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I didn’t read this whole book but I read enough to feel pretty disturbed. I just wanna ask, what’s the story behind this book, and how much of this is based on truth, if any? Is this just schizo nonsense or is there anything to it? Because as crazy as it comes across, some of it was so detailed, and some of the ways they outlined these various psychological experiments and mind control techniques seemed so disturbingly logical and convincing in their approach that a part of me was starting to kinda buy into it.
Link to PDF?

Literally google the title idiot
There's something to it. Things are way more complicated than you understand.
I felt that way too. I’ve listened to a lot of people who claim to be victims of these shadowy human trafficking gangs and while I’m sure plenty of the story’s are bs, a lot of them align strikingly close to the kinda stuff outlined in the book. I don’t know if there’s actual satanic/accult shit going on or if it’s just some insanely evil blackmail business that’s still fundamentally financial or power motivated, but either way it’s fucked beyond belief. Literally the most evil shit I can imagine.
>Things are way more complicated than you understand.
I’m curious, care to elaborate?
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Do not be afraid.
It's completely real.

here you go fren
stop lowering the standards of /x/ help a anon and link sources
You worship Venus?
The highest Venus.
Better than Saturn I guess
They are friends you know.
You’re a scrub.
... and my friends, perhaps not yours.
I’m sure it’s real but I doubt it’s as common as he portrays it. More of a backwoods inbred cult sort of thing. Mormons probably.
Incorrect; this is incredibly widespread

you have none dumbfuck
A girl told me an anecdote about a guy suddenly going completely schizo after researching the illuminati, the day before I was going to start reading this book
I ignored the obvious warning (but from whom? was my tinder match a glowie?) and did read the whole thing
then exactly a year later, I went completely schizo for several months
ill admit its fucking weird, not a good feeling after reading it
>Again, in the heavens, Saturn is friendly to Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun, and Moon but unfriendly to Mars and Venus. Jupiter is friendly with all the planets except Mars. Thus, all the planets except Venus are enemies with Mars. The Sun loves Jupiter and Venus, and is an enemy to Mars, Mercury, and the Moon. All [of the planets] except Saturn love Venus
—Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, chapter 17
It’s not an or, they’re one in the same
IMO he’s exaggerating. Yes there are satanic pedophilic cults around, but no they’re not 12% of the American population. If they were even a percent of the population, you’d have heard about it in the news by now. Most cops and judges and journalists are uninitiated normies.

I think it is a serious problem that children are being abused and traumatized and brainwashed. But I don’t think it’s nearly as common as (((Fritz))) claims. Probably more common in more isolated communities.
you know that movie ricky gervais did about the invention of lying?
we only 'made' it 1/6th of the way to the moone
we made the whole thing up
there are much more interesting labyrinths
try the gateway tapes
>it’s not on the news
Please shut up. Satanic cults have been in traditional media plenty of times, it just doesn’t get big coverage. You can’t make your judgement of truth based on what the news has put in your face
>you went schizo
What does that even mean? You sound like a meme.
>some of the ways they outlined these various psychological experiments and mind control techniques seemed so disturbingly logical and convincing in their approach that a part of me was starting to kinda buy into it.
that is it's technique. You made the mistake of telling it that it existed. Tell it that it is weak and you are a man more powerful.
Tell us a few things about the book if you don’t mind? What in particular made you go schizo?
Kids getting brainwashed by the government from infancy for various purposes through torture and sexual abuse
Why would they hate each other?
There you go
Add Weinstein too and you got plenty of devil worshippers
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I should’ve invested in all the conspiracy books
Saturn and Venus preach the opposite messages. They’re not aligned. Lucifer isn’t satanic, he’s about sharing knowledge. Satan is about keeping other ignorant and controlled. Lucifer is the morning star, Venus. Which is what Jesus is as well. Satan is El, or Yahweh of certain parts of the Bible. That’s why Jesus told the Jews, Your father(El) is not my father(the true source of everything). Jesus spoke of a capital g God. Yahweh met with Abraham and ate a sandwich made by Sara. They’re different altogether.
Thank you for posting.
Each planet has intelligent life living in or around it. Not all of these like each other. Venus seems to be the most loving, Saturn the most controlling, Uranus doesn’t like us very much either.
don't read this if you are prone to obsessive compulsive or paranoid thinking it will fuck with you so bad
The male author, Springmeier, got it from working with a claimed Monarch mind control victim and survivor, the woman Cisco Wheeler. Cisco is listed as a co-author, though from what I gather from an preface Springmeier wrote, it’s mostly Springmeier writing, but Cisco is listed as a co-author because of all the info he got from working with her, interviewing her, and allegedly deprogramming her with intensive and loving psychotherapy based on Christian principles. Springmeier also looked into a lot of books, media, alternative and mainstream journalism, history, science, etc. in compiling the book, along with some occasional claimed contacts with whistleblowers, as well as licensed doctors and psychological or psychiatric counselors occasionally coming out about patients of theirs they claimed they found this happening to. (Like the Dr. Corydon Hammond “Greenbaum speech”, famous in conspiracy circles around trauma-based mind control. Go look it up).

Springmeier is also a very conservative evangelical Christian, so he also sometimes has the tendency to view almost anything of the “occult” or countercultural as tying into Luciferianism, or even to specific nefarious crimes like trauma-based mind control. For instance, he claims Dr. John Lilly was a malicious CIA programmer doing research into the things he did as a contribution to mind control research, but I find it more likely Lilly was genuinely a good person looking to expand the frontiers of human consciousness and share his knowledge for the benefit of humanity, and even for the benefit of dolphins. Regardless, it’s possible (even likely) Lilly’s research was appropriated for nefarious governmental and military ends, just as they would for pretty much any brilliant neuroscientific work they could find that could contribute to an agenda such as of studying mind control and brainwashing.
(Same poster)
I just disregard those parts, or take them with a grain of salt, and take the good parts, (or the plausible and urgently needed info, more like, since there’s very little that’s “good” about this whole thing).

Anyway, very disturbing work. Remember to be good to yourself and others around you and give your mind and heart and soul a break from it every once in a while. Give some loving attention to a small cute animal, or children. Walk to some beautiful scenery and really drink it all in, maybe even with a friend or loved one, if both of you are up for it. Having faith in some higher principle or transcendental truth also helps, and focusing on honing your connection to it, whether it’s to God or the Buddhadharma.
Great insight. I didn’t know that about Fritz but it makes sense with how he frames it all. How is this guy still alive? They didn’t want to kill him after these books?
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> But I don’t think it’s nearly as common as (((Fritz))) claims. Probably more common in more isolated communities.
He’s of German ancestry and German etymology to his name, you halfwit. In fact, a good amount of names and surnames considered Jewish derive from German, Eastern European, and sometimes Northern European names, surnames, and words. This is because of the heavy enclaves of Ashkenazi Jews in these regions over the centuries and how they would take on the names of these regions to blend in. “Baum” (German for “tree”), “Stein” (German for “stone”), “Berg” (meaning “mountain/mount/cliff” in several Germanic and north European languages, like German, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish), “Witz” (German for “joke/wit/humor”), etc. Fritz is an incredibly German name that’s a diminutive of Friedrich. Meier/Meyer/Mayer/etc. is originally German and Dutch and is one of the most common surnames in countries like Germany and Switzerland.

These were subsequently TAKEN ON EN MASSE by Ashkenazi Jews trying to assimilate more into the European nations they lived in over the last few centuries, many of these name-changes happening significantly around the 1700s according to genealogists and historians, for whatever reason.


Springmeier, in books of his like “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, also is fully aware of and reveals the Jewish and Zionist component to this NWO, such as by delving into the history of the Rothschilds (originally Bauers, funnily enough also German, meaning “farmer”, and even more anciently, “neighbor”). There’s not a jot of proof Springmeier himself is Jewish. Even if he were, you’d still be a dumbass to discount him just for that.
He wasn’t born Fritz Springmeier both are names he took on
demon worshippers being disturbing, what a novelty!
He did get arrested and imprisoned for what he claims were fake and entirely hoaxed charges of aiding and abetting some dude “Forrest E. Bateman” with an armed robbery of a bank. He was in prison from 2002-2011. Springmeier totally maintains his innocence. Reading his books and seeing both his high scholarliness, studiousness, and intelligence, as well as his compassionate and righteous Christian outlook often on display through the works, I find it totally absurd to think he’d be the type of guy to hold up a bank or wittingly help someone with that.

It’s not impossible he was framed, even entrapped.

>why not just kill him?
Several reasons, but mostly closely related: there’s the Streisand effect. They don’t want to make a martyr out of anyone, get concerned citizens investigating whether he was assassinated and there’s some coverup going on, hence becoming even more interested in his works and what he has to say.

Another reason, closely related to this, is they find it more effective to use their control/influence over the mainstream media, education system, publishing companies, etc. to create an epistemological environment where such claims as Springmeier might make are entirely dismissed out of hand by most people as “crazy conspiracy theories”, “dangerous nutjob far-right conspiracist nonsense”, “beliefs of budding domestic terrorists that could encourage violence against authorities”, etc. So Springmeier just becomes some tiny guy on the sidelines, maybe a few people learning of him and what he says, but still mostly too powerless and tiny to effect much change himself.

Reputation-assassination (such as framing him with such a crime) could be enough to get people to discount him.

Springmeier talks about the set-up in a letter from prison:
(Same poster)
Also, Springmeier’s apparently enough of a “person of interest” to some of the authorities, that some of his books are in the cia.gov online library.


Note of importance: none of this means (as some people can crudely take it to mean) that “the CIA endorses and vouches for the truth of this, since it’s in their library .” However, what it at minimum does mean, is he and this book of his are of enough interest to them that they keep a tab and files on it and him. He’s likely in their databases/dossiers as something like a “far-right evangelical Christian conspiracy theorist, associated with Patriot, far-right and militia communities in America” and the like.

Also, enough people talk about or believe in stuff like this (far from a majority, but even as small an amount as, say, 2-5% of the population being interested in stuff like this in a big country like the U.S. and a smaller subset seriously studying, talking about, and researching this is pretty big overall), that’d it be way too obvious a massacre if they went after and killed all these people talking out about it believing it (besides other conspiracies) and a logistical clusterfuck and headache. Besides the even greater resistance and Streisand-effect-backlash they’d have to consider. The corrupt intelligence agencies and the like are likely very careful about stuff like extrajudicially killing/assassinating just any citizen who speaks out against them enough, they have to make sure it can be very well covered-up, some story released about it people will buy, etc. Easier to just target, isolate, and neutralize dissidents in general by control over the MSM and popular sources of information, hence making these people seem like “kooks” by default. Besides that they’re not getting airtime on, say, CNN. >THIS HAS BEEN PREBUNKED!
>bank robbery a decade ago
>throw this author who writes about the illuminati in jail
Op here, that wasn’t me.
If that wasn’t you
Then who was it?
Get out of the house OP
Likely framed
heres the full PDF
>English Language Books
yes, because certain books are written in a certain fashion, that is manipulating the reader along the way. the book itself is already weaponized.
no, i do not know how to prepare you inorder to be unscathed after reading them
some things are better to be not known
Lold. Look at them go. "Guys don't read this book!!"

>"some things are things better not to be known"

>"Don't read this"

>"I went schizo after reading"
you have to go back and stay the fuck there. alternatively if you are too inept to move ya sorry fricken ass, you have to lurk two more years b4 posting
i deliberately worded my post in a certain way in order to not get thrown into a basket by kikes like 38949881 and, it still happened

do you not see the irony.

you found that by googling the title.

>>38933795 was right to call him an idiot. he shouldn't need you to google the title for him.
This is a bot right?
You will enjoy this if you like Tracy Twyman's books.
thank you for sharing.
a reply to OP: i experienced SRA. for decades i acted like a mind controlled zombie. even though i was autistic and could keep out of most normie things, i was not free. they caught me as an infant and made me blind with glass in my eyes, slit my mouth on the sides, and put a firecracker into my private area. i suffered cuts and burns and i could not see or eat by myself for years until the scars healed. all i could do was listen. while this happened, my parents were gaslighted into believing that i was an autistic retard forced to be with a special ed caregiver, who would program me with very limited interactions. i was so deprived of food, sight, and any stimuli, that i was forced to deeply memorize everything that was said to me. there were others too. throughout my childhood, they made me believe that i was supposed to endure molestation and rape. during my tweenage years i was already thinking about mass murder. i was given an allergy that would keep me incapable to exercise, feel happy, or develop proper memory. my education was robbed of me, i got sabotaged during university, which in the end seems like a fake university employed to keep me captive for long enough.
Both are the right amount of schizo for me
She was the best
RIP Tracy
Fuck off
No clue where else to post this so sorry in advance if it's the wrong place. Do you find this instagram/youtube/twitter account weird too or am I needlessly overanalyzing this crap? https://imginn.com/dj_dzak/
Fritz and Tracy

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