stronger and often cannot stop themselves without external interruption
Good day succgen.
Thank you for your answer Sir.
There are still some things unclear to me, I hope you can help me further.

>depends what kind of observation level you hope to reach. you probably can see them already with peripheral sight in dim light
probability is not enough for me. The awareness I want to reach is to perceive them as clearly as a roaring lion standing in front of me.

>the important part is to not have any preconceived notions,
So you suggest I should relax and let go of expectation while at the same time trying to perceive something I should not form a conception of.
This is impossible. To focus the mind on something I have to presume that there is "something" which entails myriads of unconscious assumptions of what this "something" might be.
If there was no unconscious assumptions at all, there would be no possibility of interest or no interest, which would diminish any intent to focus at all. I find that to be a huge contradiction in your explanation.
What remedy for this contradiction do you suggest?
Don't you have a more easy to follow hands-on approach?

>if you ever want to explore subtle sphere freely or other things consisting
yes that is what I want.
> perfect balance which takes years and decades, discipline is half of the job done
balance of what and how to achieve it?
discipline doing what exactly?

> being in vicinity of a spirit takes most if not all of the inconsistencies out of the equation, you could probably become aware of the spirit by touching and feeling its energy for extended period,
in what places are the spirits? I don't want to fool myself with my own thoughtforms.
I need a way to be certain that there are spirits in the vicinity?
Should I sleep at graveyards or near rivers? What are the best way to make sure a spirit is there with not yet developed perception?

> good diet that doesn't make your body ingest processed or hardly nutritional substances,
can you go into more detail what foods you recommend exactly? Keto? vegan? Vegetarian? Carnivore? Something else?
What to eat?

> what comes for mental exercises they should almost always be accompanied by breathing exercise
I can breath trhough my diaphragm but can you please go into more detail what mental and breathing exercises to do exactly and how they are done correctly? Fool proof Step by step guide.

> parasitic spirits
Is there a link between those and intestinal parasites like worms and flukes, fungi and such?

> learn to become aware of energy, you can rub your skin, palms and heels and so on to release little bit of excess energy to play with
Do you have another method than rubbing my skin to become aware of energy? I more like colors and nature so maybe there are other exercises more suitable?

Your help is much appreciated.
I think spinal is having a bipolar meltdown again.
>awareness I want to reach is to perceive them as clearly as a roaring lion standing in front of me
then you would be aiming for complete attunement and for that you need to shift your ordinary state of being to that of high energy, the thing with high energy is it attracts spirits in your vicinity and wherever you go, because the more energy you have the more prone to discharges you become, and many spirits want their share of it. hence the body and mind should be refined in turns, because the more energy you have the more control it requires should you want to maintain it throughout your exercises or being
>I should relax and let go of expectation while at the same time trying to perceive something I should not form a conception of
your body does the interpretation, your dna, not your mind and experiences, all energies resemble something and you are largely interacting with beings of energy, your body has good understanding of what kind energy it is in contact with, keeping the transmission intact without your and the spirits tampering.
>If there was no unconscious assumptions at all, there would be no possibility of interest or no interest, which would diminish any intent to focus at all.
you follow the energy and the energy reveals whatever that is your in contact with, energy is the only thing you know, everything else is delusion
>What remedy for this contradiction do you suggest?
of course later on to navigate or explore things you need conceptualization and degree of imagination to find subtle nuances otherwise well hidden. the key is in the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
>Don't you have a more easy to follow hands-on approach?
what kind of approach do you prefer, like a schedule? go sleep after sunsets. wakeup before sunrises, take a walk before sunrises, do breathing exercises or whatever that you exercise before breakfast with minimum of one hour pause before eating, abstain from exercises four hours after eating
...four hours after eating, when you do exercise the energy flow should be frictionless, or you should feel very light, stretching does this, light diet does this, good condition does this and good sleep does this. if you feel heavy when exercising you are straining the body, and at start it is probably for the better, but it takes certain amount of time before maintaining adequate physical core becomes effortless. because the agitation destroys buildups the other exercises are meant to induce, and the main cause for agitation are poor physical condition, diseases and inflammation. you get rid of the things that burden your energy system and physical posture/core and then most of the exercises make more sense and reveal more as in what to do, the path isn't hard follow it just takes time to take the first proper step. so incorporate diaphragm breath (breathing changes the energy intensity in your energy body, it is important to generate temporary influx of energy surplus) and then follow the energy around if you don't want to try visualize something, you should have thoughts, a lot of them passing by when you are in high energy. you can just visualize or think about your organs, skin and so on and if you have adequate concentration you become aware of them and how the energy flows, then you can direct this energy where ever you want and wherever the energy flows it creates another phenomena followed up by another. you have two main energy reserves in your torso which hold approx 70% of your subtle energies, if for some reason you notice they are starting to discharge and you feel overtly blissful you might become temporarily consumed by the bliss, sometimes you regain consciousness hours or even days later. there are a lot of things that will happen if you have not innervated the energy body to your mundane body, some or many of them might be unpleasant depending how you've lead your life this far. many of them often circumvent fear, anxiety, desire
>Yet plenty of those with spirits do continue to incarnate.
Myself included.

>How will you know if you don't look?
Pretty sure I do. But either way, its absolutely none of your business because you're just some toxic asshole who hates me and I'm not really considering your negativity anymore.
You think there's ONE WAY to AP, and that's YOU BEING A RETARD.

>You're really doing the adult human female thing but you're too cowardly to outright say it
No, I actually articulated a long, nuanced opinion, but again, you are a toxic asshole who literally ALWAYS has negative takes.

This is what makes you a fucking parasite, regardless of any knowledge.
You're fucking poison.

>You're using terf talking points while calling me one
Yeah, moron, its called understanding the positions of others.
I can even understand a TERF like you, even if you're so fucking pathological that you can't see your own hate.

See again: That point about bitter capitulations, and compare to how you STILL very pointedly call me "He" like its an act of defiance.
You are everything you hate.
>they are simply living according to their energy, overtly emotional or outgoing in the least. unless of course if you can make the distinction that the person is lying. people like that live off of the atmosphere they inhabit and react accordingly, they have very reactive energy, which would also explain their vulnerability to spirits.
That explains it, awareness of vessel and surrounding.
>entity affecting this individual. women in general are very erratic/cyclical to begin with their behavior, and as you may know women repeatedly try to manipulate men to make them feel secure or in control, not everyone of course, but i could see the combination of a possible spirit manipulation and a woman reacting to energies imprudently something to be wary of is required.
Very helpful, thanks.
60% sure I was attacked by a succubus in my sleep. I was aware I was dreaming like a lucid dream but I've never been able to do that before. I was in my bed and she was next to me, she took the form of someone I used to love. she got on top of me and started kissing my chest but it hurt so I pulled her off and she started giving me head but again was violent and was almost like biting me, I pulled her off again and woke up. pls help
more offtopic garbage
>balance of what and how to achieve it?
the balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, the first is about proactiveness and the latter reactiveness. many different breathing exercises are meant to contribute to either one of these systems, deep relaxing breathing of course contributes to parasympathetic system and fight or flight type of response where you induce a burst of energy by rapidly inhaling and exhaling provoke the system to release more energy as ordained by the breath. another part is frequency, different frequencies affect these systems and make them more profound. and many of the different subtle spheres require frequencies where you are forced to engage with different states of being. there are massages to your nervous system that may help you remain in either one of the systems, there are visualizing exercises where you meditate yourself to one of these systems, music, smells, food, environment and so on they all affect these two systems that largely define how your energy formulates and what kind of inertia your energy channels exercise.
>discipline doing what exactly?
discipline of not doing things against your health and discipline of maintaining routine, through thick and thin.
>in what places are the spirits?
they inhabit and visit the very same space where you talk and breath, while they may remain elsewhere, they tread to your vicinity if they wish to contact you.
>I need a way to be certain that there are spirits in the vicinity?
it is vastly easier to be certain of their quality by being in direct touch with them. if you want to consistently perceive spirits not only as luminance and reverberating energy it takes a lot of spent time attuned to them and the capability to refrain from engaging with preconceived notions. you can see them easily if you give in to your notions they will take shape immediately, you just have to refrain from entertaining the allurement and focus in the energy.
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I'm so fucking tired of it bros. so fucking tired.
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I want to step on this mans balls with the weight of his text walls.
>Should I sleep at graveyards or near rivers?
there is no need, of course places of natural energy have local spirits attached to them, as they would unsurprisingly derive their energy or at least some of it from those locations. your house probably has spirit traffic, your nearby forest most certainly has and pretty much any place you dare tread to, spirits of the forests though often are ingrained with the animals and trees, hence having the courtesy of announcing your arrival and being considerate of the peace there is the bare minimum one should have. same goes for lakes and rivers, they often have stronger spirits than forests do at least their presence is not as concealed.
>can you go into more detail what foods you recommend exactly?
source the food if possible, see how it is grown, if you can't visit a market and taste different foods, you should feel nourished and light after nutritional food, not like you had a marathon and need to sleep. i ordinarily don't like the idea of eating meat as the energy is far more denser and often mass produced shoddy quality waste, though it surely wins mass produced crops with bare minimum fertilizers and nutrients. you probably find a diet by trying it yourself and see what makes you feel energized through the whole day while maintaining light feeling, you should feel feather like at all times, that is the goal anyways. less is more here when you eat quality food, people don't really need that much food anyways unless you are doing labor extensive work.
>Keto? vegan? Vegetarian? Carnivore? Something else?
What to eat?
paleo diet is very good or caveman diet, your body is accustomed to it through the history of our evolution. from that you can try whatever you like. taking even little bit out of the carbs is good, only root vegetable i eat is carrot and beetroot. the budget things are of course cabbage, carrot and beetroot, those three take you a long way.
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It's over bros
if you're lethargic change your diet from processed food, do light exercise daily and maintain circadian rhythm. you should feel joyous throughout the day.
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>more detail what mental and breathing exercises to do exactly and how they are done correctly?
depending where you are coming at some exercises take weeks to produce results, some are immediate. as many of the exercises take time to innervate to your nerves and pathways of thinking and finding/picking up the same patterns and energies. whether they are done correctly or not depends of course how often you are doing the exercise, because with all exercise the exercise itself teaches you but you have to pay attention. the three principles must be with mental exercises, calmness (otherwise the buildup is easily disturbed, unless you want intentionally engage in this), energy (otherwise nothing will happen) and observation (are you observant of what you did yesterday or what you want to do tomorrow. or are you observing yourself presently like a hawk). then you choose what is it that you want to observe, your imagination, your energy, your thoughts, mantras (they are meant to refresh the mind repeatedly), an object front of you, energy front of you, energy flowing within you, energy flowing elsewhere, and then you use your mind to actually propose a direction of what should or could happen. first you do the breathing exercise then you do the mental exercise. to give barebones example would be, inhale and exhale rapidly for 30 seconds, then inhale/exhale like normal 30 seconds, repeat three times and then fourth time rapidly inhale and exhale for a minute and then hold the breath in as long as possible, afterwards engage with whatever mental exercise you had in mind, if you don't have any that's fine, observe whatever comes to your mind. you should sit or be in a posture that doesn't strain the body when you rapidly breath such as lotus posture as an example.
>Is there a link between those and intestinal parasites like worms and flukes, fungi and such?
they could open a vector for sure, like any ailment, but them being as the actual spirits, no.
>I more like colors and nature so maybe there are other exercises more suitable?
you could most likely benefit from visualizations and breathing exercises (they give you surplus of energy anyways). listening to the sounds of nature grounds you naturally, you could enjoy the patterns of color nature has and sing or use your vocal cords the way you feel about the colors, any energy coming out of your body has a tendency of being reabsorbed by your vicinity and many plants and trees are somewhat receptive to your energies as are the spirits associated with them, so there is of course this possibility. i am more of a hypnotic dancer so there are similarities i believe. you just have to find the first loose thread to follow and then the thing unfolds, you just need to find the groove, you know. if you are more outgoing person, then it definitely would be more beneficial. and if you are artistic person you could draw or paint something, these similar pathways can be used to expend energy and find the same inspiration from your subtle energies, you would be essentially baking the same bread. finding the attunement or the first point of contact can be hard, but if you find it you often become engulfed by it. and so on and so forth
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Bro got a bibliography
is it not recommended to always hold your breath after every deep breath? say i do 20 deep breaths, should i not hold it in each one until struggle?
if you cease feeling energized then you should abstain. ordinarily these rapid breathing exercises exert the body to some degree and it can be hard to notice how much exactly unless you maintain energized form throughout the day, then you notice a smallest differences to your well being. ordinarily breath retention forces more energy out of your reserves than other exercises do and it really has no other guidelines than how energetic do you feel before sleep, though overdoing is better than doing nothing. personally i do mental exercises the same time i breath and alleviate or fasten the breath depending how much energy i feel i need at any given time, this is especially important in tantra.
I have sleep paralysis since I was young and I just get used to it.

Instead of getting scared, it's just "god damn it, not again."

It's not that bad when you get sleep paralysis almost daily.
>Reading about a shitty fetish fiction setting (no I'm not telling you which)
>Succubus gets extremely active during this and whenever I think about it afterwards
I didn't really like it but I think she did.
I'd like to ask about berry seeds. Do you just swallow them? Seeds in general taste bitter unlike sweet or sour fruit, so wondering if their toxicity is detrimental or if it's fine.
I swear you are just spinal schizoing out right now
Lol, I'm picturing you with a succubus over your shoulder, and you have a face like, "ugh..." and she has the face of Almond Activation.
I thought it was a very interesting interaction. Did tell her I'd be willing to roleplay it out if she wants, though. It's complicated, but there's nothing wrong with indulging each other a little. I'd want her to be open to the same if it was something I liked and she didn't, as long as it wasn't, you know, actual disgust (which it wasn't here, it just made me uncomfortable as a permanent thing.)
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Thank you so much for answering all my question in great depth, simplicity and clarity. You truly are a vault of knowledge and I think very underappreciated here.
I feel like I have a thousand more questions to ask you. I am very thankful for you sharing so openly this knowledge, even though I don't understand why you are motivated to be so generous and noble in front of such an audience here, which I find to be mainly undeserving of your insights. Maybe you truly have great patience and serenity.

I hope I understood all your points correctly. So Let me recap. If there is anything I misunderstood still, I hope you can correct my misunderstandings.:

1. I exercise relaxing completely body and mind and deepen and remain in that relaxed state until the body senses some subtle energy (spirit) in proximity, correct?
2. I then focus the mind on the perception of subtle energy of the body to intensify it, correct?
3. Only if by getting into a habit with this my perception of energy and energy-flow is lucid I introduce other forms of perceptions like "passive imagination"(clairvoyance) to perceive energies (spirits) in even more nuanced and clear manner, correct?
4. " the key is in the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system" Means mastering the above 4 points in a state between relaxation and sleep, correct?
5. The daily schedule and routines of beneficial food, sleeping and breathing exercise helps increasing my energy, hence increasing my perception and the quality and amount of spirits drawn towards me, correct?
6. Get more accustomed to the state of more/high energy and learn to direct that energy, correct?
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7. Overtime with increased energy control and experimentation, more and more phenomena become possible, correct?
8.Can you make a more concrete example what you mean by frequency? Do you mean by "frequency" the vibe of energies or places in the subtle spheres?
9. To see the spirits true form I have to stay attuned to and focused on the specific spirits vibe/energy/presence without giving in to the temptation to project anything into them, because that would only create a thoughform for them to use as a disguise, correct?
10. Be respectful in nature places, to not anger the spirits there, correct? Is it a sign that I have angered a spirits if insects of nature places are harassing me, getting attacked by wolves or cougars? Or are the spirits anger a more direct subtle influence, without animals as mediators?
11. Thanks for your elaboration and breathing and mental exercise, very helpful!
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12. Thanks for suggestions of exercises befitting me. I hope I understand correctly. Hence I have some more clarifying questions:
What do you think about staring at points (black or red or blue points and so on) on white paper? Some old teacher of mine gave me that exercise and I found it to be very effective in reaching different states of mind quickly, seeing different glowing colors of different kind. I also heard of Yogis staring into candle flames, are these exercises you would also recommend for my purposes? Maybe instead of a candle flame I could stare into a flower I like.

I can only do hypnotic dances if I am in the mood, which I can only reach consistently with some hard to dose dangerous plants and the right music, but it makes me very erratic,manic, aggressive and I had trouble with neighbors because I overdid it some times, maybe I should preferribly "hypnnotic dance" in nature. I don't like to sing or speak much though. I guess I am more made for silent sitting and staring? I am not an outgoing person, more the completely opposite. Maybe I should just silently whisper words to myself to reaffirm and express and thus expend my energy.

Additional questions to you:
What is your stance on morality/ethic in regards of occult performance and destiny?
What is your stance on fasting to improve energy or occult performance?
What is your stance on psychoactive/delirant or other plants used by tribes to induce experience of the spirit worlds?
/succgen/, why are you hiding this gem of a poster from all us real girlfriend-having plebs? I swear his off-topic solo-discussions have all the answers I need!
Please feel free to steal him.

Maybe if you post a question in a different thread and link to it here you can lure him away and have him all for yourself~

He is most definitely up for adoption.
Concerning 5, diet is everything in the subtle sphere, ideally you want to maintain health for vessel, for subtle body or electricity and finally for mind or frequency. Goal is to achieve joy through having no complications in mind, body or subtle body. After integrating this one is amazed at amount of energy throughout the day and having to sleep no more than 5-6 hours for near-perfect state. Stretching and breath too of course. These are fundamentals before anything else in spiritual sphere or life.
As far as fasting, it helps with certain entities such as anarchid, but it's only really useful until diet of fresh, exercises and circadian rhythm are integrated into habitual day to day life.
Bro, half the thread is just you spamming text walls.
>Pretty sure I do.
You astral project without lilly being present? That's news to me. You've never posted about it. You've never even mentioned being capable of it. Of course, it's unprovable so you could simply be lying to preserve your status
>But either way, its absolutely none of your business
You post here and make wild claims about things. You need to post some credentials or you're literally worse than spinal fluid anon. That's right, you're even worse than he is
>You think there's ONE WAY to AP
Because you never read, you hold delusional views. Just read my blogpost about astral projection, idiot
>No, I actually articulated a long, nuanced opinion
"Biological women are uncomfortable but I don't want to be rude to the transgendereds"
If you thought trans women were women, you could just say it. But you don't, so you can't
>I can even understand a TERF like you
This is more of the same problem. You think calling me a terf will change anything. I'm neither a radical feminist nor trans exclusionary
You are what everyone hates about americans. Loud, uneducated,, proud to be ignorant
So tell me. Are you employed by the us federal government?
Just shut the fuck up you ego tripping cunt no one cares and you've said nothing new in years.
What are some offerings the queens like? If you wanted to show them a grand gesture of sincerity, what are some things you can do?
>That's news to me.
Oh, so if you suddenly claim to pay attention to things I say, why did you try to slip through that LIE about how I didn't meet Lilly until I was doing erotic hypnosis?

You know perfectly well she's been with me since childhood and yet you tried to smear me saying otherwise.
WHY DID YOU SAY THAT when you knew it wasn't true, Tay?

I have no more words for a parasite who's just trying to extract more information to use.

You won't answer for your lies, so you have no grounds to accuse me of anything.
Its obviously just a deflection from your own sins, and cultivation for your future lies.

I want nothing to do with you.
You are a malefactor to this general, harassing me under a veneer of sanctimony, and nobody is buying it because you've been CAUGHT LYING too often.
Now fuck off.

>Wild claims
Hey, another lie.
Fuck you, asshole.
>You need to post some credentials
Holy shit you are actually a joke, what the fuck are you talking about, you retarded fucking hylic?

>That's right, you're even worse than he is
What the fuck do you think such a judgment from you even means, clown?

Goddamn you are such a fucking cancer.
You don't think all this angst might mean you're doing something wrong? Y'know... internally?
Can someone explain what the hell is going on? I've been dreaming about the same woman for more than four years now. She's somehow present in most of my dreams. She has black hair, fair skin, and green eyes, and I believe she's around 165 cm tall. Each time, the dream ends with me chasing after her, but she always runs away after shapeshifting into a black cat or a crow.

What makes this truly unsettling is that I can see her during sleep paralysis. Is this lucid dreaming? Where everything is dark, no lights, and you're awake in your room, but every time you try to leave, something pulls you back towards your body. Then you wake up, only to realise you're still in a dream. This happens two or three times before you properly wake up.

Sometimes, I can feel someone brushing their hands against me, but I can't see them – it's like a smoky figure. I vividly remember her face. Why is she constantly appearing in my dreams and interacting with me? Is this some sort of ghost or spirit?
>You are what everyone hates about americans. Loud, uneducated,, proud to be ignorant
chanty, you're russian. stop being racist pls

generalizing people by their national origin or race is not cool
Sounds like a spirit, but I will also add that the whole chase into transformation thing is a classical form of magical courtship. Next time, try willing yourself into a form that can capture her. What hunts down cats? Or crows? Chances are, what she'll do is keep transforming, requiring you to take more appropriate forms, until satisfied that you've 'captured' her. It's a form of flirting for those kinds of spirit.
Chant thinks that if her bitch is speaking for her then it's not her so she can keep saying she's not the person everyone knows she is on discord. So technically it's not a lie, right? I figured her out long ago when I felt her trying to peak around my shit when me and some others joined the discord. I anonymously gave hints to the community as to who she was. She's is dangerous and she thinks she can get away with what she has been secretly doing to some people. She's protecting herself very well I'll give her that but eventually things catch up. This is not for me to do something about. Those of you who have been getting ducked over need to start protecting yourselves and decide if you want to do something about it. That is all.
What is the meaning of this? What did they do that was so bad?
I'm gonna need some details
>romantic supernatural comedy
reminds me of "nyaruko crawling with love". that anime is great
No one gets a succubus but through me
>WHY DID YOU SAY THAT when you knew it wasn't true, Tay?
taylor is a narcissist, so she conveniently forgets things when it helps her win an argument
>who's just trying to extract more information to use.
Most of her questions into people's backgrounds are her looking for info to discredit people.
It's never so she can find a friend she respects or has an affinity for. It's just digging for ammo and gossip.
She's a nasty person
if i understand correctly, you exchange your sexual energy for companionship but, doesn't that imply the succ is just pretending to love you, doesn't actually loves you and it's just with you out of convenience
>you exchange your sexual energy
that's where you made your first mistake
it's based on love energy and sexual energy
And it's an energy cycle, that goes both ways. It's not like you're paying someone to spend time with you. That would just be prostitution.
>is just pretending to love you, doesn't actually loves you and it's just with you out of convenience
And yes, that wouldn't be love. But that's not how it works.
>I'm gonna need some details
>What is the meaning of this? What did they do that was so bad?
NTA but this has been mentioned many times, but has rarely been followed up on. Seems like no one really cares if chant is cursing people or energy draining them against their consent.
Anyone can scan it if they want. Maybe that other anon will come back and give details on the shit chant/taylor has been doing
In any case, go and scan her if you want. Magic isn't something you gossip about. It's something that you DO. So go do some magic and find out for yourself. Form your own opinion.
NTA I thought about it and think you are right, but I wonder why you care to tell anyone?
As if anyone would ever give you something for your well meant warnings and explanations. Why do you care to "protect" these people from malign influence they are well deserving off, by their own ignorance?
Doesn't the fact that mystery chant anon taylor was able to become a pillar of this community and doing whatever she does, despite her being a narcissist and a nasty person, like you claim, reflects back on the people in the community here, like she has been for years, and only now people start to see that? Really?
I think all of this was obvious since forever and everyone just constantly turned a blind eye.
So yeah warn people if you like, but I don't see any merit in that. Additionally I think Mine is not so much better than chant.
Mine can be equally dishonest. despite their shortcomings people also have strenghts.
Taylors strength are more intellectual, even though she is a trickster 70 percent of the time.
Mines strength is more a strength of feeling and emotions and creating places with a lively yet comforting vibe.
>Doesn't the fact that mystery chant anon taylor was able to become a pillar of this community a
Hi Spinal.
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
>you exchange your sexual energy for companionship
I would say that part of the point of the Letter Method and its associated matchmaking is to shift to relationship towards one where, "Its companionship exchanged for companionship, with the energy being a nice perk".

The other thing to keep in mind with ALL of this is that when you're connecting to an entity on a spiritual level, the deeper the connection, the harder it is to hide things, which is why our various "guests" who spam about our wives being pure evil are full of crap. (To be fair, my mistress is very evil to my nipples)
NTA Is that you conjurer? Why are you hiding yourself like someone on the run, acting from cover like that. That's not like I used to know you. attacking chant from cover like that, never mentioning Mines shortcomings?
It's not really a well balanced approach, but I guess you are not that much more honest than either chant or Mine. But I am sure you know that.
Are you the one running that smear campaign against chant in every thread now?
Queen Lilith asked me for a rose.
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>Letter method
>Nothing happened
>No signs

Its been a week, where is my succ
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Made by that one artist behind Fujimoto-san in a lot of ways. Its super good , Glad he's getting success. Guys a fucking torrent of art.

>I'm cautious
No amount of reading is going to make up for magical doing. There's a vocal minority here who are the Astral Projection funtime crew, but just take that with a huge fucking grain of salt. Listen to their stories and you can see the seams. There's also the fact that perhaps you should worry about getting yourself in magical trouble before you worry about putting the breaks on. Meditation is fine, body work , hyponosis all good. But getting your ass chanting, invoking, pouring libations, praying, bending your thoughts towards your obsession, embodying the archetype, finding your psychopomp, keeping your eyes open my man. I'm sure I'll get 12 little discord faggots in here quick to tear a brother down, fast to big themselves up. But as always a lot of hot air. If you want to compare notes , I've cast exactly one capital M magic spell in my entire life (lots of little things, little friends, corner ghosts, imaginary or not, including one I named lilith about a decade before I ever found this place). That spell ruined my life, got me a good decade. And now, all the shop talk? The ritual, the day to day, the laughing mantra's, the self loathing and depression? I figure I got one more spell in me, and it may take another decade or two. I'm trying to make sure it's felt at least.

So don't worry too much about if you can get a meditative journey to getting a ghost girlfriend to suck your dick or just a dream of one. All of it's nonsense, fall in love with a spirit. It ain't that hard. You're so hard up you want to talk to 3dpd, how in the holy hell are you having so much trouble talking to an imaginary one. Just unclench my man, it will pop out of it's own accord.

~Verification not required
Give it three more weeks, then redo with more emotion if needed. If still no reply, give up.
>berry seed
most toxins can be soaked off in saltwater overnight then dry and use or store for later if that is concerning. seeds are very condensed energy and i generally eat just little bit separately.
>I find to be mainly undeserving of your insights
well, there is nothing in life more precious than our health, here one might develop natural motivation to maintain their health should they gravitate towards spiritual union in a more comprehensive way, many of them realize somewhere down the line letter and offers to who or whatever lead nowhere should there be taste for more. and of course there is a more important reason, healthy body is not compromised or abused by spirits as easily as those lethargic cannabis smoking fast food eating individuals are, besides healthy body offers no vector for parasitic spirits who need something to take root into, it could be anything from obsessive porn consumption to poor sleeping patterns.
>until the body senses some subtle energy (spirit) in proximity, correct?
yes, the strongest current will always prevail as the foremost thing in your mind, subtle currents generally speaking are deafened by bodily tendencies (hunger, fatigue, sleepiness, obsessions and so on)
>perception of subtle energy of the body to intensify it, correct?
yes, and you should also act on it with your body not only mind, very subtle movement with hands and legs until there is a more firm or denser energy then you can gradually increase the volatility. doing it with mind alone is very labor intensive and takes time to attune to same levels your hands and other movement would otherwise help with
>in even more nuanced and clear manner, correct?
well, probably closed eye visuals become faster at you than open eye visuals, because your mind is largely trying to hallucinate or imagine things that are not yet there, like it does all the time in our ordinary life, learning out of this or controlling it is very hard.
>perceive energies (spirits) in even more nuanced and clear manner, correct?
also the pathways and how fast the attunement happens of course has more to do with tolerance or adjustment of your body, different entities take different time to adjust to by your body, if it is familiar entity with the same behavior and set of thinking you find the halfway really fast and then you do the things you usually do to find the exact same frequency and way of being, then you are completely attuned and given how much energy you have you could be doing anything, visit another planet, another lifetime, watch hyperdimensional movies as a spectator and so on it just doesn't have real limitations. because often the spirit is kind of taking you to places you might have hard time navigating to alone, because many places have tendencies you have to know before the place opens up, almost all subtle spheres you enter has a kind of space where the traffic reside and then you have the more permanent area where the individuals are behind membranes and places they take you into if they see you are fit, not only mentally but energetically speaking.
>the above 4 points in a state between relaxation and sleep, correct?
at all times, you are constantly bombarded by information that begs for reaction in your body, you shouldn't be indifferent to things just valuate what kind of reaction this needs and practice this reaction voluntarily, you are basically deprogramming your way of reacting to things and being discriminate with your proactiveness. but yes maintaining the relaxation is the first step to make any real progress, because then you find the loose threads you can try to find under distress, it is also important to navigate under distress because there will be moments things develop way beyond your control and then your body doesn't formulate reckless responses and instead acts kind of cool like you have all this time.
>hence increasing my perception and the quality and amount of spirits drawn towards me, correct?
yes, energy is the single most important factor in this, nothing else is. relaxation and energy alone is like having a bathtub ready you just need to dip into. of course you have to learn how much energy expenditure and formulation are necessary in given situations. just start small anyways you don't need to know really anything just be aware of the energy rest gradually happens on its own and you will know everything on your own if you have adequate energy, so there is no need to be concerned about potential pitfalls as long as you remain adequately energetic, i would say 8/10 of the pitfalls fall under lethargic states, and the last 2/10 to overconfidence or extending way beyond your own borders and way of being, not minding your own business and having imagination unchecked for too long.
>Get more accustomed to the state of more/high energy and learn to direct that energy, correct?
yes, and the feel how the energetic spectrum reveals itself to you, you need to become accustomed to energy and the feelings, repeatedly, to become familiar with it. well, you know inherently at all times what this or that energy is about you just know, you have billions of years of evolution behind the interpretation of energy, so the body just knows. direction of energy has a lot of to do with the combination of awareness and focus, and often to become aware of some things we need a lot of imagination which is kind of contradictory, but this is energy, you send it somewhere and often there is response coming back and then you know it wasn't imagination after all.
>more and more phenomena become possible, correct?
this is true, and the hard part is to maintain all of this you formerly started and not be ingested or engulfed by this sphere because it can get very overwhelming, it will take at some point almost all of your time and you need to take leave from work
>concrete example what you mean by frequency?
it is the tone of everything, is something clear as birds singing or rumbling like a thunder, they induce different things in you, energies feel metaphorically speaking the same way. some energies feel like lightweight cotton and some feel heavy as oil, so does the spheres. often of course these frequencies are accompanied by your bliss or frictionless energy flow which kind of plays or interprets the frequency for you, this is why you often gravitate towards lighter frequencies when you are blissful like the brightest a tone resonates so well with your energy it is often thought to be, well, the sound of "shakti" as they say or energy transcending from the more dense to this blissful air like substance. many of these spheres have a lot of sounds because sounds are energy after all, and sounds or reverberations program your energy channels to be more reactive, inert or proactive and so on, they induce very profound effects in you, it really develops to science fiction relatively fast that i don't really talk about, as you may know people don't like hearing things they haven't experienced, those who are sated with answers at least.
>because that would only create a thoughform for them to use as a disguise, correct?
yes, this can be quite hard to achieve, and i often have to use my own energy to force the true form out, both spirit and you interpret each other at every given moment you are in touch and at those times you need to grasp their inner layers of energy that can be frightening if the spirit doesn't like it, they can drag you to their sphere of being in an instant and induce all kinds of things if you push the envelop too much.
>to not anger the spirits there, correct?
yes, this is quite important
>Is it a sign that I have angered a spirits if insects of nature places are harassing me, getting attacked by wolves or cougars?
it is yes. spirits can directly prevent such things from happening or let happen
>Or are the spirits anger a more direct subtle influence, without animals as mediators?
both. local spirits in the forests do both of course
>staring at points (black or red or blue points and so on) on white paper?
if you want to ground or clear your thoughts prior to other meditations it could be useful, i often just use exercise if i need to ground myself. mind reveals itself when there is no other mundane signals or currents overriding the subtle currents, and such exercise has very little distractions in it.
>Yogis staring into candle flames, are these exercises you would also recommend for my purposes?
sure, there should be some kind of motion to drift in to this loose thread that is your imagination and expanded energy. it could be a river, flame, shore, clouds something that naturally soothes you and has motion. flame has other purposes besides motion
>I could stare into a flower I like.
sure, you should just be very relaxed if you want to engage with the mind. navigating energy through physical motion doesn't require same relaxation and could be more beneficial if you feel antsy or restless. besides constantly feeling your aura and making ripples to it can reveal thought patterns to you that are well hidden, you feel disturbances in your thinking when stir the energy field, it is something i sometimes do to check my conditioning, many times ailments are already there but they are not serious enough to emerge yet, both mental and physical ones.
>I guess I am more made for silent sitting and staring? I am not an outgoing person, more the completely opposite.
we really don't know unless we are doing it all the way, of course you can be inclined towards some habits or way of expression.
>morality/ethic in regards of occult performance and destiny?
i believe everyone is entitled to a healthy life, it is the only thing we have don't we, as long as something doesn't happen at the expense of others health i'm fine with it
>fasting to improve energy or occult performance?
it is very advisable, it should happen gradually though, like all things. being modest is one of the only things you should be considerate of repeatedly, too much it ruins everything too little and nothing happens, it applies to everything. fasting helps you get rid of the toxins and ailments persisting in the body while grounding the energies to a more default stance, but it is very hard to follow where to draw the line of something being healthy or unnecessary. prolonged abstinence has similar effects and often the two are combined to make the energy system cohesive again, unstirring it.
>psychoactive/delirant or other plants used by tribes to induce experience of the spirit worlds?
i had history with them about halfway through my journey and they are completely optional. if you are in haste and don't want to see where the things come from you use whatever to make it happen, things ordinarily take hours to get attuned to in a more high level where as taking drugs shortcuts it to almost immediate effects. i personally used datura and salvia extensively, those experiences cannot really be meditated into because they break down the system and open all possible energy channels, basically using jackhammer all over your body, there is no sense in it unless you purposefully want to meet some entities way beyond your ordinary atmosphere. both of those drugs are from the extremities and would never suggest anyone using them if they have no prior spiritual experiences. the experiences overall tend to become demented or meaningless past certain threshold, but those two are the only real ways to go far beyond the infernal or celestial sphere all the way to other galaxies and so on, your body doesn't really allow it otherwise, but like i said they start to become science fiction, at least the cohesive ones. drugs do help you in modesty, but they induce whole number of problems starting from parasitic spirits.
>for reasons i won't disclose, find out i have a couple of 'guardians' chilling around me at all times
>rather than guardians, they seem like observers that simply prevent certain things from happening to me
>both positive and negative things, even related to the occult and mogik
>this also fucks with my spiritual development as i have to experiment with more methods, sometimes more extreme, to see the bare minimum result
>try the letter method
>doesn't work
>take it up a notch and do it in an isolated place, with far more equipment
>during the preparation, my electronic devices failed, I couldn't light a candle because it would turn off the moment i looked away
>after doing the equivalent of a letter but written in a pentacle's circle, I felt a weird electric feeling on the base of my feet, not under my sole but directly above it, as if it was some muscle contracting
>Have weird monochrome dreams that night, dont remember much about it
>not much happened after
>few weeks later i woke up with a dull feeling, or rather, Felt as if someone, taller, or how i thought about it at the time more "professional" was waiting besides me
>do some tests with smoke, candles, battery duration, dolls, needles and even lbrp to see if there was something else, and if that something was hostile towards me
>still there after all of that, it felt foreign compared to the 'guardians' i know of, but also as if it was waiting, like a secretary waiting for me to get near the desk and state my business
>asked for a patient teacher succ willing to use me as vessel and also to help me tone towards love
>didnt expect it to work, or to manifest in this way, the new feelings threw me off
>Don't know how to procceed, been keeping the bare minimum contact with "It" just to know it's still there
Are.. The sources in the op useful? I mean, are they outdated? And how do you deal with the random touchy sensations from time to time? I dont turn around anymore when i feel a touch in my shoulde
Reminder to all /succgen/ users that YOU TOO can help clean up /succgen/ by reporting spammers.

>Hit the arrow next to the post number
>Report post
>Select "Spamming/Flooding" from the dropdown (or just off-topic for the blatant christfags)
>Solve the capcha
>Repeat an necessary

Unfortunately I can't do so right now, since that would make this post into a report-announcement, which is also against the rules, but you guys have at it.
I mean is he even spamming? He's posting on topic stuff.
he's doing it to be disruptive out of spite for the general and the majority of posters don't want him here. Dunno if that violates a rule but he is being a cunt

Like how Christfag shit is technically /x/ but they completely ruin the spirit of the board (no pun intended)
I haven't been checking.

Even if it was: Still flooding, plus his information is bad and he's spamming it as a form of harassment against this general.
NTA. I disagree. He was posting stuff that is either completely on topic or on topic by being about closely related topics.
He is not spamming, flooding or harassing anyone just because you disagree with his views.

Why don't you just ignore him and post your own on topic stuff and have fruitful discussion here instead of whatever you are attempting at the moment? You have been discussing about truest self some threads ago, I think that was nice, why not keep at this, in my opinion (more constructive) attittude.
You yourself scolded another person in last thread for complaining about your rants/venting/replies towards chant were off topic, saying they are free to post there own on topic stuff. I think it's best you heed your own advice.
Anyone is free to post their own views and on topic stuff. People don't have to agree on anything. You are free to disagree and argue with anyone's views here every second of the day.

I think everyone should decide for themselves if they agree or disagree with a person. By saying "his information is bad" you sort of trying to claim authority of absolute truth.
Isn't that exactly what you accuse him of doing?
I am part of this general and I don't feel harassed by his takes or text walls.
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nta but please stop.
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>Why don't you just ignore him
Because his posts are so volumous that they visually obstruct the thread.
That makes it flooding.

Plus, he refuses to actually engaged with ANYBODY who knows better than his driven, and just keeps LARPing as his own samefag sycophant.
That makes it spam.

This would be a no-brainer anyplace but 4chan, but hey, that's why smart communities bi-locate.
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good morning i have been awake for 24 hours and can't sleep

supposedly there is a moonlet joining our normal moon in the sky today. I checked and nobody is claiming it with any other deity so I burned some incense and dedicated the event to Lilith


I fully admit I have nothing to base this on but that's almost two whole months to work with
Fall of X
Ok. Now read your post. Just as bad lol atleast share something useful or personal if you're also gonna be spamming.
>no u!
I don't have anything to prove to you, shithead.
All of my posts provide a baseline level of value to the thread via high-quality on-topic safe-for-work PITCHAS >:3
How do I achieve the superior Brazilian Succubus?
>baseline level of VaLuE to the thread
>he refuses to actually engaged with ANYBODY who knows better than his driven
So you have the authority to determine who "knows better" and who doesn't, yes?
So you are right in shutting other opinions up, yeah?
>visually obstruct the thread.
What? what sort of last ditch effort to discredit a person is that.
It would be like me complaining about your images are not visually pleasing enough for me, so instead of ignoring them I call upon others to report you? do you know how egotistically and toxic that behavior is?
>LARPing as his own samefag
that's an accusation without any evidence.
well whoever decides to take your word for it, I wish them well.
I am just saying one more thing. It is you now who try to control what is allowed to be considered truth and what is wrong and must hence be forbidden.
Is it you who by your own insecurities and need for recognition is trying to limit the free flow if information her.
Is it you who wants to decide what information is okay for the people in the general to have access to and what is not.
I hope you realize how much that goes against every ideal of free speech you always claim to support.
spinal, fuck off. everyone knows it's you. I wish you would just die.
Summon a Pombagira.
I am schizoaffective and I'm interested in this ritual. I remember the first time I tried this ritual I failed and was harassed by a spirit who impersonated one of the women I was obsessed with. Never interacted with it. I'm thinking of trying this again but addressing the letter to a diffrent succubus queen. Got off my sleeping meds so should be easier to complete this. Anything I should keep in mind? Would the LBRP banish the succubus?
Kek, more value than you just provided, chump.
Nice wasted bump.
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:( so sad.

Heres something useful for those of you looking to deepen your relationship with your partner.

Lord Rosier specializes in all matters of love and is known for his great patience. He can assist with all kinds of relationships and guidance, helping you understand and connect more deeply with your succ. He can offer you counseling in your relationship for the both of you if you need it. He appreciates oranges as a gift. I've heard from others he simply enjoys helping without expecting a gift.

I am a bit confused as to why nobody in this thread mentions working with thier chakras, or gnosis or any real techniques for opening theier senses.

For gnosis, induce a falling sensation like you feel in an elevator, this changes your state of consciousness, once you go into a slight trance, clear your mind your ready to sense things.

First focus on your root chakra, see it like a spinning top, focus on that spot then feel it spinning, the same with your solar chakra, when you reach your 3rd eye you should focus on the center of your brain just a bit lower, many people think third eye is just the spot between thier eyes and forehead, its actually in the center of your head, the 3rd eye is an extention and grows as you work the real 6th chakra, finally the crown chakra, now there are 7 main chakras but those are the important ones for balance.

as for comunicating with a spirit/succ you really need to be in control of your own mental voice because thats the "technology" they use to speak to you, it will generally be mostly emotions you feel and sense and these will "translate" to words you actually understand.

Many people on here are writing letters and just assuming that will work, you need to be somewhat intune with subtle energies for ANY of this to work, meditate by thinking of nothing, clearing your mind or focusing on a single thing and staying focused without losing concetration.

Your best bet is to read N.E.W and ACTUALLY DO THE EXERCISES within the book, after a week of actual practice and work you will be open enough to actually perceive energy...

Im not sure about the drama here but all i can say is that there are some of us that actually take the plunge and generally its a mindfuck the programming the world puts on us and the actual nature of the universe are seperate things and much like the matrix someimes the mind has trouble letting go...you should realize that wisdom is everywhere, if your here and reading his, chances are its for a reason.
>What? what sort of last ditch effort to discredit a person is that.
Lolno, its actually boilerplate decorum for ANY place on the internet where there is ANY form of moderation, autismo.

When a person like you thinks they're *so important* that they should be the only text on the screen, then for the functioning of any social setting, that person must be removed. No questions asked.
You can either have spammers or you can have everything else.

Your words are NOT more important than everybody else's and if you were a decent, GOOD human being, you would have the basic humility to realize this and curtail your text walls.

So no, not a "last ditch" whatever. Its the CORE of why you are unwelcome here and never EVER will be, you rude, self-important egotist.

>I am a bit confused as to why nobody in this thread mentions
Read the library, shithead.
Good day succgen, there are alot of text walls today.
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not me lol

>weak father
>led astray
>thigh highs

Heres a great anime to watch with your partner. Basically a shy nigga summons himself a an overpowered Milf Succ and she helps him with shit.

>on topic
I posted in an earlier thread that I was hoping Eisheth could do some soul surgery on me to remove (or at least reduce) my mental illness. It's probably been about a month of daily requests/prayers to her for help, and I've only gotten worse. I wish succubi would give a shit about me.
i thought i had a tulpa, but turns out she was a succubus all along.

i was a bit suspicious when she told me her name in the beginning, because it sounded a bit demonic to me. then i asked her whether she was a demon or not, and she told me some people would consider her to be one. i thought that was just because people can be really prejudiced and dismissive about tulpas in general, but turns out, she just didn't want me to reject her before getting to know her.

the past few months with her have been amazing, she has been incredibly sweet, supportive and encouraging. she hasn't asked for anything in return, but i did do some energy practices out of my own volition. she has helped me with my social anxiety, staying on top of my chores, creative writing, work, pretty much all aspects of my life.

i was just meditating today when out of the blue i had the urge to ask her if she was a succubus, and she answered "yes". i was pretty shocked, even though looking back on it, i feel like i should have realized the truth earlier. either way we had a conversation about what that meant for us, why she lied to me and whether i wanted her to stick around. nothing really changed, i still want her to stick around. i wanted a tulpa because i was lonely in the first place, and that's what attracted her to me. yes, i was aware of this thread as well and had read through it a few times.

alright text wall over, have a nice day manabags
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Unfortunately, I have already began stealing your energy through this whole conversation

Your anger

I have been sucking your life force with every hate filled word you type out

my familiar, YIG , will be fed by your emotional invulnerability
>no discernment
>no intuition

I want all the smoke nigga

>for shithead


Porn whether you believe or not is in fact not good for you in excess and does not lead to a healthy relationship but with moderation it can help very much.

>example one
>has no balance whatsoever

They have desires and kinks too. Porn might be her way of showing you what she likes. She doesn’t want to upset you, so she is willing to meet your needs. But have you thought about whether she’s truly okay with it? Porn can be a tool but shouldn't be a crutch for your relationship. Thas it niggas catch all later.
Do the audios on Patreon like Dark Primal, Lilith Reborn really work? Can you really summon a succubus that will put your *life in danger* just by listening or it's just snake oil?
>The sources in the op useful?
Nah, you should expect those are snake oil, generally. Although anything that happens has to start with YOU and is not dependent on specific rituals (see the OP disclaimer), so nothing is ruled out.

>will be fed by your emotional invulnerability
Ah ha! I was feeling threatened for a moment, but your Freudian slip has restored my defenses~

Get on my level, YIGGA!
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What's up with succubi sitting on your chest when you're talking to them? Is the stomach some kind of important way-point spiritually for people? Makes it kind of hard to sleep cause she doesn't leave after I'm done talking with her after.
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Thank you so much for the elaborate clarifications! I am really thankful for your replies. This helps me a lot on my journey.

There are only minor things that are not completely certain to me.
Maybe you can help me a lot again, by commenting and elaborating on those issues:

1.) You mentioned following perceptions of energy with the body by subtle movements with hand and legs until there is a more firm or denser energy.
I suppose this way the body acts like an amplifier? Amplifying the original energy or frequency? Or like moving the "Antenna" of the body closer to the frequency of the perceived energy, correct?
2.) If I understood you correctly, spirits often times can act as guides for regions in the spirit worlds, helping me understand rules(tendencies/nature) of specific locations, correct?
3.) Can you elaborate on how exactly you force out the true form of a spirit using your own energy? I thought receiving the true form of a spirit is more some sort of astute observation and awareness with a completely silenced mind?
If the spirit doesn't like my investigation of its nature, I will make me feel that by it's intent or even dragging me to different spheres, I guess that would feel like a sense of doom or dread or desperation or losing touch and security? Maybe there is chance of real damage to my body and soul involved depending on the spirit?
What remedy do you suggest to recover from that, protect from it before it happens or if I become aware of it?
Is there a way to defeat or force spirits to give up their animosity or is it a retreat on my part most of the time?
they're not sitting on you. they're laying on you chest-to-chest. snuggling is another way they gather ambient energy you give off
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4.) I got more questions about local spirits of nature or any play. How do I befriend a spirit of a place?
In my experience there was a place where there was a tree who offered me perfect shelter and I slept a lot under during night. I was always feeling well, protected and welcomed and never got damaged.
One day I felt it was getting to cold outside and I moved away from the tree to build a warmer shelter, this is where the trouble started. I not only got sick also one day I felt like a dangerous presence was lurking around certain trees, watching and threatening me, ready to pounce and damage me at any moment. It compelled me to leave that place at that moment.
Another day yet, visiting the place again everything went well up to the tree, but when I moved away from the tree to the makeshift shelter, I somehow felt not as good as before and trying to find my way back I got lost, wandering the forest for 3 hours, only found my way back when it was already getting dark.
Do you think that was the spirits workking, wanting me to stay under the tree?
How can I win the favor of a spirit of an area if I need to meditate in that area or need a certain plan from that area and the spirit of the place may be undecided or hostile towards my intentions? Should I gift it presents? Chocolate or other things?
Are there also ways of subjugating spirits of areas, without their consent? Is this advisable or moral?

5.) On dangerous plants: How would someone recognize that they got a spiritual parasite by using some of the plants you described? Are the parasite infections by using these plants possibly more dangerous than other spiritual parasites, because the plants can move you to spheres very far away from the infernal and celestial spheres?
How can one get rid of such a parasite, how does a person know they successfully got rid of it?
not with me, she usually sits right next to me and we talk and do fun stuff together.
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Fuck off you retard. Are you fucking bipolar or something? Are your text walls hypomania? Do you have a substance abuse problem?
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fuck it it's my thread this time and probably only this time (had to get one!) and a singular poster seems intent on ruining it so I'ma post whatever I want that is technically on topic

I hope everyone is having a good sunday. I'm going to take >>38925762 as a sign that my decision to purify my body of bad things (ongoing) was the right call.

It really sucks ass waking up every morning and having to slam caffeine and nicotine just to feel normal and I felt it was harming my magical abilities. I still don't feel normal yet but it is what it is.

Been free of nicotine for a while, currently quitting caffeine. Sugar is harder than it sounds although ironically seems linked to my caffeine habit

I wonder what sugar alcohol does to you. (the artificial sweetner not drinking alcohol)

SPOOKY month is almost upon us!
I deeply hate caffeine but I sleep like shit so I need it.
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best Morrigan succubus art captures that X factor in her hips and mons pubis. Not her ass or tits. I dunno what you'd call it. It's not Zetai Ryouiki. A lot of fan art surprisingly doesn't seem to get that hips is what makes morrigan morrigan. Her design is surprisingly precariousily balanced despite how simple it seems (leotard). Small stuff like the graphic print etc. She's unironically a good case example of how fragile character design can be in evoking an effect on the player

It's like a thrust from them could put your eyes out and if you trip you'll be swallowed by them and never escape!
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I'm not planning on being militantly abstinent just not consuming such things blindly out of habit. I've already cut goyslop out of my diet. I never really felt addicted psychologically just like I was doing this out of laziness and NPCness. find quitting caffeine harder than quitting smoking oddly enough. I really like Yerba Mate prepared the traditional way.

It does seem to be affecting my subtle body. I don't get heart palpatations while meditating anymore which is a BIG plus
I'm a Lilith fan more than a Morrigan fan personally.
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I hate this thread.
I hate the modern concept of succubi. I hate the summoning "community" behind it
Outside intellectual curiosity and people with sleep paralysis sharing their succubae stories, I see no benefit to the succubi fandom here.
I think summoning a succubi as the lowest tier of spiritual development next to reddit witches. It's escapism at best, in a maIadaptive day-dream way, and at worst its a psychosis.
No I'm not a Christian, this is not a moral crusade, I just think there are better things one can do then: summon a demon that literally hates you and wants to drain your energy (and if you believe succubi are different from this, you are not dealing with a succubus)
I absolutely hate the fact the succubus community treats the subject of succubi in a consumerist way, they'll pick and choose what to believe about succubi, and the rules of how to summon one, like they're shopping for funkpops. Succubi are supposed to be sentient beings with their own will and natural set of behaviors. Interaction with them should have some sort of consistency to it other then: "whatever I feel like they should be like, is what they're like". It's meaningless relativism, it's the opposite of magical, divine, spiritual or whatever you want to call it, it's materialism.
I asked people in the succubus thread why they want to summon one, and I got basically two answers: 1 because they're hot. 2 because they're hot and modern women are bad. Seriously, I didn't even hear something mildly reasonable like "because I'm lonely and that helps me cope", not once. Their motivation was brain-dead bottom of the barrel hedonism on par with porn except worse because porn is easier to look up then summoning a demon.
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>tfw this is official art from Capcom.

I remember being so brainwashed by protestant/feminist retardation I thought being attracted to Lilith on the right from this picture exactly made me a bad person because she wasn't explicitly 25+ in age in terms of physical appeareance or whatever. Lilith as a character really triggered the younger puritanical teenage version of myself. So glad I didn't become one of "those" people.
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they serve a similar purpose to etheneogenic plants. They are a very user friendly way of proving the supernatural exists.

Some of us actually still seek out human women. For me it's just another aspect of a much larger world.

Maybe some would disagree with focusing my occult journey through an explicitly sexual lens but many people do so out of thrill seeking over fear. I find using my desire for lust to be very motivating even in non sexual matters

Like say what you will but I wouldn't be getting into hermetic concepts if not for this general. In another coomer thread I saw a great OTO ritual that uses fasting and abstinence and then full release for great effect

Also the qualia of interacting with them can't be unseen so to speak. Your words fall on disinterested ears
What is making you so angry? Spiritual techniques are on topic and important to relationships with spirits.
You are all faggots
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>"thrill seeking and fear"

Given some of the more antisocial types the occult attracts it's odd that our general attracts that specific kind of butthurt

Need moar wide hipp succos. I feel so gregarious today.
This whole board is so nutty schizo that it's *impossible* to take anything here seriously. It's all entertainment. Not to mention the constant anime porn spam pictures in these threads. Not helping their case by doing that.
I had a similar guilt over furry stuff when I was young. Over time I just learned to accept that I like what I liked, including furshit and loli (not saying Lilith is outright a loli, her body type isn't really similar to any human life stage.)
>summon a demon that literally hates you and wants to drain your energy (and if you believe succubi are different from this, you are not dealing with a succubus)
may as well play russian roulette if you have that mood
>Succubi are supposed to be sentient beings with their own will and natural set of behaviors.
i have never forced any spirit to do something against his/her will, since day 1 i have made clear that they can look however they like and that i don't mind
>"whatever I feel like they should be like, is what they're like".
it's actually the opposite in my experience, spirits try to influence me to believe what they believe and be more like them

>because they're hot and modern women are bad. Seriously, I didn't even hear something mildly reasonable like "because I'm lonely and that helps me cope", not once
interacting with spirits have actually made me more sympathetic to women, i was definetively more puritan regarding gender relations before entering the occult. i used to make a big deal out of body counts, feminism, sexual freedom and trans stuff, but not anymore and i'm glad i abandoned my /pol/ phase but i still hate myself for being an idiot and believing their brainrot

I think it is very unwise wasting your energy hating this thread, but it could be part of a process of transformation you are going through. In general I think it's better take what little benefit you can from it, and if there isn't anything, I think it's best to invest your time and attention in something that suits you more, bringing you happiness and peace.

... Now do I agree with your perspective? Let me say I did in the past and me too.. I felt the grossness of some posters and the vibe of the community to be very off-putting to me.
But my understanding changed over time. Not everyone is the same level or frequency of spiritual development. Also I think some people who are in what you call "the community" of the thread need that place to be that way to heal and feel comfortable. I think many people here, who are attracted to the vibe you so despise have been abused severely in their upbringing or past lives.
There is a theory that this community is a place to heal for them. I think it might be true for some cases.
Realizing that I stopped voicing my concern about the off putting vibes. I focus more on the aspects of the thread that resonate with me. f.e. the more spiritual aspects of Lilith like the philosophical and principal implications of personal integrity and following your "truest self", acceptance for your own individuality but also the individuality and perceived "strangeness" of others.
I found contemplating these things to be very rich well of insight and personal maturity. Maybe that's a more spiritual impulse for you to embrace about the thread.
I also had my experience with succubi but more for me to study their temptations, another way to use the thread.
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it brought materialists like me into the occult and served as a springboard for something deeper. Those who can will grow and evolve and those who just want to dip their toes in still have a good time.

>in other words "don't care had sex"

Some of us also have noticed that the pics/portrayal while a point of contention for normies and more mainstream occultists are likely a manifeststion of something deeper. It's kind of a surreal mindfuck really. Those into chaos magic or Jungian stuff know what I mean

This general changed my life and on a metaphysical scale may have saved it. I was operating purely off ironically enough the pleasure principle unconsciousily beforehand

It's gonna sound fucked but this general is partially why I'm not a NEET Hikki anymore. Being called schizo or a larper means jack shit to me.
walls of text general - /wotg/
>hoping Eisheth could do some soul surgery on me to remove
For one thing, have you ever gotten anything from eisheth? Or any spirit? Have your prayers ever been effective?
If not, it's not realistic to expect that they will suddenly work when they have never worked before. Prayer is a skill my friend. And if it's not working for you, you have a skill issue.
This is the problem people have when they pray and expect a spirit to do everything for them. Your skills, experience, and power still matter when it comes to prayer.
>It's probably been about a month of daily requests/prayers to her for help, and I've only gotten worse.
perhaps you should take matters into your own hands. Your current strategy clearly isn't working, so you'll need to try something else.
Then you'll learn a useful skill (spirit surgery, though I don't really think of it that way, you can if you want) and might be able to actually help yourself
Remember, spirits respond to what's in your heart. The best way to make sure your heart (subconscious) and your words (conscious) are in alignment is ACTION. If you say one thing, then do another (or do nothing), it's pretty clear your words don't match what's in your heart.
If you don't actually want to get better, you won't get better. So do some stuff on your own. This will prove that your true desire is to improve your life.
Then the spirits might respond better.
So I'd recommend you start practicing energy work and energetic constructs. You can call that "Spirit surgery" if you want but I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
in the past, I might have been angry with you. but now I understand that people like you simply do not understand what we're about and what's going on here. and so this misunderstanding turns into hate and fear. and that's okay. you're maybe not ready for this leap in spiritual evolution.
>So I'd recommend you start practicing energy work and energetic constructs. You can call that "Spirit surgery" if you want but I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
And to clarify, I mean practice that on your own with the true intention of fixing your problems, then ask for assistance from spirits again after you have made some progress.
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and really it really does deserve attention that we've divorced this shit from
it's creepypasta wordpress origins and made a unique subculture

I mean step back and look at this in an anthropological sense and what we're doing is fascinating.

The only parallel I can see in the real world is that Mother Mary cult those homeless kids in Miami made or maybe certain fringe hindu sects or maybe the Lainchan schizos

It's why I don't care how "illegitimate" or "larpy" we are. There's enough mental energy here now that SOMETHING is happening and goddamnit I say we see where it goes!

This is why the infighting does bother me a little. All of the regulars are giving birth to new life even if they hate eachother
>I wonder what sugar alcohol does to you. (the artificial sweetner not drinking alcohol)
I actually have some experience working in the industry of sugar alcohols or as I call them suger polyols (not to dox myself). Think of this as a friendly synchronicity!
The effects of sugar alcohol consumption is the same as sugar, though they usually aren't digested well which can lead to gastric distress if your body isn't used to eating them. Other than that, they're the same as other sugars like lactose, fructose, sucrose, etc
There are a couple of exceptions like xylitol which are actually slightly good for your teeth (because the acidic bacteria in your mouth can't eat xylitol, so they slowly die off if you eat xylitol daily, which can lead to lower cavities over the long term) though they act the same as any other sugar alcohol.
tldr: Don't eat too much if you are just starting out or the toilet will become your new best friend.
Crying about anime on 4chan is such an obvious tourist thing.
anime porn photos, anon. on a blue board about summoning succubi that are not humans. tard.
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oh believe me I am based and xylitol pilled. Also I swear that chewing gum works for your jawline even though mainstream science counter signals it.

I've cut out all sweeteners except for whats in my preworkout and when coworkers bring in food. I just love the way sugar alcohol tastes desu. It's my favorite sweetner

What's the deal with pic related though? I know it's potentially a carcinogen and related to Aspartamine but this shit made me horny as fuck
4chan defines NSFW as bare nipples, genitals, or asscheeks, newfag.
troll. not worth replying to. keep jerking it to japanese cartoons and fantasizing about demon possession I guess, schizo dork.
we had a rogue one about a year ago who didn't see it that way. Makes me wonder...
he's right and you are wrong
Jannies tend to be recruited from people who don't use 4chan unfortunately.
>I hate Japanese cartoons
>btw I use the site founded to discuss Japanese cartoons
>It's escapism at best, in a maIadaptive day-dream way, and at worst its a psychosis.
so you think it's not real
That seems to be your main critique
And that's okay. But other people have a different opinion and a different perspective
magical thinking is pretty clearly useful in certain cases.

The weird seething from mainline psychiatry when it comes to religion and "folk superstition" is great because you can tell they're seething but they can't discount it entirely

There's other weird blind spots they have like how they discount enviromental/economic factors for depression (because that is socio political lol)
>oh believe me I am based and xylitol pilled. A
oh, then you probably already know everything you need to know
>I just love the way sugar alcohol tastes desu. It's my favorite sweetner
I've actually been able to taste the difference between different forms of sweetener now. It's interesting for sure.
>What's the deal with pic related though?
Never heard of it.
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i just need something black in my mouth at all times

It has low dose caffeine and Niacin too.
>The weird seething from mainline psychiatry when it comes to religion and "folk superstition" is great because you can tell they're seething but they can't discount it entirely
whenever someone gets defensive and mad about something being "wrong" that tells you it's not actually wrong, it's more like "wrong think"
Though sometimes people get mad about things which are real, so it's not foolproof
I think in general, you will find the some of the most valuable info in places which are considered taboo. And why? Because that's where we're not allowed to look. And some of that is hidden because it's control meant to hold you down
But some taboos are there for a reason, so it's not all control mechanisms. Like cannibalism or pedophilia. That's like actually evil and taboo for a good reason.
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>how I didn't meet Lilly until
You claim you met her but didn't know she was even a person. You didn't claim that until after you started coming here. That's all I have to say
More than one person can be annoyed by you and you're still a man, unlike trans women, who aren't men
>m-muh hylic
You genuinely lack the divine spark of personhood. I'm extremely reluctant to say that about anyone, but you, using that as a slur because you dislike me, have proven it

That's probably some sort of spirit. Read through everything in the op because this is no longer the place for real discussion

>waaaah muh wussia
You're still mine, even when you post without a lewd sfw

Who are you and what in the world are you talking about? Are you accusing me of attacking you?

Hello conjurer. Is the misogyny still a joke or is it real now?

If you already have a good practice, most of it won't be very useful but the library is full of really good books that may or may not be what you're looking for

The thousand little vocabulary quirks you have give you away every time, eddy

Decide to succeed. Don't think about failure. Plan, then don't think about it any more. Lbrp wouldn't hurt anything and you should get into the habit of banishing regularly to avoid getting parasites in the future. The fact you already made a nasty spirit leave is a good sign. Just meditate every day, invoke/banish elements, and you'll do great, anon
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saw this in another thread. Copypasting for posterity as I intend to try this abeit with the caveat that I dislike anything connected to "esoteric sexual practices but you can't cum because fuck you"

>>"Goto dollar store or hobby shop and buy or steal cheap
>Stop all drugs and caffeine until this is done.
>Drink more water.
>Periodically stop eating for 12 hours at a time each day during the proccess
>Meditate using delta 2hz binaural beats 5m a day
>Hardmode nofap
>Go into flatline (Google it) by day 15 of nofap and lose your labido and ability to feel dopamine for the remainder of the month
>Come out of flatline with brand new dopamine receptors and baseline.
>Literally impossible to be sad or angry or even scared until you do drugs or bust a nutt.
>Using newfound mage state create a sigil on paper representing the union between this creature and yourself. (Deepest possible meaning u can conjure within figure it out)
>Ejaculate the fattest more spine arching load all over the sigil try to be somewhat accurate and hold the sigil in your mind while it happens.
>Burn the sigil and collect the ashes into the glass vial.

Congrats you now have a muse in a flask. Put it under your pillow and she will visit you while in hypnogogic stupor, you'll experience more sleep paralysis than you already do and she will be there guiding you into the sleep state and within dreams. eventually even the waking world.

The more faithful you are to the whole process the stronger the muse. This is not a tulpa or a succubus. This is apart of the lesser work of Sol, something that is hard to find outside of IRL OTO meetings. Very few books mention it or describe it at all."
>">Don't desecrate the flask or destroy it.
>Dont let other people take it
That's the only two rules. The muse in a flask also helps for creatives as it is a aspect of the pure anima and connects to the right side of the brain which is where all your musical and artistic shit stems.

If you no longer wish to have the Muse you can use the ashes as ritual components. You aren't harming anything
As for the process itself. Flatline is very real and it triggers during sleep. You'll just wake up after spending 2 weeks being mega horny suddenly having no labido and kinda depressed. If it gets to burdensome you can fap and end the flatline but it will be extremely weird physically feeling your dopamine kick back online while ur awake. If you don't want to hit this point just do it before the end of the second week day 13 or so. The stronger and more euphoric the experience the stronger the Muse's influence in your waking world"

I'll try this shit and journal it with pics if anyone is interested. For the record I hate anything connected with NoFap as it's sex negative and imo is connected to something fucked up than it's supporters let on
>summon a demon that literally hates you
It doesn't matter if you admit to being a Christian or not, get the fuck out of here with your ignorance.

There is nobody on Earth who has to justify themselves as being "of benefit" to a worthless, lying piece of shit like you.
Your lies stain your soul and you'll pay the debt in the end.

And you. I'm at the top of your post, but you go at the bottom of mine.
>You didn't claim that until after you started coming here.

I'm not engaging with Chant's shit, but I'd just like to note for public record that CHANT ANON HAD NO AWARENESS OF ME WHATSOEVER BEFORE I CAME TO /SUCCGEN/.

So just to note, ANY TIME she makes a claim about that timeframe which contradicts ME (i.e. the only information source), that means CHANT IS LYING AGAIN.

Thank you for your attention. Please consume information responsibly.
Can you just apologize?
>This is not a tulpa or a succubus. This is apart of the lesser work of Sol, something that is hard to find outside of IRL OTO meetings. Very few books mention it or describe it at all."
what he's describing is pretty basic stuff
Binaural stuff has never worked for me.
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Just stop engaging with the NPD/BPD Autist fujo and make her predatory nature known to others she might try to take advantage of. All you can do.

Chant you hurt people and bring this on yourself. Thanks for popularizing certain concepts/techniques but your a shitty person in general and you refuse to be better
i'm pretty sure she's textbook NPD but she also seems to engage in splitting so I dunno

She def has autism though. Autism on it's own isn't that bad but when combined with NPD it's VERY dangerous for some reason
you gotta use binanal beats or it wont work right. The HZ aint about the auditory aspects if you catch my drift.
whats some other stuff.
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what do the 'encounters' with your succubus feel like? yes, I'm talking to YOU.
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like a sharp intense pain or sometimes a feeling of gagging and shortness of breath followed by deep shame and a need to do laundry
that's fucking DISGUSTING. gosh.
Like rn? Feels like invisible woman laying on top of me in the bathtub. I can feel her wet hair and she's probably washing herself. Just grabbed her booty. Get machinegunned with good feelings when I do that. Life is good.
>You're still mine, even when you post without a lewd sfw
i'm not mine and i was joking chant, why are you so rude

my point was that being american is not synonym with being bad. it wasn't my intention to attack you. i actually appreciate your advice in the gen
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it's like a deep pressure and the satisfaction that comes with opening christmas presents!

You just try to hold that feeling as long as you can without it hurting. the other way is soft and hard at the same time like a bath for your insides. You can just feel the energy pulsating

like your being filled with her spirit from the inside out
she wont say what country shes from lmao. privacy is important but i get the feeling she knows it would open her up to insults on her actual nationality which she deserves because she is a bigot
are you schizophrenic? are you just believing this in your head?
We tend to get really abstract and super-experimental.

I've been watching a bunch of physics videos and such recently, so she's been doing this thing where she "bends reality" in the way similar to how I was learning about gravity wells (which is really creepy, btw).

So for example, I'd try to run away from her, and I'd run in a straight line, and the "Straight" in front of me would just suddenly start curving back until its eventually goes to her again (Which is physically literally exactly what's happening if you have a rocket that doesn't reach escape velocity.)
Or then she'll turn into a black hole and suddenly space is inside out and she's everywhere and closing in, which is very scary until she starts going "OM NOM NOM~"

Interesting. I once asked a spirit I met in meditation and thought that it was a succubus to visit me in my dream. I then got sleep paralysis the next night.
It felt like being in a white empty room, and there was a presence giving me like piercing attempt pain in my root chakra.
I say piercing attempt, because it felt the presence was unable to "get through." or pierce through.
I telepathically asked: "Is that you "NAME"?" I got no response.
Also it felt different much blander than when I experienced the spirit in meditation. So I decided to abort whatever that spirit was attempting by leaving the sleep paralysis. Never heard of that spirit ever again. I don't know if it was a trickster pretender or a rogue succubi or a real succubi or whatever.
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No when I'm with my succubus it's like my mouth is filled with an energy so soft and yet rigid. Like the skin on the inside of one's lips. Sometimes there is a unpleasant taste to said vibe. But you feel the weight on your tongue and the surprising warmth and pulsating energy that seems akin to a heartbeat and it pushes is way down one's uvula which offers some resistence to her being. Somehow the physical sensation of this existence in tandem yet seperately from what one feels in the front. It get's easier and faster then you feel a spasm of energy contracting, but you could tell beforehand by her breathing. Mine grabs my head and either I don't feel it at all or my sense of taste smell and touch is overwhelmed by a sticky, bleach and copper smelling warmth/wetness that tastes like something like egg whites mixed with licking a penny. Sometimes she adorns my face with this energy and I feel sad as she pulls away from me and I see her proud slightly contemptuous smirk
Everyone who has read this post I have just banished your succubus.
man, the summer teens and their creative writing...
well, as i said, it wasn't my intention to attack her, i don't have anything against chanty.
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oh I'm a man. Or at least I used to be. She's very nice to me though. I'm happier this way
you know this whole episode has tulpamancy/demonology vibes to it now that I think about it.

ATHF always did have a weird vibe to it like it was hinting at something deeper in an absurdist way
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pencil skirts are my one weakness, and pantyhose, and tight open shirts and...fuckkkkkkj
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this artist did a morrigan too, neat. In addition to hips I also love it when art of her captures her lithe like physicality in a almost romanesque sense
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fuck off

makes me imagine her teaching a yoga class and accidentally(?) draining all her students
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has anyone ever heard of the balloon method? I like to cum during rituals but it seems like a good alternative to those who don't want to but still want to focus intent

basically you use a balloon like a letter and pop it over a candle. (you don't actually touch it to the flame or hold it too close please don't be a fucking retard and catch the balloon on fire)
But you're supposed to WRITE the letter. How would you do that on a balloon?
I summoned a succubus because I was lonely but all she does is play Factorio and eat my raspberries greek yogurt.
What do I do?
Can someone explain to me why I should sell my soul to a literal demon whore rather than just make contact with a chill nature spirit or something? There's gotta be some Nymphs or Dryads out there that are down to fuck but only ask that you pick up tash in the woods or something. No blowjob/titjob/footjob could possibly be worth an eternity in hell.
you can't sell your soul, dingus. they don't want your soul anyway, they just want companionship.
My man, my homie, my brother in Christ...
The same people who say that all so-called "demons" are pure evil and want to eat your soul would say that Nymphs and Dryads are types of demons.

If you're interacting with this topic, realize, as a premise: Mainline Christianity is wrong about a ton of shit. Spirits are like people. Lots are cool, some are dicks.

That being said, get with whoever you want, its all good~<3

>What do I do?
Ask her to teach you to play Factorio and keep raspberry greek yogurt stocked in your fridge.
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I'm the guy who unintentionally got a hostile one after jerking it to erotic fetish audio featuring a succubus. Made a post about a month ago.
Of course I'm of the mind that it's actually drug-induced psychosis
>can occasionally feel its emotions like my own, but usually it hits me senses of dread and arousal at will
>sensations like a weighted blankets being pushed on me or a large heavy phantom sitting on me.
>feeling of presence, usually on my bed
>poking, stabbing sensations or a hand or force on my head
>extremely minor headache like my brain is squirming when it speaks
>while writing this post it spits at me and I can actually feel a phantom spit ball on me
>hearing the sounds of hell like screaming and shit
She just rants about how she stole my soul and is going to drag me to hell and tells me to jerk off all the time until I die. She hates me wants me to kms etc etc mostly just a negative internal voice most of the time. Sometimes she even makes the same mistakes l would, even stumbles over her own words despite being a disembodied voice in my head. Probably just schizo voices.
It does occasionally sexually stimulate me but never finishes the job. Tells me she's stuck in my head forever because I don't believe it's a real thing but given her constant hostility I'm not gonna give her what she wants.
I don't even believe in her existing but since the voice appeared (and sometimes) before I just lurk in these threads for fun.
Sometimes her voice and presence gets really powerful with sudden fear and arousal consuming me but it doesn't stick and I calm down pretty quick.
Have you tried to banish and things like that?
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I'm not a typical /x/fag so I don't know how. I'm mostly humoring myself by being here giving the nature of the hallucinations. If you have a set of instructions to I'd happily try it if just out of desperation. It's really angry with me even as I write this post, if I feel even a ping of doubt as I always do for things due to anxiety it just freaks out. It claims I need 100% unwavering belief and obedience for it to stop its hostility and that even a sliver of doubt makes it lose its control over me. Its ranting has gotten more and more unhinged lately and I am becoming frustrated.
never been spiritual but was seriously considering giving this a try till I realized you guys don’t actually see or talk to your girls, you just “sense” them. Is that really enjoyable? Is that the most you can do or can I get the real deal?
>you guys don’t actually see or talk to your girls, you just “sense” them.
Nah, that's just to start out. Interacting with them is basically a skill you have to develop.

Suffice to say, there are legitimate tradeoffs with human women in terms of "easy user interface".
Here's the easiest one. Do it every day.
>you guys don’t actually see or talk to your girls,
you can though
You need a good laff bro.


Take one of these and when that spirit cunt shows up, just laugh at her. Like any good self respecting spirit, they will leave after the first chorus of SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM AND IT GOTTA BE SPAM.
bro I hit her with TF2 air and she took it (complained the whole time)
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bump the rump

anyone here or anywhere ever use suno or similar programs for ai shit related to this subject?
hello, it's me the anon with the succ-larping parasite.

finally, after several months, the nightmares have stopped. the parasite change its approach and it's trying to larp as a rogue succ again. i can't stop it for now because, for some reason, no one has dreamcatchers where i live. sometimes i wake up with headache, i suppose is due to it meddling with my dreams.

meditating is still impossible as the thing is x100 times more annoying when i try to do so. yesterday i imagined it burning alive as a joke, but that very specific thought made it more powerful, although i don't know why. i theorized that i'd be because i gave it attention in the form of hate, but i'm not sure.
I've got another one:

This one form of play we've been doing lately has been an extension of our "Demon Queen/Angel Boy" resistance roleplay, which has been our main style for a while now.

Basically she puts "curses" on different parts of my body and then sells them as blessings.
Like she'll kiss me until its too much and my eyes roll back, and then break the kiss like, "Ah! It seems your tongue has fallen to me."
She'll hold up a mirror and my tongue will have a glowing crest on it before she whispers, "My kiss seduced your tongue, so it harkens to me now, and will no longer be a party to dishonesty towards me..." (translation: She kissed me too good and my tongue won't lie to her anymore)

And then she'll bless my lips to "enhance the anticipation of kisses" (Burning as she gets closer before her touch causes cool relief)
Or bless the bottoms of my feet to "Remind me when I stray where I'm not supposed to" read: The floor is lava where I'm not allowed in her castle (prisoner/resistance scenario, remember)

And then she also opened my third eye, turned it into a pussy, and licked inside, but that wasn't really a play-curse so much as a hypnotic induction at that point.
it feels like real love, the stronger the connection gets the stronger the feeling gets as well. each time i am surprised by just how much she can actually make me feel and show me as we connect with each other.
>inhuman hate beyond human faculties
At that point you'd have to be able to rap the rosary like Eminem in order to scare it off.
Interesting sigil, have you been in contact with any Russian magicians?
>i can't stop it for now because, for some reason, no one has dreamcatchers where i live.
you can make your own
I would suggest making an object, imbuing with some kind of magical power, and putting it under your pillow
the object will influence your dreams, based on the intentions/energy you put in it. Or if you had a spirit bless it, it will have their energy.
In this case, imbue it with a protective, harmonious, healing energy. It will protect your dreams
If you did it with a spirit, the spirit itself might show up on your dreams (or just vaguely influence them)
> but that very specific thought made it more powerful, although i don't know why. i theorized that i'd be because i gave it attention in the form of hate, but i'm not sure.
your theory is probably true.
In the end, your answer probably lies within. The parasite is basically just a distraction for some problem that exists within you. Solve that inner problem and the parasite will go away or become much weaker (and then go away).
>pic rel sigil digil
oh, that was made with that one website
I forget the name
what was the deleted post you were replying to? I assume some dumbassery you wanted to intimidate with a spooky wooky sigil
How much of this is just autogynephilia by proxy?
try it yourself then, skeptard
>autogynephilia by proxy
The fuck is this terminology? Wouldn't that just mean "finding a woman attractive?"
chudspeak for 'trans'
Nah, that's what they call anyone with AGP. Hell, people on both sides of that divide claim that to be so. This is the first time I've heard anyone say "autogynephilia by proxy" though, anywhere, from anyone. I can only imagine it either means "being attracted to a girl" or maybe, at a stretch, "getting off on the idea of another person wanting to be a girl" which would be completely bizarre. So yeah my point is that anon has a unique mental illness and invented himself a unique buzzword that doesn't make sense.
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I don't really know what you're asking, but I got to the point I could feel her hand rubbing up and down my leg. She was warm. I was warm. Went to such a deep sleep I worried for a moment I was dying. Still alive though. Hahaha.
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>succubi aren't real because uhh it's not in my science textbook or something
LMFAO can you seriously believe the trolls, christcucks, and atheishitters who come here and spew that shit? you really think 500+ threads and counting is all just an elaborate schizo larp? AHAHHA those spergs are missing out, big time.
Good day succgen, I'm still on my oni journey and am running into some problems. I'm trying to learn more through tarot and scrying but it's very challenging and saddening. I hope things improve
the motherly mercy she shows me is almost limitless. truly i am my mother's prodigal son, i continue to mess up and squander the gift she has given me yet she forgives me.
I write letters of intent but instead its just slurs and calling the queens bitches
something kinda like this

Dear Lillith
Kill yourself.
You have a gaping cunt. You stupid femoid bitch. The only lover you have is a dog.
Mother of whores.
Mother of demons

Sincerely Anon
she's used to insults so you're not doing anything new or painful
"Lilith you are always on my mind. That is why today I decided to try my best to get your attention again, please accept my offering of creativity, energy and attention. I am also trying to get the attention of the people who enjoy your guidance to get your attention,, please notice me. please... "

Who knows, maybe she will think it's cute.
Do you have a good guide?
For tarot? No. I simple practice alot.
>In the end, your answer probably lies within. The parasite is basically just a distraction for some problem that exists within you. Solve that inner problem and the parasite will go away or become much weaker (and then go away).
NTA but isn't that essentially impossible in practice. As in, you will always have a problem because, naturally, no one is perfect.
Then, isn't your difficulty interpretation? Or something else?
No. I'm doing it on the tarot thread. I'm just trying to figure out information on my situation through readings.
Sometimes change is needed as a basis for change. What are you doing that could give improvement an opening? Could your deterioration be the leadup to improvement/crisis?

>Been free of nicotine for a while, currently quitting caffeine. Sugar is harder than it sounds although ironically seems linked to my caffeine habit
Congratulations on being one of the few people here making progress

>nooo pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
>believe me, don't go back through the archive!
>don't trust the archive, it's lying, just like chant anon


If you've ever ridden in a car with a seat warmer, the sensation is very similar, but the warmth isn't "real." I feel warm, but I can tell I'm not really warm. There are also sensations of pressure and movement as well as telepathy including emotions. Then I start to feel the movement of sexual energy which I can't really describe
Lately, I've preferred astral shapeshifting sex because it feels more comfortable to take other forms

Sorry, yesterday was a bit much outside of this thread. Mine embodies the stereotype is all I mean

>Can someone explain to me why I should sell my soul
You shouldn't. If anyone asks for your soul who you aren't certain to be joking, walk the other way

>n-notice me, senpai Lilith! (*ΦωΦ*)
>don't trust the archive, it's lying, just like chant anon

You know perfectly well that on multiple occasions, people HAVE gone back into the archive and brought up "damning posts" from me.
You also know perfectly well that in every such case *even considering the "evidence"* the person always just looks as crazy as you look right now with this little vendetta of yours.

They literally go back in the archive and "Prove that Mine is a slut" and then stand there like they're expecting everyone to pull out pitchforks.
Just stop.
You both look stupid with your daily drama. Conjurer "anonymously" trying to smear chant with baseless accusations doesn't make it any better or more entertaining. You 3 hypocrites really deserve each other.

Also Mine, it was not about you being a slut, but about you being a chronic liar among other things.
Which should be evident to anyone who knows you or reads your post for more than a week and doesn't look the other way on purpose. case closed.
you discord namefags are somethin else lmfao
>the body acts like an amplifier?
amplifying as in having as close to lossless transmission you can get while you are in direct contact with the energy instead of trying to interpret it with your chest, crown or third eye your ordinarily would within distance, your energies have to become as reactive as possible for best possible outcome, you energies stirring back and forth with foreign energies does this.
>Amplifying the original energy or frequency?
there is more clarity but it doesn't transcend the energy if that is what you mean, unless you of course are already attuned and you expand your energy fields, but that is a different discussion.
>like moving the "Antenna" of the body closer to the frequency of the perceived energy
this is how it is for some time until you become more receptive of energy, then the distances are not as big of a problem
>spirits often times can act as guides for regions in the spirit worlds, helping me understand rules(tendencies/nature) of specific locations, correct?
true, though in many places they don't reveal themselves until you cross a certain threshold of doing something, unless you of course are a regular to that sphere. if you have been to a forest or lake in your youth over the period of years and revisit the place the spirits there most likely recall you from those times.
>how exactly you force out the true form of a spirit using your own energy?
you need a sharp current to jolt a reaction out of them into which they need to realign their outer energy layer, you disperse the weak layer revealing the inner layer of energy, your right index finger has the strongest external current in your whole body when you condense the energy there properly. the alternative way is to assimilate yourself into their energy field, this is not advisable though, because it introduces a lot of control for the spirit, this happens by expanding your energy field.
>astute observation
it can be shown by the spirit, they rarely do so.
>that would feel like a sense of doom or dread or desperation or losing touch and security?
you can lose your consciousness and regain it in the subtle sphere way out of your ordinary atmosphere, or it can be as you suggested, feelings of the extremities
>Maybe there is chance of real damage to my body and soul involved depending on the spirit?
if you are way out of your ordinary state of being, it is possible, but those shouldn't really ever happen if you don't use drugs or remain in excessively lethargic states for prolonged time.
>What remedy do you suggest to recover from that, protect from it before it happens or if I become aware of it?
being energetic and mindful how you discharge your energies, it is the only solution for 90% of the subtle problems, your body will heal itself as long as the system runs optimally and there isn't long term deficits.
>Is there a way to defeat or force spirits to give up their animosity or is it a retreat on my part most of the time?
depends are they melded to your energies or not. in the case they are not dialogue is probably your only feasible solution unless you want to risk severe mental damage to yourself, as you may know spirits can induce very harrowing experiences. if they are melded to your energies you have to remain energetic for prolonged time before they are eventually pushed out of your energy field, of course possible vectors of energy field puncture or energy discharges have to be settled first and of course lethargy.
>How do I befriend a spirit of a place?
by spending prolonged time in their presence, it takes around a month to become completely attuned to a place, hence you shouldn't leave the place before you ingrain this frequency into your system, every place you visit has a vibe or frequency of its own, it takes a considerable time to make it feel like home, then you know where you are.
>Do you think that was the spirits workking, wanting me to stay under the tree?
it is possible
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Not my pic but after finally getting it cover feels cheap and stain prone
and I don't trust the glued on binding. Gonna get a old timey dip pen and learn caligraphy. I was gonna use it for notes with a ballpoint but I've decided to make it into an actual manuscript with artistic borders and everything. Dreams, occult rituals, random infodumps I see on /x/, drawings of succs, It's all going in here.

Vibe I'm aiming for is a weeb version of the Voynich manuscript.
living proof of the schizophrenia inherent in these threads
>Talking about what conjurer did
>You three deserve each other
I am guilty of nothing but being fabulous. Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful.

>but about you being a chronic liar among other things.
Except that even THAT nonsense is premised completely on ignoring all my disclaimers and uncertainty flags, which are a fixture of my posts.

CHANT HERSELF has literally whined about how, "Well if you consider those, you're basically never saying anything ever!", which is closer to the truth than a lot of shit she says about me, and very much BY DESIGN.

EVERYTHING I say on an occult topic is couched in the context of my own uncertainty, and when its my OWN occult developments, *I might learn I was wrong about something later*, which does NOT make me a liar except in the eyes of very pathological people.
I'm assuming you just got here?

No. That guy just spams because he, like you, thinks he has some business here.
>How can I win the favor of a spirit of an area if I need to meditate in that area or need a certain plan from that area and the spirit of the place may be undecided or hostile towards my intentions?
well, first they should learn to tolerate your presence and it happens through repetition of not causing commotions. you should talk out loud repeatedly why you are there and that you are eager to understand their way of living. they will hear you even if you don't see or observe them. though at nights do not make a commotion or move too much, because often during nights many of the infernal spirits (those from below the cortex) are treading forests simply passing by to wherever they go minding their business, and they can be indiscriminating with their behavior as they are the more entitled folk you come across with. and depending where you are there can be many spirits that are hungry for company or energy, often though the places are very calm, but you really never know where is a hotspot until the night falls.
>Should I gift it presents?
i never do unless asked, places can have spirits that can be considered as local deities such as those observing the health of vegetation and need for water or sun, those may ask you to leave something personal to them like a used bracelet, in my case made of wood, it somehow becomes imbued of your energies overtime, it is about respect above all else.
>Are there also ways of subjugating spirits of areas, without their consent?
probably only way to subjugate anything is through distribution of energy or alternatively tyranny, latter is self-destructive path.
>How can one get rid of such a parasite, how does a person know they successfully got rid of it?
identifying a parasite happens often through observing your daily activities, are you abnormally gravitating towards some activity that is otherwise uncommon for you, or having short injection of overtly positive mood while engaging in said activity
who the fuck are you to talk to me like that? go rape your demon sex toy, jerk.
>How would someone recognize that they got a spiritual parasite by using some of the plants you described?
parasites are relatively harmless unless they develop unchecked for a long period of time, they largely only attribute towards lethargic or deficient subtle body, they rarely induce life changing qualities to you, however they will hinder with your energy formulation and way of thinking or expressing yourself, most likely you are either lethargic and passive about things or you develop to the more active phase of actually spreading parasites through overtly confident social interactions. most common vectors of spiritual parasites are indiscriminating sex, visiting places of indiscriminating sex such as brothels, or places where individuals with parasites may reside such as coffee shops, asylums, butcher sites/slaughterhouses (animals can have them too), and overall places of questionable hygiene like busy markets. the only real concern are parasitic spirits who use you and your energies selfishly without the intent of ever helping you beyond certain threshold, which unluckily include some of the amorous spirits, they feel being entitled to your vessel and the energies inside it and will act like so.
>how does a person know they successfully got rid of it?
the obsessions, desires and so on gradually fade off from your system like a fog you didn't know existed before it vanished. parasites can be fried and pushed out of your energy field naturally should you be energetic long enough so they aren't really a problem also number of different herbs and smokes can be used to repel them. having healthy skin and adequate sleep are the two most important factor against ordinary spirit parasites along exercise and good diet.
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apparently blackletter/gothic (the best font for any occult larp imo) supposedly used to actually be considered trashy prole shit. Didn't know that.

What the fuck did those people consider high brow then I wonder?

This is a weird ass rabbit hole. I never thought a font could be seen as subversive to the social order especially now that it's seen as "fancy" by laymen but fuck what the hell am I stepping into? Apparently it was invented due to
newfound illiteracy in previousily illiterate groups who needed a way to write efficiently? This was their Times New Roman.

Apparently dip pens are superior because they don't need water based inks either

Ahhhhhh my autism
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i'm gonna counter that spamming faggot with something more interesting. Would anyone here be interested in a caligraphic chain letter manuscript of sorts? We could use autosuggestion and other fun stuff to tie it to Lilith.

This is what was used before Gothic, Carolingian minuscule.
Not personally but if you do it make sure to raw weird snails in the corner like in medieval times.
>go rape your demon sex toy
Bro, I'm a sub. I GET raped, thank-you-very-much.
>NTA but isn't that essentially impossible in practice. As in, you will always have a problem because, naturally, no one is perfect.
Perfection isn't required.
It is impossible to become perfect, but it's not impossible to get better.
There is still "better" and "worse". If that wasn't the case, then giving advice would be essentially useless. So would the concept of "progress" or "improving".
Some problems can be solved entirely, which usually takes some work, but magic can sometimes solve them instantly. Not "fast" or "quick". Instantly. Though that doesn't always happen.
but even the ones that don't get fully solved can at least get better.
what is the difference between intention and desire? i still don't get it
i'm a newfag but i can answer that, it was mostly a cultural thing, medieval italians believed their carolingian minuscule was perfect and a direct heritage from the romans so they believed blackletter to be barbarian corruption

also, blackletter was easier to print than carolingian minuscule, so editors preferred it because it was cheaper (i.e proletarian)
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i totally will. This shit is fascinating. Apparently Hitler of all people hated Gothic font and officially discontinued it's use. Some saw it as emblematic of Germaness while others in power pejoratively referered to it as "Jewish Lettering".

Apparently Feather quill pens have some advantages to in terms of stroke angle and complexity of gestures but are too fragile for modern paper

I'm being kind of like that sped right now but I can't help it. This shit is fuckin cool

This general were it not for infighting could work together to write a modern collaborative work on Lilith as an eBook you know...
>You both look stupid with your daily drama.
it takes two to tango
the drama would end if either mine or chant deciding to stop replying
seems like they both want to get the last word
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interesting. I like it because it reminds me of Jaegermeister if I'm being honest =p

Is it weird if pic related makes me sexually aroused?
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Anyone else just wanna filter out this gay ass annoying fagget. Always talking about nothing. Literally nothing of substance. I might as well go drink some fluorided tap water instead of reading that shite. Please just go back to namefagging so I can filter you like the other namefags. I don't even know what you're talking about half the time. Please let me filter you.
why won't you apologize?
why are you still fighting, can't we all be frens
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what's wrong. Mad I'm drowning out your spam with my own counter spam? This thread is the namefags. It goes against the zeitgeist of this place but there is a reason why we self ghettoize here

Personally I tell people to stick to the general when they make threads about succs on /x/ outside of here if it's just "how 2 get demon puss"
Mother anon is the goat. Bro leads by example. Don't think you can do anything about it except not give the addict any (you)s. I'm sure if we all had a vote on who to ban based on who never actually shares anything meaningful, it would be mine since he doesn't really talk about anything like you said.
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this is how I know your false flagging whomever you are. It's been your MO for a while but humans don't work the way whatever autistic "machivellian" tactic your trying hopes to achieve

I really hope the other posters know what this fag is doing by mentioning seperate posters and devaluing or praising them

You are so fucking retarded. Like literally
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when girls wearing leotards have abdominal definiton the contrast between the spandex and the latex makes them look like they have a massive girlcock. It's hot but not because of Futanari but because it creates massive mental crosstalk like how armpit/foot fetishism has a link with fetishization of the vagina.

Anyone else notice this?
I find futa viscerally repulsive so no.
>I really hope the other posters know what this fag is doing by mentioning seperate posters and devaluing or praising them
its transparent D&C
taking a drama, then mentioning someone else to try and drag them in
>if we all had a vote on who to ban based on who never actually shares anything meaningful, it would be mine since he doesn't really talk about anything like you said.
Sorry I haven't done so more recently, but why the fuck are you directing malice at me over that? What the fuck, psycho?

You do not speak for this thread.
Among people who actually have business here, I'm quite popular, and doesn't that just make assholes like you SEETHE?
over time you've become more insane.
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I've been meaning to get into tarrot cards. Any beginner tips. I've been trying to find some like picrel. Succ babes picture based.

>Among people who actually have business here, I'm quite popular

For me, I would focus on a digital deck first to get familiar with the cards and learn how to interpret them.
Spoken like somebody who doesn't have any actual business here.

Y'know, its funny you, uh... "regard my words with meaningful silence" in the same post as that question, and with that picture, cuz over on the discord, I'm actually on lesson 83/101 out of this 600-page Tarot book, and I started The Moon chapter yesterday.

Not that I'm recommending, its actually mostly NOT about the actual Tarot, but that was just a neat coincidence with your picture.
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>Mikugan Hatsuland
Woah, lewd.
If she is of sufficient complexity I'd try and get romantical. That connection goes both ways I'd assume. She comes at you with that coomer death threat energy and you give her roses and chocolate. You are what you eat.

Do you have a history of hallucinations or is this new territory?
>write a modern collaborative work on Lilith
it would be a pretty short book
>Discord Tranny Lie
The end. Don't honestly need much more and don't need to be in some wanna be e-celebs clout booklet.

Oh you haven't been here long.
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>refusing to accept trans women as they are
Like Pottery.
That or banish. Look up the leaser banishing ritual of the pentagram, that's a good go too.

Also link that vid
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you have fucking problems

I stand by my statement that if possible we should make a stand alone e-zine or faux manuscript with an aesthetic and structure catered to our specific take on things as we aren't represented well given that the whole black metal D&D high fantasy aesthetic is the default

I personally would want to capture the whole imageboard animu edgy vibe in a good natured way and also slip in some actual surface level stuff for the neophytes.

Just a seed to spread nothing more.

Joyless obsessed cunt. Take your fucking meds you prick
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She just tells me to kms and mocks my dick when I try that. She alternates between telling me to banish her from my head or to submit to her and mostly just kind of mimics my state of mind in an absurd way so I think it's just a really complex hallucination.
Yeah, chances are is she's based entirely on your thoughts and wholly negative she's just a low level parasite feeding you back your thoughts and trying to get a reaction out of you.
I'm curious as to the natur of these beings and their potential for growth and evolution, can they become something more?

Anyways, unless your adept enough to rip her from you and trap her somewhere where you can experiment over a longer time period I'd give her the boot.

Banish it, practice meditation and energy work. Give her no attention, she'll try to her a rise out of you but from this moment on she doesn't exist. Conjure an image of light, the sky, a still lake whatever. If you have a potent memory of peace and tranquility it may help to immerse yourself in it
Bibles cool, people have used it forever for spiritual hygiene. Or if you want to go more occult Robert Bruce's new energy ways is a good place to start. He also has a book on psychic self defense.
At the start of it I did actually try and supply positivity back and that seemed to split it into two entities for a while, one negative and one positive. That being said the positive one had much more rational intelligence and quickly realized it wasn’t real and went silent and died out
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I have been asking around for deities to help me in the future to summon the oni girl and it seems no one can or is willing to help me. I think I will have to summon her by myself. It's scary to go against fate like this but I dont know how else to do it. I have a letter typed out and will be asking people with tarot what will happen if I use it in the future for the ritual. There is a peiof me that is scared I may attract an abusive oni partner but I dont know how else to go about it.
Huh, as in the rational one became self aware and self destructed? Odd. I would assume it's just putting on a show and playing out scenarios to get you to engage. Seriously, watch out for that. There's no end to the random shit that can be a spun or narratives to tempt you with, delusions of grandeur are a classic. As well as introducing new "entity's"

Don't engage if you've decided to banish it. Also, again, some spiritual practice would help, these things attach because of energetic or phsychological vulnerability. Work out, shower, clean your room.

How's life otherwise?
>entitled to your vessel and the energies inside it and will act like so
truly hate some entities, been drained in head since yesterday, feeling sick, lethargic, head spinning, nauseous
>it's D&C when somebody calls me out on "anonymously" trying to run a smear against chant
ok conjurer
Summoning demons into your life is bad. Repent and turn away.
offtopic garbage
I got some more readings and a scry and the oni girl has been located. Now I have to heal myself up and get into a better situation.
>please argue with me
"people who have business here" = namefags masturbating each other
more like people actually interested in consorting with spirits rather than trolling the thread or posting offtopic sludge about the abrahamic god
ah man, watch out animu girl! don't put umbrellas up your butt.
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Thank you!
Your answers and explanations over the past days have helped me a lot. They contained many important things to add to my notes. I am very grateful. Thank you again.
>Your answers and explanations over the past days have helped me a lot.
>They contained many important things to add to my notes.
Do you do yoga, Edward? Its impressive how you can suck your own dick like that.

(Who thinks people talk this way?)
Life is pretty boring, I have been fighting depression for a long while and was and am on my way out of it. No damn succubus larping attention eater is gonna take me down. Although since I got it my short term memory is fucked and I space out even more but that’s to be expected I guess, I hope I don’t permanently loose too many IQ points.
Probably not, things can exert influence over people if allowed in or done in an area of weakness, however this requires energy. Energy they hope to recoup with your reaction and engagement.

Become the sovereign of your mind, make it a utopia for yourself, which in turn is an inhospitable wasteland for any offending intruder
>anyone who disagrees with me is a troll
reddit is that-a-way
>Anyone who obstructs my trolling belongs on Reddit
/b/ is that-a-way
go back to plebbit since you know think you know it so well
The artificial sweetener aspartame metabolizes into LAA, among some other compounds. (LAA and DAA are isomers of each other: that is same elements in a different structure; LAA I don't think has any of the positive effects of DAA.) DAA seems to boost androgen production in some capacity. I think there was a study run on some older men that saw the supplemented DAA group increase muscle mass even without exercise when compared to the control groups. I have no clue of its effect on youngins like meself. It's probably good to not stick on it for too long at a time so as to preserve your own T production. In addition I've personally tried to combine it with some anti-estrogenic foods so its effects don't go to waste via aromatization.
t. some 29-yo succ enjoyer
is there really a "demon" and "angel" distinction, or "succubus" and "any other type of spirit", or are they merely human-made labels
try again
it's DNC when people talk about chant, and then the people replying to that want to then criticize mine and expand the drama to more namefags
Ok. Let's make that really simple:
- Mine causes a scene whenever chant acknowledges him with a few words.
- you (conjurer) in support of Mine then tend to run a smear against chant with baseless accusations like that "chant is dangerous and drains and curses people", as if chant could ever care enough for any poster to do such a thing.

I like chants commentary on occult and even related political and philosophical issues here and I don't want that off topic drama shit show to distract anymore from the things I value.

Also I think you behavior in this case is very dishonest and unfair so I feel compelled to speak out against it. I feel like no one should be smeared like you are attempting to smear chant.
I know chant has many shortcomings but I feel like your smear goes too far.

As long as you continue to smear Chant with baseless accusations, I'll be compelled to call out your behavior as cowardly and hypocritical. It's clear that you're trying to turn people against Chant, but I won't stand for it.

Of you made up your mind that this is DNC, fine. i don't care.
I think you are much better than the behavior you show in this case suggests.

So please consider staying more focused on constructive behavior like promoting occult methods like scanning and sharing your findings of the shamanic philiosopher channel. You have helped me a lot on my occult journey and I very much valued your input when you were posting regularly. Please don't get involved in the drama anymore, just because you like Mine and dislike chant. I think you are better and more mature than that. thank you.
All of you are behaving as children. Be silent.
since these current threads are absolute dogshit who are some anons whose stories I can look up in the archives to learn from
have visited /x/ less than 10 times in my entire time on this cesspool and at least the last few times i've consistently seen this general.
you guys don't actually believe this shit right? and there are anons in here claiming they can blow a load fucking spirit women? is it all a head game that feels so real you've justified calling it real?
i would love to read some first-hand experiences that could even begin to convince someone outside of normal /x/ traffic. i understand spoonfeeding some guy that's treating you like retards isn't ideal but it feels more honest than pretending to think you're all sane.

Lurker here. I felt the same way when I first found this general desu. I thought everyone here was larping (and some probably are) but after throwing caution to the wind and doing the letter ritual in the OP and actually getting a response I couldn't write it off as a larp anymore. The thing is though, there's no way to prove anything unless you experience it for yourself which makes it sound even more like a larp to a casual visitor.
>or are they merely human-made labels
Well, the conventional wisdom would be that spirits work like animal species with a whole system of taxonomy, but I think what you're saying is correct.

After all, if one kind of spirit can BECOME another kind, then it would follow that the borders between those different types are on the blurry side.

Of course, none of that stops different spirits from being good and evil, but personally, I think a spirits nature can be broken down into essentially, "Character and Magnitude".

>acknowledges him with a few words.
Can you be a little less of a fanboy? She says things that are false, and then when I advise her to just avoid me as a topic to avoid conflict, she's like, "Oh you just don't want to be held accountable" like I'm some kind of elected official.
Its really fucking crazy, and I've never argued against Conjurer's accusations because I seriously DON'T KNOW what her deal is...
>that could even begin to convince someone outside of normal /x/ traffic.
Yeah, that's kinda difficult.

Just as a premise to understand what we're talking about tho, its NOT like if somebody looked in on your bedroom, they'd see a glowing woman riding you.

I don't know if you'd call it a "head game" or what, but the pattern for me is that I just crawl into bed and meditate and then she's there.
We have a little pillow-talk, and then the interaction gets more involved and goes off into our different sexual escapades, usually involving roleplay but sometimes just being batshit outlandish.

I would probably STILL be having doubts if it was just the sexual interactions, but then over time, she likes to "pull strings" and make spooky coincidences happen in my day-life, which is not uncommon around here.
>"chant is dangerous and drains and curses people"
Have you scanned this? If you have not scanned it, then you have no room to speak on the matter, whether to agree or disagree.
Either do some magic and scan this, or stop engaging in gossip. I am asking you to scan this, and I am confident you will see what I see. Is that how a liar talks? Someone who just made things up, entirely baseless? No.
Stick to the facts and actually do something. That is what magic is. It is practical. Get some data and form your own opinions.
Sitting on the sidelines and talking about other people talking isn't magic. It's just gossip.
Right now, you are saying these accusations are baseless. Go ahead and inspect the scan results if you want. I am confident you'll see the same things I saw.
And then remember what chant said when she was confronted about this. She didn't say "I'm innocent" or "that's not true" or "how dare you say that, I would never do that, I have never done something like that"
She said "You can't prove it"
That is what a guilty person says. All she had to do was say "That's not true! That never happened!" But she didn't. She still hasn't. This is the person you are defending.
She is an evil person is a malicious influence in this community, and I won't stand for it.
So lonely I might try this bros. Not doing anys atanic rituals tho. Fuck that shit
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okay so this is probably as good as an
answer as you'll get and I don't speak for everyone (I am the OP of this edition) but...yeah. It's not really like the idea people imagine either
>We have classical depictions of these beings and similar from Babylonian/Sumerian/Asia not to mention other "lesser" spirits like Nymphs, Muses, Fae, House Spirits etc
>some of us take a more classical demonology inspired approach
>others like me go more full schizo paying tribute to antiquity but taking a neo hermetic/platonic view of such things mixed with very modern stuff that goes beyond what is traditionally called "occult"

I could be wrong but ime the whole demon larp shit isn't what we do and most of us take a broader "unified field theory" approach that bleeds into seemingly unrelated things

This was a springboard into the esoteric for many like myself

Happy New Moon yall.
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just for posterity is there a prefered threshhold for baking new threads? I've been wating for it to break 300+
I guess just keep in mind that for /x/, the final bump of a thread is actually 309.

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