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Neptune isn't blue now.
Why did they have an image of it being this blue colour then?
What is the deal with this?
I'm not a flat earther, but the best argument they have is that 'space pictures are fake' and it really pisses me off.
Seriously, what colour is neptune and why THE FUCK did they fake it all these years, and why isn't this bigger news?
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There's your problem. Ivy leaguers are for wealthy kids: not smart kids. Common mistake.
They're trying to pretend the gas composition of both is similar and it isn't which is why all the other pictures of Neptune are "more bluer"
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They do this with literally everything involving space.
Remember how photos of Mars used to look all orangy? Now they look like pic related.

Apparently NASA can't take a single fucking photo of something without fucking with the colors, just like they can't take a single photo from space that actually has stars in it.
It's all fake.
how did they even take a picture so far away from the sun?
Woke bullshit. Just like when they said Pluto isn't a planet.
Stfu retarded boomer. Go back to reading the Daily Kosher
They can tell you anything and you have no way of verifying it. That is terror.
Space is fake.

The Earth is flat.

Do your fucking research.
Light level required by OSHA is about 2 to 10 times brighter than the light level at Neptune so it'll be pretty washed out and dark.
Its not going to be brilliant blue summer cloudless noon sky on earth.
Its going to look like the sky outside about the time you're thinking of turning the lights on.
So it's fair to portray it as washed out gray.
NASA's Mars photo's were all rusty red.
Then the Saudis sent a probe and when the footage came back from the probe, Mars looked like a yellow-beige desert with a blue sky from orbit.
I bet you if Iceland sent a probe, Mars would be grey and snow covered.
Hello erik love you stop being a sjw basedboy please
The images are black and white, so they color them based on the gases the probe detected on the surface of these planets.

There is a attempt to desature colors in media and presentations, the so-called globohomo style. The idea is to train people for the IoB. So ignore these "new studies".
Space is real.

The Earth is round.

Do your fucking research.
you all are so fucking dumb, I love it
It literally is just because they wanted to visually differentiate it from Uranus so the retarded public would be able to tell the difference. Now that everyone is extremely online as they say, this information is easily accessible.
I'll accept this one but what about their mars cope they literally just wanted everyone to think it was a dusty shithole?
Different parts of Mars are more or less oxidized but yes scientists wanted people to think that Mars was red because it illustrated the general situation of Mars, being that it's a big hunk of rusted bullshit, better than just showing a beige rock. If you told the average person that Mars is covered in rust, and then showed them an actual picture of Mars, they would say
>but where's the rust tho
Almost everything in the solar system is actually grey, brown, and beige. The only exceptions being Uranus and Neptune, which are actually almost the exact same pale blue color, the sun (which is actually white,) and Earth. But that isn't visually interesting or useful for illustrating specific unique qualities that each planet has. So the saturation is turned up in most photos that are released to the public. Jupiter for example isn't orange either. Also just brown.
If SpaceX offered tours of the gas giants, through orbit AND inside their clouds, would /x/ take their family friends on such a SAFE voyage? I'm sure it'd be fun. After all, I'd like to see these magnificent wonders of the solar system up close. What could go wrong?
What's your point here? Your point is the same as OP's point. They alter the truth. You just said it yourself.
The only difference is that your tone is one of "ah, it's just a little white lie, no biggie".

Why are you defending an institution of science lying to the public? Doesn't matter how small of a detail it is. Altering truth is a lie. And is anti-science.
It's also a slippery slope. What else have they lied about?
>They just said they went to the moon to satisfy the "retarded public" who wanted to beat Russia in the space race, even though we can't actually get there, it's just a little white lie guys, no biggie
why are you such a retard that this has any bearing on your life whatsoever to arouse such emotions. you are one step away from flat earthiness my not friend
>why are you such a retard that this has any bearing on your life whatsoever to arouse such emotions
You're missing the bigger picture. If it "has no bearing" then why did scientists need to lie about it? It can't be THAT unimportant if they felt the need to falsify evidence.
You're a fucking moron
Wow it's so unique that mars looks exactly like the countries probes origin nation state
how neat is that :)
Then why was it portrayed as blue?
NASA was using Dover island to take mars pictures
What else are they lying about and just haven’t changed yet?
>Mars is just someone's backyard in Iran
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>based thinker pissing off glowtards
Keep on anon
This second picture looks so fake
>Neptune is just Uranus

guys we went to the moon tho
>we colored the planets and lied to you because you’re stupid
>believe us about everything else
You’re retarded
I mean I wouldn't say they were lying. More like exaggerating.
This is actually specifically why they felt the need to do that
>you got made when you found out we lied
>that’s why we lied
You don’t make sense faggot
If nasa never lied and said Neptune and Uranus are both light blue. No one would’ve been upset. You fucjs lie so much you can’t ever stop
True, there was even a small rat-like animal in one of the pictures.
It is oxidized because the magnetosphere was wasted up, isn't it?
post hoc rationalization
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Nasa seriously wants us to believe that this is an organism on earth. it looks like jimmney neutron animation for Christ's sake
In the middle of the night you can see Venus at different times of the year?
Answer: no you will never see venus at night only in the morning or evening- why?
venus is closer to the sun than earth and on average is only 72% as far as earth is from the sun. Since it's orbit is smaller, at any given time it's much closer to the position of the sun. we see it in the morning or evening because enough of the light of the sun is blocked by the earth that it becomes visible.

The night side of earth always faces away from the sun. you aren't going to see something closer to the sun looking the wrong way.
N AssA has been colorizing that shit like Ted Turner since the beginning. Neil Ni - - erass Tyson actually talked about it in one of his videos. Most everything out there looks like a foggy grey/white with just hints of color. They just ratchet up the colors so they don't look like black and white photos, as they would if you were actually out in space looking at Uranus or the Horsehead nebula.

The James Webb shit is even worse. That's all in infrared. They take three wavelengths in the IR spectrum, and randomly assign them as red, blue and green, then mix up a totally phony color photo.

NAssA photos have always been as much art works as they are photographs.
>people think all film types give an exact and equal representation of colors
No we don’t. Everyone is smart enough to understand why NASA would want to change the colors
None of us are dumb enough to think any of those reasons are good enough to do it
Your guys argument keeps coming back to “make it look pretty for dummies”
There not good enough to change something so important and new. It also shows how they default to lying. It’s natural for them
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The point is that NO camera, NO film, EVER can give you "true colors".
They ALL are going to be slightly different depending on the chemical mixture in the film, or the way the software.interprets the data.
Pictures are ALWAYS going to depend on how they were processed.
You can see this in any bit of photography.
Excuses, excuses.

If me and my roommate photograph the same object with our phone cameras, I can expect that there will be some slight differences in brightness/contrast/hue etc. based on the technical specs of our cameras, but like.... grass is going to be green. The sky will be blue. An apple will be red. And if any of those things are the wrong color then you need a new camera. If a scientist takes a picture of a grey object and paints it blue then he stops being a "scientist", he's an artist. And that's the whole problem right there; we've been giving doctoral degrees to glorified art students, and letting these artists tell us that their art is "science." They're fucking art students.
This. You need to also account for lighting and exposure.
Earth is round. Space is real and based.
"Space is real and based." What are you in love with space fucking nerd.
>Space is real and based.
Yeah, space is real. Real boring. Scientists have to paint it neon colors because the average normie could never justify the billions of dollars spent on "exploration" of mostly empty space with a few grey clouds here and there.

Space is a boring blank empty void and scientists have to paint it up to hide the fact that NOTHING OF INTEREST EXISTS OUTSIDE OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.
Very good.
Yes. The colors are to sell it.
Bah earth is flat with a dome. Such rubbish much lies.
>The colors are to sell it.
But they aren't real. It would be like... imagine if you went to a zoo and found out that tigers don't actually have orange and black stripes and they're just a big grey cat. Wouldn't you feel annoyed? Wouldn't you feel lied to?

Of course biologists don't lie like that because it's something you can easily verify for yourself. But you can't verify the color of Neptune for yourself, so astro-scientists just.... get to lie about the work they do. Why are you defending that?
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>Haha guys why are you upset that scientists successfully lied to you for literal decades, and will continue to do so shamelessly and unapologetically
>Stop thinking so much
>earth is flat with a dome
Source? I'd like more information on this, I'm really starting to wonder. Is the biblical Firmament real?
No one unironically believes the Earth is flat, it's just a reactionary Christian larp. The same people who say "earth is flat with a dome" will turn around and deboonk Islam with appeals to science.
Because it is art.
>it is art
Yeah but they're calling it science. They're creating art and claiming that it's objective reality.

It would be absurd if J.K. Rowling claimed that a manticore is a real animal. Why are some artists allowed to call their art "science"? They're fucking art students.
No, you got lied to and you're in denial about it. I get it, nobody wants to admit they fell for a long con.... it can happen to anybody. What defines you is how you deal with the new information. You can (rightfully) distrust astronomers, or you can cling to copes. Your choice.
Space is fake
Nukes aren't real
Earth is flat
Evoultion is a lie
Dinosaurs never existed
Okay you dumb faggot
Why didn’t they do it to Uranus then
>durr all pictures need to be colored
>we just did it to Neptune tho
Are you stupid?
The planets change color depending on if they're at the summer solstice or the winter solstice, the reason for this is becuase of the distance between them and the sun; Uranus turns green at the summer solstice and it's blue at the winter,
Flat Earth is fake and gay.
You have been indoctrinated.
I'm not, you did. Your god is not real and it is just a projection of your mind. I know it is hard to let the cross go (cultural indoctrination can go very deep) but you will have to.
>Why are some artists allowed to call their art "science"?
In the same way some artists had their writings turned into religion. To appease the masses of npcs, who need some myth in order to stay motivated.
>Your god is not real
What god? I didn't mention any god. You're coping. I can see the redness in your ears, you're embarrassed that you were lied to so easily and so you're trying to change the subject. They say there's a sucker born every minute, and all three hands on the clock must have been pointed directly at your mother's uterus the day she went into labor with you.

Let this be the lesson, never believe anything you can't verify yourself. That's true whether we're talking about a religious "miracle" or a scientific "discovery."
that’s it
Your smarter than NASA because they never even thought of this as an excuse
They’ve been lying for so long it’s hard to come up with good ones like you did.
Do you have any proof this is what is causing the difference in colors?
>Let this be the lesson, never believe anything you can't verify yourself.
Yes, such as Flat Earth, that was never ever verified and proven real.
Whereas there is proof of Globe Earth in the sky every single day. Plenty of proof right on our faces.
And I didn't change the subject. You did, truther. You telling us to distrust astronomers, which implies trashing astrology as well.
You never saw that guy jump from above the atmosphere? There’s no dome up there
It’s a globe glowie
Based truther
Pluto was amazing. Why did they have to kill it and replace it with Planet X?
>I can expect that there will be some slight differences
You concede the point.
>all pictures need to be colored
No, retard. All colors of a photo need to be balanced.
Idiots think cameras work with just a "make real colors" chemical.
I'm sorry what I said confused you--that must happen a lot to you.
No u
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>imagine if you went to a zoo and found out that tigers don't actually have orange and black stripes and they're just a big grey cat
It's more like you've seenultr-saturated pics your whole life, and then when you see a real tiger the orange isn't as bright, so you think tigers don't exist and photographers and biologists are deliberately trying to get you to not believe in God by lying about tigers.
NASA can measure the wavelengths precisely, they do know what the real color is, yet adjust to something else at times.
They don't have the same composition of gasses. They aren't the same color. Uranus also orbits with it's axis pointed sunward.
It's right here.
They're trying to pretend the gas composition of both is similar. Why? Because there is NO evidence to support the current accretion disk theory of the solar system and LOTS of evidence that disproves it.

If accretion disk theory were remotely true than one major piece of supporting evidence is the gas giants would have similar composition and they absolutely don't. Not even Uranus and Neptune have the same composition and are not the same color.

Accretion disk theory is wrong. All planets are failed stars that are resonantly locked with the sun or a gas giant. Look up earth and moons orbit--the moon doesn't orbit earth it orbits the sun in a giant, slightly wavy, circle. This is also why there are rogue planets.

Cosmology is broken as fuck and at this point they're just pushing antiquated ideas because the correct cosmology breaks relativistic mathematics and the Cult of Einstein hell bent on keeping power in universities forever.
Nasa can't even get red shift and blue shift right--like at all. All of the cosmological distances based off red shift/blue shift estimates are totally wrong.
There can be no question about the colors of our neighbouring planets, while redshift depends on what theory is used because we can't measure the actual values.
There can be lots of questions about the colors of the planets--especially the gas giants because the measurements are optical. I'm saying the overall aggregate colors of Uranus and Neptune are different because the gas composition isn't the same.

Current redshift is based off of Einsteinium relativity that was "proved" using "lensing" off a "plasma" solar model. I'm not demonstrating a replacement system I'm saying what is in existence now is wrong.

NASA does two things today: propaganda for the government and research for mega corporations. The whole purpose of the ISS is so corporate America can spend tax payer dollars to do microgravity experiments and they defiantly don't share (or even publicize) the results.
What the fuck anon, we know the colors of the planets because we see them, wavelengths don't lie.
It has to be somewhat close to correct, otherwise you need flatter level of denial. Redshift doesn't affect how we see nearby planets.
>grass is going to be green. The sky will be blue. An apple will be red.
>doesn't mention brown grass
>doesn't mention red, black and white sky
>doesn't mention green and yellow apples
Thanks for outing yourself as a retard.
>measure the wavelengths
How those wavelengths should be processed, chemically and digitally, is open to interpretation.
It's still a matter of what SHOULD 550nm look like?
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This is why movie companies came up with color correction charts.
Back when theaters actually did something, directors and distributors wanted to make sure the colors were set to what they wanted them.
So they would send charts describing how the projector should be set.
Even more important in the digital age, but not really done at the theater anymore.
>Globe Earth in the sky every single day
an Earth globe just flew over my house!!
>people wouldn't believe us if we didn't lie so we lied

Truly, a Pharisaic institution through and through.
Pretty much this. Even a small lie is enough to never trust them again. They've lost all credibility with anyone rational
bait thread
if op really wanted to know and had the patience he would do his own research
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Maybe I bring clarity by first calling your question as retarded.
Take a color like red, all humans agree it's fucking red, measure the wavelength and if in space we see the same wavelength we know it's red.
It was always called 'the blue planet'
Or was that Earth?
am I the only one who sees no significant difference in the two pics other than the shade of brown in the background wtf
What's the point of the little color thing she's holding if they're all the same
actually while I'm on this why is her forehead painted brown in both. the more I look the more this example thing just infuriates me
>havent seen the actual reason yet ITT
They released it as dark blue first so you could see the storm easier (the swirley bit in the middle of neptune). All the articles copied that picture, it spread around and the rest is history
They made a mistake by not showing what the actual colour of the planet looked like first. Nerds are terrible at communication. Its a boring pale blue almost like uranus
You think you know but you dont (just like can you see venus at 1:11 am) the sunlight is all colors, we have three eye cones- red, yellow, blue. When you see red it means there is no yellow and blue, yellow and blue have been filtered out- substacitve color wheel.
when you see a green leaf it means that leaf is absorbing all the red wave length
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What did he mean by this?
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Big if true. Any links/references I can dig into?

t. interested schitzo
WTF, I posted a .gif. Why is thst a jpg?
Wavelengths define the color and we can easily measure them. Yes color is an illusion created by our minds, but we can objectively measure it.
sunlight is all colors (wavelenghts combined) to see one color- all the others are filtered out
is a leaf green? no a leaf is absorbing all the colors except green which it reflects
Is the sun really white? It looks yellow in the sky.
we cant see sunlight so perfect white is invisible?
I literally said the color observations are optical and an overall average. I can't tell if you're conflating what I said because you're disingenuous or just straight up retarded.

>Redshift doesn't impact how we see nearby planets
I never said it did. Learn to read or stop responding to me like a 12 year old with a learning disability.
We can measure the exact wavelengths yes/no?
If we know the wavelengths we know the color yes/no?
little npc fag is so shaken up he can't even try to come up with a response
Otto Schmidt proposed the first accretion model of planetary formation in 1944 and before that Laplace claimed the solar system formed from a gas nebula (Laplace was18th century).

Andrew Prentice took the idea in 1978 and updated it with what was in vogue for cosmology (Back when they were still calling calling Eugene Parker a crack pot for claiming there was a solar wind).

It is all predicated on the idea of coalescing gasses and hydrostatic pressure forming spherical bodies. There are massive non spherical bodies like Janus, Phobea and Hyperion that do not demonstrate hydrostatic sperification even under immense gravitational forces from the gas giants which should accelerate the process.

The gas giants also don't demonstrate homogonous compositions--which is why they're normalizing the colors of Uranus and Jupiter.
How big are Neptune and Uranus?
Are they taking the overall average or a point location?
How are they adjusting brightness?

You don't know shit about cosmology and you clearly know even less about optics.
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Measuring the solar spectrum is a black body problem.
>We lie because the truth is boring and people like visual things so we lie.

This is why a priest and a scientist are pretty much the same in my eyes.
Color correction sucks.
is the top pic suposed to be silly whites or I am just colorblind.
It's white, the reason why we associate with a yellow hue is because most of the time it's visible it's at an angle where the refraction is yellowish. Same as sunset or sunrise where the refraction is red or orange. It's white at noon but we rarely just look up randomly at the sky at noon compared to when it's within viewing angle in the morning or afternoon.
I bet the Saturn hexagon is fake too.
Uh.... Anon I've seen a tiger, lol. Their fur is orange and black and white, their eyes are fiery gold, their noses are pink. They're beautiful animals. And they're beautiful because they're from Earth, which is the only place in the universe where such beauty exists. There's nothing beautiful or interesting outside our solar system, just trillions of miles of mostly-empty space, punctuated with cold grey stone and beige gas. Typing that last sentence made me sick to my stomach, I'll admit. I would never say these words if there was.... you know, literally ANY evidence to the contrary.

You should water your lawn anon, grass isn't supposed to be brown lmao

I never said Earth wasn't round, you're attacking a strawman.
>Uh.... Anon I've seen a tiger, lol.
Imagine you didn't eat breakfast today
Anon: Uh.... Anon I ate breakfast today, lol.
Sry I fucked up, my tiger comment was supposed to be a reply to >>38954021
Except Uranus and Neptune don't have the same gas composition, anon.
You can see cella with your own two eyes, man.
>washed out
pick one, anon
That's true, I remember looking it at noon and it was white. But then, fire is yellow, and the sun is portrayed as a ball of fire.
Nowhere in the Bible is it said the Earth is flat, and no documented early Christians believed this. The Firmament and the Heavenly Waters have fuckall to do with space. It's a metaphysical allegory, retard.
You have literally no idea what the other anon was talking about topkek. I like how you drop this image as a gotcha while having no understanding of radiation or how plants absorb and reflect color.
Not him but it’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about either. Just using scarecrow arguments and backpedaling.
The Sun is electromagnetic.
If the sun is white, what are those star classifications NASA uses? They have red dwarfs, yellow stars and blue stars. And the sun is classified as yellow.
But if every star is white in space, why use these classifications then?
yah mother fucker take that
Because all theories built from General Relativity are inherently flawed.
Yes, but they show those coronal mass ejections that looks like fire, no? Would the fire there be white?
I’m not interested in any links to your OnlyFans. Now apologise to that other anon for your faggotry immediately.
It’s all good, I’m here now.
>What could go wrong?
Catastrophic space radiation leak.
That's not something I'd know, anon.
No. Learn to read.
whats the IoB?
Internet of Bodies.
...you can model "outer space" as a super fluid though...it's called super fluid vacuum theory... and space isn't even empty.
>Take a color like red, all humans agree it's fucking red
Women can see hundreds of more colors of red than men. Tetracheomatics see thousands more.
You don't know what you are talking about.
And you STILL have no answer as to what a specific wavelength SHOULD look like.
>I've seen a tiger, lol. Their fur is orange and black and white
The point I was making was how that color is represented in a pic. So not only are you wrong and stupid, you are off topic and irrelevant.
Only if talking heads in the tv say it is safe and effective, and only if we travel with an experiental spacecraft with no proper testing and nonexistent long term safety studies. And if my children can come too. Only then.
Lmao my bad anon, makes a lot more sense with the proper reply chain
Yeah, it's the intensity of UV radiation put against distance from the sun; the gas giants generate their own which is why they shift back from red to purple starting with Jupiter (red) Saturn (Yellow) Uranus (Green and blue, look it up it's both of these colors depending on where it's at in it's orbit) and Neptune which is purple, you'll notice that starting at the sun the planets start small and get big (matter expatriation as it's elements gas off into space over the eons) while the gas giants start huge and get little (Neptune is only 17x the diameter of earth, but somehow it's also the hottest) the next color up in the spectrum from purple is UV (wow look it's another solid planet) Pluto
They also don't have the same aggregate composition of gasses. Even if they were right next to each other they wouldn't be the same color.
Yeah Nasa lies but its about how space works and not about how the earth works
Flat Earth specifically is a darpa lie in the same way that Nasa space pics are fake

WTF, it's still blue, it's always been blue

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