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What's the skinny on that genre.
Can op be more direct? Is there something specific or just 'new age' as a whole?
Will say this, much of what is called New Age is not new at all. Just a repackaging of much older ideas, practices, ect.
What's the latest news? What the wave meant. Does the council to report. Are we still under attack by weird stuff. What's the meaning of now.
>yo im a star seed or some chit cracka
nah i dont fuck with it
highly edicated post
I want to fuck that Pepe.
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Most of it is trash
Except RA material and Dolores Cannon plus a few others
dolores cannon is a fictional creative writer
Keep telling yourself that. She recorded many of her sessions and it wasn’t here saying the information. It was a bunch of dumb hicks from Arkansas who had no idea what metaphysical concepts were. There’s no way 80-100 iq normies faked 20 books worth of details on anything she could think to ask. From Atlantis to the afterlife.
I created her like that.
Have you seen a regression session? They say random bs that pops into their head. NDEs have more credibility and they don't mention the same things.
She seems nice. Thanks for the intel.
>random bs that pops in their head
>ties into Atlantis and complex subjects most don’t understand
Nah you’re full of shit. I’ve found that lies are easy to spot and these people wouldn’t be able to make a bunch of shit up without directly contradicting each other.
Her technique is so good it’s world famous. QHHT isn’t about leading and she asks direct questions. But please keep spewing bullshit, you just make yourself look dumb
Your welcome. She had a podcast for many years before she died. 3 waves of volunteers and her convoluted universe series are my favorites
They do contradict each other but she only includes the ones where they validate each other. You have been tricked.
it’s still impossible for 80 iq people to make up all of this and it’s confirmed in other books
You might have a point if her work didn’t align with RA, Quo, Ruth Montgomery, Seth speaks, Edgar Cayce, etc
I can name many more authors who confirm her work
Plus she’s trained many more people who are saying the same thing
I’m sorry you’re so stupid but it sounds like you care about repeating the traditional narrative instead of the truth. Thanks for giving me an excuse to list even more authors though. Glowtard
You sound like a woman. I'll be hiding this thread now.
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Good list. Pic related was also worth a mention. Not sure how much her stuff ties in with the new age stuff though
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New Age doesn't have good reputation and any modern source of esoteric information would rather distance itself from that label. It's a genre of occultism, spiritualism etc that's usually practiced by dilettantes of hardly any degree of spiritual refinement and achievement, founded upon embarrassing mix of half-understood theories from various earlier cosmologies and occult traditions twisted together with no regard for whether they come from clashing cosmologies or different moral/ethical stances toward the same thing.

Add to that the fact that many authors and propagators of it are simply hippies hoping for all that universal love energy healing them through crystals and shit or cutthroat authors merely willing to take gullible for a spin and line their pockets with hopeful teenage wannabe witches' allowances.

I'd stay away. There are glimmers of truth there - after all, New Age movement and its sources are based on esoteric knowledge coming before it - but the way it's all mixed together and butchered leaves it far more likely to be useless or even harmful than beneficial to average practitioner. Think "use power of love using those herbs in a ritual dedicated to faerie mother to cleanse contrails from planes and empower your crystals with Buddha love of Aztec priests!" kind of "everything and kitchen sink" spirituality.
Checked. We still doing that whole digits don't lie thing??
All the new age "influencers" on tiktok are just mean girls talking shit about other new age girls they don't like.

It's actually sad seeing them literally attack each other because one of them uses a different candle in their rituals it's so petty and stupid.

New age witches in general are some of the most hypocritical lame malicious ppl you will meet esp3cially if they're "influencers" and have a following.
Dunno, but this post does seem truthful to me.
The spirit I talk to says we are pleiadians, arcturians, reptilians, dolphins, humans, pretty much all the time. I studied occultism and raja/kundalini/prayanama alongside my new age pursuits. I found that the practices I did yielded results which increased my spiritual awareness, and then I encountered the sorts of beings other people claimed they channeled. I didn't really get the same information though, in terms of events, dates, disclosure, etc. I got timeless spiritual wisdom the same that I was given in my past lives over thousands and thousands of years. These beings will talk about god angels aliens and sciences all the same. Genetics, materials, telepathy, psychic experience, metaphysical soul experience, past lives, stuff like that. They will say, you are actually such and such being from this old story. It all sounds so incredible and hardly believable, especially the past life stuff. This being thinks I'm the shit as far as humans are concerned, says I'm wonderful. I try to deny the identities it places upon me because I don't remember shit about them, but every now and then I will dream about something that sort of halfway confirms yes I was that one. I don't want to be considered so important, I say I'm here I'm retired if the world wants saving it can figure itself out, stuff like that. It says, well, you were all these things because you are actually such and such spiritual being, and it was your awareness, and I sort of do have awareness super powers. I can become the sky above the river, so to speak, and my ego recedes and I hear beautiful music sang to me about truths and my souls questions and longings.
If you really want to get into new age, what you should to is meditate, practice yoga, lucid dream, and learn to channel such things yourself. Channeling isn't an ability about telling the future, its an ability to create a present moment of telepathic awareness with another soul to perceive the universe.
>all those conflicting ideas and word vomit of various terms
>The spirit I talk to says we are pleiadians, arcturians, reptilians, dolphins, humans, pretty much all the time
>This being thinks I'm the shit as far as humans are concerned, says I'm wonderful
>all that "you were such and such super being", somehow no one reincarnated from being regular peasant
Sorry anon, you're either bullshitting us or delusional and likely just giving expression to your own need for ego-stroking and being special. The fact you've made the post given already shitty reputation of new age and how we see simialr claims also makes me suspect you have little of a clue about those things.
At least you fit in well with all those bad rumours about new age people.
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Now you know why the inquisition of old used to hunt them down and burn them
Inquisitions happened because some non-jews were practicing unlicensed jew magick. Oh and probably because witches were competition to secret societies doing magic.
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>Now you know why the inquisition of old used to hunt them down and burn them
Fun fact. They didn't, really. History twisted by popculture.
Most often inquisition had to show up to save people from the mob/people who tried to accuse others of witchery to put blame on someone else for their shitty life/take their stuff.
Usually in the end the person just had to publicly kowtow before the God and the church and declare their faith, pray a bit, get slap on the wrist and they were set.
In minority of cases where there was an execution, it had to be from absolutely uncooperative or vile person (with a few expections usually motivated by politics or profit) and even then the executing part was done by the local civil servants/angry mob.

Now you know.
But yes, new age is almost always retarded regurgitation of mystical half-truths to peddle to young, clueless, delusional and/or easily manipulated
it sounds to me the beings are manipulating this anon, like they probably do to many other. it's why many schizos who hear voices, when voice tells them to jump from bridge and an hero, they will do it, because for many that voice has grown to be a "friend", or only source that's giving attention (because we live in a time where parents don't care for their children anymore). So someone suddenly getting info how he/they are this or that archetype from this or that star wars trilogy, or whatever slop, most people believe that because they want to believe it.
>So someone suddenly getting info how he/they are this or that archetype from this or that star wars trilogy, or whatever slop, most people believe that because they want to believe it.
Sadly, often that's how it happens. That's why schizos get drawn to the occult. It gives their needful, deprived selves hope for something more. Suddenly the mental issues or imaginary friends caused by painful loneliness have a chance to be more, to be true voices of special spiritual guides from beyond, here to prove that the poor sod is not really a dead end of a human being, but a chosen one!
Join the dark side luke. The sith pussy is better
The term "New Age" does not refer to a specific religious doctrine. It is more of a milieu inspired by Western and Eastern esoteric traditions and characterized by certain thematic elements therefrom -- holism, channeling, yoga, alchemy, etc. Like everything in this carnal world, it is subject to commercialization and degradation to a simple marketing category. It is best to look beyond such labels to the spiritual truths within.
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i got real curious about new age stuff aroubd 89/91 and at the time it all seems to be marketed by a bunch of grifters from the long-nose tribe.
tl;dr urantia
"Love and Light"
It's marketing and I suspect that some of the bigger names in the movement are MK/Monarch agents.
I borrowed some of you for this >>38957111
You sound like a glowtard ignorant bitch
Go to Reddit
There’s tons more people like you there
Fuck you jew. You can’t keep everyone ignorant forever. Your false god will be exposed
Nah Jews hate new age. They push only fake grifters to keep everyone dumb. Jews control the oldest religions most tho. Everyone knows Christians, Jews and Muslims are the most controlled mk ultra psyops
>hate and darkness instead
you’ll reap what you sow
>Everyone knows Christians, Jews and Muslims are the most controlled mk ultra psyops
This. Apparently original christianity was very different from modern christianity. Pre-nicean christians read ton of gnostic books, and also they believed in reincarnation. It's only after nicean commitee by TPTB that reincarnation was officially removed from christianity, because they need goyim to keep working hard. Any ideas that there's "system" in place against you (demiurge and archons) is poison to elite's control, so they had to remove all of that as much as possible from official Christianity.
Rituale Magica ad Emundationem Aërii et Fortificationem Crystallorum sub Tutela Matris Faeriae
Ad Usum Sinceri Magi qui Vires Amoris et Virtutem Herbarum Suscipere Intendunt
1. Tempus Electum: Hoc ritus debet perficere die Lunae in crescenti Luna, horis aurorae vel vesperae, ubi firmamentum purum est et nec coruscationes nec venti vehementes obstrepunt.
2. Herbae Opportunae: Sume has plantas magicas, quae potentias specificas afferunt:
Veronica Officinalis (Herba Matris Faeriae) ad invocandam praesentiam Matris.
Rosmarinus Sanctus ad purgationem aëris.
Salvia Divinorum ad claritatem animi et visum spiritualem.
Flos Papaveris Somniferi ad alliciendum amorem quietis et concordiae.
3. Instrumenta:
Crystalli Purissimi: Quartzius, Ametista, et Turmalina Nigra, cum proprietatibus ad retinendum energias caelestiales.
Calamus Argenteus: ad circumferendam sigilla ritu in terra vel arenis aspergendas.
Candelabra Cerulea et Aurea: in octo angulos circum orbem posita, ut in circulo octagonali stent.
4. Vas Sanctificatum: Vas ex lapide lapis-lazuli paratum ad decocendum herbas, cum lac lunae (aqua lunaribus radiis perfusa) impletur.
>Incipit Rituale
1. Locum Sacrum Circumscribere: Stans in medio loci nocturno sub caelo, tracito circulum cum Calamo Argenteo, deosculando ab ore ad finem. Vox autem clara loquatur:
>“In nomine Matris Faeriae, reginae universalis, ego ego, devote filius/dilecta filia eiusdem, voco hanc septentrionalem, australem, occidentalem, et orientalem partes! Mundus caelestis sit apertus mihi, elementa coniuncta, et vis vera accedat.”
2. Herbarum Decoctio: Cum circulus circumscriptus sit, pone omnes herbas electas in vas sacrum, dicens:
>“Herbae sanctissimae, quae per vias occultas crescitis, spiritus vestri coniungantur, potentiam amoris et purgationis deferentes! In odorem ascendant ad aethera, sicut olim sacerdotes magni, Buddhae, et vates alii immolabant ad invocandas auras purgandas.”
Dum haec verba efferuntur, incende decocitum herbarum, patiente spiritu. Inspira odorem profundius, dum cogitas de faerie energia Matris Amoris a capite ad pedes diffundenda.
3. Invocatio Matris Faeriae: Stans supra circulum, tuas manus levans versus firmamentum, loquere:
>“O Magna Mater Faeriarum, Regina Argentea Lunae et Regina Florem Multicolorium, tui filii vocamus in hac hora! Da nobis potentiam tuam ad purgandum aëra, frangendum venenosas umbras in caelo, et vincendum falsos spiritus!”
Profer nomen eius “Gwendolinae” cum profunditate et reverentia, ter bis.
4. Formula Sigillorum Aeris: In omni puncto cardinali, in ipsis arenis scribe sigillum figuram trifolii monstrans, cum nomine “AEIRA SOLUTA” in centro. Hic signum aeris inflexibilis est, potentia Matris Faeriae ad dissipandas caeli noxas. Post haec scripta, intonas verbum “LIMINI” septies.
5. Crystallorum Benedictio: Crystallos illos pone in ipso igne herbarum, et effunde guttas Lac Lunae super eos, dicens:
>“Per Matrem Sanctam, in virtute sigillorum huius circuli, fiat purificatio omni veneno occulto, fiat transformatio, fiat protectio perpetua! In te, Quartzium, datur claritas! In te, Ametista, datur pax! In te, Turmalina Nigra, datur fortitudo!”
His dictis, animum colligens, figuram serpentis circum crystallos trahas calamo argenteo, significans vim serpentinam Matris reseratam.
>Clausura et Sacrificium Amoris
1. Canticum Hymnumque Laudis: Utere carmine antiquo:
>“Ave, Regina, O Mater Amoris, Ave, Regina, spes in faustis horis, Da nobis pacem, lumen ac sortem, Tu per virtutem effuges mortem!”
Dum cantus effertur, singuli crystalli manu tenentur, respirando in eos amor purissimus, ut quasi foculus accendantur.
2. Liberatio Vaporum: Cum hymnus compleatur, vas versum firmamentum eleva et herbam incensam sursum ventilato, sic dicens:
>“Aër emundetur, caelum purgetur, filii Faeriae gaudeant! Crystalli, nunc potentiis Buddhae et praestigiis Aztecis, lucete, in amorem refulgentes.”
3. Signatio Finalis: Tres gressus retrahens, da tibi gratias Matri Faeriae, et caput flecte:
>“In nomine Gwendolinae, Matris Faeriarum, hoc fiat.”
Vas herbaceum in terra obruendum est, ubi radices florent, et crystallos in medium circuli pone, ut abscondantur ab oculis profanis.

>Monitum Ultimum
Hic ritus tantum perficitur cum amore et sincero affectu. Nihil mali ullo tempore intendas, nec aerem violare coneris, nam vires herbarum potentissimae sunt, et Matris praesentia solummodo illos purificat qui sincera corda adhibent. Ut Magister Purgatorum Animae dixit: “Qui in puritate ambulat, caelum in palma tenet.”

Quod ad verecundiam abscondi non potest, magice comprehendi debet.

>Captcha: JOAK
dolores cannon is the best. her books go into great detail too. i just finished her book on jesus and the essenes. she says jesus has red hair
nta, qrd on her? any youtube vids that summarizes or goes through the stuff?
It doesn't matter where there's tons of people like me. Reddit is a place infested with new agers as well and I am here.
Got to reddit yourself to be with your ilk, at least considerable number of anons recognizes new age for the scam it is - maybe one which started with good intentions and tidbits of actual knowledge hyped up by enthusiasts, but which soon devolved.
>anon thinking he's smart for pushing random AI prompt in questionable latin
Fuck off?
New age or New cage?
>3 waves of volunteers theory
The spirit world saw the problems on this world developing and put out a call for volunteer souls. The 1st wave of volunteers was WW2 & baby boomers, the 2nd wave was gen x & millennials (souls with experience breaking old systems down and building new ones), 3rd wave is zoomers and younger kids
I’ve never seen this guy but he does a good job of breaking down the book quickly.
Dolores Cannon was a sweet lady and she’s not dumb but she can’t remember everything in her books, since it comes from hypnotizing random people who showed up to her sessions. Done in group but most done with the person laying down and the subconscious answering
Sometimes she’ll miss things in her book or interpret things wrong and once in awhile I wish she asked better questions but overall her QHHT technique is really good at getting to that deep relaxed state. It’s the technique most used by secret space soldiers though she doesn’t focus on that. She had a person who lived a life as an essene during the time of Jesus. She did lots of sessions about Atlantis and alien planets. Her stuff is like Edgar Cayce but easier to read and it comes from tons of different people all saying similar things.

Dr Brian Weiss has another good hypnosis technique for reaching the subconscious but he focuses on past lives on this planet
and are incomplete/one sided ideas at that. But they do have some merit.
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I pretend to be so I can sleep with girls. Check her chakra. Check her crystals. Make sure she’s not a real witch. If you’re caught by a real witch be frank with her and tell her you want to fuck but totally willing to just get up and leave too. 90% of the time you can then sleep with the witch and she’ll introduce you to any thirsty girls in her coven who need a man for a time. I’m not a gigolo I’m just a man with an appetite.
How about New age (wage) cage xD
New ageism is mostly a fabrication by the archontic forces of darkness to bring spiritual people into a place of complacency about the world, so that they can be herded into the NWO.

Archangel MIchael is one of the main forces behind new ageism.

More importantly you either get it or you don’t, and don’t worry about it if you don’t.
>The spirit world saw the problems on this world developing and put out a call for volunteer souls
Sounds like a scam. Especially if souls were chosen due to some aptitude - fat lot that would do given that almost all people are mindwiped and don't remember anything, to be trained and raised into particular attitudes from scratch for duration of their lives, just like anyone else.
Double as funny given this bit:
>souls with experience breaking old systems down and building new ones
Turned out that those, especially millenials, mostly broke shit down due to incompetence and crappy political posturing rather than through some smart planning for the future - and then they haven't built anything but more parasitic organisations.

So either the whole theory's a bullshit (or a scam to encourage souls to reincarnate and harvest byproduct of their lives) or it's a proof that those advanced spiritual otherworldly planners are in truth incompetent.

Either way, yet another shit to pin on New Age as unreliable.
Latin is too much for you?
If such kind of bullshit is the best New Age has to offer (given anons praising Dolores Cannon as per >>38953987 >>38959579 ) then I cannot take it seriously.
The alien model is better. It also has souls, but you can make different interpretations with it, none of this "this place is school", no the alien model literally allows for demiurge/loosh farm models in it. It's also supported by the ra material of those lyran vs orion vids
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Didn't she have some pre runner to the NPC meme ? I think she called them Back Drop People.
That's going to be my band name

>dolores cannon
>brian weiss
many here can’t comprehend next level shit like this but both authors are two of the best
the way weiss proves reincarnation would make an excellent movie.
>ra material
most here wouldn’t even be able to understand the concepts in this book
look at these retards
the reading comprehension of the people I (you)’d has to be below 6th grade level
there’s no way these idiots could ever grasp the concepts in books like ra material
Do you count Dr Joe Dispenza as new age? That dude is sick. His kundalini meditation heal sone people of diseases like Parkinson’s. He’s like a modern day Jesus.
New age is okay but they tend to focus on only the positive
Most people don't like old age so, I guess?
Age of Aquarius?
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>one of the great ones
I feel like a lot of the new agers don't want to address actual problems, and don't have actual solutions to them
Yup. New age is religion/spirituality remixed and repackaged into a capitalist product. Whereas normal religion has been selected for over hundreds of years based on its ability to engender a healthy and functional society (though it's never necessarily anywhere near ideal), new age beliefs and practices have been selected for solely to comfort and appeal to the individual, especially the wealthy individual who has the time and money to spend on it. So naturally it ends up being a lot of bullshit.
You sound butthurt and trying to get back at anons for disagreeing with you. You know nothing about reading comprehension of those anons nor you address their criticism, you just try to put on airs to feel you're better than them. If that's the level of understanding and maturity of a new age practitioner, that's damning all in itself.
>dr joe
>modern jesus
no doubt his book becoming supernatural really changed my life. it taught me how to quiet my mind and finally meditate
New age is really popular here as you can tell by the books often brought up but the glowies use new age as an excuse to attack subjects they don’t want us learning about. It’s best to not use “new age” on 4chan
It brings out retarded glowbots
Exactly if op had used esoteric instead of new age, most of these tards would be drooling and repeating Rosicrucian shit they stole from Rudolf Steiner

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