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How do I donate myself to the secret government super soldier experiments?

I get synchronicities and I'm physically fit (I bench 2 plates)

I just have no direction or purpose in life, at least not in this society

I tried killing myself 4 times but people kept stopping me and begging me to fucking live
I'm not enjoying this work, I admit I only enjoy escapism shit now.
Might as well live the most wild life possible like my capeshit and vidya
You are mentally unstable so even if these things did exist you would be ruled out instantly. No point in wasting time and money on you.
You are either modified pre conception or modified at birth. Sorry, anon.

Time to just off myself

I doubt the criteria is as small as you described but I literally have nothing to live for, life is not a gift.

If I can't do something like that then there is no use on me being alive.

I just wish my friends and family and gf understood that.
>friends and family and gf
Get a load of this sweet life.
They do exist but trust me they already know who it'll be. They don't take suggestions or offers. They seek their victims out.
this. plus they prefer to break you spiritually rather than have you willingly submit. it's part of the overall gestalt.
Everyone is way better than me and just perfectly vibe with society

Even if they have a so called problem they are in tune with this environment

As for me I'm too aware of being alive, too aware of qialia and I with every second I hate bring alive and conscious more and more

Because no answer to existence is satisfying

No path will ever bring me scer lasting joy

There's nothing I am perfect at, km always "growing" somewhere for no reason

Everything fun is evil
Everything thst is suffering is good(?)

The only answer is that the universe wants to experience being a human as me (even though there are BILLIONS of other fleshbsgs it can spawn as) and this is just cosmic entertainment for it

But I Hate it, those new age philosophers say "we're here to have fun, don't take seriously what the gods made for fun" but I'm not having fun at all, or at least the way I want to

Hell just bring here clouded what I really want from life, I'm stuck
So really there's no resson to be here, I hope the cosmos understands that bring a human especially in the 21st century sucks, it should just spawn as a bird next time
Sneak into a DUMB. Just wander rural/desert areas and look for shacks in the middle of nowhere. Those are usually elevators. When you get caught (on purpose) tell them you think the super soldier stuff is bullshit. They'll want to show you it's real out of spite. Using reverse psychology, say, nah I'd hate to be one of those super soldiers. Then you'll get in the pipeline to be universal solider
You have no idea what you're even asking for. Be happy you aren't getting it.
I can confirm that most shacks in rural and desert areas are definitely elevators. 200% of the time.
No exceptions.
They go up too. Even thought there is nothing above them.
Phone up the aliens
Theyl''s help you out
Sit in a dark room
Point one finger up
"Phone home phone home"
Sneak around area 51?

I know there are guys in Camo that pull up in trucks and ahit if you get too close
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Well you can’t actually volunteer because they aren’t voluntary. If you join the military you probably have a higher chance of being used in the off world programs. I wouldn’t recommend desiring to be in these programs, generally you’re left with so much PTSD and gangstalking that living a normal life is very difficult.

Maybe you should spend some time learning about the programs first.

You're not even allowed to return home if you're assigned to an off world program. You either keep up the mission, or you get killed off.
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Not even true, they use everyone they can in the off world programs. GATE and TAG were literally the terrestrial recruitment arm of the SSP. Why do you think everyone is so mentally ill these days? It’s because they’re being abducted and returned and MK Ultra’d out of their memories. I was in those programs and I’m talking to you, you think I’m off world?
why would you like to help evil people?

only children are taken in, you are too old for the mku side of it
the best are selected pre birth
I'm a super soldier. I was born in a navy hospital in the 80s. My mother and father were subjects for typical experiments. I was born under supervision of military. Essentially, a child of Big Boss like the speech at the end of mgs1. The lengths the recruiters went through to get me from 2007 to 2014 were pretty impressive but I just wasn't into. I'm likely considered a lost cause/failure today and they've lost all interest. I'm 5'9, 135 pounds, allergies and likely on the spectrum.
Join the Army, if anyone needs you they will find you.
>I have friends, family and gf and hate life
Well there’s no hope for any of us. You’re talking to a board of trolls anon
>SGC and GOOLD real
actually the marines will send the recruits who wanna kill straight to the front-line, has a friend who said on the enlisting he wanted to kill and he only cared to kill traitors of US or something, became a 03 infantrymen and is on some deployement in the middle east
Best I can say was that I was in GATE and I do have military family
Do I just tell recruiter "hey I wanna be upgraded like captain america or master chief" lol

In all seriousness thiugh how do I inform them I'm interested in volunteering for enhancement
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Let’s see if this picture doesn’t get this thread nuked. They don’t like this one.
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You won't end up as Wolverine or Captain America
According to former subject max spier he got recruited at a young age for the british program
Any, physical/visual abilities you have that are abnormal? Or are they looking for psychic abilities?
No, but apparently I have a DNA twin out there. She was a Master Chief in the marines. Enlisted twice and fought in Afghanistan on numerous deployments. She didn't think twice about killing people. Now she's a federal agent.
>I tried killing myself
aaaaand excluded
What is it?
Well Constanze the thing here is your friend is being used as cannon fodder. So he’s not a super soldier that anyone spent time or money on.
max spiers. i think he said how he was selected as a child, they always are

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