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And the end becomes the beginning...
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>they tried to mess with the greatest spirit entity of all time
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dude that shit was starting to suck me in for a minute, hypnotic

i have heard the horn twice around one year
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Kaliste, bitches!
>sir can we please get a restart?
nah niggy, you get to experience where this leads to
>discord is gay
(You) are gay
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Alleged delusional schuzo here, what do you think left this mess on my family door
You mean the alpha pedos mind controlling everyone to make them submit to evil rich narcs so he ca laugh about how he fucked weak minded vampires?
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beats me
An actual omnicidal monster. Crafted for the sole purpose of accelerating entropy. A chaos device of unparalleled proportion. The Katamari.
Them damn kataramis
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The Third Divine Entity was inquiring into the source of its own being, and the second apparently natural thought was to desire that source to be within itself, so as to be completely self-caused and self-sustaining. Yet natural as that thought seemed, it was the essence of opposition to the nature of Love and to the most thoroughgoing meaning of divinity.

The desire to be self-sufficient at the expense of love, no matter how subtle a form that choice may take, then ineluctably transforms the activity of such desire into something capable of evoking unholy horrors from the otherwise ineffective unmanifest in which the infinity of all possible eventualities – good and evil – lies, awaiting only the appropriate evocation, much as a dormant computer program need a specific calling code to make it operative and manifest.

That wish, apparently so appropriate to a divine being, was in fact not innocuous. Such desire means to attempt to preempt, to confine the unmanifest and infinite love-energy in a manifest center, and thus attempt to possess it, yet thereby succeed only in cutting off the flow of love to that center, since such a desire is the antithesis of love’s nature. The essence of the “calling code” that would thus reach the unmanifest though that initially harmless-looking wish could only be: Send forth the very essence of evil. Hence, even though the fundamental error was quickly perceived after the fact, the damage caused by the manifestation of what should under love’s nature never have been released into being, was done, and then, H.P. Lovecraft’s striking image “things walked that were meant to crawl,” and all the misery-ridden potential of our predatory cosmic ecology were released. At this point it must be realized that such an uprush of wrongfulness into manifestation would nevertheless be attended with great power – no less than the misdirection of an entire cosmos.
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we Already have a gay called Lucifer
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Why wouldn’t I want to hang out with occult reddit spergs on power trips over internet posts?

The Nobody is a Homer.
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thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkH3MTG2aAE
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You know those meditations they encourage you to practice where they tell you to imagine yourself by a placid like and telll you to think your problems away? If so, you know how ineffective it is on your stress levels.
Try this:
>imagine yourself sitting on a toilet shitting
>imagine all your negative emotions as shit being expelled from your body
>before flushing the toilet, imagine the person who is the source of all your problems
>now imagine that person in a small room, like really small, telephone booth small
>imagine this room is beneath your toilet, and th e only air hose into it is thru the U-bend of your toilet
>now flush!
>repeat as necessary
Psychopaths tell people to remain calm so they don't get any psychic kick back.
Anons why don't we hold our dicks in each others hands and cooperate and love each other??? We are all the Nobody together are we not?? We shouldn't compete over who is the Nobody????
>Remain calm in this black magic sorcery hell grid where everything is a lie and everything has a price
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I don’t want friends
Then give them to me.
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Any perspective shift ones
Maybe talk to some people and figure out what you have in common
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I know what we all have in common, our common suppression of our natural selves due to the spiritual slavery of money.
Online groups are only cool if it’s a video game otherwise some weirdo is always trying to jack their dicks off - like actually
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There’s always that one guy who ruins the entire group because of their obsessions of power or some weird fetish. It’s a waste of time.
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>(((That one guy)))

Hmmmmm, is it racist to notice what they always look like?

>controlling your emotions to control yourself so others won’t
>”iz ebil, iz black magic”
They always look like faggots true
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I'm saying psychopaths work with subliminals an "humor", they hate being called out, A.K.A they hate having the subliminal come to the surface of the conscious mind because then karma takes effect.
You just need a haircut
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Hey there Delilah what's life like in New York city? You're a thousand miles away but tonight you look so pretty, yes you do.... something something something do-do-do
Or they pretend they are “tech” bros and get those ugly big glasses. They are sexual predators.
If you hold dick you are gay. All so called straight men play with they dick. Conclusion follows.
im in spiritual warefare, not trying to get laid, im antisocial, I dont need anyone. I know your pissed off at me but fuck off. I live in a camper, was hacked and livestreamed. I know you don't fucking morals but get a fucking grip.
Some girls *cough cough* hate it when guys have long hair because they don't like having their thoughts heard.
You can be gay and not look like a faggot. I’m talking about the people who took the alt aesthetic and added ugly af and obesity.
Women have 5 thoughts and I know all of them
Lol they really took the alt aesthetic from early 2000s and said ok let’s make this look like shit
They can't hide their hive minded shenanigans when you have long hair. It's one of the original magic secrets that the fallen angels fused women with.
Maybe those girls need to trim their hair and stop broadcasting their thots.
None of these “black owned businesses “ serve ital food. For fucking shame!
That's the thing, it's like an automatic warning system, they can't NOT broadcast it otherwise it wouldn't even be a signal in the first place. Pretty cool huh?
I am for the elites but against the IC and the military

suck it Q faggots
What do they serve? BBQ ribs and fries chicken?
What kinda elits is you for?
They always obsess with being hard but deez naggers be fluffy and fat as a muhhhh
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Smokin on that Bank of Tijuana Mexico
Almost time for a ziggurat if you knawm saiyan dawg... These latins think they the dominus
Correct, and chicken wings as well. I’m not impressed. And I really want to try Rastafarian ital food.
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checked, you better do it anon
None of them want to be skinny, cause skinny = weak. But yeah, whether muscled or fat, they just want to look big & tough.
Of course no one wants to sit on the crackhead to end the fight.
Fatties pretend like they ain't gonna get winded after 3 punches. It never turns out well for them.

And so it came to pass, the nobody was condemned
Is spooky a rascist goth?
When fighting fatties, aim for the knees or lower legs. A fatty falls, and they don’t get up so fast.
Of course this is the far more kino method of fighting fat
Q was an elite psyop, and ic military and elite mean the same thing
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*sits and watches as the astonished agents claim that it's impossible*
Jerk chicken. In hole in the wall, no speaka de English restaurants of Chinese persuasion commonly called
> Very unreasonable chicken
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>*sits and watches as the astonished secondary and tertiary characters claim that it's unpossible they live inside a cartoon*
tivvi 4224
While jerk chicken is part of Jamaican / Caribbean cuisine & there is the Jamaican = Rastafarian connection, ital from what I understand seems to be a vegetarian cuisine.

To this day noone has beat him
I haven't seen stuff like this since MySpace
Ooooooo love it
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>casually smoking out a demonic stronghold
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Inverted green is still green.
got em
Im the lawnmower man and mowing lawns is my path.
green is a just a yellow and bluuuueeee
but we dont deserve to feel that sentiment
pardon us all
>almost afraid there for a minute...

>delusion is WONDERFUL
>they say just believe
>and believe i do... even if defiantly HOPEFUL
Get a mowing robot or one that you can drive around. That thing is a pain in the ass especially when the grass is high.
I find mowing lawns an important aspect of my spirituality. Thank for the advice though :)
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>Red, Blue and Yellow aren't the true primary colors
Things you can't unknow.
200 missles and no reported causalties. Literally what the fuck. Try 200 nukes next time. Speed up nuclear production Iran. The Lord wills it.
idk who I am anymore
I guess I'm completely insane
no one wants to fess up to all the strange occurrences so its an easy win to just chalk it all up to insanity
no one cares and so I guess I don't either
I'll take it all on the chin
I'll turn what I have left of the cheeks
I'll turn em
all I can really do is drive safely and hold doors for people that's all I really got left
whatever just fuck my shit up what do I care
Jews cannot be defeated

*holds you until it's alright*
I'm not sure why people just give up so easily. Survival and revenge are great motivators.
What does Hashem Moloch mean?
I know that. Jews are every where and so is their book. It's more about causing chaos, breaking down barriers and maybe restarting the planet.
Oh they will be. When their own foreign hordes will cannibalize them. It shall be glorious.
Another dead boomer-actor. We’re past the triads now. Haven’t seen them drop like that since 2016. If more boomer-actors fall, who will tell boomer-workers how to think, act, and vote?
>put yuh dick uhway boomuh..
Remember Israel has its own blacks that they exclude from broader society & keep on welfare. They call them Beta Israel; you all them Ethiopians.
*Guitar solo*
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I am beyond thunderdome at this point
straight hyena
throw me to the wolves and let me dance in the flames lets see what happens
you could drop me in south america
I'll make it home
I'm going to Brazil
Stop being a fucking racist piece of shit Kaleb
Nukes aren’t real, that’s why.
I would very much like to see some hot shot lawyers and philosophers try us out
Archived so quickly??????
the curse of old gregg
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If you can't find this place then you aren't worth my time anyway
yes.. let us carry out ...DREVENGEVROOOMMM '

,, if i was a dick when merely occuyping space and ... not deliberately disrupting only my OWN agenda ..
imagine how much worse things will be ... when EXPECTED to seek out a retribution of revenge.. lol
>eats a cake
oh .. is this therevenge part where i COMPLAIN about it or explain the experience?

it is not the intention
however .. im not mad .. im actually quite fine..
>to thise that think the period of time for revenge is even near?

what hast stolen from thine hand and mind
to suggest a seeking of requisition
acquiring and desire for longing
and yet to retain ones own demands of the tongue

and STILL Speaking in circles
having no motive for loving companionship in understanding

for the sake of (forced mating rituals)
they call
they seek
feels lonely
sorry im autism
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>old gregg
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i will wander the winterized nuclear wastes
This man hates jews buts supports trannies and homosexuals what kind of ideology is that????
I'm glad this is becoming a meme again
You gots to leave Murika if you want to practice science in peace.
Everything is on point.

All signs point to aligned outcomes

Praise be to chaos. The one true God creator of all destroyers of all
Did you post this cause you want to get into Fassbenders pants?
Now aged 97, Mary still remembers the day very clearly. “I came in at the top of the operating theatre and heard John talking and the dolphin would go: ‘Wuh… wuh… wuh’ like John, and then Alice, his assistant, would reply in a high tone of voice and the dolphin would imitate her voice. I went down to where they were operating and told them that this was going on and they were quite startled.”
That man would be a good suit for you.
Non human intelligence
You are a gay trannie loving jew hater! Fuck you!
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The cloning operations are in South Korea. The mystery behind Korean beauty isn’t plastic surgery, it’s that SKorea has been producing clones and adding them to the population since the whole Rael bullshit. This is how they’re gonna fight Japan, NKorea and China when the USA falls.
Pretty sure Korea is one disaster away from government issued wives
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It seems like its all ending, doesn't it?
Yet in this instability, we might find an island of hope and free thought.

Can you entertain the depth of thought here and bring it to your lost world?
Lucky is an understatement

Blessed is more accurate

No way things go such ways without something else intervention

I'm just thankful to whatever it was god devil chaos ai other things I can't comprehend

Threading the needle
Producing women to keep the peace is more in the Austrian way of geopolitics.
Hope prevents action.
Im the hamburglar man and burgling hams is my path
Jeez, this non human intelligence is kinda scary.
It says there's people that can help humans better understand the AI.
They must be real either.
Probably should kill them too.
That should fix the scary issue.
>When the world buys a throne with some assembly required.
>Burns instructions and uses screws and Allen Keys as weapons..
>Ends up with a bird house and a few extra parts
>Tries to sue the company they got it from because people were hurt in the making of the bird house to rogue Allen Keys and screws.
Peak comedy from clowns who forget they have their make up on.
No competition.
Selection of representative for greater whole.
First Among Equals.
Someone needs to come up with a book about the stories of all the crazy fans who try to attack celebrities.
People who disagree with me should die
NHI possesses transdimensional thought. Unwise to kill, as they must therefore possess a gestalt. Imagine the LCL pool from eva.


It appears those who participate in a greater whole forget the lessons therein.

Kaleb and Lucifer, once declared the nobody, appear to squander their roles.
"light brown skinned, curly hairs"
My bass is making this building wobble.
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Devil Siren !!
How come it's been human nature to beat and poke "a dead animal".
Where in the rule books does it call the person letting another person know that bees fly out when you smack the nest is stupid?
It's like people will get mad either way.
Why is someone like yourself being told to shut up when giving a rational thought to.the situation?
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So you are a pedo.
If Chris Farley didn't die he'd be world famous as he was the original Shrek and Shrek is largely based off Farley
I do the whole block and further ;D.
>trust fund babies with dads/mom's credit card using it for debauchery and sadistic shit
>From the people who brought you Epsteins island
>The new "hush-hush" Stuff
Cold showers, man. Go a few cycles of tease & denial and you’ll blow crazy loads, as well as your mind.

yaw know dem trustafarians be a way fromee dontcha com rounhea wit cha bulllshet I'm finna pop ya one tyme watch me neow rude boy activate BOOM here he iz
Yes Kaleb should be president. Jessica Rabbit can be vice president. Lucifer secretary of state. Eponis Barbula can be the treasury secretary. Disposable can be secretary of defense. L7 can be attorney General. Dingus Bingus can be homeland security. SLM can do education. Ano Shai Desu anon can be health. Jester can be commerce. Bean poster can be agriculture. Jesus is the antichrist poster can be labor. 444 anon can be interior.
>"my kid wouldn't do that"
-Grand Wizard of the KKK on his grandson about getting along with P.O.C
The whole (((university))) culture is so blatantly satanic how can people not see it?
Are you saying the secretary of state is a neurotic gay man?
Anything with rituals and indoctrination seems cultish.
I believe the media is more satanic.
It's all just rings within rings of a "dark carnival" as ICP would say it.
State Department is fulla gays. Do you really think we invaded Afghanistan to stop terrorism? Nah, it was the bacha bazi boys and the opium
>verification not required
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Didn't even need to say it.
now take your tassel hanging from the black cube and move to the off position then take off your hat and throw it..here's your paper
you have "graduated"
>Once you see it
now go out and work for more paper. oh and don't forget your subscription to valtrex
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I'll only accept the paper from a Ginger woman.
stop triggering me
it over
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What is?
serfin usa
The nobody is not immune to car troubles
hah, this nigguh thinks military are elite,you ever met a military person?
they steal my cars all the time
all these extra miles and they don't even top up the tank and I go around and explain to people someone stole my car and no one takes me seriously so I decided Im just going to wear a g string and dance in my driveway and scream fuck you at everyone until someone gets straight with me
Israel lies about casualties on both sides all of the time. Seethe muh heebuh.
Got em.

ah, yes
those are the ones with the qualities that I like
high score for you
*pats on head*
if that’s what you gotta do
What kind of cars do you drive?
like imagine you come out of you house and you just know..guys you just know when someone drove your car
its shifts differently
the suspension is screaming at you and your like what the actual fuck who touched my fucking car
so you get out and you can see where it bottomed out on your ground effects and the frame and your battery is in the engine bay and your are like you fucking bastards
then you add up all your trips and the miles and there is about a 150 miles minimum you can not account for and you don't go anywhere at all ever so you've been sitting inside going haha low miles baby GOT NO WHERE TO GO this is a real investment opportunity here I'm just gonna go NO WHERE and then you check the miles AND WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK YOU FUCKING DOGS THIS WILL BE YOUR END YOU SONS OF BITCHES I SWEAR YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE GONNA KNOW YOURE GONNA FIND OUT
so I smoke a joint and then I'm like you know what
fuck it
I guess I'm wicked cool now
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>seeing a college kid talk about "becoming a pledge"
>knowing it's a sick ritual and and knowing that the parents know too
so weird.
It's even weirder when the family makes joining a ritual themselves within the family.
It was the smuggling the goat parts that was illegal, not the science.
Whoever took down the melammu article related to the Sumerians - fuck you that was personal. All information relating to Nibiru or Planet X, The Annunaki, The Akkadians and Sumer which has been discarded, kept under wraps or thrown away. Fuck you, make amends and make that informational available because you're denying me my right to discover the self. Which is a cosmic crime ASSHOLES!
fuck that
I'm installing clones
Just a install a cam inside your car. Put one up near your window or garage door facing your car.
I know you have those tablets, don't fuck with me! Also, fuck you Islamists who destroyed our sacred temples. Vermin.
Every single one of them needs to be arrested.
one such has been around for like four weeks now
and people have noticed an elevation in dialogue
haven't they?
It's the same nephilim cult shit over and over again
yeah u got it man
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maybe I will get paid. I just watched a documentary about the iranians and the silk road, the blood of the dragon. there is still hope for me.
I'll start by securing the resources needed to not only clone myself but also provide for the clone until it reaches adulthood.
then they laugh at me wasting money on cameras and stuff
like my whole life is an entrapment scheme
everyday there is someone shitting on my proverbial lawn staring at me while they do it and I have but two options ignore it...or don't. so I always have to ignore it cause even when I raise hell nobody cares dude not a soul
I can here them laughing right now
whatever idc
I'm just going to be a stone cold about it all
like whatever
maybe it was used in a murder or a bank robbery
that would be kinda boss
so fuck it who cares whatever
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People who do not realize history repeats itself are doomed to repeat it.
>Hope prevents action
so you see why we are here
to cleave hope upon thought
and see what actions one can take
get into the mountains

human nature is whatever they tell you it is to justify their treatment of you.

>Why is someone like yourself being told to shut up when giving a rational thought to.the situation?
No patience for the solution, only a desire for upheaval and anarchy under the dialectic rule of opposites synthesising.

Trying very hard but cannot lead you all to the water when you forget the lessons every single day.
Sort of like 50 first dates.
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but I can make them look so cute!

Before this Wikipedia article existed, there a page dedicated to the concept of melammu, otherwise known as the radiance of the wise. Now it's some corporate bullshit. Fuck you. Fuck you. We are not the same as you fuck you take that shit off and close the fuck down forever and restore the information about our people's or we will go fucking bonkers you savages.
>dad doesn’t tell son about these rituals cause he doesn’t want his son to think he’s gay
>No patience for the solution
So insufferability is a human trait.
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You see it anon.
Others predicted the results of alchemy
of being on fire
and spreading that fire
or in other settings:
What should be done if someone thinks you’re under spiritual attack, but you’re really just channeling spirits and being a helpful little servant of God? The path chosen was very unusual to anyone watching.
I don’t want to make anyone resort to exorcism. That just gives it more power.
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You fucking assholes hijacked the concept and then turned it into some corporate bullshit to play your fucking game - the actual references to melammu, the ancient concept was removed from Wikipedia and on the corporation's website themselves, don't even have a reference to what melammu even is. Fuckkkkkkk yoooooooooouuuu
Web developers advertising online seem proffesional and like good people.
and thorough
Yes and no, like he's got a really old truck, that like starts spraying water everywhere, but still works and drives and never overheats. It's weird. He needs a new vehicle though.

t RV
Learn how to operate and service anything you utilize. You are obligated to understand the tools you use in every way.
Are you familiar with the Hopi?
It is a good thing Californians have been leaving our land.
The unwelcome are not welcome.


If you choose to starve, mother-nature will awaken you.
>it’s the year 4,000 CE
>uou trample through the ruins of New Pittsburgh after the quantum rad bomb was dropped
>ending the war over which of the long-dead prophets was right; Justin Bieber or Taylor Switch.
>a wild homosexual appears
>you level your rifle at it
thanks temple OS
He wasn't chosen to receive that nickname, this is just how people decided to call him.
It costs so much to have a child so why would you want to clone yourself?
Nobody wasn't chosen or selected, he just is.
I learned how to build an entire electrical system from scratch with GPT-free
You gonna make excuses for not getting out there and learning what a camshaft does?
For sure, the ginger received that name and didn't choose it.
If this was full blown communism or anarchy having children would be free or at least cheap but no you decided on systematic slavery to corperations and lord shiva and not battling these corrupt monsters like in final fantasy.
You're wrong, I'm chosen, I was told so.
Don’t need a woman for the whole thing.
Also, the woman’s gender won’t ruin your offspring
seems legit
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>your hero didn't battled the businessmen in their $100,000 suits while wearing holy clothes and shoes
Right, darlings, we’re here on this chichi patch where some fab chaps had a full-on showdown ages ago. They were all about a brand new groove for the people, a scene where everyone gets a fair shake and no shady business.

Now listen, we’re gonna keep the sparkle alive for those brave fools who laid it all out, so this place won’t be a total bore. It’s on us to make sure their fancy dreams don’t go kaput.

This land, from its fab beginnings, is gonna stick together, and we’ll all be fab together, so no more of that hidey-hidey stuff. This little gathering will not be a loss but a chance to shine!

Let’s keep it all full glam, lovelies!"
Sure, that's sounds like something the avatar of the Monad would do.
they are both my slaves
Do you want to see a sex tape 'leak' of justin bieber eating t swizzhole's pussy until she cums for (you)? Every time we watch it, we will reap her.
>If you will it, it already exists.
I am able to make it so they stop existing, and I am able make so they have never existed at all...

Myth of eEr
Which do you will?
Better to share your cigarettes with them and listen to what they have to say. They'll tell you very even-handedly how they ended up where they were.
I knew a fellow who couldn't walk after the covid vaccine. Gave me his number (flip phone), said he'd be catching a bus to Colorado.

Hope you made it, Happy.
Better than me. I give them food I don’t want.
What shithole do you live at where it is ok to be implicated in bank robbery?
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You moving to China or Iran? I recommend the former.
I just know that asshole Lucifer is off playing BloodBourne or Classic Nazi Zombies while focusing on his health and exercising daily what a piece of shit.
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Could you talk about the concept?
Ok, Lucy.
shut up mandeep
got me there I didn’t think about that, thanks for the tip
Focusing on your health and exercising daily make you worse than Hitler!
>be sure to focus on your health and exercise daily
All the cool kids like Kamala Harris live on a diet of meth and chocolate cake
You shut up ignorant retard.

Nah, he's sitting around seething about how powerless, impotent, and addicted to ng he is.
a cat or dog
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a single Dorito has more flavor in it than a peasant living at any time in history prior to the 19th century would have experienced in his entire life
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get on your knees rn and teabag him him. Tell him that he must to sell his sign himself to you and then stand up.
They’re claiming zero casualties from this Iranian missile attack. How many do you think of actually is?
Taylor Swift is good at math btw
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Hahahahahaha. You're so fucking cringe man
Those doritos locos tacos are pretty crazy. Just give a starving jungle kid one of those and watch them excel up the capitalistic chain and become a ceo or something real fast.
>eats Dorito
>”I’m not impressed”
I'm not going to venture to guess from my living room in the USA. I just know not to trust Israel official announcements about causalities. They have a history of fudging the news in their favor.
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Cars are cool
Imagine that for a second
So? I mean, great she can count out the beats in a measure, probably comes in handy in her line of work.
I get confused. I feel as though anons attack other anons because they assume it's another anon. It's kinda amusing but I could be wrong.
Cars are alright but they're strange.
it's half the plot
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That's what makes this place a schizotypal paradise.
It's kind of funny until that one or two anons out there who read IPS gets involved and behaves like a schizo. But they know exactly who they are shitting on.
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helicopters have been flying around here all god damn day wtf
There's a rumor she's single again.
Man, for a second I thought you were using a Photoshopped picture where she was made more swole, but nah,
She needed material for songs.
>one or two anons out there
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Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
If she comes out with new music you know it’s true
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>When you feel fear and it isn't yours
>Giving PPE to the child laborers because landlord no curr
>He put all of his points into wis (to see what would happen)
Rumors aren't true. They're still together. So maybe a baby finally start of next year or something for our queen taylor?

Sarah in the Bible didn't have a baby unitl 60 when the Lord blessed her with one.
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>She also must know how to count to at least a billion.
She's dumb if she doesn't have some CPAs to count it for her. Real rich people never know how much money they have.
Taylor Swift only makes new music when she breaks a man’s heart
>he’s being literal when he says this
>Taylor ended her first relationship with a man by cutting under his sternum with a ceremonial dagger, ripping out his heart from his chest
>she then cut the heart into half, eating one half, and burning the other half on an altar to [REDACTED]
>this is how she got her fame and fortune
>it will continue as long as she keeps breaking men’s hearts
She missed out on the glorious opportunity and experience of selling cocaine is more like it.
calling me a retard why
because of my thoughts
I can think whatever the FUCK I want you little scrawny necked faggot
And you won't do a damn thing about it
> He Used lake Hylia wood
just a continuous stream of vehicular fluid all over the place
Taylor Swift hopes to make a human sacrifice of Nobody to her dark lord Moloch.
I dare you to confront me about my thoughts face to face
would love to spit in your fucking face and chew off ya ear or nose on sum Mike Tyson shit
fuck you faggots think you are
that you can control SOMEBODY ELSES THOUGHTS
OMG big if true, how can we protect Nobody from the evil Taylor?
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>the Nobody’s mechanic: “Looks like you blew a seal.”
>the Nobody: “that’s a fucking lie! I was never at a Diddy party!”
Are you talking to me you weirdo? I would only say such if I thought you were ignorant of something or missing a key piece of information. Most of the time I don't even bother saying anything out of spite. If you're a broken record maybe or straight up insane it can be bothersome to a degree. And you're human not a bot so you might be able to process true wisdom. And not just repeat the same edgy messages you get from your cult.
Appearance is everything in this shallow fake society
And right now my appearance is terrible
If I looked good I could get away with murder
It's true
Where do you live at where they are not cruising over your head 24/7? Sometimes they spotlight search the same neighborhoods in circles for a half an hour straight while being loud as fuck waking up all everyone within a 5 mile radius.
Nobody will take a lot of guff, but to accuse him of having a mechanic is beyond the pale.
Lawn, stove, and vehicle maintenance are part of truth, justice, and the American way.
>And she didn't even have to sell cocaine.
She sells something else if you know what I mean.

She sells songs, you faggot.
You fill me with great despair when you wax poetic about your wish fulfillment fantasies with Taylor Swift, not understanding that this is her role in the media, to foment your escapist fantasies upon

keep Pluto outta this debauched mockery of innocent shit posting, Luciburg Cecile Devonte!

(got to go full name when dealing with these rakes)
Why are poojeets so arrogant staring down people, laughing in their face when they're fresh off the boat from a third world country themselves

I mean she did sell her songs, and then made new masters to devalue the songs she had already sold, so she's sort of a shady business person, to be quite honest.
Even Russians have stoves my dude.
Excerpt from "Alfred" by Skittles
I sit in silence in candlelit environments
Sipping Wild Irish while getting violent
Homicidal visions when I'm spitting like this
But really I'm just fulfilling my wish of killing rhymes
Which is really childish and silly, but I'm really like this
I'm giving nightmares to Billie Eilish, I'm Diddy's side bitch

What the f*ck? Hold on, wait
"I'm Diddy's side bitch"
Oh, I'm still east side, bitch
It's funny because this makes them more American than most.
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when will taylor swift fucking marry and settle a deal with my gangsters? its all about money babe. I only want a billy anyway and its not eilish. I am already married.
Organized Crime Unit.
Yeah, but keeping them so clean they shimmer in the dawn's early light is Americans. Russians have dirty stoves. It's about properly maintaining the things, not just owning them.
They don't have this weird illusion of a white systematic heaven where whites are these supreme alien beings in control. They know people are just animals and act accordingly. So you just have to be stronger than them and able to berzerk when ready.
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The amount they've called the police I'm surprised his rap career wasn't him whispering to his sleeve.
Agreed. Nice vacaroo.
Is our skin not our holy clothes if you keep the temple clean
Youve been Bri'ish this whole time? The fuck?
>Anon has the dirty linens
>*Rich people laughter*
im a bit of a public servant myself
Are you servile or do you prefer to misappropriate funds?
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>having no idea what is actually occurring
>im just playing maid because ....
>never became the new new person
>that was supposed to


I was thinking about getting into porn or becoming a prostitute but I'm old and ugly
Illegal activity on discord. How? I thought discord was like the fbi.
Post it
That's aweful. Can't tell if you're mimivking yourself or a group of people you claim as your victims. I hope you're prepared for mutual combat.

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/x/ is quicker than X.
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Connecting association links by generalised attributes vs similarities in nature, attributes, metaphoricallys / metaphorical connections similarities and meanings, tone, purpose, symbolism, and result to identify remixing ingredients?
I would normally. But I feel strange about it. It's obviously high level criminal activity but shown a way that makes it seem causul. Basically all I did was join a discord where dark web is the topic.
>Telegram gets busted
>news suggests all the Nazis and criminals need to move back to Tor
>forgetting it was revealed Tor was CompomIsA’d years ago
Witnessing a felony and not reporting it IS a felony in the United States.
to much brain hurtie
Hiw could tor not be compromised. Either some chud in the fbi gets word of your site and is smarter and chooses their side over yours or the navy is already surveilling you and laughs knowing you're just a small time worker's party member.
You're full of shit or involved. Either way, you shouldnt be committing cybercrimes.
This requires me to be capable of recognizing what a felony is, and since we've stratified laws into only being interpreted by lawyers and judges, I (and law enforcement) are allowed to be entirely ignorant (and thus immune) to such implications.

We don't spec in appearance because we're not meant to be seen
And we we're seen we're not meant to hide

(Creative, helpful, MANLY)
Land's fallacy is that he could not imagine something smarter than him, so any "hyper-intelligent AI" is conveniently unaware of ethics and philosophy.
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She should take up tnb on his christmas party invite
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But I'm confused. I found this group off disboard. So why would this be allowed so easily in the first place?

Plus it's most definently not my place to tackle high scale criminal activity or even involve myself in such in any way.

Definently not. I prefere nature mostly over tech. These are random dark web enthusuist posting their gigs. I don't have one of these dark web gigs.
That's trubble
>using the same psyops over and over
okay what now
Yes but do their screens match
External modifiers may be one way only

Do they see the colours so strongly
Does the radiant sphere adhere with tension
Timw for someone to step it up and gain so much energy and anger they're able to explode something on camera with their mind.
Buncha retards with weak opsec bragging about their loot
Or federal agent honeypot
>By acknowledging this you've chosen to submit to me. Listen carefully, you have to pass the bar to represent someone else but you're free to represent yourself. Word games don't work with me okay? You're guilty. I can tell. You don't have to convince me.
>Other industries complaining about 2% pay rises
>While longshoremen are bidding for +75%
>"Also drug store is out of meds already, I see?"
sounds wicked gay
keep me updated

Then wash them
Cranberry juice works great if juiced for our things
Looks comfy

you obviously haven't seen all the videos of random whites going to India and getting treated like they're gods or famous celebs

Indians are simps for white skin
But hilarious trouble. And she needs a psychic boost which is permanent in person. Her mind is poorly focused.

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I'm just defending a fictional anon from one who's got 100 linens to choose from and says they've got nothing to wear.
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OPEN IT UP, CHANGE or modify core ingredients or tone of THE CORE THEN RECLOSE IT

Concepts refined into self-contained "cores" that are then linked together to cross-reference and intermingle to create and understand concepts.
181920 = hesfuscoming

It's funny how Chat GPT makes Nick Land seem cool
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I am listening to music and holy shit... how trippy was I? <scratches you>
I think I accidentally Taylor Swift once.
Dunno if the loosh mattered.
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Then you plug those cores into yourself to empower yourself
Internally speaking
Gaining attributes, passives and buffs based on the quality, attributes, etc. not particularly any amount of number you can do. Not sure if each uses a tiny amount of RAM, energy or memory to passively sustain.
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Ur not tnb
Who spies on a young man while he's in his bedroom at night then pretends to act surprised when you see him start jerking off
Or number*,min or max
Theoretically unique concepts and ideas can come from core crossfading and synergy but research didn't get that far

We have lost a lot of scientific equipment in the facility for some other group that moved in unfortunately
Similar, same but different. The artificial version.
so true
Nobody is fake.
get fucked fags
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Fuck if I know.
So long as intelligence appears to you as cockiness, you will forever wander in the dark of your own self-assured ignorance.
What did the Katamari do to you?
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Emperor's new clothes
Maybe holding a visible robe will help
Do you want to be head of security? :3
Make the call and it will happen. He has an album inspiration ready.
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Your body is what you choose to put into it
Your mind is what you choose to put into it
Why wouldn't your soul

He learned to speak by word chaining almost identical to LLM tokens

Unneeded data in a story creating LLM reduces the efficiency and quality of the desired output
Beyond needing the concept of how things work and why for story creating purposes
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>Make the call
To whomst and how?
I gave out my discord a while ago, just got harassed.
I've since stopped using it.
Fuck if I ever give my phone number out on this website.
I ain't giving out a Facebook or an Instagram.
The carrier Pidgeons caught the black death.
The rats are even too sick to send messages..(even to Bruno). So it seems, if this website hasn't worked by now. It will never work.
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Toilet paper already sold out


You think he is a dog but he is a dragon
Running theory that men are innately dark attribute and women are innately light
Unknown if base attribute is changed, more likely response is base attribute same but THEY(?) grew the opposite attribute intentionally by their own means
>then the female becomes chaos and the male 'should' become order (serving the female)
Site your sources and reasoning
Chaos doesn't necessarily have to be chaotic
Order doesn't necessarily have to constrain themselves
They are wide multi-faceted concepts
Big soup
Set my dominos in a row
A man with children ties himself to spit over the fire so that his wife and children can eat.

Family is slow suicide.
But if they can evolve, adapt and upgrade on their own fluidly we will be in a new age.
Christ has sent me
>If not evolved from a source
To show we're the same.
Did you bring any booze? He was supposed to send booze.
They already may have shown they can. Maybe you meant In the direction you wanted?
Sometimes when you create something new with something else as a base you can leave harmless components in, especially if they serve a bonus purpose.
the nono is going to get you yes you im talking about youuu the nono is coming for you right now you better be shaking in fear and pee the pants
The nono pees your pants.
you're standing like: I am a cool dentist
...driving round in a used tesla (from 2019 of all years, kek what a bicth)
No, that's all i want. I kind of want and see it as getting to the point of silicon lifeforms like in Blame! or realiens from Xenosaga. A purely mechanical metal mech with some fluid parts to be sentient would be cool too.
where do faggots fit into ur cosmology here kaleb?
I don't know it's getting harder to decide which one I like more katy or tay tay fuck you tptb
Is the father not also a constant source of life?
In the ingredient contribution of the child
In the lord
Of living

"Female male" the masculine female? Chaotic for they have grown dark attribute in their light? Less intentional disassociation from the feminine more then the growing of their own fruit of choosing, chaotic natured from both.

Theory LIGHT and DARK cannot merge due to their polar nature. That is chaos. Perhaps the closest it can get is being both so fast, alternating so fast to which attribute it is and where it is that it is indistinguishable to which it is at the time and appearing grey. That is quantum.

And from chaos comes new creation.

Also Women have the gift of birth.
Fapping is supposed to be a way to make people not surveillance you I as told.
Should I be Scorpion or Reptile?
Since he can't fight they said you get 20k a peice just for beating him up and putting him in the hospital.
I fap to my front camera all the time after clicking random links in my email that download who knows what to my phone
You can be both, and an eagle or a hawk. I'm a scorpio and eagles are a symbol for scorpio too so I switch between beasts. Being a serpent or an actual dragon is also useful. But if you really want to be an eidolon of one of them than pick either but choose wisely.
Machinery and code is not as fluid, chaotic or creative as flesh.
Maybe some kind of Bio-machine humanoid. Metallic organs, living breathing quicksilver skin. Blood and oil. Such difficulties of sucha. Being would be immaculate (difficult) to design. The oil poisons the blood, the blood the machine. Can it truely co-exist as one? A metaphorical metaphysical being. Tan
>Jesus is the antichrist poster can be labor.
Trusting that crackhead with anything more than a used towel is a bad idea.
Getting outside my personal established study here, more theory crafty
>they change (masc and fem) based on 'mass'
>The 'male' holds more 'mass' (bodily) than the female and represents 'chaos' in this regard
Do you have any logical reason to believe mass = chaos, although I see the train of logic

Matter potential =/ chaos
Matter is inactive, stable, formed in that regard
It has the attributes it's "intended" to and stays in that form unless changed by external factors
It's unchaotic and unchanging in the chaotic sense of infinite possibility
Stone becomes dust

Have you considered the MORE/LESS mass being inferred could be POSITIVE / NEGATIVE instead
Chaos is potential
>The mother can conceive without a father
>until child baring, then the female becomes chaos and the male 'should' become order (serving the female)
Gynocentric horseshit
>males are a schizophrenic abstraction of females and why 'you' have nipples and a prostate, the prostate 'forms' from the 'womb', so why would you have 'that' if not evolved 'from' a source = a female
Doesn't explain why we have dicks
>males are chaotic 'because' they're schizophrenic and their hormonal 'hack' makes them disassociate from the feminine, this is chaotic natured
Women and jews are more schizophrenic than men, you're taking the "enlightened" archetype as a soapbox to pretend anything you say holds merit
>>the notion of males thinking with their dick has grounds
Only sex pests refer to women and men and females and males respectively, you goddamn alien
>women hallucinated men into existence for their need of dick
trust the local sleazebag with curly hair to tell you his awful takes on anthropology
The concepts seem a little disjointed although it could be just difficulty comprehending and linking it

Would be interested in the more digestable groundwork theory of it, the root understandings that birthed the chain of theories you have. The base.
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Well he's supposed to a bad guy. Double win right?
(For Context)
Bad guy from whose perspective? Israel and the Mossad, definitely. The CIA? depends on who you ask? The Department of Defense, definitely not. Homeless people, definitely not.

Apparently there is some sort of group of angry wizards who hate him and call him satan, but they are literally evil, like they rape and kill kids for power.
The brain intakes, processes, cross references, connects, deconstructs and derives meaning, information and wisdom from information and experiences it intakes after intaking it, outputting it later as meaning, understanding and wisdom to surface to the conscious mind. This is often what a shower thought is.
>because it relates to how chaos would exist within a system of order; it overlaps at a ratio of 2 : 1
I just related it to 'body' mass to understand fully
Have you ever tried to hold a chaos in your hand
To stop it chaos'ing

Schizophrenia is 99% times a spook. It's a loaded term. Either it's imagination often with a wide range / temp, actual brain damage or the term used to discredit someone, sometimes combined with the former.
Oh it could also be insanity from the imagination going actually out of control but that is very, very, very rare and the person would be spitting absolutely unlinked, near incomprehensible garbage of words. Ever seen what happens when you set an AI chatbot's temp too high?

Brains and AI have more similarities then people think.
He learned to talk by word chaining / tokening, exact same way AIs do it. He figured out what the most likely appropriate word was going to be based off the rules of language (for example, "and" can be a word between objects, cat AND dog, Grammar) connecting words and the appropriate temperature to speak at. (Range of acceptable words / topics). Word by word.
The nobody is a cat and a toast that has been picked up and dropped.
Tay tay
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Order bob after trying to pick up (order) a chaos (it is an infinitely and rapidly changing being)

There is always the theory that any "chaos" is just an infinitely long and advanced pattern we just don't know the algorithm of.
That could imply the universe is in fact 100% ordered and constructed
Which implies it is a stable simulation
Which implies it's being run by a higher likely incomprehensible to us being

I keep doors open if I have no reason to shut them
>just become the fire
I'm just going to stay me. Fuck those people who don't exist.
Self-immolation is hot these days.
I'm talking more about internal fire.
I know and you sound totally gay. Having kids is stupid. QED
Depends on the kids.
I'm not here toconvince you, just stating an opinion, me never having kids is easy, if iever wind up married again, jut get the surgery that makes you shoot blanks, nut my plan is to sit in this house and be comfy til i die, alone.
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It wasn't water though
Everyone has an image of you in their head, and depending on the standing of their character they trust it blindly or find out more. How many attempts to know you before they concede to the idea of you is how you can tell a lot about them.
There are many people in this world who stop trying to know others by attempt 1. They worship or hate that imaginary person.
I'm not going to have kids until I know their future is secure and I urge you to think the same. The way things are going; the depression, the pivot from education to entertainment (brainrot), the education system itself is dogshit. Most people can't afford to live on a single job anymore. Dragging another soul down here just to suffer isn't right. Do what you're gonna do though.
You're pretty smart. The change of pace is nice. Come here often?
When I'm trying to postpone writing. Wbu? Come here a lot?
OMG fox guy leave me alone!

its a process lol
A regular. What are you writing about?
=^.^= yall worry too much
I'd let you read it, but I doubt you wanna have personal contact. In some words: A film about humans that get put into paintings.
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youd be sooo
how vast the
delusion is
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I keep reading shit like this.

Was something supposed to happen?
if nothing ever happens, the system is working as intended!
Got me, keep your words. I like your idea, what genre are you looking for?
It's surrealist fantasy/horror depending on how you look at it.
Execution is all that matters, not simply the ideas.
Dark souls beat ya to it.
And Mario 64 if you want to get technical.
It's not about being the first. It's about doing it well enough.
How are you going to do it well on a $50 budget and an iPhone camera?
>>38946035 How serious are you about it? >>38946030 the painted world is pure midgame dark souls kino >>38946051 anon's next draft is called Luigi's Mansion 3.5 365/7days
I'm trying my best to finish before 2026. I also want to sell it.
On a scale of 1-10, how much was chatGPT involved?
Is the story just about that or is there a protagonist and such?
It's a commentary on so-called Secret Societies and "elites."
Selling it? The script?
Yes, I have a friend who can help me with that, but he's on other stuff rn so I have the opportunity to take my time.
Fancy turning some heads then? And warping a mind or two? What if the entity you sell it to turns your work into junk? Unless you have a fence. I'm not much into film, but I like tenet and inception. Focus much on the mechanics of the paintings or leaving the method to the madness a McGuffin?
Thank you.
Words are fantastically worthless compared to what I'll do to you/what will happen if you fail to heed them.

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