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SRG Semen Retention General

Previous Thread >>38924180

>/SRM/ reading list v1

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)

How to Practice It?
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, cook
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Writing/Crafts. It can be anything that makes you feel like you’re being creative.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
>Walk everyday. 10-15 minute walks should be a good start.
>Gym/Sports/Martial Arts
We can do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SfqGTTp7d4
4 days in. Not really sure if i believe in SR but im going to give it a try. Definitely agree porn is bad, but masturbating to your imagination every few days? Im not sure that's bad. I certainly will not let fundamentalists make me feel guilt over it.
This is really just to prove i got discipline i guess.
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
Consider this deeply: the efferent nerves that connect to your testes signify that every lustful thought, image, or sound isn't just a passing whim—it’s an unspoken command to your sexual centers, demanding the alchemical production of vital fluids. This is why true celibacy begins in the mind; it's not merely abstaining from physical acts but waging a war on the psychic plane.

The essence of this struggle lies entirely in the realm of thought. Without mastering your own consciousness, celibacy becomes a hollow effort, doomed to collapse. The signals that travel from the brain operate at a subconscious, autonomic level, bypassing your conscious defenses. Each indulgent glance, each whisper of lust, amplifies the command sent through your neural pathways: from body to brain, and then back to body, compelling the endless cycle of creation.

This is why the so-called "conversion of sexual energy" is not just inefficient—it is disastrously wasteful. Fluids, once created, may be partially reabsorbed, but the cost in vital energy is profound. The body sacrifices the richest of its resources, the very "essence" of life, to generate these fluids. To drain them constantly is to bleed away your own life force, bit by bit.

Ancient Taoist teachings speak of this truth with unyielding clarity: the sexual organs, left unchecked, will drain energy from even your most vital internal systems. They will prioritize themselves, feeding on your essence. Engaging in any form of spiritual practice while constantly succumbing to lust is not only self-destructive; it is a path to accelerated decay, leading you ever closer to an early death.
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anticipate this thread will face significant resistance, as semen retention seems to be forbidden knowledge, something not meant for the masses. Already, attempts are being made to taint it with malicious elements, likely to suppress or discredit it. Those who've been around long enough remember how /SIG/ was taken down on /fit/, where SR was a core teaching.

Some fools will argue that this topic isn't forbidden because it’s "everywhere," but what we mean is how persistently it's dismissed, downplayed, or ridiculed. The effort to undermine it is proof that there's something significant here. Others will say it doesn’t deserve its own general thread, but I don't see them complaining about the countless trash threads that contribute nothing.

It’s odd how this topic has bounced across boards—/fit/, /biz/, /pol/, /adv/—and been banned as "off-topic." From the moment it appeared here, it faced backlash, despite SR being rooted in all major religions and spiritual traditions for thousands of years. I suspect our time here is limited, and the sudden influx of disturbing content today feels like an ominous sign.

This is why they want to delete it from /x/ too. Semen Retention is powerful; it’s in someone’s interest to keep men from this practice. How can self-discipline and control be harmful? It leads to freedom.

/pol/: Sexuality is political; porn industry leaders shape society.
/fit/: SR offers physical and psychological benefits—strength, sleep, clarity.
/biz/: Magnetism is key for career growth, interviews, sales.
/adv/: SR aids mental health for those struggling with porn addiction; even women face hypersexuality issues.

There's a case for SR on each board, but /x/ may be the last stand. If it's removed here, the topic may be lost entirely.
Reposting one more time, since the other thread was already at bump limit.

>Chapter 4
>pages 59, 60

>Physical relaxation plays a key role in the dehypnotization process. Our currently held beliefs, whether good or bad, true or false, were formed without effort, with no sense of strain, and without the exercise of "will power." Our habits, whether good or bad, were formed in the same way. It follows that we must employ the same process in forming new beliefs, or new habits, that is, in a relaxed condition.

>It has been amply demonstrated that attempting to use effort or will power to change beliefs or to cure bad habits has an adverse, rather than a beneficial effect. Emile Coué, the little French pharmacist who astonished the world around 1920 with the results he obtained with "the power of suggestion," insisted that effort was the one big reason most people failed to utilize their inner powers. "Your suggestions (ideal goals) must be made without effort if they are to be effective," he said. Another famous Coué saying was his "Law of Reversed Effort": "When the will and the imagination are in conflict, the imagination invariably wins the day."
>The late Dr. Knight Dunlap made a lifelong study of habits and learning processes and perhaps performed more experiments along this line than any other psychologist. His methods succeeded in curing such habits as nailbiting, thumb-sucking, facial tics, and more serious habits where other methods had failed. The very heart of his system was his finding that effort was the one big deterrent to either breaking a bad habit, or learning a new one. Making an effort to refrain from the habit, actually reinforced the habit, he found. His experiments proved that the best way to break a habit is to form a clear mental image of the desired end result, and to practice without effort toward reaching that goal. Dunlap found that either "positive practice" (refraining from the habit) or "negative practice" (performing the habit consciously and voluntarily), would have beneficial effect provided the desired end result was kept constantly in mind.

>"If a response habit is to be learned, or if a response pattern is to be made habitual," he said, "it is essential that the learner shall have an idea of the response that is to be achieved or shall have an idea of the change in the environment that the response will produce . . . The important factor in learning, in short, is the thought of an objective to be attained, either as a specific behavior pattern or as the result of the behavior, together with a desire for the attainment of the object." (Knight Dunlap, Personal Adjustment, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.)
Yes, you need to be able to access deep meditative states to undo things, in this context, conditioning from porn. Good post.
>In many cases, the mere relaxation of effort, or too much conscious straining, is in itself enough to eradicate the negative behavior pattern. Dr. James S. Greene, founder of the National Hospital for Speech Disorders, New York City, had a motto: "When they can relax, they can talk." Dr. Matthew N. Chappell has pointed out that often the effort or "will power" used to fight against or resist worry, is the very thing that perpetuates worry and keeps it going. (Matthew N. Chappell, How to Control Worry, New York, Permabooks.)

>Physical relaxation, when practiced daily, brings about an accompanying "mental relaxation," and a "relaxed attitude" which enables us to better consciously control our automatic mechanism. Physical relaxation also, in itself, has a powerful influence in "dehypnotizing" us from negative attitudes and reaction patterns.

The following pages in the book then cover some meditation techniques. I keep posting this because people should understand that exerting will power to try and change a habit can be very counterproductive. I don't want anyone to give up because they think they don't have enough will power.
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Sometimes it takes more effort to not do a thing than to do a thing.
There are many similarities between quitting smoking and quitting masturbating in my experience. The one experiencing either will go through bouts of temptation vs willpower, gradually reducing in frequency and intensity, but that does not mean reducing in difficulty necessarily.
One can label either habit as an addiction, although that word has quit a 'charged' meaning that can allow you to see yourself as a victim of a habit that somehow deserves to be struggled with.
Referring to something as an addiction solidifies it, empowers it. It is a trick of the mind that sticks a person in the mud, unable to truly detach from the habit which is 99% psychological.
Let go, and be free, my frens
Definitely some good tips. Not everyone is capable of going cold turkey on things with pure willpower alone but there is something to be said and experienced by trying it. It will reveal a lot about yourself if you pay enough attention to it.
I hate it when your brain decides to make you feel incredibly pissed off just because you stopped jerking off like get used to it you dumbass. Luckily I never felt the need to take it out on someone or something like some other practitioners report.

Interesting vids, thanks.
>Waiting for almost 4 years Anna Claire Cloud AmateurAllure videos leak
>Start trying this shit since two weeks
>Videos are finally leaked
Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm fucking rigged. The only good news is that I can control myself, so I won't watch her movie.
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longtime lurker here, but I hate filling out captchas so I rarely post. anyways, here's my story, I'm kind of looking for some advice.

I just began practicing semen retention at the end of august, I've known about it for quite some time but I had a hard time with will power and never gave it a serious shot past a few days (I did notice my confidence heing higher after just a few days though). I just recently turned 30 in early Sept and made a promise to myself to get my shit together when I hit 30. So I quit drinking after years if struggling and many rock bottoms. After I read easypeasy I felt a significant increase in my will power to not only quit watching porn and masturbating, but also quit drinking and significantly lower my cannabis intake. So that all being said - it's not the will power that has made me fail the SR, I only caved once after my recent 19 day streak because I foolishly fell for some of the shills in one of these threads that basically said "use it or lose it" and I got kind of scared and second guessed myself about the whole thing. The other, more primary reason I can't generally make it past about 2 weeks is because I'm a logger, I work in camp for 2 weeks at a time, then have a week back at home with my dog and girlfriend (not the same entity). I understand a lot of you here are doing retention with the aim of getting a girlfriend, but how are you supposed to have sex with a girl and continue retaining? I've never really had issues with lasting in bed but after being gone for a couple weeks and coming back all fired up, it's hard to contain the excitement sometimes, and even if it's not, it's still very hard to not want to finish. I'm reading the coiled serpent, aswell as taoist secrets of love, and I know these are not instant abilities and take years to master, but there's gotta be tricks I can begin applying now. I've dabbled with testicular breathing etc but I find it very difficult to tell if I'm doing it right or if its working.
Toughest battles for his strongest warriors, or something. But the fact you're even aware of their release is concerning.
>I hate it when your brain decides to make you feel incredibly pissed off just because you stopped jerking off like get used to it you dumbass.

Got a free online pdf of Psycho-Cybernetics?
I think the devil doesn’t send jezebels/succubuses/semen demons/energy vampires to men who aren’t doing SR for the spiritual benefits/growing closer to God the creator, but merely for attracting females itself.

Amirite guyz? Perhaps that’s why some guys report high female attention and temptations, and others don’t.

Probably also, lifting weights regularly and eating a diet high in protein and animal fats / red meat and low carb, and boostmaxxing your T levels as much as you can also plays a huge role and goes hand-in-hand with SR, no?
Day 9.
Anons with girlfriends, how do you do it?
Lads I need advice, I discovered porn when I was 11 and it got worse since the lockdowns in 2020/21. I started SR in September last year so it's been a whole year since then and I haven't had any of the "benefits" that people talk about. I'm now 24 and currently no job (never had one) and I have no motivation for anything, I can barely even enjoy video games and my hobbies anymore.

When I was a teenager and was more productive even tho I was jerking off like 3 times a day but now even though I barely masturbate I'm like a zombie and can't be bothered doing anything, again a year later and I'm still like this. I don't know if it's actually porn addiction or maybe just internet addiction, like I can't go a few days without browsing the internet. My future job relies on me being at a computer and I don't have anyone to hang out with to disconnect from the internet and technology. I don't know what to do, sure I've peeked at photos of attractive women here and there but my masturbation habit has decreased a lot since last year. I was really hoping SR would give me a surge of energy/motivation to pursue my dream job and just overall be happier but I have apathy for almost everything.

So if you don't work right now you can afford to get off from all electronics for a week or two, only study, read, go outside and lift or just do nothing. Buy books or e-book to study for your future job and take notes.
And no music too, only if you can play it yourself. Dumbphone to make calls if you need to and e-reader.
>semen retention
why? thats extremely unhealthy, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Bad morning to you too in topsy turvy world
So has anyone read Eros and the mysteries of love? By Evola? It's an old book but it sounds like he's describing today, with the obsession of sexuality, I've only read the introduction but its crazy, sounds like he is describing today's age. I guess history repeats itself.
I haven't made it past a month this year, coming up to 2 weeks on Saturday, I have to succeed. I don't know why but just around 30 days I always seem to give in and say fuck it.
yeah it is definitely difficult and I've never maintained a longer term practice of SR while having a girlfriend but have had sex without ejaculating many times, it is invigorating and energizing. Basically just slow things down; everything. Relax your breathing, relax your body, take it easy and ask her to relax too. If she's all tense and focused on orgasm it will make you come more quickly. Once she has her orgasm then you can end the session and tell her you don't want to come. Then you have to do some meditation or pranayama or something to move the energy. I was never able to really move the energy or have full body orgasms, I would just become hornier and want more and more sex as the day progressed and then after a few times of not coming I would bust. But that doesn't mean you can't do it!
Good luck friend. Also don't get down on yourself for ejaculating, it happens, if you are able to conquer the habit of porn and masturbation you've already made huge progress.
>Probably also, lifting weights regularly and eating a diet high in protein and animal fats / red meat and low carb, and boostmaxxing your T levels as much as you can also plays a huge role and goes hand-in-hand with SR, no?\

Definitely, these are natural masculine urges that rise to the surface as your seed matures in your ballsack. Good release of energy as well. And the food corresponds with your body's natural cravings.
>in your ballsack.
no bro
you sound completely demoralised
I agree with what the other anon said regarding going outside, take a walk and just reflect, get in touch with your thoughts
remember why you chose to do this
Day 21, we are all going to make it brothers
Didn't your country get bombed last night or something?
I've heard Mossad HQ was hit, those must be coping porn addicts.
Does Semen retention help recover hair loss?
Depends of how bad it is, helped me with thinning, give it a 3+ months. Also massage your scalp.
6 days clean. Had a weird dream 2 nights ago involving Tara Strong (can't even remember what happened, just that it was weird) that I thought would give me a wet dream but it didn't. Feels good bros.
Day 25. the urges today were insane. slipped on /gif/ twice but not going back. i was so fkn close its scary
Proud of you anon.
I do scalp messages, it helped growing some very light new hairs, but none of them so far darkened. Did your hair density recover completely?
>Did your hair density recover completely?
Yes, better for sure. It's just depends on the cause of hair loss, masturbation and zinc deficiency was the cause for me I guess.
>38955230 (You)
>sperm is a waste product
day 30, still feel the same as before
I heard it works better if you retain your own semen
day 52
Still feeling pretty demotivated but I'm not feeling bad. I just need to get back onto good habits. Had a weird sexual dream and I woke up with an erection but no urges really.
Compared to feeling quite bad every day this is improvement I suppose. But I'm still not in a good place I think.
Day 203.
Shoulder pain and tummy ache from stress response due to Nigerian Apple gift cards.
Get your heart pumping
I didn't exercise yesterday actually. You're right I should probably do that asap today. I think its the first time I have exercised this regularly though so at least I got something good going.
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Day 24. I’m thinking of quitting coffee I think it’s making me hornier. Ive made it to 84 days before but this is one of the hardest streaks. It was easy last week. I had no interest to look at women l, I was confident at peace and in my own lane. This week is totally upside down. I had a sex dream a couple days ago. Yesterday I was going so horny crazy I fucked my girlfriend to relieve the pressure but it ended up just making me hornier and the sex was more beastial than romantic. This morning after my cup of coffee I got BOMBARDED with thoughts of girls in my past. All those scenes!!!! All those pussies in their prime spread open for me. The images were fucking insane to shake out of my head I was at work and I felt like screaming. It was truly hell. I was furiously horny. Later the horniness subdued and I realized I might just been targeted by some demon and that this wouldn’t be the only one. I also realize now that being insanely horny is a price that must be paid for being healthy, vigorous and virile and the extra energy must be used to workout today. I started writing creatively on my phone and thankfully it made the past 4 hours pass by more calmly.
I knew this would be hard but damn bros, even if I fuck my gf there is no end to this.
Captcha:VJ H NSA
im over 2 or 3 weeks in now lost count, eyes becoming sparkly
I'm doing a strict streak so no thoughts either. So I'm seeing rapid results.
My creativity is improving as well.
really mad rn about my incel life, this post driving me crazy. (21days)
Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to humble brag but you should be angry. If you’re a young single guy you should be making every effort to find a girl. Preferably one you can date long term. As a teen, older guys always told me to bang as many chicks as I could to get it out of my system later and settle down but I think that’s wrong and it actually instills one with a need for novelty. I’ve been with my girlfriend for 6 years and being loyal is tough as fuck. I miss messing around. Anyways I hope you better yourself bro. I hope you can be the version of yourself you’ve always dreamed to be. I lost a lot of weight and gained some confidence if my retarded ass can do so can you. I hope you find a beautiful lass to be with best of luck
dude polyamory exists you can have both
thanks bro, idk i'm 26yo already never had opportunity to meet someone
>I lost a lot of weight and gained some confidence if my retarded ass can do so can you
nice, for me 10kg until I hit 2pl8 squat and 3pl8 deadlift for reps
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Pic related is my current streak, and last night I ha a WD, you can't make this shit up.
>OP Pic is Hermes
Didn't he invent masturbation?
> If you’re a young single guy you should be making every effort to find a girl. Preferably one you can date long term.
I'd suggest finding one if one crosses your path, but having a gf just to have a gf is overrated. Most girls these days are just burdens. I'd suggest just have a big goal and work everyday towards that goal. Don't depend on your happiness with a woman. The novel, lovey dovey feelings all go away.
Try confessing your lifetime of watching porn to a priest. You'll feel great after. I even confessed all the degenerate stuff I watched to him like lolicon and bestiality. Porn and fapping is behind me, I'm following God now.
I don't understand the huge concern with wet dreams. You didn't watch porn and jerk off. Your brain wasn't flooded with dopamine fucking up your reward pathways and reinforcing degenerate behaviour. Is it not just a natural process to remove old waste from the body? Was it something you could prevent? Seems like a very minor setback to me.

It's the clean thoughts and lifestyle that give the power, not the physical act of avoiding ejaculation. Someone watching porn and/or edging everyday will be far worse off.
>Is it not just a natural process to remove old waste from the body?

That's exactly what it is. Your balls can only contain so much semen. It can't hold infinite semen. It has to let some out.
Semen is not a waste material, your body does not need to excrete it because you haven't released for a while

Wet dreams occur usually because you have lust still lingering in your subconscious and it gets manifested in erotic dreams. It goes away with time, but it's not really something to be concerned with.
Nice lifts. You’re strong. Fully fall into that role. Girls want strong man. Just put yourself out there. There’s so many retards not flirting with girl irl that you’d win just by trying. Talk to them like you’re Johnny bravo. Be nice to them. Show interest in them. Love yourself to have confidence. Just go out and have a good time, nothing has to mean anything just go out for goofs and gaffs enjoy life. Or like >>38956914 said, focus on something worthwhile, girls will come eventually no matter what as long as you’re bettering and love yourself.
Did he? I've never heard of this
>Just put yourself out there.
never understood what that meant
It means going up to girls and introducing yourself. Getting out of your comfort zone and swapping socials. Just get out there. Go outside. Mingle
cold approach? tried that without success but not that many times.
so nofap is our weapon against clownworld hellscape, it binds pol and x together and everyone agrees. interesting, merely one practice that informs all other descisions.
There are apps like MeetUp that coordinate group events doing all sorts of shit. You'd get exposed to people in a setting where casual conversation is normal. Girls aren't on their guard as much as a club or bar for example, where any interaction would be interpreted as you trying to sleep with them.
>According to that old cad the Diogenes of Sinope, the Greek god Pan was taught the divine art of masturbation by his father, the god Hermes. Yes, tossing one off is a gift from the Gods to the lovelorn, the lonely and the listless. Apparently, Pan was so upset by the nymph Echo’s refusal to get sweaty that Hermes took pity and showed him a canny little trick to relieve his suffering.

Makes sense, as the Greek word for masturbation then was literally "to soften".
>apps like MeetUp
Nobody use that there I live and I'm not sure there is any alternative for that.
>You'd get exposed to people in a setting where casual conversation is normal.
that's the problem I can't find anything close to that, if you don't have social circle you're fucked and my social circle is retards like me and their social circle is the same thing lol.
microdose some shrooms and go hit the club. The times when girls were throwing themselves at me were when I wasn’t even on SR but I was on shrooms. I was extra friendly and let loose and I didn’t even try and they were inviting me over to their house after just meeting them probably because I was fun and not did not come off as a needy creep at all. I love mixing drinking with shrooms and adderall. To walk around some place like an anime convention on all three and messing with people having fun with them and talking to them is so much fun. Just go have fun somewhere anon. Seriously Funmaxxx or get funpilled
I know right? Now use it as fuel for bioenergetic transformation and you’ll make all the demons seethe.
>Wet dreams occur usually because you have lust still lingering in your subconscious and it gets manifested in erotic dreams.

This is exactly what happened, I've been having sex dreams recently where I'm about to cum and always wake up before doing so, last night I had a dream where I came really hard and when I woke up I realized it was a WD.
Including today, there are exactly 90 days left in the year. Right now is the perfect time to change our lives! We need to stay true to ourselves and love ourselves for the rest of the year. If we do this we’ll start 2025 off right and the year will be full of miracles.
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Anons rise, semen retention
Shaping coal into diamonds
Our enemies' dire apprehension
We shall climb the highest mountains
Gather all our frens to the ascension
Forge them into unbeatable Spartans
Former degenerates working towards redemption
Watch shills fly as the sky darkens
Anons rise to a higher dimension

Day 11, spirits are high. My project is going great. Stay busy, reach for the sky and lust vanishes into dust
>your circulatory system can only hold so much blood
>when you have too much blood you have to let some out
>it's only natural
This is how dumb you sound.
Actually there is an anecdote where professional bikers started having problems with insanely high iron levels in their blood because of their exercise/diet (I can't remember exactly what) caused that and the remedy was to make them bloodlet. They concluded that female bikers didn't have this problem because they menstruated
>actually this one time
>under these specific circumstances
>they had "problems"
>which were eased by this procedure
>can't remember when, or who, or where, or what the problems were, or if there were other extenuating circumstances
>but yeah sometimes you have to let your blood out
>it's science!
>so go ahead and cum
Welp, I'm convinced. brb cumming and jizzing
Lmao the seethe from this guy.

Wife had to have a couple surgeries, so involuntarily tried it. Around 30 days in, seem to build muscle faster than I would expect, lift a lot of heavy shit for work. However, right around that time, got a perpetual lower abdomen ache that would not go away. Two days of it became too much of a problem between work and family stuff, had to toss one to make the pain go away. Hour or so later, it did.
I know this is the "forbidden question"\question retards ask but: Can I get a REAL high-quality gf if I keep SR? So far Im on month 2 I think (I don't count) but have had wds, I could possibly stop wds if I made some great efforts and sacrifices.
I don't even plan on sex with the gf, just normal dating stuff...i'll be clear: I want to prove (or disprove, if it comes to that) Donald Hoffman's theory about sexual selection\reproduction being a sort of npc hivemind demiruge which controls or shaped or brains and our personal interface with Reality.
>so if I, being honestly ugly, can get top-tier gfs trough earnest and genuine SR, it will greatly prove Hoffman's theses
Well, I put a supreme curse on you.
You got two days. Have a nice Rosh Hashanah!
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Gandalf the white tier is possible for any anon reading this right now!
why dont you have a high quality gf?
Gandalf the white should be someone transmuting the subtle energy into an actual goal like kundalini. That’s just regular Gandalf thinking “lemme have some normie sex”.
Because Im only at month 2
I once did 2 streaks : one of 2 years, and one of 1 year--back then I never went more than 2 weeks without wet dreams tho!! for the whole time!
THIS time I strongly intend to reach 6 Pure months, it's my highest goal in life right now.
youve answered incorrectly. be honest with yourself
>muh safe space
>tell me what vampires are and dont point to jewish blood libel or metzitzah b'peh, give me a proper fantasy answer that doesnt involve cruel facts of reality, comfy bluepills only pls.
>what are hooked nose witches really, its a mystery, dont tell me its our ancstors trying to warn us of jews by hiding the facts in metaphors and fairy tales, make something ridiculous up thats entertaining to read through.
>what are those repilians actually, must be some aliens from far away, dont tell me its the jews living amongst us all along and their behaviour stems from the reptilian part of the brain where the most primitive impulses are governed explaining why they are so cruel, further dont dare explaining to me how beeing a cold blood and constantly needing sunlight points to their parasitic nature and always needing a host 'sun' to warm themselves.
/x/ baby fags in a nutshell.
pol is the embodiment of the divine masculine, x the divine feminine, or vice versa, only a marriage in spirit can yield powerful thought children. pol is often crude and lacks much of any spirituality thus is a spiritual desert, has a lot of pragmatical and rational anons though, x is focused so much on the divine that it forgets to look down to earth to see where its actually going to avoid stumbling, its ethereal and volatile thus powerful in all things spirit and heart nurture but weak in manifestation, its the water without soil.

Thucydides said “The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards".
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>its daaa jooozzz
thats exactly what i was talking about, some vivid /x/ in /pol/s rigid thinking makes a whole different understanding and its -not just- the jews who are le bad. enlightenment has 3d and 4d truths while regular linear thking is like the shadow in platos cave, flat and colorless, however related to the real thing.
in fact hitler himself wasnt obsessed with hating jews either. our spiritual stance is obviously a part of the problem also, the reason why we let ourselves be corrupted is to be found within.
pol is a wasteland for terminal losers who've failed in life, and fall for radical politics because their basic imprints and nervous system is all fucked. To associate it with anything divine is blasphemous and an insult to creation. The fundamental paradigms through which you perceive the world is wrong, its also pretty hilarious because you've been PSYOPed and you dont even realise it. You're not a threat to the system, you are one of its designs.
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on the other hand claiming its not the jews at all, they are all some fine chaps and dindu nothing ever doesnt quite cut it also, there is some energetic exchange taking place and no one soul is an unassaibalbe fortress with all just being your own fault is equally retarded, like the new age 'law of attraction' bs, there can be victims and perpetrators, there are unjust actions and one can point at the originators of evil, its not just 'PrOjEcTiOn DuDe'. its basically a fear reflex to assume the position of absolute control over everything in times of impotence, solipsism or 'i am just god experiencing seperation its all just in my mind lmao, nothing is real, blaze it 420'.
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>and fall for radical politics because their basic imprints and nervous system is all fucked
not true, some of the most disciplined, learned and sane individuals are found on there. are you capable of nuanced thought?
> To associate it with anything divine is blasphemous and an insult to creation.
a classic like the divine is somehow fundamentally different from the material and both dont influence each other. christian or buddhist view, despise matter for it is evil, nature is the church of the devil, logic supposedly is the science of god.
many spiritual topics are discussed on pol also and anons takes are lively.
>fundamental paradigms through which you perceive the world is wrong
whats your paradigm?
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>pol is a wasteland for terminal losers who've failed in life
yeah the lower echelons perhaps, worshipping trump etc is beyond retarded.
>pol is a wasteland for terminal losers who've failed in life
lmao, same with schizzos on here spamming the thread with incomprehensible inforgraphs, 8 hour tedious youtube vids taken with a potatoe camera + bad mic ranting and bible verses, refuse to elaborate, refuse to properly take part in the discussion, just drop their madness by the truckload and move on.
they're just like me fr
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0 surprise that a recovering coomer general is full of /pol/ users. God is poetic with his creation
this homo wants to make other men cum what a faggot lol
Ehh I'm still gonna goon. Feels good man
I hope everyone continues with SR. It's a very noble pursuit and the fact the entire world says the opposite should tell you something.
Anyone telling you to cum is a shill. At least, that's how I see it. Why would any man be invested in another man ejaculating, if not to tear him down?
Is this how your balls look after this torture?
Probably better to ask a doctor, but wanted to know if anyone else had this happen.
>start nofap
>was making it about a week, was trying to stop altogether
>almost reach two weeks, start getting cum coming out when I'm taking a piss
>get worried I'm getting backed up or something, fapped
Anyone else have this happen?
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I haven't gooned for 2 days now.
May I have a little edge as a treat?
how do you heal yourself of mental illness (as a christian)
turn your mind off, you can do it right now, keep your thoughts out, now you are an empty vessel waiting for the Holy Spirit to fill you.
Unironic question, what do you guys do when you accidentally edged a lot and feel the semen built up? Do you just give up and cum at that point to flush it, or stay your hand? I heard before it is bad both ways and not quite sure what's the right choice. Not a shill as I encourage never having to face that dilemma.
today should be day 3
>Unironic question, what do you guys do when you accidentally edged a lot and feel the semen built up? Do you just give up and cum at that point to flush it, or stay your hand?
I get bored after 5hours of edging, the erection disappears naturally and I can move on to something else.
This got me intrigued so I started reading Psycho-Cybernetics and a lot of it sounds like Law of Attraction/Assumption but in a more computer and logical way of putting it. Saying your self-image is what really matters, if you try to add productive habits but deep down you still believe you are lazy, not worthy etc you will give up on the new habit. Or you want to quit porn but deep down you feel you are still addicted to it so you give up on quitting.

The third chapter talked about how your imagination is the key to changing your self-image and says to practice 30 minutes a day of what your ideal self would be doing if he had achieved it (living in the end) because your brain can't tell the difference between what's real and what isn't (your imagination), it then says the more you focus on it the more your subconscious mind and nervous system will push you toward that goal with little effort on your part (using your willpower to do it).

So all I have to do is imagine myself for 30 minutes everyday that I am productive and love doing my work, being very social, charismatic and that I don't care about pornography anymore?

I mean it sounds nice that I can just sit on my ass and just imagine my ideal self and I will gradually transform into it. It says to do it for 21 days.

Any thoughts?
>love doing my work
Er, if you don’t actually like your job then don’t imagine yourself still doing it.
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Day 12, I flew in my dreams, soaring higher than an eagle
There was that the imagined new self image would have to be realistic too. Like imaging one self being charismatic or being happy with one’s work would still have to be tied to reality. It would be insane if one is like a real creep and thinking actually being like admirable and wanted. Or the work is bullshit job and thinking it just good so it becomes good.

Interesting how masturbation and porn have been defined something good (healthy, cool, fun) and then they are accepted like that without effort and then they become part of life. Trying to change that can easily led to feeling like missing something or trying to restrain oneself, like it’s a struggle. Now here it’s stated that those things (porn, jerking off) are actually bad. Then it becomes this no/yes debate. But the right way to succesfully practice the retention is imaging how one becomes better in many areas, like health, looks, mind and so on and then actually experiencing those. That erases the old belief of porn and masturbation being ok and behaving changes like one doesn’t want to release any more. But if these things are not clear it becomes a fight where one just tries to last and life is miserable then.
I imagine myself flying at light speed, teleporting, fighting armies of demons, mediating inside the sun, frolicking among my harem of thousands of the most beautiful women on earth, playing with my hundreds of children etc
try edging
If you think you can stop, then stop. If you think you're just going to keep edging, do yourself a favor and end it now. Edging can get way worse than a quick nut, especially when modern porn is involved.
It depends, sometimes I feel like the streak is "spoiled" and my energy is in wreck, so I relapse consciously and often found it beneficial to start anew, but sometimes I get through it. If you had to relapse, try to relapse consciously, it's quite hard to the self to get triggered to relapse whether it's binging to porn or "jizzing in your pants" by innocent innuendo when high in an urge.

So I'll say, if you find yourself in the peculiar situation where you're technically still retaining but can restraint to edge day after day, call it quit and relapse intentionnaly, learn from the experience and go back anew, but to each its own, you have to find your own path.
Day 62: Extreme high energy last several days.

Got some lifting in, just seems to raise it further. Need to meditate and transmoooot or maybe lift some more and then transmooot.

Tell me bros, tell me about your transmutation.
Had a wet dream last night. It was weird. Sexual stuff kept happening and at some point, I changed the dream to be even more sexual. Like I switched out one fantasy for a hotter one. But I don't think it was proper lucid dreaming, because I didn't think "This is a dream so I do what I want" but rather "No I want something sexier." Really weird.
This man is wise
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Bitches at the gym always be touching their hair when I pass, one even smelled her own breath
But now that I'm attractive I'm not even interested in just any women, and these weren't even ugly, they were pretty decent. I have decided to conserve my seed only for the finest woman worthy of my attention and to channel my energy towards creative projects until I find the one, so that come hell or high water I will either find true love or create a master piece in the end(hmm or perhaps I get both then). I'm aiming for the grand prize
This man is also wise
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Your sense of self is an illusion. A person is more like a thousand rats in a trench coat than a cohesive individual, and a personality is like a cluster of habits. A habit can be conceived of as a brain circuit that performs some action, evaluates the current state, then either repeats or activates a connected habit. Everything you do can be broken down into smaller and smaller groups of habit circuits. For example, getting in the car to get some fast food is a habit, but it's made of a bunch of smaller habits. How you get dressed before you leave is a habit made of a bunch of smaller habits. Which shoe you put on first is an automatic behavior, and so is how you tie your laces. Each little action executes, evaluates, then either repeats or activates a connected habit. This is the frame that Psycho-Cybernetics takes when viewing human behavior. If you want to quit a habit like eating fast food, you need to break up the web of habits that makes up the larger habit of going out to eat. This means severing connections of other habits that lead you into that web of habits, or severing connections of habits within that web of habits so that the larger action can not be completed.
>>38964021 (Me)
>doesn't actually answer the question
The point is these mental exercises can rearrange your web of habits with very little effort.
You're gonna have to try much harder than that. Are you even trying? I deserve better shills
your surrounds create the habits you need to change your surroundings, i.e. in California there is a pot shop on every corner so move to South Dakota instead.
Does "quality level" of women really exist? or ONLY their level of chastity matters? Not only focused on looks but: is it really the same "quality" if a women is a crack addict living in a mud-puddle hole in the streets of Skid Row, than if she's an Harp player from an Orchestra in Munich?
or if she goes to a crossfit gym vs being a semi-pro ballerina, or a HS dropout vs a surgeon. I know a lot of shitty thots are drs, or phds, or gymnasts etc-- but should SR men really consider Hierarchical Levels of potential gfs as existing, in the first place?
do i want to buy a lamborgini or a ferrari?
semen retention is for the holy life, which does not involve any pleasing of women
Nah bro. You deserve more eye contact. Maybe a wink or two.
so basted
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so delicious
It's all cope. Incels who act holier than thou because they've deluded themselves into believing their doing this by choice, then turning around and pretending they deserve a fucking ballerina when they havent spoken to a girl romantically in years.
You need to banish the part of your brain infected with incel/manosphere bullshit. No woman wants to that sort of poisonous seethe around them.
who would want a ballerina with they ugly ass feet
wrong, never coom. liars and shills will do and say anything for you to give up and coom
you've got this, fren.

what is this "manosphere?" what are their tenets? you speak of the manosphere in the same way that people unfamiliar with evola's works speak of him. from a place with zero comprehension of the source material. the "redpill" has become a catchall term much in the same vein as every other overused buzzword. see: narcissist, trauma, leftist, cuck, incel, onions, nazi, etc.
there's men in the manosphere doing more for their fellow man than you currently are. especially those men who are 35+ and struggling post-divorce which inevitably leads to their suicide.
your view of the manosphere is probably shaped by viral clips of some podcast or andrew tate.
that's like me telling others that roman politics was nothing more than trying to get your horse elected to the senate. i mean, i saw caligula do it.
there's nuance to everything, man. don't try to distill things down to buzzwords while discarding its essence at the same time.
Day 53
Had a dream I woke up in bed with some man I didn't know and my mom was in a chair in front of the bed talking with him, I can't remember what about.
Nothing really new to note other than I've been getting very tired before I think I should, and I've also been sleeping a really long time on top of that (like 12 hours).
>verification not required
I have not discarded anything. i've addressed it fully. You chose to ignore it for a banal statement that sums to "words are imperfect ways to describe reality", im not interested in your hair-splitting.
The post i am replying to is a classic example of the autistic speak that manosphere people engage in. Often of course, it is actual autism/poor social skills that leads people down this dark path, and ends in "ahhh im not gonna jerk off I deserve a virgin Ballerina now". THAT, is what will eventually lead to suicide. Their delusional reality will crumble, and they will not cope with it.
I did get one since you mention it
I've seen you say these exact words hundreds of time. How mad are you to do this for so long? When I imagine you I see some hideous golem like creature with bulging eyes in some dark cave surrounded by worms festering in his hatred seething at the thought of men not self abusing their genitals. For your sake I hope someone puts you out of your misery, a bullet to the temple, a mercy kill to undo God's most horrible mistake.
>had a wet dream again
Tired, huh. Is that the so-called flatline? What an odd dream. Glad to hear you're carrying on.
>Is that the so-called flatline?
I thought that was only having no urges (which in all fairness I also don't have but I honestly like that haha)
I also had other dreams but that one was the weird one, because I woke up inside of it and felt pretty real lol.

>Glad to hear you're carrying on
Thanks! I hope you're doing well too
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>I thought that was only having no urges (which in all fairness I also don't have but I honestly like that haha)
They went away? That's a relief to know
>I also had other dreams but that one was the weird one, because I woke up inside of it and felt pretty real lol.
You'll probably be dreaming more from now on. Maybe you wanna get into dream interpretation and all that?
>Thanks! I hope you're doing well too
I slid back into not caring after like two days of abstinence. What's worse, my urges actually worsened, I literally can't read without immediately feeling aroused. Ironically though, I can read somewhat better, as long as I remember to clear my focus. It's so fucked, like something of a lose-lose.
>I literally can't read without immediately feeling aroused. Ironically though, I can read somewhat better, as long as I remember to clear my focus.
Let me elaborate. I can clear all the extra 'noise' in my focus so to speak, and then be able to read fine. However, I get new stimuli quickly after and I feel like I can't avoid myself from responding, because if I don't, they'll remain in the way of the activity at hand. The stimuli are too pervasive if that makes sense.
I'm not bored by what I'm reading or anything, it's just that there's another million things competing for my attention, even if they're inaccessible at this moment.
>They went away? That's a relief to know
They did but like a month and a half in lol
>Maybe you wanna get into dream interpretation and all that?
I considered trying to get into lucid dreaming but I then thought it wasn't a very good idea
>What's worse, my urges actually worsened, I literally can't read without immediately feeling aroused
Yeah if you're doing sr that's how I felt for like the first month lol
You didn't try quitting porn first?
>They did but like a month and a half in lol
Ah damn.
>I considered trying to get into lucid dreaming but I then thought it wasn't a very good idea
Hm, well, full disclosure, I haven't gotten into it myself, I'm just that uncommitted lol. But I've read that they can have 'higher utility' rather than simply serve as wish fulfillment. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4803306-lucid-dreaming
>Yeah if you're doing sr that's how I felt for like the first month lol
>You didn't try quitting porn first?
I feel like that even with no porn but no SR. And the things that rapture my attention aren't just lust-related, it might even be things I know need doing but that I keep putting off for the sake of doing what's here in front. Is the answer to just go and do those first, then? Well I think of those things and I get discouraged since I have no idea how I'll go about doing them. An unfulfilling limbo loop.
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You sound like a cultist zealot anon, there is neither an absolute right or an absolute wrong, the path of life is different for each and everyone and the energy is too. Maybe you're the greatest retainer of all time and it works well with you, but don't condemn a fellow brother that is finding its own, he's not even a coomer and you're trying to start an holy war on this. Maybe the coom you retain in your ball hasn't open your heart enough yet.
>But I've read that they can have 'higher utility' rather than simply serve as wish fulfillment
Yeah I know, I considered them for memory purposes and spiritual purposes and creativity.... But like I know that I'd probably get into a degenerate dream spiral for months if I got good at them kek. I would be lying to myself if I pretended that I didn't. But I used to try to do it constantly and I got pretty close to having full control. I still think that I could if I set up times to do reality checks and the other things.
>And the things that rapture my attention aren't just lust-related, it might even be things I know need doing but that I keep putting off for the sake of doing what's here in front.
Oh if that's the case just set timers for how long you want to read. Like put a 15 minute alarm and make a rule that you'll only read in those 15 minutes even if you get distracted and then you will be able to extend that time the more you do that. In the case those other things you mention aren't that important that is lol. If you have slme responskbilities I'd say doing those first is a good idea.
Ive literally gone months without jerking off, not even willingly I just didn't do it and didn't feel any different. Have fun pretending it turns you into an Avenger though
>But like I know that I'd probably get into a degenerate dream spiral for months if I got good at them kek.
The guy in that book actually talks about how he did similarly when he was young, then as he started reading about psychology and stuff that took over his attention. Did he "burn the phase" or simply keep himself in check for the sake of experimenting? I'd assume maybe the latter at first, but then the former later on, considering what he got into. He does word it as something like "I was young, bear with me", lol
>But I used to try to do it constantly and I got pretty close to having full control.
Oh wow.
>Oh if that's the case just set timers for how long you want to read. Like put a 15 minute alarm and make a rule that you'll only read in those 15 minutes even if you get distracted and then you will be able to extend that time the more you do that.
I've tried that, actually. A lot of times, I forget I even set the timer. Maybe I should make it more visible-uh, that would also be distracting. It's wack.
>In the case those other things you mention aren't that important that is lol. If you have slme responskbilities I'd say doing those first is a good idea.
I'm not even sure. I feel like they're things I can keep putting off. How do I know I should do them now or not?
Some people are just wired like that.
>Did he "burn the phase" or simply keep himself in check for the sake of experimenting?
Well I figure you eventually run out of degenerate fantasies to experience but I feel I'm better off not even touching that for now lol
>I've tried that, actually. A lot of times, I forget I even set the timer. Maybe I should make it more visible-uh, that would also be distracting. It's wack.
Ehh I think you're fine. Sounds like its just a concentration thing that should get better the more you persevere. To me at least.
>I'm not even sure. I feel like they're things I can keep putting off. How do I know I should do them now or not?
Well if they bother you I think getting them out of the way sounds like a good idea. And I mean (presumably) you can get both reading and these things done at the same time, like do both in a day
checked btw
Keep calm and carry on
>Well I figure you eventually run out of degenerate fantasies to experience
I'd guess so, too, but you never know until you're there.
>but I feel I'm better off not even touching that for now lol
That's true. It would be too risky.
>Ehh I think you're fine. Sounds like its just a concentration thing that should get better the more you persevere. To me at least.
I hope so. I'll try and keep at it.
>Well if they bother you I think getting them out of the way sounds like a good idea.
They don't relate to my body, but they generate a bodily feeling, it's interesting. I suppose I should. The problem with all this comes when there's things I've conditioned myself to care for but that I actually am better off not entertaining.
>And I mean (presumably) you can get both reading and these things done at the same time, like do both in a day
Right. If I wasn't as scattered, maybe I could use my time better.
>checked btw
Doing semen retention to max out my law school admissions test. After 1 week it went up five points, to my all time high of 165. I assume tommorow after another week of SR my powers will be even stronger and I will get a new high of 170 Then I will go the big leagues and fight spiritual evil in high places.
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the problem isnt him, its you telling people to coom when this gets tough. refusing to give up when its tough is key and youre offering people excuses to coom, their struggle is hard enough without snakes in the grass, like you
>but you never know until you're there.
Yeah I don't mean I'll never try it but it's gonna be for sometime in the future if I do. I actually downloaded that book you linked and maybe I'll go through it. Right now I'm just trying to focus on prayer
>but they generate a bodily feeling, it's interesting.
>The problem with all this comes when there's things I've conditioned myself to care for but that I actually am better off not entertaining.
I'm not sure what you mean haha but its fine if you don't want to explain
>Right. If I wasn't as scattered, maybe I could use my time better.
desu looking into a time management system and trying to stick to it would be a good idea. I know that the difference between the days I do and the others is like night and day on what things I get done. Currently trying still to get back to good habits, I've gone back to writing in a diary at least.
>I actually downloaded that book you linked and maybe I'll go through it.
I found the parts I read interesting and novel, I do recommend it.
>Right now I'm just trying to focus on prayer
Interesting. How's that working out?
>I'm not sure what you mean haha but its fine if you don't
>want to explain
Like when there's 'something you need doing', it's not like a thought you logically devise, you actually feel it. I guess that's obvious.
>desu looking into a time management system and trying to stick to it would be a good idea.
I've been considering it. If this is the best way I might just have to go through with it.
>I know that the difference between the days I do and the others is like night and day on what things I get done.
Oh yeah, I've had glimpses of time-managed days and they are so much more productive it's unreal.
>Currently trying still to get back to good habits,
Good time...
>I've gone back to writing in a diary at least.
Hmm, note taking. Sporadic for me, I only write things down when they seem of enough weight.
jerking it tonight, what you gonna do about it?
>what you gonna do about it?
join in maybe :3
Good work anon, keep at it.
>Interesting. How's that working out?
It's fine. I also have been reading a lot of christianity related things to compliment
>it's not like a thought you logically devise, you actually feel it
Yeah but like what do you feel like doing? Or am I misunderstanding
>If this is the best way I might just have to go through with it.
You really lose nothing by doing it
>Hmm, note taking. Sporadic for me, I only write things down when they seem of enough weight.
It's more of a dream diary and writing down what I want to do with my day. Nothing much of philosophizing or whatever
ive been retaining for 8 days and i feel i can run a marathon i feel i have so much energy that i need to spend that on i feel like i have mania or something. ive been compulsive masturbator since i was 12(when my life started to fucked up) now im 23. is this normal?
I've taken nicotine, psychedelics, weed,caffeine and still feel the same. It doesn't mean all those drugs are placebo, its just that im means that my body reacts differently to those drugs. You can literally apply this to anything in your life. Grab a book or something dumbass.
He does touch on something here. People here claim to practise SR for spiritual reasons while lusting for material results. The faggots who talk about magnetism all day and brag about how a girl held eye contact for 3 seconds and touched her hair are the WORST of the bunch.
By not jerking off, you are not experiencing disadvantages of being a coomer. This doesnt manifest as anything significant in life. It does mean you have more vital energy, which you must use through your day-to-day activity.

If you did not have any urge then maybe you are depressed or your libido has tanked for some reason. It's worth looking into.

I’m going on day 45 and haven’t experienced pretty much anything that other men have supposedly experienced and shared throughout here and the various communities and youtube videos (mainly grifters). But I didn’t stop it strictly for attraction and attention from women; only because I found God and it’s a sin, and porn addiction is grossly unhealthy no matter how you look at it.

My caveat, though, is: I’m in my 30s, I haven’t lifted weights since starting yet, and I’ve been fasting a lot; drinking plain coffee and smoking cigarettes.

Might be different for younger guys with higher T, who lift weights at least 4-5 days a week, and the energy / testosterone is seeping out of their pores and women can smell it. Still, I doubt an ugly, obese or short guy would experience insane female attention/attraction suddenly lol
What place should sex have in a mans life?
Im all on board for not watching porn, and also not masturbating. I am sure my life would be better off without those things.
But sex seems like a pretty standard part of most healthy (outwardly at least) peoples lives. Should a man be celibate if he does not intend to get married? Is it wrong or wasteful to date without intention of marriage? Is it unhealthy or damaging to oneself to hook up or seek prostitutes?
Is a virgin man who has never fit in with the world and struggles with people just weak for claiming he takes the path of celibacy willingly? Isn’t it just a cope then?
its now months since i masturbated/watched porn, but i still wake up every two weeks with an orgasm, to the point my genitalia hurt, weak erections and nerve/orgasm twitching without doing anything.and it cant regenerate properly. also white/milky urine.
so whatever i do, it seems my body cant retain my semen and heal properly.

also i feel weaker by the month. i feel my overall vitality decreasing every few weaks. like brainfog, losing hair, overall body aches. i really need help, else it will be over for me even before i beganb living my life.
the porn jew really did a number on me. now that im off from it for months i still have to endure these negative effects.
what do anons
you sound unhinged, stop spamming these threads with you incel shit and kill yourself already
>It's fine. I also have been reading a lot of christianity related things to compliment
Hope it benefits you. I went down a different path myself.
>Yeah but like what do you feel like doing? Or am I misunderstanding
Yeah that's the thing. Maybe I tend to ignore what I feel like doing to instead do what I think I should be doing.
>You really lose nothing by doing it
I get a bit freaked out by the idea of never just dicking around again. I suppose I misunderstand time management. What do you know about time management?
>It's more of a dream diary
That's really good, I should get into that practice, it just seems like a lot of information to capture sometimes. Good writing prompts, actually.
>and writing down what I want to do with my day.
I don't think I've ever done that. How's that help you?
>I don't think I've ever done that. How's that help you?
Well what I basically do (or did at least lol I've failing to get back into it, low motivation and all) is that after I write down the dreams I remember I just write what I want to accomplish for the day, so that I know what to expect to do. Then I just write down the goals and more or less how long I think I should do them, and then, well... I do them, or at least ideally.
>I get a bit freaked out by the idea of never just dicking around again. I suppose I misunderstand time management. What do you know about time management?
You can add stuff like that into your plan... Like when I was doing it best I added a free time slot at the end where I could do whatever, its not like you have to take into account every last second. I think if you're starting out just planning to read like an hour each day is fine. Honestly the more you read the easier it gets, depending on what you're reading, of course...
>Hope it benefits you.
As I said I think that I've only made it so far because I'm doing sr for this purpose
>I went down a different path myself.
What is that?
Also apart from that I started doing "energy work" mentioned in the op and I'm having some results... I'm still just starting though (and I'm 99% its not in conflict with being a christian haha)
>>It's fine. I also have been reading a lot of christianity related things to compliment
>>>Hope it benefits you. I went down a different path myself.
Mystery path- where does it lead?
>>Yeah but like what do you feel like doing? Or am I misunderstanding
>>>Yeah that's the thing. Maybe I tend to ignore what I feel like doing to instead do what I think I should be doing..
Your confused
>>You really lose nothing by doing it
>>>I get a bit freaked out by the idea of never just dicking around again. I suppose I misunderstand time management. What do you know about time management?
Essentially start the thing that is going to take the longest- soonest. For you though, get rid of your watch, live by how you want to, make time your bitch don't serve it.
>>It's more of a dream diary
>>>That's really good, I should get into that practice, it just seems like a lot of information to capture sometimes. Good writing prompts, actually.
Kinda intamite for a public place- whatever.
>>and writing down what I want to do with my day.
>>>I don't think I've ever done that. How's that help you?
Bad idea, don't plan shit, the moment is eternal, forget the past the future is unknowable. SEEK GOD they love you.
I honestly think you should go to a doctor. That all sounds very worrying to me.
>What place should sex have in a mans life?
Calling All the old Virginfags.

Do you really feel the primal appeal of the pussy ?

Do you conceive your future life as a virgin ?
Are you comfortable with your virginity ?
How do you put up with the social pressure (for males) ?
Do you play it down ?

The fact is that sex is like drugs and once you enter this world you are stuck in it.
I mean if you do and spend money on what people do, day after day and week after week like drinking, dating, sleeping around, looking for the one etc., how can you achieve something different from them ?
We are free from all that crap and have a chance to focus on something else.
Does it bring you some positive aspects in you life ?

I am 27yo male, without being anything near religious, and yet I do not feel the urge to do it.
I have never understood the whirl of romance and sexuality in the society and exposed in the entertainment industry.
The hyppies from the 70's claimed the sexuality was a primordial aspect of the society and now all the femnazies break balls about the diktat of appearances and so on after the sexual revolution was dealt with by the consumerism (for the hyppies were unable to provide a new society beyond drinking and fucking).
They believed that doing whatever you want, whenever you want was actually a reflection on the sexuality.
It is exactly the converse.
Just look at all the camwhores. They do it just because they can, and only display their lack of reflection on their actions.

The direct consequence of this is the saturation of our daily life with sex to the point of becoming more of a brainwash than anything else .

Of course I do get hard every day but I just wank off, generally without porn, and move on with my life.
I believe that the pornography numbles too much the imagination and must used with
That way of planning of yours sounds nice on paper, I like it.
>(or did at least lol I've failing to get back into it, low motivation and all)
>As I said I think that I've only made it so far because I'm doing sr for this purpose
Well God willing you'll slowly work toward a restored focus I hope.
>free time slot
Hm I see.
>I think if you're starting out just planning to read like an hour each day is fine. Honestly the more you read the easier it gets, depending on what you're reading, of course...
I hope so.
>What is that?
Open to anything that catches my attention I suppose. I've mostly just been consuming information so far.
>"energy work"
Cool stuff. I want to look into some that, I haven't paid much heed to it
>Your confused
Of course.
>Essentially start the thing that is going to take the longest- soonest.
Ah, that makes sense.
>For you though, get rid of your watch, live by how you want to, make time your bitch don't serve it.
I'm not sure how to go on about this, despite your advice.
>Kinda intamite for a public place- whatever.
How so? I'd obviously keep the diary for myself.
>Bad idea, don't plan shit, the moment is eternal, forget the past the future is unknowable. SEEK GOD they love you.
I'm also not sure how I can apply this.
>Mystery path- where does it lead?
That I do not know for certain. You said it yourself.
21 days in
I feel so incredibly bored. I usually play vidya most of the day but now it feels like a chore. It feels like I have nothing meaningful to do. In the past when I failed because of boredom suddenly things felt entertaining again so this awareness troubles me a lot because I can make this boredom go away just like that by fapping. Anyone has any tips what can I do for things to seem fun again or maybe some new activity ?
that's the biggest challenge of nofap, because you are now at a cross road, either go full on hermit and spirituality or you balance the household life, ideally still by finding new mundane activities which are more fulfilling, with still a bit of nofap to avoid being a total cumbrain
I wish to go forever. How can I go full hermit and spiritualiy?
>It feels like I have nothing meaningful to do
once you remove pleasure life IS meaningless, you can either move on to other, higher order pleasures like creating or learning something or simply embrace the meaninglessness of life, or just go back to fapping
Reread the original post, it's not about what you're saying, you're just projecting because like any cult it's the dogma or nothing else. I'll said it again if it's not clear: there is no absolute in this.
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>Couldn't control my urges
>89 days down the drain in seconds

It's NEVER worth it bros.
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<---- secret to succes right here men
spiritual eunuchs get no benefit from SR bro
Yea it kinda harkens back to "Just be attractive bro". I remember realizing the old nofap reddit back in the day was full of normies and Chad's who just let their porn addictions take over. Full of posts about how they could enjoy real sex again after doing nofap for however long.

All the 30 year old virgins didn't get shit as usual.
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>had a WD even tho I wore a scapular to bed, prayed, fasted a bit that day\night
When will I ever get rid of the bane of wet dreams? How much more do I need to do? the worst thing is, if I go without wds I have to indefinitely keep up the effort to avoid SR's power resetting, and each week is ,logically, harder than the previous one because of "build up" of Vril\Orgone\CHI etc
Read the coiled serpent
Love is one of few things worth it in this life. Stop lying to yourself.
you're hyper focused on cooming rather than keeping your mind clean

stop letting lustful thoughts in your mind, especially before bed

stop looking at sexually suggestive material before bed as well
>Well God willing you'll slowly work toward a restored focus I hope.
Surely today will be successful!!! (day 54 btw)
>I haven't paid much heed to it
Yeah I think establishing your reading habit first would be better
Day 68. Started getting up at 5 am to work out for an hour everyday.
will nocturnal orgasms eventually stop the longer i go or will they always fuck me over at some point? i have gone 13 days without cooming (my longest streak before that was 9) and it was all ruined by a double sleep orgasm this morning
I am 2 weeks in now bros. I know that my destiny will unfold before me as long as I can retain. I am tired of delaying my fulfillment.. I open to the Truth.
Yes, they will. Wet dreams are the result of lust still lingering in your subconscious, which then get manifested in your dreams. Give it time and they will subside.

I wouldn't stress about them, it's not a conscious thing
i deserve best allways and in everything.
You get what you deserve.
How'd it go?
Someone should do a nofap experiment youtube channel.

>Day 0 Nofap: 1v1 Medium AI
>Day 1 Nofap: 1v2 Medium AI
>Day 2 Nofap: 1v3 Medium AI
>Day 3 Nofap: 1v1 Hard AI
>Day 4 Nofap: 1v2 Hard AI
>Day 5 Nofap: 1v3 Hard AI
>Day 6 Nofap: 1v1 Very Hard AI
>Day 7 Nofap: 1v2 Very Hard AI
>Day 8 Nofap: 1v3 Very Hard AI

Then when you fall

>Day 0 Nofap: 1v3 Very Hard AI

show how hard you get mogged
So, I have overcome my addiction to porn. I go nowhere near sites that even spark my interest in porn. I stay on blue boards on 4chan. Don't follow even clothed women doing sexual dances and or wearing bikinis on tiktok/instagram, unfollow all of that kind of stuff.

Now, my dick is starting to feel like its on fire with horniness all the time. A few seconds of my mind drifting to a sexual fantasy causes erection and some feeling of sexual goodness in the dick. I'm not even deliberately thinking sexual thoughts or deeply fantasizing, these are automatic thoughts that are happening. This is getting very hard but I'm trucking through it, praying for all of you in your semen retention journey as well.
Bro I get wet dreams just from a woman touching my shoulder in a dream or standing in front of me fully clothed in a dream about to hug me. Those are not sexual in any way at all yet I have nocturnal emissions to them.
I would sometimes get wet dreams multiple times per week, then only once, and now I don't get them anymore. Let your brain reprogram itself, but patient.
If you don't mind could you tell how long you were a coomer and how deep into the rabbit hole you went and how long you've been abstaining.
I started my current streak about 4-5 weeks ago and have been feeling as lethargic and apathetic as I had before I started. Not feeling any of the benefits that people have described. I'm worried I might have some kind of illness or food intolerance or something, because recently I've had a couple instances of nearly fainting after standing up from a squatted position. I'm pissed off because I'm 21 and I shouldn't feel like a geriatric cancer patient
Probably just force of habit, takes weeks before your mind adjusts to new habits, keep at it and you'll make it through. To me lust is like a memory of the past, and it can be for you too. I recommend meditation to practice control over your mind, to help motivate yourself remind yourself that successfully letting go of thoughts speeds up the meditation minutes become seconds so just let go and that will help you with your problem. Good luck fren
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Edging makes my peepee hurt :(
try magnesium before bed
how do I stop being lustful as a virgin who's never experienced anything close to sex?
You go out and seek meaningful and intimate relationships, where you both improve through the experience.
yeah but i don't see myself getting a gf anytime soon, they just don't want me yk
Brothers, there is nothing worth anything if it doesnt take you fighting with all your strength for it.
Know that the work shall be its own reward
Haven't posted in a week because I've fallen many times. I didn't have motivation or the energy to fight the urge. But now I am motivated once more. Day 3 streak. I only felt tempted the first day but the other 2 days were pretty chill.
I'm 29 days in and for this streak I'm in the same boat as you, I have no libido or willpower whatsoever whereas I did experience benefits in the past.

Are we all in a spiritual eclipse or something?

I plan to stick to 60+ days and see but it's the greyest flattest streak I experienced. So weird.
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then stop
Just let go of lust

I've hit the 2 weeks mark, 14 days. Damn zero lust for weeks now, I'm in the zone, in my lane, focused, flourishing.

I got a great tip for people trying to lucid dream or do shit with dreams, a little shamanistic trick I found within me. Try to specifically channel energy to your third eye during your morning meditation, managed to recall what I thought was lost. Very amazing.
WAGMI guys, put in the work and good things will come
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Does anyone feel like they've got so much energy that after doing everything productive you still feel like you're unable to sit still? Like I can transmute my energy to useful stuff that I'm into such as writing, juggling, instruments, gym, etc.

But I still feel overloaded with energy it's ridiculous, as if one sole unit of vessel is not enough to contain all of this (hence the urge to socialize with everyone, but I need to lock in to focus on work)

SR is really, REALLY powerful.
I made it to 14 days but then I failed miserably... I don't know what came over me, I knew better the entire time but I was in a space/around people that were inducing lust and I succumbed. I feel guilty and shitty about it but I have to say that for the 14 days I did it, I noticed a change. More energetic and not nearly as lethargic. I don't know if its common to fail at 2 weeks but I think I can do it again and reach 3 if not more. I just need to stay away from spaces or people that might influence that but it's hard.
focus on belly and breathe with diaphragm
If I'm being honest with myself, it's because I've been spending too much time sitting and consuming. Even if what I'm consuming is "good", like a novel, I feel like it's only hindering me because I have very little output. Lots of consuming + little creating = spiritual constipation. Also I'm not working out at all which is retarded and it's a mental block I need to get over by reminding myself that working out is actually really fun
I'm feeling the opposite here, very little energy or drive, dead libido. What does the rest of your day look like? are you exercising consistently, involved in group activities, putting good work into your hobbies?
Yeah the first 2 weeks are hard the first time, once I jizzed my pants at the mere sight, little over 2 weeks
Why haven't we yet invented a pill or potion that erases all sexual urges?
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed - only transmuted. You can’t have a pill that simply does something without any drawbacks + said drawbacks can be really bad since you’re messing with what essentially is the human drive/life force (reproduction)
The things is when I'm on the state it's on, I don't have to force anything, I just want to create and I do, it flow naturally from me, but in this bland state I'm just meeh. Rather doing anything.

It's like libido: it's on or it's not, and when it's on everything is simple and natural, and when it's not it's like nothing can make the engine run anymore.

But I agree the solution is probably: do something, anything, anyways (even if in this state there is no incentive to do anything in particular, and no I do not feel depressed just NPC).
What’s up lads, hope you all are doing well! Figured I would do my good deed of the day and contribute to this thread with my experience and what worked well for me. Hopefully in doing so, I can help those of you that are having trouble. I’ve been trying to quit porn and masturbation for probably a few years now. I noticed how I was relying on these activities as a way to regulate my mood. I don’t want to be dependent on those sorts of things, or drugs/alcohol, as a way to feel good about myself. After a few relapses something clicked and I am no longer a chronic masturbator or porn watcher. I feel repulsed when even considering engaging in those behaviors. As the OP states there are some mental tools that you can cultivate which will make this way easier for you.

1. Meditation:
Aside from the other benefits that this practice will give you, the point of this practice as it pertains to quitting porn etc, is that you will recognize when you get thoughts of “I want to masturbate” or “I want to watch porn now”. When you get good at it, you will easily “catch” these thoughts and then say to yourself “No, I don’t do that anymore. That behavior doesn’t benefit me in any way, so I will do something else”. Meditation is crucial to slaying urges as they will arise. Take solace in the fact that as time goes on, the urges will be less frequent.

2. Recognizing triggers and cutting them out of your life:
For me, I noticed that triggers would be social media (i’ve now deleted all my accounts), and 4chan, even SFW boards like this one. Gooners will still post sexual content on SFW as we are well aware. When you are just starting out, I recommend leaving 4chan for a few months. I know that it can be difficult, but until you can cultivate your meditation skill, then seeing triggers of not even nude women on this website may likely cause you to relapse and feel bad about yourself.
As the weeks go on, your brain will adjust and you will notice changes in yourself. Take note and comfort in these changes, rejoice in them because you are now benefiting from SM. If you have a strong urge, think to yourself that you don’t want to jeopardize the benefits that you’ve received from this practice. You don’t want to go back to your old ways, you want to ascend and elevate your consciousness to greater heights. Good luck.
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
Following these rules you're all doomed to fail. One look at porn and you start cooming again. A real retainer has the power to stare porn, nudity and sexually provocative images directly in the face and feel nothing and no urge to masturbate. If you can't do this, you're just a relapse waiting to happen. I would recommened exclusively exposing yourself to "triggers" and practice self control in the face of them. Only then will you conquer these "urges". Otherwise you are ticking bomb.
So how long before I start seeing benefits?
>So how long before I start seeing benefits?
Within a day for mid shit like mood. A week or 2 for concentration and motivation. A few months for magnetism. A couple years for manifestation.
two more years
>get weak
>open porn for two minutes
>come to my senses and back out
>forgive myself
>feel a bit proud that I was able to turn away
>porn still haunts my dreams for the next two weeks anyway
shit is truly demonic I swear
I just went into gif and opened a few tabs of things that turn me on, watched the clips, detached myself, felt nothing and closed them all after
I think you're right bro, but probably better for beginners to try to do a clean streak with no exposure and just go through the inevitable failure
people will call me a shill for this but I've been doing this for so damn long now with probably hundreds of failed streaks on the zero exposure technique
i have to agree with this anon. transmute your sexuality by overcoming it and not by cutting your dick off. there's nothing inherently wrong with sexuality or sensuality. it's part of human nature. what's wrong is seeing pictures and moving pictures and wanting to impregnate a gym sock because of it. doing this for self-development is key and king here.
lust is a powerful form of will and unproperly channeled leads to self-destruction. but lust can be transmuted into a plethora of things to enhance your life. it's not about not having lust but having lust for life and the things that align with you. lust + war = battle lust. you can channel that very lust into whatever you will. it's only through complete acceptance of your lust can it be tamed. if you're stuck in a coomstranded spiderweb then figure out all of the connecting strands that leave you stuck and accept them. through this acceptance the strands will fall away leaving only you and a tamed lust that only you will be able to control.
t. random man with multiple year+ streaks under his belt.

>"It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life."
you've seen the truth; produce more than consume. now comes the simple not easy path. the real trick is to delude yourself into loving whatever you do. ie: if it means that much to you then why aren't you doing it? even when things start to go "wrong" just catch yourself and instead of "everything goes wrong" you can tell yourself "everything goes right." whenever you catch yourself down a consoomerist path; just ask yourself if this is really more important than your will (vision, goals, dreams, etc) exercising is a key component of this as a man. don't neglect this anon.
have my unwanted suggestion; ditch novels. read nonfiction and classic myths, poems, and prose. learn what a living quotebook is and make your own along this path. it's something i wished i would've known about during my younger years.
Day 293. Doing the full solar cycle. Learning banishing. Get a hobby anons.
>living quotebook
i looked this up but didn't find anything, if it is a term you coined do you mean that one should become a quotebook? Please extrapolate. I write down quotes all the time but it's not that deep, I'm wondering if what you're referring to is something deeper
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just busted a nut for the first time since August 2nd (no wet dreams since then either). ngl, felt amazing. My nuts were legitimately starting to hurt, and while cold showers and exercise do help, I reached the point where I was worried about injuring myself (I remembered I had a mormon friend who practiced SR for 6 months and he said he came blood the first time he nutted to end that particular streak...)

I actually don't feel any guilt, feels pretty good to nut, senpai. Even watched porn, lovely <3. However, I think holding in your nut and trating porn like a treat is the best way (like maybe once a month?). That way you're not constantly frying your dopamine receptors, but at the same time you do get that occasional release of hornyness and stress that comes with abstaining from sex for long periods of time.

Overall, I'm glad I tried this (SR). Feel like I have control over my sexuality, and I have the discipline to go on relatively long streaks. I accomplished a lot in this time, transmuting is real but you guys exaggerate it, obviously if you are a porn addict and constantly wanking, then yeah, going cold turkey will give you more energy and free time to achieve shit, but otherwise no.
Do you consider your streak ended if you get a nocturnal emission? I haven't watched porn or masturbated in roughly 3 months, but my last ejaculation was about 10 days or so
Posts like this is how i know what i'm doing is something powerful and it makes the reptilians seethe that im doing it
Try to meditate for 10 mins without having a single thought. Then you can talk about "doing something powerful"

Like dude. You're not doing anything. That's the point. This feels difficult and is powerful, because you're that much of a coomer.
think in terms of months.
I agree with you. I signed up for BJJ and the main reason I started nofap was because I’d do worse in the matches. Mike Tyson also said he did not masturbate or have sex before fights.
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bro you are in a cult, this shit is good, but not in the magic way you are proposing. All SR is good for is giving you some discipline and more free time to work on your goals (that's why faggots reddit always say you have to TRANSMOOOOT, which is just a gay way of saying workout and work on your purpose lmao). No one gives a fuck if you are some ugly incel who hasn't touched his peenor in months, Johnny Sins bust nuts all the fucking time and makes women cum, his life is fine, you are coping my friend. Not saying don't do SR, just don't do it religiously, it's become a cult bro for people who want a quick fix for their shit lives. Might as well start drinking cow piss too, it goes hand in hand.

he later recanted saying SR is bullshit

mike tyson and joe rogan discussing how they believe sex before a fight is not detrimental to performance (1:48 - 2:53)


He literally says, just bust a nut, that way can focus on other things, he literally says it's a myth that busting a nut before a fight makes you weak, he even drank, lmao... all the olympians are fucking, face it, no one is buying this shit, you are in a cult

By this logic, everyone yelling at a retard not to run off of a cliff are shills too, if so many people are hating, it must be good! Dumbass!
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Masturbation is never good
end of convo
Can someone explain why I suffer from such horrible erectile dysfunction? I’m only 28, not fat, workout often enough and try my best to stick to eating real food. I don’t watch porn, I hardly ever jerk off and yet when I try to my penis just wants to stay soft. Is it low T levels? Fuck, just 4 years ago I could get hard looking at something random but for the last couple years I just can’t get it up. Anyone else around my age struggling with this? Did you find a fix or is this just part of getting old? Also, the longer I practice SR the worse my sex drive gets. My dick literally shrivels up into a manclit. It’s fucking pathetic and is really fucking my self esteem.
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I take my drivers test tomorrow brehs…. I’m fucking scared, everyone told me they passed the first time here’s hoping I can too
Quit porn but so many automatic thoughts of lust in my mind. At church today there was a woman in front of me who had this great smelling perfume on and I got some erections and even noticed I had precum after I left the church. This is rough, just the presence of women causes these reactions in me. I try not to sit behind them, then one takes a spot in front of me.
Learn how to control your thoughts.
Agreed, similar thing happened to me when I almost relapsed. I was still getting mental flashes of what I had seen weeks afterwards, surprising me as I went about my day.
What are the effects of semen retention on the refractory period?
>trating porn like a treat
it's this line in particular that really bothers me, can anyone explain?
You have to be 18 to post here
I’m uhhhh… 20, sadly
it's obviously a recipe for disaster and spiritual self-harm

>Learn how to control your thoughts.
This. It's a difficult but necessary first step on the path to spiritual liberation.

After a night of cooming and drinking anons won't be able to control their thoughts at all. Their spiritual forcefield is so weakened it can't protect them.
Yes. I learn high level tig welding the last time I did 1 year Sr. This solar cycle is about sailing and finishing my boat.
If bjj doesn't work move to something else. If anons are unsure what to pursue...just do what find something the 8 y/o (you) would find badass.
I'm A phone posting retard BTW.
update on this post to be perfectly candid
after closing those I ended up back on gif some time later, watching more triggering vids but not getting extremely turned on, this lasted for a while, just testing myself more and more
but it did make me incredibly horny for the rest of the day and thoughts of going to the asian spa to get the special treatment from a particular busty young lady were flooding my mind
but I see the temptation as the serpent of lust that aims to poison me and strangle me, strip me of power and my birth rite
and so I ask myself if I can't even control myself for 1 year (goal) let alone 2 weeks (current status) why do I deserve anything great out of this life?
I've walked down the road of lust and pleasure a million times, I know what's there, why do I want to keep repeating these same hollow patterns?
I long for something greater, with patience and will I transmute this urge as well
but I will not test myself anymore, that made this day much more difficult than it would have been otherwise
but I have passed the test, I will return to the gray havens
sorry about that, anon. i meant using notecard systems to make a commonplace book. this is how robert greene writes and wrote his books. eventually you'll have a grimoire of your very own.

Has ANYONE tested this? Because I am right now. I'm wondering if I'll be the first.
>but I have passed the test
Yes you have. Now never look at that filth again.
You might've just saved my soul with a single png anon
Olympians… a bunch of satanic drug junkies are fucking each other so you should masturbate. Yeaaah okayyy satan.
I did it not because I had the desire to see it but the desire to test myself and my lust triggers and my automatic responses
it was a foolish venture, dangerous and pointless
but I am relieved I didn't fall and also relieved i wasn't too excited by any of it, not lingering on it for too long, but still I felt the claws of addiction pulling at me
The only time you should worry about ED is when your peenur actually fails to get hard as you're about to have sexxor with a female. If in THAT situation you fail to get hard, then worry, check your T levels, etc. Otherwise don't worry about it.
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Pretty sure that Wet Dreams do reset the Semen retention counter..
is this a sustainable mindset
Relapsed last night. Day 1 for me. I think I can do it this time. I only relapsed because I got very beautiful nudes from an Italian with massive boobs. I regret my actions.
Well, when I do hookups I can’t ever get hard longer than a few minutes. But with my ex I got huge and the sex was incredible. Now that she’s no longer in my life I just don’t have the same desires and no interest in sex really. I see attractive women but the thought of sex is far away.
Day 65

Some weeks ago, I accidentally experienced an orgasmic feeling in my brain. Last night, after moving energy up my spine to the head, I felt another orgasmic sensation in my brain.

I assume this means it's working but I'm wondering what to do next. Do I keep doing this until something else happens? Should I be wary of the pleasant sensations? Do I need to do something specific to experience an awakening?

Are there multiyear bros here who can tell me?
it's going to be one week for me, it's not getting any easier. I will try to avoid any relapse.
In democracy, sports are part of the entertainment industry and thus all the athletes are sexual perverts addicted to sex.
I exercise 3-4 times a week, but just got a job so been not having enough time for it. I write a lot. Like a lot. I've written about 4 books now and a whole lot of articles for magazines...still feeling like i could conquer the world though. So much energy. The rest of my day I listen to music and while my head is constantly running with new ideas to do for my writing projects or my podcast.

For group activities, I meet with a lot of people for networking as well as share with them and listen to them about their perspectives etc. Very intellectually stimulating. I feel more energized when I get to meet interesting people so I reckon you should do the same (different strokes for different folks though).
thanks. When I write quotes from things i've heard , seen or read I usually just use a notebook or post-it, soemtimes my phone when I don't have those things. I also type them into Obsidian to tag and store them if they speak to me enough, so I guess I'm not too far away from this. I'll try it, but I also find I eventually give up on maintaining systems like this
No. Hatred consumes you. But maybe it's a good start.
Ok anon frens, I'm here to discuss an experiment I will conduct in the following weeks. I'm a seasoned practitioner of social dancing, easily in the top tier of my local scene here in Europe going at least once per week to practices, gatherings or parties. I'm planning to do SR for at least two months and study this magnetism thing and check If I notably see any differences particularly vis-a-vis the "top girls" (note I moved relatively recently and am now in capital city where I'm not quite as much known).

I had practice SR in the past so I know the drill and probably less subject to the hardship of complete beginners, I have also felt some benefits / change of vibes so I know it's not complete hogwash (and too strong to be just "placebo").

I'll report if I experience any more flirtatious vibes and strong magnetism than the occasional one (am no chad myself). It would be quite nice if any anon want to join in this general experiment, I know "getting the ladies" is not the acme of SR practice but I think it's quite a good indicator of something going on and a great motivator nonetheless.

Godspeed my fellow retainers.
10 years of addiction = 10 years of recovery
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Not sure if this is he right thread to ask this, or even the right board, but how do I get rid of a sexual fetish? It's not something I want to accept, I find it disgusting, and I never want to actually engage in it in real life, but I'm mentally haunted by it. How to I cut down all of the mental ties and connections and rid myself of this demon?
>Relapse two days ago after my ~90 day streak
>Have been sleeping the last two days away
>Flesh and mind are trying to get me to coom while my spirit is crying out
>Have noticed that I'm easily frustrated and lost my joyousness
Bros... I don't like relapses... I get it's part of the journey, but man does it S U C K and is a learning experience.
>lost my joyousness
Tell us more about this feeling of loss. Seriously. Anons need to hear it, and remember it for when they're about to relapse.
>focus on something else
>need to nut to do that
you don't have thought control. then you are right...SR isn't for you. Get your head right first.
nobody knows how to control thoughts
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It's almost day and night. Sure I can fake my joy after living in it for quite a bit - but it feels so inauthentic and harder to maintain. It was so free being able to do things with a much more happier heart.
Not sure which day it unlocked, but I'm gonna need that day to come back quickly.
Right now it's easier to point at everyone's flaws, being a brat than it is to go back to letting everything be water off a ducks back, and staying helpful to others, or be the positivity someone else needs.
Obviously, that's another funny fight in the mind to control though.
It's easy anon: Just tell on yourself to God when you have funny thoughts. (You) don't need to control anything, when we're supposed to rely on the Most High.
What I normally do is: "Gooood my thoughts are thinking XYZ perverted things, haaaalp" and then soon after it's gone, or the thoughts never come back again.
You're not your thoughts, and you're not your feelings. If they go against the good, they're definitely not yours. Interrogate yourself and see who might be whispering in your ear.
The problem is I have OCD so I have intrusive thoughts about sex that just pop in my mind.
Everybody goes through this, it goes away after a while
Nice humble brag.
never entertain skanks
>with my dog and girlfriend (not the same entity)
i kekd, wishing you well on your journey and goals logger anon
Convenient thread.
I'm on day 12 and feeling well, at least mentally. I still feel a lot of lust for my wife but I don't act on it. Has anyone here tried to become multi-orgasmic, or tried to transmute the orgasm while practicing SR?
It seems risky because of possible accidental dishcharge during the training process.
That said, what is it that allows a man to separate the orgasm from the ejaculation, int he most basic form? Is the man squeezing his insides as if holding back urine flow? Is that all there is to it? Are they superhuman or something because I've tried it and the ejaculate escapes anyway.
Is there a way I can do a hack like I've heard use fingers to apply pressure at some place that will prevent ejaculate?
I'm not trying to cheat here and coom. I am interested in transmuting. I am not going to try anything now because I don't want to risk progress.
But I want to make love to my wife and it not be about thrusting like an animal just to achieve 8 seconds of pleasure at the end followed by the refractory period where I feel like my life force is sucked out of me. See picrel, is that real?
Can I keep my erect member in my wife as she is on top and we do some kind of energy focus?
Serious questions I'm not trolling.
>See picrel, is that real?
>"the author hasn't attempted to follow these instructions"
There are so many errors in that text. I would research Hindu scriptures related to this type of transmutation not a 4chin inforgraphic made by a dummy.

The only thing I like is this:
>"Touching the fruit could be interpreted as the act of sex...whereas consuming it would be the orgasm. By consuming it you lose access to the tree of life"
Yes you can, its the endgoal of focus based meditation
>transmuting the orgasm.
This is bullshit, just because it doesnt issue from the penis doesn't mean nothing happened.
i made it today
Napoleon Hill, who was one of the wealthiest men in the early 20th century has a chapter in one of his books, Think and Grow Rich (I think that’s the one) where he talks about the importance of semen retention. How do you guys deal with blue balls? Every time I tried SR I’m in pain like 7-10 days in.
>blue balls
this stuff happens only with prolonged erection right?
Not sure, can’t control my dick while I sleep.
why are based threads like /srg/ getting pruned or deleted?
It's weird, I never had blue balls or wet dreams.
most importantly refuse to indulge unwelcome thoughts. secondly, cold showers, cup your hands around your balls to hold them in cold water, sit on ice packs though not with bare skin
Day 15. For some odd reason I'm remembering the French language. I haven't had French since high school in 2008.
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Interesting note on this, you have to get the earlier editions of the book because someone removed that chapter on SR. I wonder who it could (((be))).
> How do you guys deal with blue balls?
>epididymal hypertension
it's harmless. You've trained your body to coom so much it is in pain (withdrawal) like a crack addict. It'll pass soon enough.
wtf. that's crazy. that's an actual high quality and on topic paranormal thread. I don't get why it was deleted
Because you're not allowed to access real power
Woke up in a daze from an afternoon nap and started peeking half-asleep. Naps and oily food are the triggers for me. I should know better.
Made it to day 70. Started bulking a few days ago.
In addition to SR I’m giving up nicotine, weed, and alcohol.
Did that too bro
It's easy on SR, it's like purifyer. Diet is cleaner as well
No clue either. They are semen demons
Same here. Even gave up caffeine.
2-3 weeks in I lost count.
Along with all the other benefits, I see a benefit that I don't see people discuss. I have more eye brow hairs now...
And something really wierd is happening with my eyebrow hairs where they start bending up and down. Sometimes they jump in front of my eyes and I can hear the eyebrow hair literally jump like a spring. Really weird.

Anyone else have stuff like that happen to their eyebrows
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we got him boys. the suspect has been identified.
proceed with caution. MOPP Level 4 required for apprehension of suspected super-coomer.
lol its the lightning i just want to show my eyebrows
heres in daylight pic
this pic was before the crazy eyebrow thing started happening tho
What I mean is where the eyebrow hairs start litterally popping up and down like springs with lots of force for an eyebrow hair
Its hard to explain
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Just kidding bro. Good on you for your progress. Keep up the good work.
The Vril force grows in you. Keep it up. I'm no master at this but I heard something I liked - "I may not be able to control the first thought that comes to mind. But I can certainly control the 2nd and 3rd."
So, I try to think that when the demons come around.
Do you have unwanted thoughts as well? I am a schizophrenic with 2 antipsychotics. I heard the mind becomes more empty after a long time on semen retention. I hope that is the case.
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>Do you have unwanted thoughts as well
All the time. But less so as I progress through SR.
Have you ever heard that schizophrenia may be caused by parasites?
Yeah Ive read that here before.

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