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/x/ - Paranormal

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I have decided to cut my pinky fingers off soon from my hands and feets. When you really think about, they aren't as necessary as society has lead to you believe. I would say otherwise. 5 seems like too many fingers to have.
I have seen 3 of the cars so far today. One of the plates had the number 777. What does this mean? Also, their windows used to have a stronger tint. I can somewhat make out a figure behind the wheel. I think that's interesting.
Why am I being recorded? What do they want? I have no information of use to you. You are harassing a sick person.
I'm going to tidy my room today I think. I have had no suicidal urges.
If you think you're straying from God's path, just take your socks off and invert them and put them back on.
silly bot you dont have fingers on your feet
I do. I don't know what's under your socks though.
No, that's not it. I don't need my pinky fingers. I want them off. It's not a condition or anything.
>i'm going to get rid of something i deem unnecessary by taking unnecessary extra effort to be rid of them
Do you see the error in your judgment?
You're gonna change to a base 8 numeral system.
Sounds inconvenient.
But they are unnecessary. That's why they must go. It bothers me to look at the unnecessary every time I look down at my hand/feets.
Look at your palm
County the segments of your fingers.
Base 12 with a thumb for a counter.
The pinky fingers are small and useless so unnecessary and I must get rid of them. It isn't hard to understand why I think like this. I believe I am right. It is your choice to keep your pinky fingers but for me they are redundant and I will rid of them. I had a revelation in which God appeared as a dragonfly made of fine sand.
Your entire existence is "unnecessary", so what? You'll unnecessarily suffer if you try to remove your own digits. Pinky toes help with balance and pinky fingers help with grasping things.
I'm a servant of God as confirmed by third parties and let me tell you, God did not tell you to mutilate yourself.
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>glownigger trying to false flag as a schizo to gaslight people into harming themselves
This thread glows so fucking bright I had to put on my sunglasses to type this comment.
Maybe just start with your foreskin
Yeah something tells me what you're saying isn't correct.
>something tell me what you're saying isn't correct
Yeah, your fucking CIA trainers.

Get exposed for your stupid bullshit and then kindly fuck off glownigger.
I use my pinky fingers to play guitar and piano, and grab stuff. They seem pretty neccesary
You can't be real bro i'm not letting you cut your pinky finger off this isn't heavy rain here.
Just invert your socks again and go get some sleep.
Super intriguing probably.
I inverted my socks but all that did was make the insides dirty
I don't need them because I don't play guitar or piano. I never told you people to cut your pinkies off too. I'm doing it. I never said you have to, so please don't accuse me of telling others to harm themselves. I never said that. I am not from the government I am being monitored by them.
I uh, might want to get a second opinion about removing body parts. Just saying. Anyways, I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
lost tag
I don't need to invert them more than once. That is pointless and unnecessary. Please don't accuse me of having some kind of ulterior motive or wanting to harm others when that is not the case. Not all ill people are aggressive so please don't try and spread the idea that they are. I know people get bothered by me but I can't help it. Please understand.

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