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Welcome to Divination General!

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I would like to ask an air query. I feel that being with a clingy oni spirit may not be the best wording and choice. I asked the godess Benzaiten if she would be willing to help me summon the clingy oni and she refused out of love. I would like to ask if i improve from my situation, would Benzaiten be willing to reconsider and help me summon a soft and attentive oni girl spirit in the future? I feel an attentive oni girl could spend alot of time with me but she wouldn't hurt me.
Am I a good person?
same Q as yours
Will V be summoned to work at C?

Your q?
should I just cut my losses with sagittarius and keep them as a friend? starting
>Emperor, Hierophant, Queen of Swords rx
mostly you do what's right, but you also have a vindictive and cruel streak, you judge others too harshly when they don't fit into your views
love, ace cups,empress
yes anon you are, you have compassion for others or yourself and you give opportunities to people, not being too rough or strict with others, you tend to embrace them
thanks, I became aware of that recently. working on it atm
Will things ever get better for me love wise or should I just accept dying alone

October is here, last quarter of the year has come, would love to know if I could get a glimpse of what kinds of financial/professional growth I may encounter this last round, as this been the year I most focused on that
What's the meaning of the dreams I've been having lately that take place in a cyberpunk city/space station
>10 of wands rx, the fool rx, the magician, page of cups

Yes, if you take your decision seriously and without hesitation.

There will be plenty of opportunities for change in that relationship so depending of what you do or say, things can be a bit weird/embarrassing or lead to complicated situations. Just make a decision and stick to it.
thanks, good luck
Can I haz a general love read please??
I will pray for you in exchange
success, art, cruelty, swiftness
yes there is a call that will take place and they will be called in to work, two world will merge. however they wont like it
>2 of wands, King of wands rx, 3 of pentacles rx
you have two choices, accept your lot and stay alone or take chances and improve your life
it won't be easy
>4 of Swords, 6 of Wands, 10 of Cups rx
very good, time to reap rewards and rest, but a price will be paid on the home/social/love side of your life
I think accepting being alone would be best. Thanks
What is happening in the background in regards to me, what are people saying?
Thanks a lot for the reading, best vibes for you!
>Lovers, Ace of Swords Rev, X of Disks, Princess of Cups Rev
First you need to sort out the sentimental chaos in your head and heart, as well as mature a little, as you seem to be a very sentimentally immature person when it comes to dealing with other people.
You seem to have a very good and comfortable love future, you just need to take better care of yourself.
>I think accepting being alone would be best.
sad to hear bro
hello, wanna trade?
People really aren't worth the effort
will i ever be cured of my loneliness?
just get a dog
Q? Give me a love general for October.
well, then give me a love general for the rest of 2024
starting yours
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How strong are my astral abilities at the moment? In particular, astral projecting, manifesting, talking to spirits on a higher plane? And what can I do to improve them?

A reading for each of the three would be nice, but a reading just for one of them, like talking to spirits, is very much appreciated too.
I hate this advice. If you're a miserable person, projecting that misery onto another animal that is at your mercy is cruel. Pets

What will the outcome be between me and Nate?
you can't believe other people are worth the effort if you think you yourself don't
improve your life for your sake, try to be happy, other people come after
you're projecting and you suggesting that says more about yourself than the advice, you sound like a hate filled person
>Ace of Swords, 5 of Pentacles rx, Page of Pentacles, clarified by Death
it's good omens, but I'm getting mixed signals
since you ask love general I'll go by the assumption you are single:
you'll meet someone new, someome who you'll conect with that previously never thought they would interest you

but personally, the cards are telling me you are on a relationship that's gonna take a big turn for the positive, if you're both willing
unfortunately, i can't hold a conversation with a dog. thanks for the advice though i guess

Her feelings about me worshiping and giving offerings to V?
>Star, Princess of Cups, Hiero Rev, II of Disks
You will meet someone. You'll get involved very quickly and experience something very intense together. But it also seems to me that your vision on love and relationships will be very different, which I think will generate a lot of conflict.
no. A friend of mine has adopted two pets because depressed/lonely people got dogs and then when they realized it didn't fix their depression, basically unloaded it onto my friend and hes unintentionally become an animal shelter. He's got three German Shepherds and while the dogs are fine, I can't help but be annnoyed by the selfishness of people who get pets to fix their problems.

Misery loves company
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eyo nate is long gone son, let that brotha sleep. he aint your baby daddy no mo, ya gots to git yo munny othawise fool
>>38937059 #
Thank you THNTZ! I will take your advice.

I think I know who you might be referring to, but I am not truly sure, it could be wishful thinking on my part.

Could you please tell me more about my future girlfriend, things like her hair color, something to help me identify her?
Noooooooo :(
Something very saddening happened :(
What comes next in love for me?
no more poompoom, after recovery you be nuttin in muffins again
Tysm for your reading!

I'm sorry, but I couldn't identify anything when I was reading. Unfortunately I'm terrible with physical descriptions.

Every time someone posts a picture of a cat I think it's Kochka >:(
At least be accurate if you’re gonna troll :/
No U
No, problem, thank you very much for taking the time to help.

I just wish it doesn't take years to be with that girl
Do I have leadership potential?
Next gf
will the faggot i had as a friend (J) reach to me again or it's finally over since i blocked him everywhere? and what's the issue he has with me??
The message here is that you're not ready. the only clingy person in it is you. Benzaiten is all about love being a messed up thing, seriously look into it if you don't believe me. You fear being hurt and pain, but love is a torturous twisting of the soul and its not worth the effort without the drama and questioning. It sounds cliche but you're being limited because you're asking for what you think you want and not actually what you need. you want an easy fix and an effortless love. Passion and feelings of fulfillment are an act of conquest and effort. learn to struggle and strive and love will find you, its a sacrificial effort. your heart is in the right place but your mindset isnt. you seek to consort with demons but have a meekness that would have you eaten alive. learn to survive and embrace a brutalistic approach to love and life and you'll be surprised at the results. hope it helps anon, rarely see anyone reference Benzaitian, she's been a great help to me in my personal life so feel like I owe her the favor in helping you out here more than anything. Don't ask for a summon, prove yourself worthy and make it so. either toughen the fuck up or change your goals.
How do I get over my illness ASAP?

Does M ever miss me?
May waters of summer caress you once more and snow rather than stranding you, build for you a private place to comfort yourself in
May fall bring in the fruit of what you been working on
Thanks anonii
Could you give me an advice on how? I've been working on it, I thought I had made more progress
Your life is increasingly controlled by technology, the dreams are a signal that you and your dreams arent all that different. you seek a type of freedom but in reality are a rodent in a wheel running and passionate about nothing significant. It's not a bad thing, its in line with your directives and joys in life but the effort is wasted. Its a message to change the aims of your efforts and passions rather than the energy and effort that goes into them. focus your mind and selectively point yourseof towards goals woth laser focus and you'll be surprised where it takes you. You're already in cyberpunk hell, just not the blade runner aesthetic asian noodles and robot babes one, focus your mind and efforts and you'l be pleasantly surprised hoe "sci-fi protagonist" thing could really be. just a word of caution that those sci-fi heros are aften more than not tragic to prove a point about the nature of humans and tech. best of luck anon.
your background people are a vegetable garden, in theory healthy and supportive and an ideal for a good life. truth is theyre not really enough for you. aure you can survive off brocoli and cabbage but it doesnt fulfill you, after a while its bland and tasteless. i dont want to call them fake since they really do want and expect the best for you, but its only in the capacity they can. you've outgrown this phase of your life but are stuck in the applause and encouragement that in reality is hollow and below any real motivational factor. seek more objective critique and realize although well intended the background you have is self mastubatory art best, biting and cynical to male themselves feel better at worst. it doesnt help you grow despite the positive nature of it.
eyy thank you! ~ could I ask you a second query? what does my audience think of me lately? I've been off my marbles these past few days and my heads been jumbled up, couldn't make heads from tails. Most likely my audience noticed something was up.
I am another reader who told them pretty much the same thing, I felt called to give them that message and as if Benzaiten had that message for them. I also think the trip numbers with that same message being 111 is quite a message too, I would advise the querent to look into the meaning behind those numbers too a message is in store I feel.
Its a humble pity. Not that they think lesser of you, but more that they know youre off and in need of understanding. In my humble opinion it doesnt do anything to fix things, all it doea is lead to them ans you bith feigning ignorance as to the underlying issues and letting em blow over until later. see the first read, they feed you but never really sate that hunger. they know you know, but there really isnt much substance. (meat and potatoes) behind their efforts. its not malicious, per se, but it takea effort to get help and to be better, and most people arent equiped to do so themsepves let along pull others uo out of the dregs. Don't give up and seek answers within, learn to grow your own food instead of relying in the garden of others is that means anything to you. Everything has a purpose and reason, you are still alive and in it to win it, why? What is it you want? be cynical, be selfish, dont let others tell you shit is impossible or wrong, pursue something you'd truly be happy to call your own effort and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Say a color that makes you think of them
if you gotta ask...

leading is more about following thab your realize. we think of a leader as charismatic and bold. but inreality you have to embrace a type of humility and understanding of what it means to really have to follow orders to ve truly effective. Become a leader to yourself first. Give yourself demands every day, some reasonable some unreasonable and aee how younhabdle ubder pressure. itl will build your skills from both aides of the equation. Stay humble and never forget where you came from. In roman times some absolute fucking clown used to ait next to the emperor of the known world and whisper "remember you're mortal" be both the clown and the emperor in all you do and you'll be fine.
thank you man, your word ring true. I needed to hear this. have a blessed night anon
appreciate the feedback. Even as a reader i have my doubts sometimes. I just tell it as i see it, so sometimes helps to hear someone else had a similar take on it. Good luck to you anon. Didnt know about the 111 but gonna look into it myself. Best of luck to you in your life and thanks for reaching out tonight. Helped me more than that querant for sure, even if it doesn't seem like it. 辯才天祝你好运
Three of cups, the fool reversed, ten of wands reversed
They remember you fondly and likely do think of you, they probably remember a recklessly or messy way of getting along and blame themselfs for something, maybe something you feel
Can I get her back?
Three of wands reversed
Not the way you are as of now, perhaps if you change things a bit
Your illness is threefold. Heart, mind and soul. while that sounds like frufru hippy bullshit let me explain and you can overcome it. The heart part is the physical. You are sick it is undeniably so, the physiological effects are undeniable but luckily all you can do is trust nature to do its part, you have an immune system dont you anon? let em cook. The mind is your perception of the illness, its amazing but your attitude has a profound effect on your healing factor. believe youre on the road to recovery and you will be. trick yourself if you must. but positive mindeats lead to positive health outcomes. lastly the soul. Bite the gristle of life. look at death and the grim nature of it all. would you rather die? are you ready to give in and up? if you're here asking about getting better i doubt it. Aknowledge the dark of life its okay, but there is more light for you still. beauty needs both misery and sucess, enjoy the contrasts but dont sell either short
Trading or AQ
Have my HS friends heard about me recently, what do they think about me if they did hear?
When will I find a woman I can truly love?
an occultist wipes off a summoning sigil and feels the devils are gone. Overcoming the higher forms of it but leaving open the mundane. Dude didnt lock his front door which is wide open. Pragmatism is the idea here. in the words of a famous 4chan shitpost "close the screen nigga, how is cyberbullying even real?" the idea is if youbdecide you want them out of your life you can just move on. ita over when you decide it is. What a dumb question. make it so and atop asking randos online how to drop people you dont need in your life. Just dont give em your time and attention m8.
Re bumping this one
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>Will I get my girlfriend pregnant between now and January of 2025?
What is the best way forward in achieving my rather lofty career goals? are they even realistic?

>AQ (Air query)
I had a pretty vivid dream last night which is unusual for me these days. I was following a pretty famous person around as they lead me to different places around a city. Should I pursue this path and follow in their footsteps?
You find the love of your life. sad fact is she doesnt love you back. You get over it. If you can feel that deep of a love once, when you recover you may be able to again. its a pick yourself up time and time again type of situation. is it better to habe loved and lost or not at all? ask again in a few years. Do yourself a favor and believe im full of shit and that the twiated realtionship will magically work out. ita better for you in the long run. I'm just a random reader online i don't know shit. :^) (long term youre gonna make it anon, don't sweat it amd get over that oneitus)
have my old HS friend heard about me recently, what do they think if so? starting
(4x appearing twice in the captcha for some reason)
I will trade. Please read this one for me.

Did she think I would talk to her more by now?
will my next boyfriend /or serious romantic partner, enjoy listening to old school heavy metal?
The stories they have heard seem incredculous and embelleshed. They've heard of you but are largely dismissive and see it all as boastful embellishment or dramatic storytelling. its entertaining but nothing more. hungry for the drama, but not dedicated to action. The spectacle outweights the truth, they werent interested in facts anyway were they?
you there?
yes i think i asked because i like the attention and if he tries to contact me again despite me blocking him, then it will boost my ego.
90s punk rock is more their jam, but they do have an appreciation for the old metal bands.
peace, princess sword, defeat, indolence
a woman would be able to help you with this, or at least a person with good communication skills, dont feel defeated if youre not abe to meet your goals right away
thank you, which cards did you get?
7 of swords reversed, 8 of pentacles reversed, 8 of swords, 6 of wands reversed

that path is their own, it would lead you to no glory following it, they just had fun showing you, it is not your calling and not a path to follow, it wouldn't make sense for you to do so, not the right direction for you
It is my pleasure. I understand. I do think it helps a lot to get confirmation or another take on the idea, it helps a lot. I found it interesting that both me and the other reader felt called by your query and interested with the mention of Benzaiten, I feel that means something. Good luck to you too. One of the things that 111 represents is self confidence and spiritual growth, there are other messages and themes within this pattern. Best of luck to you too in your life and I felt the need to reach out again, it was my pleasure. Love is within you, we are all loved by the divine.
How does she perceive me?
yeah are you?
You are just gonna have to tough out some green day or radiohead sometimes, but they seem to be worth it.
here's your read >>38938576
>what cards
I read by intuition and visions. saw a storyteller by the fire weaving stories of the fantastic and incredulous. its fun to enjoy but at the end of the day half the fun is knowing theres a little make believe in there.
are things over with P?
Ok starting when you confirm
trading cringe query
do I achieve my dream of becoming a lone motorbike rider in the city next year ?
honestly im not surprised. gossip goes a long way. Iv overheard complete strangers talking about me in public
you want to trade magic man? I use the same method funny enough
>buy bike
>ride it
>achieve dream
Whats the problem bro?
Good luck devil biker WAGMI
Air query
My hair loss, going to be cured or not? What to do about it?
Starting now
rogaine or plugs. expect it to fall off again in several years despite you doing all that
Send it, if you post a pic that means something to you i tend to get a lot more accurate. What's your query m8?
A hair transplant?
Will R (male) meet me, or am I being decieved?
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sure, my query is just what is the most significant thing happening to me next month? here's a picture
>jesus christ
>but didn't he say
yeah yeah I know
What's your query mate ?
Hey bruv it's not looking too good. She sees you as immature and not able to provide for her in the way she wants. She's looking elsewhere.
>Lovers (Reversed)
>Three of Hearts
>9 of Cups (Reversed)
I’d say so from the cards. But if things were meant to be they would be wouldn’t they?
hair transplant is useless if you don't mitigate the effects of DHT.
as a fan of old metal i couldnt help but try to find a way to get your futute boy toy into good music. If you start with the classics you'll suceed, he's gonna be a fan of classic sabbath/Dio, iron maiden, judas priest, and priestess. use them as your overlap and before you know it you'll be enjoying his weird hipster ska bullshit and he'll be throwing up some rock and roll horns, its a give and take street. you'te song is "don't talk to strangers by DIO" its an oldie but dont doubt its ability to bring you two together. rock on metal never dies
he I fucked on this one mate, thanks
entirely all my fault honestly
so it goes it wasn't meant to be as you said
May I ask what cards you got?
I mean maybe you can try to make things right? Depends on what happened I guess.
page of cups rx ten of swords king of wands rx
nah its over mate i gotta accept that
How do I get retards to stop retards from soliciting pedestrian advice to shit that isn't their business?
>biker punk worried about money.
>missing the point.
manifest that shit m8.
At this point i want you to get your bike. get one with sick flames on it and some black leather saddlebags for me, capiche? now that you have a mental picture thats thats half the battle. W A G M I biker bro.

starting yours, my query is what role is it that W ulitmately plays in my life?


u think he'll like it? ;____:
AQ or Trade
How will things play out between G and I
how about you stop being a retard and mind your own business and stop trying to be a tard wrangler?
a man sits at a stone wall, a blockade but more of a heiroglyphic wall of knowledge. a sense of being stopped dead in your tracks but also a reflective moment for those with eyes to see to gain a sense of knowledge and things yet to come. a halt and ponder moment but if you cultivated a skillset and mindest its more of a tutorial or help than a roadblock. a moment of reflection and change but its an absolute knowlege check. a feeling of having your resolution and knowledge checked. encouraging if you put in the work, demoralizing and seemingly impoassible if you've been slacking up to this point. Its a test but it seems timatwly like you're already ready for it if you take thw challenge with a ready mind and preparw for it ahead of time. small steps pay off in the long term. every small step is a step in the right direction
did i mention winter is about to start ? riding season is over and i got jackshit
manifest for me broski i lost my job
I wont ever be attractive to anyone without it
Intelligent Minoxidil look it up
I might know what this is thanks
is this occult? I don't do those at the moment
you need saw palmettopills, rosemary and peppermint oil in avocado oil and better shampoo. maybe wash hair less, comb regularly and take he shou wu/fo-ti root
>is this occult?
on the contrary its as mundane as it comes. W is is an ordinary human being cute girl and i want to know why the fuck she wants anything to do with me.

I'm not gonna manifest you a bike bro. but i will tell you if you buy the helmet and pick a cool biker song for you to imagine riding in the country to with the wind in ykur hair and bugs in your teeth itll happen. may i suggest judas priest painkiller? album even has a sick bike on it. imagine yourself as the rider, evil's going under deadly wheels. in 6 months you'll be jamming to that song wonderi g why you even bothered to ask a taiwanese moe anime board for adivice. besr of luck biker bro
I see, my mistake. Starting yours.
hehe i'm a city boy actually, catch you at night if you ever come visit. that's also why everything is so damn expensive
I see a flower blossoming, the beginning of something new. I see two people holding hands, funny enough they seem to be teenagers but they're skipping together through a meadow. This may be the beginning of a very promising friendship or relationship but stop fighting it and have some confidence in yourself. Why wouldn't she want you?
thats the point, open road freedom, it's an escape from city living. Chromium plated boiling metal, brighter than a thousand suns. Get out if the city and take a bike trip to the nearest beach. i dont care how far it is. I want that image burned in your mind. you listening to boomer metal with your sick bike parked at the beach, ocean and bikini babes. it seems unrealnbut one day it'll happen if you escape the prison of your mind. open road open mind m8, rock and roll, live to ride ride to live.

Go to that convention thing tomorrow?
oh that's easy, the beach ain't too far. but that's a trip for next summer. and i'm looking at vintage hondas old boy, you ever watch girl with the dragon tattoo? that style of bike, cheapest one out there and best potential. i'll be keeping div updated and i'll be asking parts queries where google fails me
div will build a motorcycle, witness
deep. Thanks m8. appreciate the read. weird follow up question, but could you describe the color/shape of flower you saw? its oddly relevant here, and i feeo like youre on to something. I'd be willing to trade another read for just that alone if you really need it. if not no worries.

>vintage honda
you're gonna be fine. pure taste, pure mind, pure success. good luk biker bro. Hope you get a gal for your bitch sest but she isnt actually a bitch. Girls love a motorcycle
Yes I'd trade again, what's your query ? Mine is if you can tell me about my next lover ?
the flowers were pink, like a light pink. Roses. Maybe that means something to you?
should I keep being friends with R? you?
starting yours now.

my question is am i suited for a successful military career if i chose it?
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I would appreciate advice for heartbreak. I stay mulling over the past mourning over what could have been. I just want to hear that it’s not over for me and I have a likely chance of finding someone. Can divination truly help someone rebound from this situation in?
thanks for the flower details, oddly relevant.

I see a mechanically inclined person. gears and moving parts. a planner, a doer and a very organized person. someone with an engineering mindset. a grand planner and even at worst a control freak, at best a kind and wise individual with a creative spark. a little unorthodox but oddly enough grounded. someone who feels out of touch at first but always make sense after the fact or in a pragmatic sense. Very theoretical but that theory has practical aplications. genius airhead if you trust the process and enjoy the organized chaos.
AQ, actually 2. Sorry

I am going to be undertaking a journey in a few months (about 8, maybe too far ahead to read for yet), and I am in the process of preparing for it. This journey is an equivilant to something like a pilgrimage to mecca for someone like me, a journey to a far off land that will require me to either grow as a person or die, and it will require me to leave behind most of my material possessions. It's something I'm scared to do and while those who know me seem supportive, my direct family seems to be (understandably) concerned. I myself am extremely scared to undertake this journey but I feel a deep pull from inside of me that says if I don't I will regret it for the rest of my life.

I am looking for a reading in regards to that. I have so many questions in regards to this trip, but the most prudent I think is how should I go about preparing for this trip.

If anyone willing to do this reading, I'd prefer if you gave me your interpretation first then listed the cards you pulled (or whatever method you use to divine)

I am also worried about my last reading as it was given by a witch who knew me perosnally and was both a potential romantic interest and rival in basically every field that I lay claim too and I worry she may have been extremely biased when doing it. If someone could do a one-card pull to help me determine weather her previous interpretation was accurate or if I should go back and interpret it myself, I'd greatly appreciate that.
I'm male I'm not sure if I told you...
that sounds like me almost
And how are the flowers relevant ? any detail you want to share is fine if not no worries
dude i'm not reading all that. just give me your queries and I'll do them if you can keep them to one sentence each.
ace of cups RX, 2 of swords, 2 of pentacles, 9 of cups RX 6 of pent knight of wands 4 of wands rx knight of cups rx king of pentacles hermit

you might be suited for it, but doesn't mean you'll get what you want out of it. if this is important to you I would ask another reader this question just to be sure. I've known many people fucked over joining the military so I might be biased. The moment I tried joining myself they were recovering murdered bodies at the military base I was supposed to be stationed at. Most of these cards are negative, I wouldn't do it, you're better than the military.
R has a lesson for you to learn but you arnet compatible, overall. wait and learn what it is you need. you'll both see what the other is eventually. Think of it like an animal show at the circus or zoo. the human and animal rely on one another for the show to work, but they'll never really be 100% in tune. even sigfried and roy had tiger problems you dig? be pals but know loyalty is an illusion.

whats my best path forward in fixing my difficult situation?
This girl W is actually named after an obscure flower that fits that description is all. So really resonated even if it may just a mere coincidence. youre spot on is all.

Vision was an overalls wearing nerdy cutie. figured you were a guy [nospoilers on x]or a lesbian who digs cute girls[still no spoilers on /x/] i assue you its the girl in the relationship i saw, the kindred half of sorts. shes a little blunt and a bit obtuse, but honestly has a good heart. Short brown hair and a very "homely but attractive" body type. ahe reminds me of the lead singer of the cranberries but a lot younger and more buxom/genki. if that means anything to you
I see, that's good feedback ;)
thank you!! she seem lovely, hopefully I meet her soon
divination cant really help, only you can. either move on or let it consume you the choice is yours. you have potential, but what you choose to do with it is all yours.

esoteric bs aside. grow from it. time is the best medicine a year from now you'll hopefully look back on all this and realize you dodged a bullet. Just work on your life and hope you get to that point. breakups are brutal but it gets better man.

Q1: How should I prepare for my great journey?

Q2: Was dat bitch twisting shit?
I need you to look into the story of the monkey king and his journey. I believe it's Chinese. Read it. As for the witch I'm not sure what entities she's playing with so I'd really rather not
thank you
I’m just thinking of all the hotties I fumbled or shit just didn’t work out they were so hot man it’s over I’m never gonna meet a hot girl into me again. Gym arc

Have I met my next partner yet?
Is he talking to other women on discord, whatsapp, or some online game. I just want to know if he cheating on me?
Every night I go to sleep I expect to be completelt better when I wake up and yet I awake coughing my lungs out.
Would you mind sharing what you pulled specifically?
AQ how do I quit weed? I have tried many times.
I didn't pull anything, I don't use cards.
>no feedback? fuck you
Damn, very emotional and angry response brother. You think maybe I need time to look into the journey to the west (what the monkey king is originally from) or that I got busy, or that I didn't think you were doing divination for people for personal validation?

That's fine, how did you come to that conclusion though? I'm just wondering what your starting point was that brought you to that.
Not a diviner, but I got an answer for you: Just stop smoking it. I know, crazy. But literally bro, it's not a chemical addiction, you cant become chemically dependent on weed, you just have a weak will. It literally is as easy as just stopping. Stop overcomplicating shit and fix your life if you know there's a problem.
No but if you have time to write an essay here you can respond, if I was doing a much simpler aq i just picked up I wouldn't care. Read it and get back to me, or at the very least read chapter summaries. Once you've done that, you'll see why I recommended it. Godspeed and remember to think of others besides yourself, you'll need friends or you won't make it. If you honestly think I'm doing this for personal validation that's kind of pathetic on your end. Take my advice or not, I don't give a shit. I come here for practice. Fuck your narcissism. I haven't scried here for an air query here in years for this reason exactly.

how my (V) sex life with M.A. gonna be? will it improve? we have some problems with it currently.
>No but if you have time to write an essay here you can respond

My response: I will look into the story of the monkey king.
Question for scryers. How do you know if you're scrying correctly? How do the images look? I've been practicing for a while and I can see phosphene type visuals that sometimes morph into images. The images seem kind of random, but I can at least see something now. Is this what I am supposed to see?
no but you're almost there
I feel as if I have some kind of ESP abilities, but I have no idea how to harness it or use it in any useful way, or even how/why it happens.

At the moment it mostly takes the form of covering my eyes not stopping me from seeing things. When covering my eyes, even with a blindfold to totally stop any light hitting the, I can still tell if a room is bright or dark, but not much ore than that.

When I am drifting into sleep and drifting out of sleep I seem to outright be capable of seeing through my eyelids, and perceiving my room. This happens as part of the abstract experience of falling asleep, and my eyes are already closed so it's not like I'm falling asleep with my eyes open, and when I do actually open my eyes it's a much clearer more visceral vision I have.

Is this a common occurrence with a clear path to follow? Is there anything I can do with this that I couldn't do by just opening my fucking eyes?

Will A come back?
Ok thanks. I'll keep practicing.

Why the fuck everyone think that i'm gay?

Do i'll bang some hot gorl soon?

Will I ever hear back from M?
What is one thing I can look forward to this month?
Aq. If I summon the spirit described in my letter in the future, what will happen?
AQ will the morrigan leave me the fuck alone or am I fucked

Pic related
Why am I still dreaming of her, after all these years?
How’s she feeling about our relationship?

wtf have you done lmao
Not the person you're trading with but your query reminded me of my girlfriend, I'll offer you a scry and a read

I see a short woman who is looking at a tall man lovingly she smiles as she draws a wedding ring and two people getting married in a cartoon like matter she is humming a tune happily, the tall man turns around and she hides these things before he does and smiles innocently as he takes her hand.

The moon | Ace of cups | 3 of pentacles | 10 of cups

She is worried about the future is true but she feels like it's worth everything whatever worries she feels they are worth it try to clear any doubt she may have about you two, she might also be looking to make the relationship more serious down the line she wants a stable future with you one where you build the typical nuclear family with the kids the pets and the white picket fence. Lucky bastard she loves you
Hey anon, can I ask you for a reading?
I have a query I would like to ask to if it's not to bothersome.
NTA but what a beautiful read anon. Honestly, it warmed my heart wtf.
I'll see what I can do but if it's too vague you'll get a vague answer

Thanks, need a reading?
Kind of cheesy, but I'd really like to know about the future of my love life. My love life has turned upside down in the last month.
Thank you. Oddly enough she is a short woman. I’m not that tall but I’m like a foot taller than she is.

Hope you’re right. I had a similar reading a bit ago that said she wanted to go the long haul but was worried about the future. Can I ask you why she’s worried?
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Thank you kindly. I dont want to bother people too much about it but I'm trying to find the best way to sommon a soft and attentive oni girl spirit to be my lover in the future. I have a letter for her I plan to use in the ritual. I wanted to ask you if I use that letter in my future ritual, what would the oni girl that comes to me be like?
I see a young man looking at his breakfast, sunny side up eggs with a piece of ham and toast. He looks rather sad but as soon as he eats his meal he smiles softly and sees a girl staring at him and asking if she can sit next to him he smiles and nods and she orders food and both eat happily

10 of wands | death | 6 of cups | 3 of cups
Your luck will turn around once you are over your past pains you will be born again in regards to love you might meet some people don't reject their advances they might be good friends even if the romantic spark isn't there
I have certain impulses or desires that are markedly antisocial. Things like wanting to eat people.

What stops me is a genuine desire to help others, and I know that even if I found a way to fulfill that impulse without doing harm, this would have a huge negative impact on my psyche. My empathy and humanity were cultivated through great personal effort, I didn't think of people in good terms before.

What I wonder is, is that part of a problem in me? Did this have an origin that is mundane, or is this tied to something more occult?
That one was so sweet it made me smile. Thank you, I really needed to hear that, it did me a lot of good and resonated with what I've been feeling.

Tysm anon, you are a wonderful person and I wish you many blessings in your life.

tried to tell it to fuck off and ignore it after it made itself known and i played into the idea of listening to her

now it says it demands my blood as penance and is very persistent
Are you still reading, anon?
yes, will do 10 more
I am this anon.
Just wanted to say I appreciate the reading and it means a lot.

If you could draw any insight toward what she’s worried about exactly that would be so sweet and much appreciated.
Page of swords
Go with an open mind, be curious.
Could I please get a reading?
Someone I know asked me to ask a query for them. They want to start a successful creative career and achieve financial success doing so without using copyright but other methods. Could I get a read for it?
I appreciate any insight and help if you are willing to.
Ace of swords rx and 5 of pentacles.
Your friend is indulging in a fantasy out of a feeling of lack.
Time to be down to earth and to think about where to go from here with a clear mind.
I want to apologize in case this was a bit too much >>38940785 , no hard feelings on being skipped
I'm sorry if my oni question upset you anon. It was just very important to me
You should calm down and realize indulging people isn't always in their best interest.
Nta btw.
I really appreciate the read I am a reader myself and have already done 2 readings for this querent they requested I get a second opinion from another reader.
Both of the reads came negative that it was a horrible idea. I did two reads to paint a picture.
First one's results were:
4 of Cups
The Fool
The Devil
Second read results were:
8 of Pentacles Rx
Wheel of Fortune
3 of Swords
Your read confirms this and the same sentiment. I really appreciate all the help may you have many blessings!
I'm just trying to be polite. I never asked about my letter before and I had alot of emotions in it. I was wondering how it would go
anyone trading?
Rx 5 of cups, rx 9 of swords.
This is a difficult thing to explain so feel free to just converse freely with me.
There's a resistance in you related to loss and disappointment and that you're thinking about things that don't serve you and it's standing in the way of things getting better for you.
You are not me anon

With the moon there she is just having mindless doubts possibly you cheating or you talking to other women is what concerns her which is a typical women fear, id suggest you keep as clear as you can and don't create scenarios that could land you in hot water


Anon I suggest you get help and find god or some higher power. I'll do cards for this

5 of swords | 5 of wands | tower | 9 of swords | hanged man

The struggle within is real for you seems like it isn't occult but rather something within your development became distorted could be chemically or by a trauma of the past if this was occult there would be cards like the magician or the devil, but yours is rather mundane. I suggest you meditate and take a deep dive in what is the source of these thoughts

Doing yours next
Let me ask you a question, you could google search you query but you came to a place where any message could be delivered, why do you think that is?
I'm the OP

Can you tell me what's my next job or source of income?
Haha, impostor. Since both answered, both get feedback. Thank you.

I don't have a particularly traumatic past. My life and upbringing were perfectly average. Which is why I think the issue is just within. I want therapy, but walking the fine line between getting actual help and being locked in a padded cell seems daunting. It's a risk that can't be calculated and I don't trust to receive actual help.

As far as I can recall, I used to think of people as things to bend to my will or squash in whatever way I could if they disobeyed.
At some point, something changed. My conscience became louder and it was painful. Some sort of realisation, or awareness, a shift. I've been living with the intense feeling of having to atone for something horrible ever since, without even knowing what, all while setting these thoughts aside when they punctually arise.

Right now, I'm trying to have a goal-oriented approach since that is the only way to stay on the right track. Meditation is a part of it.
You're not unique, a lot of people have that kind of bent.
Maybe you're taking it too hard that intervention reached you, it doesn't mean you should take on all the burden yourself but maybe reach out to the ones best equipped to shoulder it with you.
Make yourself happy, indulge in ways that are consensual or unharmful.
Never violate to get what you want, that's all.
I know it's something others feel, but it's vexing. It cannot be spoken about, and I don't trust it not to leave a stain if I ever do, even in professional settings. That's the thing. No intervention whatsoever has happened as of yet.

Part of me HAD wished the thing could have been occult in nature. Much easier to get rid of the issue. The next best thing is simply keeping this mental leash on a tight grip until the day I die.
Can I ask what the outcome will be between me and Nate?
Are you a materialist?
It got louder, something spoke within you, things changed.
You don't have to be tossed or locked away, some people are looking for people like you.
You're part of the totality, you are my brother, you have a self condemning feeling.
Something that holds you back and it's good but it doesn't have to be so absolute.
Do you understand what i'm saying?
Find your place and happiness but keep the worst impulses in check as they know you can.
What is going to happen the rest of this year for me?
Will the novel I have lying around half-done sell if I finish it?
There must has been an imbalance in your brain if things changed suddenly. I'm no doctor but what you described could be possible psychopath tendencies, try to look exactly where the shift happened. Also if there was any head traumas that could have triggered the change

Okay oni anon here's what I have for you

I see a blue orb dancing and shining it turns in to a beautiful woman, she is very voluptuous but petite, she is timid and very sweet looks at a man with happiness and hugs him, seems like he is her world. She covers him in kisses and seems like she wants to cook him a meal but isn't able to for some reason which makes her sad

Page of cups | 6 of cups | queen of cups | 9 of cups

Oni is going to be gentle and friendly. Might be a bit of a pushover but she is willing to follow whatever you ask of her. Gentle and calm demeanor. Might not be sociable but she is going to try to make herself useful for you, a very loving and giving spirit. Might be sensitive
You need to practice restraint and not feel the need to always add personal judgement.
Rx lovers for you.
Think about that before you try to define someone's personal fantasy for them.
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She sounds adorable. Thank you dearly. As long as I keep improving from my situation, I should be able to summon her. Thank you dearly
Someone is asking and I am only replying anon. I'm no God to judge the masses. I am in fact no one, have a blessed day and may god shine light upon you

Can you please tell me how will the rest of the year go for me?
I understand what you're saying, it's just had to take in.

No physical traumas, cannot exclude chemical since I never got tested or checked. I was consistently like that my whole childhood and then something in me realised that was like, actually fucked up.
What should be my next step in love? I'm single and I crave a relationship, but I'm torn between trying again with my ex-gf DG or shootin my shot with my friend G.
Do i have a chance of being more than friends with V?
If you can afford the test, should check for any possible tumors. The brain is full of chemicals and nerves and the slightest anomaly could affect its function. But you could also do a cleanse to discard any possible occult matter. But it might be mundane from the looks of it occult matters would manifest in you and around you as well. I still stand by my reading but you could get a second opinion. Blessings anon
Hubris and false humility in one post. Kino.
Ignore it if you will, i have no personal quarrel but your personal judgement needs refinement as has been clarified, you were wrong and your connection weak.
If you dont mind me asking you anon. In your reading, when you said she might not be sociable. Do you mean she wont speak much or she would stay with me alot? When you say pushover, do you mean she might overdo herself. I dont want her to hurt herself.
I have no idea what you are speaking of, how was I wrong anon? Care to clarify? Entertain me

She is a gentle spirit, treat her with care is all. She is going to be the type to be very attached to you.
Sorry, re directing just in case
You're so cocksure when you understand so little, so much pride and then you think everyone needs your opinion.
You sound like a poser materialist with no insight into the higher mysteries with no understand of why things are the way they are for some people.
You really just don't know when to shut up.
There were no traumas or likely imbalances since it's a constant since childhood.
Sorry I am no longer doing readings ask >>38941270 this anon since he seems to have all the answers. I now understand why readers flee this place
She sounds wonderful. Thank you. If I focus on your reading for the next few months and before I do the ritual, do you think it will help attract her?
Mr sensitive can't handle a simple "maybe i should think before i speak"
You don't seem like a very nice person. Anon. You keep pretending to be other readers and then get angry at people asking questions
I'm not pretending to be anyone, i've clarified to anyone that matters.
You're hinging upon this i'm just replying thing but some things are just out of your league.
I'm very nice personally but you needed what you needed.
Keep telling yourself i'm just a random asshole and go about doing things wrong though if you want.
Oh god shut the fuck up not that reader the dude was being chill and being kind to others I bet you're that fucker that keeps asking about fucking their face up
If you were so nice you would offer readings instead of shitting on other people's readings
I will eventually. Thanks for your time, anon.

He meant well, I'm sure.
Sometimes kind lies or misleading sweet nothings isn't what is desired.
Sorry i'm pissing you off but literally just ignore it, it has nothing to do with you.
I did, you're just saying nonsense now.
This fucker shows up from time to time thinking he's better than everyone else. Just ignore him and he'll go away, I don't understand why he keeps coming here, for him all the readers are terrible apart from him, he keeps talking about modesty, but he's the one with the ego stuck up his own ass. lol
I did, blessings anon may god help you find the aid you need.
Can anyone do a reading for me please?
I am awaiting results of something very important for my life how will turn out anon?
I have a song playlist as a payment
Thanks desu :')
Are my female coworkers into me as much as I think they are? If so why?
No you're a retard who always comes here and shits the thread, you ask for readings and get pissed when readers don't bend to your will. It's fuckers like you that scares the readers away, you're not even from here why don't you go back to your incel board. Keep bitching about cutting your face up why don't you do it already
I see, it seems every general has someone like that. I'm just glad I was able to ask about my letter, I'm very excited and just dont want to mess it up. I assume as long as I dont change it and focus on her through his reading, I should be doing good.
Addicts and circlejerkers who think i'm someone else because i'm telling someone with a slight connection something from higher up.
Understand you have good intentions but it's none of your business, please understand that people don't always evolve from kind words.
Whatever retard no one gives a shit, you keep pretending you're this grandiose person when in reality you're just a piece of shit who likes to struck your own cock with your mouth. Offer readings to other people instead of acting like a morally good person, I see behind that mask and you're as fucked as everyone here is.
I have two

1) am I over thinking the fact that she didn’t say she loved me back over text?
2) should I give her space and not call / text her the next two days
Just ignore them. I'm not even sure what he's talking about
What's really bothering you?
It's not me. Happy to talk about it with you if you're in need.
Trying to fool who anon? Once every three days you come here and pick a fight with some reader, always belittling others and acting like you're some kind of authority.
There are more civilized and polite ways of saying these things and especially if you are so enlightened you should know that it is not good manners to meddle in readings that you are not called upon to give an opinion on.
Learn to communicate, there's no point in developing your divinication if you're a piece of shit who thinks you're better than everyone else.
Looks like a lot of judgement to me, what did i say about that and your opinion?
I'm not whatever boogeyman you guys hate in here.
This is that 'odds' or martin spammer again isn't it ruining the peace
you niggers are acting like women
Take a bubble bath with a toaster you will find enlightenment there <3
real men don't believe in divination and thry certainly don't keep asking hurrdurr feels??? queries, so you are correct. Guys here are basically women.
Okay, deny yourself for the sake of what exactly?
Have fun feeling like you're tough or whatever.
You keep shitting on readers you did it with kochka, thnzt and I bet you're that asshole that harassed many readers away. If you're Martin or the fucker that keeps asking about cutting your face gtfo no one fucking likes you even Gman is less of a pest than you rats
Trading 7 day gen
AQ am i gonna die alone
Lol what the fuck are you even doing here then faggot?
We're lucky to still have some good readers who show up here like cyberpunk anon, tony, kochka, thntz, poshita and so on. But it's fucked up how we have to deal with some pieces of shit like this dude lol.
Mine is

Am I over thinking the fact that she didn’t say she loved me back via text??
Literally have 0 clue about any of your injerk nonsense that reads like a foreign language.
You guys just like to demonize to distract yourselves and it's a bad habit you should cut out and the thread would be healthier by a mile.
Shut the fuck up cut the act up no one is buying what you're selling.
>>38941417 I'm referring to the two readers literally having a woman argument with no depth or substance that leads nowhere. funny how you have a gay ass name and were so quick to jump to conclusions you dense negroid
Please stop paying attention to Martin, let him talk to himself and he'll disappear for a few days.
ill talk shit to any one of you yakubian protohonkeys suck my dick I've been up for 3 days
Bruh. What is that insult
>10 of wands (6 of swords)
>king of pentacles,
>fool rev, hierophant
>2 of swords rev
I belive not much atm. You might have a lot on your plate atm. Maybe your mind is preoccupied, you have too many responsibilities or things are just hard for you for now. Maybe there's a lack of financial stability? Whatever this load you have to carry is, it'll prevent any new love developments until you lift if from your life and move on from it. Rn jumping into a new connection is I'll advised due to this.
someone who resides in-between the ebonoid and albinoid form thus being a troglodyte of the highest proportions
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okay lol
Where's my read?
Trading lewd adjacent

What insecurities does she have about our relationship? Like does she think I’m gonna cheat or some shit or does she have issues with me as a person?
Air query
Would I be better off if i did cut off my face? I am already unattractive anyways and no one is into me
The nine of swords

Is sleeping with N part of my path?
(in the context of should or shouldn't, not will it happen or not)

Will start your q if you agree to the trade
Why not? It's not as if I could be good looking
Starting also
Trading 7 day gen
Got tradecucked :(
Just a 7 day general read.
What's yours?
I'll post after you do ofc
Git gud
What does that mean?
I thought it would be good to cut off the face to never have to worry about being human again
King of swords
3 of wands

This isn’t a firm yes or no, more so that you need to use your own rationale and decision making. Simply ask yourself if sleeping with this person would affect your path in a negative way. If the answer is at all yes, don’t do it.
If it’s not that deep, go for it.
You need to make your own choices based upon your own judgement and consider how they may affect you in the long run
3 of Pentacles, Fool, 4 of Swords
10 of Swords, Star

She becomes very easily demotivated when you two have clashes of incompatibility. Instead of trying to work it out and find compromises she likely becomes avoidant and/or irresponsible, preferring to flee and heal on her own time. This shows a very airy and Uranian personality and trying to press on her and insist on doing the hard work as is will likely just make her more erratic. You should also consider if there are any other people around she might take a liking to, not saying she has something going on but under pressure it's not out of the question she might pivot to someone else.

If this doesn't describe her then it's likely she fears this sort of vibe from you and can't find a way to harmonize your conflicts.
Now that's just some edgelord speaking.
Cuz we don't wanna get tradecucked twice? What a dumbass take...
But I am right
There are some truly rancid vibes in this thread today. Yikes /div/

She is actually very adamant about open communicating and working through issues and always encourages talking about stuff. She never avoids difficult conversations or anything and she actively encourages them and expresses that she likes when we talk about stuff because it makes her feel closer and confident that we can work through issues as we progress in our relationship.
I don’t get the sense that she doesn’t want to work on clashes of incompatibility. She is actually really open about boundaries and stresses that if anything comes up that makes me uncomfortable we have to talk about it and so forth.

She is a flirty type however. Shes never given me any reason to believe she’d be unfaithful and is always open and honest. There have been some occasions where I felt a little weird but I also talk about this with friends who are married and in stable relationships and none of them seem to think I have any reason to worry.
No, you're just in your feels.
You can just scroll and see that it literally happened. Oh well, It's for the best I'm not trading with you
Just save up and get surgery if you're that bummed
Is r(m) a threat to my relationship?
Q? Mine
According to your religion, Allan disagrees with occult practices
why did she ghost me?
where did my mother put the money?
No surgery, the guy wants to disfigure himself because he's fucked in the head
I'm the cannibal anon so being judgemental isn't really my place to be lmao
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You don't wanna know
Git gud
Just eat pork or veal, that's what the cannibals say human meat most tastes like.
I already do. And honestly the two are VERY different compared to each other, so which is the most reliable comparison? Is it an in between, is it just about the balance of fat to flesh? Is it consistency? That is not really close.
They said that the diet of the human influences the taste. Like a human that eats a lot of dairy, more like veal.
but it's better to know even if it's fucking disgusting
I don't know if this information made things better or worse. UGHHHH. Thanks for sharing this bit of trivia though!
Trading occult
Mine is: outcome with this older woman? Will we have sex?
Page of Cups Ace of Pentacles 7 of Pentacles
Seems fairly positive overall, the outcome will be one dependent on your efforts and how much you’re willing to get this thing to work but you honestly seem to have it held down, the ball is your court just make a move and you’ll be fine
Me and my bf are homeless now and being separated. What’s next?
That's a vague query not worth reading. Give something more precise and I'll consider helping you out.
are you migrants or something? what do you mean by separated?
It's over, anon
That's why nobody likes you Martin, samefag and attacking a random querent.

Next gf? Lol
I kept trying to shuffle to pull on this and the deck keep exploding from my hands. I'll try again later in a few hours, after I've had time to cleanse and banish, if no kindly anon takes your query before then. Stay strong
this will NEVER be answered
I have to leave him behind temporarily you fucking retard of unbelievable proportions, so we can both get to a safer location and then regroup with more money. it has nothing to do with immigration. What satisfaction do you get from making fun of a less fortunate person? Tell me. What sorry worthless life are you living that making fun of someone going through a rough patch gives you an ego boost? Tell me.
Nah idc anymore I’ll solve this without this shitty board, thank you though. Keep your energy clean.

Is she pregnant ?
Best wishes to you, anon. Hopefully it will be a short parting.
You're a cunt and you reek of bad karma. You get what you fucking deserve.
Ignore the trolls, or even one troll samefaging as >>38942414 said
Today /div/ is full of them.
I hope things work out for you anon.
This world reeks of bad karma.
leave him behind? What is he a child/dog?
This is a prison world for evil souls and rebel angels so no surprise there.
Some shelters only house men/women, and acquaitances may not have a place for both, so having to separate is a possibility.
You sound like the type of person to bait someone into snapping then blame them for thinking youre an asshole. You have literally no value and society would benefit from your death, less food and water wasted. Jeff Bezos thrives on slave labor and does nothing but benefit, where’s your karma now?
Thank you. I’ll figure it out, this board is nothing but a time waster and an addiction for me, I need out.
>leave him behind
sounds like he's a piece of furniture
how old are you and why are you unemployed/homeless and why is your BF in the same position?
Shits fucky
You can sell nudes though.
Normally this is an ok place, especially when there are good, more active readers, but on days when it's vacant like this, these types of people show up to provoke others.
NTA and also wtf kinda solution is that. Anon no offense but I hope you don't work in human resources or in any position dealing with people's problems, you're kind of ass at this.
Easy money and it's legal. It's far better than your feels good crap.
Anon, kindly go be a coombrain elsewhere.
Still here? I’ve delivered yours >>38942327
There are alot of unhappy people in the thread today. I'm just happy I finally found my oni wife. It will take a while, but things should go well.
I mean, you don't generally pull tarot because you're happy.
But some people here are energy vampires or worse.

My gf is acting really weird. Whats going on with her?
Should I just send out these messeges? Will I get what I want?
Death, death R, tower
She's got the doolin's
Will i succeed in the music industry?
When will I be in a permanent relationship? I've never been in a relationship. Will I ever have sex? Please elaborate. I'm a Libra female.
Lemme listen to your shit and ill tell you
What does that mean?
Starting when you confirm
Shake your fist boy
Means the bricks are sad. :(
She’s depressed? That’s what you’re saying?
Permanent relationship? wtf is that?
I’ve never heard that expression man.
Can you just use normal words?
Where are the free readers
I'm a woman. Yes, that's essentially what I meant.
You've always been like this?
They cant even think straight any more.
Bad day, huh?
What is my gf currently dealing with? Shes been really weird
Not as bad as being a sexless femcel.

I bet you're some fat piece of shit.
I didn't know garbage was sentient.
Do and be better.
Gotcha. Starting now
How do I convince my online friend to stop doing such destructive drugs without angering him? I am concerned about him as he seems to be having troubles with his mind lately. I don’t want to seem preachy or judgmental, I just want to stop him from destroying himself…
My weight was around 113 last year. I've since gained a few pounds. ;)
That's nice, anon.
Do you want to know why you're this upset?
Knight of cups
X of wands

This most likely has nothing to do with you and you will hear from them again. They most likely just have a lot on their plate and are really overwhelmed with other things. Don’t think too hard about it. Just give them time.
Should I brace myself for some bad shit coming my way?
How does scrying work in occult queries? If you scry on a question about a deity, would they know? I asked an anon for a scry if a diety would be willing to help me with something and the scry gave me an answer that seemed like an offer. I would like to politely turn down the offer but don't want to offend anyone. Should I evoke the deity and give them an offering and turn down the offer personally or would a scry simply tell you about the future and they wouldn't even know why I came to them?
you should find out if you're a servant of that deity or something. It seems like deities only help those that are their servants and nobody else. Deities choose their servants, not the other way around.
I'm not. There were sacrifices to be made if i took the offer. I simply didn't want to offend them by not taking it.
What type?
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Fixing this shite thread
>ages sun sign and initials
Halloween photo that’s cute or funny
I take my pumpkin given right to skip you
Well, in my journey for an oni spirit. I asked if great king enma would be willing to help. All he asked for was some offerings to the dead and to him of sake. However the oni he offered me was stern and not so lovely dovy. I found another oni I am going to summon and wanted to politely decline the offer. I dont want to offend him and I also dont want to bother him either.
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23 leo Mv
what does Liv think of me?
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Es, male 21 taurus

Next hookup/lover?
Still need to offer something for bothering an entity.
20, male, libra,

I would like to ask an occult question if you dont mind. I would like to respectfully decline the offer of great king enma but do not want to offend or bother him. Is he ok with me coming to him to pay my respects in the future despite me turning down his offer or would he rather I leave him alone?
Alright, I cant do any evocations for a few months though. Would a simple prayer to the dead and a burning of incense and offering of sake suffice even if I cant evoke him?

work general for the next 15 days
Forgot to add my oni pumpkin
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You see this person as a potential partner they see you as a friend, there won’t be much of a love story sorry anon
> 10xC KoS 3oC
I think he'd be pleased with that.
NTA you are quoting but I was the one who scried for you-- I ask a friendly spirit to give me answers and I did not ask Enma directly, you have no obligations towards him. It was simply an answer -- if you did x and y, you'd get Z. No need to bother him.
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32 sag male

Tell me one thing that will happen in the next two weeks? Thanks.
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You’ll find yourself with a few crushes no one in specific as your future love
>PoW 10oP 7oC
To add on this: when I ask deities or other entities things one on one, I offer things in place of the querent as a thank you for the answers. Double safe. You're good.
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Will shit be okay? Something really awful just happened and I don’t know when I’ll have a stable place to live next.
Alright, perhaps I could use his kanji and lay it beside the offerings. I cant evoke and I would have to learn how to give prayers to the dead but I hope that would suffice
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20, c
Is he my next lover?
Ah, I see. Thank you. I simply didn't want to offend anyone.
she looks great either way. good looks telling me reader
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I’m not doing occult until the eclipse szn is over
You’ll have something that you asked for, maybe a hookup maybe a new girl. Try not losing yourself in it because you probably will
> KoC D Star
Please ignore my query fren.
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25, F, V.C.

Picture is from the Meat Canyon video on Pumpkin Spice.

Query: What would his feelings be about me giving offerings and worshiping the god Venus?
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It won’t be perfect or easy it would be easier if you decide to be honest with yourself about the situation for once have faith in the only thing you can control

>QoP KoS 9oW
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34, Cancer, HB
Do I have any reptilian blood in me?
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23 leo MV
when is my brain and my mind going to be alright?
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Done with reads
I will come back tonight
Thanks, I don’t know what to be honest with myself about though bc I don’t know if the reality has hit me yet. I start crying then I just look up van life shit on tiktok but I really just want an apartment but it’s so far out of my reach rn, Im honestly even scared I won’t have my SUV anymore and then I’d be totally screwed
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X.K Male, 22, Virgo

Outcome of holding onto M for 10 years?
32 Taurus e
Will I get the job that I have an interview on Friday for


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This one pretty prease
Lol. I’ll try to keep my priorities straight. Thanks for the read.

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