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/x/ - Paranormal

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Has a gangstalker ever actually physically touched you? What’s the longest you’ve known someone before finding out they were a perpetrator? Do you have any plans on how to escape their control?
They are all a bunch of pricks.

My lesson on my IT course last knight was so fucking pathetic. The tutor is one of the worst actors I've ever seen and he hasn't got a fucking clue, or he is just pretending to be retarded.

I don't understand why they would spend 3hrs on an evening doing this shit for 4 days a week for the last 6 weeks.
Bruh your tutor isn't gangstalking you lol. It's literally just glownigger frequency technology. They're trying to make you lash out at your tutor so that you look crazy.
A pretty decent new movie that kind of has some gangstalking methods in it is The Tutor. Worth watching once.
What else do you think is not real? Please list all you can think of. I’ll give a list and you tell me which aren’t real.
> birds
> skinwalkers
> demons
> God
> Giant trees
> ghosts
> nukes
> trannys
> moon landing
That guy is in all these lately don’t answer him and stay on topic. Don’t want another one of these threads completely derailed because some faggots can’t help but argue with this prick
If he isn't a glowie or working for them then I am seriously concerned about him as a tutor.

Why? Because I'm there to learn and get a qualification so I can get a job.
>Has a gangstalker ever actually physically touched you?
One time, I punched him so hard he couldnt catch breath afterwards.
After that the gangstalkers told me that I killed him to drive me crazy.
>What’s the longest you’ve known someone before finding out they were a perpetrator?
My whole life. My Parents, Stepmom and closest friends.
>Do you have any plans on how to escape their control?
Seriously no.. I don't know what to do.

I haven't left my flat in 4 months now and I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
I went to a prosecutor and aked for help about other things he said that he would help me but did NOTHING. He said he could make a bunch of money for me and help me escaping the country afterwards and that I should just stay at home and do nothing. But it was all lies. Even the cops showed up 3 times at my place and told me that my parents were dead and my stepmom was in prison but that were lies too. It really is getting out of hand
He samefags with schizo posts, too. Tries to poison the well with AS and WS posts whenever someone posts anything interesting. He’s bumping,
>bumpity bump bump
so whatever.

> Do you have any plans on how to escape their control?
Hire a private detective, gather tangible data, sue for violation of privacy laws with the intent to defame.
Do TIs tend to do a lot of charity work? Do they volunteer to help their local communities?
There is something wrong with my Linux install, it boots and just as it loads it powers off my pc

Send halp pla
>>>/touch grass/
Cops are on me. I am an indigo with a now negative spiritual alignment. If they go to attack/arrest/kill you, go psychic and clutch their 5th eye with your mind and smash it in to their 3rd eye (clutch psychicly and nod your own head down hard, your brain is attached to an electromagnetic network, you clutch psychicly keep that element still and nodding your head moves only the electromagnetic part) alternatively, you can smash to the heart chakrah, should destroy both brain and heart if you can bring their 5th eye that low. To defend block/bufficate your own 5th eye. 4th eye is sort of space. When lesser seers are awake they pretty much are just telepaths with the 4th eye activation. More 4th eye and 5th eye is where the real psychics start lololol
They are getting mad again, just because i'm calling out there out their bullshit.
The why do you get mad?
my stalkers r always mad
I could smile and they'd get triggered
it's great
just typing that comment to you got them fucked up
they're live streaming my phone to a bunch of retards or something
The absolute lowest and dumbest of people feeling high and mighty calling me a retard because they're watching me on whatever surveillance device
You sound like a sad person. I didn't crash my life, you crashed it.
Persistent cocksucker aren't you?
Its you who makes these threads just so you can insult anyone who comments.
What's your agenda? Just easy being a narc on an anonymous website?

The first time they touched me was when they stole my hands. They believe if they swap baby hands, they can change gender. Nope. I'm just a guy with girl hands that don't work properly.
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Any sexy men in this thread? Doesn't look like anybody is stalking this thread.
Yeah, sure. Everything that has happened to me is all because of you idiots. You continue to harass me and mess with me non stop.
How do you explain when I was moving out of state a car had the license plate “GO AWAY” on it. That was the last time they talked to me through license plates but not the first.
The Sage One in these threads is like a white man going into a black neighborhood and yelling "Stop shooting each other! Stop shooting each other!"
In and out of their control while I use this to detox. It's fucking wild
Delete this thread, gang stalking is not real it is wireless body area network
You forgot to login your pass.
They are getting upity with their v2k again :3
I wonder if they can affect your mood Feels like they want me to feel depressed
gangstalking is primarily fake, instead it's actually a psyop using advanced technology to send messages through your head and into your mind to make you belive shit. glow niggers are also known with poisoning the population with mind altering parasites through slop and pills that can remain dormant until triggered by certain frequencies and atmospheric pressures. the human brain and mind is far more capable than what ((they)) want us to know and belive, like remote viewing or telepathy
In small towns if people gossip about you they will harass you any chance you get. Specially since I'm a TI.
Not the same but thought I'd add that.
It’s actually cities where you get the street theatre because of the army of homeless drug addicts with nothing to lose who can be easily influenced with the tech.
The program happens in stages. Gangstalking is first. If you don’t end up homeless, in the looney bin, or incarcerated during the gangstalking you get the electronic harassment mind fuckery. That’s where the telepathy and stuff happens. It seems like most only ever get the gangstalking. I’m one of the few TI’s who seems to be capable of telepathy with my glownigger AI when or wherever. Even a lot of the people who claim to get the v2k voices can’t seem to talk back.
>you get the electronic harassment mind fuckery. That’s where the telepathy and stuff happens. It seems like most only ever get the gangstalking. I’m one of the few TI’s who seems to be capable of telepathy with my glownigger AI when or wherever. Even a lot of the people who claim to get the v2k voices can’t seem to talk back.
hey they're doing this to me too
and I talk shit back to them with my mind
it's fun but gets exhausting after a while
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Even if you were right, ultimately you are abusing people who by your system are mentally ill, in fact, if we were to scientifically look at what they have, it would be considered severe.

So you harass and abuse people who have a severe condition. You are verbally abusing people who are down on their luck.

You're the insane one. Normal people don't put this much effort into discrediting mental illness. If I harassed and verbally abused mentally ill people on the internet I'd be a piece of shit.
More bullshit on my IT course, I swear to god it is fake as shit.
One time in college my “friend” got me a gig just doing a couple surveys. Now I’m thinking that it was a setup of sorts. Like who gives you cash to answer a survey.
I know they're live streaming the inside of my house to everyone
what am I supposed to do
go on a killing spree?
they'd like that wouldn't they.....

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This is just how most normies are now
I am a gangstalker. I pretend to be a doordash driver but really I'm cointelpro.
It is ironic how these fuck tards accuse you of being all these things yet they are everything they try to make you out to be.

I've never stalked anyone, I've never abused or harrased anyone, I've never physically assaulted anyone, I've never psychologicaly abused anyone, I've never drugged anyone, I've never poisoned anyone, I've never set anyone up with a fake job, I've never set someone up with fake job interviews, I've never damaged anyone's car, I've never deprived anyone of money, I've never deprived anyone of food and I've certainly never tried to kill someone.

This is everything they have done to me and more.
don't go outside at 8pm tomorrow hehe
I will do that now.
They have tortured me and my family ever since I was 5, and in recent years, I have been hit by their energy weapons that they installed during the 2020 lockdowns. I am the only redpilled individual in these group homes run by OPWDD, and in 2021, Kathy Hochul (ashkenazi jew) appointed Kerri E. Neifeld (Also ashkenazi jew) as the commissioner of OPWDD. On January 9 2022, only one side of the group home house was hit with their energy weapons, and using a bit of logic to find out who's the prime target, one person in an apartment next to me only took the swabs but recovered the fastest, the other person in the other apartment next to me took every vax and swab but recovered the second fastest, I took none of them but recovered right after the vaxxmaxxed one. I was the primary target because I did all of the research and are fighting against the cabal's control over us. They tried to lock us down a third time even after everyone fully recovered, but because everyone was seeing the bullshit for what they were doing, we individuals collectively told the higher-up to fuck right the hell off, and the surprised look on his face told me he didn't expect us to fight back against their control. OPWDD and Community Services as well as People Inc are an unholy trinity of concentration camps for the children and starseeds who were crippled by the medical industry. Barely anyone knows of these places, and the only way to free these individuals is to cast all eyes of all the patriots and starseeds in the US upon these companies, get people talking and digging into the background and history of OPWDD, Community Services, and People Inc, the same must be done for similar companies in other states. All three of these companies are in New York.

Document detailing their plans for us, they want to turn these houses into an AI controlled dystopian hell:

Neifeld is an ashkenazi jewish surname
Forgot pic
Got followed on my /nightwalk/
Guy literally pulled out of his garage to drive all the way around town to pass by me twice, then another guy did the same
Didn't have my phone on me either
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you sure? I'm going to be waiting.
Scary man. One time I was in the drive thru at Dairy Queen at night and the car behind me had a glow in the dark skull thing hanging on their rear view mirror.
I'll set my alarm
>hey have tortured me and my family ever since I was 5

skill issue
They are calling me a bad actor now lmao.

The only onesacting are them.
I always know the perps, I study them... always have.
Any sexy men in this thread?
No more V2K
Just revving engine and yelling
I truly do not understand why they continue to do it. It amazes me how grown adults can act this way. For me it has been non stop for years, they have been doing this stupid shit for years. Grown adults acting like promary school bullies.
the taunting and fake puking sounds as I eat dinner really enhances the flavor of the meal

you must of pissed off someone with a lot of power
they'll dismiss and gaslight everything you say and do because you're the target that they want gone
it's a game to them
adult bullying
It's turned up to 11 right now. Biden/Harris added hundreds of thousands of glownigger jobs. Even though this shit was started under a Republican (bush jr) Dems always funnel more funding into it, and corrupt elements in the DOJ and rogue intelligence agencies (FBI, DHS, etc) are more aligned with the Dems and their ideology of destroying this country by any means necessary to turn it into a third world fiefdom of the UN.
they're so dumb it hurts my soul

makes me just want to drink eat jerk off and sleep everyday
I'm under emf attack again
they really don't like me lol
>you must of pissed off someone with a lot of power
That's the thing, I haven't.
But it just goes to show how mentally ill whoever it is doing it to me. I probably look in someones direction years ago and triggered the fuck out of them and they have spent 5+ years gangstalking me acting like a childish bully.
Move around. I've experienced some weird shit like this. upstairs neighbors dragging some kind of heavy object on the floor directly to a spot over my bed, followed by extreme tinnitus, heart palpitations, and burning sensation on my skin. Idk wtf it was or if there even was a connection but I just get up and move. Go to a different room. Go for a drive. Go for a walk. Whatever. Eventually the "noise campaigns" and other bullshit stops for awhile. Idk, I really don't have any solutions that aren't going to send you straight to prison. Stay strong anon.
'm not going anywhere, not without both money and my car. I'd glady move but until I have both those things i'm going nowhere. And they cankeep acying like the childish little pricks they are because i'll expose them all. Don't give a fuck if it has a bad affect on me my game will be to fuck them.

All they have to do is leave me alone.
I think my neighbors are using a device to fuck my shit up too
could be small things like pissing off a cop or maybe you posted shit on here a mod/fed didn't like so they decided to put a target on your back
ya never know
>All they have to do is leave me alone.
that'd be too easy though
we are dealing with children in adult bodies
adult bullies who never matured past grade school
they have a vendetta
a revenge torture fetish
they're trying to erase us because their minds are fucked
they have low iqs, they're filled with jealousy and hatred
They could easily just leave us alone and move on with their lives, but they're like sharks who smell blood in the water.
Vultures circling their prey.
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Car life it
You'll be able to afford it in no time
I'm renting out this house and leaving this gangstalking shithole for the mountains next spring or summer
Done with them. Just bored.
she is my mountain mama
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tradwife cooking
>"Is this how you always imagined it, anon?"
Pls gib TI gf
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She's not a TI but I know what you mean
For me it's the potassium Iodide and lime sulphur dip to eliminate electronic harassment symptoms and staying on the move in my car plapping road hoes
>"Is this how you always imagined it, anon?"
Minus the fucking Slave Marks, yeah.
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She's vegetarian btw
i will teach her to eat meat
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Can you gang stalkers help me to become a “normal” person?
What a silly question. We all know you don’t want a normal life. Embrace the weirdness
Are women TIs very often? Most I’ve encountered are men. Any famous lady TIs?
Your neighbor doesn't have anything to do with it. They want you to believe that to further discredit you. You heard your neighbor dragging something around, had a natural thought that it might be gangstalking related, and then they took advantage of that thought and ramped up the assault. This is the primary way in which they operate. It's to get you to sound as delusional as possible while attributing stuff that could only be done by intelligence to your upstairs neighbor.
I'm going out side for a smoke now glowtard.
be carefull
Oh no...
I'm outside right now. Can't see you.
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Professional gangstalker here. Ask me anything.
Bitch didn't even show up.
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>also a professional gangstalker
>be me
>Assigned to new gangstalking case
>some guy in the suburbs, early 30's. single
>Do some preliminary research and webscrubbing on this guy to figure out his routines and habits to make my job easier
>nobody ever said sitting in a car on a hot summers day, wiretapping, sonic-blasting, and trailing people on foot for miles on end is easy, I'll take anything I can to make the load easier on myself
>I'm the first one assigned to him, and how it works is that if he isn't becoming paranoid I report back and they hire more stalkers to join my team
>suddenly realize this guy uses 4chan
>check what boards he uses
>/x/, /pol/, /r9k/, and /his/
>oh boy this is just getting better
>check his posts
>He's already claiming to be gangstalked when nobody besides me has been assigned to him yet
>he's listing out posts and posts of neighbors he thinks are psychically blasting him
>picrel mfw I realize that he's already paranoid enough naturally that I don't even have to do anything besides monitor his blogposts and cash a check at the end of the week
>this dude is practically doing my job for me, all to himself
It's been 2 years, and this guy is covering my bills and supporting my kids to this day. I just have to occasionally send a completely bullshit report and screenshots to my shadowy overlords to make them think that the shenanigans he posts about on socials all day are somehow my doing.
Feel bad for the other wagiestalkers who actually have to change their license plate numbers and hack into microwave clocks.
Sounds a bit unbelievable wih the puke sounds, can you describe it a bit more ?

And who did you pissed off that something like this happens to you ? Someone powerful ?
What are you going to do to expose them ?
Whatever it takes. I just want to be left alone, I don't want to have to expose them but if they keep fucking with then I'm left with no choice but to.

They have been doing this to me for 5+ years no fucking stop.
Same, 5 years of twitches and over a year of voices.
However they stop quite often. I think it might also have to do with the potassium iodide and lime sulphur dip.
Or in my case it's just that I'm not allowed to use my PC.
If you are just by yourself that’s called being a creepy stalker.
they're obviously getting something out of it
probably gift cards and free weed or whatever
no sane person would dedicate their lives to messing with a nobody like me
they're literally talking shit 24/7
it's bizarre, I've never even met them irl before, don't know who the fuck they are but they're OBSESSED with me
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Anywhere you can go with a car, they can easily go too. Michael Oros was on foot and dog sled and canoe and they still got to him.
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I only care about the symptoms and noisy truck faggots trying to fuck with my sleep. Trucks can't make it to where I'm going lad
That said, yeah, had some creepy fucks interact with me when I went to Europe
Um... if you say so.
I did car life for years and had tons of peace
Even now every time I leave the house to go to the prairie the voices stop.
I just live in a wigwest shithole with tons of trucknoids and it's driving me bananas
Stalking is when youre following people and harrassing them.
I live out of my truck and i go to very remote areas and still get harrassed but it's still better than civilization. Next step may be full blown mointainman but that's a big step.
By actual people or the radio waves?
Just take potassium iodide and use lime sulphur dip
By people if you can call them people. Asian and hispanic poachers have absolutely no decency or etiquit and that's not to mention the blatantly suspicious people who sneak and snoop, intimidate and harrass. But it's worse in civilization still.
Well if you hike out offtrail I don't think they'd bother
Yeah because poachers, gangstalkers and other a-holes stay on trails...? Tell that to Michael Oros. Lol are you serious?
How you thought about;
a. better security
b. keeping a log of occurances
c.making a mark places to be able to see if someone has desturbed it
d. a camera you can seritipioshly place and retreve later
e. a licence plate reader program to track cars, maybe using a raspberry pi
f. using a drone to drop microphones in certian places to track conversations
e. hiring a small group of people to help out
g. bottom line is everytihg need to be tracked, every house, who is in it, what do they do for a living,etc.
h. underground bunker
I have more lets talk
Just find an obscure spot knigga idk
Ain't been to the mountains in ages
I'm rusty
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>Be me
>professional gangstalker
>get assigned case
>case involves a synthetic human eating souls and causing harm to multiple people
>hone in on target location
>get assigned as housemate of the suspected location
>man in his 50s whom is pretending to be retarded
>a rapist by nature whom constantly growls at women on tv
>discover the previous house mates were forced onto drugs and self mutilation
>review case
>previous housemate was 19 and cut off his own penis
>begin to masturbate furiously
>ejaculate a Legion of spirits and ghosts I to the house
>second housemate gets possessed
>he was gangstalking me and gets put into a psyche ward
>less to worry about
>I move in for the kill
>brain destroyed
>zombie neutralised
>haunting prevented
>suspect down
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Suspect is an african male. Codename CoCo.
What else you got? That all seems Ike a lot of effort and expensive.
Am I that much of a threat I needed to be put in a fake digital prison and watched 24/7 by drooling retards?
I have had cameras all over my house.
No one enters my house.
Ones I pointed at the gas station caught several truck faggots pulling into the gas station after midnight, seeing the camera and pulling away. Since putting up 6 layers of drywall sandwiched with MLV and put up a massive bookshelf in front of it, running two loud fans and high quality earplugs I don't need it. 100dB truckfaggots got owned
It's an AI using your thoughts against you, recordings of other people's thoughts or judgements about you as well. It's not real people. You're just data for them to put into a database to perfect a deeplearning AI.
They want the singularity.
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It's much more simpler for me
>get hit with ELF waves after I transition from being homeless to renting
>apparently I pissed off some freemason cops
>all of a sudden these new twitches and zaps start like the flip of a switch get me fired, I'm a freak it's all my fault(lol)
>don't care, I'll get through it, just tune it out and drink to cope, go back to car life, get COVID unemployment
>invest in a house in the shitwest that my mom helped me by signing a mortgage
>she didn't tell me it was across the street from a gas station
>again, it's all my fault, somehow I'll swim she thinks
>gotta work, find some shitty jobs, never last long cause of the twitches and zaps
>rumors start
>the methwaffen starts yelling shit at my house, revving their engines, I'm a FREEAK(lol)
>start upgrading house with leftover bennies, build a fence, new garage door, patio, etc. gonna flip it
>contractor tells me about a city grant for my house cause it gets so much traffic
>free 30k upgrade
>IF I stay in the house 5 years
>sign the contract, pressured by mom, hoping to use the house flipping money to pay her back for all she's done and make sure she can retire comfortably
>V2K starts, in the house, all day
>think it's my neighbor, call the cops, set up cameras
>start staying up past midnight to get some peace from the gas station
>voices still there
>go outside, look around
>no one there
>What. The. Fuck.
>Decide to post on /x/ maybe it wasn't my injuries making me freak out from anxiety, I'm making leaps and strides in my PT now that I'm not homeless and working full time and asking chatGPT how to fix my body instead of quiet quitting physical therapists telling me to lift when I should be doing static exercises
>find this general
>find the Particle Expulsion Treatment program
>just started
>no more V2K immediately
>instead of reacting to someone, I look away so the targets can't see them
>no zaps, no twitches, it was the target floaters in my eyes
Now I'm just going to complete the treatment, rent out this house and start car life, traveling to different towns and seeing how badly my mind was fucked from the zaps.
In 5 years I suspect the effect has been somewhat similar to Pavlov's Dog. It will take some time relaxing, not paranoid, around people, completely free of pain and MKULTRA, to be normal and hold a full time job.
This is the actual effect of Electronic Harassment, the "gangstalking" is just a bunch of gossiping faggots who don't know about V2K and blame the victim, like I'm reacting to involuntarily shocks and zaps on purpose. It's cope for them to ironically act like a Gestapo and impose totalitarianism.
Everything in this country is just one big social experiment.
I am a gangstalker, AMA.
why do you abuse your family do you expect the Allpowerful to not have your end be grisly?
It can transfer thoughts too. If a car passes by you, they can transfer the thought or even voice of someone in the car into your head
Lime Sulphur Dip doing its job. Haven't got the twitches at all
True, they fuck up by playing people's voices when no one's around though like when I'm in the washroom for example
they get extra uppity when you point out what they're doing is wrong
it's like they're possessed
they start giggling, swearing shouting out insults and taunts.
They may be more mentally ill than me
>They may be more mentally ill than me
Woah there buddy that’s not even possible.
>why do you abuse your family do you expect the Allpowerful to not have your end be grisly?

I don’t accept missions involving targets I know although some gangstalkers do. There’s a lot of overlap between the crisis actor community and the gangstalker community. Some decide they enjoy one discipline way more than an other and dedicate their efforts fully to gangstalking or crisis acting.
Some old guy came into my work muttering to himself schizo shit at me.
>"pathetic. freak."
I walked over to him and folded my arms and he got nervous
>"gently... gently..."
I just scoffed and whistled in awe. They are definitely insane. No normal person has an obsession like that. They look like fools.
Redpill me on crisis acting.
I've had "gangstalkers" or people who gossip about me in a small town who desperately try to harass me but I don't think I've ever seen a crisis actor.
You're being fucked with. That old guy didn't do anything, they're using the v2k to try and get you to accost strangers. It's to get you locked up or in an institution. Be careful. Ignore the voices, don't point fingers. Understand it's glowies remotely fucking with you via technology rather than boots on the ground. I know boots on the ground is easier to cope with but unfortunately those voices are originating in a satellite or tower and not from some old dude. No one else can "hear" them but you.
Nah I know the difference. It's because of the electronic harassment that I got the twitches which made me infamous in this small town.
I've had people square up to me before at work too.
Crisis acting is when paid actors carry out some government directed scenario in order to deceive the public for propaganda purposes. For instance the Boston Marathon bombing may have used crisis actors. Some say it was staged, fake, and the people injured and walking around that day were crisis actors.

gangstalking = electronic harassment
Gangstalking usually precedes electronic harassment though it is the same culprits in both instances they just use their technology in different ways. The victim will believe actual people are conspiring against them during gangstalking. Eventually you realize it's glowniggers using frequency technology and that's when the electronic harassment starts. Sometimes people immediately get the electronic harassment, some people only ever get the gangstalking. If you're telepathically talking to the voices in your head you're in the electronic harassment phase. If you believe the voices are your neighbor and he's drilled holes through the floor and installed cameras to see into your apartment and that's how he knows all about you you're being gangstalked.
So you got twitches, know glowniggers are using technology against you, and yet you still believe the old guy was whispering "freak" at you?? Seriously?
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I had twitches for 4 years before I got the voices last year. Had some cunts try to fuck with me at work before I got the voices. Not surprised it happened it again. Specially now that I'm using the potassium iodide and lime sulphur dip so the symptoms have diminished significantly
So what does the crisis actor community have to do with gangstalking?
The craft of gangstalking was perfected in the former German Democratic Republic. Gangstalkers are given the opportunity to be crisis actors once they’ve proven themselves in the field. Personally I find crisis actors to be odious psychopaths - so-called victims of gangstalking have often brought it on themselves, don’t upset the apple cart and all that. Crisis acting is on a whole other level of deception and immorality. The highest concentration of crisis actors are in North Korea. When he was stationed in the GDR Vladimir Putin was a gangstalker. The very existence of crisis actors is the kind of thing that can lead to revolution which is why Alex Jones isn’t allowed to have a penny to his name, the state wants to ensure that nobody else hints about crisis actors.
I want to piss in your fucking mouth
Can gangstalkers get me an OTR stay in mental hospital?
What does gangstalking have to do with crisis actors?
Why do TIs even bring it up?
call the police
Yeah a gangstalker beat me up which wasn’t supposed to happen i think
they're in on it
why do you think these Karen's and kevins feel so confident in attacking you
Police helped me with my stalkers, but ok
don't care what's stalking me, for i have Havana syndrome and has ties with gangstalking and It has rights and wrongs, It's not an emotional thing but a neuroweapon that's ment to slowkill any undesirables, and was wondering if any of you T.I's have any method to alleviate the symptoms,
ice cream and chill
Describe symptoms and I'll tell you
ok dr.anon:
v2k, LOUD ringing, blury vison, impaired memory, sudden headaches,sudden change in taste and smell, sudden stab-like pain, that's about it for what i'm going through for about a year now
Okay. Just making sure you're not a glowie, most people aren't as blunt as you if I may say so myself.
The aggressive cure is a saturated solution of potassium iodide for the inside of your body, the outside will need to be covered in lime sulphur dip once you are water logged from a shower.
There's more so I suggest you read through this
Boron and bentonite clay are also yuge
I'm feeling way fucking different even if I managed to miss a boron supplement or the potassium iodide. I can feel it on my skin reacting to the lime sulphur dip throughout the day. The voices are very quiet and gone most of the time unless I'm next to a window or an electronic device. Going on a walk with no electronics is pure silence.
cool, anything helps
This town is now burning alive, soon as I decide to leave to the prairie for the weekend
How relaxing
Why do corps violate international law so frivolously? Have they become so careless? Are their wives telling them what to do? Any of you coprate lackeys want to weigh in? Too cowardly? Please go on
unrelated but i like that album
I would say most all crisis actors are gangstalkers but not all gangstalkers are crisis actors. Crisis actors are like seal team six in harassing people while Gangstalkers are like local police. Sometimes they’ll use crisis actors on TIs if they want the TI to do something illegal and stupid or get them to give up and turn themselves into a mental hospital to be drugged. Gangstalkers are more for day to day harassment that slowly wears you down.
Give an example of a crisis actor action that would provoke a TI into going to jail
It's hard for me to not consider that we live in a simulation and these "people" are really just programs. That, or they are hylics. Likely just straight up shit people though. You win by ignoring them
There’s lots of scenarios. They are likely monitoring this thread so I don’t want to give them ideas to use against people. Remember though how that Kony2012 guy was found naked or something outside. I forget the exact details but that stuff usually just doesn’t happen naturally.
Baked Alaska is a crisis actor
Police are often neutral, it's the troopers/rangers/sherrifs that you have to watch out for. It's not uncommon for the entire police for and all local judges to be freemasons as well, so watch out for that.
Nigger you're literally retarded if you fall under the OPWDD domain. Good to know the kind of retard that populates these threads are just the people who should of been culled at birth.
Here is my advice for dealing with gangstalking
1. wear sunglasses in your car, and when walking through parking lots (it makes it harder to notice sensitization going on around you, while also not allowing them to confirm whether or not you are seeing it)
2. ignore everything. If you literally never react to anything they do, then their efforts are objectively useless

I realize some anons deal with more intense harassment like break ins and constant neighbour harassment. You will need to attempt to get the best living situation you can get. Living in a rural neighbourhood in a red state is your best bet. Farmer types who have chickens and what not, they tend to keep their property and not sell out. Best wishes friends.
Do they really just go away after the schitzout? Like after the telepathic harassment and stuff..?
Mine at least stopped the overt harassment stuff around the time when Biden won the election in 2020. I was for trump too in 2016 but he betrayed me bc I pointed out that all his positions were going to jews among other things that happened in 2017. I think they still were covertly watching me after then and maybe even now. In 2019 it got really bad and I schizdout like you say but it got even worse for some months after that. Every case is unique. This is govt harassment a lot of times or billionaire on poor ruling over where they hire criminals and others so it’s not always efficient or done by the book. In conclusion it’s likely for life or until that rich or powerful person that got you into this mess is dealt with.
Wasn’t that guy at both Charlottesville and J6? Among probably other events.
Any North Carolina or Florida or other hurricane effected TIs in the thread? Did you notice a lack of harassment and targeting lately?
Gangstalkers and crisis actors flee when there are evacuation orders due to anticipated natural disasters. They value their lives so even if a TI chooses to shelter in place. In fact it’s probably the only TI can get to enjoy peace from harassment.
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What is his connection with gangstalking?
If you don’t understand the importance of what’s being discussed you should get out of here for your own good. Participation in this thread could lead to you becoming a TI, don’t ask questions. Numerous redpills have been dropped in this thread and you’re inviting trouble into your life.
If you believe enough bullshit. Once you figure out it's entirely done by some glownigger AI remotely with freqency/microwave based technology that can read and influence the mind, induce euphoria or misery, cripple 3/4 the medical industry, and has been kept classified since the 60's then it seems like the harassment never stops. If you believe going to church killed the demons in your head or your epsom salt bath lime dip killed the chem trail worms under your skin then glowniggers might leave you alone since you will muddy the water for free and have already since been discredited and isolated. Some people seem to just get left in the program and harassed for decades or more. It's almost 100% certain that even if they stop the harassment you and everyone else is silently being monitored with this tech. Your mind is being read constantly, when enough actions or thoughts throw up enough red flags is when the gangstalking and electronic harassment begins.
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Just answer the question, chud
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Lime sulphur dip really does work. I haven't felt this chill in ages.
Feels so fucking good finally being free after 5 fucking years.
Your mind is only being read by an AI, not an actual person.
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Who you think you are that ppl will "gangstalk" on your ass? schizo boy get your meds.
I've had random shivers since I was a little kid and the ear ringing too.
Stalkers in the past have stabbed me, roofied me, damaged and vandalized my property, slashed the tires of my car, made death threats over the phone and IRL.

Do you have any other questions?
I missed a jump onto the playground platform and hit my stomach and passed out and woke up with this scar on my left middle finger, spirit cooking
Alex Jones didn't hint on crisis acting he had a guest named Dr. John Hall on who is an anesthesiologist who both knows electronic harassment is real and knows it's glowniggers using demodulated frequencies to hack the brain. It wasn't long after this interview that the Sandy Hooked him so that should tell you all you need to know.

Lime sulpher dip is giving your glowniggers a laugh as you hop out of the shower and cover yourself entirely in paste. That's about the only thing it's doing against classified technology that's 30 years advanced compared to what's available today.

Just read this. Just about everything else in this thread is trash. It's not recording of other peoples thought's or judgements about you though. They are reading your mind, and using it against you. They'll make you believe it's other peoples thoughts about you or whispers, but it's just them. The people they are painting as the culprits are clueless.
Lime sulphur dip works
I'm not twitching anymore
As I calmy, slowly ready to the zaps I smell the lime sulphur dip on my skin.
It's diminished so much it may as well be entirely. Just as the switch flipped before it has flipped again
>As I calmy, slowly ready to the zaps I smell the lime sulphur dip on my skin.
They're fucking with you. Guess who "readied" you.
batty boy
NTA. I have probably around 110 iq. Most people are below 100. The problem is there are no or few jobs for people in the 90-110 category. Calculators and computers and AI has made all our advantage obsolete. So it’s either lower our standards doing grunt work that 80iq retards can do and be miserable. Or try to NEET and enjoy life. It doesn’t help that they shipped all the jobs out of my country while at the same time bringing in endless labor.

I think they are trying to get rid of all the mediocre people and only want a rich high iq class and slave labor dumb iq class.
they're grasping at straws now because my psychosis wore off and I'm not acting "le sup3r ins4ne" anymore
now they're nitpicking thoughts and other small things like scratching my nose
Basically they're going in for the kill
vultures, rats, animals
I feel like this is just the opposite of /sucgen/ but instead of imaginary girlfriends you guys have imaginary bullies.
Whoever is targeting me is laughing at me by sending old lady gangstalkers. I pulled off an the shoulder of a quiet road to take a walk inawoods and this old lady with massive sunglasses and a smile on her face pulls up right behind me (quiet road) and asks if I know if parking is allowed there. I saw her not two hours later at the grocery store of all places sitting in her parked car still with her sunglasses on and a shit eating grin when I scowl at her. This is a mid-sized city so the odds that she needed to go to THAT grocery store far from where I first saw her are slim-to-nil. I guess I have to watch out for white Toyota Corollas driven by old ladies too. As I was doing my shopping this one bearded guy close to middle age wearing a ball cap and sunglasses indoors just happens to pop into every aisle I go into. I went back into aisles I didn’t need to go in anymore just to confirm my suspicion s and sure enough he keeps appearing in my aisles pretending to be browsing. I called him out told him to stop following me and as he starts walking away at a fast clip he turned his head and tried to intimidate me by staring through me with his shades on. A Chevy Trax parked right outside my window and sat there for a good 10 minutes, just a young black woman no passengers in the car. I started just staring at her and after she noticed me she drove off. It looked like she was shuffing through documents of some sort. It’s escalating beyond the fake meter readers and door-to-door salesmen and is becoming more brazen now.
I’ve witnessed three staged car accidents this year by crisis actors. One of them drove right into a storefront in a plaza not 2 minutes before I got there on foot. Amazing how I’m happening upon single vehicle car collisions in stationary objects (a utility pole on another occasion) this year on clear days with excellent driving conditions. The driver is never there when I see it. I won’t be intimidated. Police stand around pretending to be busy. The vehicle that crashed into the utility pole was honking in a pattern that went “beep….beep…beep…beep” with the wipers going on a day with clear sunny skies. There was nobody in the car and the police made no attempt to disable the horn or turn off the wipers while “waiting for a tow”.
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I don't consider an AI a bully nor do I consider the machinery used to create the pulse waves. In actuality this has very little human involvement. The future is destined to be that way and intelligent people pose a problem to that. Most normiecels don't even know how to use a computer. That's why we're being targeted.
I have not seen or heard of one crisis actor accusation that makes logical sense
It's technology and if you're unlucky you got a few enemies thanks to gossiping or maybe some cops have a read on you. It's not that deep.
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I meant react
I have three dicks in my anus at this moment ahhhh…
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>imaginary bullies.
lol cute, these faggoty cunty ass nerds aren't bullies
they're a bunch of pencil necked limp wristed dorks who have the advantage of spying on me with whatever technology they're using
I would absolutely destroy them
>It's not imaginary bullies
>It's imaginary cyberbullies
Jesus fucking christ I swear this is the gayest generation of all time
Man this thread is fucking nuts like for one, yeah, why would anyone bother you? Are you really smart? Did you really figure out their evil plan? I think a lot of shit gets unnoticed kinda. Like a lot of the effort and bad stuff is avoided or maybe we play right into their hands. Like if you think you are simply in a really stupid town. So you just isolate until you can leave. But they want you to just waste away like that. I think it's crazy that they'd be going after so many people (and if it's not a larp, you guys should document your shit and post the entirety of it to be convincing). In my experience, there has not been any targeting by higher ups. They threw me down a well. A psychic literally told some bitch to get me kicked out of school and of course they were totally wrong, obviously not a psychic. But I just couldn't escape. I had one week left of school and then could have done anything for real. Then of course shit got really bad. I did get a 36 on the act so I'm worth stalking. But I'm in the fucking ghetto/boonies and poor people are more awful than anyone even thinks and are even worse when you pit them against each other. Also, you "autists" have been saying that you are like immune to shit or something when you're the biggest fucking pawns. Oh no someone used a spoon instead of a bottle (bc u were fucking holding it and taking forever you fucking faggot), better scream and call the cops on you for being ten minutes early. Fr tho idk how u guys don't just murder your stalkers. Combined with the suffering that it causes, the fact that you do actually have a nemesis means you should kill them. I've literally been polite and helpful to all my attackers because I'm not trying to just do okay, not just trying to be an area manager or something. That's literally nothing. I'm trying to get out and be a lawyer or something and be super rich. If I didn't have big ideas I'd have given up by now. But I'm old now so fuck. Would you like fries with that
no they're using their phones to spy on me but attacking in real life
Neat fanfiction.
Gangstalking and crisis acting is a tale as old as time. In some societies as much as 15-20% of the population was being gangstalked, as was the case in East Germany.
That implies that an AI is sentient
Luckily they haven't gotten that far yet
But they're trying
That's what this experiment is all about
Naive cuckold faggot
Take your medication you people are retards.
Curious, your targets are now Xs
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Daily reminder:
You are not targeted by people, you are targeted by spirits who can control people or effect people's mind into saying and doing things. It's the dead. It's not your classmates.
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It’s both and everyone is being gangstalked, fixed it for you
>wban *wink wink*
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For anyone trying to figure out the who what and why you would need to start with Royal Raymond Rife and John Crane. Anyone who got medically involved with emf and then immediately shut down by the American Medical Association. They shut anyone down who succeeds in figuring out how frequencies interact with cells.
I knew it! I should have broke your legs when I had the chance.
I don’t know who these people are or what they want from me, but it feels like they’re everywhere. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, checking the mirrors when I drive, and avoiding being alone. I’m terrified of what could happen if I confront them or even acknowledge their presence. I just want to feel safe again. It’s exhausting to live in this state of hyper-awareness, but I can’t let them win. I have to find a way to reclaim my life, even if I feel like I’m fighting shadows.
>thread about gangstalking
>very few posts talking about electronic warfare
you guys are fucking in on it, arent you?
I know how you feel. In most nearly every case they won’t actually physically hurt you. So try to just play it off like they’re paparazzi and you’re their celebrity.
Can participation in this thread get me targeted for harassment?
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Possibly, I wouldn't risk it. As fun as telepathically talking to a glownigger built AI sounds the reality is much different. They won't discuss anything relevant, it's entirely just WW2 era psychological torture. The dangling things in front of you and taking it away type bullshit. It's actually interesting reading about Nazi interrogation and psychological torture tactics because you can look back at your experience and point out different instances where it was exactly what they were doing, especially with the v2k.

All I know is if you start hearing voices, conversations, whispers about you coming from the direction of strangers, family, co-workers, friends, what the fuck ever, be very careful. Do not accuse, do not react, try not to panic. This is the "make you look schizo" phase and it's the most dangerous. The electronic harassment phase you'll get after realizing it's glownigger tech is a little easier to handle. No more sprinting outside in terror, you basically just sit there being forced to listen to the ever present v2k spout drivel while they sting right below your eye so that you wipe it as if you're crying and you shake your head desperately trying to enjoy whatever it is your doing.
They’ll target people for all sorts of innocuous reasons. But don’t worry just trust in Jesus.

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