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/x/ - Paranormal

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Pagan thread. Making another thread, to celebrate our victories and eternal struggle for personal betterment.

These threads seem to be gaining popularity, so I'm going to give everyone a friendly reminder not to engage with the xtian trolls who will inevitably appear. We've all played this game before, and should know by now that they are gaslighting freaks who cannot argue in good faith. They have no wisdom to offer us, and we have nothing to gain from stooping to their level.

With that being said, merry meet and blessed be, /x/. What have you done to honor the Gods today?

Previous thread: >>38897379
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This is Norway
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This is Indonesia. What do you think, anons?
Old Shinto Shrine in Japan.

It is clear that the architecture is very similar, almost identical.
More Old Japanese Shinto Shrines
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Typical Old Viking Village
Southeast Asia
Very beautiful art ITT
It's almost like some kinds of construction work better than others, and people all over the World figured that out.
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Norway - Ancient Viking Temple
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Thailand Temple
These things are not coincidental. There was one single unified ancient pagan worldwide civilization at one point. Or at least Northern Europe has somethings in common with Southeast Asia.
Jamie, pull up the African mud huts
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These buildings are in India! Screenshots taken of buildings in Rural India.

Buildings with such architecture style can be found all over Northern and Eastern Europe in rural areas: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Carpathians, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia. Literally if you are Native European you'll recognize these buildings as local ones.
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Picture of the Napoleonic Wars.
Painting depicting the Grande army of Napoleon Bonoparte in Russia, retreating back from Moscow.
In the background we can see the French soldiers setting fire to an Ancient Russian pagan temple. Literally looks exactly like Old Norwegian temples. So in Russia such temples also used to exist! At least up to the 19th century at least!
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Ancient Pagan Russian architecture literally looks like Viking architecture and Southeast Asian architecture. Look at the decorations on top of that roof.
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This building in India looks very similar.
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Maori architecture

During the 19th century, ideas about Aryan migrations became popular and these were applied to New Zealand. Edward Tregear's The Aryan Maori (1885) suggested that Aryans from India migrated to southeast Asia and thence to the islands of the Pacific, including New Zealand.
just be manly and live out in the open
No the Maori came from Taiwan and PNG
I have a theory that I'd like to hear some Anon's opinions on. I believe that certain people around the world have a special kind of blood/genes that makes them dangerous to the status quo and those who enforce it. You see this in China, with the people being the persecuted Tibetans and Uighurs. Their Islamic and Buddhist religions aren't the reason why they're persecuted. It has to be that they use those religions for a foundation for secret practices which are part of their bloodlines. I'm sure this could be said about many other people, but especially in East and West Europe. Other places too.
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Ancient Celtic, Viking, Slavic, Polynesian, and Pacific Northwest wooden idols look exactly the same.

Let me tell you the truth, anons! 1000 years ago the ancient Vikings, Celtics, Germanics, Slavics, Romanians, Japanese, Southeast Asians, Indonesians, Polynesians, and some groups of Native Americans were basically the same ancient civilization, and they had the same or very similar art and architecture style, if with regional or local stylistic differences, which is to be expected. They were the real ancient worldwide pagan civilization. There is a conspiracy to keep this knowledge hidden by Abrahamics, atheists, and woke academics. If you talk about how the ancient world was really like they accuse you of being Nazi. I am not Nazi, I am just reactionary tribal pagan!
Maori architecture has the same distinct outlines and features that can be found in Ancient Celtic, Viking, Slavic, and Japanese architecture. Literally just change the art style only ever so slightly and it could pass for Celtic, Viking, or Shinto building.
You're on to something. You find Shinto in China and Korea as well as Japan. There are "Japanese" creation myths which reference places in the Korean peninsula. It's quite complex and even the Japanese Empire tried to stop research into the deeper mysteries of Shinto.
This gets the Ziggy's and Pyramids treatment

What looks cool and is easy to build

A pile of rocks

What else looks cool and is easy to build

A pile with carvings or squiggles on it

Dude they all have opposable thumbs got bored one day and decided it was a good idea
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Oh and by the way, Japanese are also Ancient White peoples. I mean, their skin is white, their features are white. The Japanese are mixed with the Ainu, who were White peoples. And they got most of their cultural heritage either from the Ainu or from the Chinese during the Middle Ages. Traditional Japnese art and architecture resembles Northern European ones. Shintoism resembles Ancient European paganism. Finnish words and place names sound like Japanese ones. The Finns, Japanese, and Russians have a tradition of saunas. All their wooden buildings are more or less alike. The Japanese also use the swastika esque symbols in their traditional art and embroidery.
This is from the "Motifs/Motives of Russian Architecture", a book that was published during the 19th century depicting Old Russian houses.
Such buildings can also be found in Southeast Asia.
No it's not that at all. It's straight up pecking order shit, they got targeted by the bullies in the nation state playground they literally did nothing and have nothing of particular speciality.

If you really out a fine point on it, if a black dude does a shit in the stall next to you or an Asian or a white you are going to lulz when you hear grunts and plops and you're going to grab your nostrils just the same and you're going to scowl if there was no flushing

But for some fucking reason they assume Asian guys turds are stinking like fried dog and is worse and black guy are too much KFC and white guys stinks like stale beer foam and pizza

And in some countries they're going to say that's where you live now (forced) and where you can work (forced) and if you drop a turd in that toilet we will kill your whole family and that shit stain proves a grand conspiracy that you are all targeting him with your butt stinks and the government is colluding with them in it so you better start the third Reich

So whatever!
You say that, but the Chinese government has lots of respect for the various religious traditions that make up China's stew pot. They're not atheists like many have been led to believe. Chinese government officials are aware of what Tiananmen is. They proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic there for a reason. Tibet's Dalai Lama and the Chinese Emperor were thought to be peers in reincarnation. Tibetan people are legitimately of a unique stock and so are the Uighur Turks.
I love Pagans
Shinto before Buddhist influence was quite simplistic. No big shrines. The small buildings were the most you would see. Almost all shrines were a yorishiro with a small roof over it. Buddhism encouraged building big shrines because of the monasteries and temples. Kami used to be happy with just regular norito and matsuri. Maybe occasionally being able to speak through a medium or ride on the mikoshi.
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Russian Neopagan Dudes Wearing Traditional Embroidery Clothing:

Finno/Uralic Pagans in Russia/Estonian:

Norwegian and Swedish embroidery

Kashmir Embroidery

Uighur embroidery

They're exact same
Russian Wooden Architecture

building in the thumbnail looks like Southeast Asian or Indonesian architecture
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This is a thumbnail of Ancient Scandinavian architecture from Youtube shorts.
Building in the thumbnail is literally indistinguishable from a traditional Maori house.
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Old Japanese village.
Buildings look like Celtic or Viking huts.
Relevant Links

The same symbol used by the Ancient Incas is also in the Ancient Russia, called "alatyr".
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Norway traditional women's clothing. Picrel is that exact same symbol!
This is just denialism. When faced with evidence that they cannot reject, they just deny it or pretend that it doesn't exist. There are pyramids/ziggurats all around the world, and aligned with each other via ley lines. Are they not evidence of an ancient worldwide pagan civilization? So aren't identical or very similar buildings in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Russia, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and New Zealand evidence of an ancient worldwide pagan civilization? You just don't want to admit it, that's what it is!

>I love Pagans
Even more than pastors of Abrahamic religions, the real enemies of the Neo-Pagan movement are the Woke academics, atheists, debunkers, Official historians, modernists, and brainwashed "current thing" urbanites. Those who are against everything ancient and traditional. They want to deny the reality of a global worldwide ancient pagan civilization, the evidence to which is within all the ancient cultures of the planet. If they cannot outright deny or debunk our reality, they will attempt to simply destroy all facets of traditional culture everywhere, by labeling it as "primitive" or "outdated". It's one big cult to create the "new man" an entirely artificial cyberpunk civilization which does not have anything human to it. Pagan IS the essense of what it means to be human, IMHO. To live in a carved wooden house in the woods and commune with the spirits.
look at these primitive nordcucks in their mudhut

try buiding a mudhud in wet climate.
the heat isolation of these huds is probably better then whatever the fuck americans build their paper homes out of.
>the heat isolation of these huds is probably better then whatever the fuck americans build their paper homes out of.

Why do Americans build their paper homes? I'll tell you!
Every year tornadoes in America demolish several towns, but nobody does anything to change the ways that the buildings are constructed. Most of the buildings in America, even in the tornado zone aren't built to withstand that. They are temporary structures. For example in Makchu Pikchu or even up until the 19th century in Russia, many of the buildings were constructed much more durably and much more well designed from an engineering perspective. So they are still used today. Because what was most important was building for the future. But in America, why built a city once when you can built a city 5 times over, and get 5 times the profit. So they get more profit by building shabby buildings. Never mind that a city-destroying event is about to take place, they have even commercialized it! They have turned it into where there is an opportunity for someone to make money. For the construction and cleanup companies to make money. If they build the houses durable, then they would be able to survive the natural disasters unscathed, and hence there would be no way for the companies to make money! If they built the buildings to last, then you couldn't make any money off it.
Love this vid. I genuinely get emotional from it.
Capitalism doesn't make sense in a pagan society. Autarky makes more sense in a pagan society. When old things and the efforts of people are treasured instead of being worth only to make money for the super rich. Capitalism is one step to debt slavery. The way for pagans to exit "the system" is to buy a plot of land, build an extremely durable house, and be totally self-sufficient. Be a prepper, grow your own vegetables, your own chickens. Educate your children in pagan tradtiions, don't send them to school. Become an enclave a breakaway civilization just like the Amish. Once you own your land, your car, your house, then your only real expenses are food and utilities. You can bring your expenses to as close to zero as possible by growing your own food and having an off grid electicity system and your own well. That way you won't have to pay for food and utilities. Your only real expenses would be property tax or some other tax that the government demands for your right to live in that country. Fine, pay that. Take the tax and leave us in peace, dammit! Get a job that's just enough to cover the taxes and any other expenses. Otherwise live as a hermit. I mean be ascetic and humble, don't spend too much. As long as you have a house with a plot of land, a garden, a car, an off-grid utilities, your only expenses would be the internet. Use yt-dlp and webget to download youtube videos and websites to store on your external hard drive, to minimize your internet expenses. And homeschool your kids. That way you can live as independently from the system as possible

You can't just go out into the woods anywhere and build a log cabin as in the old days. You have to jump through all these beurocratic hoops. But it is indeed possible to escape out of this debt slavery and live life on your own terms. Create a new civilization, even if it's just for you and your family. Don't live according to the terms of this civilization, be as much independent from it as possible.
Are there any good books on Sami or Mari shamanism?
People say, "Oh I don't want to have children, I don't want them to grow up as slaves." Then don't make them grow up as slaves.

Follow my guidelines above to become as independent as possible from the system. Buy like 50 acres of land, such that you can build an entire vilage on them if you so choose. For your children, they can just live on the same one big plot of land, and build houses for them. So that they won't have to be corporate slaves. If you have clean food, clean water, arable land, and a relevant education, what more do you need? You may not have what you want, but you'll have what you need.

Make the sacrifice perhaps to work for the corporations as a IT nerd, to make enough money to pull your family out of poverty and fund all of this what I wrote above. Then your children won't have to be slaves. They'll be economically free. And provide them a pagan education so that they'll be free of the modern woke BS in the schools. I mean download all of the pagan youtube videos and websites and images and create your own school curriculum using it. our ancestors created a very rich traditional culture. We must be rooted into it. Don't be like the modern rootless urbanites. Rediscover your culture using the internet, document and save absolutely every piece of information that you come across, so that you may teach the same things to your children as well, to propogate the culture. Because our cultural DNA is just as important as your physical DNA.
Post Pagan Resource here:
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- Mythology and Lore
- Non-Official History
- Spirituality and Ritual
- Beliefs and Practices
- Traditional and Folk Tales
- Traditional and Folk Musics and Dances
- Animes with Pagan Themes
- Philosophy and Lifestyle
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Every time I pray and use breathing to communicate with the "gods and ancestors" I feel power and energy emanating from myself.
Reminder to all anons that you must abstain from masturbation and keep contact with the gods.
Strong bodies and strong minds are ones with god.
I’m exploring the concept of the old gods and trying to figure out where I fit in with it all. I was raised Christian, but I’ve never felt a strong connection to worship or a literal belief in the New Testament, particularly the story it tells. I’ve always been fascinated by mythology and how different cultures share beliefs and their origins. This has led me to explore “hard polytheism.”
I’m curious about where you stand on the literal existence of deities. Do you see the same entities being worshiped across cultures, or do you believe there’s a distinction? For example, do you see Zeus and Jupiter as separate gods, or are they just different cultural expressions of the same “entity”? I’m thankful for this thread and the chance to work through my questions.
It was Zeus all along
Any other Ishtar worshipers here?
Perennialism is true, anon.
No it's not. You're flattening all the world's religions and artificially stripping them of what makes them unique
Agios O Lidagon.
Ishtar scares the fuck out of me.
I honor and worship the Goddess Aphrodite, Cryprian Queen of Love.
Sorry, but i'm not a degenerate nominalist.
You don't have to be a nominalist to reject perennialism. You just have to be philosophically coherent. For instance, explain how to reconcile madhyamaka with neo-platonism without subjugating one to the other. If you can't, you're admitting you flatten all the world's religions for your own ideology
The gods were just ancestors. That includes the Christian god and angels too. Just old men trying to rule the world w cults.
>Worships the Goddess of Love
>Uses 4Chan
Make it make sense.
They gained their own "identity" over time as people devoted specific time resources and energy to them, that being said they all go back to a certain root which is the true conduit of holyness.
So in essence you are basically worshipping the same entities in some cases, but the peoples that differentiated over time have imbued energies in more autonomous branches belonging to the same tree so to speak.
So yeah.
Also communicating through the branch closest to you will be most likely get you an audience upstairs so to speak.
Power comes from meditation breathing and worship and in exchange the gods give you power for devoting your time to them.
That being said if you belong to them by blood you are one, you are family.
Ancestor worship is pagan. But Iamblichus identified several categories of invisible entities: shades (most real ancestors are here), heroes (some ancestors ascend to this level), daimones (benevolent and malevolent types), archontes (multiple types assigned to different levels of reality), angeloi (divided into varying types as well), theoi (several categories more abstracted from where you sit now than you previously thought). It takes all types of consciousnesses to make a universe.
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Since you're into Japanese culture, OP, here is an anime version of Venus with yakuza tattoos.
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Wow, gotta love worshiping demons who hate you!
No seriously repent of this nonsense and stop making excuses for your sin and spiritual development.
This doesn't make any sense anon.
Either explain yourself or just admit that you're trolling.
I've got a lot of love in my life, but I'm also autistic and full of hate. So sue me.
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>Wow, gotta love worshiping demons who hate you!
Presuming you worship Christ, I'll just let you know that you are actually worshipping the son of Zeus the Father (in Greek: Deus Pater), the most Holy Dionysus, who died for our sins and saves all souls that ask him.
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I’m not a larper so uh yeah Christ is king bro. Sorry Christianity is real and you worship marvel characters.
lol, no. God is not zeus or any other pagan demon God The Father is God. Christ is God. The creator of the world not your meme marvel character. But ey you want your fake idol to do something? Maybe dance harder bro. My God is here and real and I’d suggest not hardening your heart against him because He will give you the most love you’ve ever felt. I love you bro but I can’t lie to you and tell you your fake things that are not real are real.
>you worship marvel characters.
You worship jim caviezel in a Mel Gibson movie liked only by lardass americans.
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Please repent of this foolish paganism anon. The living true God is watching you and ready to accept you with open arms at any time.
Proverbs 1:18-29
18 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives.

19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:

21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,

22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:
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You asked for Ishtar feet?
Fun fact: Wisdom in that passage is in fact Sophia, the Holy Spirit.
Seethe, patristic chud.
Sophia=Holy Spirit
Ive never heard that before
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I hope you repent of this anon. I love you but at some point you gotta just take a step back and read the Bible.
He made it up.
Look into the symbolism associated with Sophia. (actually, nearly all major goddesses) One is a dove. A dove descended on Christ when he was baptized. Doves have never been associated with Yhvh except as a substitute sacrifice for the poor.
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I'm autistic as shit, I was bullied and beaten in high school. I got a chip on my shoulder, I let myself become racist and intolerant. But through my chance discovery of Aphrodite I learned to choose love. I got on this site for the first time in 7 years to prove a point to someone and it's just as much of a cesspit as I remembered. I just happened to see a Pagan thread and thought 'I wonder what these nutty fucks think of my faith' and lo and behold, another Aphrodite devotee.

There is room for righteous contempt- Her epithet of Aphrodite Areia and her relationship with Ares is proof enough of that. But She does not stand for bigotry. If that is in your heart, I beg you to reconsider your values and act in a way that truly honors Her.

Perhaps our chance meeting here was for something. I might not be able to reply again before the thread is pruned, but for what it's worth it does make very happy to see one of Hers in the wild. Hold love and empathy in your heart, anon, and let those feelings be your guide.

May you walk ever in Her light.

the Kalash People rummred to be descendants of one of Alexander the greats armys


For reference, a leftie review
Why self-label as pagan?
I think words and their meanings are important.
Is there nothing better that could be broadly applied?
>please repent to my living plaster yew on a stick
What could have been bros....
I have read the Bible. I liked Metamorphoses better but its alright
look at the modern urbanite. look at the filth and niggerdom they live in, and laugh from your bumpkin hills. 'pagan', 'flyover', 'barbarian', heathen', 'redneck', all are honorific terms in such times when cities are nothing but giant shitheaps.
On what?
>words and their meanings are important
You're right, but the meanings of words aren't static and eternal. They have whatever meaning the people ascribe to them, and their meanings can organically change over a long time as people use them for more and more tangentially related ideas.

These days, anyone who knows the word at all is familiar with its modern meaning. Nobody's getting hung up over the thousand-year-old linguistic roots.
Rise, runes and ritual, by Troy Wisehart, a book on left hand path odinism
>just take a step back and read the Bible.
Reading the Bible does zero for the soul. I mean, what book do you think all those kiddy-fiddlers in the Catholic Church read?
Also, The Bible might contain some words from the ultimate creator, it certainly isn't the "word of God, inviolate, preserved for man". You need to repent from your idolatry of a book, anon.
Is that bit about animal sacrifice in the leftie review true? If so I'm not interested in anything he has to say. Sometimes, we have to learn how to let go of the past, and animal sacrifices belong to the past. No need for a sacrificial king, either. The gods aren't to blame that we walked into a tundra and expected to live there.
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>Also, The Bible might contain some words from the ultimate creator, it certainly isn't the "word of God, inviolate, preserved for man". You need to repent from your idolatry of a book, anon.
Well the Bible is inspired by God. God worked through the authors to create it and the early church compiled it perfectly.
Calling understanding the gospel and its importance idolatry is very goofy and kinda stems from a “I don’t wanna give up my fake entity’s” take this from an ex pagan larper look into all of your fake not deities all of them hate you. Now look into the Christian true God and I’ll quote from scripture for this one

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God died on a cross for you. Even if you were the only person on heart he would have died for you anon. Remember that he loves you.
I’d recommend praying and meditating on the gospel and not larping as a pagan anymore. I tell you this because I care and I want you to know the truth.
>My God is here and real
My God literally has more statues in YOUR temple than there are statues of your God.

You are only allowed to worship MY god through a civil service DMV line and a "universal savior" that includes peasant brainlets like you. I am permitted to worship the TRUE Gods directly, by virtue of my blood.

Go back to your mexican grannies and megachurch boomers, faggot.
>I have read the Bible. I liked Metamorphoses better but its alright
Personally I like Callimachus or Apollodorus for historo-mythological compendiums, but I have an inherent distrust of Romans.
>I’d recommend praying and meditating on the gospel and not larping as a pagan anymore. I tell you this because I care and I want you to know the truth.

Begone Saturn worshipping kike
Need I say more?
How would I know? I'm looking for references. It's like 9'36€ rn
What truth?
Heil Uuoden.
I have read books of The Bible, and there is wisdom to be found in it, but there is also wisdom to be found in other texts and in the Shamanic traditions that are thousands of years old, and continue today in Northern Eurasia. I do not limit myself to one dogma.
It's cool if you're Christian, but please don't shit up threads that aren't related to your doctrine.
How do you best define your ancestry? I'm essentially a mix of Welsh German Italian English French Hungarian and Portuguese. My paternal grandfather ran out on his family (unfortunately) so I never knew him or had a connection with that branch, but now I have no connection with my male lineage (Welsh). I do feel a connection and draw from the Greek/Roman pantheon, probably due mostly to just familiarity and the fact that my father took his (Italian) mothers last name. Should I make an effort to research and connect to Celtic deities to honor my male lineage while starting to honor Roman deities since it feels more natural to me in the moment?
I've actually been making offerings to Fortuna the past couple days just asking for luck with a warranty issue I've been dealing with for over a month and today seems to be the day they're making some moves to get my claim processed.
Nta but when I used to go out and do s** w*** I would pray to Aphrodite for protection and she's never done me dirty. I love Aphrodite

If Jesus is so great then why all his followers are so shrill and annoying? Your god could have blessed you with divine charisma but he didn't, and how does that make you feel?

>ex pagan
I highly doubt that but okay
>draw from the Greek/Roman pantheon
Not that anon, but one thing I've considered for myself is that in any given creation story, the god/gods/forces at work don't just create one nation or one region or whatever. They create the entire world or universe, and the entire human race, etc. It would mean every human on earth falls under their purview to some degree, no matter how little detectable Greek lineage they might have.

As a rule of thumb I'd say you should make a connection with whatever deity you feel drawn to, since that feeling is itself already a connection.
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'time machine' by HG wells is probably the most accurate depiction of the golden age of saturn. its a golden age yes, but for whom?
parts of the bible were inspired by God, sure. but the part about circumcision and chicken sacrifices? what about the part where king david collects the foreskins of his enemies? I do not trust the jews, simple as. I prefer the wisdom of my own people

I have read and meditated on the gospels. did you know Mark means 'Sacred to Mars'? and Mars was often associated with lions, both for their ferocity and their association with the arenas. I wonder why the Gospel of Mark is often represented by a lion.....Christianity is just a reformation of old pagan religions, the buddhism of the west
>worship MY god through a civil service DMV line and a "universal savior" that includes peasant brainlets like you
But anon, Zeus was already considered an universal god by ancient greeks themselves.
He was worshiped by ALL the social strata. Wtf are you about?
>I have read and meditated on the gospels
Then you have "trusted the Jews" over your own people. All of the authors were Judean and circumcised. They didn't think circumcision was strictly necessary, but they still followed the practice, which by the way was not as extensive as modern circumcision anyway, involving only the removal of the bit of skin at the tip.
>I prefer the wisdom of my own people
No nation has ever produced anything like the Bible anywhere at any time. It has no peers.
>Christianity is just a reformation of old pagan religions
Not even strictly wrong. That's why it is known to be the whole, eternal truth, free of any error, hence your rejection of it.
There's a Christian thread to discuss Bible, look for /ceg/ in the catalog
>Then you have "trusted the Jews" over your own people.
how so? meditation does not mean acceptance, and study does not mean conversion. there are a few lines I like, especially from revelation, but that does not mean I am required to accept every word of it as inspired by God. I have studied and meditated upon many texts.
>which by the way was not as extensive as modern circumcision anyway, involving only the removal of the bit of skin at the tip.
I dont care. such vile traditions did not exist among my people until the production of judeo-christianity in america. south koreans are the only nation in asia that practices circumcision because of judeo-christian influence from america
>No nation has ever produced anything like the Bible anywhere at any time. It has no peers.
much of it is a plagiarized and inferior version of older mythologies. I will agree it is probably the most concise compilation of these complex mythic cycles, but it leaves much out as well and interprets it through a jewish lens
>All of the authors were Judean and circumcised.
also this is not correct. as I stated earlier, 'Mark' is a latin name, not a hebrew one, meaning 'Sacred to Mars'. Mark was likely a Roman convert to Christianity, and thus would not have been Judean or circumcised. This is also why Mark is the best Gospel
Why are you pagan? literally why?
finally someone thinks "oh wait maybe geography exists"
bcuz it’s based
Pagan just means "belonging to the land".
Since the airy fairy desert ghosts haven't done squat for us, we've decided to cast our attention and love closer to home. I.e. the land we walk on.
Me, I'm not really a pagan, but I respect real pagans who aren't using a non-christian framework as license for their degenerate behavior. I'm just a bit of consciousness floating through this crazy wild ride of the 21st century and thanking my Goddess every day that I don't really belong to this realm.
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It's in my blood. Religiously/spiritually and even on a basic, personal level, I have never been this well-adjusted and healthy.
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the stars spoke to me
>But anon, Zeus was already considered an universal god by ancient greeks themselves.
>He was worshiped by ALL the social strata. Wtf are you about?
I don't think Zeus was worshipped by all social strata, at least not in Archaic Greece, possibly later. Initiation to the mysteries were gated by member ship to the proper 'clans' and the clans were admitted on the basis of having an ancestor descended from said God.
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trees and pseudo gods created by men can't hear you LOL. all your "gods" behave and act like men, there is nothing profound to gleam from paganism, and no two pagans can even agree on what to worship or how they do it.
>all your gods act like men
>'I am a jealous God'
why would an omnipotent deity be jealous?
i had nothing
i called out and asked my ancestors
woden answered
i didn't even choose, i was chosen
I have yet to meet a honest clean God.
Yet, the world has posessed people who made minor religious mistakes, yet no posessed people that happen to be serial killers or child traffickers.
So naturally, I consider gods as lesser than me.
Anon, are you for real?
>Thunder and rain god, fertility cults.
>Totally not worshiped by peasant farmers and so.
Also, households had shrines for him!
"Ktesiou Dios (Domestic Zeus) : They used to set up a shrine to Domestic Zeus in store-cupboards."
jrpgs are all about secular liberal humanism nothing spiritual or pagan about it also:
>shitter screenshot
fucking faggot
What are kami then? Tengu? Everything else?
>The Japanese are mixed with the Ainu, who were White peoples.
Archaeogenetic studies show that the Jomon peoples are partially descended from the same group that ended up becoming the first-wave Aurignacians, but this doesn't make them "white" since the "white people" phenotype didn't even exist until the early Holocene epoch. They're distant cousins at best, but the same can be said for all Eurasian populations.
>The Japanese also use the swastika esque symbols in their traditional art and embroidery
That's because the swastika is a Buddhist symbol, nimrod.
That's a christian stave church, dumbass. There are no existing examples of an "ancient viking temple".
Shekina in your "old testament"--YHVH's cock-sock. She became Sophia to the gnostics.
I've read the bible. That's why I'm Pagan.
>raised in agnostic family
>lapsed into atheism in high school
>became christian in college
>read poetic edda in grad school
>somehow my mind became absolutely resolute in its belief that if any god or gods existed, they must look like the ones in the poetic edda
>do a test and reach out to the aesir
>all my prayers are answered
that about did it for me
No there wasn't, you're cherrypicking buildings to fit your schizophrenic and dementic views, the only thing it proves is that some types of architecture are so good they're used everywhere, and that's it, Norway and SEA are completely different, the races are different, the history is different, the geography is different, everything is different. Stop wasting time psyoping 4chan, everyone knows you're full of bullshit, you're achieving nothing here, go shit somewhere else
i am on the same level as >>38966936
i was raised roman catholic and wanted to be a priest as a child. the older i got the more roman and the less catholic i had become.
it's my blood. it is and is in my ancestors. it's my entire culture from the top down. every single holiday and tradition within my family has been esoteric paganism under normative exoteric activities.
and if you want to know the truth? my life has reflected >>38966936 since fully embracing paganism.
do you charge your crystals in the moonlight before you shove them up your ass?
>jrpgs are all about secular liberal humanism
Final Fantasy games are packed with gnostic and alchemical allegories and symbolism, whatchu talkin bout?
Tengu are caricatured Jews.
>YHVH's cock-sock. She became Sophia to the gnostics.
Sophia has nothing to do with YHVH besides being his (accidental) mom. The Shekinah is an energy conduit for Yaldabaoth (YHVH), and all that energy people pour into it at the wailing wall goes straight to him.

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