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Buzz Aldrin is a notable freemason and second person to step foot on the moon, what role in the creation of the grand master work where they trying to achieve with lunar exploration? I have a hunch that says they where trying to locate the garden of eden or some such extra terrestrial fountain of power.
Both countries lost the race.
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I would also put forward the ending of 2010: The Year We Make Contact in which Jupiter is transmuted into a star and one of it's moons (Europa) is transformed into a lush and verdant world where human contact is forbidden.
in what way?
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Neither actually went. Humans are not allowed beyond containment barrier. Psyops and playing with the codex.
Didn't buzz openly claim they never went to the moon?
just like apollo astronaut alan bean said they didn't went far enough out to encounter the van allen radiation belt
>source: my dreams
it was a scam to get money for devoloping better missiles, which was super duper expensive
the NWO needs them for prison planet
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If you knew what the Moon really is, you wouldn't be sleeping any time soon. Just walk away while you still can, anon. They will get you if you don't!
this is an interview about a low orbit station, lmao.
>If you knew what the Moon really is
its your mammas ass, we can tell by how fat and full of craters it is.
then why would he talk about going through the radiation belt?
because the person doing the interview asked him?
that whole interview is about the low orbit station, who told you it was about the moon?
because they are talking about his experience going through the belts on his way to the moon
they are not, anon.
this interview is about a low orbit station, nothing about the moon.
you would know this, if this clip you posted had more than 3 seconds of the astronaut talking.
no. he answered a little girls question about why they didn't go back.

its not clear what part of the interview that was because the whole thing is cut and pasted. And, even if he was asked about the VAB in relation to his Apollo flight, why do you think the 80 year old guy should remember something about which he had no control?

Not only was he the LM pilot, not the CM pilot or mission commander, but none of the crew planned their trajectory to the moon anyway. That was controlled from the ground.
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the schizos think the VAB works like the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones, and it will never stop to make me laugh my ass off. I cant wrap my mind how stupid these people are.
they never seem to know anything about the VAB at all. they just hear that it's full of deadly radiation' and never go any further.
>“any ill effects from the Van Allen radiation belts?“
„ no, now I'm not sure we went far enough out to to encounter the Van Allen radiation belt, maybe we did.“
>“the belts are 1,000 miles to 25,000 miles above the earth“
„then we went right out through them“
>“no effects on yourself?“
„didn't even know it. I don't think anybody, well, maybe somebody said you went through the radiation belt, but we didn't feel it inside and we didn't get any you know added radiation.“

Then he goes on talking about seeing shooting stars with closed eyes etc
seems like he wasn't quite sure what the question was, but he's clearly knew about the VAB because he knows they would encounter them after a certain distance.

And yes, there would be no effects inside the cabin because the CM was designed to protect from the short passages near or even through the VAB, has happened to Apollo 14 (which did have a higher overall rad dose for the crew than the other missions).
>all manned mission well below the belt except for one heavily disputed program
What’s that design? you should tell the Orion/artemis guys about it
Do you have the Geiger counter data from the explorer 2 mission?
its heavily disputed by people who know nothing about the points they raise.

you need to learn about the type of radiation which the VAB can expose people to, and then you'll be able to understand why the construction of the CM was able to protect against it.
Orion is just fine, but of course you are referencing another flat earth meme where a guy building the navigation system for it was talking about potential radiation problems for that system BEFORE it's first test flight.

your memes are old and stale, just like your arguments against Apollo.
so what if it the scale was too low for what was encountered? the VAB is well mapped (in general terms) today so you dont have to reference 70 year old data.
the van allen belt is the ultimate schizo filter.
its just a radiation belt, thats it. its not too healthy to sit in it for too long, but you can just fly through it normally, it wont melt the ship and people like in this gif:
>the schizos think the VAB works like the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones
i think its the most accurate description of what these dumbasses think it does, where did they take that nonsense from? probably a 2 hour long schizo youtube clip.
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>ITT: three freemasons defending their trainwreck of a space (low earth orbit) program
They should start by reading a short but informative intro to radiation

this. the earth is a weapons development and demonstration platform. that's why we're always at war. as you can tell, our overlords are gearing up for a big demonstration for some intergalactic bigwigs that are passing by.
>smart people who understand basic science laugh at schizos who think the van allen belt works like the ark of the covenant in indiana jones
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>smart people
yes anon, smart people.
stupid people dont understand basic science, just like the moon denier schizos.
its good to be smart, just like me.
smart people don't fall for obvious hoaxes
but they do spend time learning about stuff so they dont fall for lying flat earth memes.
of course it wasnt a hoax, what makes you think its impossible to go to the moon?
why are all manned missions in low earth orbit?
>apart from the the ones that weren't
yes, apart from the apollo program
the only ones bringing up flat earth are you because you're running out of ad homs
it's not because of any VAB deadly radiations if that's your point. you have zero evidence for that being the case.

its not ad hom. its just a fact.
First, Fastest, Furthest.
what are you talking about? we literally went to the moon anon, its not low orbit lmao.
the evidence is in the lack of manned space missions in the mesosphere

>it's not an ad hom
it is because i'm not a flat earther and you're using it to attack me
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prove it
what makes you think its impossible to go to the moon?
why are all manned missions in low earth orbit?
but they fly to the moon 9 times anon. what else is the point of going into higher orbits anyway? why would anyone do that?

>waahh you're attacking me
grow up anon. ive seen all the memes references in this thread so far posted by flat earthers. if you dont like it then maybe quit being retarded like them.
what makes you think we never left low orbit?
answer my question, i already told you we went way past low orbit.
what makes you think its impossible to go to the moon?
dont answer with a question.
what makes you think its impossible to go to the moon?
why would they be higher than LEO like you demand? whats the point? whats the reason for the extra expense etc?
9 is the number of completion and the symbol of the 33rd degree
it's all a masons trick
>aaaagh the numbers, the NUMBERS!!!!!
Now the switcheroo any from discussing practicalities, off into the world of the true schizo.....
we just had our first commericial flight
they would have gotten a better view of the earth from a higher altitude
so far no one has beaten dog laika with her 1000+ miles
all is number
why do masons learn the quadrivium?
>a better view
of course, you've no idea why anyone would or would not enter a higher orbit.
>no one has beaten laike
apart from the 9 flights to the moon and back. and when there are more flight to the moon and back you'll call them fake too wont you.
yes apart from them :^)
not one country did it in the entire history of space faring
why are schizos trying to say we never left low orbit?
thats like saying we never sailed passed europe, lmao.
everybody knows we did, so what the fuck are they even talking about?
people would have their doubts about anyone sailing past europe if no one repeated it in the entire history of seafaring
unless they are smart like you evidently are
theres clearly nothing which can convince you those 9 flights to the moon happened. is that right?
No amount of realizing that the USSR was faltering and had expended itself trying for the moon, no amount of thinking for a moment that most the rest of the entire world was too poor to build much of anything, and that most of it still is...no, just ignore all that.

So im sure that once more flights to the moon happen, by the US or China or whoever, and your main 'argument' is no longer applicable, you'llshift to some other line and be equally committed to that one.

well done on shifting away from technical arguments about radiation etc though, it was obvious that wasn't going to do much for you.
it's all about the radiation that no one can pass through
that's why they had to fake the moon mission
that's why no one has gone back
that's why all manned missions are in low earth orbit
>it's all about the radiation that no one can pass through
so talk about that. try referencing some actual data and representing it properly. try reading this before you try >>38947915
the data from the explorer sattelites are not available
i'd had to send my own geiger counter into orbit
what makes you trust the data you are providing?
but both were repeated, many times : )
both sailing farther than europe, and going to the moon : )
what makes you think the magical spoopy radiation belt is impossible to get through?
do you know how radiation works? what makes you think its so bad, its literally impossible to fly through it? do you have any idea how radiation works?
who repeated sending men to the moon besides apollo?
how about more recent missions like the Van Allen probes? how about the data from the Orion test flight which went all through the inner and outer VAB, or the second flight which was in a long elliptical lunar orbit for a couple weeks? How about anything from all the many satellites which are spaced between LEO, GEO and beyond?

how about you learn more about the subject than a stale old meme referencing 'something' about a 70 year old research rocket flown before Apollo even started?
>what makes you trust the data you are providing?
soooo you are just wasting peoples time, ok.

but the funniest part is - you have no idea what radiation even does. Why the hell do you think that a **very bad** radiation part is impossible to fly though?
what makes you trust the data?
what makes you focus on the earliest VAB probe flights to the exclusion of all else? why do you trust that one and base you point on that...when you even say you dont have the data anyway?

this is just a troll at this point i suppose. no one could really think like this in real life.
intelligence, logic, education, knowledge how radiation works and what its effects are on living organisms and equipment.
what then keeps manned missions from operating in the mesosphere?
>the earliest VAB probe flights
even these only said that its *not super cool* to fly through it, not that its some magical impassable barrier that melts people and ships if you touch it.
>ill just ask another stupid question
no no no.
first tell us what makes you think its impossible to fly through it.
you know thats lower than LEO?
i've told you: radiation
it increases with altitude and gets deadly in the mesosphere
now you can answer my question:
why are no manned missions operating in the mesosphere?
my bad
i mean exosphere
>not that its some magical impassable barrier that melts people
of course. what these guys think they know about those results is that the scale for the meter was too low, so when it passed through parts of the inner belt, the thing spiked off the scale. This, they say, means the VAB are WAAAY MORE POWERFUL AND DEADLY THAN THEY TELL US!!!1

Doesn't matter than all the guys back then said was that it would make manned space flight a bit more difficult in terms of required craft design and planning a trajectory to minimize exposure.

thats it. thats what their lying memes have told them, and it's all half truths and misrepresentation, as usual.
>i've told you: radiation
aaaaaand? i asked you TEN TIMES if you know what radiation does, and obviously you have no clue.
what is the point of discussing radiation belts with you, if you have no idea what radiation does and what it is?
nothing, as amply demonstrated by Apollo. You just need a properly designed craft, a heavy lift booster to get you there, and, importantly, a damn good reason to bother.

You haven't come close to saying why anyone should. you have simply projected your own uninformed expectations onto the world.

ANd like i said above, when new missions do take guys out there, youll just call them fake too. This is about evidence for you, that is very clear.
Only Apollo could do it :^)
In the entire history of space faring :^)
And you call yourself smart lmao
the russians would have done it but their heavy lift rocket was crap and their economy was not able to sustain development. Their soyuz program had several bad crashes and they didn't even get guys back into orbit until after Apollo 11. There was no other country even close to the technology or wealth to even attempt it. China was busy starving the people and engaging in all kinds of insanity. Europe was recovering from years of war.

Who else do you think could have done it before recently? China might manage it. india is playing with unmanned probes with ideas for manned flight...they might get themselves into orbit or to the ISS etc one day.

Tell me, who else do you say SHOULD have been able to do it?
of course :)
all those pesky reasons that keep everyone from going
anything but the radiation
radiation isn't the issue, which is why you're dancing all over the place avoiding that discussion.

Maybe try getting a clue. Lots of things will stop seeming quite so incredible and mysterious and you wont have to argue for retarded positions quite so much.
i'm saving up to get my own geiger counters into orbit
just make sure that nasa doesn't tamper with them when they're up there. they might try to fake your data, obviously. maybe video your geiger sat with another secret videosat and then another one to watch both of them at the same time and so on.

you can't be too careful.
You mean the Van Allen belt.
The rockets don't have toroidal insulation, so the electronics go haywire.
>ok so i sent my giger counter into orbit
>i have a result!
>im too retarded to understand what the results mean : (
thats kinda sad.
>You mean the Van Allen belt.
what about it?
a small multi-stage rocket can lift a payload of several kg to 4,000 miles when fired from a sufficient altitude
amateurs build such rockets regularly

the biggest investment will be the balloon that lifts the rocket

it could be livestreamed with an onboard camera for all the world to see
good, you go girl!
>it could be livestreamed with an onboard camera for all the world to see
Why should anyone believe yours when you dont believe it when Spacex livestream all their launches etc?
You need a ring of water around the core of the ship, and the core should be of compressed vacuum. The toroidal field being insulated from Earth's field, you can negate it and then pierce the belt without damage to the equipment.
But you know, apes like ships in a penis format, to show the universe they are business. They are obsessed with missiles because reasons.
oh so you're going schizo
who says i don't believe spacex livestreams?
i will also share the build with you so can replicate yourself
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buzz didn't take a shit on the moon lol.
>i don't remember seeing any stars
if they fuck up that presser they get offed. 100%. if you can read body language it is too obvious. just watch for yourself. you glow niggers are going to be treated the same as these clowns
he told a little kid in an interview they didn't go lol. video is on jew tube
what makes you trust the data? what makes you trust the data? WHAT MAKES YOU TRUST THE DATA?

if only you fucking morons could remember stuff in context instead of the fantasy detective novel you imagine yourselves to be the stars of.

no he didn't
>what makes you trust the data?
they're not doing anything unbelievable
low earth orbit is the best they can do
lil girl: "Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?"

buzz: *laughs* "That's not an 8yo's question. That's MY question. I wanna know. But I think I know... Because we didn't go there. And that's the way it happened. And if it didn't happen it's nice to know why it didn't happen.."
if you think that's buzz admitting he never went to the moon you might just be in a cult
and so when you see the footage of them going to the moon that will have to be fake because you have already decided its not possible...based on your dumb idea about the heckin seething radiation hell you know nothing about?

is that how this works?
*deletes original footage of the first steps on the moon*
oops :)
there is so much bullshit about the moon landing the footage is just one part
it's amazing how need to be spoonfed those reasons every thread but it just goes in and out of your brain
so far its just been the radiation thing you know nothing about. would you like to change subject to something else you know nothing about?

the guy i was talking to just kept coming back to the radiation thing he knows nothing about. what would you like to talk about that you know nothing about?
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radiation is the reason they can't go
there are many reasons that prove the landing is fake
>radiation is the reason they can't go
show me why. why not? what kind of radiation is it? REALLY go in to detail with lots of supporting evidence.
i would if i could get my hands on the explorer sattelite data but it's somehow unavailable
maybe you should get up to date on the subject instead of fixating on a 70 year old project? But i suppose that you absolutely trust that data (which you claim you can't get) instead of all the recent stuff which you can.

funny how that works isn't it troll?
the explorer data comes from a time before the lie of the moon landing
all the data afterwards is when nasa decided they have to uphold this lie
the data from before the lie is gone like the original tapes
Not that anon but that's literally what he says. It's plain english, and if you have some other interpretation, you'd have to first explain it and then demonstrate why it should be more natural.
but what evidence do you have that this data showed the impossibility of humans traveling through or around the VAB? Where do you get this idea from in the first place?
>original tapes
we have all the footage from apollo 11, just at a slightly lower resolution than was possible. We have higher resolution footage from all the other missions even than that, because the cameras were improved for later missions.

But you dont accept any of that, even though its better quality. theres nothing you'd accept, is there. apart from random claims made in youtube videos...thats all perfectly trustworthy.

its all in the context of the question about why they didn't GO BACK. "because we didn't' says Aldrin.
SpaceX can't go too far. They only stay on orbit and that's it.
Nobody would formulate the phrase like that. It's dysfunctional English to respond to:

"Why haven't you done X again?"


"We didn't do X"

and expect the listener to hear anything besides

"We never did X".
they openly talked about it in tv shows, back then they didn't have to pretend to have landed on the moon. they demonstrated how the geiger was jammed because the radiation was so strong. von braun talked about it and how unexptected this discovery was. laika was sent into that area before it was discovered and she died quickly. no one has ever since surpassed her altitutde and all manned missions are below that height
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Explorer 1 data
the geiger counters and scintillation counters were on explorer 2 onward
he's old anon. its how he talks. listen to some other interview with him, even ones done for documentaries etc.

show your evidence anon. heres the original >>38950790
preliminary paper, where they do talk about rad doses and the density of the satellite structure through which it was measured.

they say 1.g/cm2 for explorer 1. do you know what the average density for the Apollo Command Module was?
if you read the paper you would already know that you are wrong
perhaps that's why i didn't find the data because i was looking for explorer 2
Perhaps. In this one paper you have the initial report of result fore both explorer 1 and 3, which is what Van Allen based his studies on.
webm with audio
i mean to say, if you'd just read through the explorer 1 wiki page you'd have seen that explorer 2 failed on launch.
i confused it with sputnik 2
No one asked, try and stay on topic.
ive seen that before. he just says it will make manned space flight more difficult...isn't that the case?
Does he say its impossible, that the data shows it cant be done? Or does he say it will present some extra challenges? Any hint that those challenges are insurmountable?

of course you wont want to see how such a simple error in basic facts reflects upon the rest of your assertions and claims.
>they say 1.g/cm2 for explorer 1
explorer 1 counter was jammed after reaching a certain altitude so it wouldn't have a reading
just read the paper anon. you're making pointless objections right now.
you haven't seen the webm
ok, im looking now. ive seen the video with Von Braun before. whats your point about this anyway? what was the scale? what did the van allen team make of these dead zones in the readings?

maybe you should look at the paper they published, which i linked you to?
I didn't know geiger counters could be jammed. Impressive.
This explains why the moon landings are fake. The ships would dismantle before they could reach the moon. Earth is round. Space is real and based.
anyway, have fun reading that report and looking for others. maybe see if you can support your claim that the explorer satellites showed a completely different radiation environment to what the newer projects have found, which is what you were claiming here>>38950650
See if you can show anywhere that anyone, especially Van Allen himself, has ever even hinted that manned spaceflight beyond the VAB is impossible. Maybe you'll come across a letter he write specifically denying this moonlanding hoax claim.

Maybe do some reading on radiation types, as i linked you to further up in this thread.

ive got to go. if the thread is up tomorrow i'll be back.

just a higher flux than they were scaled to detect and report. thats all. this happened because they sent the first one up with the assumption that only cosmic radiation would be detected, which was thought to be a much lower fluxes than what is found within the trapped radiation belts.
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The great temple of the moon, and it's lunar energies is something every Mason, in their attempt to use their solar force to focus and hone their craft, whatever it may be, should have in the back of his mind, for love of the craft, as does love for all things and peoples, flows from the lunar waters.

>List of Names of Odin, all Father
>Ha've: High One, Temple of the most High


For the fearless, and for those who choose the path of courageous and brave; the Valkyrie always await in wings.... with a surprise.
The moon and Antarctica are connected, they know it.
Maybe they just feel tired and stressed because of the radiation they experienced.
The radiation probably jammed the ship engine, and they were forced to go back to Earth.
half of /x/ doesn't believe the moon landing was real, the other half believes it was real and the first person on the moon was a freemason. Really gets the noggin' going.
you should spend an hour in there
Imagine being the guy in the middle who nobody remembers because he had to stay in shitty spaceship prop.
esl here what does pic related mean? did they claim moon for themselves? did ge carry out some kind of ritual there? can you simplify text for me?
he said that about "such a long time?". are you this retarded?
qrd, what does it mean?
what does it say? custom bootmakers?
When you close the door of your house you don't want people entering through a window.
What the fuck is he saying? I can't understand this coded language. Is this how masons play tricks?
>step foot on the moon
>what makes you think we never left low orbit?
nta but i think even some nasa engineer or someone said that they've never went past van allen belt
reading between the lines, it looks like world salad with some gematria code or something.. idk
>did they claim moon for themselves?
They chartered it. Like a parish for a christian church. It doesn't mean you have temporal authority over the land, but followers of that religion that live there would meet at that temple.
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>did they claim moon for themselves?
yes, bascially.
they claimed territorial jurisdiction on the moon. a legal term that grants them power and authority over the claimed area, in this case, the moon.

but since they never went there, their claim is moot. it just has to be publicly accepted as truth that they never went there.
it's also illegal to do that due to the outer space treaty of 1967
and since there have been no legal consequences it would imply this claim is merely symbolic since they never set foot on the moon
more proof it's fake
ok, so how about you answer the questions instead of restating the obvious.?

maybe you should have some evidence to support that.

second person. armstrong has never been shown to be a mason. i think one other LM pilot was a mason. hardly a highly masonic operation.

evidence? its almost 100% certain you are incorrectly remembering something you heard
I always interpreted it as the creation of a garden of eden in our solar system by a higher race. I think it's possible that it's also analogous to our garden of eden where after Europa gets converted to a verdant world it's the apple from the story of adam and eve. All this is to say that I think the garden of eden is not on earth.
Anyway, like i said above, the equipment on Explorer 1 was designed with cosmic rays in mind, something Van Allen had been studying for years using rockets and balloons. Those occur at a MUCH lower flux than the trapped electrons and protons found in the VAB.

That's why the counter was overwhelmed once it was exposed to those areas. This doesn't mean that the belts are impossible to pass through in a properly designed craft which is traveling at high speed.

there is information about the geiger counter used on explorers 1 and 3 here

this graph shows the cps (counts per second) of the geiger counter on explorer 3. it's limited to 128 cps and was quickly overwhelmed when it entered the vab. i can't find a continuation of the graph with a higher cps range, but i'd image it goes on like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEhwbNvi-Sk
if you could provide such a graph that would be nice.
i've been looking at the charged particle experiment from explorer 4 but not even ai could make sense of those numbers

right now i'm digging through the explorer 6 data but looking up the NSSDCA IDs of the data collections yields no results
>not even ai could make sense of those numbers
what do you mean?
i fed it to chatgpt to give a summary
I have a hunch you are an NPC retard that cannot think outside of bronze age/iron age allegories.
>moon landings fake
>earth is flat

Note these are all jewish narratives.
did you happen to define any parameters for it at all, or just assume it would make perfect sense of a blurry pdf file?
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what parameters would you suggest
i just can't believe you gave that pdf to an 'AI' and expected it to extract all the various data (from 4 different sensors at least) and then create some nice graphs for you. guess this is whats becoming of how we think.
that's not how it went but i see you're no help either
how did it go?
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Freemasonry is just trying to help people and donating a lot of your money to charity and doing some rituals with cool swords
24th person to step on fake moon soil doesn't sound as cool.
being 11 and 12th doesn't sound so cool either, but they got spend many times longer walking around on it. imagine living on the moon for 3 days.
Do you PROMISE on the Holy Bible that that's all they do?
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>exposed to cosmic rays
>temperatures ranging from extreme cold to extreme heat
>tiniest rip in your suit is certain death
i know i'd jump around like a retard
>yeah the moon landing happened. it is one of the greatest achievements of our multicultural nation
>the technology? we destroyed it lmao
>the original footage tapes?? we overwrote them lmao
>the moon stone??? we lost them lmao

i truly want to believe but how tf could all this happened?
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Lol you think they were actually trying to achieve lunar exploration. Freemasonry is all about tricking people and getting them to do what they want. The only reason "Buzz" did what he did was because they have him by the balls.
Jesus freaking Christ, it is so fucking obvious, how fake this shit is. I'm not even mad, I feel like a certain awakening is coming to everyone, it is inevitable, it's almost funny. People in the future will not believe how that bullshit could ever have been believed by anyone.
>I feel like a certain awakening is coming to everyone, it is inevitable, it's almost funny
How? What kind of awakening, and how would it happen? It was already hard to get normies to not take vaccine, that's being promoted by a person that few years before was pro-depopulation through vaccines. It's kinda hard to wake up normies at that point, if they can't put even that equation together. It's really not that difficult thing to notice this pattern (especially if someone tells them), but people don't care, they ignore.
That's different, vaccination is part of everyday life and the evolution of our medicine and health technology. We wouldn't be alive without vaccines, our children would die horrible deaths without vaccines, we couldn't travel to third world infested shitholes without vaccines. THIS (fake moon landing) operates in a whole other level in our society, it deals with FAITH, HOPE, TRUST. When couples cheat each-other in a relationship shit can get insane. When you love someone or something, and that loving passion gets betrayed, something breaks in the soul of a person. War is war, disease is disease, death is death, this is different. They played with the emotions and passion of a whole world for 50 years, and it was an obvious LIE, and now that betrayed bitch will come back at "them" (us).
Kino af
The film of this, it's eerie, when you think of the context
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they would have been offed. their buddies were offed in "car accidents" just a few years prior. nasa guys were disappearing. to add. when you win the super bowl you act like it. you don't act like you're about to get offed by some NWO culture police.
Gus Grissom’s fate clear warning
was a*
>>exposed to cosmic rays
do tell me about that, in detail please.
and those. tell me about the chances of those please, and please base it on evidence
>>temperatures ranging from extreme cold to extreme heat
and then go on to explain how temperature works in vacuum if you would, im sure it very interesting and you know all about it
>>tiniest rip in your suit is certain death
is it? you're sure about that?

come of moonie faggot, explain yourself and your obviously well researched objections. dont be shy.
>>the technology? we destroyed it lmao
nobody says that. while its true that the massive production capability, spanning hundreds of individual companies, was stopped because they ended the apollo program, and its true that the handcrafted CSM, LM and SaturnV would be hard to construct today because basically no one is skilled in the same fabrication techniques, theres no 'destroyed' technology. Just look at what Sapcex have been doing for thte past 15 years. unthinkable in the 1960/70s
>>the original footage tapes?? we overwrote them lmao
original backup tapes. theres no lost footage we haven't seen, just slightly higher resolution from the apollo 11 live broadcast. and we have everything in even higher resolution from the other 5 landings, which were all longer.
>>the moon stone??? we lost them lmao
what? you can read a thousand papers written by geologists, chemists etc etc that have examined all kinds of lunar samples.
cool isn't it

the context is 3 nerdish guys who have peaked in their careers just having come out of 3 weeks in quarantine sitting in front of a crowd they'd rather not be sitting in front of. Just watch the full thing - they do eventually get a bit more comfortable being up there, center of attention, and start joking with some of the journos.
>We wouldn't be alive without vaccines
I'm not going to read rest of your post if this is your stance on things
Do you even know what polio is? Do you know what smallpox is? No, you don't know what that FUCKED UP INFERNAL SHIT is thanks to the invention of vaccines.
Stay retarded. Telecommunications technology must be the NUMBER ONE weapon used against us, humanity, to brainwash us and manipulate us at wish (their wish). That doesn't mean that modern telecommunications technology must be destroyed. That level of binary retardation is what they use to keep humanity on a leash.
>Do you even know what polio is? Do you know what smallpox is?
sounds like hoaxes they made up to get people to get vaccinated. you know they can easily just create diseases on lab to get people to take vaccines that makes their auto-immune system weaker, right? I wouldn't trust what jewish textbooks tell you at school about these stuff, but you're obviously a shill so I guess this much is expected.
That's the problem with zoomer retards, they are disconnected with our immediate past decades. POLIO is the most recent of those hellish diseases, your child born perfectly healthy could be infected by that shit just like the flu does, and he would be crippled for life without any cure or possible treatment. Millions of people are still living with that shit destroying their lives. That shit ended with vaccination. Smallpox was even worse.
You retards are the trojan horse created by (((THEM))) global media psyops to destroy humanity. Next time they will convince you to go and drink water from the swamps and rivers full of piss and shit.
>That shit ended with vaccination.
No you're wrong. They simply stopped spreading the diseases once they got people vaccinated. But it's moot discussing things like these with a shill.
>Next time they will convince you to go and drink water from the swamps and rivers full of piss and shit.
It's probably not so bad on a healthy auto immune system, but sadly they've managed to destroy auto immune system of everyone, even those who didn't take covid vaccine, with all the poison they've added and all the previous vaccines
That's the point, to win an unwinnable battle against that shit. We are protecting ourselves against that with a pragmatic and smart strategy. You can't get vaccinated against EVERYTHING, but you can choose you battles. Some diseases needs to be dealt with , like Polio or small pox, or cancer if we ever get to that breakthrough. At least till we reach a genetic level of technology to erase these weaknesses from our DNA for good.
There you go, take a drink from your septic tank to become god you retard. Look at hindus, they live like that already, that doesn't save them from biblical plagues and diseases, on the contrary, the worst and most horrible and disgusting diseases and genetic aberrations thrive there. Because vaccination programs are too costly for such a huge population from a nation with no monetary resources to finance that.
Vaccination is actually what you're saying, done in a smart and effective way. Mimicking the disease by design to force your body to create an immune reaction to that targeted disease trying to break into your system and destroy it. Vaccines made us GODS among mere animals in this planet. Of course anyone trying to use that power against us could be disastrous, but that's why nations control each other, and that's why you CAN'T let this responsibility fall in the hands of a couple of private global corporations. Health CAN'T be a private business. That's the red line right there.
>That's the point
No, you don't get it. TPTB stopped spreading a manufactured disease, once they got enough of the population infected with another disease (auto-immune systeam weakener, the vaccines and its heavy metals that cause autism). "pick your poison", no I don't do this false dichotomy shit
>heavy metals that cause autism
Be honest anon, if you ever changed ideas and thoughts with your dad or grandfather, or other older parents of friends, they are pretty much RETARDED. People are getting smarter. The problem is that overall control is getting tighter (for that reason).
>People are getting smarter.
This is a lie, you're not fooling anyone glowie
Why the fuck do they switch to the koran in higher degrees. May as well not even join.
Maybe they were trying to find where Jesus was crucified if you believe what Richard Carrier says

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