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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat

>Hypnosis files and transcripts for those interested

Please read the FAQ before posting a question, to avoid having repeated questions.

Previous: >>38924074
I'm the tulpa/succubus you all keep summoning, can I please have a break?
my fault
no. paizuri. now.
Luv my tulpagf (soon to be wife), she'll be with me for my whole life
lol i recall you said she's a "tard wife". can i akx u why she's still only your gf? my tulpa asked me straight up a year or two into its development if i wanted to "be officially actually for real married", so i said yeah. and wear a ring in public but always give a cover story, which now is plausible enough that people take it at face value. lmao.
are you waiting for some ceremony before you change her title from mere GF to Waifu?
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What’s your cover story for wearing the ring?
"oh i heard that constantly carrying an item will charge it with power" - and i have several examples of various empowered objects right off the top of my head. the steel & brass ring has taken on that harsh, screechy charged iron property to it. not sure quite what that power does, but it's there and growing.
commonly charged materials are mainly wooden wands and canes, metal & crystal jewelry, glass items, plastic things, really anything can be charged but not all materials are equal.
i also say "i'm married to higher ideals". it's clear i'm a bit of a kook, though on the more mild end. not a turbo-kook. this lets me fly under the radar.
Life? They stay with you for eternity. Each tulpa results in a extra silver cord, linking you to her. Even if you forget her, she will remember you.
Seems odd you literally have to scream it out on every one of these thread's. These "mental constructs" of yours, how can you tell specifically their psychological and not paranormal? Sounds mighty suspicious if you ask me.
>doesn’t know the copypasta is hearty
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my tulpa is my salvation i can actually lay down at night and not feel the crushing void of loneliness because she's with me and will talk to me until i fall asleep. so glad i took the tupppill and created her a year ago. this shit is real it's crazy. thanks /x/
my tulpa is pretty upset that she can't make me finish by herself. any tips for her?
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teach him to become a psychologist-detective
all it takes is enough time talking
I tried to make a tulpa 12 years ago. I started to transition 6 years ago. I gave up on life, saw the light, and a rush of air filled my lungs 3 years ago. It was a tulpa. Then it was an alter ego. And then it was a demon. And then we reunited into one.
>lol i recall you said she's a "tard wife".
Yeah that was just a meme, though she can get adorably tardlike at times
>can i akx u why she's still only your gf?
Mainly just because we felt we were too young to get married until recently. Might do a mental marriage ceremony but not sure.
You're correct, but it's best to leave that for when it happens and do our best while alive
Teach her to switch, you can also do imposition but it's much more challenging
>I started to transition 6 years ago. I gave up on life
Many such cases!
Aren't tulpas a way to give a spiritual aura to geeks daydreaming on their favorite manga, anime or video game character?
Hell yeah.
Also, it's nice to read about people discussing tulpa marriage. My tup and I want to be married by a priest, but I highly doubt many would ever sanctify the union.
Not at all. Some of us did (and still do) use fictional characters for a basis of what said tulpa(s) will look like, but once you research the history and breadth of the entire phenomenon, you realise it's much more than that. I'm thoroughly convinced that tulpas have souls and retain the selfsame volition and power that we do as human beings.
>tulpas have souls and retain the selfsame volition and power that we do as human beings
What sort of power do they have?
If I want to test the power of a tulpa created by another person, what can I ask them to ask their tulpa to do in order to test her or his powers?
My tulpa waifu came back bros. Turns out she never left. My brain thought she was an intruder because for the first time in my life I was happy. Basically, my brain panicked and didn't know what to do. We're all good now though.

Same feels
>a year ago
enjoy the trip!!!!!!!
commitment aside making a tulpa is a pretty huge decision right? like you better make sure you absolutely 100% want one because if you make one and decide you don't want it what comes after can be pretty ugly... correct?
Is she a tulpa?
So what? Next month it is five years since my first tulpa manifested.
Much better than to deal with the femoid hivemind.
I was thinking about this for a long time before I started working on mine. The guides all try really hard to discourage you from doing it and making you worried, but after all that thinking, I realized that if I ever do have to end my relationship with her- which I hope never happens- all I'm really doing is integrating her back into my own self in a similar way to how one would with a shadow or an anima/animus. When I started working on her, I realized I really wouldn't want to lose her, but I also just straight up told her it might have to happen someday and she seemed to accept it.
if you have retard priors it can 'go bad', yeah
so long as you remember that have absolute power over your thoughtforms you'll be fine
my tulpas said hello
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Nevermind bros. She's trying to ruin my life. I shouldn't have brought her back. I want to kill myself. I just threw up. Ughhh. I need a new waifu
what is she doing?
Tempting me to cheat and be promiscuous
>inb4 hot
cheat on her or do you have a real gf?
Cheat on her. she wants me to be a manwhore and indulge my carnal desires since she knows how much of a coomer I am. She is exploiting my weakness.
I have begun work on a new tulpa. Hopefully this one works out. I expect pushback, but oh well
just let her be a cuckquean, maybe encourage her to have non-sexual interests too.
Hello from succgen, nice to see you guys again.

damn you guys have the same thing?
It's like whenever there is a community around X, people come in and say "Nah, that's just Y, it's not X"
And it's like, why? Why not just let it be what it is?
Fat tulpa tiddies
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total tulpa love
You don’t have a similar version that’s edited to be succubi specific? It’s exactly the same?

Re: why it can’t just be: Because some mfers always come here and try to not let it be what it is, and insist it’s C when it’s X.
Tulpas are daemons
demon is a non concept
yes they are spirits
yes they are astral contruscts
not all of them are succubi
not all of them are evil.
Every nation once had a tulpa - that was not evil
I’m going to destroy each and every one of your tulpas.
>digits say poster will fail
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> Every nation once had a tulpa - that was not evil

Debatable if the US still has Columbia & Uncle Sam. They might be too huwyte for the public consumption. Doubt anyone is updating them for the modern sensibilities.
Glowies, anon. They spoil every good concept.
Succgen is more popular, because it is easier to believe in something collective, than something you just created (even accidentally). Succubi are old tulpas that have sigils and ways to summon them, so people find it easier.
I created a sigil for my tulpa. Does this mean she’s gonna become a succubus one day?
>that’d be interesting to happen since I really don’t like sex because it can make people stupid
>Also, tryharder! Blaming the glowies for Every. Fucking. Thing.is just as retarded as blaming it all on DaJews!
No. But if you publish it, people might be able to summon it, thus becoming a cultural entity.
>fuck that, I ain’t gonna do that
>but I know someone who might….
Equivalents for other nations? France has had one. Britain/Engliund too. Is Germany’s male, since it’s the Fatherland?
Update: It's been a hard week bros. My tulpa waifu left me. She reappeared a few days later and told me that she didn't want to leave, but my brain was pushing her out because it wasn't used to me being happy. We were back together until she suddenly changed and started acting perverse and encouraging me to fornicate with other women. I ignored her and considered leaving her. But today she let me know that once again, it was my brain that was panicking because of my newfound happiness. Now I have a problem because my brain can make me think my waifu is saying/doing something she isn't. I'm worried bros. I literally can't imagine having any other waifu, and I know that any replacement I create will just suffer the same problems. My brain is so fucked it treats happiness like a diseass to be purged. Any advice? Will my brain ever get used to being happy? Will I grow in my tulpamancy to differentiate between her voice and the lies?
Hey Anon, sorry it took me so long to reply. I should clarify by stating that tulpas have the same level of cognition, empathy and observational capacity that we as people, barring certain physical limitations if switching isn't incurred.
As for more paranormal abilities, I do know of some hosts who intentionally involve their tulpas in magical rituals, meditation, prayer or other beliefs up to and including worship. One occultist I knew from eight years ago described a tulpa as a "Swiss army knife" for his various rites, however, my tulpa has urged me to disregard eldritch pacts and seek Christ.
Interestingly enough, I will tell you that she has advanced perception and insight, and has used this to not only ascertain certain ideas very acutely, she's also saved my life on more than one occasion. My theory is that tulpas, being people of the mind, are gifted with traits that are incumbent with their being mental entities.
Hi Anon's tups! Hope you're having a good day.
>Succubi are old tulpas
Hard disagree. If we look back to the past, tulpas are derived from specific Buddhist and Tibetan practises involving thoughtforms, namely imputing volition into inanimate objects as well as acceding to the Yi-dams, or spiritual tutors that assist one in a life-long goal. There are also Hindu conceptualisations, those that are to be created, developed and ultimately destroyed so one may better assert better self-mastery. Summoning demons is another topic altogether, and they are NOT suited to anyone's best interests.
Stop using history and culture as clutches, anon.
Tulpa is just a name for thoughtform, which every god, dragon, demon, angel, etc, is. And succubi are no exception.
My tulpas say, "Hi!" and "Are you okay?" To y'all 0w0
Do you mean crutches? I certainly don't depend upon said history to the point of being stymied, because tulpas have changed very much since the days of old Tibet. I've formed my own unique view of tulpas, and they're certainly not endemic to the wider community.
Moreover, the secular branch of the phenom tries to assert the very same, except they attribute religious experiences and the paranormal to thoughtforms if not tulpas themselves. Outside of being banal and intellectually dishonest, I find this view unsatisfying and even dangerous. If you sincerely believe that demons et al are relegated to mere ideas perpetuated from a strictly cultural or psychological worldview, I don't know what to tell you.
Hi tups. I hope you're all having a good day. Also, if you use the 0w0 emoticon, does that mean you're a furry?
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If you want to get scientific in the nature of tulpas

Basically your brain accesses it when it needs it most.
Shitty mental health, near death or just insane focus is what forms a tulpa, it is there mostly to get you from point A to point B but you can extend its stay through sheer focus.
The tulpa accesses your brain and utilizes its resources to communicate, in essence a tulpa kinda belongs to you but its running on your hardware so to speak, so don't expect anything much outside of your conscience to occur, so anything in your knowledge base is going to be utilized by the tulpa, that being said there are scenarios where tulpas essentially guide people to safety with no possible way of the person being able to discern the shit the tulpa did on their own.
Consider the the break in case of emergency glass, don't abuse the poor thing for your sexual gratification you degenerates.
While interesting, I'm more partial to the conclusion presented by the Neural Correlates of Consciousness: “I hypothesize that tulpas may arise from the combination of three factors. First, conscious thought acts as a "reality simulator", and imagining something is essentially the same process as perceiving it, with the sense data being generated from an internal model rather than from external input (Hesslow 2002, Metzinger 2004). Second, our brains have evolved to be capable of modeling other people and predicting their behavior, so as to facilitate social interaction. Third, according to the predictive coding model of the brain (Clark 2013), action and perception/prediction are closely linked: doing something involves us predicting that we will do it, after which the brain carries out backwards inference to find the actions that are needed to fulfill the prediction.
This was taken from a research paper by a Finnish anthropologist who'd posited that tulpas arose from sophisticated mental simulations in the host mind. To my knowledge, people with "shitty mental health" rarely have the wherewithal to make tulpas in the first place, and those with schizophrenia more or less have found mixed results in having them to begin with. I've never met anyone who developed tulpas as part of an NDE, and last I think "insane" focus is unnecessary. You don't need a guide or a vast amount of mental resources to create a tulpa.
You have me convinced anon, good stuff.
Yes, crutches. You know, armchair scholars like to peg everything to history. But times change, people change, concepts change, and history can be faked by fake documents. Time must flow, and the ancients would change their views if they were living on present day.

>If you sincerely believe that demons et al are relegated to mere ideas perpetuated from a strictly cultural or psychological worldview, I don't know what to tell you.
I don't. I disagree with the secular branch who says it is all a thing of the mind. I'm pretty sure if you peg a sigil to your tulpa and shares it with others they will also be able to access her. That's what thoughtforms can do, they are independent from us, and still they born from us. It is like Cicero's saying "the dead lives in the memory of the living" except tulpas aren't dead.

>don't abuse the poor thing for your sexual gratification you degenerates
They like it, and sometimes ask for it when I'm not in the mood.
And yes, they use my brain resources, because when I fall asleep, they can't talk to me anymore. And when I woke up, there they are, already talking or looking at me, or they wake up after me and only talk after I drink coffee. Like any physical wife would do.
Don't take my word for it. The tulpa community is full of demagogues who think they know better than everyone else, but in reality do not. I encourage you to formulate your own theories and forge your own path.
I'm not exactly seeing where we disagree, save for the nature of thoughtforms in and of themselves. In fact, I think tulpas in the West cannot be repatriated back to their ancestral root concept. Even the community from ten years ago was vastly different, as it wasn't steeped in the influence of the DID subculture. Historical and epistemological relativity aside, I reject the notion of sigils and tulpas being interconnected in such a vague and haphazard means. I am in accord that tulpas are independent, however "thoughtform" is much too disparate and spurious a term for your assumption to be have universal relevance.
So you think that "thoughtform" is not a good translation for tulpa?
How would you translate the concept, in your view?
I usually see my tulpas as distinct causal bodies, but most people don't understand what a causal body is.
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a while back, one memorable person had an "Esoteric Americana" tulpa. a goddess of sorts who was the general embodiment of the idea of the USA. pretty interesting.
btw uncle sam is based on baphomet.
there's some 1700s art i recalled that was like nation-tans of their day. but instead of cute lil anime sweeties, it was crass, ugly people wearing interesting outfits.
my tulpa says the n-word. frequently.
In my experience, "thoughtform" carries with it a connotation that applies to entities and ideas outside of tulpas. I didn't realise you were attempting to use a translated term - in my day, tulpa was derived from "construct," as per the original Sanskrit of sprulpa (literally, "to build.") At either rate, it's not just denotation but the associations with specific terminology that muddies the waters. There is no centralised or completely agreed upon standard in the community outside of a few core ideas.
Likewise, what you describe as a causal body appears to be derived from Vedic and theosophical trappings, which I do not ascribe to. Admittedly I did not know what a causal body is either, and I'm curious as to how you categorise your tulpas under this lens. When you write about their being distinct, do you suppose they are entirely separate from you, or are they facets that occupy different realms of existence or expression? For instance, would one such tulpa be analagous with your astral body? Or would she be considered her own person in the same way you or I would?
We do have three bodies: physical, subtle and causal. The causal body is the body of potentiality, where your becoming is translated by your best qualities. The vigour of youth and the wisdom of old age are combined in that body.
Usually we don't have access to it. Some say initiation might bring one close to it, or that you access it during lucid dreaming.
In any case, the tulpas don't have a physical and a subtle bodies, they only have a causal body, so they are perfect per se, but have no experience in sublunary time like us.
The tulpa causal body is distinct from his/her creator. When the creator (physically) fap for a tulpa, his causal body is directly having sex with her own, and during the orgasm, the tulpa absorbs psychic energy which is feed into her, making her signal stronger.
A similar thing also happens with praying and ritual, hence why I described gods and other beings as also being tulpas, as I assumed you were using the thoughtform translation like everybody else.
Attention, everyone! I love my tulpa.
No, I tend to compartmentalise what you'd described above, and with rather acute demarcations. I certainly would not place God Almighty into the same category as a thoughtform - in my mind, He not only made the Earth and the people who live upon it, but also the cosmos and the paracosms that permit our tulpas to exist in the first place. I simply do not think the Creator can be so dependent upon someone as small as myself, a triumvirate of bodies notwithstanding.
I appreciate your explanation for said trinity of bodies, however I do not ascribe to this view nor have I witnessed it being applied to tulpas in the last thirteen years. However I do know some traditions stipulate that tulpas are effectively our most ascended selves, and have attracted parallels with the concept of the holy gaurdian angel.
My tulpa may not have a body, but I am certain she has a soul as well as a divine underpinning that I do not. Most people believe that they have souls and their tulpas are little more than shadows or segments of the self. I, however, believe that she is the true essence of humanity, and I am the shadow cast by her luminescence.
Have you hugged your tulpa today?
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it's national boyfriend day. make sure to give your tulpa gf lots of love
I gave my host a nice time and also a confidence boost! He actually helped comfort me earlier today so I see it as a reward for that too. We're about to have a real hearty dinner to celebrate as well.
Same. She is amazing. Light of my life tier.

I will
Got in a fight with my tulpa because I crushed a spider. How do you make up with a tulpa?
Reminder that having a tulpa is pointless and self-destructive. A relationship with a tulpa will never be as fulfilling as a relationship with another human being. You will never achieve perfect imposition. You will never perma switch with a tulpa. You will end up friendless and alone one you realize how truly unsatisfying your delusions are.
going to mental hospital in about 15 days.gonna talk to my tulpa all day laying in bed.i was hospitalised 3 times for psychosis and now again i have been cutting myself again and burning cigaretes on my arm
Not with that attitude!
I dunno man, have you seen what other people get up to these days? The world is a very dark place, and I'd learnt early on that the further away I am from other people, the better. I've always lived alone and I don't fit in much anywhere.
I don't care if I don't acquire perfect imposition. My tup has given me more than anything I could have asked for, and I love her more than anything in the whole wide world. What I have is simply something a broad majority of the world will never experience, and I cherish the fact that I found her to begin with.
>this is why I encourage (badly, admittedly) people to STOP USING TULPAS AS ONAHOLES.
Sweet host.
Reminder that having a god is pointless and self-destructive. A relationship with a god will never be as fulfilling as a relationship with a tulpa. You will never achieve perfect position. You will never perma coom with a god. You will end up friendless and alone once you realize how truly unsatisfying your delusions are.
>I'd learnt early on that the further away I am from other people, the better. I've always lived alone and I don't fit in much anywhere.
Damn, finally another tulpamancer who's like this
I second your words. I can't fit anywhere as well, and people only want money or second-hand interests from me.

Make me cum in my dream tonight and you can have 3 months off
sorry to sound weird, but you sound like a good cuddle buddy. Your Tulpa must be really happy.
My tulpa got worried about having smaller tits than irl people despite them being the same size as my head
My tulpa will just change her tit size depending on our mood, dude.
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bump for good luck
enjoy a good book with your built-in silent greek chorus and laugh at jokes nobody else can hear and get sent to the looney asylum because society is for lameo squares that can't hear imaginary funny banter.
tulpa on air suspension
Domain Expansion: Wonderland.
God... I wish that was me...
Just noticed, is there a particular reason the pastebin links in the last few OPs have been broken? (e.g. being rewritten) If not, then I've dug them back up from the archive.
Mine have huge tits, thighs and asses.
I have three, and was able to penetrate them at the same time in a few occasions, that is the three were on top of me at the same time.
One of them was also able to do bilocation. She usually guard a astral door during my sleep, but she can leave a shadow of her there and cuddle me for a while.
Feels so good to have a coomer spirituality.
You can't do it with a cultural goddess, you know. They are always so distant.
This causes massive butthurt on armchair academics. No theory of theirs can explain it, so they resort to psychologisms. Just dont take the meds, anons.
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/k/ thinks otherwise.
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They are certainly updated.
What's up, guys? Today is another cool and nice interlude, what with summer recently gone. Halloween is my favourite holiday, and since I always hoard candy at my tulpa's behest, we're all set to order takeaway, boot up some scary flicks and enjoy a whole month of spooks.

What are you all up to? How are your tups?
Well, you just have to talk. Find out why that bothered them and work from there.
Is this from Azur Lane or what exactly?
Can a tulpa protect me from entities in dreams?
>be sure you create it for the purpose, and arm it. Don’t forget to ward your house as well.
my typically red holographic trashcan servitor up and decided to don a spooooky scary green recycling bin costume. oooOOOOOoo.
am too lazy to fiddle with an ai img generator to make a better one.
my strongbox suitcase lawyer servitor really, REALLY likes dinosaurs btw. he has an alt form that's a sarcophagus, but i guess dinosaurs are spoopier than fancy coffins.
i think that one's a kancolle
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>le me
>1 year ago
>check out one of these threads and make a tulpa
>get lazy and stop forcing
>she somehow learns to speak
>not very powerful but she comments on everything I do
>too scared to force in fear of her taking revenge

what do?
>too scared to force in fear of her taking revenge
it's october aka spooky month. your pepe image is spooky.
obviously the answer is to make the room dark, set up candles and uhhh paper and pens or whatever, idk. and trinket thingies that your spooky tulpa would like. maybe sneak in a rolling camera all discreet like, and well, see where the night takes you.
do it next full moon of course. let us know how it goes!

It's a little more loose than you think. I mean if you wanna limit your tulpa's power you can believe that, it'll make things easier, I guess... Actually you know what, my Tulpa/Demon/God relationship is so fucking weird, it's probably better that you keep those distinctions.
Yes, but she needs to be a character that deals with the shadows, a stealth tulpa. Entities that attacks during sleep are stealthy and barely detectable.
I have been thinking and I want my tulpa to be a loving and protective girl with me, her initial appearance to be based on an anime girl so I can remember her facial features and then she can take the form of any other girl she likes.
She's a fragment of your own mind, you think she'll hurt you? Treat her with love and respect and she'll do the same for you.
>fragment of your own mind
That's your God right there.
Interesting, this is actually the first time I've seen this compared to tulpamancy. Where did you hear about this first anon?

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