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Welcome to Divination General!

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Previous thread: >>38928643
F, male, virgo
What gonna happen between mpd(female, sagittarius) and me?
I miss her
shit I forgot my query
oh shit rose tinted glasses came off, don't miss her any more
future with love?
Is An. (F) in a relationship with Al. (M) just for the money and stability he provides? Because I know that she feels something for me and the feeling is mutual, but I need to understand her current relationship better.
Occult Trading.
Her relationship with you:
>Star, Fool, VI of Swords, Queen of Cups, VII of Wands Rev, Knight of Cups, Ace of Swords

Her relationship with that person:
>V of Disks, III of Wands, II of Wands, VI of Disks Rev, VIII of Swords, Death, VI of Wands

I was surprised because I didn't really expect this result when I started drawing the cards, but it seems to me that you're right. She's only with him for the stability/money and apparently that's no longer enough to hold their relationship together.
She feels trapped in this relationship, there is no longer any physical attraction between them and it seems that this relationship for her is like a punishment. They have both become petty and selfish in this relationship.

While with you she already has a much more positive feeling, you somehow seem like a safe haven for her. You've sort of become her hope of regaining some happiness, of finding love.
She's not sure yet if she should leave this relationship to try something with you, but the feeling is really there. Her confidence is badly damaged, her current relationship seems to have destroyed her self-esteem, but she definitely has feelings for you.
She's just very afraid of the effect this feeling can have on her life, how much it can destroy and create things.
Hello thntz, could I ask you a query if you dont mind?
Good morning friend, of course you can, just bear in mind that there is a possibility that it may take me a while to get back to you because of work.
Thank you. I am still on my quest for the oni and have yet to find a deity to help me. I would like to ask if i summon the soft and clingy oni girl spirit in the future without the help of a deity, what would she be like?
Good morning, may i ask the same to you?
>IX of Disks Rev, Ace of Cups Rev, III of Disks Rev
Definitely not a good idea. You'll make a lot of mistakes, you'll be disorganized and you'll have the complete opposite effect of what you want. All those reversed cards (and exactly those cards) are a clear warning not to do it that way.

Good morning! What is your query?
Wow! Thank you so much for your reading!
You've confirmed 100% what my intuition told me already. I won't force her to do anything against her will, I'll let her take the time she needs to get out of her comfortable unhappy relationship to hopefully start an happier relationship together.
It's best not to force anything at the moment, just be there for her and continue to be that safe haven for her. I don't think her relationship is going to go very far anyway (and I even hope she can get out of it soon, I felt a very bad energy reading their relationship, a really toxic dynamic).
I hope that, if it's meant to be, you'll be very happy.
Darn. I'm really trying to find the best way to go about this. Thank you. Perhaps it's just because oni are not that cuddly. If you dont mind, could I ask you the same question in regards to a different race of spirit to see if that may fix my issues
Or I could ask around about a deity that could help me find what I'm looking for. Either way, it's just very frustrating.
Could I please have a reading?
What career, if any, will I eventually settle on? My prospects are grim. Will the Federal Court Interpreter thing work out?
Hey THNTZ! Do you follow any occult tradition or methods outside of divinatory purposes?
Can I ask who is coming towards me in love?
If I may say so I think you should try small things first, you clearly have a lot of desire and will inside you and that can backfire.

I can't do any readings right now, I have to pretend I'm working, but as soon as I can I'll do them for you.

I've read a bit of everything and studied a lot. I have close relatives in practically every faith, so I ended up absorbing a bit of everything. I've also been fascinated by the occult and paganism since I was a teenager.
In this life I can say that I've done a bit of everything.
At the moment I'm just practicing my divination, I've been through a lot recently and I don't think I'm in the right mood and energy to practice some things.
That is true. I'm just trying to figure out the best path towards my goal
>I can't do any readings right now, I have to pretend I'm working, but as soon as I can I'll do them for you.
Thank you.
Do you do occult, Q?
Sag, M
Will fighting in the ring be beneficial to my long term health?
Let's trade
Was she trying to get me to buy some?
What would a relationship with ctg be like? Your query?
That's fair, it's a question I've been asking a lot our if curiosity. It's cool to gauge the range and variety around here. Hope things will get better soon bro
Trading demon
>Will the Federal Court Interpreter thing work out?
>Lovers, Priestess Rev, Queen of Swords
In all honesty, this sounds like a great choice for you, it would be a career that you could connect with and be highly respected in. You may only have doubts because of your insecurity and because you're not letting yourself listen to your intuition.

>Princess of Swords, Knight of Swords, III of Disks
You don't seem to be a person who falls in love that much, you even start to take an interest in people, but you seem to get bored with them very easily.
It seems to me that you have someone in mind, but there's some conflict or you're waiting for that person to do something, the suggestion here is that you should take the first step this time.
Remember that love is about give and take, about partnership, both need to work for it to work. So don't be the person who does everything for the other person without anything in return, and don't let the other person do everything on their own.

>World Rev, Knight of Cups, Hanged Rev
Kind of a vague question, so my interpretation could be bad.
It seems so to me, but in an attempt to connect you, some desperate attempt at charm.
But it's kind of a vague and even desperate attempt, without anything clear in mind.

Thank you for your kindness, things are improving little by little, a little at a time. There are some things you can't get ahead of and just wait for time to pass.
3 of wands reversed, five of wands, seven of wands reversed. Seems like it will go nowhere before it even started. You may gain some insight and peice of mind from it but it sounds like the situation is going to stagnate and go nowhere.
What's a trading demon?
>You may only have doubts because of your insecurity and because you're not letting yourself listen to your intuition.
I have another query. Is there someone in love with me? Who is it? I'm a Libra female.
Trading demonic query I just like to keep it short.
Extremely spot on for me, thank you for doing this one :D
Sure, what's your q?
I'm not sure how to comment properly.
Can I please have a reading on myself and ex partner. I feel strongly but the world's showing my difference at the minute. - what's coming?
Excuse my stupidity, but what exactly do you want to know?
Scratch that. Its going to continue to stagnate unless one of you start this mess. When it's over, you will get your peace but until then, it will just be a slow burn.
Sorry! I'd like to know what's coming for me with love. I am certain on my ex partner, but everything physical is showing me its not it.
I think she may start it
>II of Swords Rev, X of Swords, Princess of Cups, Ace of Disks, Magician
Someone is very confused about how they feel about you. This person doesn't seem to want to feel what they feel for you, it seems that loving you means very deep pain. Some very sad, difficult and heavy history between you. Something that's been badly resolved.
They seem to want to move on, but something seems to keep pulling them towards you in some way. If you are sure who this person is and it resonates with you in some way, I would suggest that you go after them.
Do I have to charge the letter before burning it? Or how should I perform this?

Your query?
Sure, I would like to as if I summon SCO without the help of a diety, what would she be like? Starting
Deal starting
Would like to please have a reading on what's coming my way for love and life, please :)
should i take N over A?
Page of swords reversed, nine of wands reversed, emperor. A burning letter of gold light with a dragon coming from it.

Charge it with the pure intentions of your desired outcome. Imagine a golden light from the center of your chest connect to the letter and infuse it with your will. Dont doubt yourself and focus on your desired goal. When you burn the letter, imagine that energy shooting upwards in a golden beam.
Your relationship with your ex.
>X of Wands, Knight of Disks, IX of Cups Rev, VIII of Cups Rev, VI of Swords, Hiero Rev, IV of Disks Rev
I'm sorry to say this, but I think you should move on, because he already has.
The only thing that seems to keep you together is the fear of loss, but otherwise the feelings you have already seem totally disconnected.
It's time for you to start healing from this relationship and accept that this chapter is unfortunately over.

Your love life:
>Chariot, VII of Disks, Death Rev
You have to lose your fear of change and new things. Some things, however bad they may be, will serve to put you on the right path in the future.
Things seem to work out for you over time, I don't know if it will be soon or if it will take a long time, but you need to learn patience and learn what you really want from a relationship. Love is something that blossoms and can't be forced.
Am I doing the right thing to reach my goal?
Am I going to meet a new partner soon? What will they be like and how will things go?

Page of swords r
Queen of pentacles
Empress r
Lovers r
I have seen you asking this around here so I know you're fixated on getting an oni spirit girlfriend.

Be in the know that your workings will yield the results you seek and you're getting your desired spirit partner. But also be warned that this time your partner will be even stronger and more powerful than your ex so we can interpret the empress in here as a literal oni empress.

I don't know that much about onis but like with every spirit the higher their hierarchy the harder to control them when in a bad bood it gets.

Good luck.
If I keep pushing toward what I want, even if it's not the best for me, will get it?
>Not easy path.
I know
Thanks, anon. Have a nice day
Thank you, I really appreciate the outside wisdom. May I ask, a reading for myself. - what's coming?
Rent it for $3k?
Is NR waiting for me to do something first?
I see, thank you. I will admit I have been rather fixated on it. If you dont mind me asking, what do you feel her personality would be like?
I'd please like to know what's coming for me soon with both life and love?
Does she want me to do it?
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How can I best come to terms with the fact that I'll be alone forever?
Will I end up hooking up with M.D?
Will there be any possibility that he will come back?
Is this a woman, by any chance?

>loving you means very deep pain
How come?
Do my cats know I love them a lot
2 of Cups, 2 of Wands Rev, Knight of Pents

Seems like you will, and sooner than you’d think. They’re going to be someone who’s very anxious and anal about planning things.

They don’t like things they can’t control, so they like to make rigid plans around everything or else it causes them to have a panic attack. The pros of this are your life will be amazingly well organised. The downside is a lack of spontaneity. They’re likely an introvert for this reason too.
A spoiled princess most of all but she's not a princess anymore so I get the vibe of her already having responsibilities she can't handle and she'll force you to marry her so you could help her out or throw a temper tantrum if you won't.

Kinda lovely but not really cute coming from a grown oni.
what did that black haired girl with tattoos think of me today? u?
This is my answer >>38933835
Well, my luck isn't the best. Hm, oni are not the most cuddly. Would you be willing to trade again?
do i get messages from the divine?
Will me and L.Y have sex?
did i really watch king kong in theaters as a child? my dad said he took me..
waiting on you now, pls no digital deck
9 of Pentacles 9 of Wands 4 of Pentacles
On one hand she felt like you were charismatic and outgoing but on the other she felt like you were also insecure and jumpy, the overall takeaway is the 4 of pentacles, you came across as insecure to them
yeah I was that's fine
Emperor R Two of Swords King of Wands
It really is up to you if you can present yourself much better and get what you want, maybe don't be so insistent and try being smoother with everything.

A general about the rest of 2024, regarding love life.
Do you have any siblings?
THNTZ if you are able and willing to give me a read I had a query. What can I do for spiritual growth? I feel as if my intuition is trying to tell me something, like there is a message trying to be received for something I should do or know for spiritual growth perhaps ways I could change or grow too.
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You are nearly 40 and still alone, you can either give up or bust a nut in this bussy of mine
Why is A trying to reach out should I keep them out of my life?
What would it be like to have a relationship with ctg? What would she be like?
Query - i am hoping to know what's coming up for me in love and lift
Is CF coming back before the year is over? Starting
Can I get a read for a dog N? Wanted a read for their health.
I was also wondering if I could get a read for what I could do to get enough money for them to get a medical treatment they need but we can't afford. How could we go about that, charity, crowdfunding? I really hope something could be done.
I really appreciate any help we love her so much and want her to he well.
i viscerally remember dark and bleakness of the bug scene also kong falling, but that could just be me wanting to remember it that way
Five of cups, queen of swords, eight of cups reversed. Sadly it seems not. You are holding on to something that isn't meant to be. However, with this comes a new understanding of them and you will move on from them to someone else in time.
Query - m30, hoping to see if there is anything to look forward too in life soon, and in love. Thank you
ups and downs, there might be some fights but if you really make sure your boundaries are solid then issues should be resolved.
four of wands seven of wands five of wands ace of cups
Thank you
What would a relationship with esco be like? Starting yours.
Ace of pentacles, ten of wands, six of swords. It seems that you may find a new opportunity for love in the future but it will become too much of a strain and burden for you and you will eventually move on from it
Thank you! May I ask, about my life itself. I am very lost and need to see where to turn too
Sure, I would like to ask you what would a relationship with esco be like, what would her personality be like? Your question?
Judgment, ace of swords, the queen of wands. I would say you have a higher calling of sorts that will bring you great pride and a better realization of your purpose on this planet
Anyone willing to trade?

It seems I got tradecucked.
Beutiful, ten of swords reversed, ace of cups, ten of penticles. You found quite a lovely person you can develop a deep love for in the future and can really go the mile with. It can only go up from here as long as you treat them well.
This one >>38933765

Thank you
Trading occult.
That was my reading anon. I didn't ask you anything. I'm sorry if you didn't like my reading, I'm not the best
I had a bit of a spirit journey today
my shoes were falling apart, and I had been thinking about replacing them, but not comitted to it. I saw a video of someone preaching about changing our shoes with the changing seasons, so I decided today was the day. The mall where I usually shop for clothes is within walking distance, a bit far, but usually doable, so I walked in my broken shoes.

there is a stream of water separating the mall from where I live, and when I came to the road that is on the other side of the blocks that are up to the stream, I couldn't remember how to get to the other side in the shortest way, so I wandered. I saw lots of wide open gates but all of them had warning signs on them so I kept going.

I found a place where the sidewalk ended and a small trail had been carved by bicycles in the grass. I recognized this as the narrow path, so I took it. It was tough walking in it, and towards the end the trail became so faint I could only tell where it was because I had been walking in it the whole time.

Besides the trail was a wider bike path, at any time I could have walked on it more comfortably, but for some reason there was a bike trail.

At the end there was a crossroads of large open roads and I took a rest, as I rested I noticed another narrow trail leading into a thicket, so I left behind my bags and ventured in. It was swampy on one side and thickly grown on the other, and at some points the trail could barely be seen under the undergrowth, at some points it was hard to press through it.

After a while of trudging through this, I came to an opening, a disused little football field with no other access point than the trail. There were red goalposts with frayed netting, and I thought this was my goal. But as I approached the goalposts I hesitated, there was a patch of dirt where the goalie would stand, right in front of the posts, and there I saw a black cat staring at me from the shadows of the thicket.
I stepped away from the goalposts and kept moving along the trail, it was easier now, with firmer ground. The cat watched me intently as I walked. After a while I then came to a second clearing, this time with white goalposts and intact netting. The sun shone brightly, and it seemed right. But the trail continued, so after spending some time there in the sun, I kept moving. There were splits in the path here that led to various dead ends, but as I kept moving I saw white markings on the trees. As I looked back the marks could no longer be seen, they were painted on only one side of the trees. The further I went the more of these signs I saw.

Eventually I reached a sharp bend, where I had to ascend 14 steps, and as I came out of the thicket I had arrived at my destination, where a bridge took me to the mall.

I later went back for my bags, I then saw a girl I recognized, but she didn't see me. I went after her but she boarded a train before I could talk to her, and she was gone.
F.A., male, virgo
What gonna happen between MP.D(.female, sagittarius) and me? Does she wants me?
Oh, inside of the mall when I was purchasing the new shoes, I went to the 12th cashier, who told me he was closing and I would be the last customer in that lane. I then had to turn away several others behind me. It was eerie.
Trading unhinged queries
Alright, what is yours?
Will I ever get a chance to eat human meat legally/ethically? Not talking about placenta, that's scraps.

Well mine isn't that unhinged but its definitely a bit risky. If I summon SCS in the future, what would happen? Starting
The king of swords reversed, ten of cups, four of swords reversed. I can see you fulfilling your rather based meal choice. You will be quite satisfied with your forbidden lunchables. however... there is a chance that eating orphan fingers will leave a mark on you and you will start to see humans very differently. It will scar your psyche and you may never fully recover from it. But hey, on the other hand. You still got five more fingers to munch on.
>Queen of Disks, V of Cups, Ace of Disks Rev
Something wants to teach you a lot, whether it's to give you comfort or to show you the path you need to take to be independent and genuinely happy, but you seem to be wasting it on something, you seem to be being very pessimistic and surrounding yourself with negative energy that won't get you anywhere.
Clear your energy and your mind of thoughts that will get you nowhere.

same thing keeps happening, am i being too dirext or am i being too careful?
Hi! Could you answer my other questions? Concerning this >>38933706.
>If anon summons SCS in the future, what would happen?
I find myself in a garden, a bright green mantis staring at me. We are locked in this staring contest as it casually examines me, unbothered.

...You know what they say about mantises, anon. Something tells me you'd be getting more than you can handle.

>What would happen if anon summoned another spirit instead?
A glass box full of fish. I simply agitate the surface of the water, making them swim frantically as I contemplate what to do with them. But I don't reach into it to grab any of them.

...This is no mystery, but you are stuck simply because you won't consider change. You splash that water about but do nothing with the fish. It's also a clear sign of you being unwilling to tackle whatever is lying in your subconscious. The fish will always be there, anon. They're not going anywhere unless you grab them and do something about them.

>Who would be anon's best bet at getting something good, even if not the spirit they want?
A dragonfly, sitting on a mirror. The scene changes. It's cold outside, and I am handed a cup of warm punch and a freshly baked sweet pretzel at a stall.

Freya would be the kindest of all to you. Actually willing to help you heal and find someone who is HEALTHY for you, human or otherwise. But you will have to really desire change in order to be ready get what she could offer.
Thank you dearly anon
Have their been any I Ching bros doing readings as of late? Always value their insight.
What's your question anon?
>There is a chance that eating orphan fingers will leave a mark on you and you will start to see humans very differently. It will scar your psyche and you may never fully recover from it.

That is what worries me a little, honestly. Won't go into details because that would make me sound like an edgelord larper, but it would likely take a huge negative hit on my capacity for empathy.
>Is this a woman, by any chance?
I really don't know, I tried to draw some cards, but the answers weren't very conclusive, sorry.

>How come?
As I said, it seems that this person doesn't want to love you, but ends up loving you deeply. As if remembering you makes them remember the bad things that happened between you
Ty too onibro, best of luck to you out there. Hope you'll manage to heal and find somebody who loves you from the bottom of their heart, whatever they are
That's what I was picking up on. I would definitely say it would make it alot harder to understand others perspectives of the world around you and it would just leave you mentally drained. If you dont mind me asking anon. What would freya offer me if I come to her asking help to heal and meet a lover?
Thank you
I think the answer was in the vision itself. Comfort from the cold to keep you warm. With that being said, you would need to actually be willing to take care of yourself and improve things.
>the bad things that happened between you
Is there any hope for the future? How would they react if I reached out? I don't want to look like a fool.
Thank you. Do you think I should reach out to her now in my current situation or should I wait until I'm out of it?
How does AL (f) feel about me?
Yeah, wait it out. Now's not the time. Focus on healing a bit, first.
Are you taking queries?
Ok thank you. I'll admit its scary. I really did want to be with an oni and all the signs pointed towards yes. I would constantly get blue and yellow synchronicities relating to her. I then started to look for a clingy one and then things got worse. Would you be willing to do another trade. I would like to ask one last time what would happen if I tried to summon the blue and yellow oni girl that I started this with before I let my insecurities get ahold of me.
Can someone get an AQ for me?

I need advice on some nonsense atm. It might take some time, but do I continue with the plan, or do I change course?
Sure, then my query... Outcome of asking Bune for guidance vs asking Belial?
Sure thank you.
Bune, period. Why is this still up for debate?
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the lovers
three of cups
ace of cups
the wheel of fortune
two of cups
knight of pentacles
nine of wands
queen of cups
four of wands
like all of the biggest questions, this is about love, isn’t it? i mean, this person has shown that they like you. they’ve tried to make it seem like they will be in your life, and you’re not sure if you’re taking it too far or if you’re not taking enough action on how the situation is going to go. the course of action you’re taking at the moment is the best one. i first pull to check where it would lead you, but most of the issue is that you want to stay in control of the situation no matter what, and it’s impossible to control everything. there are so many avenues you haven’t explored yet, so many things you could’ve done differently. this is one of those cases where you do what you can and let go of the rest. from what i can see, it’s going to work out anyway.
For bune. page of wands, five of wands, seven of pentacles.
For belial, queen of cups, strength, five of wands again. It seems that you bune would offer you a more exciting experience but you would have to really debate your reasons for coming to him and if its worth pursuing. King belial seems much more appealing and would be a more supportive teacher compared to bune and will focus more on your personal growth rather than new practices. You will have a hard time debating between the new of bune and reinforcing the old of belial. If you want to learn more magick, I would suggest bune, if you want to improve what you already have, belial. A hard Choice, but is yours to make and you can go to whoever you please though their teachings may not mesh well together if you seek both.
Could I please have a love reading?
I got an uncomfortable feeling from this. A tightness in my throat, a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach.
I don't think this is a sign of tragedy or anything, but something would not be right about it right about now, and it's mostly about not having the right energy for a good outcome at the present time.

>A bonsai tree set on a table in a gazebo. A white butterfly comes to sit on it, unbothered by my presence.
Multiple things about this. A bonsai wilts if not taken care of and watered regularly. This one was in a healthy shape, the leaves were glossy and formed a nice canopy.

The second thing is the butterfly - purity, to put it simply. It's not that you are unworthy if attracting it right now, but.

>Flesh, veins on display from a cut, pulsing.
Your weakness makes you easy to exploit, and this in turn attracts the wrong crowd looking for a chance to prey on you. I know I would if I were a spirit. Easy score.


Thank you, anon!
Do you believe this means no matter what I do, the spirits would prey on me? The oni spirit would too?
Oh, I was going to ask for the future when I was better and mind and body, I'm sorry
Nah, this isn't about love. This is about getting push back on a very simple wiring procedure a friend of mine showed me to do. I'm trying to repair a coax cable my folks destroyed and they don't understand how it works so they're gaslighting me and are making me fight just to pay to do it myself. Thank you though.
Just send me your query, I have nothing to ask at the moment.

I'm never very comfortable saying for sure what you should or shouldn't do anon, but I think you should give it a try. Sometimes it's better to look like an foor for trying than to spend the rest of your life regretting that you didn't do anything.
Even if they have a lot of positive feelings for you, this person already seems to have negative feelings for you anyway, so it doesn't seem like you have much to lose.
Just don't be a weirdo for God's sake.

I can't tell about her precisely but right about now you would surely attract the wrong ones. Likes attracts like isn't a meme.

That is a yes then, better outcome once you're a good healthy little tree with green little leaves.
F, male, virgo
What gonna happen between mpd(female, sagittarius) and me? What i have to do to be the perfect man for her
Becuz team Bune!

Alright, thank you. I will try to improve and perhaps the oni will be a possibility again for me.
I was already leaning towards her, but something about Belial can't get out of my head. He's sexy.
Warm hugs and best wishes anon, you will find the happiness you want eventually. Just gotta tough it out
Thank you. I may stay a bit longer to see if I'm luck enough to find another scry for the future of the oni. I'm sorry I didn't type that out. I dont plan to summon anything until I'm better.
Always good to get second opinions, no worries about not typing it out
Thank you
Is where my journey takes me beneficial to me or detrimental, or a mix of both?
>leaning towards her,
Good to know other anons can feel her feminine energy even though she appears androgynous to me on the black mirror.
Yeee. I don't think gender means TOO much with demons but some definitely lean one way or the other, definitely always had a feminine vibe from her.
Love advice, will things improve this month or is it over?

What does CS (F) truly feel and think about me nowadays (M)?

Did she ever love me at all?
Alright, I would like to ask if I summon BYO in the future when I'm better, what would she be like? Starting.
Which deity should I worship?
Shucks. Five of pentacles, knight of cups reversed, ten of swords reversed. It seems you wonder have a romantic partner for some time. It will leave you wanting and possibly bitter but there is hope things will improve for you as you go along.
What's in store for me next/for the rest of the year?
>III of Swords, Chariot Rev, VIII of Disks
I think it's a more detrimental path. It seems like a lot of hard work without any very clear or positive rewards.

I assumed that “this month” is about October.
>IV of Swords Rev, IV of Wands, World
It seems to me that things will get better, you just need to be careful and resolve some conflict with someone very close to you, this situation seems to be causing you a deep exhaustion that is taking away your peace and blocking your energy.
My nigga you should not be pulling cards to decide that
Which ones do you believe in and what do you want to focus on for yourself? You worship one that aligns with your goals and feelings.
Is there a way to make it beneficial for me?
Will there be an opportunity for me and the person I'm thinking of for reconciliation in the near future?
What gave you that impression?
They're just doing a lesson.
But it's kind of ironic, considering.
Am I a homosexual?
What would a relationship with BYO be like? Yours?
If you're still reading can I ask who is coming towards me in love? Is it someone new?
Aq did the kurta clan kill sheila or did she escape and tell the troupe.
Pls 3 cards and interpert whichever narrative aligns more

I will trade
Sure, what's your query?
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Thank you Poshita for this read!
I got invited into something!

Is R(m) a potential threat to me and my relationship or am I being insecure?
If I have a relationship with Bo, would she be very sexual with me? Starting
Thank you for the feedback <3
Have fun sweetie!
King of wands, ten of penticles, queen of cups reversed. Its seems you will and you will be quite giddy about it too. Though there is a chance one of them could get jealous and things may not be so fun for you. But your desired outcome will be more than enough as long as you dont let anyone get jealous and you dont catch feelings.
I'm feeling a tad better (still sick) so I'll do 5 readings, no generals please. If you're asking about feelings give me some context in regards to your relationship with the person (or at least what is your relationship like)

just 5 okay I might skip if I don't jive with your query
Hey yoshi. I hope you are doing well. I'm still on my oni journey and wanted to ask you a question. If I summon a blue and yellow oni girl spirit in the future when I'm better, what will she be like?
This one please?

I just want to get on with my life and I feel like I can't until this is fixed. I think there is a lot of hurt on both sides
A former (estranged) "friend". I'm a Libra female. GAHC.
What does SB (female) feel for me, if anything?
5 of swords
5 of pentacles

You will not date and you shouldn’t. This isn’t as good as it seems.
You’d most likely end up getting hurt or being put in an unnecessary conflict that would throw your balance off. I think you should just focus on yourself and leave the idea behind.
At the very least don’t get your hopes up and please tread carefully.
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Poshi* darn autocorrect.
How will this pan out for me? Speaking specifically about the physical gains I seek from this new method.
How is C's relationship with her boyfriend? Is she thinking about breaking up with him?
Next gf? Hopefully something serious.
I don't think I can predict that with my cards I'll pull one

Ace of pentacles
She is most likely to be blonde or dirty blonde, probably a sun kissed doll. She is pretty and comes from old money, the family will be very snooty with you.

Made me chuckle :D
Thank you Oni friend

Hm okay let's see
Queen of cups - page of cups - high priestess

Okay cups relate to water and high priestess is also a water and moon card. She is going to be a blue Oni, not just your average Oni. She is going to be rather calm and tame, might not like hanging around others very solitary and might come off as jealous or at least she is going to want your undivided attention so if you planned having multiple with her she is not going to like the idea. I don't see anything about a yellow Oni, so most likely you should go for the blue one, she will be very wise and loving and might even bless you with what she knows

Temperance - ace of swords - world
6 of cups - 6 of swords
Yes but it's going to take some healing still you or them are not ready to have that conversation yet. But once you do you will end things on a sweet note but whatever you had in the past likely won't be seems like it will be the closure you needed but it will help you get better it will help you heal and improve your life. It's better off you two go your own ways. The day to make amends will happen and it might be uncomfortable but the truth will come out and it will end well. You two will heal from this and be able to live on with your lives

4 of cups - 4 of swords - 8 of cups
They don't feel much to be honest they have other things to worry about seems to me like they are going through a heavy transformation in their life and you aren't in their main plate, they might think about you every now and then but things stay in the back burner, seems like their life is a mess as it is and have bigger issues to move on from.
>X of Cups, Queen of Wands, X of Wands Rev
I don't know if it makes any sense to you, but it seems to me that things are moving forward and could even have a very positive outcome, but there's a lack of priority. It seems to me that there's a lack of trust in other people.

>Justice Rev, III of Cups Rev, IV of Swords
I don't think you will in the short term, sorry. This person wants to be left alone, any attempt to get closer at this time could come across as dishonest and would have the opposite effect.
Let time pass.
Thank you. If I may ask, how affectionate is she do you think? Could we spend alot of time cuddling and spending time together or would she leave for a while
You don't say.
Ah crap sorry. I thought THNTZ had stopped reading.

My apologies for being greedy.

Both of these are extremely helpful to me. I hope it's OK that I use them both for insight, because the two of them still resonate for me
This one. Just got cucked

Oof, I'm sorry
No problem! I got busy with something at work and it took me a while to get back to you anyway.

I'm always happy when I accidentally end up doing the same reading as a great reader and the result is similar. I feel like I'm not as bad as I think kek
>4 of cups - 4 of swords - 8 of cups
Can I ask about someone else?
What does R (male) feel for me, if anything?
How can I best cope with the fact that I'll be alone forever
Page of pents - page of swords - sun
She is rather immature so she is probably in her early twenties I'd say between 23 and 24.

I like when people are specific with their queries

Strength - world - king of swords
It's going to work for you much better you will be much more disciplined but you might need to be very rigid and follow things to a T don't skip things and don't take short cuts here if you want to see genuine results

That's none of your business anon, skip

The empress Rx - queen of swords - the lovers - 3 of pentacles

She is going to be very serious and very loving but rather clingy, very loyal she does give crazy girl vibes but she is going to be very good and a good influence. She is pretty, pale and short. Nice dark hair sometimes likes to dye it in some fun color but in a subtle way. Someone who is very disciplined but she gets very needy and clingy when it comes to love. Some baggage but nothing major, she might be the one you take to the altar and give the ring to.

No more readings
How stupid was I for calling him
Right back at you, friend :D
You're a great reader as well

Well you got cups all over so yeah she is def a cuddle bug

Lol good luck

Sorry I'm out of juice and I need to take my meds
Nice, thank you
Will that unfinished novel I have lying around sell if I finish it?
I think so too, both reads work together. Thanks again :)
Hearing that from you made me very happy, it's not false modesty. I promise! (:

I hope you get 100% soon Poshita.
Oh well, I guess

What is the woman I will love like? Have I met her yet?
rolling tiwbiln
Thank you :)
keep doing your thing!
Have a good day, fren :D
Leaves more questions than answers.
what will the second round interview be like? yours?
This one
Getting evicted from my apartment, being separated from my bf because of it….whats next?
Will i be accept in this group? Yours?
>seven of pentacles six of cups justice
You’re overthinking this situation. It will be fine if you focus on what they’re actually asking, rather than what you think you did wrong
Alright, starting. Is BO really SC?
no I'm not really overthinking but thanks
four of coins rev eight of swords seven of cups rev
A little stupid sure but it's not the end of the world, you think you're tied down to something but you really have a lot more options than you think.
trading no occult shit or digital deck bullshit
Thank you so much!
I don't mind clinginess and I can find joy in it. I do hope things are smooth enough for me to give her a ring and marry.
The page of swords reversed, the strength reversed, the hermit reversed. It seems not dear anon. They seem to be rather judgmental about you. Three of swords reversed, six of pentacles reversed, the tower. It seems that your group is not a healthy fit at all for you and yoy will have to be fake to be accepted by them. The best situation is to move on from them and find more accepting people because these ones will only cause you to play pretend and you will begin to fail and they will see that.
what did that goth girl think of me today? I have a good idea but I wanna check . what's yours?
When will I get a girlfriend?
What she think of me?
Then fuck off faggot, this thread is full of questions like that
No but for real, when will I meet my future girlfriend, and what's she like?
What does she feel for me?
Theres nothing wrong with love questions unless they are shallow. Information is very valuable.
Want to trade? or are you taking AQs?
Second, thank you!
what's your query enlightened one? Or are you just a pathetic troll?
I'm just acting like a fool.

Right now I can't, but later I'll probably open reading.
You also said no occult stuff. Tarot is magick you silly Billy.
I thought you said you didn't want to trade them oofy doofy moment
What do I need to do to have a successful professional astrology practice?

are you fucking stupid? do you not know how to read and follow a simple fucking thread?
What changes will Venus square Pluto bring to my life this winter? Starting when you confirm
I cant read anon. I only draw cards through candis.
Taking this as a second trade.
q: Should I print out the business cards I have or continue working on my logo?

Starting, is BO soft and clingy?
Next gf?
Ace of Swords, Emperor, 3 of Swords
Tower, Sun

If you are smart and utilize these energies in a beneficial way you will finally have the strenght and resolve to finally cut off something in the realm of love or self-esteem which harms you but you have been holding on to for a long time - be it a deep-set belief, person or memory/grudge etc. It won't look pretty and you will go through a momentary crisis while it is happening but you will feel like a new person once this fixation is destroyed. If you misuse this energy, you will try to force things to make this fixation come true and just hurt yourself more in the process and probably lose a good deal of your happiness and self-respect because of it.
10 of Swords, King of Wands, 8 of Wands

Not at all. In fact, whoever or whatever BO is, thier temperament is quite manic and fiery. If something doesn't work out, they move on to the next thing very quickly.
Three of Coins Emperor Eight of Coins Queen of Swordd
You'll need the help of others very much in order to be successful. This may look like finding someone established in the field and learning from them in addition to some hard work. There will also be a woman who helps you out or maybe it's you, she'll be focused and driven professionally.
The devil reversed, the fool reversed, the king of pentacles. I would say you would be better off continuing to work on your logo. A part of you wants to leave the cards as it is but that is a small thing that makes a big difference. It is best to continue until your logo is fully finished and your business cards really stand out.
Will DR and I meet in person? Or am I being a scam victim
what's something good happening for me in the next two weeks? yours?
Gotcha, what is the personality of BYO? Starting
what is BYO? Is this occult?
They are a potential entity i want to meet in the future and I'm trying to understand the character of.
The six of cups reversed, two of cups, two of wands. It seems you may bump into an old acquaintance in the next two weeks and think about your past with them. You may plan to interact with them more in the future as well. It seems like a happy reunion regardless.
Anon, don't take things personally.
That makes you the idiot.
You still haven't done one reading yet you goofball. Why are you even here except for us to say silly things to you. If you think I'm stupid, you need to get ridenjo in her
I don't do occult and if you're going to ask that shit specify. I knew there was a reason I felt something disgusting when I read your query.
Q? no occult
Bro divination is occult too, just say you're a weenie scared of invisible things
Fuck off Im not reading your demon shit just because you get no pussy
That wasn't me anon. I'm sorry. Do we do occult readings differently than regular readings?
I don't do them because I've had to banish in the past after doing them and it's a pain in the ass. I read about a demon here once and it gave me the worst feeling in the world. If you're gonna ask occult shit specify otherwise don't trade or aq them. You have another query that doesn't involve this shit?
Bump, please
No, not really. I'm sorry you went through that. So you can attract them if you do readings on them? That makes alot of sense
sorry mate best of luck with whatever the fuck this is
I wanted to know if anything romantic will happen between me and this person I meet again? anything else? And again, any other non occult queries please let me know
Just to defend onibro's honour, he may be desperate but he is always very polite
Q: why am I so tired?

The sun, knight of cups, lager of cups. I feel that it would be more of a friendship than romantic. A person you will get along well with and have a nice time with. You may learn a thing or two from them as well but I dont see any romance.
Oh I know what you mean, but banishing ain't hard desu and most of them leave after if you are polite and offer something for the reading
Onibro always makes it clear what he's talking about.

The biggest problem is the amount of occult reading that people ask about pretending to be something else.

I have no problem doing occult readings, but I understand those who don't like doing them.
no worries , thanks gl with ur things
Can I ask you for read?
Now I can't, I'm in an extremely boring meeting at work about the line-up for next month. I have no idea what time it will end.
If I'm not mentally tired by the time I've finished here, I might start reading.
I genuinely didn't mean to put anyone in a bad situation. I'm just trying to figure out how to best go about this. I started doing readings here about three days ago. I thought people didn't do it because they didn't fully believe in spirits like when people dont do love readings.
Sure, who's coming back soon, sh, or someone else? starting
Them spirits be clingy.
Relax buddy. Everything's fine.
You've been doing it right desu, always ask if people are ok with occult and make it clear it is about it, and you are golden
five of wands r
two of coins
heiro r
before July you definitely will have more friends, maybe even some from the past that you will mend fences with. They may be a little odd or unconventional.
Repost till someone tell me something
F, male, virgo
What gonna happen between mpd(female, sagittarius) and me? What i have to do to be the perfect man for her
What’s your relationship with her?
Alright, I do like doing the readings for practice. This is just a very odd situation. I learned lady lilith had an oni but she was very defensive and judgmental. I learned Great king enma had an oni but she was not one for coddling and can be quite stern. I learned there was one that I might summon that would try to force me to marry her for political reasons. Then I learned there was a blue oni that was quite independent and would leave me if a made any mistakes. Now there is a blue and yellow oni that sounds rather pleasant but I can connect all the dots on her. All in all, I'm making progress as long as I dont upset anyone. I guess my end goal is to have a general idea of where I'm supposed to go and work my way towards it.
What am I meant for in this life? What were my past lives like?
Trading anyone?
where's my read faggot? tradecuck me and you end up friendless and die
It's what a lot of people come here for. Not knowing which steps to take, being afraid of mistakes we cannot take back, wanting reassurance. You're doing nothing out of place and honestly you seem like a genuinely sweet guy.
THNTZ thank you for the read I'll keep that in mind. I was wondering if you could do a read for what it might be that I'm wasting time on. You mentioned I'm wasting my time on something and that it might be interfering with growth. Also if you are willing I would like a read on what that something that is trying to teach me, comfort, or help me live independently and happily is. I appreciate any insight.
Will it happen in early 2025 or late 2025?you?
Are you offering readings?
What are D's (m) feelings for me (f)?

Tradecucking faggot
they tradecucked me don't reply
I can't take this anymore, the burdens are too much, im on the verge of suicide. why did god allow me to get infected?
> I was wondering if you could do a read for what it might be that I'm wasting time on. You mentioned I'm wasting my time on something and that it might be interfering with growth.

I think this is something you should meditate on and reflect on in your life. What behaviors or thoughts of yours might only be serving to self-sabotage or harm you? How are your relationships with people? Have you been grateful for the things the universe has given you?
Things along these lines.
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Thank you. I didn't want to become a thread nuisance. My plan was to collect little scraps of information until I found a solid lead and explored it until I had an idea of what to do.
answer me >>38935692
>early 2025
6 of Cups, 9 of Pents

>late 2025
6 of Pents, Queen of Cups
8 of Swords, 2 of Cups

It seems like whatever you are referring to is more likely to occur later in the year as the beginning of '25 looks like a time of stability with a review or nostalgic look to the past and envisioning of the future pointing to manifestation down the line. Later in the year there will be deliberation between parties (or within yourself) and the event will come closer to fruition, though it's seems a bit so-so, depending on what you decide - it might even happen a little after 2025 is finished.
Page of cups, the fool , 3 of cups
They feel lighthearted around you and like being with you, I don't see very strong feelings yet, more like curiosity and early interest for now
I'm not the one who cucked you bro.
33 me, 32 her, old friendship
Dw bro you're a delight, for all intents and purposes this is just another next gf reading desu
Thank you. I learned alot and I will try to learn things slowly. I just dont want to miss a chance to learn something important but also not bombard the threads with oni questions.
What's an oni?
No senpai
They are Japanese spirit similar to an ogre. They embody strong emotions. benevolent ones are said to be very loyal.
How can I summon one?
There are many ways. You could ask the Japanese love goddess Benzaiten or the king of the oni Great king Enma. My situation is a but more complex so I have to do it differently but you could go to them and simply ask. I would go to Benzaiten first
Repost till someone tell me something

F, male, virgo
What gonna happen between mpd(female, sagittarius) and me? What i have to do to be the perfect man for her, if no, then should i find someone soon?

She 32, me 33, old friends from school

mine is work general for the next 15 days

will nadia and i ever see each other again? if so when and how will that go?
still here? trade?
sure im still here
you got my q whats yours ?

a work general for october

if you will only trade with the other anon let me know, if not then let me know when you start and drop yours
Hi all, can anyone help me interpret this for October?

I pulled ace of spades, king of clubs and 7 of spades.

I really hope this doesn't mean death because a lot of people say ace of spades is death in cartomancy.

Will it be news from this man or an argument perhaps?
Trading, will give you whatever reading you want, occult or whatever, i scry or tarot and other shit...just label your reading appropriately before hand
Hello there. I would like to trade occult.
just a week gen is all
dumb next gf query.

Let me know if it's okay and I'll start.
what is the outcome if I get that offer for the ink (tat) from that guy?
Doing some reading, I don't know exactly how many, I don't want to underestimate how tired I am today.
>Initials, Gender and Sun Sign.
>Some song that's on your mind at the moment.

(Feeling extremely normie today as I have “Do I Wanna Know” playing on loop inside my head)
Would the black haired woman be dtf? Or am I just setting myself up for disappointment
I am getting out of a bad situation and am on a journey to summon a soft and clingy oni girl spirit to be my lover and wife in the future. I would like to ask you for information on where I can find this oni girl spirit. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Starting
E, male, pisces
what is the outcome if I read all the holy books?
MY Pisces Male
Should I go for the vintage bike with hi pipes or low street pipes
Trade scry for scry? no occult pls
TD Male Pisces
50 Cent - Candy Shop (heard it on the radio and it’s been stuck in my head for a week)
How many items in my wishlist will I have purchased by the end of the month?
strength, success, queen sword, change, princess wands, gain, ace wands
you just need to summon them, you are or will be successfull if you set your intentions right, just speak your words out loud, spirits can travel instantly and be anywhere at any given time, they will come if you summon her. says here you will gain something out of doing this, possibly what you wish
SC Cancer F
Occult reading. Did L lie about their relation to me, all of those years go? Was there a glimmer of truth in it at all?

Does instrumental music count? Will change my pick if not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6YWEDA3wNE
I’ll trade occult what’s your query
where will I be one year from now (physically, like location wise) and what will I be doing? if you can't or don't want to say what it is, just tell me where ill be in the planet
Next relationship?

what does yami valdes think of me? is she sexually attracted to me ?

she is a libra btw
LL, f and sag
Spiral of Ants by lemon demon
should i go to this university? i want to make friends and explore a lot of shit, even if getting there will be hard.
R, Male, Gemini
Who or what are my guides and what do they have to say?
mine is occult as well, what would happen to me if I tether myself to the sun?
Same query for me, but in one month. Starting !
I’ve been sending my libido/sexual energy to an idol of IV, I’d like to know how they feel about it and what will happen if I keep doing it
its ok ill start
Mv male leo
do i have a high iq?
which one are you
M, capricorn, C. V
Will M. Rent it for $3k utilities included?
I see a man riding a car, seems like he goes to an arid area to a place with lots of greenery or at least whats left thats green since the seasons will change. you will travel by car and I see a woman being around you, seems like a blonde. seems like a road trip. you live in some southern state right? idk where you'll go but it will be like a suburb area. you either will travel with a woman or meet a woman at some point and travel together, shes hot btw
AS, Male, Libra

Were and what should I look for in my next girlfriend? Is it someone I already know?
Will he give you the offer. The fool, four of pentacles, the three of cups reversed.
What will happen if he does.
The star, the fool, the knight of cups.
It seems like you will get the offer though he may be a bit stingy and gossip alot.
He will most likely give it to you. It will go well and be a nice time and relatively stress free. Overall, a very positive outcome even if her is a bit rocky on the start
no I live in a far northern state and I have no drivers license just a permit so idk about that man
I see you working with wood for some reason, working to carve something on a work bench or table of some sort. It's cold out and it's a quaint town, feels very old school colonial almost like new england or another part of the world that looks like this. Farms nearby.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by tethering yourself to the sun but I’m getting the message that it would overall have been a very bad idea, you’d lose control of it and wouldn’t gain anything from it
Ace of Coins Rx Chariot Rx 5 of Wands
>Queen of Cups, IV of Wands Rev, Knight of Wands
It will be good for you, it seems that you will have a lot to learn, especially about your own emotions. You may only end up a little lost in some parts, perhaps you feel a lack of assistance or support.

Hi Pipes
>II of Cups, Hanged Rev, VI of Wands Rev
Low Street
>Hiero Rev, Wheel Rev, IV of Cups
Hmmmmmm... Hi Pipes I think.
I don't really know with this reading, they both seem to have problems, but you'll like Hi pipes better.

>VII of Disks, VIII of Swords Rev, VII of Swords
You're going to buy most of the things, it seems to me that you're going to spend a lot of money this October. Kek
Just be careful that there might be a scam in the middle of it. Stay alert.

>Magician, II of Wands Rev, Chariot, VIII of Wands Rev, Ace of Swords
If there was a lie, it wasn't for a bad reason, perhaps you weren't ready to know the whole truth. Reality might have been too much for your head and while it could have helped you, it could have stopped you completely.
I believe there was a lie, but it wasn't with the intention of hurting you, but in an attempt to put you on the right track. You weren't ready.
Thank you. Would you like to do another trade?
cruelty, aeon
at first IV would not like it but eventually they will accept and merge your energy with theirs
power emperor
you will feel reinvigorated and feel in control doing so, you may get boons as a result
that explains the woman driving next to you, if you have a permit they can ride with you. do you know any women that want to go on road trips with you? thanks btw
second one, yeah they'll both have problems but they are old so no worries there lol
sure, will the mark on the thigh be that tattoo I get? yours?
haha yeah I knew about that permit thing and no I don't know any woman who'd want to go on a road trip with me. Let me know if you want to trade more I want to know how I meet her lol
the nadia anon
Sure, I would like to ask you further about the oni. If I summon the soft and clingy oni girl spirit in the future after I have improved. What will she be like?
What am I meant for in this life?
anon are we doing this? im the work general anon
yes starting
waiting on you to reply, but i see you now so starting yours next
how do I end up meeting the woman ill marry? if ill ever get married
nice starting too
ok cool
ill start while you finish mine
you end up going out at night and running into her someplace, not sure if its a fast food joint or some kind of pub or store. she will have her back facing you and you will be standing directly behind her, you'll say something that will make her turn around and talk to you. possibly something funny. shes blonde skinny and hot, her hair will be tied in a ponytail when you're there standing
I see how it could've helped... Still wish they'd come clear later on, but all in all there's no resentment about it. Thanks, fren
>World, III of Wands Rev, Sun, IV of Cups, II of Cups, IV of Disks Rev, Justice
I get the deep feeling from this reading that you already know this person.
It's someone who hides how they really feel about you, your current dynamic is so good that there seems to be a fear of ruining it by turning it into something more. You seem to have come together just at a time when your love life was falling apart and you found refuge in each other.
There's a lot of love here, a lot, it's even overflowing and turning into a jealousy that's a bit scary.
If you're going to have a relationship with this person, you need to bear in mind that everything you give them will be returned. Good and bad.

>V of Cups, X of Wands, V of Wands Rev
Most probably don't feel what you imagine, there's a lot of disappointment in the connection between you.

>X of Cups Rev, VI of Wands, King of Wands, Devil, Princess of Wands
Whether you should or not, I was in doubt with this reading.
You could get in, I have no doubt about that, however difficult it may be.
And you would be very successful there, it would probably be a great opportunity for you to gain knowledge, for your career and to grow as a person and professional.
But I honestly don't know if you'd be happy there, it seems to me that you'd have a lot of trouble relating to people there and you'd have a lot of self-sabotage problems.

>Princess of Disks, Knight of Wands, King of Wands
Medium to high.
Your greatest intelligence seems to be in dealing with people and how to motivate them.

>Devil Rev, Death, Star.
I don't think so. Something will make him give up at the last minute and find a better offer.
You meet at someone else's wedding, it'll be a pale girl with longish black dark brown hair. She's recovering from an eating disorder so she might be a little thin when you first meet her but you'll get along after talking at the drinks counter part of the wedding. Very sweet girl but she's been hurt so please take good care of her.
Empress R
Two of Coins R
Six of Cups R
Anon I don't think you're seeing her again
starting work gen this one will be more detailed since it's not a yes/no
(I hate the MV for this, but good song)

How can I have a good attitude and confidence about my art?
you're the same person tengen....
thank you
The world, high priestess, seven of cups
The fool, the knight of swords, nine of wands reversed.
I would say so. There are other options but the thigh tattoo seems the most likely. Its important not doubt yourself on this and ask if the thigh tattoo is what you really want. You could likely use a sigil spell to make it more concrete but your determination on if you really want this tattoo is what matters most.
>Ace of Disks, Princess of Swords, III of Disks
I have no idea what they might be, sorry.
It seems that if you get curious and start questioning and going after that information, they'll tell you.
They want to work with you in this new beginning of your life, there is a great desire to help you grow and achieve what you want.
>it seems to me that you'd have a lot of trouble relating to people there and you'd have a lot of self-sabotage problems
ah yes, i can see that. I'm extremely anxious and paranoiac. i guess i should just work hard to do my best so....if i get in there, i can see how things go. i'm also not very good around normies kek
and thanks for the reading! pretty on point
C.V Capricorn Male
Will M rent it for $2500 per month but he's responsible for the utilities?
adjustment, chariot, ruin, princess cups
she will get clingy and if you don't spend often moments with her she will make your life miserable, be careful about doing this. you could end up with something stuck to you permanently through other lifetimes
trade more ?
MS male virgo

Should I study a short or long degree?
I see, thank you. Perhaps a clingy oni may not be the best Choice for me. I simply want to spend alot of time with her.
will my physical shape improve in the future months? like fat loss and build more muscle
fellow exerciser
Can you tell me what sort of tattoos I get by the end of next year if I do decide to do it. don't have enough money yet and there are other things i need to do first
starting when you confirm this is okah
BA (me, male Gemini) GS (female friend, Libra)


Are me and GS going to have some sort of relationship as more than friends in the future (as in friends with benefits, lovers or anything in between)? We've been growing closer and closer for months.
also did we trade yesterday? I hope you saw my reading
you might get 2 or 3, one in the arm about bicep level, one in shoulder on the opposite side and one in the forearm. not all at the same time, it seems like you'll get them a few weeks or months differently. idk what shape you want them you gotta decide that, but they are pretty large (as large as your arms and body parts allows them to be). they dont twirl towards the back end they are cantered on the outside parts of the arms and shoulder so they are visible to others

Who is focusing on me?
No i did not scry yesterday
chariot, page wand, knight wands
the focuser and his super power uber focus
I would like to ask an air query. I feel that being with a clingy oni spirit may not be the best wording and choice. I asked the godess Benzaiten if she would be willing to help me summon the clingy oni and she refused out of love. I would like to ask if i improve from my situation, would Benzaiten be willing to reconsider and help me summon a soft and attentive oni girl spirit in the future? I feel an attentive oni girl could spend alot of time with me but she wouldn't hurt me.
Fire Dragon and Water Dragon in reverse.
Someone who has not mastered Temperance. Someone who is doing too much Shadow work and doing it in a counterproductive way harmful to their psyche and themselves overall.
very interesting although i'm not getting hands neck or forearm tattooed for job reasons . upper arm is okay
You'll be able to lose fat and gain muscle but it's going to take more time than you had hoped. You'll manage to be strong but you might not be as lean as you wish. maybe adjusting expectations or changing intensity or diet idk your plan.
Regardless you'll still be in a very good shape in a few months or so.
Thank you so much THNTZ, I really appreciate everything. I'll work on and do that keeping those things in mind. I feel as if the more I meditate and do that the more information and growth I have. You are awesome thank you for all the readings insight and help. May you have many blessings!
uh where my read at ?I don't have long here
Loyal, attentive, caring. Clingy denotes a level of emotional dependence or attachment that is unhealthy.
thanks man, enjoy the tats, the one on the bicep looks especially cool whatever you decide to pick for it. have a good night
thank you, enjoy life
I know. I asked if she would help me summon a clingy oni and she told me it wasn't healthy. I would like to ask if she would reconsider for an attentive oni girl.

What would make me truly happy? I am getting really tired of living.
Thank you so much both of you!
Weird query for weird query trade?
What's also interesting is this even sounds like me
Q? mine is what would make me truly happy?
I cant. There is an entity that is messing with my cards. They were gone for a few days but they came back. I'm going to have to take a break and banish them or they will start giving some false readings
Are you able to communicate with it?
Would the older black haired woman be dtf? Or am I just setting myself up for rejection
I can, they are no bad but they keep talking to me and I can do any readings unless I push them away.
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Show this, tell me if there's a response? (no it won't do shit to y'all)
I took a short break to eat something.

>King of Swords,VIII of Cups Rev, Knight of Swords, Death, Emperor, Hanged Rev, World Rev
You seem to already have some kind of relationship with this person, you seem to have something unresolved.
This person is too afraid to get involved with anyone again, so you'll need to be more mental and less emotional when dealing with them. You seem to be very incisive when you want something and this will certainly discourage them.
If you want to get involved with this person, you'll have to act completely differently from what you've done in other relationships and you need to understand that it will be something new. Don't make comparisons with previous relationships or try to make things up with this person.
You will need to guide things with your head. Understand that this person will be very scared, stuck and will have a lot of problems dealing with the most intimate things.

Nice try FBI, I'll never click on that link!!!
>VIII of Disks, V of Cups, Ace of Swords, IX of Cups, Lovers, VI of Wands
Your biggest challenge seems to be dealing with disappointments, I don't know if with people in general or with life. Perhaps a feeling that you try too hard and don't get what you deserve back? I don't know.
You have a lot of love and good things inside you, but you need to know who to share these feelings with, not everyone around you is there to grow with you. Some people just want to feed off your good energy and leave without caring about anything.
There are many good things in your future, you just need to learn to be clearer in your feelings and know how to use your abilities. There's no point in building for others and destroying for yourself.
I don't know if that made sense, I think I rambled a lot on that one. Sorry.
466 i could live with that
O, male, pisces
what is the outcome if I stop being so strict with myself and let go of outcomes on a daily basis?
They are not a bad spirit, we are waiting for a friend to come in a few days for them to go to him. They just keep interrupting my tarot
6 of pentacles clarified 6 of cups rx, 4 of swords rx, 2 of swords, king of swords rx, death, 5 of pentacles rx, knight of swords, hermit

I got no cards of emotions or passion at all, maybe if you gave her enough money/investment, otherwise doesn't seem like it. Might think you're too young.
Oh, didn't assume they were, just running a harmless experiment here. I promise no harm of any kind. No reaction then?
None from my experience.
Thank you!

^and I Promise I’m not gay… Shawty spazzes out on there like a mother fucker

Did Michael give me a message last night after I gave him a Sacrifice for Michaelmas? I felt like he showed me some real Tough love… Might be a message I’ve been ignoring for too long.
query? nice trips
what would give me a reason to keep living? you?
Holy shit is that song I heard in the uber the other day and it stuck in my head. Thanks for making me figure it out. kek
>Wheel, II of Cups, V of Disks
It's a bit of a shitty piece of advice, I know. Sorry about that.
Just learn not to worry so much, your art comes from your feelings, there's a very deep love of yours for the things you create. It seems to me an inevitable destiny of yours in producing your stuff, that if you don't put out what you feel you start to feel sick.
If what you do is done with this feeling of sincerity, people will identify with it.

You made me laugh with that anon.
>IV of Swords, Princess of Disks, IX of Cups
You'll have to be a bit seductive and break down some of his barriers, but I believe that now, with this proposal, he will accept.

>IV of Swords, VII of Disks, Knight of Disks
>IV of Disks Rev, X of Wands Rev, Tower
Long will be very harmful to you, it will change your life a lot and bring you a lot of problems and bad feelings.
Wanna try asking a query with that associated, as a further experiment? Specifically, trying to use that as a visualisation of me as the querent.
Why would they go to him?

Clearly there is a psychological element to this.
Does A.L.L (female) find me attractive? And if so would they be dtf?
what should my tattoo say? should I make a drawing with the wording? starting
your reading is ready, will paste it when I see mine up
They were with him before but went to me and cant go back unless he gives them permission. He doesn't know they left so I'm talking them back to him.
>VI of Wands, VIII of Disks, III of Swords, X of Cups, IX of Wands Rev, Strength, II of Wands
If you don't mind me asking, have you both had anything in the past? There's a lot of feeling involved in this reading.
There's a deep desire to be together, to give yourself up, but at the same time there's a great fear that you'll end up hurting each other and ruining everything.
For her, love is something you work on and cultivate, for you it's something that just happens. They are two slightly different visions at their base, which can lead to conflict.
Maybe you've been playing games for years and this seesaw of feelings gets tiresome, but there's a great desire between you.
You just need to plan it out, everything between you seems so disorganized that I feel distressed

Tysm for this feedback <3 Everything you wished me in double for you.
>Nice try FBI, I'll never click on that link!!!
It's an amazing song!
>you start to feel sick.
Yes! This is why I keep a journal lol. I get so anxious and can’t sleep unless I write down or draw to relax.
he's going to cuck you
he cucked me
Thank you THNTZ! I think I might know who are refering to, and I will take your advice.

Just another question, can you tell me the color of that girl's hair or something like that?
Ace of cups strength 7 of Wands Rx
I’ll interpret the spread as a warning of avoiding anything edgy or too conflicting, stick to a wholesome message per the ace of cups
Didn’t cuck just got distracted sry
knight wands, queen disk, queen wands, clarifier for dtf virtue
yes she finds you attractive and would be dtf, she is waiting for you to give her an opportunity to go out or propose a hook up

can you help me with this? I got cucked

sorry meant to reply this to you
I have the same query, what would give me drive or motivation to keep going on a daily basis?
I keep dismissing my training and other projects because I am hopeless and see only dread ahead
will start once you confirm
NICE TRY!!!! But I'm smart, okay?

>King of Swords, Judgement Rev, Queen of Disks
You'll learn to stop being so critical with yourself, You'll learn to be a person that people like to be around and I think that, above all, you'll mature a lot and learn to be less emotional.

>^and I Promise I’m not gay… Shawty spazzes out on there like a mother fucker

My man, who am I to judge what someone listens to? Half an hour ago I was making dinner listening to and singing Careless Whisper as if I were a gay man who had just been caught cheating on my boyfriend lol
(I'm a straight man)
(That Charli XCX song is great btw)

Okay, stop rambling. Reading
>Princess of Swords, Devil, V of Disks
Hmmmmm. Difficult reading considering what you said, maybe I'm just too tired to understand, if it doesn't make sense forgive me.
It seems to me that there is a very strong desire to communicate and connect with you in some way, but at the same time there is also a poverty in being able to express exactly what this person feels or what they really want with any message.
knight of pentacles, 4 of pentacles rx, 7 of swords, 5 of swords, 2 of cups rx, 7 of pentacles, high priestess

you definitely need to go back to training and projects, those are keeping you afloat, having multiple projects and seeing results and fruits of your endeavors or time, seeing steady long term progress---is absolutely vital. try splurging a bit on yourself, being more vulnerable with people, or putting yourself first above others, have fun gambling (lol), make some selfish big purchase. long term goals/plans that test your intellect and intuition that intrigue you, you might get bored and it throws you off. you already are doing the right thing for yourself, dabble more into your intuition because it is working out for you. with 5 of swords and 2 of cups rx, would revenge motivate you? you like competition, you want to fight with others, become someone better than those that tried to destroy you. sorry if this reading is shitty...please ask more readers about this, or maybe you can get something out of the cards that I pulled that is a better interpretation than mine.
Oh I’m glad you can relate. To my love for Charli.

But this Michael isn’t a person. I meant the Actual Archangel Michael.

But I’d imagine this is true because I have no clairvoyant abilities. Just a sense of intuition that is right sometimes. Need to open my Anja chakra more.

But thanks regardless THNTZ. I really appreciate you.
Thank the /ng/ Anon who linked your post for whatever reason, I suppose. But happy to help.
queen sword, queen wands, virtue, disappointment, adjustment, tower, priestesse
This spread clearly talks about self improvement. you are meant to take opportunities that will give you the drive to keep on going, look at the small things in life and dont take them for granted. be thankful for what you got, dont be disappointed in yourself. follow the path of virtue and you wont stray in the wrong path, self improvement talks about improving your physical state. look into body building and go train at a gym, buy weights if needed and train home if you dont like crowded gyms. work on yourself anon, you are a work of art, get to crafting your desired outcome
thank you I needed to hear this, your reading was great anon, dont doubt yourself. learn to appreciate something small, grab a glass of water and thank the God(s)( if you're into that sort of thing) that you have something to drink.
Will my life stop being monotonous and boring? Will I meet or do I know the woman of my life? Will I ever stop being in this depressing situation? Someone read me the tarot cards, I need to believe in something, Before someone read the tarot cards and made me dodge a bullet with a girl with mental problems, another told me that I should talk to an old love, but I am very skeptical about this, I need you to give me a third opinion on the situation
ahahahaha im an aspiring bodybuilder actually!!! you rule thank you

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