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SRG Semen Retention General

Previous Thread >>38897903

>/SRM/ reading list v1

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)

How to Practice It?
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, cook
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Writing/Crafts. It can be anything that makes you feel like you’re being creative.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
>Walk everyday. 10-15 minute walks should be a good start.
>Gym/Sports/Martial Arts
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Consider this deeply: the efferent nerves that connect to your testes signify that every lustful thought, image, or sound isn't just a passing whim—it’s an unspoken command to your sexual centers, demanding the alchemical production of vital fluids. This is why true celibacy begins in the mind; it's not merely abstaining from physical acts but waging a war on the psychic plane.

The essence of this struggle lies entirely in the realm of thought. Without mastering your own consciousness, celibacy becomes a hollow effort, doomed to collapse. The signals that travel from the brain operate at a subconscious, autonomic level, bypassing your conscious defenses. Each indulgent glance, each whisper of lust, amplifies the command sent through your neural pathways: from body to brain, and then back to body, compelling the endless cycle of creation.

This is why the so-called "conversion of sexual energy" is not just inefficient—it is disastrously wasteful. Fluids, once created, may be partially reabsorbed, but the cost in vital energy is profound. The body sacrifices the richest of its resources, the very "essence" of life, to generate these fluids. To drain them constantly is to bleed away your own life force, bit by bit.

Ancient Taoist teachings speak of this truth with unyielding clarity: the sexual organs, left unchecked, will drain energy from even your most vital internal systems. They will prioritize themselves, feeding on your essence. Engaging in any form of spiritual practice while constantly succumbing to lust is not only self-destructive; it is a path to accelerated decay, leading you ever closer to an early death.
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anticipate this thread will face significant resistance, as semen retention seems to be forbidden knowledge, something not meant for the masses. Already, attempts are being made to taint it with malicious elements, likely to suppress or discredit it. Those who've been around long enough remember how /SIG/ was taken down on /fit/, where SR was a core teaching.

Some fools will argue that this topic isn't forbidden because it’s "everywhere," but what we mean is how persistently it's dismissed, downplayed, or ridiculed. The effort to undermine it is proof that there's something significant here. Others will say it doesn’t deserve its own general thread, but I don't see them complaining about the countless trash threads that contribute nothing.

It’s odd how this topic has bounced across boards—/fit/, /biz/, /pol/, /adv/—and been banned as "off-topic." From the moment it appeared here, it faced backlash, despite SR being rooted in all major religions and spiritual traditions for thousands of years. I suspect our time here is limited, and the sudden influx of disturbing content today feels like an ominous sign.

This is why they want to delete it from /x/ too. Semen Retention is powerful; it’s in someone’s interest to keep men from this practice. How can self-discipline and control be harmful? It leads to freedom.

/pol/: Sexuality is political; porn industry leaders shape society.
/fit/: SR offers physical and psychological benefits—strength, sleep, clarity.
/biz/: Magnetism is key for career growth, interviews, sales.
/adv/: SR aids mental health for those struggling with porn addiction; even women face hypersexuality issues.

There's a case for SR on each board, but /x/ may be the last stand. If it's removed here, the topic may be lost entirely.
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Shills come into threads like these and get so overwhelmingly angry at the thought of others not masturbating.

Now that is super gay.
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Day 7. I'm gonna win
Masturbation = Defiling yourself.
Yeah, I like when it's called self-abuse, that's what it is

Semen Retention: The Forbidden Ancient Secret Finally Exposed!

Semen Retention: the raised serpent ESOTERIC

SPERM RETENTION is the DEATH of Your Old World
> Humanity is trapped by the serpent of Sex
> The Serpent was meant to help evolution, now it’s taking over
> Indulgence turned it into a monster
> Liberation starts from within, no external savior.
> Serpent = sexual desire; must be conquered by willpower
> Taming it unlocks hidden wisdom and power
> Serpent uncoiling = man’s evolutionary task
> Mythology ties serpent to sexuality, often seen as a challenge
> Heroes slaying serpents = victory over sexual urges
> Conquering urges leads to spiritual growth
> Purity is the key to spiritual evolution
> Freedom lies in mastering and transforming the serpent
The symbol of a snake encoding the body of humanity occurs in the mythology of various peoples. And Oriental literature mentions a serpent coiled up in a mysterious center of force inside the human body. While the two are not entirely equivalent, the uncoiling of this serpent within the body, as of the entwining monster, is held to be man's evolutionary task.

Records of a serpent symbolism in some form or another have been found in all parts of the world. Especially of universal occurrence are the legends about heroes who conquer an evil serpent.(5) And there can be no doubt that these legends symbolize the necessity of man’s victory over the domineering influence of sex, for from the earliest times folk-lore seems to have connected the serpent with the sexual function.
>Serpent symbolism
It might has to do with the fact(?) that the psychopaths who created us are serpent-like beings.


In the Sefer Yetzirah the "reptilians / Teli" are described as a king sitting on his throne in this universe. They rule this place and we are their property which is why there is so much serpent symbolism around the world.

>They rule this place and we are their property
I don’t think so. They’re referred to as Watchers or Naga and often show up to provide knowledge to humans. They’re also called wild beasts of the field in the Bible. I think they’re just the most intelligent animals in the kingdom but mankind is above all animals because of his spiritual capacity.
hey guys fapping purges microplastics from your balls. this is what they dont want you find out
>In the Sefer Yetzirah the "reptilians / Teli" are described as a king sitting on his throne
Wtf kikes are so stupid. I eat these little bitches for breakfast
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D-did you expect that to work?
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When I said this I think my succubus got angry and made a noise moving something in the room and I just end up laughing harder
Semen retention must be accompanied by purity of the mind. All things start in the mind. If one is still entertaining sexual thoughts and dreams while retaining semen it’s going to be incredibly difficult to make any lasting progress. Eventually you’ll come up with an excuse for one last wank and that’ll be the downfall until next time.

It must be understood on a deep level that the world is a projection from God within and we are meant to renunciate EVERYTHING in the world and join God.
Day 48
Yesterday I read the bible for 3 hours, today I want to read more, or at least do productive things for more than 3 hours. Unfortunately I didn't sleep. Feeling alright actually. Slight urges here or there but its manageable
christcuck grooming general
>healing phase is AFTER 90 days
at least according to this image I'm past the worse lol
I remember seeing this on the second day and hoping I'd not have many issues kek
I'm tired of life, bros.
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I feel like the biggest challenge comes when you have a lot of free time and don't know what to do with it. Weekends are the hardest days for me, probably organism thinking about dumping the excessive energy. My longest period of abstaining was 3 months, although after that I couldn't stop wanking for like 2 or 3 months.
Lol I didnt masturbate untill I was 16/17 and I didnt feel any of the "superpowers" described here. In fact, the first time I nutted at 16/17 is when I had my growth spurt and my puberty actually kicked in. For me its proof that if you dont nut regularly...your body literally stops producing any testosterone.
Your body, in fact, doesn't stop producing testosterone kek
"Idle hands are the devil's playthings."
day 30
want sex bad. might pay an escort or go to a bar tonight to see if i can get laid. or just jerk off. idk but feeling insanely horny.
How will you feel after you get laid? Will you feel better or worse?
If you don't jerk you will have a week out of the month where you turn white, just women turn red
just LIKE women turn red (wet dreams for a week or however the cycle is for women mens would match that)
>it was a mistake to cum
Yup, I feel like shit and I'm getting pissed off over meaningless bullshit. This sucks.
Better for sure. I don't feel any different than not jerking it for a few days. I stopped by a grill pub yesterday and chatted up some older lady. Female attraction is definitely there. It's just up to me to manifest what I want at this point.
No just general depression. Felt this way before ever attempting SR.
wat kind of question is that depends on the sex
and really if u have a dick or a vag


and if u have no soul or not really makes that last part emotional thing stand out versus physical pain
how do i prevent cumming in my sleep
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HAIL KING TERRY THE TERRIBLE! May his words of wisdom help guide us on our path of piety and our quest for knowledge.
jerk off
This is a bunch of nonsense
Learn lucid dreaming.
I have become omnilucid which means that all of my dreams are lucid. When you have lucid dreams you can change about anything that you'd like. You'll also be able to use that third of your life which you spend sleeping if you know how to lucid dream.

Every time I am in a dream which is getting close to becoming a wet dream (you can sense this when lucid) I either wake myself up or get rid (often through killing if she is too close to just make her disappear) of every woman who is in the dream. Doing this has made wet dreams much less frequent.

You should also stop watching media which has sexual stuff (I'm mostly referring to porn) since your dreams are generally built upon subconscious expectations.

I hope that this message helps someone in one way or another. Good luck on your journeys, frens!
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Day 8. Feeling happy, had a smile on my face all morning. A little disconnected, though, like I'm still not all there.

How're you kings doing?
>I have become omnilucid
This general is full of LARPing faggots talking about their penises.
I am being completely serious. All of my dreams are lucid.
i only had like 4 lucid dreams throughout my whole life and in every single one of them i tried to summon a creature to fuck, i dont think ill be able to control myself. just 2 days ago i had an accidental lucid dream and i tried to fuck the pillow that i always cuddle with when i sleep because i wasnt able to swap it out for a fucking charizard (not a joke btw)

anyway, how did you learn to lucid dream?
I've had lucid dreams pretty often when I was younger but slowly lost that ability. I regained the ability to lucid dream once I started to do regular reality checks (trying to push your fingers through your palm) and dream journaling (I did it in a physical journal but I now just recall my dreams in my head after waking up). Meditating also increased the frequency of my lucid dreams.

Methods that include focusing on something while falling asleep have never failed from my experience and they put you into a lucid dream instantly.
>How're you kings doing?
What techniques do you use to gain lucidity?
I used to have 2 or 3 lucid dreams per year, but now I barely remember the dreams because of marijuana.
Read this post: >>38927322
Sounds like you have a lot going on. How are you handling it? Do you want some advice?
I'm a logical pragmatist. i was jerking off every day, and a virgin. 3 weeks ago I broke the cycle.

I guessed cause I am jerking off every day I am killing my human nature desire to have sex with a female. well after 3 weeks of retention, I lost my virginity. im not gonna claim it proves my theory, but it certainly supports it. I have nobody to tell though.
Congrats on hiring that hooker, son.
You guys were right.

After four months on ADHD stims (methylphenidate), I managed to sink lower than I was. I'm a completely dysfunctional, dopamine depleted addict. With these meds, I'm a delusional maniac for an hour and an anxious, lethargic slug for the rest of the day. I finally managed to get an appointment with my doctor in two days but I don't even know what to ask for. I know that being pill-free is best but I consider switching to atomoxetine as a last ditch resort. My reasoning is that the non-stimulant nature of this external source of dopamine, paired with the presumed decrease in libido, will help me finally power through a couple days without relapsing. What do you think?
yeah I'm lacking intimacy really bad, I'm heading my late 20's and never had a gf. Anon from last treads told me that I should text that girl I've meet mouths ago but she was kinda cold to me. She responded to me, laughing at my jokes but busy with work and study so can't meet with me (or doesn't really want).
>How are you handling it?
>Do you want some advice?
on what? SR? I don't think about masturbation at all now.
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Week 3.
Lots of new things happening.
Went back to uni now, started boxing intensively 3 months ago.
And now have crush for the first time. Is it love? I don't care to fuck her, I just can't stop thinking about her, pureley heart based.
Not very happy about it, because I feel like I'm not worthy
Anyway I hope I can break through all this with SR. Couldn't imagine handling all that as a coomer.
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I had new things happening around week 3 as well, I'm not sure what the end result will be from them though. Hopefully it's positive.

I'd encourage you to just be honest with your crush as soon as possible and not overthink it too much to just get over it as quickly as possible, whatever the result may be
I was in a similar situation not too long ago. For me the only thing that worked to be able to be intimate with others and get a gf was to give up for a while. Basically get in touch with my own needs and becoming comfortable with myself. I found someone to unload my bad memories and emotions on. It all made interactions with women and others generally feel lower stake, and I think that I come across as less needy and insecure.
Good luck with your crush!
Lately, I feel like I can concentrate more on doing productive things instead of just getting distracted. I'm programming more and planning to make a game. I attribute it to this, which is why I don't want to relapse.

I've also been meditating on the root chakra. I feel more energy flowing, and I usually visualize energy swirling around me, centered at the root chakra, then gradually passing it through all the chakras until it reaches the crown and letting it go. It's just visualization, but I do feel something.
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>I'd encourage you to just be honest with your crush as soon as possible and not overthink it too much to just get over it as quickly as possible, whatever the result may be
Yes, thank you. I just need the courage to ask her out and then I will see what happens. I operate outcome independend now.

Thank you Anon
>Basically get in touch with my own needs and becoming comfortable with myself
yes that was me 6 mouth ago and I've meet her. I've would find new one by this time but it's so hard for me to meet new people.
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Hi, anon here who told you that you needed to text the girl back. Keep trying and be persistent in your pursuit. If you really want a gf, like all things, you have to work for it. I will say that lifting is a good hobby, keep doing that.
Day 7. I am developing superpowers. Women find me irresistible. My will is triumphant.
oh hi!
>I will say that lifting is a good hobby, keep doing that.
next mouth I'm moving form commercial gym into shitty one at my uni, maybe people there will be not so isolated and more easy to talk, at least they be mostly my age. Hope I'll find someone sooner then hit 1/2/3/4 haha.
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Remember anon, the point of SR is to conserve semen for various benefits. The point of entering a romantic relationship isn't for casual sex, but establishing a lifelong bond with the other person and to (hopefully) grow old and die. To practice semen retention only to blow your semen inside of a woman you are not fully committed to defeats the purpose of retaining semen in the first place. Too often do anons in this thread think replacing masturbation with casual sex (masturbating with another person's body) is a valid trade, as opposed to controlling/channeling one's lustful desires for constructive ends so it doesn't end up destroying you.
I sincerely like her, we IQ matched so it's easy for me to keep interesting conversations, I just don't know yet how crazy she may be and I don't really have experience with woman to now if I can find someone better (I mean to now how rare type like her is there).
Based beyond belief. Lighting the way for others.
Be blessed.
do you have the full image of this pic?
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not him, but I used to achieve this
im in day 57feeling great
just stop taking the pills
what do you have to do that is so important it requires you to be a manic stimulant freak?
I was on dexamphetamine for a few years and just stopped cause I don't wanna tweak
yeah I'm sluggish at work, who fuckin cares they still pay me
Hello. I have been trying to not masterbate but the voices keep encouraging it. Any advice? I don't have friends and I don't get to network with very many people.
Does lucid dreaming require a constant sleep schedule?
The urges are fucking insane, considering how many seriously fuckable women I encounter daily, it's fucking fucked but fuck the magic is unreal surreal real
Read the E.A.S.Y. P.E.A.S.Y. M.E.T.H.O.D.
Semen retention starts with the MIND. You must wage war in the mind. Sanctify it. Purify it. Guard it at all times.

Have a negative thought about how you're not good enough for something or someone?
Immediately replace it with a positive affirmation. Don't counter it or argue with the negative voice. Just completely replace it with your positive affirmation.
When you stop the voices telling you not to will dominate and the ones you hear now will vanish. It's happened to me. Best way is a project, make something, build something, work on something, or even get a job or go in the woods for a while, pick a thing and occupy your mind with it for entire days.
week 4 update
having lots of gay thoughts
almost coomed in my pants today so i went for a hike
spent the whole time wanting pussy
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Last night, I dreamed I dreamed about The Woman, woke up, and had ejaculated in my sleep — only to actually awaken and realize I hadn't ejaculated at all. HA! I had to tell you all because you're the only ones who can relate.
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Take hold of your thought-life. I've found it personally helpful to have several quippish mantras to chide myself with. I also distract myself by memorizing various things, like poems and Biblical verses or excerpts, which I can recite later on.

>see beautiful woman
>nascent primordial lust forming
>say to myself, "Not [redacted]? Not a woman."
I also say, "Beautiful, but not [redacted]," or else, "That's not your wife, [my name]," and various things of the sort. Amazingly, I've found it to have worked in large part.
Oh, and I forgot what might be one of the most important. I remind myself verbally, "That's not what I really want. I want [insert what I want]."
Just ended my 30 day streak and feel way better.
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I just remembered another! There are actually quite a few strategies I employ, I suppose. This one requires you to have some idea of a wholesome woman, an ideal woman, or an actual woman you're in a courtship or a marriage with, preferably (though a married man has little need of retaining, blessed lads). If I'm finding it particularly difficult to subdue sexual thoughts, I simply redirect them. I take The Woman and mentally picture her or her and I in romantic but non-sexual ways instead. This allows me to regain control of my thoughts because, for some reason, the sexual thoughts are more easily redirected into romantic ones of lesser potency than by forcibly moving my thoughts away from love.

For instance, you may simply picture her smiling face, or a tender moment, or remember something said, or something done which was funny, cute, or smart. I do not do this for long, but only to do away with sexual thoughts when they intrude if forcibly thinking of non-sexual things isn't working.
What do I do. I've been addicted for 15 years with litearlly thousands of failed attempts at quitting. It's ruining my life. I found a site that had all miki aoki's gooning vids and mk ultra vids and I think I fucked up my brain. I watched them for 10 hours straight while edging and I was dreaming all night about them and I've woken up with a huge fucking headache. Literally all i can think about is gooning to her videos. I see them vividly in my mind on repeat 24/7. I haven't done anything yet but my last orgasm was around 8 hours ago and ruined so I feel like shit. Will it go away if I retain. How do I get out of this addiction (ive read easy peasy and ybop). I'm serioulsy rockbottom, I ate my own cum for some reason.
I have had a couple of these dreams lately. Great relief for I used to have wet dreams so commonly. We are winning.
The funniest part, to me, was that when I was asleep, thinking I'd ejaculated, there was almost this feeling of, "Oh, GOOD! FINALLY!" And then I woke up actually, still surging. If anything, more tempestuous.
You can be well, anon. The brain can heal. The soul can heal. God is merciful. Change your thoughts? Change your deeds. Change your deeds? Change your life. And change your words also. And of course, you're infinitely more likely to succeed, and to reap benefit beyond what can come from mere retention and abstaining from Sin, by seeking Christ that you may know God.
lol fucking loser.
ruin = worse than cumming
edging = worse than cumming
cumming to normie porno like a normie = your ticket out of gooning
attempting nofap while a pornaddicted goonzombie = your ticket deeper into goontown
nofap after achieving normie coomer status = good
dont let the christcucks and schizos bucketcrab you bcuz of crushed mental after falling for the disgusting hypno meme
>Does lucid dreaming require a constant sleep schedule?
No, but it help a lot.
>Quit your porn addiction by watching more porn but "normie" porn.
Worst advice I've ever read. Theres no such thing as normie porn. It's all the same horrible shit. Softcore, hardcore, kink, r34 hypno. Theres no difference, it all rots your brain the same.
>lol fucking loser.
Anons intrusive thoughts spill out as a cheap insult. Stop kidding yourself, everyone here is/was a coomer at some point. You're no better.
>attempting nofap while a pornaddicted goonzombie = your ticket deeper into goontown
Speaking from experience?
Don't listen to that retard. Just whack one out for a last proper ograsm that isn't ruined and start retaining. Or just start retaining straight away, but I wouldn't start on a ruined orgasm.
Day 58

Felt a great surge of energy yesterday. Casually transmuted some of this by raising energy up the spine as described in works on Kundalini - no major happenings or side effects though energy did abate. More focus would have been more effective.

What would be described as blockages by energy workers are coming undone though and that is very necessary for me. I'm coming to terms with a lifetime of extreme adverse happenings.

My initial target is 365 days. I don't feel like this is hard work even though I sometimes have a great excess of energy. I have an additional advantage in that I have never had a WD and so unconscious failure isn't a problem for me.

I hope you get something out of this bros. Christ be with you, ignore the haters.
The orgasm is evil. A short circuiting of the nervous system for a few moments of pleasure and a loss of vitality for days or weeks. Men don’t even need to coom to have children. A single sperm cell can leak out and do the job without the flood behind it.
>The orgasm is evil
It's not evil, it a present from Nature for reproducing.
What's evil or a waste, is masturbation.
see >>38924980
False, not a rebuttal. We are not Nature. We are not animals nor meant to be guided solely by animalistic desires.

As someone who considers themselves to be fairly successful in metaphysical practices, I totally disagree with the idea that there's no normie porn or that porn is categorically unbeneficial. It really comes down to the reason you're watching it, the nature of what your watching, and the nature of why you're jerking off in the first place. If you're jerking off because you can't handle your own impulses and you're chasing the fleeting pleasure of an orgasm and you do this every day, yeah, it's a problem and a huge waste of energy. However it doesn't have to be that way. If the people in the video are enjoying themselves, the nature of the content is objectively erotic, and your jerking off because you enjoy exploring that mental state, it can actually become a very advanced form of meditation.
If you're just jerking it because you want to blow a load, you're watching trash and exploitative or obscene content (gaping comes to mind) and you feel like you hate yourself the whole time or afterwards, that's about the worst thing you can do though. Learn to love yourself, and apply sensible moderation to your jerking off. Take the middle path.
>If the people in the video are enjoying themselves, the nature of the content is objectively erotic, and your jerking off because you enjoy exploring that mental state, it can actually become a very advanced form of meditation.
This is a horrible cope. You are still just addicted to porn. Let’s not pretend there are tiers to degeneracy; it all leads to the same place. This is just some narcissistic cope to view yourself as above other coomers while still indulging in your addiction. We will just have to agree to disagree here.
> How I feel decides if its good.

>le evils

Watch out lads, agree and amplify troll.

they're both shills, its just another attack.

Dubs confirm it. Imagine doing all that work and committing to all of that self control just to blow a huge load in some stranger you barely even like, it's so depressing the way young people have lost track of the entire point of marriage and romance.

Not trying to be mean to you anon, bur that's your problem. I've been prescribed amphetamine for years and it's improved my life beyond belief. Just to prove to myself I don't need it, I regularly take time off of it. There is a difference between having adhd and just being depressed, unmotivated, or kind of dumb though. I'm not saying that to be mean, but I do think alot of people get diagnosed with adhd so the school can pretend the kid isn't dumb. Actual adhd can be demonstrated empirically through an IQ test. If you have a really high score in one area but an unusually low score in another area, that's adhd. For example, 140 in verbal IQ but 90 in processing. With the application of a stimulant, this score will then improve to at least 20 or 30 points. If you score low in everything, that's just being thick, and there's nothing wrong with being kind of dumb.

No drug except for meth or maybe some kind of research chem should fuck your life up in only 4 months, holy shit.

Lol you're such a fucking moron and you probably don't even know it.

I guarantee you have such strong feelings about this because you're an unfuckable loser who blames all of their problems in life on exterior circumstances and the will of other people, like what the fuck do you think is going on in those painting and sculptures of nuns and saints who are experiencing ecstacy? You think you feel that way by suppressing yourself and lacking the gift of discernment? I pity you, truly.
Has SR made you less sluggish in return?
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Wasn't counting days, but was on a ~4 week streak. Doing great, blasting out urges the moment they entered my head, didn't give in to sexual thought once. Then, last night I came in my sleep TWICE. Nothing different about yesterday, sex was the last thing on my mind, genuinely have no idea what caused this. Haven't had a wet dream in a year, never had two in the same night. What the hell?
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Jerking off is to meditation as doing whippets is to breathing exercises
picrel is you
imagine thinking that whether or not something is "placebo" on a biochemical level is enough determine if it's a waste of time/effort. just a way to "logic" your way out of doing potentially difficult things as if attaining deep self belief is somehow an easy thing that doesn't require discomfort of any kind
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From what it sounds like, you have a winner on your hands. Pursue her, otherwise you'll regret it years later.
>agree and amplify troll.
what do you even mean?

Someone asked if orgasm is evil in itself.
And I don't think the orgasm is something evil, is Natural.
What's evil is wasting orgasms or wasting semen.
I was on Vyvanse like 9 years ago for a month and get off. I was MORE prone to PMO while on these stims.

Personally I find lion's mane mushroom supplements to be a huge benefit for increasing my will power and also decreasing my libido. I'm not a doctor, but it works for me and maybe it will work for you.
Literally me, where did you find it?
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she still didn't read my answers on "how you doing?" from last friday, but yeah doing whatever I can.
>last friday
NTA but move on, you did what you could
being able to accept rejection for what it is, feeling it 100% and adjusting course accordingly rather than coping by just whacking off is a valuable learning experience
>but move on, you did what you could
that what I did last time when this happen >>38928122
why cumming turns the body into slop?
up your volume, do things with the specific goal of meeting more women. none of this SR shit will do anything for you if you don't use your desire for intimacy, in its uninhibited form, to push yourself to try to build something with more women. it's tough in your late twenties, believe me I know, you need a strong desire to take the risks and deal with discomfort to find someone good for you
drains your testostrerone
because it uses the body resources to "fuel the tank", right?
testosterone makes you mean and agressive after you jerk you turn into a bitch
>do things with the specific goal of meeting more women
like what? I wanted to go into driving school but that's fucked up they recruit new group only next spring, I can't even find a flat to rent because then they hear "just for me, yeah i'm single" their respond "ok! we call you later", next I will lie and maybe show up with my cousin if she be willing to help me with that.
>like what?
take your pick of co-ed athletic activities. you already lift, so that's a point in your favor
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Any experience with increased luck?
You know you're in trouble when cumming now gives you prostatitis for a week...
isn't I'll be mostly playing with other males?
depends on what you do
like, combat sports are great for your soul, but they'll get you absolutely no bitches. stuff like yoga is the other end of the spectrum
>Any experience with increased luck?
>But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Yes x10
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yeah, I don't know what I can find to be interesting in, I will try to think about that.
What are some powerful supplements or compounds to help stop masterbation or getting super horny? i've tried nac and dose little.

i've done detoxes but they are whatever. i need some powerful compounds to help control the lust. recommend your findings.
>What are some powerful supplements or compounds to help stop masterbation or getting super horny?
why would you want this? you're supposed to have strong desires so that you can channel it towards doing the hard work required to find a partner. if you get urges, meditate (or maybe pray if you're a christfag) and they'll go down from the surface level of your thoughts down to a level where they aren't so dominant, you can channel them rather than being controlled by them
>i've tried nac and dose little
You have to keep it up for about 3 months. Same with fish oil supplements which I strongly recommend.
Other supplements for mental peace include magnesium glycinate, vitamin D and Biotin. With Zinc at night before bed.
Being in nature alone is the only answer.
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Day 9. Feeling normal, no strong emotions. Maybe a little muted.

How about y'all?
Day 22
Feeling amazing. Blessed. In my lane.
Alone until you find and an abandoed dow deer and try to stick your dick in her pervert.
Hell yeah king

Keep grinding
I'm not sure if he's the pervert here lol
I wouldn't say that. There are a lot of hot chics in my boxing class.
and zinc deficiency that's what makes you ugly
Yeah, lights turn green exactly when I need them to
day 9 as well
randomly hit with wild urges to go to the spa or watch porn
but also feeling strong, calm, confident, capable and competent
not sure why my mind wants to trick me into throwing this all away for a momentary spasm of pleasure
I think everyone goes through these urges at one point or another in the process. Don't ignore them and don't give in; it's good that you recognize them as tricks.
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boxing seems like kind of an exception for some reason, it's interesting. I think I'm biased because my favorite is judo and man, I love it but it's an absolute sausage fest
Anyone have any good scriptures to help with SR?
There are so many. Just pray, thank God for His Word. Ask Him to speak to you through it and give you wisdom. When you pray, believe, then read. But one that has been on my mind lately, that I speak to the Lord as both a prayer and as worship boldly and with love, is Psalm 4, verses 3-5:

3. But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for Himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto Him,

4. Stand in awe, and sin not:
commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

5. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.

For me, I love most the part, "STAND IN AWE AND SIN NOT," praise to God. I consider our chastity to be one of those, "sacrifices of righteousness," which we must offer to God, and that includes the inward chastity of the heart and mind.

Yesterday, I read the entire Song of Songs over for the gazillionth time. I love it. Such powerful poetry. I think it is perfect meditiation for SR. We aspire to that mystic romance with a holy and committed wife — that feminine representation of Our Eternal Almighty God — in that tender relationship which reflects both His own person and His relationship to us. Praise and glory to His Name now and forevermore!
Read the Bible if you are bored
Judo and boxing have basically the same percentage at around 30%.
in theory
in reality, you go to train judo and it's almost all dudes
>ipsam crede tibi naturam dicere rerum:
> istud quod digitis, pontice, perdis, homo est.

>"Believe me, that nature's voice confirms it,
>--what escapes 'twixt your fingers, Poncius, is a human being."


fug. i typed the latin out of my personal copy of the book. i didn't realize you meant biblical scriptures.
psalm 23
Just starting week 2 after relapsing from a month long streak. I had some weird dreams last night. The best way to describe it is it was a "layered" dream where I knew I was dreaming so I "woke up" into another dream before realizing that too was also a dream and I woke up for real. In one of the layered dreams I was relapsing on smoking weed and drinking alcohol and I was convinced it was real because I thought I had woke up from the original dream already. It was really weird.
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Well anons, known about /srg/ for a long time, looks like I'll at the very least be going pornfree.
>going pornfree
Good decision
Hello anon we talked on /lit/ hope you succeed
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Yeah it's taking up too much time and energy lately. I haven't taken nofap/noporn seriously in a long time so I'll try it for a while and see how it goes.
Hey anon. Thank you! The thread got deleted, idk why. Made this post mostly to show I'll be lurking the general.
day 14, going strong with moderate urges every few hours but is becoming easier to resist. best wishes to anyone trying to keep their streak and improve themselves. god bless
Good job, anon! Keep it up! The Lord bless you and keep you as well! May you be strengthened in your inner man according to the working of His wondrous power in Christ Jesus!
thanks man hope you have a good day tomorrow :)
>looks like I'll at the very least be going pornfree
consider going full nofap even if porn is the main root of the issue
rationale: https://www.meaningfulhq.com/99-percent-is-a-bitch-100-percent-is-a-breeze.html
I'm aware of this. I want to take something of a different approach, since I've tried to live by the one you talk about and it really hasn't worked out.
>since I've tried to live by the one you talk about and it really hasn't worked out
were you making efforts to at least socialize with more women than you usually do during that time?
if you weren't, there's pretty much no point to it, so there's no real reason not to relapse
I was not. What do you mean by there being no point to it?
NTA but if you are going pornfree and not nofap I recommend always paying attention to your emotions before during and after fapping. You may notice patterns, and if you conquer things like shame, anxiety, and guilt you may find your desire to fap gradually decrease
Yeah I'll make an effort to be more mindful. I don't really feel guilt or any of that anymore.
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think about it, you have strong sexual desires so that you can attract a partner. attracting a good partner as a man is hard as fuck, so you need to have a strong, functioning desire to put in the work and take the necessary social risk. when you watch porn and whack off you weaken that desire, which is the main reason to quit, because you need all of your brain working towards action. if you're not actively making an effort to meet more women, you have no reason to have a strong enough desire to crawl through the shitpipe that is the modern dating landscape, thus you have no reason not to whack off and eventually fall back into porn usage
Yes, that makes sense. You are however conflating porn usage with masturbation. Put shortly, being horny and having the "willful want" to watch porn are two different desires.
>You are however conflating porn usage with masturbation
both of them are a hindrance to winning relationships with real women. again, you need literally every edge you can get. it's tough out there
ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20220720151432/https://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/v44/acr_vol44_1021097.pdf
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>Christian Shill
>Yeah it's taking up too much time and energy lately.
And it has no end; the problem with pornography is that it can lead you to extremely weird and dark places.
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What are the Christian implications of edging?
This I am also aware of. It is still too soon for me to concern myself with this. I am looking to improve my focus and concentration first and foremost, much of which has been diluted by my now highly-grasping restless mind.
Look, I know, that's not really why I'm going without it.
why are you doing it?
>I am looking to improve my focus and concentration first and foremost, much of which has been diluted by my now highly-grasping restless mind.
I'd guess because it was mostly non-literature related lol I expected it to be deleted it earlier... At least I sent my last message before it did
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day 8 and I'm getting back into drawing again
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Yeah I was a bit struck after seeing it up for 3 (!) days. It was a pretty interesting thread in its own right though... There was still some discussion ongoing too. I wish they would've moved it to a different board or something. Or just left it alone, like come on.
Hey if you were the one talking about starting with only noporn, I have another question. Are you doing nofap? How do you manage? I mean I can't imagine going as far as a month or so without it. Assuming you know something I don't...
Hey, that's pretty good. Saved
Just don't do it.
t. Your brother in Christ
>if you were the one talking about starting with only noporn
I am
>Are you doing nofap?
>How do you manage?
Haha... Well, it's really hard. I've been doing it for a month and a half now, and I have been having a super rough time trying to stick to it until like this week that's gotten a bit easier.
>Assuming you know something I don't...
I guess I'm just very motivated this time. It's a mixture of wanting to really take being a Christian seriously and solving another issue. And if I'm being honest I'm not sure I would be able to keep up with it without those 2 motivations so I'm not really sure if this would be helpful to you... But I did manage to quit porn without those motivations so if I could do it I figure anyone can.
But by just quitting porn its at least a lot easier to start nofap. I was doing exactly what I told you in the other thread and in some weeks I was already naturally going 1 or 2 days without masturbating pretty easily, so if what you want is reducing how many times you do it quitting porn is definitely going to help a lot... Though, again, I am still having a really hard time doing nofap but it's not necessarily because of the "normal" reasons I guess
>Haha... Well, it's really hard. I've been doing it for a month and a half now, and I have been having a super rough time trying to stick to it until like this week that's gotten a bit easier.
That's rough, man, props.
>And if I'm being honest I'm not sure I would be able to keep up with it without those 2 motivations so I'm not really sure if this would be helpful to you...
I see. Oh well. I'm assuming you don't want to share the other issue you want to solve?
>I am still having a really hard time doing nofap but it's not necessarily because of the "normal" reasons I guess
How so?
Polluting your mind and body with spirits of lust. They won’t let you go until you do the deed or clear the karma.
>I see. Oh well. I'm assuming you don't want to share the other issue you want to solve?
Well I don't think knowing will help you but basically I'm >>38925460, and basically I'm trying my best to get over gender issues I guess... It's a bit embarrasing having to explain it like that haha but I've posted under that name since I began this current streak and you can read how I've been feeling through it (like shit)
Which is mainly why I can't really talk much about how it "should" go for you since I don't really know what the normal experience is I guess.
But if you still want to know how I've been feeling in relation to focus is that my discipline and focus actually got worse when I got into like the first week or so, and I've only really gotten more or less back on track like super recently, and I really still don't feel very... Uh, idk, stable I guess (don't take this as me saying that you shouldn't try though, maybe ask another anon's opinion on the focus topic)
Though quitting porn DID make me a lot more productive, those weeks when I wasn't looking at porn were insanely productive and I had great focus, so, take that as my seal of approval in relation to no porn
But yeah I feel like I can't really speak to the average experience in nofap so I'd more take a look at what other anons are saying in relation to this
No, you! Tee hee hee!
You too, my friend.
Shit will literally break your dick fr
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Hahaha shills come to this thread and try to make anonymous men on the internet ejaculate kek!!! Stay strong men!
shills are busy on /r9k/ spotted them. They'll REALLY be busy next month, NNN
That's pretty interesting. Of course I can't see how to apply it to myself at first sight, but for now I just want to let you know that I want to think over this more closely.
Hahaha! Wow... They really are desperate, aren't they? That's crazy.
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I didn't listen that guy and just completed day 1. My head feels tight and I've had a heacache for hours.
Keeping us in this prison
Locked in this travesty
Eons have passed, relentless misery
Big noses plot in the dark
Trapping anons in a web of degeneracy
Derailing their wicked timeline
With the help from special entities
We now march to a dawn of a new era
Crush and pulverize I shall my enemies
Serpent coiling up the spine, Pharisaic tears
I say YES to these
Unlock my destiny I shall
My rhymes will melt their eyes
And through their lies, the world, arise
Freedom, salvation, I will bring them to their knees
One of the worst things pornography does to the mind and body is that, when you're in that state of addiction to intense stimulation, it makes meditation much more difficult. If you meditate through the chakras, it triggers intrusive thoughts. That's why it's important to cleanse the mind.
This is true, can confirm
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Motherfucker bot
you are a retard
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Unlocked a new number 92, I look it up and find this
Day 0
I have been falling over and over for this past week, the longest I lasted was 6 days, but nah... today today I say no to fap, I'll still watch porn or play porn games but I won't touch myself thats way too stupid I realize now, I apologize to myself for falling into this hellhole that is masturbation, and I'll drag my body out of it one way or the other
>I'll still watch porn or play porn games but I won't touch myself
You have already set yourself up for failure. Delete it all or keep falling.
>I'll still watch porn or play porn games
You really shouldn't, much easier if you didn't
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Day 10! Feels good to hit double digits. More urges than the last couple of days. A little tired.

How are y'all doing?
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>Feels good to hit double digits.
Yes you did
>this guy is a great magician
>How are y'all doing?
Day 9, swimmingly, absolutely bully day
Day 10 as well. Woke up at 3:10am completely energized. Meditated for 20 minutes. Just waiting to poop now and then head to work. Memories stir up urges but I have to just settle into the awareness that witnesses this body/mind and view myself as a depraved little pervert and have a laugh at the child, then the urges and the memories vanish.
it's like an alcoholic saying "today I won't drink, I will only swish liquor around in my mouth and then spit it out afterward, but I won't swallow any"
yes I definitely notice the difference for days afterward
while I am on a good streak I am much more vital and energized
>but for now I just want to let you know that I want to think over this more closely.
Sure. If you want to ask me something I hang around here (usually with the name haha)
On day 7, 4 weeks ago, i felt a sensation upon my head. I dont know what it was, but i am going to do it again. It made me laugh, it wasnt joy, more like fullness. Is this the infamous crown chakra? Did i get a taste of it to motivate me? Damn.
still nothing, cried at night, seems hopeless for me
This is semen retention general not dating advice general. Stop this bullshit immediately or take it to a discord.
I feel weird sensation all the time, up my spine, all throughout my head, pineal gland, crown chakra, just today I had a light vision, it was too short so I couldn't really make out what it was specifically it seemed like a mural from an ancient past, yesterday too I was weird shit with my eyes closed but it was so random. Try meditation to further increase this type of stuff. Meditation seems to increase the frequency of strange experiences to me
>pineal gland, crown chakra
You can't feel your pineal gland or chakras. Let's not dramatize our experiences too much.
Well I fucking do, you never felt the energy going to places?
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Guess in which picture I am on SR. (I am 2-3 weeks in)
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Btw guys, that reddit sub is being censored.
>easy peasy way to quit porn
>need to read a whole book for it

Something tells me there is probably an easier way.
>calling a prostitute a escort
calling a pub-going whore a lady
what yall be talkin bout
day 0, i have been updating the porn collection for 7 days. I really want to do to SR, but I am obsessed with missing some good porn.
>I really want to do to SR, but I am obsessed with missing some good porn
think of what that good porn is holding you back from doing, which is, having the drive you need to get real sex and companionship. which one is more of a loss?
I didn't start getting anywhere until got rid of my FOMO, was the same way. It always gets easiest when porn is renounced
also, you can put ice on your balls, it helps
the serpent of paradise does not represent eros, you foolish dabbler
you should feel ashamed of what youve become - a lowly good for nothing coomer *spits*
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The figure on the right is natural looking. The figure on the left is uncanny, like a wax mannequin. Proof of semen retention's power.
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Missing? Anon, don't you see? You've never gotten anything. You've never had anything at all from porn. All you done is give. Give and give and give of your power and heart and get absolutely NOTHING in return. Those aren't real women. That's not your sex life. It's just a sad joke you're letting Satan play on you. He's managed to prevent you from attaining one of the greatest joys God made for us—a great Mystery wrapped in joy and love—and he's substituted for it the mere idea of a component of it, the least little part of it, and he twists that part and distorts it—perverts it endlessly into one form and another—the same foolish game he's played from the beginning—to corrupt that which God has made—having no power to make anything himself, and he sidetracks and subverts your unrealized divinity (which can only be realized through God) with the mere shadow of a shadow (because the holy union of Sex and Marriage are a shadow of what is to come). Do not give him the satisfaction of toying with you, and, moreover, he makes those who are his slaves in this world gloat openly of his involvement because he wishes lordship over you, a man made in God's image, since he cannot gain lordship over God Himself. Do not give him the satisfaction. Do not deny yourself what God has for you. Do not sin against your own body—that which was made to be a living temple of Almighty God.
This place is still getting relentlessly and shamelessly shilled by christians who've been systematically taught to hate themselves and psychically raped by their congregation. No surprise they'll find solace here.
I urge all non-christians to not allow their narratives to infect your mind. Dont let them make you hate yourself.
pretty sure you don't need to be a christcuck to figure out that most men willingly turning themselves into porn-addicted coombrains is a bad thing for society
this place isn't all bad, it's just rife with self-loathing christian morality.
Im not arguing against SR, my issue is with the narratives that Christians use. It should be noted that the best literature on SR is from the eastern religions
Yeah its very annoying though. You can feel the disgusting shame on the anons who randomly post a pic of jesus here to appear good while their insides are decaying and being fucked by monstrous powers.
it's really bad to go through. been there done that.
yeah we agree then, it's just slave morality. the modern world turning into more of a dystopia gives it more appeal for people struggling, but if their way didn't have serious flaws, we never would have gotten to this point in the first place
i wish there were good non-religious western literature on SR
Its more sinister than slave morality. The christcuck is an actively malevolent agent of dark forces and wants to entrap you in the same prison its built for itself
Best approach is a mystic practise where SR is just a side gig. Robert Anton Wilson for example has lots of works on how to reprogram the brain.
Fundamentally there is a need that masturbation fulfils, its about finding this need/desire/passion within the self, isolating it, and fulfiling it in a more productive manner. Maybe this is transmutation, or it is showing love to people around you, or even a romantic relationship.
agreed. i suppose SR is an interesting way to explore the way conditioning works and how to recondition.
>Maybe this is transmutation, or it is showing love to people around you, or even a romantic relationship.
I think applying it to try and establish a romantic relationship in the first place is becoming more and more important for men in general. SR + making efforts to socialize with more women offers a way out of hopelessness
thanks for the RAW recommendation btw, might be the thing that finally gets me to read him.
Had some bad mood swings today, I know they're part of it but they still just suck.
Of course we're still here. The only reason we're still on Earth is for those of you who don't know the Lord yet. You don't know what you're talking about, but that's okay. Everyone is ignorant of Christ at some point.
Eastern religions (and all others) are dead works of men, laid by demons, to lead you astray. I speak it from experience, both my own and of others. But this isn't the place for religious debate. It is a place for encouraging others in SR. We let you talk freely of your chakras and so on, so let us talk freely of our own perspectives. Isn't detaching from ego a part of your Eastern mystic practice, lol?
> the serpent of paradise does not represent eros, you foolish dabbler.
Who is talking about that specific myth?
The serpent represent sexual desire.
Masturbation is a very potent form of conditioning, its a gargantuan task to undo that damage, but knowing it is half the battle
Yes, sexual dysfunction is endemic among young men, and christcucks feed off it
He's great. Hyatt too.
Your arrogance is hilarious. You've been completely psyopped by Paul the jew who used to kill Christians for fun before he realised he can gain fame from immortalising Jesus as the son of God. Fool
The hypocrisy is overwhelming. There's no dedicated hindus/buddhists shilling their religion, just people who take the mechanistic stuff and apply it, you on the other hand vomit out your twisted morality and psychically rape people here into submission to your prison. fuck you, demon.
Monotheism is the primitive religion which centers
human consciousness on Hive Authority. There is One
God and His Name is (substitute Hive-Label).
If there is only One God then there is no choice, no
option, no selection of reality. There is only Submission
or Heresy. The word Islam means 'submission'. The
basic posture of Christianity is kneeling. Thy will be
Monotheism therefore does no harm to hive-oriented
terrestrials (Stages 10,11, and 12) who eagerly seek to
lay-off responsibility on some Big Boss. [Note: I
disagree with Dr. Leary's notion of no-harm.]
Monotheism does profound mischief to those who are
evolving to post-hive stages of reality. Advanced
mutants (Stages 13-18) do make the discovery that 'All
is One' as the realization dawns that, 'My Brain creates all the realities that I experience.' [Note: substitute
'brains' and All is still All.]
The discovery of Self is frightening because the
novitiate possessor of the Automobile Body and the
Automobile Brain must accept all the power that the hive
religious attributed to the jealous Jehovah.
The First Commandment of all Monotheism is: I am
the Lord, thy God: Thou shalt have no other Gods
before me. All monotheisms are vengeful, aggressive,
expansionist, intolerant...
It is the duty of a monotheist to destroy any compet-
itive heresy. Concepts such as devil, hell, guilt, eternal
damnation, sin, evil are fabrications by the hive to insure
loyalty to Hive Central. All these doctrines are precisely
designed to intimidate and crush individualism
Lion's man mushroom supplements work very well for me, maybe not with reducing libido but certainly helps with increasing cognition and willpower.
what talking points do they censor? I find it pretty good for a subreddit
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That sub will delete or remove any post that goes against woke liberal narrative. Pic related was nuked and they will nuke any discussion that could be interpreted as anti-gay, pro-christian, pro-white/western culture, antisemitic or counter to the gay reddit agenda.
I have a question for you guys. Is it worth it? I'm really struggling right now, having a very bad day. A part of me just wants the fight to end. If it is with it, can you tell me how? What's your story?

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yes it regenerates the mind body and spirit dont give up. you already know it and feel yourself, to get the mind on board read the coiled serpent, dont even need to read it just look at the table of contents if you have intellectual doubts
I appreciate it.
I get intellectually that it gets better, but right now it feels like every bit of sadness, guilt, or shame that I ever repressed with pornography is coming to the surface all at once. I guess what I really want is to vent and to feel connected to someone who has gone through it, so that I can know in my heart that it is worth it.
>but right now it feels like every bit of sadness, guilt, or shame that I ever repressed with pornography is coming to the surface all at once
first week?
Forgive me, I fapped twice today over some BBW hucow art
That sub is still unironically better than this place though. Christcucks need to be relentlessly mocked and shut down because their hubris knows no bounds and they are not interested in SR, they are interested in forcing free thinkers to submit to their hivemind.
I relapsed recently after an 11 day spree. This time I've gone 190 hours without an orgasm. The biggest difference I made this time is going without porn. I deleted my entire collection, changed and deleted old passwords, and installed a website filter that is currently blocking 105 different urls.

If I look at porn, I'm going to want to jack off. If I jack off, I'm going to eventually cum. It's just much easier to block the porn.
why do you not like jesus, he is a kind dude
I dont not like him. I simply dont care for him. e was just another jewish prophet, from a long line of prophets, who had the ability to commune with god and receive visions. He was unique in that he was able to communicate spiritual truths much more easily to normal folk. It was Paul, a jewish man that used to murder christians for fun, who did 180 and elevated jesus to the position of son of God and created christianity as we know it

And that's where my issue is with christians. their mentality is one of sickness, as explained here >>38943259
i've been using the idea of destroying my old self from the manga blue lock, been working well so far ( on day 3 rn). on the flip side, i haven't had any strong urges, so idk if that's a good or bad thing
Day 1
I am the anon from yesterday that said I won't stop watching porn or play porn games, so far so good

Mainly I dont want to stop watching/reading porn, but stop masturbating altogether, I want to return to my mindset of years ago, I'm 2X years old, and when I discovered porn was when I was 16 or so, watched it every once in a while but never masturbated, this continued onwards for some years and I never once cummed nor masturbated... until a year ago when I had my first orgasm and now I cannot stop.
TL;DR: I want to go from "Me likey this, I want to beat my meat to it" to "Oh this is arousing, wow... cool... anyways onto my life"
I want to become strong like one anon said, I want to be the one that spits out the alcohol, have that strength in me
I guess I kinda want to be temptation free until I find a nice girl to settle down with, then I will unleash my lust with only her
Bro just don't... Get a different hobby lol
Haha I do, but I guess I'm pretty messed up on my head at this stage, a lot has happened and I havent enjoyed stuff I enjoyed in the past... hence the masturbation I guess, its fast and entertaining which messed up my brain, and thats why its taking advantage of my mind with all the triggers and all of that, thats why I want to cut off the path completely to "fast cheap entertainment" and replace it with other stuff, slowly make my mind resistant to it and then try to take onto my hobbies once again
You never get resistant to porn you just get deeper into the degeneracy
Hmmm I kinda disagree with that, because of the same train of thought, addicts, an example a non smoker in a smoking enviorenment the person tolerates the smell, yet they dont smoke because they arent smokers they are resistant to that, or like a person who doesnt drink alcohol in a party with their friends, they all drink yet the person doesnt even though he is exposed into a drinking enviorenment... or I dunno, I'm just a bit messed up on my head to think rationally these days
I don't think there's any reason to watch porn at all desu. And if you feel drawn to watch it even if you're not masturbating to it I would say that you're exactly the type of person who should not watch it at all, even less than a normal person that shouldn't watch it in the first place either
Hmmm I guess I got to used to it from watching Fanservice in anime/games and stuff like that, thats why I mostly lean to hentai kek, but I get what you are saying, guess I just want to stop masturbating since I just consumed hentai, as just... anime, or just another form of media, not as a sexual outlet or stuff... hmmm guess I'll have more to think about it, but you helped me realize a bit, thanks anon!
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Already feel fine
I've been using clonazepam for a while to help me sleep, and my libido disappeared. Would this count as semen retention? It's been a long time, I think
Day 9. One major thing that I have noticed is that I feel very okay being alone. Previously I craved more attention, if even in the form of texts. Now I don't feel such a need to start text conversations or continue them. I also don't feel the need to go out and hang out with friends who I don't really like.

I just feel okay with solitude more than I normally am. I don't know how this could relate to semen retention, but it seems I have more emotional independence.
Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before. I'm not interested in argument or your erroneous takes on Christ. Get over yourself. We're going to keep posting. You can cry about it if you want, but don't expect me to care.
Off-topic. If you want to argue religion, make a thread for it.
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Any updates from the anon in pic related?

I’m on day 43 and I’m pretty much the same; femoids literally treat me worse than when I was a coomer, and fatter to boot. I get literally zero attention from them now. Then again I don’t go out in public much, but still.
>not masturbating is hating yourself
fucking faggot, I've never loved myself more
You're gonna make it. The joke is that there is no magic bullet, not even will power. You just have to keep trying. If you relapse, don't beat yourself up, just keep trying. You got this.
yesterday was day0
today should be day1

usually i can do 34 days easy, but then the relapse happens over and over. I am more determined though, so I hope I can do 15-30 days
Fuck off asswipe stop trying to create a negative echochamber here
KEK, you started an argument, and after being utterly humiliated you now backtrack and pussy out. I will continue call out Jesus for what he was; The jewiest jew to ever exist, and call you retarded for elevating an ordinary jew prophet to god status.
>not masturbating is hating yourself
This is not what i said, you illiterate retard, it is about the pathology of christianity, you fucking retard.
>Then again I don’t go out in public much, but still.
What exactly are you expecting? You take 0 initiative to go outside and pursue women, do you think women are just supposed to leer at you through the window like its GTA cheatcode?
If you have the desire for women you have to take action and set things in motion. Then God comes down and meets you halfway to give you what you want.
There's a weird effeminate fantasy where men here wish to be treated as if theyre women. Its never gonna happen unless youre gigachad.
>approaching day 200
>psychic sloppy toppy and roadhead
of course not, semen retention is above all spiritual test, if there is nothing to overcome what is the gain?
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Im on like 2nd week day 10-13?!? idk i cba count to be fair.
I watched porn twice, tried to fap but then felt disgusted by it, its a new thing for me.
Listened HFO hypnosis before bed 2 times and fell asleep, did have an orgasm few times, no cum. Its like a good meditation, gets me amped up but no urge to masturbate.
After doing a prayer towards idk, god/all father something clicked. Cried like a bitch and lost the urge to fap.
Sleeping better, dreams are vivid and overall happy.
Ive done few weeks before but everytime i get the urge. This time i dont, its weird but im welcoming it.
>did have an orgasm few times
wtf why is every other comment here some shill trying to tell us how degenerate he is
Shame on you for soiling the well.
>There's a weird effeminate fantasy where men here wish to be treated as if theyre women. Its never gonna happen unless youre gigachad.
Well I experienced this a few times (ie. girls randomly being weirdly attract while on SR), so *there is* a weird effect here. It's not a linear process though. I agree we generally should not be attached to this benefits, but it's a hard thing not to do, particularly when you had touch this strange phenomena and become hooked by it.

For example last time I had a very strong sexual connection with a random twenty-something yo woman at day 11, and the kind of vibe & magnetism between us is something I experienced way more often on SR than not (it's day and night).

That being said I'm day 26 currently and I'm in the greyest flatline ever, like I would never experience my libido back ever again, and no magnetism whatsoever. So strange.
Might want to add this to the OP
Firefox: https://github.com/wingman-jr-addon/wingman_jr
Chrome: https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter/

skip if you don't want to read a doom-post

I've been "fighting" this war for more than five years now, and I've lost yet another battle. I was energetic, confident, motivated, and felt literally youthful in the face and eyes for a while, people were nicer to me, now I've lost what little energy I had. My own mind and body ambush me and betray me when there's no screen in front of me, my body corrupts my soul like a demon. I don't think I'll ever win this war, and I've heard that "monks fight lust all the way to their deathbed" to boot, so that's nice. I was using my energy, exercising, avoiding filth, doing affirmations when urges appeared, burning frankincense and praying so much, all for nothing. The torment, and compounding guilt will not cease until I'm dead. I feel damned, cursed, exhausted, I hate myself.

I guess if you want to take away something from this post, is that pornography is a hellish nightmare that is to be avoided at all costs. If auto-coercion and self-rape is the norm, you shouldn't be normal. What should be normal instead, is freedom, because this is the alternative: slavery.
Maybe she was trying to make SR anon jealous. Or maybe she just didn't feel comfortable with SR anons strong disciplined aura, so she got soft knees and decided to not leave her comfort zone but go to the beta-guy who makes no impact on her?

Woman are mostly not direct like trying to seduce you upfront, especially if they feel intimidated by your energy, and those that are like that are according to my experience shameless and gross, not worthy your time and attention.
They are also intimidated by "chad", but when using dating apps, they don't need to do much, they just go to the meeting and let themselves be ducked. That's all.

There are women too who may wish to talk to men they find interesting, but they are in general much more insecure than men, especially considering social pressures, so they will never do it, and rationalize not doing it, unless of course they are shameless whores or on substances. (which should be a red flag)

I think it's best to get to know women via a community you are a part of, like a chess club or something like that, if you are living SR Monk life without such communities, I don't see much chance of ever finding a girlfriend unless of course if it happens by higher intervention and most unlikely circumstances.

Also I think doing SR to "get women" is not the highest application of doing SR, but a rather inferior one. But you do you.
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>quit watching porn
>do about a week and some change of SR
>go to a friend's place, meet someone I like enough to actually pursue
>like them enough to be completely fine with it even if I get rejected
who'da thunk it that going with what your body naturally wants and is programmed to do would be more fulfilling than beating off to pixels on a screen?
be grateful for the break
>Its never gonna happen unless youre gigachad.
I retract this statement, as its not entirely true. Gigachad consistently experiences this, but above average guys do experience it too.
My point really, is that if you do desire for women, then its on you to take the initiative and lead like a man is supposed to. Not just expect a woman to play the dominant role and court you. A woman might get touchy with you, hold eye contact, give you the energy and signals, but you still have to go for the kill.

In any case, a whole number of other things can be happening. It is not unreasonable to consider the possibility that your self-image has improved, you no longer identify as a coomer and this is what women are picking up on. Another possibility is that the women you're picking up signals from are ovulating, and ovulating women are extremely horny and anyone looks attractive to them.

Fundamentally, a man should not desire to be a woman. There's so many trannies here who clog up SRG, i sincerely believe the morons who constantly talk about magnetism are a few steps away from trooning themselves out.
based take
I think the main benefit of nofap/SR at all is just, a lot of men are so used to not believing in themselves, a natural test spike and a bit of self discipline is great for bootstrapping self belief after realizing how badly your brain was rotted by porn (likely for most of your lifetime). the main thing that holds people back is fear, your desire should outweigh the potential discomfort of rejection
Yeah, I didn't. You posted a rant about me beneath my posts. Stop lying. Like I said, I'm not interested. Your childish baiting won't work on me.
someone make a new thread !!
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>your brain was rotted by porn (likely for most of your lifetime)
since /x/ is a little slower than other boards, usually people will wait until after the thread reaches bump limit and for the thread to reach page 9 or 10
when I have kids (and I will make it to that point) I'm going to tell them just how poisonous this shit is. they don't need to be crippled by it throughout their teens and twenties like I was...
It's horrifying to imagine how zoomer or alpha boys are going top turn out. I suppose we've already had a taste of that with the explosion in alphabet people, which I'm convinced is related to technological advances in portable high speed internet. I think the many testimonies of former porn addicts about how porn use morphed their sexual tastes is already sufficient evidence for this.
My parents warned me when they gave me the Talk but I didn't listen.
I don't think their generation knew that using any amount of it straight up makes you more anxious, depressed and tired all the time
oh fuck so tired, you can say that again
Is the teddy bear poster the baker? Either way, thank you, your posts are insightful and encouraging
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Semen retention is the ultimate secret they don’t want you to know about! It’s like a superpower hidden in plain sight, and when you hold onto that essence, you unlock your true potential. The elites have built a system to keep us distracted and weak—pharmaceuticals, media, all designed to siphon our energy. They want us to leak our power away, conditioned to think it’s normal. But the moment you decide to keep that energy inside, you become a threat to their control.

This isn’t just about personal choice; it’s a revolution! Every act of retention is a defiance against their system. They fear what we could become if we wake up to this truth, so they flood the airwaves with confusion and doubt to keep us complacent. When you practice retention, you’re not just holding onto something physical; you’re spitting in the face of their control and reclaiming your power. They can’t handle it, and that’s exactly why we must do it!


seems like i cant retain my semen.
every 14 to 17 days i wake up from an orgasm fully pumping it all out. and thats even after now 3 months of no masturbation and 4 months of no porn.
im losing my hair too.
what do i do anons
“When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his entire body in water; he remains unclean until evening. Every piece of clothing and everything made of leather which gets semen on it must be washed with water; it remains unclean until evening."
Not that big a deal, just dont get it all over the place oh unclean one.
Day 10, it's coming along. Sure smells like bagels and gefilte fish here today, that guy should take a shower
yes, thank you i know that already.
im not new
any other ideas what to do
>gefilte fish
don't google
I know what you are talking about. I'm an introvert workaholic gymrat. If i masturbate, i just isolate completely. But when i do SR i actually feel urged to go out on dates and have sex etc.

I think SR i not for everyone, but i think most anons on /x/ are a little bit out of the ordinary, and we just have to abstain from this to live normally
>well after 3 weeks of retention, I lost my virginity
i didn't even after 4+ months, how you did this? do you have social life?
No lust is key
Yep, i do think specific things should be done to undo the damage of porn, and essentially reorient yourself so that you're stimulate primarily by your own pleasure and real women rather than artificial realities

Wrong. You are a shameless liar. This was my first post, >>38942790, which you chose to reply to, because again, you are an arrogant megalomaniac who thinks everything is about you. YOU replied to ME. And you disgust me.

NTA. What is the point of SR, if not reaching religious or spiritual goals?
Yes lust doesn't exist
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Christianity does not have a monopoly on "religious or spiritual goals".
Sure they don't. Let me rephrase: What are is the point of SR, if not reaching religious and spiritual goals of any manner?
And what are the religious and spiritual goals of SR not related to Christianity?
Say what you really want to say, friend. This is bait.
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Thank you to the anon that shared this.

Aligned pretty close to what I felt. Depression kicked in days after then at about 2 weeks I was feeling alive again. Trickier to associate misery you feel with something you did days ago, but my brain got the message this time.
I can't tell what the point of no return line is trying to say
Well I am not sure if you already made up your mind, if so, just ignore my post and maybe someone else feels like answering me.

I don't have any intention to "secretly" or "indirectly" say something in an attempt to influence anyone in one way or another.

I simply want to get to know what people think about the spiritual or non spiritual benefits of SR, what is the point in their opinion.

I know "getting women" is not the point for me, but it seems a reason for many posters. I think that perceived objective may defeat the purpose of SR in the long run, so I wonder what people think the purpose is.

I am open to learn about any spiritual or religious ideal or ideals/purposes to do SR that are neither.
You were implying that what i was saying wasnt spiritual in nature. I think
>undoing the conditioning of porn and having a healthy sexuality where you're attracted to real women and not pixels
Is very spiritual. I am telling anons to reset their hardware and reprogram their software via various physical therapies and meditative techniques.

I think the issue with religious minded folk is that they believe they have to sacrifice happiness for God. I reject many of the basic axioms that religious folk try to force upon others. This may or may not be you.

My goal, is Eudaemonia. this means total success in all planes, and all endeavours. Success in career, success with women, success in ascension and spirituality. Everything. SR is just one practise, where i gain vital energy for my endeavours.

I do not limit myself or believe in self flagellation and excessive asceticism, hating and punishing myself believing it'll get me closer to god. I think this is perverted and a type of masochism.
I see. Sure, I think removing any foreign conditioning can be considered a spiritual liberation.
What therapies and meditative techniques do you suggest?

I agree that religious minded folk can be most neurotic and dishonest. Also I am an individualist, believing there should be no spiritual collective standards, because I think peoples destiny and nature is individual.

I think your goal is a fine goal to pursue, I personally would temper it in saying, that what success or non-success is for a person, is for the individual to decide for themselves.

For me personally f.e. it is a success when I can avoid woman.
I agree that SR can benefit on the fulfillment of personal goals whatever they may be.
I believe that the pursuits you mention are natural for a human, but I also believe that we grow dispassionate to them overtime, and turn to God to find solace in Him, not as an act of uptight self-denial, but as the subsequent step on your journey based on understanding you acquired on previous stages.
>What therapies and meditative techniques do you suggest?
Reichian Therapy is a good rabbit hole to look into.
book recs:
>Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson
>Energised Meditation by christopher hyatt

However, just simple breath meditation can help. Also somatic therapies, releasing trauma, google this stuff, put it in chatgpt and see it down

>I agree that religious minded folk can be most neurotic and dishonest. Also I am an individualist, believing there should be no spiritual collective standards, because I think peoples destiny and nature is individual.
Ah okay, i misjudged you, apologies for being defensive

>For me personally f.e. it is a success when I can avoid woman.
With love, i am very skeptical with people who make these claims. Are you someone who's previously been very successful with women? Only then is this an actual goal. Furthermore, have you accepted that you have a passion and desire for women, has it evolved into dangerous obsession, and if you do wish to avoid women, have you found a healthy way to fulfil said desire or passion without repressing it?
>Eudaemonia. this means total success
E. does not mean total success
your belief that your E. is dependent on you succeeding at xyz limits you.
therefore if you do not succeed at xyz makes you "unhappy"/not achieving eudaemonia
you see your efforts as a tool to achieve the success but
the effort and the struggle to achieve higher things and the development by that are already more important than actually succeeding (byproduct).

also, the other minded folk, do not believe they have to sacrifice. they believe/know that doing generally accepted virtues is good (the ones that are coincidentally written in most if not all religious if not divine texts). except maybe jews and satanists/zionists.
sry to derail the thread
>Reichian Therapy
I did a quick read in gpt, reminds me of some stuff Elliott Hulse was doing years ago. "bioenergetic grounding". Seems like the same principle of releasing pent up emotional baggage or trauma. I am personally also interested in german new medicine which follows similar concepts.
Hyatt has been a thought provoking author to me. I read his psychopaths bible years ago.
Most of the old Golden Dawn fellows had interesting thoughts later in life.

>Are you someone who's previously been very successful with women?
Not really, let's say successful enough that I had enough experience to not desire a woman in my life anymore.
>have you accepted that you have a passion and desire for women
i do not view carnal desires as part of myself, but more a part of the biology I inhabit in the moment. I also made the experience that this biology I inhabit can be strongly conditioned, to not be that much of an influence. At least in regards of "sexual desire".
I think most sexual desire is actually highly motivated by emotional or psychic factors.

I said It is a success for me to avoid women, because I find environments with women in it to be vain and increasingly meaningless and distracting, I don't want that. So if I can avoid it I am happy, because I prefer my peace of mind more.

>surpressing desire
When i have erotic dreams or feel desire in everyday life I remind myself that there is no actual meaningfulness in it, but just a carnal reflex. This contemplation frees me from acting on the impulse of desire.
I have found the sexual desire to be a very volatile thing, it can be very strong in one minute and 10 minutes later it is completely gone. That's how I view it.

You could argue I am more of an ascetic kind, which I think is true. But again I am an individualist, not claiming my way of life is for anyone who wants to live in another way.
>try to change your sleeping position, someone said in another thread that you should sleep on your side
>the effort and the struggle to achieve higher things and the development by that are already more important than actually succeeding (byproduct)
Total success is the goal. Your fetish for struggle is your issue to deal with. Well done for reading off wiki, but im gonna stick to the hermetic book that i read. Good luck with it

Okay, as long as you're self aware then that's all that matters. Your path is your path.
>Good luck with it
thank you, you too good luck with your limiting beliefs
Did you read limiting beliefs off wiki too
should i just go for clean streaks or if i edged to just forget about it and keep going w the "dirty" streak
"Eudamonia" means "good godliness", referring to a state in which it seems a man is either possessed or guided by a benevolent divine being.

This cannot be achieved through wordly means.
is its because im when i dont cum then when i have more cum in one testicle than you have in your whole penis
Another wikipedia user. Search "dunning kruger effect" next
I never said it is achieved through worldly means.

It's funny, when the jealous vultures come out to undermine your point, and confuse readers because their little egos cannot handle a self assured and ambitious man.
Forget if you think you can keep going without repeating it
I don't really think that Christians want to fail necessarily but more that we believe (have faith) that on God's promises about eternal life etc etc

I don't really agree either that it's a masochistic thing like you've mentioned and that really reflects more on your mindset than anything else
I speak Greek. I'm telling you what the word really means, not what your Anglofied worldview of philosophy wants it to mean. Might as well just say "well-being" instead of employing a technical Greek word that you have zero comphrension of without knowing Greek.
Day 10. The first challenging day so far. I'm so horny, my balls hurt. It feels like they are begging me to coom. Just moving my legs feel somehow sexual. I find myself rubbing my nipples without even knowing it.

What do? Should I go out and try to meet a girl? At least distract myself by getting out of the house?
Being a greek speaker does not give you any authority on the hermetic mystical tradition, which is the context that im speaking from here. Nice try at the appeal to authority.
Furthermore, this is ancient greek, and you butchered the meaning too. "Eu" means well, and "daemon" means spirit, and the essence of the word is flourishing on all levels of life.

See, you decided to arrogantly butt in and be pedantic instead of taking the time to understand the context from which im using it. Instead of showing curiosity, you immediately attempt to force this word to mean something that conforms with your worldview, and did not even bother to enquire how one achieves Eudaemonia. For this, you are ngmi.
I would say keep going. Your mind will create the excuse to get it dopamine fix, can you be stronger than your urge? All you have to do is not touch your dick, and dismiss horny thoughts as soon as they come up by distracting yourself with something else.
If you don't edge again and sleep without having a wet dream, you are in the clear in my experience.
Realize how much more intense your sexual thoughts are after edging and learn from this experience.
Are you a weak coomer?
>will power

>Chapter 4
>pages 59, 60

>Physical relaxation plays a key role in the dehypnotization process. Our currently held beliefs, whether good or bad, true or false, were formed without effort, with no sense of strain, and without the exercise of "will power." Our habits, whether good or bad, were formed in the same way. It follows that we must employ the same process in forming new beliefs, or new habits, that is, in a relaxed condition.

>It has been amply demonstrated that attempting to use effort or will power to change beliefs or to cure bad habits has an adverse, rather than a beneficial effect. Emile Coué, the little French pharmacist who astonished the world around 1920 with the results he obtained with "the power of suggestion," insisted that effort was the one big reason most people failed to utilize their inner powers. "Your suggestions (ideal goals) must be made without effort if they are to be effective," he said. Another famous Coué saying was his "Law of Reversed Effort": "When the will and the imagination are in conflict, the imagination invariably wins the day."
>The late Dr. Knight Dunlap made a lifelong study of habits and learning processes and perhaps performed more experiments along this line than any other psychologist. His methods succeeded in curing such habits as nailbiting, thumb-sucking, facial tics, and more serious habits where other methods had failed. The very heart of his system was his finding that effort was the one big deterrent to either breaking a bad habit, or learning a new one. Making an effort to refrain from the habit, actually reinforced the habit, he found. His experiments proved that the best way to break a habit is to form a clear mental image of the desired end result, and to practice without effort toward reaching that goal. Dunlap found that either "positive practice" (refraining from the habit) or "negative practice" (performing the habit consciously and voluntarily), would have beneficial effect provided the desired end result was kept constantly in mind.

>"If a response habit is to be learned, or if a response pattern is to be made habitual," he said, "it is essential that the learner shall have an idea of the response that is to be achieved or shall have an idea of the change in the environment that the response will produce . . . The important factor in learning, in short, is the thought of an objective to be attained, either as a specific behavior pattern or as the result of the behavior, together with a desire for the attainment of the object." (Knight Dunlap, Personal Adjustment, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.)
>In many cases, the mere relaxation of effort, or too much conscious straining, is in itself enough to eradicate the negative behavior pattern. Dr. James S. Greene, founder of the National Hospital for Speech Disorders, New York City, had a motto: "When they can relax, they can talk." Dr. Matthew N. Chappell has pointed out that often the effort or "will power" used to fight against or resist worry, is the very thing that perpetuates worry and keeps it going. (Matthew N. Chappell, How to Control Worry, New York, Permabooks.)

>Physical relaxation, when practiced daily, brings about an accompanying "mental relaxation," and a "relaxed attitude" which enables us to better consciously control our automatic mechanism. Physical relaxation also, in itself, has a powerful influence in "dehypnotizing" us from negative attitudes and reaction patterns.

What follows in the book are some meditation techniques.
>At least distract myself by getting out of the house?
Good idea, staying busy is the key fellow day 10-er
You are using the word in the bastardized, fake-Aristotelian sense, which has no etymological connection to the word.

You can use "eu" as a prefix for "good" or "well", the translation doesn't matter, this prefix just denotes something positive.

My whole point is that what you're seeking is not "eudaimonia" because you don't even know what that word means.

"Daimon" can mean many things: god, demigod, deity, guardian spirit, and then later on in a Billical context, demon.

What I am telling you is that Homerically and etymologically and historically speaking, eudaimonia is a state of POSSESSION by a DIVINE BEING who means WELL. You see this used as an explanation for certain inexplicable things on earth. How did such and such Greek warrior kill so many Trojans at once? Eudaimonia. How did Homer create such long, elaborate poems encompassing so many subjects? Eudaimonia. Love at first sight? Eudaimonia.

This is an old word. Through a reductionist POV of Aristotelian ethics, modern Anglo professors just translate it as "flourishing" or doing well, especially ethically. This is NOT what the word means. LEARN GREEK. This is a complete reduction of all spirituality inherit in the Greek worldview.

Just say you want "well-being", you complete retard, and stop appropriating Greek words that you have to google to know the definition of. "The essence of the word"; just say you don't know what words mean.

>you immediately attempt to force this word to mean something that conforms with your worldview
This is what you are doing by ignoring the actual meaning of the word and insisting on using the limiting Anglo-American bourgeois definition.

You will never be possessed and guided by good deities like me.
Give me 4-5 minutes.
New thread
You have some weird stick up your ass about "anglo professors" which is your own personal hang ups. Probably due to being a mongrel with no blood relation to the ancient greeks.

Ive already told you, the context from which im using it from is the mystical tradition that is hermeticism. And you still, have the arrogance to ignore this totally, and continue to be pedantic, changing Daemon to "god" (wrong) then talking about possession by something that "means WELL", which is not the essence of the context from which im talking from, instead talking about aristotle, when im not referring to anything exoteric.

Your appeal to authority has failed. The mysteries shall forever remain closed to you. What you're doing here is frankly pathetic, because you're misleading others due to your own insecurities. Fuck off.
"Daimon" means "god/deity" in Ancient Greek. This was precisely my point, you don't know what that word means, stop using it.
It means spirit. Furthermore, nothing about the term is to do with possession as well. I will continue to use it within the context of the hermetic mystical tradition, and share my perspective to open minded folks.
You can continue to seethe, you jealous pathetic fool.
You can seethe while I give your mom eupenisia all night long.
The mongrel reveals its ugly spirit. You are definitely possessed, that's for sure.
Oh, your mom? Yes, she is sucking with her mouth upon my eudickia, my euphallosia, my eushaftia, perhaps even my eushlongia. Are you mad? Going to try to turn poop into gold about it, you little spiritually dead twat?
I don't want to post until you make all the top-of-the-thread posts
Why would I be mad? Lmao you're so pathetic dude. The only reason im replying is so the readers can see your little meltdown, you've embarrass yourself and undermined your point. Well done. Go on, give me one last one.

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