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What do you think heaven is like? Will we all get to be like kids again except this time forever?
One time I had a dream I got to play a bunch of games at a rental store before I took them home. This pic reminds me of that a little
My bed on a winter's night.
heaven smells like teen spirit
Depends on whether you're talking about Yaldabaoth's so-called heaven, which is some sterile boring realm. Or if you're talking about the Pleroma which is the Fullness.

If it's the later then you could say you'd be as a child entering it, but not a human child. It would be because everything you've ever known in this world is like a shadow of a higher truth, a higher logic, a higher way of seeing, that it would be as if you knew nothing, not how to speak its language or even how to "think" in its logic.
You would be like a newborn in a reality vastly more interesting beyond our comprehension. That is the Fullness.
>What do you think heaven is like
So heavenly
it has to be so good that even the worst suffering we experienced here won't matter
I'm pretty sure it would be. I think if you knew what it was like you would fall to your knees and weep, and being in this world while knowing what awaits beyond would be agony.
In fact, I think that's a clue. Like I said your pain is knowledge of the wrongness of this world, it is an echo of your knowing where you came from and by contrast to where you are now it is agony.

I think if the truth came to you all at once it would be as if you look around you and see hell. You would become immediately aware of the immense poverty the state of our souls have been dwelling in through our ignorance.
And for those who avoid every opportunity to awaken to what's within eventually they will get hit with that realization, and it will be more than they can bear. It will literally tear them apart. Darkness thinks it can outrun it, but there's no chance.
I think the sky is purple and filled with nebulas there, I always imagined it that way.
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Will I have a gf in heaven?
Y-yes anon.. That's what heaven is like. All your favorite games, pizzas.. And- and friends.. Everyone is nice to you anon.. They all love you in heaven.. And.. And all your favorite food is there too. Okay? Your favorite pizza and soda.. Anon.. There are no bad people there.. and no illness to make you feel pain.. Anon..
It depends on your specific relation with the Supreme Person.
But yes - it will be eternal play centered on that Supreme Person.
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OP that pic awfully seems like purgatory. Be careful what you wish for. As I’ve gotten older and less distracted by the millennial materialistic distractions of my childhood all I can say is that childhood is a great time in a person’s life but I would love to spend eternity with my wife and have visits from my kids and grand kids and maybe even say hi to descendants that I’ll never meet in this life. I don’t want to get trapped in a block buster eating thin crust pepperoni. Good memories, but I can’t do that for eternity. Don’t conflate the nexus with heaven.
Marriage is only on earth.

Matthew 22:30

“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”
This .heaven is where all your dreams family and your dreams made are real
Etyral love bliss and ufphoira unlike anything you ever had it makes sex too. Boring if compared to heaven it's called heaven which in Latin means high vault

Imagine if you willa parawlluniverise where all here. Everything is the spiritually invented to this reality
Heaven and hell are just bands in the categorization of planes made by ancient philosophy and occultism, which then produced esotericism, which then newer religions used as tools to wrangle their followers.

Heaven and hell aren't specific places, they're vague categorizations of orderly and disorderly planes respectively. And no, orderly doesn't necessarily mean good, and disorderly doesn't necessarily mean bad.

Love is marriage of the soul.
I am love the onexalked SLM or angel justice.

Love is marriage

If you did not love you cannot create life without it..
The bible talks about material contract bot about the soul.

It's both right and wrong.
I know that verse, but nobody truly knows what exactly it means. It's hard for me to imagine that in heaven/on new earth there will still be man and woman and yet they won't have any kind of special relationship with each other. Woman was made for man, and women are beautiful creatures of God. While I accept the possibility, and acknowledge that, given the nature of the world to come, I'll be happy regardless, I find myself really hopeful that I can have a partner in eternity.
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>I would love to spend eternity with my wife and have visits from my kids and grand kids
Parental relationship is available. Your kid will be God.
This world is heaven. Also hell. What comes next is much similar to this world. At least equally as interesting, or boring, depending on how you see things.
You'll learn, grow, be tested, have recreation, find beauty, experience loss, all of the novelty and fun you've had here, but just in another way. It isn't a repeat, but more of what's here, everything the world has to offer.
Basically, it's reality. After your death, you're still in reality. You'll still be an agent capable of viewing, interpreting and creating.
And Krishna grew up. I want to see my kids grow up. I don't want to constantly be stuck in a loop in heaven.
>I want to see my kids grow up.
For hgow long? 100 years? 1000? 100000000000? Are they still aging in this nightmare of having your kids visit and grow and never loop?
Fanatical believers would imagine an eternal mass where one spends the entire time beholding the Lord's divinity in reverence.
Only if your relation with the Supreme is one of reverant servitorship.
The Lord's friends will wrestle and tease him.
The Lord's elders and parents will scold and punish and correct Him.
The Lord's lovers will treat and chastise be as a beloved.
Heaven is beyond space, time, the 5 senses, and all dualities. That's why souls have to be refined to the point where they're ready for it. Those who still identify with their egoic body (pseudo-self) and see themselves as belonging to a superior 'team' or 'ethnos' are not ready.
Beyoind means it is there and more, not that it isnt present.
Isnt present is absent and restricted from and below, not beyond.
Fuck it bro, I figured out how to do that IRL.
No but everyone else will
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I hope that when I die I am instantly sent to Heaven. I hope that it's basically like The Good Place show.
>OP that pic awfully seems like purgatory
To be fair purgatory implies he'd end up in heaven eventually. If purgatory had a waiting room full of games I grew up with and more i'd be chill desu
oOooo baby!
are Nintendo fans really so stupid they think is heaven?
to be fair sony heaven would be empty
fuck off console wars retard
The afterlife is whatever you want it to be

So yeah

I'm gonna make my heaven be a comfy ass mansion with my gf, infinite travel ability, and the inability to get bored
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>What do you think heaven is like?
make your own heaven like Geoge Santos

step one
fuck it idkare
2write it down somehow
3sayit out loud and post

if you are struggling or 'relying' on replies and reads for effect, try includining a picture and just use an apple pencil on an ipad to markup the picture (Perez Hiton Style no lie)

>here lets make this happen
>>George Santos gets off scot free if he writes a 52 spell/ceremonial ritual (comic sans, 14, 1.5 spacing) grimoire for young fat gay men to manifest wishes. inclusive of 48 ai images
>>He will be awarded greatly
It’s like living without sin.
>Sin I may, Sin I might
>To be a Sinner is my delight
There is no such thing as blasphemy
>impying sin is an act
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Haha true dat. It would be pretty cool to have some buddies there too.
>smash bros
That was 99. There’s also Friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street and hulk hogan (pre Hollywood) merchandise which was the early - mid 80s. If they wanted to be more accurate there would be an NES instead. Whoever made this shit is a fake boomer. This is a retarded mixture of 80s/90s and early 2000s culture rammed into one picture.

based autist
Give up your video game habit for a year or two, and find something meaningful to do instead.
The nostalgia will leave you. You will heal.
I speak from experience.
>Give up your video game habit for a year or two
We all know that. The millennial generation is really 3 generations given the same name.
If you continue to do what you did as a child, you will never be able to let go of your childhood. Perhaps the addiction to video games, even if limited and controlled, is a spiritual bondage of sorts. I have found it so at least.
It would be just like this world except nothing ever goes wrong and it's rigged in your favor, and you don't even know that it's heaven. You may have challenges but it's all simulated. It will just be perfect.

>what if rich and charmed people are already in heaven in our world.
>what if we are just NPCs here to fulfill the rich peoples heaven experience
How does this work? Can you just pick any sort of relationship to have with god? can we be in love romantically but in like an innocent asexual childlike kind of way? Does it have to be Krishna or can it be any deity?
mythologically, it might just be a continuation of life without anything too special added
spiritually, it might be a place where we have no distaste, no happiness added, just cravings and distastes lost
Every game ever made or ever will be made have all eternity to play them well I guess I’ll play them all spend one million years on each of them, with some games it might take me one million years to progress through it without a walkthrough
>How does this work? Can you just pick any sort of relationship to have with god?
I dont know exactly, considering my deluded position.
My understanding is that God has infinite relationships with us, and we each have a unique, eternal one that we are at the moment "daydreaming" within. It is God's desire that sets the relationship and how it is expressed.
While we are still in delusion, we may have some idea or imagining of what WE want it to be, and that is encouraged. But ultimately God will know and set the most loving relationship we could desire.
>can it be any deity?
It can be any conception of the Supreme. The Absolute Truth. The ultimate, uncaused cause of all causes.
Including, if God desires, a forgetting of that Absolute Truth being the omnipotent Supreme. That is called yogamaya, "delusion in union", as opposed to mahamaya, "the great delusion" of being separate and independent.
To me, heaven is where you wake up in a comfy pristine bed with the cleanest sheets you can imagine which never ever need cleaning or replacing.
You get out of bed not by climbing out or sitting up and standing, no you get out of bed by floating out, like a fish swimming in water, except you're not a fish.
Then you get breakfast by just snapping your fingers, and it can be anything you think of, any temperature, any meal, at any time and with anything you want as a side dish and a drink.
It can be coffee or alcohol, you're not getting hyperstimulated or drunk from it. It's heaven.
Then you can go turn on your TV and see whatever the fuck you want, go outside and do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want.
You could go to Iceland in 2 seconds. You could fly there at Mach 8 if you want, without a plane. With a plane. It's heaven. You decide how you travel.
And if you want to get laid, you go get laid.
If you want boobs, you go get boobs, no surgery needed. Want them on your own body? You got it. No strings attached.
Bigger genital? Go have it.
Wanna feed the animals and pet cats and play fetch with dogs? All's an option, free of charge.

And then when it's time to go to bed, you go to bed and you wake up in this limited body, restricted and restrained by hunger, practicality, money, and other people who are asleep like you.
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Its really not. Karma exists. What you do today determines what happens tomorrow. You dont get to do a mental gymnastic flip out of Judgement. That's New Age bullshit.
There is 100% light. So no shadows. It makes things look different. The entire sky is rainbow. There's no gravity. Yes, you are a child, like a 3 year old. Though there are some adults. You can run and jump, and you never feel fatigue. You can eat the rocks (they're bread), there are no germs, and you will never blink.
>you will never blink
I knew about escooters before they were a thing. Riding my bike, I would tape a flashlight where the headlight on those things are now. Was pissed off that battery powered bikes and the like weren't a thing. Just instinctively knew it would be. Bought one on a whim when the first long haulers came out right before my car needed major repairs. Ended up riding it exclusively for half a year while I saved up money to fix the car. I guess you could make the argument that's foresight but I see it as time being cyclical or that you're allowed to relive times or maybe even lifetimes if you so choose. Someone sought me out. I only knew of them through their work but they seemed to know me very well, so that's further evidence pointing to that. I can't imagine there being a god if the afterlife is you wake up and you're still shitting in a bag like you were when you died at 82 or whatever, or broken into pieces from a car accident just dragging yourself around an ethereal plane.
He was talking about the Pharisees who were questioning him, not all people everywhere.
talk about heaven more i like it its comforting
>What do you think heaven is like?
I don't know. It's hard to imagine. I have read in The Bible that God will make everything "anew" so I don't know what that means. It can be anything. A new project that we will get to see God doing? Maybe even help a little like the angels did with us in this old which has passed? I don't know.

Will we all get to be like kids again except this time forever?
That would be cool. No worries. Just playing all day long.
This is my idea of heaven:

A cute little villa in the middle of a forest. There's some comfy chairs and couches, a nice big kitchen, and a cozy dark sitting room. There's just enough electricity for lightbulbs and kitchen appliances. Everything is old, solid, and built to last. There's a garden with vines growing shade over a big bench. Multiple fireplaces. Half the year you can sleep with the windows open, and always just a touch of snow at Christmas. The main feature is the many shelves and stacks of books in the lounge, including a full set of Loeb classics. Once a week I get a delivery of eggs, wine, bread, meat, cigarettes, and whatever spices or pantry staples I ran out of in the previous week.

And that's where I'll spend eternity with my wife. We would basically live as we do now, puttering about with chores and meals, with a little bit of exercising or relaxing between them, just without the worry of work or the world. We just get to talk, reminisce, and relax.

A hot tub if I'm really good, maybe. But if not that's ok. Just my lovely wife and I, alone and away, forever.
I feel like this existence, here, at this time, on this planet, with all you people (not necessarily you, fellow anon; just saying), has permanently and irrevocably stained my very soul. Whenever I'm done here, I honestly kind of want to have a look around, be shown
>oh this is what it's all about
and get shoved into the universal soul shredder and just restart from scratch. I'm not sure what that would entail. There's no way to know if something like that is even possible, in the universal/creationary sense, but if it is, I think I'm getting my ticket punched.
I had a peek at it once, I think, over 3 decades ago. I wanted to stay but I had "hopped over the fence", so to speak, not going through the proper route of spiritual growth to get there. Getting sent back into my body was the most traumatic thing I ever experienced.
If you've ever seen Star Trek Generations, the effect on me was a lot like the obsession of the villain in that film for the Nexus. That movie gave me a hardcore existential crisis because I felt like Truman in the Truman Show, but before that movie came out.
>This is a retarded mixture of 80s/90s and early 2000s culture rammed into one picture.
almost as if people lived and enjoyed life during several eras.... what nonsense, amirite?
>has permanently and irrevocably stained my very soul
Nah, anon. Jesus can clean it with his blood. Souce: trust me, bro.
What happened to get there and also what did you feel? Has it impacted your life since?
Hey anon, I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
I did used to hang out at a video game store that looked like this and tried out various games and things. I don't actually remember a lot about the experience despite being friends with the staff. I remember one of the guys was a mason that believed in vampires and I laughed at him but in retrospect he probably had some cool shit to say but him looking like an elf got in the way.
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>anon wants to stay in söýsciety forever
Heaven is a spiritual state controlled by the demiurge, it is not a place you go to when you die.
We shall all meet on that golden shore, by and by.
It's an endless plane of white light that is aware. It exists outside of time, which there's no way I can describe to you. You have to experience. God rules too, he's like a father figure that just wants what's best for his creation. If you're lucky, he may even share something with you, as he has with me.
>Will we all get to be like kids again except this time forever?
Why would you want to never experience sexual pleasure again?

You know what I've realized, the only people who have the "I want to be a child again" mindset are:
1. People who fucked their adult lives up with bad decision making
2. People who faced abuse or trauma as an adult so their childhood seems like a special and better time to them
3. Poor people who miss the peace of mind of being a child
4. Some combination of the three

But if you are an adult with a stable life, who never faced extreme trauma or abuse, and whose finances are great, being a child is garbage, it's a downgrade, you'd never want to go back. Being a stable adult with money is like having all of the perks with being a a child + all of the perks of being an adult.

Worrying about paying bills, deadlines, etc is soul draining, those are seen as "adult problems". Now imagine if you could be an adult and not have any of those worries because you are rich, would you even miss being a child?

To me, heaven is not being a child again, it's having the best of all your stages in life without any of the downsides.

1. The energy, excitement, peace of mind, and sense of wonder, etc from being a child
2. The freedom, power, sexuality, intelligence, self awareness, etc from being an adult

Some wealthy people that are alive right now already get to enjoy such an existence.
Yes. I am telling you.
Not until I get there, ill snatch that bitch away in a heart beat
like shit
the afterlife is gonna suck one way or the other
you think things are bad now...
Is that the AVGN room?
The truth
>schizo simulation shit
don't care
basedciety is preferable to hell
You are in heaven.
Hell is getting everything you want.
>cant read but makes bold assumptions

Care faggot
the facebook post is literally just saying "nothings real because THEY (heaven jews) reset us for their tests" which is just simulation theory but without computers
Its not facebook glowbot

And it never says jews at all.

Its more so an experience . And theres no heaven..you’re coming back here.
>existence is just a giant rapa nui headcarving forum with a power tripping janny
seems legit.
i had a dream once where i was with my grandma and i was like 5 again, she was in a chair and was watching all of us grandkids (my cousins) on the floor playing with toys. some part my actual concsious brain was understanding what i was seeing, and i started crying, just looking at all of us at our peak innocence, actually caring about one another. my cousins and i all grew up miserable, and fighting with each other all the time. We grew apart and couldnt care less about each other now. If the concept of heaven is real, i imagined it would be like what i saw. a time of innocence, and actual care for one another. That shit makes me choke up everytime. weird thing is my grandma isnt dead. and i had that dream a long time ago.
>yeah because of course no one would watch movies from 10 years ago in the 90's. absolutley not. never. pffft no way

you are an actual moron in every true sense of the word.
I'm not sure I believe in heaven, but I think we'd all be about twenty eight to thirty two years old, since that's everyone's real age. When you're, say, seventy, that's not really you. It's an aged, deteriorating version of you. Similarly, when you're a child, you're not really you yet, you're building up to that point. Basically, people are in their late twenties and early thirties. You will look at things through the eyes of a twenty eight to thirty two year old for your entire life once you've reached that age. It's who you are.

So we'd all be that age, but also we'd all be at our best. What I'm about to say is uncharacteristically optimistic for me, and I never say things that sound nice just to say them, but, as much as I hate to say it, I honestly believe that everyone is intrinsically attractive. That human beings either evolved or were designed to be attractive, and when someone is ugly, it's because they're neglecting something about themselves or have deviated from themselves, and every detail about a person is meant to be attractive, they just don't know how to lean into it in a way that shows that it's attractive. When a person is fat, for instance, they're ugly because they're hidden. That's not really what they look like. People are not naturally fat. A fat person is just a person encased in flour and grease, but the actual person in there is attractive. Again, I'm a very cool and mean type of person where you'd go, "wow, he's such a dick, I should be like him," but unfortunately, this is what I've honestly concluded. So in heaven, we're all basically attractive people between the ages of twenty eight and thirty two, but with the purity of an infant. And by that I just mean that we're basically restored, with all physical and mental trauma erased. Of course we can still fuck and swear and stuff, so not that kind of purity.
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Playing games with my friend and he's zonked out focusing on the game whilst munching on Cheetos, all I start to focus in on is his chewing noises "awckawckawckawck"
thats why I hate friends, you should have asked him to leave
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I want to be a wolf in some eternal and undisturbed forest. Part of a pack that loves and values me unconditionally. Hunting for food and basking in the sun and playing with my pack mates. No pain or sickness. Just peaceful and joy filled days for all eternity in God's natural world. Understanding my role in the larger ecosystem and being wholly a part of it.

Its a strange reoccurring "fantasy" I have. If I got to heaven and the whole premise was that I got to pick the "life" I wanted it is what I would pick.

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