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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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am i going to succeed in my mission thats written on my birth chart?
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Trading a couple queries
She will never love me, right?
1) Am I responsible for any of her current stress or emotional turbulence?
2) is she thinking of leaving or am I over thinking and she’s just dealing with stuff?
Aq: why can’t I stop thinking about I?
>Ace of Reds, Under of Acorns, Ten of Acorns
Unfortunately the cards seem to say there is very little chance of it. Even if she did, it wouldn't work out, I'm sorry to say. Good luck out there, in any case
How you been man? It's been a while :o
Will I be able to be economically stable and move back out of my parents' house before the year ends?
These if you can

Thanks for asking anon, I'm doing alright. Life happens, I keep thinking about checking in here but I either forget or I end up doing other stuff. How's life?
omg you are alive
can I get a next bf?
Did you find the cutie you were looking for? It's alright it's been a cesspool here lately. Most of the cool readers are gone
Should I send her a message/talk to her again?
hi!! can I know what I need to focus on today pls
I plead a third time today...will my cousin go to jail or will he be OK?
Starting when you are
I'll be an incel forever? Will i meet someone?
AQ how do I go about finding my dear muse?
That was fast
>Ace of Greens, Eight of Reds, Seven of Acorns
This person seems to have left a pretty strong impression on you, regardless, the cards seem to be warning you that you shouldn't get too close to them. They will have quite a bad influence on you if you do so.
I hope that this is helpful to you, cards were more focused on the warning rather than a straight answer to the why. Take care anon

Of course I am, glad there's still people who remember me kek
>Seven of Greens, Nine of Greens, Under of Acorns
I seem to get the feeling that you will be meeting this guy relatively soon, probably during the fall or winter. Things are going to be a bit rocky though, especially at the start. Can't tell you much about looks, but personality wise I think they will be a bit of a contrast to you, which will be a source of mild conflict. Though in the end I think this will make you both grow as people. Fair warning that it might not be a long relationship, but I think it will be worth it regardless.
Hope this gives you some insight, best of luck out there

I'm afraid I'm still looking, but that's just how it is. As for the readers, I'm sure there are some good ones around as always, though I myself do miss some of the old friends I made on here.

You're welcome
> glad there's still people who remember me
You are really fucking accurate to be fair.

If you don’t mind me asking will K try to come back into my life?
9 of cups
King of pentacles

Want to urge you that if you have asked this before and received different readings on the matter you may end up a little confused.

Nonetheless these cards suggest that your cousin will be fine and that you don’t have much to worry about.
I think there are some definite struggles in the matter but in the end I think things will settle positively for him and he’ll be able to move on toward a more stable position.
Zoli. Do you do occult readings by chance?
Can i ask something more? Will i ever get a gf? Should i surrender now?
Can I ask if me and my crush will hookup?
Because troll
Are you responsible?
>2 of swords rev, 9 of wands, death
Is she thinking of leaving?
>6 of pentacles rev, strenght, Page of cups
You're unlikely to have played a big role, if at all. Likely she put up so much barriers due to the distress you can't even break through to her.
She's not thinking of leaving you. She needs you, now more than ever. She thinks you might not support her as much as she wished but her feelings for you are strong and she wishes to keep this going
>King of Pumpkins, Over of Pumpkins, Seven of Acorns
Seems like you'll have an opportunity to find some sort of patron, or in general someone who will be very helpful to you in some way. The idea seems to be that you should focus on getting on this person's good side to enjoy the benefits, else you risk on missing out which could end up getting you into some trouble. There seems to be a financial underlining to this whole affair as well.
Hope this helps, good luck anon!

>Seven of Pumpkins, Eight of Pumpkins, Over of Acorns
Huge yes. But I'd still advise you to keep your expectations low, I seem to get the feeling that it will be a bit of an awkward situation at least in the beginning. Take things slow. Best of luck

Thanks anon, but I miss just as easily as anyone else here.
>Under of Reds, Ace of Reds, King of Reds
Can't get a clearer yes than this, honestly. If this person is a romantic interest, expect that it will also go extremely well. It will go well in any case but you know what I mean. Very positive read
Hope this helps, take care anon

>Ten of Pumpkins, Eight of Acorns, Ace of Reds
No you shouldn't surrender. Eventually you will find someone, though it's likely going to still take some time. I recommend that you focus on other things for the time being, but I'm sure that you will find the right girl in time. It's just not the right time yet.
Good luck, and take care
still reading? any romance for me tonight?
Hey Zoli!! Can I ask for a week love general?
How am I perceived?
Previous thread:
Missed you man thanks
Could you please take my query if you're still reading? >>38949877
Previous thread got bombed
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Can I get a next job?
do I get a job at N for my next job?
624 replys, holy shit
doing three card readings for a short time. :) missed you guys.
Only sometimes, on here I tend to avoid them.

>King of Reds, Eight of Acorns, Under of Acorns
Likely yes, but don't expect anything serious to come of it. Just a one night stand type of deal, cards kinda make me think it will be a bit disappointing to you, even.
Wishing you luck regardless

Thanks anon, and you're welcome

Sorry everyone, that will be all the reads for tonight. I'd usually tag all the queries here but 4chan seems to think I'm spamming, good to see the system only improves in my absence... Take care everyone
tyyy, a family member?
389, I see. Sorry for asking
No query, but out of curiosity what deck were you working with? I like the autumnal nature theme.
hey!! long time no see! any love for me this month? I'm single but I been working on myself
Next gf read?

Was I cursed in my teenage tears or childhood?
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Pic related, Hungarian playing cards. I get that question a lot kek. It's not really autumnal per se, the suits are representative of all four seasons.

Don't be sorry for asking, anon
do I get a job at N for my next job?
Ah, that makes sense.
Thank you. Will it be disappointing for him as well? Sorry, ignore if I’m being too greedy
Is sam my next gf?
Thank you, would you be willing to try an occult reading. I'm planning to summon a very soft and timid spirit to be my lover in the future and was just a bit anxious on how it would go.
:) You are represented by the Ace of Pentacles, the situation is represented by the Seven of Cups, and the situation outcome is represented by the Seven of Swords.

For the Ace, you see this as a manifested opportunity, a material abundance arriving almost as a "gift from above." Does s/he seem too good to be true, or like s/he checks all of your boxes? The situation is represented by the seven of cups. This speaks of an emotional opportunity, but also and more importantly represents indecision and a choice, and there is also the potential here for daydreaming and fantasy - almost as if to say, you can make of it what you want, but for now it exists exclusively in your mind. The solution as the seven of swords. Combined with the seven of cups, I would say that this means that you should take what of the blessings you can get from this person, but that you should be cautious and aware of deception and trickery. Nothing is as it seems, even if it appears as if your dreams are coming true. Basically, you can have it if you want it, but don't get lost in the clouds, and keep an eye out for lies, affairs, and mental deception.
When I did a year at a glance reading for myself, October/Libra season suggested some sort of fresh start or feeling of purity or innocence. What was this about?
Hello how have u been <3
Have I already met my next bf?

I'm feeling overwelmed by the religion imposed to me since I was a child. I want to leave it, even if it means cutting ties with family and friends.How should I approach this situation?
Now that I think about it, 3 out of 4 do fit autumn rather well. I guess it's fitting I come back in October, huh

Cards seemed to be implying it will be on your part, I think it will be fine on his. You're welcome

Sorry anon, I'm done reading for now. Maybe another time, good luck in any case
Am I close to being cured or do I need to know more?
Hi friend :) How are you?
Two of swords, queen of wands, the empress.
You are represented by the two of swords. the situation is the queen of wands. the situation is resolved in the empress. Since you asked how you are perceived, I will interpret it with this in mind. You see yourself as the two of swords. You aren't sure how you see yourself, you are caught in limbo perhaps, struggling with what is inside versus what is outside. There are hidden things here as well, probably mental, that you haven't resolved yet. The situation, which I would read as the answer to your query is the Queen of Wands. You are emotionally aware, probably a bit of a visionary, inspired, charismatic, nurturing, social, confident. Your dark side reads as a temperamental, somewhat selfish, and sometimes a bit of a bully. The situation is resolved in the empress. I would view this as your potential in how people perceive you. With the Queen of Wands, I read a feminine energy coming into its fullness. The nurturing of the wands is completed in the empress. She is generative, creative, natural, sensual, beautiful, very much like the queen of wands, but in her fulfillment and completion.
I accidentally read the bottom one first. Top one next.
Do you do occult readings by chance?
will k love me again?
For you, I drew the Moon, The Ace of Wands, and the Lovers. Honestly, I would say yes. You are represented by the Moon. The situation is the ace of wands, and the outcome is the lovers. You are in a period of introspection, and self reflection. The inner truths are coming to you from within, and you have worked hard spiritually to be where you are now. Your situation is represented by the ace of wands. This is like divine inspiration given to you from above. There will be someone new, someone who inspires you, there will be A LOT of inspirational chemistry and new sparks. New beginnings, especially in the field of the spirit. With the outcome of the Lovers, you may not only meet a girlfriend, but the One meant for you from before time. I hope you do meet them, come back and let me know if it rings true.
Could you just tell me something I need to be told at the current time in my life? Missed seeing you around too :)
It has been too long friend! How have you been?
For you, I drew the 7 of pentacles, the three of swords, and the ace of wands. The 7 of pentacles represents you and shows me that you have indeed been tangibly putting in the work to grow and to develop your life and lifestyle, especially materially. Probably putting in the work with bedtime or working out, maybe something else like that but very tangible. The situation is represented by the three of swords. Because you are single and due to what you asked, this is a confusing card for me, but what I would make of it is that there is still healing to be had from something else in your past, and it is a mental healing more than an emotional one, but it affects you emotionally. It may be a relationship with your parents, or some other relationship where you put heads ideologically but it gets in the way of your personal growth due to the nature of that relationship. Have hope, however, because the situation is resolved in the Ace of Wands. This suggests that you may meet someone, and that this person will be inspiring and you will have great chemistry with them. It could also mean that the work you have been putting in will take on a more spiritual nature, and through the healing of the three of swords, you will find, or be given, a more spiritual nature that will sync you up with partners who are more of your kind.
thank you :)
Any love or romance for me tonight?
Hey there, long time no see. I'd like to keep in touch. Do you have a discord it? Or email?

A general, or general advice would be great. I'm having a really hard time these days.
But I'm a dude, my guy.
What is something I need to know at the moment?
Is there anything that is imperative to know?
any romance opportunity for me tonight ? starting
How does V feel about me? Sometimes she seems cynical and distant but other times she can be caring.
Could I get a reading about me and my bf is possible? I just wanna know the long term outcome really. Ty!
Doing some schizomancy readings, 5 of them.
Does F (f) miss me? I cut her off for my mental health but sometimes I wonder if she cares.
Next important thing to happen in the next two weeks?
same with yours?
She's not interested and there's ..... Waiting on you now and then I'll post my cards and the rest of the read.
something i should know
next gf reading pls
thank you
Four of Cups
Page of Coins Rx
Five of Swords
She's not interested and there's someone else in her life that she's hiding. She might not say it outright however or even reveal it at all unless you get her to tell you somehow.
Will me and my current bf make it to marriage?
let me know if want to trade moren
Tell me what the voices say
>Why must you become a magical girl?
>I am afraid you're not able to do so
>She is evil and should not be trusted
>You're not even mine

Probably not or if you do you might suffer from a broken heart, he or she is someone that doesn't seem to care about your feelings


>Girls they wanna have fun
>321 we came to fuck
>Don't do it Johnny, you know she is no good for you.
>I know she doesn't care, mom

I don't think so anon, she is probably having a good time with friends and trying to enjoy life, it's better off you cut her off.

>Get off the couch
>But who is she though?
>The train stops at 5pm don't arrive late
>Life is short but there is more time.

Make sure you do things on time, there's probably a few projects that you might need to work on, don't slack off on those. There's someone that probably admires you from afar, try not to get too involved in petty drama and focus on the important things
general reading plz!
Thanks, anon. It hurts A LOT because I did love her but time will heal this. :')
trading urgent q
why is mayra curiel not aswering my calls nor text messages ?
anon can we trade?
>Well you didn't had to cut me off
>I think you're not capable of feeling anything
>You keep doubting me
>You forgot my birthday again Charlie

Make sure you remember important dates, someone near you thinks you're not appreciating them as much. There's someone that was toxic that is trying to come back in to your life please don't let them or a nasty cycle will repeat. Try to be more empathetic towards others

>She is a lone ranger
>We do it bigger in Texas baby!
>There's a demon in the shadows
>Please stop texting her!

She might be possessive, might be American probably a blonde with a thick southern accent. Might have a few toxic traits, will be in to weird things, a Tim Burton fan. Might be a smoker and loves to wear alternative clothing, bright blue eyes and really skinny.
You dont need to use her name anon. You cound yse her initials
>Priestess, VII of Disks, Devil Rev, Death, VIII of Cups Rev, Wheel Rev, Temperance Rev
V strikes me as a really intense person, confused in every possible way. I'd say that even this person doesn't really know what they want with you.
Sometimes they're just using you to feed their ego, sometimes they're afraid of getting too involved with you because they're afraid of the results. It's a dangerous game this person is playing with you and the outcome doesn't look very good to be honest.
are we trading anon ?
Hi THNTZ, could you please take my AQ? >>38949877
Of course! When I was looking through the thread I saw yours and almost did it, but I didn't know if you were still here.
Are you doing reads?
should i use these images?
Sadly I cant, you can ask THNTZ if it's so important
>She said yes
>You're my holiday
>Promise me we will spend the rest of our lives together Bonnie.
>Oh Benny that ring is gorgeous! Thank you darling

Yes you two will, he might propose soon so be ready for that. He is willing to make things work and he is planning a life ahead. The voices were very happy with this reading by the way.

>What the hell do you want?
>Get lost asshole
>Why are you bothering me?
>We told Madeline about you and she said she hated you already

Geez, there's probably some people that really dislike you anon. Not sure what is happening in your life right now but seems like you're with the wrong crowd. Try to cleanse yourself, there's very bad energies around you.
>Judgement, IX of Swords, Princess of Wands, VII of Swords, Hanged
You'll get some money soon, but it seems to me that you're so desperate and anxious to get out of where you are that you could end up making a bad choice and falling into a worse situation.
There is a new beginning in your future, but you need to act more calmly and plan your next steps better, not make hasty decisions.


>Empress, King of Wands, Princess of Disks.
Yes. You Should.

Hi Friend! (: Q?
hey thntz wanna trade?
Just send me your query friend.
Damn son, is it where I'm at or what?
What do the voices say?
Should I put real effoet in learning french?
I wanna practice reading please, give me a q
Could I ask how things will look for me by years end? Like my living situation, will it be better, worse or the same?
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But give me our Q back!

Finances outlook for the next 3 months?
Thinking about changing jobs and I will eventually need to.

A general for the rest of the month. Yours?
Hi, Will anything happen between me and Andy?
Moving back in with my parents took a heavy toll on my mental health and removed me from my life and friends isolating me from the community and the independence I've built in the past 6 years or so. I have a long term plan to get back on track with my life, but I know that I'll have to plan for it for the next year. I'll be careful in the meantime, thanks for the reading!
What sign/s should I look out for?
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your q*
Omg thank you!! <3 I love him very much
Trading schizo/occult reading
how will I breakthrough and start making money for myself? I have a business...
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Can we trade?
query? does it involve demons or entities?
>Ace of Cups, Tower, Death Rev
You should, it's going to be very difficult, but it's going to be the change you need in your life. You seem to be really stagnating at some very important point in your life and somehow this is going to move things forward.

Since you insist, how is J feeling about me?

>Justice, X of Swords Rev, Princess of Disks
Extremely generic answer, sorry.
Something important to you is going to come to an end, whether that's good or bad for you depends on how you view and deal with the situation. If I may say so, it seems to me that it will be a change for the better, it will bring you closer to some dream of yours.

>X of Cups, Princess of Wands Rev, Tower Rev, II of Wands Rev, IV of Swords Rev, VIII of Disks
It's going to be a good month for you, perhaps the best this year/semester.
You look like you're either going to avoid or have already avoided some very big problem in your life (I'd bet you have, it seems to me to be something connected with the last few months).
Your biggest current problem and something you should be aware of is this feeling of not knowing what to do, of feeling lost and not having any plans for the future.
You definitely need to put your mind at rest and let go of this feeling of restlessness. Your focus should be on continuing to work on yourself and on achieving what you want, no matter how bad things seem now, they will get better in the future if you don't lose focus.

Please give me a reading about my work this month.
Demons likely not, entities possibly yes, it is what I'm trying to find out
Two of swords, five of cups, two of wands
I don't know if you're interested on investments and buying thingies but maybe you're doing it in a bit of a rush or not reading the little letters at the end. Be honest and real with your money, not every cent spent meant it was well spent, and it will show on November, little gains and maybe a bit of debt, making you think more of the negative results instead of the little positive things that came out of it. On december a new opportunity might come, or at least a new idea that will let you expand your horizons and do better in a financial and creative sense.

The hermit, ace of pentacles
Advice says that you should sit with yourself, be realistic, study similar situations and businesses in order to make better decisions. Literally sit, do a budget and do it properly. Antiadvices says that you shouldn't feel too secure about the money, keep checking it after you buy something to make sure it's still in the budget or didn't overspend.
alright, whats your query, maybe i can do it
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Sure. What's your q?
Just give me a love general.

Starting yours.

Well, I do have many plans and directions but it's going to be a while until I can put things in motion. Maybe yeah, I just need to wait and be strong.
Is N an egregore or a mask for a different thing? It isn't a malign thing on either end so it shouldn't be an issue if you read on it. I'm trying to compare results.

If you're chill with this q, tell me yours
Man I’m getting called out. There are a couple things I need to put some more time into. Thanks.
Love general too I’m F
did I heal my own cancer or trouble I was having with my stomach? starting
Oh gee medical readings... Startin
Ms. Kochka, can I ask you for one last read on the kissy oni? I dont want to alarm her but I'm just very anxious and dont want to come across as ugly to her. I dont know how things will go when I summon her. Would she very skittish and I have to slowly build her trust or would she be happy to see me and I just need to be gentle and not push her. I would like to ask when I summon the kissy oni in the future after I have improved, how will it go? Would she be happy to see me or be very judgmental.

VI of Pentacles
Queen of Wands
II of Cups
XVI The Tower
IX of Cups
III of Pentacles

You’re someone who gives a lot when it comes to love. Your time, your energy, your heart. But it’s important to reflect on whether you’re receiving just as much in return. Love needs balance, and it feels like you’re at a point where that balance might need some attention.

There’s also a strong, magnetic energy surrounding you, someone vibrant and confident, who either is or will be in your life soon. They’re the kind of person who lights up a room, challenges you, and brings out your creative side. This person could feel intimidating at first, but there’s potential for a deep connection if you’re open to it.

I’m sensing some recent changes, possibly something unexpected or disruptive, but it seems like those shifts were necessary to clear the path for something better. You’re headed toward a time of deep emotional fulfillment, everything falling into place.

ace wands, sun, debauch, victory
N is a whole different entity, it comes from the fire world or is made up of flames. it is most likely a djinn. alcohol either helps them or they could of been triggered by you drinking. do you drink often anon?
Hi! (:
>Temperance, Ace of Disks, Chariot, Knight of Swords, VII of Cups Rev, Queen of Wands Rev, Tower
I don't think so, sorry.
It seems to me that you were too patient and ended up missing this opportunity. Wanting too much control of the situation seems to have driven you apart, you lacked a bit of ambition and less fear of what might happen.
You seem to be deluding yourself emotionally at the moment, perhaps being too possessive, demanding and jealous? There seems to be too much pride between you now for one side to end up giving in.

As I said, beware of opportunities that seem too good to be true and do everything calmly. I hope everything turns out well for you.

Very vague, I don't know if I could make a satisfactory reading for you with that, sorry.

>VI of Wands Rev, IX of Disks, World, Knight of Disks, Ace of Wands
I think so, things will start to fall into place and work out very well for you soon. You'll reap all the rewards of your efforts and your investment and you'll make good money.
Just make sure that this feeling of self-doubt doesn't get in the way and demotivate you. Keep your head up buddy, you haven't worked so hard to give up or get discouraged now, no matter how difficult things are.
>A metal replica of the Caduceus, tarnished.
>Rainbow-coloured bird, its wings spread.
>A circle split by a cross, like the alchemical symbol of Earth.
Heal it completely, no, but you've staved off the symptoms and it is stable for now. Likely to have something else helping you with it right now (bird). Keep an eye on it, but keep up whatever you've been doing, it is having a good influence at least.
will i get my wish?
will this manifestation method workk? tysm
thanks I figured it was brought on by a hex. it appeared suddenly years ago
I can interpret.
I don't drink at all. I used to offer alcohol to another entity, but this is a different one I've not really worked with.
If you're anxious at this level, don't mess with any energy because it probably won't end well. Meditate, relax and do everything when your vibrations and energies are good.
well it seems like the alcohol summoned N into the picture, he really likes it
Random q: would it be a good idea to move out of my current city? Thanks if you get to this.
> justice r
Unsure about this as timing would not match, but thanks for the reading anon! Will use that as a testing point.
Fool Rx, Queen of Swords Rx, 9 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles Rx, Judgement, 3 of Swords.

Well, I don't really know what you want to know when it comes to your work this month so I just did a general-ish. However, if the cards doesn't answer the question you have at heart, do tell me and I can pull again.

I kept seeing a man wearing a jacket and sitting before the computer in the dark. I got the vibe of late night shifts, long late night shifts. The environment, despite being big, felt lonely and empty -ish.
Anyways, if you're expecting things to get better or if you hope that things will improve, I'm afraid that this month might not be the month just yet. Not a lot is going to happen in terms of changes, unfortunately. However, I believe that you're not going to feel as affected about things as you once were. Of course you're going to feel a bit disappointed once you assess the situation as a whole, but you're going to take a few to avoid the escalation of things.

Ace of Wands, Star, Queen of Swords Rx, 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords tower

Alright.. I can see that you're wanting and waiting for love, but either you have some unrealistic view when it comes to love as of now, or you're seeking for love during fire times - you're not ready to accommodate love in your life. You ar probably a bit hurt because of your past relationships and thats going to affect the way you're going to treat the next person in your life. I do believe that love might be around the corner, but you will need to stop self sabotaging yourself if you want to grab the love around the corner.
You're waiting for the next one to come by and it will probably be required from you to mingle with people more often. Something you're doing is wrong or isn't sitting that week with you but drastic changes will put an end to that, too. You can expect love to come into your life once you "change" your behaviour a bit.
The next person is likely to be someone you're going the long con with.
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>how is J feeling about me?
I'm gonna be a bit harsh
she thinks you're a good for nothing womanizer with money and she can't trust herself around you
I'm not too anxious, I plan to do the ritual in about four or so months. I simply dont know how to court her. Either she would interact with me and I just help her feel more comfortable and dont push her or she would be very skittish and I would have to slowly interact with her.
Thanks, Murmurmur! I decided to start a new project and my current work might stay in the way, forcing me to hunt for something else.
I do keep a watch on my finances, but as I said, new things - more expenses.

But yeah, I will need to come up with something.

Give me your query, please
I hope so... Sigh.
Thanks for the trade.

It was a mistake to reach out to her wasn’t it?
Reach out to complete randoms and strangers for business deals or reach out to close prospects only?
AQ: Is my deepest desire coning to fruition? 90 is an important number to focus on with this question.

Thanks to any readers in advance. Sending good luck your way.
First one
I think you’re right. I need to chill
When will I have the time, space and money to afford having an english bulldog?
will I ever be able to raise my children in a household where I won't have to be a nomad? starting

my query
am i being too careful or being too direct?
>Princess of Disks, VII of Swords Rev, King of Wands Rev
You have a deep desire for change and you're doing your bit, so you're going to achieve something very good, but on the other hand you seem to have unattainable expectations so maybe you'll be disappointed?
>But if you try sometimes, well, you might find you get what you need

>Fool Rev, VIII of Disks, IV of Cups.
I'm not sure if it's going to work or not, you seem to be being very reckless and not taking the consequences into account. Rethink what you're doing and what you want, if it's what you really want, maybe you need to try a little harder.

>Ace of Cups, Queen of Disks, Justice

>VI of Swords, World, IX of Cups
Yes, absolutely. It seems to be exactly what you need to move on from a bad situation and be happy again.

This reading is exactly what I wanted, just to know if things are going to continue as they are or if they're going to get worse. I don't think it's going to get any better, that's for sure.


Just to specify J is my ex, considering everything that happened between us and how it ended I can very well see her thinking these things about me.

You'll have time, so first work on your anxiety and how much you want it. The main point of any ritual is to be in a good frame of mind and have no doubts about the outcome.
Now worry about yourself, your mental and spiritual state, and when that's aligned start worrying about how you're going to act with her.
Should i use plan ATP?
Can I have a general reading?
if you’re still reading, can you tell me how I meet my next lover?
trading one in depth question
I don't understand the question
Do you want a job that let's you sleep at home every day?
That's true. It would just really calm my soul to know when I summon her, she will hug and kiss me and want to interact with me as long as i dont push her. I dont want to summon her with that mindset and scare her off after I have worked so hard to get her to me.
forget it, just give me a 7 day general?
Spiritual AQ
Could someone do a little spiritual evaluation reading for me? Just one card will suffice.
How I'm faring on that path?
What does that hot guy from the parking lot think of me?
I'm starving now, I'm going to prepare something to eat, later I'll come back and make these for you if you're all still here.

Exactly my friend, you're only in the middle of the journey. Getting so anxious and desperate for everything to work out right now will only throw away all the effort you've made so far.
thanks, she's clearly still attracted to you, why not some angry sex?
Next spring baby, Z's drivin'
Sure, listen to birds of a feather for me :)))
I see. Well, if I summon her with those expectations. I hope it wouldn't scare her off.
You there? anyways here's your read
power, works, prince cups
once you've built up enough security and stable and work a full time job, you'll be happy to get your job

It wasn't me, ignore the troll.
>High Priestess, 9 of Swords rx, 8 of Cups rx, clarified by Temperance
honestly I can't give you much
I can only say you'll make peace with something, you'll realize something obvious that you weren't paying atttention and accept it
sorry for the vagueness, can't really see much
that's okay, thanks anyways
>queen of wands, 9 of swords RX
You're very serious about this path, you're giving it your best despite your doubts. Keep working on it and doubt yourself and your path less.
Also, I'm picking a lot of feminine energy, are you female or is your spiritual path related to a feminine entity or energy?
>2 of wands RX, queen of disks RX
You made a good first impression on him, that's for sure. I'd say he was pleasantly surprised. At the same time you might have not looked at your best, maybe a little tired or disheveled. He doesn't seem to mind though.
hiii, anything I need to know from my ancestors?
Is " L " trying to contact me, or has she been here??
>2 of disks RX, knight of swords RX
Yes, she definetly did send you that message insulting you and it was something that came from impulsivity, a mistake born on a whim. I'm also picking up on some cheating kinda vibes.
Rebumping AQ >>38951039
> 9 of cups, 8 of wands
Are you overworking yourself in some way? Beacuse you'll be on the path of achieving something great if you take more time enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Be mindful of finding a healthy balance between work and free time to prosper.
Could I also ask a query if you don’t mind!
I just would like to know if my finances will get better before the year ends. Thanks!!
I'm male, but the spiritual path takes heavily on the "letting things go" side, pure surrendering/mystical path.
I'm feeling very strange, not bad, far from it, but it's because I'm on the occultism/sontrol/male path that I don't know if I'm doing the thing right or just doping myself, since the sensation is so "empty" that I lost all reference of what's right or wrong.

Thanks for the reading, regardless, blessings!
>7 of disks, 5 of cups RX
L wants to reach out for you and I'd say that it's gonna happen any minute now if she hasn't done it already. She made up her mind and she's ready to put effort improving your existing bond. Either this or she'll use this bond to gain something out of you. But in the end, you'll both get something out of this interaction, that's for sure!
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Doing readings for the next hour and doing trades
>Genders of everyone including yourself
>a funny picture or a song that is great in some melodic way (No cat pictures)
Not doing generals, no occult or next bf or gf reads
>No cat pictures
>cri evertiem
>randoms and strangers: 7 of disks RX
>close prospects: 2 of swords RX
This sounds like a lose-lose situation: reaching out to randoms and strangers will leave you anxious and you'll lose money, while close prospects could betray you (or you could betray them).
>Clarifier: page of disks
please reflect upon your actions and take your time. you're still not ready to propose those business deals and you need to work on them patiently
Surprising and sort of reassuring since [spoiler]I almost hit him after he walked behind my car[/spoiler] but I was curious since he didn't seem angry while I was completely horrified.

Thank you! Fingers crossed he's single lol, I'll just rely on divine timing.
what's my next job like? if thats too general i understand. thanks either way

Male, how will this Friday's court case go with me and my mom getting her protection order finalized against my dad?

Would I ever be put in a justifiable position to drop the *metaphorical* bomb ?
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Does M(f) miss me(m)?
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Will affirming to sleep every night manifest my wish?
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will aiffrming to sleep every night manifest my wish
Does A (friend, F) still love me (platonically)? She hasn't been talking to me as much as she used to and I wonder if it's just her life being hectic, or something I might have done.

Song (title unrelated): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHPB7UaGNBU
Personal taste aside, avoiding her is surely a good thing. Thanks for the feedback!

You need to work over that doubt and that feeling of being lost. That's how I interpret that 9 of swords RX. You did great up to this moment, but the only thing keeping you down is doubt. Thanks for the feedback!

That sounds like the beginning of a rom-com. Jokes aside, you might really have a shot with him, so keep your heart open and wait for the right time. Thanks for the feedback!

I'll be going to bed now, see you next time and goodnight!
>Justice, Emperor, Judgement
If you think it's the right thing to do, yes.

>Chariot, X of Cups, VII of Wands
Yes, and it looks like you'll be very happy with this person, but you may have to fight a lot to stay with them because they'll have other people trying to win them over.

>III of Cups, V of Swords, Ace of Cups Rev, Hanged, Hermit
A good time to be close to your friends, they will be very important to you at this time in your life. Beware of building up resentment towards people, especially in love affairs, as it's not a good time for you romantically.
You may feel lonely at this stage of your life, but it may be something you need at the moment.

>King of Cups, Judgement, III of Disks, Sun, X of Disks, Strength, II of Disks
I had a feeling that I can't explain to you that maybe you already know this person.
A person who, when you came into their life, you ended up changing everything. Perhaps there is a lack of communication between you, but you seem to share a mutual joy when you interact with each other.
It will be a long relationship, with a lot of sexual tension and a lot of emotional balance between you.

I can't stop listening to this song X_X

>Knight of Cups, Chariot, V of Wands
You will need to control your spending better and perhaps think a little outside the box about how to resolve your financial issues, the solution to improvement doesn't seem so obvious.
It seems to me that you have a good chance of doing better, it just depends on how you play your cards and know how to use the opportunities that life will give you.
Forgot my gender, F too
Will he reciprocate my advances? I plan to make a move teehee
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Forgot funny pic
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I can't do your readings, stupid website thinks its spam. its stupid because I typed out everything. go complain to 4chan. fuck this website
Hope you'll enjoy the song anon!

Do I have what it takes to make my creative project a reality before the end of the year? Is there any aspect I need to work on?
How will living in my car go?
do u have it copied?
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Cock in balls, dick in ass, rest in piss.
Twomad was also having that problem
Thanks reading for me! I have a feeling I know who you’re talking about but we shall see how things go
Aw, is poor little boy angry he didn't get his love read on a free tarot several on 4chan
Trading schizo query
Can I enquire as to the nature of this important ending? I can trade for this...if you're around?
Hit me, Whatchu gat?
Mine is: does everyone dislike me/seeks to sabotage me?
Mine is schizo SCHIZO, anon, LMAO.
Do I have any shrek of reptilian/non human in me? Be it in flesh or otherwise.

Wanna take this or is it too much?
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Buttfugly Martians
Watch yo mouth lil bro. I coming fo yo girl.
More like can't hear me because sound won't travel far enough to reach you all the way down there

(no fucking way I'm getting that reading now, right?)
Kek, dont know. But you seem plenty green to me
Ain't even mad honestly, ty for the laughs anon. Will still take that query, I can change mine if you want something a little more grounded
Holy shit, you guys made me laugh so hard I got a headache.
You're made of layers...like an onion. I have scried it so
Probably cried a little too...
Only if you cut yourself.
It's an onion joke lil bro, chill
Check their trips, can't be anything but a naughty post
Kek, we about to get archived again boys
Not after I'm done with you
ooo can you tell me a message from someone who's thinking about me? or can you clarify the read I just did with the lovers significator?
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Do it shriggle and griggle?
Thanks I’m hanging out with my friends tmrw
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You’re just my type
This picture makes me feel things in areas of my body I didn't know I even had.

Did she wish that she took action to make things turn out differently?
Met a girl through a friend and I'm not sure if they're interested in me. Will this lead anywhere?
>Did she wish that she took action to make things turn out differently?
0 The Fool. No, sorry. Shes content with her actions.
Is rat anon here?
>Met a girl through a friend and I'm not sure if they're interested in me. Will this lead anywhere?
21 The World. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Pursue away.
that's true but I mean the rat reader
Nuh huh, some are gym rats
Huh huh, some are mice.

What does A think of me?

How long do I need to be at location N?
What’s that mean? Will fire be there? Do I need to go to warmer place? Tell me more pls.
What am I meant for in this life?
Does MS understand that she was 100% in the wrong in what she did? Does she regret it at all?
Should I break up with him?

Am I on the right path?
thanks man
Women typically never understand in situations like that. If you are wondering then the answer is no unfortunately.
Why do you think you should?
AQ - life is pretty fucked atm, would really appreciate some guidance.

present situation, near future and far future would be great, past present and future would be helpful too.

nothing too in depth just need a hand here
He has been acting shady and he doesn't want to marry nor has proposed to me we've been together for 2 years and he hasnt even traveled to see me.
I'm sorry, but I don't need to do a reading to know that he's using you just so he doesn't feel alone. He's probably even cheating.
Just break up with him and move on.
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I’m back
Are any of my PREVIOUS Qs around?
Yeah it's been on my mind a lot, I realized he doesn't actually love me I'll slowly start to detach from him until I am able to just move on
Yeah I've been the one doing all the traveling he hasn't traveled once to see me
Just do it. I hope your next relationship is better and that you are loved.
Good luck.
>>38943357 schizo q for you, my orange liege
Well, if it's a LDR than surely everything has already been communicated, correct?
I'll fly solo for a bit, this has left a real bitter taste in my mouth. I need to make an escape plan first some of my things are still at his place
Yep clear as day to be honest, I think we are both better off apart. I need someone who wants to commit and get married
Do you want to marry me?
Lol I don't know you sorry
House Mountain
As difficult as it might be to admit no

why mayra curiel does not answer my calls nor text messages ?
Do I have any reptilian or otherwordly blood?
Bro why are you using her full ass government name
I'm the biggest joke thinking he loved me
Difficult for myself or? Kind of a relief, honestly. Whatever fucked up thing is going on in my head is just human.
The question is why did you want to marry him?
If you're taking queries...
Will j come back?
Does he miss me?
We bonded so well I fell in love with him, he made me smile and made me happy. But little by little I'm starting to realize that he still loves that other girl the one that got away
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Maybe that’s something you should talk about with him directly.
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We have already many times, whenever I bring it up he just says "I love you" I am starting to feel jaded. It's better off we go our separate ways. I'll wish him well always. I am starting to realize he is never going to treat me like he treated her, it's okay. But for my own sake I'll say goodbye


Mine is if I should break up with him?
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> I am starting to realize he is never going to treat me like he treated her

Living on someone else’s shadow would destroy any chance of warmth no matter the situation, I’m sorry he made you feel like less than

Why was that woman in my dreams constantly a while ago? Why did that quit recently?
starting rn
>4 of cups
>6 of swords
>8 of cups
>King of pentacles

If this is romantic seems like she found someone else that was willing to offer them more than you did, at first she was impressed but as she started to get to know you she realized that you weren't all that good.

If this is a job thing, seems to me like they found a better candidate one that probably didn't asked for much or was willing to offer things for free or be an intern and receive less pay (king of pentacles talks about generosity) someone "generous" willing to give their time for their company

I'm >>38952437
Can I have a general reading?
Nta but girl get the hell out of there. You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you. Working through his demons is his prerogative, not yours.
Yeah, that's why I've been starting to detach myself from the situation. Thank you for your words, I'll be fine life goes on and the world keeps moving. God bless you
In due time, I'm making my escape plan. I just need to go to Cali to get my things and I am done for good this time.
2 of pents
4 of cups
2 of cups
8 of pents
the sun

you could if you want to
but the advise is to talk
to work things out through precise communication and try to bring out the best from both of you, find common ground through your point of view and stand firm on your boundaries and ethics
let him know why and how much you love him and dont push , just let him take the decision to improve, to be better and commit to you
Trade again?

she is my godmother from and african religion and i paid for a deity to help me find an specific job, the deity did not deliver and ive been trying to contact her but she does not take my calls nor messages

she did show me a photo of the thing she gave to the deity to let me know she did the job
Ohh okay lemme rephrase then should have told me this was somewhat occult

>4 of cups
>6 of swords
>8 of cups
>King of pentacles

Looking at these cards the deity did receive the request but it seems like they wanted more from you, also she could be busy with someone else seems like she is trying to move from a situation (maybe moving houses?) but seems like a man is keeping her from doing so perhaps the deity itself? But there was something missing in your offering, perhaps you might need to deliver something in person and not have others do so. But I could see things being left inconclusive but there is a chance but it will require more effort from you
Me hi
If odds: by year's end.
next seven day general? yours?
Will j come back?
Will my next job be at N? What's yours?
temperance rx three of swords ace of cups rx
yes they will but
I'll post the rest when you post mine.
8ow 9op hp
You'll be traveling very soon. You'll be meeting with a woman whom you are very attracted to things will possibly move very fast with her. Or you are a very attractive woman and you will possibly have intimate relations with the woman.
Is he going to give me what I want?
Trade again?
J will but they won't stay. You'll end up going your own ways and suffering heartbreak here after giving things another go. This doesn't appear to last too long.
thank you lmk if you want to trade again
Will I meet her traveling inside my city (which is large) or elsewhere? yours ?
Will he give me what I want?
sorry yours is here
starting when you confirm
7oc the sun 10os
Yeah, you will meet her in the city. Something is telling me it will be at like a gym.
page of coins heirophant rx three of wands rx
I would say yes but partially. They may give you what you want in a novel or unconventional way but you won't exactly feel satisfied by everything that J gives you.
trade again?
Who will I date next?
Do I meet her in my building or at PT? Starting

Kow the devil death

Justice pop 4oc
Building for sure...desu honest it seems like a very passionate affair however not long lasting for some reason
king of wands
seven of swords rx
two of coins
Someone potentially older and well established, fiery and attractive. You'll find them to be honest and balanced in their life, someone quite good overall.
Thank goodness
Ty !
Will I have a boyfriend\serious romantic partner this year or next year or neither? You?
do I get this job I interviewed for last Monday? starting
7 of pent, 4 of cups, 8 of wands, 3 of swords RX

I think so....neutral first 2 cards of a waiting and deliberation period followed by fast news that ease you up.

I'd ask another reader to be sure though.
this year
>Ten of Swords R Four of Wands Seven of Cups
This year seems highly probable and you may have several options here by years end.
ohh shizzzz. my cards kept telling me otherwise psyching me out. thanks
Maybe you have the options but don't decide to pursue them for some reason? But I think you do, my self reads were always all over the place
will i enter a romantic relationship in the next eight months
How do I get my zest for life back
Should I get those Oasis tickets ?
How it is going to be the rest of the year for me?
nta but trade?
Mine is if d will reach out soon?
Will I have a gf/lover for new year's eve/new years? Starting
>Five of Wands
>Four of Cups
In due time they will but I wouldn't say soon. There's conflict they have to attend to first and they need to straighten some things out in their life first.
2ow 9oc 8os
Yeah there is possibly a lover for you I asked why the 8os
4ow 8op empress
Maybe you are already with somone and will be cheating on them? Or a past live you can't get over will kind of hinder you
past live? what does this mean? and I don't cheat
Im sorry past love*
Are you still hooked on someone from your past?
Maybe its the person you meet if not you
maybe it's that, thanks lmk if you b want to trade again
Am I getting money tonight or tomorrow?
sure, winter love gen? Starting
pls describe next bf
or, will I achieve my dream bod/ideal physique?

Next gf? Starting
Tonight ?
>Six of Swords, Three of Swords
Tomorrow ?
> Ten of Swords Hanged Man

Neither ? Are you expecting some? It may not come in as early as you think but it seems like it will come, just not today or tomorrow.
3ow 2oc 4os
You're hard work in paying off. You will find love this winter however there is still a little bit of a warning about this person. They may cause you some distress which doesn't seem too uncommon in this day and age just keep alert to any toxicity or manipulation
Looks wise it's a woman with darker features, dark hair or eyes
Yeah I'm expecting money tomorrow
that's fine thanks, such is life. you think it'll be obsession or codependency or something else?
queen of wands reversed clarified emperor & knight of pentacles, knight of cups, 2 of swords, 9 of swords reversed, 4 of cups

she seems to be thoughtful, reflective, very even-mannered, impervious to any negativity, an idealist, romantic, whimsical, diplomatic, but she has this side to her...that maybe comes from her father, she demands gifts, might be very domineering/bossy/control freak...some issue going on with queen of wands rx clarified emperor + knight of pentacles, might be very demanding...
will I achieve my dream bod/ideal physique?
Your next bf is someone new who you have yet to meet. You'll meet them before the end of the year in a surprising turn of events on a raining day where you feel incredibly down. He'll cheer you up.
Do you want to trade again?
yippee!! thank you
Yes what's your query?
Will I get another bf soon? I don't want my ex
5op kow 9os
She will be codependent. Kind of girl who doesn't see her worth unless she has someone, it'll be kind of draining for you at times cause of the needyness. Like, she may try to make you jealous if you dont give her enough attention. I feel like this is kind of common lately... at least from what my friends tell me. Try to reassure her often and communicate really well . If that doesn't work she's just kind of toxic .
No not soon but
>Nine of Swords
>Queen of Swords
>Three of Coins
It seems like someone you'll meet through professional means, maybe though work or a project. It'll be someone you'll work with and grow close to.
Ty :)
will I achieve my dream bod/ideal physique?

Will I get my desired body next year?
5 of wands rx, queen of wands rx, world, hierophant

I think you'll get a body that is very much desired across the board by society and the world and traditional values, but you might feel that it is inadequate in some way, thus not totally desirable.
Hierophant 4os 5op
Are you trans?
If you are it will go well but it will cost you a lot of your energy and money. Otherwise to get yoir dream body you will have to be very strict with yourself . Either way don't let others opinions hinder your progress and stay strong and disciplined. Sorry for the late response I got caught up in something
....no....I'm a girl and just want to get really buff.
Okok yeah, some people won't like that and it can drain you if you let it get to you
nta but it's hot ngl
muscle mommy?
Why do I keep dreaming of them?
Do they still think of me?
Trans women are women you fucking bigot
You probably want to be with them, but to be honest dreams are just dreams anon seems like this other person has already made their life I think they might be married and very happy in their marriage
That's not a reading
Should I hex my ex?
Definetly if they fucked up. If you fucked up, however, hex yourself.
Here's the cards
You : 9 of swords
Her: 6 of swords

7 of cups
4 of cups
8 of cups

You might be thinking this is your ideal scenario that she might be thinking of you but truth is that she has moved on and whatever you're thinking are only remnants of something. Not sure if she was an ex or what but she has moved past by you already and maybe you should learn to move on as well anon or you might ruin some good chances in life like a new love just because you want to keep an old ghost
I’ll answer anything I can for a photo of a birthday cake
Its my sisters birthday today!
How will my next couple of months go?
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advice that would help me the most right now? thank you
Save your money, you will make a bad decision.
Two of pentacles
Seven of cups
Five of cups
This too shall pass and you will be redeemed as the scale is back on your favor.
Devil Tower Justice
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I'm single and I feel lonely, next gf when?
Nothing new though lol
I will not spend money ty
Will I successfully become a nun?
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Will he actually propose?
I don’t expect This to last because you haven’t done the inner work yet.
Ten of Wands
Queen of cups
Nine of wands
Two of wands
You could, somehow I know that you won’t dedicate yourself to your gods.
10 of cups
Yes, yes he will.
What advice do I need to hear the most right now?
Real love will come after you start forgiving yourself for your own mistakes.
Two of Wands
Six of pentacles
Ace of cups
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Cake made by sister for my b-day
Visually not the greatest but taste was delicious
How's the rest of the year gonna be for me?
How does O(f) feel about me right now?
Will d apologize?
Adorable, I’m reading for the cakes I wish I could give someone.
May your sister have a happy life.
High priestess
King of pentacles
Ten of pentacles
Expect a raise or money coming your way, do not under any circumstances spend it as you get it.
Hey can we trade?
I'd like to ask a romance gen for Oct?
I'm male, single
I don't think I have a choice...
Every time I try to do something without guidance it never works out for me or worse and I end up looking to God. I don't think I'm even suposed to have children or find someone. It's always there in my life even if I don't want it to be... sorry hard to explain.
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Here's your cake :)
Just give me a cake pic.
I don’t feel like asking for anything
I don’t see anything new, unless you want to be a player and catch feelings later there’s really no one in the near future this cycle is about you and you alone
World King of swords Ten of wands
That cake looks delicious!

Can I get a future husband reading?
The star
Queen of cups

Yes d will apologize but after some time of self reflection and introspection.
This may take a little time. Individual needs to gather their emotions and wants to ground themselves before they communicate lest they say or do something rash. Don’t take anything too personally. Communication will occur sooner rather than later.
Ruthless, difficult to manage, hard headed and good with money.
If you are the one with money I’d be careful.
Five of swords
Ace of pentacles
Aos emperor 4op
O believes you have a sharp intellect. You are very good at communication and you are stable and good at saving money. They think you can be a bit authoratative
If this is an ex they think of you often
I'm the one with money :( guess I need to avoid this man
This is my gf. Just wondering her feelings about me
Schizo anon here
Doing some schizomancy reads
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How will I feel around christmas?
>do not under any circumstances spend it as you get it.
Got it boss and thank you
It was delicious indeed
Then I think she thinks of the past a lot with you, has something changed?
Will he see it when I send it?
Will w like my career choice?
Not completely or that I am aware of.
The past couple days she has been a little distant / reserved and less affectionate but she is dealing with a lot of stress due to work and money and hours getting cut and hating one of her jobs.
But literally Saturday night we had a wedding and she got super drunk and opened up to me about how much she loves me and wants me to be a part of her life and it was really heavy lovey stuff.
Monday night she started acting weird. Past couple days she’s just been off.
Will T come back to me by this Christmas?
Damn! Thanks for the reading
What will happen next time I see S? (girl I'm interested in)
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>Get off the train Jim
>You're a wizard Harry
>He's dead Jim
>He is not responding to the signal captain
>Ask Elizabeth please

Seems like he won't or if he does he will be very unresponsive about it or aloof. Ask someone close to him how he feels about you if you're able to do so. Keep your expectations low anon.

>It's raining, my dearest Emily
>The king told me to summon you, he seeks your guidance in this matter
>Tear drops are my diamonds
>Choose well please

They will be okay with it but they think you're able to do so much better think before you choose you have so much potential
Does she miss me?
>She wakes up lonely, she sees my picture by the phone and wonders when I'm coming home.
>I hope you're happy
>This memory will fade away and die, just for today breathe me and say goodbye
>Send her flowers!

She missed you? Seems like you're in her mind a lot but she isn't sure what to think she might think you're taken or something. If there's any misunderstandings try to clear them up

>Forget you, Johnny!
>I am never going back to him, he is only playing with my heart.
>Trisha is right that guy is a fuckboy
>Let's go shopping and forget our troubles, please!

She doesn't, whatever you did she is making sure to keep you away and at a really huge distance. She is doing her best to live a decent life away from you
Will A come back to me before Halloween?
can I ask the same: does my whore of an ex miss me/think of me after all these years and all the evil she did to me?
S is far away from me because of work issues and I had to move out of town. I'll see her again in about 10 days though and we have to talk and catch up. She might think I'm not available/taken because she might believe that I'm still hung up on my ex, but I'm actually ready for a new relationship. We'll have to have a meaningful conversation. Thanks for the reading!
Should I try to marry d?
Yeah you're not available mentally or emotionally. Try to cleanse yourself from the past because no woman wants to live in the shadow of another that's the most painful thing a woman can go through (besides birth and heartbreak) but it is sad. Make sure you two have a deep and meaningful convo

>The shipped sailed already captain
>So I guess the fortune teller was right
>There's nothing that he use to like
>My heart is sinking as I drown in this sea of darkness, pray for me Luna.
>Her heart is corrupted

Only if you take action to do so, but seems like A has lost faith like they feel like you won't put in the effort to see them. They feel rather depressed about the whole thing

>You think I care? Cry me a river bitch boy
>Come here my paypigs, momma needs money!
>She is a witch, she will eat your heart.
>Money does buy happiness, just look at my brand new Louis Vuitton, I got the cherry version isn't it gorgeous?

Oof she is a man eater anon, she doesn't really she might be a gold digger or trying to find someone who pays up her lavish lifestyle or she might be focusing on making money, wouldn't surprise me if she had an only fans (which to each their own)
So A feels just like me about this whole ordeal. I'll try to reach out. Ty!
Hiii pls gib schizo read. Will I manage to do better if I work with Bune?
Will I get gf under 25 this year?
Next job or source of income?
>Don't leave me, Nocht
>I will save you, I'll repeat the timeline I swear I'll save you I promise I'll save you I'll do this again and again. I promise I will find a way to save you.
>Don't give in to despair, not yet.
>Here's my heart, it's in crystal form. Take it and hold it close to yours. I am yours for life

You should seems like you two are meant to be one of you really loves the other to the point of doing the impossible. Breaking everything they know in order to be with the other. Not sure who but love is quite abundant here

A reader here works with her, very good for necromancy and talking to the dead.

>She is a queen, she is the ruler of this realm. Pay respects to her peasant!
>She is the queen of pentacles incarnate, very generous, ask and you shall receive darling
>Oh my! She is here!!! Quick everyone let's welcome her Majesty
>I'll help you child, but you do have to agree with what I ask. You are still young and green but that doesn't bother me, my most loyal follower was once like this. My sweet little empress

She is more than willing to help, pay your due respects and she will help you improve your financial life and could teach you a trick or two
First one
Wow it's been really rough between us. In no contact now so I'm suprised. Maybe it'll work out though. Guess we'll see . Tysm
Enroll in gym G or B?
Hell yeee, I like her so I wouldn't mind. Do you know who it is who does, or is it an anon?
>You wish
>You're not even there yet idiot
>She doesn't seem like is interested in you Daniel
>Oh what the hell? Why is he here? Who invited him?

Most likely not soon you probably need to work on something in order to attract women like that. Find ways to become financially stable and someone that has a decent life and career.

>Diamonds are forever
>Don't go there
>It's too risky
>But hey the pay is good
>I told Miranda about that lawyer, he is a crook

Be careful with this job, it might be something involving the law and where people can become easily corrupted by money or you could get involved in some scandal. The type of job you see in movies you could be a bus boy or a secretary but somehow the higher ups will find a way to hurt you.
That's what the voices said, guess that's why they were so sad and adamant. Seems like one of you doesn't want to lose the other for good.

Don't know much about them, they asked pictures of oranges and use to give readings here.

No more readings
he.y. .wi.ll I get laid this collegi.al y.e.ar.?
He said some of the meanest things anyone has ever said to me so he'll have to step it up for reals otherwise I really never want to see him again. Ty!
Gonna scour the archives, Ty! Dabbled into necromancy before but it was through the help of friendly spirits. I wonder how much clearer the visions could be with the generosity of royalty?
But yeah i obviously love him but i love everyone to an extent...
Another reader said we would work out but maybe it will take some time ty for reading gn
How does R (male) feel about me?
guess a number between 1 and 100
If you get it right, I'll read your q
Of course, only 5 tries/replies. After that they will be ignored.
what did E think when she saw me recently?

The correct answer was 79

No more attempts accepted

thank you for playing!

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