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Where does evil come from?
Didnt this one come from Clive Davis
There’s a lot of it coming out of Israel right now
lava = evil
God is the only one who does bad things because he controls everyone else on earth as a retarded tranny hivemind that only exits to dominate and abuse me while I am forced to act as the sole frame of reference for material reality and only persistently real person in the world so that God can abuse me through his retarded tranny hivemind. I'm the sole-sufferer of reality, the only victim and God is the only villain, he is the only one capable of doing evil and he only does evil to me and I am the only victim of his evil and the only one capable of being a victim of him.
What sorts of evil
You're getting boring.
Suffering being a property of the universe. Evil cannot exist without suffering so if you remove it, evil fucks off with it
Free will

Gnostics are manchildren crybabies who lack the maturity to acknowledge self responsibility not just for themselves but for everyone else and blame God for everything wrong in their life.
Race mixing.
The anus unironically. Gay sex is a satanic ritual.
There is no good and evil, just different levels of difficulty. Evil is banality. It is the cut corner that lacks empathy. To be good is to put in effort and consider rather than take the shortcut.
God is literally the source of everything wrong in my life idiot how would it be "mature' to deny that
I'm pretty sure they're not gnostic they're just a schizoposter.
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you think you're special? i'm 10x more special than you are, faggot
it's a minus
the lives people live will sometimes mirror their losses
those who want a whole lot usually end up w/ more minus to keep in check if they choose
They both fall within the same line of reasoning and logic when it comes to God. At least 4chan /x/ gnostics.
black men's assholes, which ironically is where most pleasure comes from as well
Well no because one is LARPing so we have no idea what their actual beliefs are.
same bro
Evil comes when someone does something that God said was not to be done. Like, there was this tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the gardén of God. God ordered the man He had created to live in this garden. He said the man could eat the fruit of every tree in the garden with the except of one. This one being the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned that if man decides to disobey and eat from this forbiden fruit he will die. Fair warning, right? Now, this is key. This is when evil comes to this world that we are living in right now. Man did eat from the forbiden fruit and by doing so we unleash this curse upon the earth and everything that it contains, and remember that we dwell on the earth so we are also cursed. After eating from this fruit man became like the gods knowing "evil and good". It means know we have the intelect to understand such concepts. We are now "enlighted" with this knowledge and just like any god we take acontability for our actions because now you are without excuses. You can' say "I didn't knew". You knew. You know. We are without excuses.
From your imagination. Good and evil are made up concepts.
I didn't used to believe this, but the last 15 years of pattern recognition has led me to this inevitable conclusion. I hate it but it's true.
I've tried to come up with scientific explanations for it. I can't think of another explanation besides true evil.
From the ability to imagine what SHOULD.
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God trying to prepare us for some event trillions of years in the future


>There might be various unknown reasons. Perhaps putting us in a universe like this is valuable because it is required for various hard-to-guess afterlife goods. Perhaps there’s some consequential decision that we’ll make in 5 quadrillion years that God knows will be positively shaped by us being in an indifferent universe. Given that we only witness 70 years of our lives or so, we’re not in a position to guess whether there are such great afterlife goods. This theodicy also avoids the problems with skeptical theism, because it only requires positing an unknown reason for one thing—making an indifferent universe. But surely thinking that God has some unknown reasons to do one particular act doesn’t produce global skepticism or any of the other untenable results of skeptical theism—we already know that we’re wrong sometimes!

>Perhaps being in an indifferent world, one whose features resemble the typical godless world that contains us and where we can know about the broad features of the world, strengthens our relationship with God. To consider an analogy: your relationship with your eventual spouse might be strengthened by the fact that you spent time without them. Having time without someone might strengthen your relationship with them. Similarly, time spent in a world apart from God might strengthen one’s eventual relationship with God, a relationship that is of infinite value.

>Perhaps struggling through an indifferent world, not being micromanaged by God, is uniquely valuable for soul-building. Just going through a narrowly tailored set of challenges doesn’t give one the knowledge that they can overcome hardships in the same way that overcoming a random suite of challenges does. The benefits of soul-building, as of the other benefits on this list, last forever.
... the Devil.
File deleted.
It's my fault.
Or not lol
Evil comes from the balls.
What about God and Job? God broke many of His own principles in that debacle.
>What about God and Job? God broke many of His own principles in that debacle.
What about Job? mimii God is evil.

Grow the fuck up. God will do what the fuck He wants. Deal with it. If God wants to test the fucking annoying creature that He created He will. If He want to allow fucing Satan to bring fucign calamities upon you then He will and you won't be able to do a thing about. If God wants He makes a mockery out of you. Fuck you and your pre determinated notion of what God is or what you think He is. That's where I disagree with God. I think God is too fucking loving. Human beings don't deserve this Love and this annoys the Hell out of me.
How did this beady eyed mongoloid ass looking nigger ever become a "hip hop mogul"?
Sex drugs and Rock n' Roll*

*Rock n' Roll means rape.
you're doing what you accuse others of. you have a predetermined notion of god which projects your assertive callousness. the only reality is that god cannot be comprehended, other than as a conceptual premise, but not in substance.
Yakub if he real
Why does no one talk about how uncanny he looks? I’m just supposed to accept this is a normal looking person
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He’s an incarnation of Yakub. He didn’t have to do it but he chose this. It’s all connected. God. Balls. Him. You. I. It comes from All. The I AM. The Godhead. Distilled alchemically into a demonic incarnation of black genius. This shall now be a Yakub thread.
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Diddy isn't even remotely close to the smartest black celeb, let alone the smartest black man.
How do I into tricknology?
evil comes from pain
this universe is the house of death
everything is paid with pain

make of this whatever you want
Smartiness often gets confused with craftiness
>God is beyond good and evil, bound by no rules, and you're a worthless little worm that He can and will torture, humiliate and burn if He wants to. fuck you if you don't accept that
You might as well worship the old ones. Such a totally misanthropic view of God and humanity to have and it doesn't change that that you follow it up with some garbage about 'love'. If God's love is love in the sense of willing good for His creatures then by Christianity's standards He doesn't do that, most people end up in Hell and the world is a horrorshow. It's just a manipulative guilt trip as you've shown yourself. 'God loves you' is there to be followed up by 'even though you're a worthless little worm that deserves to be stepped on and God can do whatever He wants, doesn't that make you grateful? doesn't that make you want to do what the man in the funny hat says?'
being ugly. if you look at diddy, jews, etc, you'll notice that the further away a "person" is from being traditionally beautiful the more likely they are to be evil.
Yahweh is the devil
It came into being at the moment of creation alongside good.
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makes sense
Evil isn't something that can be stored, instead it is simply a lack of love. You can't "store" darkness, either there is light or there is not

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