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>Tuesday, 20 October 1970. Around 7 pm Mr Y was driving from Shanklin to Ryde via Seaview to see a friend. Passing through the village of Brading, he turned right to St Helens and then became aware of a large multi-lit ' aircraft' to his right about half way Presented by Norman Oliaer between the road and Bembridge Downs. It looked enormous as it flew low over swampy terrain. He stopped the car and watched: the ob- iect hovered apparently aimlessly over the swampy margins of the river Yar: a wide ring of seven or more lights could be seen, each ofthem a large and clearly-defined sphere, 'like a bright red cherry' and interspersed with a turquoise and a white light: no sound could ne heard. Our witness drove on and the object flew parallel. Once outside St Helens it cut across about 300 yards behind him and dropped slowly, meandering above distant hed- ges, now appearing smaller with the number of red lights reduced to four which seemed to rotate slowly. Mr Y again stopped and this time used his torch to signal for some ten minutes, during which time the object weaved backwards and forwards without 'seft- ling.' He then continued on to his appointment: when he reached his destination, the red lights were still there and he left his own rear lights on to face the object. Coming out of the house his friend could see the thing also-playing' hide and seek' between the tree-tops. As he continued on to Ryde the lights were lost to view and our witness saw them no more. On several subsequent occasions he noticed single balls of red light in the sky whichwould hang stationary or fol- low him along as though checking his movements, but on 1 March 1972 a considerably more frightening incident occurred.
>It was between 9 pm and 10 pm and Mr Y was perched on the cliffside at Compton Buy, having been driven there by an unexpected tidal surge seemingly caused, in part at least, by some form of droning underwater craft. From his vantage point, he observed two points of light-yellow- and' peering up at me like the eyes of some horrible sea monster.' He guessed the 'eyes' were not much more than 40 feet away and were just below the surface of the sea, like a sort of peri- scope. They disappeared and as the tide gradually subsided, Mr Y was able to bet gack to his car and drive home. At no time did he tell his young daughter ofanything he had experienced but at the beginning of May 1973, when she was seven years old, she claimed to have had a very weird encounter indeed.
>Fay, or so we shall call her, was near Lake Common, Sandown on a Tuesday afternoon about four o'clock with a boy about her own age when they both heard a weird wailing noise not unlike an ambulance siren. They followed it across the golf-links and through a hedge leading to a swampy meadow adjacent to little-used Sandown Air- port. The noise ceased. As they were crossing a wooden foot- bridge over a narrow brook, a blue- gloved hand appeared from under the bridge and a strange figure emerged. The figure fumbled with a book, dropped it in the water, then splashed about to retrieve it. The two then watched the figure enter a metallic hut-similar to those used on building sites except that it had no windows. It moved along with a strange hopping motion with knees raised high.
>The children wandered off and were over 50 yards away when the figure (which from now on will be referred to as 'he') reappeared carrying a black-knobbed microphone with a white flex attached. The wailing noise immediately returned, this time being so loud that the boy was scared and began to run away: the noise ceased and 'he' spoke into the microphone and although so far of the children could hear his voice as clearly as though he were right near them. ' Hello, are you still there?' he asked, and in response to what sounded a friendly tone they ventured close enough to speak to the oddly attired person
>He was nearly seven feet tall and had no neck-for his head appeared to be wedged straight onto his shoulders. He wore a yellow, pointed hat, which interlocked with the red collar of a green tunic. A round, black knob was affixed to the top of his hat and ' wooden' antennae were attached either side. The face had triangular markings for eyes, a brown square of a nose and motionless yellow lips. Other round markings were on his paper-white cheeks and a fringe of red hair fell onto his forehead. 'Wooden slats' protruded from his sleeves and from below his white trousers. His first communication was in writing . .
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>He wrote in a note-book in a large hand, ' Hello and I am all colours, Sam.' The boy was hesitant, but Fay read each word as it was pointed to: this was necessary as the words were not laid out in conventional sequence. The children ventured closer and dis- covered that the creature could talk without the aid of a microphone, though his lips did not move and speech was unclear-rather like that of a person who does not open his mouth properly. He asked the children about themselves so they ventured to ask questions too. They asked about his clothes, which were all ripped, and he told them he only had one set so he could only wear those. Because of his strange white features they asked if he was really a man. The answer was a chuckled 'No.' They also asked if he was a ghost. The vague reply was 'WelI, not really, but I am in an odd sort of way. 'What are you then?' they continued, but only obtained the answer 'You Know' with no further explanation. He also said he had no name and that there were others like him.
>He also confided that he was frightened of people and scared they might hurt him. Apparently if attacked he would not fight back. At his invitation the children crawled through a flap into his hut, which contained two levels. The lower had plenty of headroom and was 'wall- papered' in blue-green and covered with a pattern of dials. It also had an electric heater and simple, wooden furniture. The upper level was less spacious and the floor was metallic. He told the children that he fed upon berries which he collected in the late afternoon: he didn't say where, but did indicate that he had a 'camp' on the mainland he could go to. He also said that the water from the river could be drunk once he had cleaned it. Once inside the hut he removed his hat to reveal round, white ears and sparse brown hair. Before eating a berry, he performed an odd 'conjuring trick.' He placed the berry in his ear, thrust his head forward and caused the berry to disappear and reappear at one of his odd eyes: repeating the process, the berry traveled to his mouth. (A possible explanation could be that he was using some kind of protective mask and analyzing the berry to check it wasn't poisonous).
Look up nazca mummies maria and or montserrat. Look at the fingers and toes
>The children talked to this strange being for half-an-hour or more, then, after saying 'Goodbyer' they rushed across the golf-links to tell the first man they met that they'd seen a ghost: he merely laughed. But the children were convinced of their experience and that the being was either a ghost or someone dressed up.
>Fay told her father of her experience some three weeks later, on 2 June 1973. At first he found the story quite unbelievable, but was alarmed at the detailed account and Fay's certainty as to its truth: she was quite upset when he suggested she'd made it up or invented it. Mr Y saw the boy, but found him not easy to communicate with, though he did get a statement from him verifying that he'd seen it too. Apart from 'make-believe,' other possibilities considered included a 'shared hallucination' and a deliberate hoax by someone. There was such an extraordinary amount of detail, however, which included the further point that the creature clearly had only three fingers on each blue-gloved hand and three toes on his bare, white feet, making a deliberate hoax somewhat difficult. And, indeed, why go to all that trouble ? Mr Y tells me that although bizarre, certain elements of the story rang true to him and he also took account -of the possibility of some connection with his own- previous experiences. Summing up, he says, " I get the impression that Fay was somehow taken into a bubble of alien reality created by this strange personage. He told them he had just made the hut. Also, Fay told me that while they were talking to this 'ghost', two workmen nearby were repairing a post. They paid no attention to the weird charade as "though they could not see it."
Both children held to this story as true till their deaths.
Was he a robot from an alien world?
He seems nice i'd be his friend
A fairy from the fae world, or as we would call it today, an alien from a parallel world
The girls name is quite a coincidence
99% sure it wasn't her real name, 1900's media comms.
you're right, at least shows the connection wasn't out of the mind of the writer

he needs more art
he looks like a cool buddy to have

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