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Link to youtube for the doc trailer: https://youtu.be/8bSbmn9ghQc?si=IN_hETV-7U3zD2yT
This is his website https://www.codeofreality.com/home
Pic rel.

Basically after watching this twice, chatting to the guy on live just minutes ago and watching a few of his things; what they do is smoke a little DMT, enough just prior to a 'break through' dose, they then setup a laser, point a 650nm red line laser module with diffractor at a wall or solid object and they say that they are able to see what can be described as 'code' most similar to japanese characters or hebrew ktav.

According to them they have replicated this hundreds of times.

Very interested in this. Could be a total grift to sell lasers, could be pseudoscience, could just be fucked up druggy hippies spacing out but im interested because I have seen similar things while on DMT and also while meditating as have many others.
bump, the one time I really got into DMT, I never had a breakthrough dose, but I remember seeing these mini explosions everywhere in the ether that to me seemed like the prime creative force of the universe. Like everywhere I looked, I saw that which was generating our reality. Hard to explain.

I never had much of a desire to smoke it again because I felt like, for a brief moment while high, I completely understood the "meaning of life" and purpose of existence, and that, it was almost like a cheat code. Decided it took the mystery away too much

but this is interesting. I'm tempted to replicate it
Lol you don't need lasers bro..
Also works on mushrooms..
Yeah geometric and codes on the walls
Every time.. they're consistent too, meaning they're the same shapes and symbols..
Yeah I see what you are saying but what he is saying is that EVERYONE sees the same thing, the same way, through the same process. If he is right and we can, I don't know somehow record this thing, its insane!
Can you write some from memory?
They all say that they're seeing the same thing and then also saying that the thing they're seeing changes. There's nothing consistent about this besides your brain interpreting brightness as letters but you can see this even without lasers, the lasers just make it stick out more.

The brain can recognize language -> DMT makes you hallucinate so you can see language where it normally isn't -> lasers make this effect more prominent. You see the same thing when reading and letters morphing into other letters, it's just the brain overfitting.
Ive seen so many things while in meditation its wild. Big white powerul things that seemed like uplcose versions of teh sun or god, who knows, feeling like im flying through dimensions, all sorts of colors and weird shit, have had a few auditory hallucinations where I could hear the most beautiful music ever like a woman singing an unknown language just to me that brought me to tears, most recently I saw a grid shape that looked as if it was made of clouds in the sky!

On DMT, only ever done it once, it was as if I was in the pastal colored bubble world, you know the way soap bubbles combine and connect, it felt like that was what reality was but i could see it all around me, is the best way i can describe it, on the bubbles these same images but only single pieces of these symbols per bubble, these bubbles then transformed into these dancing hobbit/goblin creatures.
>I don't know somehow record this thing

Controlled experiment, same room, same lasers, same dose (may need to adjust for body weight), ideally all DMT previous users, 10 males 10 females, healthy volunteers, no dyslexics.
Session 1 (control):
Sober subjects. Put tracing paper on a wall and project some characters in a language they all don’t know (Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, etc). Ask them to draw/trace the characters. Count the number of similar characters among volunteers.
Session 2 (DMT lasers):
Administer DMT. Put tracing paper on the wall where the lasers are being projected, then ask them to draw/trace over the characters once they start feeling the effects of the DMT.
Your null hypothesis is that if the same glyphs are observed across different individuals), you should observe a similar or perhaps even higher number of similar glyphs/figures as when your volunteers are drawing characters of a language they do not know.
Analyze the tracing paper and count the number of similar figures. Do a statistical analysis of similar figures, first within the same subject (before/after), then across subjects separated by sex, then across all subjects.
Yeah I thought about this and then give them mute lasers as well as a placebo dose of DMT.
>woah dude if I take hallucinogens I see things
>Also works on mushrooms
Both LSD and mushrooms upregulate endogenous DMT. This is how they work. This was discovered around 2020 and there's a paper published on it. I'm pretty sure you can find it.
I think it's the same researcher who definitely proved DMT was endogenous in human beings (this has been a very long running hypothesis, but had never been definitely proven).
Considering the extremely subjective nature of the phenomenon, it should be tested triple blind. That is, the person directing the experiment should not know what these people are supposed to see, or have any contact with anyone who knew. Ideally, the experiment should be designed so that both the subject and the experimenter are misdirected as to the intention of the research. That would not rule out the telepathy effect that is also a concern in remote viewing experiments, but if the subject still described and saw the same things, it would be reasonable to think there's something there.
The person comparing the descriptions and drawings of the subjects should be completely unaware as to the nature and goal of the experiments.

Do that, and you have a case. Otherwise, it's just people on drugs tripping balls and conditioning each other.
>they are able to see what can be described as 'code' most similar to japanese characters or hebrew ktav
Intrigued. Where are the drawings done by the subjects? Or is this
>woah dude we totally saw the same thing
tier bullshit?
They should take a marker and trace the code so it's physical.
I would like to see this.
>focus on fixed point
>draw the shapes without moving your eyes
It would be the same as tracing them if you could keep your frame of reference the same
At the very least try to replicate it from memory and without looking at what other people have drawn, then compare.
The problem is we all know there is nothing fundamental about this. It's just the interaction between the brain and the laser, mediated by the drugs. There is nothing more revealing about the nature of reality than if we were watching water run or smoke rise while on DMT.
I'm not being materialistic. I'm just saying there's nothing special about lasers. And the notion that we would be able to see "the code of reality" makes absolutely no sense. The simulation we live in is coded in narrative structures, not "computer code". What a narrow minded perspective would you have to have in order to believe this is plausible.
Where is DMT legal? I'm all the way from Southeast Asia, should I go to Mexico or whatever to find Ayahuasca or are most of them scams / tourist trap with fake DMT. Also I don't wanna get kidnapped by the cartels. Or get a wrong look with the local hood and they get offended or something.
>I don't wanna get kidnapped by the cartels. Or get a wrong look with the local hood and they get offended or something.
Jesus Christ the US is such a shithole. Just come to Europe. There's dime a dozen "shamans" that will give you the trip you want. Ironically, you might even be able to book and enjoy a trip to Peru from here without all the nightmare fuel hellscape cartel bullshit that's prevalent in your country's aura. Holy shit you guys are fucked.
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Good call, anon. This is definitely the next step. After that maybe we’d have a shot at cataloguing and understanding them.
I mostly agree probably but i still wanna see it
super easy cider squeezy to extract dmt yourself from mhrb and a fun learning experience.
>from mhrb

are there any good sites for it now? Years ago I used a site called maya-ethnobotanicals.com but they appear to have shut down. I was able to get powdered mhrb which worked very well
Kinda reminds me of when I was on LSD and doing wippits with some friends, for awhile I could see what I guess I would describe as waves of energy rippling around and I noticed that as they passed through my friends and I we all reacted to it without realizing it. Like as it passed through my first friend he stood up, 2nd friend turned his head towards me I was gonna try no to move as it went through me but I couldn't, I ended up compelled to run my hands through my hair and couldnt stop it. It only lasted a few minutes and then faded away but every single time one of the ripples I could see passed through us we all had a physical reaction to it without even realizing it. Sorry if I explained it poorly.
My father said that every time he did DMT, he would see highly complex Alhambra patterns.
staring at laser lines on a wall doesnt sound like a very enlightened thing to do.
>most similar to japanese characters or hebrew ktav
>can't pick one
So, nothingburger
>they're consistent too
Great, so you can tell us what was said?
Or... maybe not, just like every other junkie.
That person never mentioned the US, that would be Central and South America.
It's not ktav or japanese, it's an aramaic script
Yeah, it's an aramaic script, they're low IQ
Definitely Aramaic, I saw the script multiple times. I didn't even know it was Aramaic before I researched what I saw and what it meant. I saw a black cube with the word poison under it in aramaic.
You see lines when you shoot a laser into you eye. Yeah no shit lmao
They think that they're doing research when they can't even tell that it's Aramaic
Diffraction patterns of interfering waves. If you control your awareness you can perceive these patterns in your brain and shape them into thought forms which can project out into the universe and stimulate a holographic perception of something. I have been able to produce equations, words, sentences, molecular formula, genetic memories, all sorts of things. I use the rules of electromagnetic phenomena between electric and magnetic fields which I manipulate by creating shaped synaptic impulses within my brain which create a corresponding magnetic field. I have attempted to observe different wavelengths and patterns. While doing these experiments I remote viewed a television sattellite dish, and perceived the diffraction pattern from the shaped parabola meant to redirect incoming waves to the feed horn. This clued me in on the fact that I was observing electromagnetic waves through the magnetic field in my brain. Eyes can perceive the electric component of a photon, but the brain when used as a sensor where the whole brain is an eye focussing its awareness upon the pineal gland can 'see' the magnetic portion of the em spectrum, which allows sight beyond sight. It can both perceive these waves from the universe, and also create them with its own thoughts. Manipulating the 'space' of the mind extending beyond the brain is what true consciousness is all about, and all the telepathic and telekinetic alien species are masters of using this field of thought and intention.
I recently dreamed I was remembering the crystalline structure of dmt that I had made, and I perceived this molecular grid. I could alter the wavelength I perceived this grid, the lower the wavelength into infrared I saw it as lines and shapes, as I decreased wavelength I started seeing less patterns and more sudden quantum tunneling effects from electrons within the crystal matrix and within my synaptic network, creating increasingly nonlinear effects.
no no no no no it can't be aramaic, jesus was not the prophet etc
>it's hebrew ktav
I'm not saying that jesus was the prophet
you're retarded jews
it's aramaic
why are jews so stupid?
it's Aramaic
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it's aramaic
jews are stupid when they can't even tell that their language is a second rate aramaic because they believe that hebrew is the language of the angels
It does look like Ktaw and Japanese.
That person IS from the US. That’s my whole point. They live in a nightmare reality fed to them by their satanic propagandists.
>TLDR, layman's term: "I literally made it up"

Unironically I could believe this.
jews can't tell it's aramaic because they have no ancestry
most jews have fake ancestry they're just grifting off goy can't even tell that it's aramaic
>Think back on the work of Itzhak Bentov

Oh fuck..Do I need to learn Aramaic now ?
came across this on X as well, and I don't doubt their findings, yet I understand many will scoff
> of COURSE if you smoke DMT you're going to see things that aren't there - its a hallucinogen
fucking retard response.
What Dan explains is that DMT allows an individual's perception to expand beyond the ordinary so that this code can be seen. It is intriguing and repeatable.

Indians in the americas explained that cryptids like Sasquatch have an ability to 'cloak' themselves from human perception, and yet several accounts of people taking psychedelic mushrooms claim to not only have gained the ability to perceive these beings, but communicate with them telepathically. There is something to be said about the nature of psychedelics, and this makes me all the more interested in DMT.

I was enthusiastic about it for a long time, wanting to try it, but then I had the offer to take 50x Salvia, bong ripped and I totally lost awareness of who I was, it was a truly dark and terrifying experience until I remembered who I was, began coming down, visions of the pyramids and taken for a truly wild ride. Like a roller coaster when you're a kid.
But the visions stayed with me for days, haunting indeed, and I backed away from DMT because of my negative reaction to salvia.
I now understand that salvia and DMT are quite different, with DMT being more bright and not as scary, but similar in the "losing awareness of who you are" and time dilation thing - I felt as though this life was LONG gone - when I began to come to, I thought that I had died dozens of years ago and my friends in the room were trying to ressurect me from the dead using witchcraft.
> You are on a strong psychedelic, you gonna be okay
> what? help me. how long have I been tripping?
> maybe two minutes.
at that point something clicked and I returned more to reality, but it was crazy. I was apparently screaming for that first minute.

what intrigues me about Dan's work:
I don't remember everything in my trip, except I encountered what appeared to be these very High beings at the edge of the "universe" that were essentially explaining to me that I was not living in a Base reality, but sort of like a program - I DEMANDED to "get out" that they let me pass beyond the barrier to get to base reality - I was trying to break through - I wish I could explain this, but the only way I can explain is that they were saying essentially that I was in a simulation, like the matrix, and that I couldn't just waltz through.
I tried to pass through with force and then was cast back away, ending up in my kitchen thinking I had pissed myself and not sure what my name was.
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>vertical bars turn into letter-like symbols
Big fucking deal. It's called pareidolia. Pre-breakthrough DMT just causes you to project meaningful patterns into meaningless noise. More accurately, to overfit the meaningless noise onto some meaningful pattern, the closest you can find. The stain on the carpet morphs into tropical flowers, the scratches on that wall morph into aztec architecture, and the laser diffraction pattern morphs into code. It has no meaning beyond that which your project onto it.
You can see the code with Mushrooms too, btw. It's like the door of Akasha that pierces the veil of this material reality into the fractal higher dimensions. I thought everyfucking one knew that
>There's dime a dozen "shamans" that will give you the trip you want.
In what country? DMT isn't legal in any European country I know of. Sure, there was a short time here in Eastern Europe (it was around 2010s or so) where you could just import or buy the ingredients and plants to make DMT, but that's over. Thank the EU for that.
Yes, that art is based on psychedelic visions. Same with Aztec art, Christian cathedrals (rose windows, stained glass, vault ceilings, etc) and you also see it on Mushrooms and with holotropic breathwork. I've also seen Norse art. If you look close enough into the patterns, you'll see they're all made of the code.

I'm kind of surprised that people are discovering this now, you can even see it in Alex Gray's art, I thought it was common knowledge. The code is just the veil of Maya, once you pierce Akasha you get to the real higher dimensional stuff.
>Also works on mushrooms

one of the more memorable trips i took on maybe 6g dried p.cubensis was of a scene beyond my imagination

infinite fractal revolving organic runic cog-like machinery

the line between machine, organics and language was blurred, or conjoined, or mixed (???)

the feeling was that i was being shown a film, or a recording of something, rather than the thing itself

the language or the code, or the letters or numbers or whatever they were of the runes on these turning organic wheelcogs seemed to hold shape, they were distinct and unchanging

i wonder if it's something similar to what these guys see
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>you can even see it in Alex Gray's art
yep, this is his interpretation of it

his wife has also created something she calls "secret writing" based on the symbols she sees with LSD. I think many of the ancient human scripts are based on what you see in those altered states of consciousness

yes, I think all of us who have had such trips with psylocibin share the same experience. the code... and the "being shown a film" thing. The mushroom likes to communicate through some kind of "70s animation style" movies in order to give you information. I once had the whole history of mankind reviewed for me that way
>It is intriguing and repeatable.
Go ahead, tell us what it says
I did that and you can still do that in many European countries.
I once used randonautica and it took me to a point in a nearby empty field. I went to the exact spot and took some DMT but not enough to breakthrough. The whole time I was actively asking to communicate with someone beyond our reality or outside our reality - I was actively wishing for it in my head and was vocally asking for it. Eventually, something did respond. Not audibly but it was like a vibration throughout my whole body. I asked it to reveal itself, it responded with "are you certain?" and I replied with yes. About 10 feet in front of me, I saw what I think was a human man "unfolding" into existence like an origami and the space was warping around him, it somewhat resembled a human man but his edges were constantly shifting and moving and unable to fix on a solid shape. His face was constantly shifting from smiling, to neutral, others staring intently, etc with his facial features twisting and unfolding fluidly. It was a very disjointed experience, one second he was in front of me, the other second he was behind me and the next second he was literally all around me. Each time he moved, his body would distort, elongate or fragment. I asked him questions be it was only one word responses, it seemed like it had trouble speaking:

Where do you come from?
Why did you appear?
Are there others like you?
Are you bound by a higher being?

The last question he answered somewhat negatively and the air changed and it felt tense, I started to feel afraid. I closed my eyes and said I want to go back to normal, I am afraid. He replied "Sorry" and he disappeared as the effects of the DMT started to wear off fast.
Surely someone here has dmt and can recreate this in their own video I'm intrigued but I can't help but think he's influencing people into seeing stuff like how they do at ghost tours
I saw this type of font everywhere while on dmt. Even drew it on paper. I also noticed it written on the alien ships in the movie “war of the worlds”
As you can see its on the craft in the background in the tom cruise flick war of the worlds..
i would say that its related to how we perceive color and diffrent wave lenths. im more intrested in getting my hands on DMT.
its a cool party trick i guess.
>I encountered what appeared to be these very High beings at the edge of the "universe" that were essentially explaining to me that I was not living in a Base reality

That happened to me on salvia too. Also thought I had died. Spooky.
Ive seen something like that once maybe twice but on the comedown from acid or shrooms
Saw it on my microwave once
Looked like the weird alien letters on the predator's arm computer in that movie
I saw the same thing first time I tried it, my vision was filled with laser-like explosions that made a vibrating sound and time was dilated
I tried mushrooms only once, about 3 dried grams of subaeruginosa.

I experienced something similar where every surface I looked at was made up of letters from the English alphabet.

I couldn't feel them with my fingers, but they were all squished and compressed like mosaic tiles, as though they made up the surface in this transparent layer sort of way.

For context, english was my second language since three years old but my primary one since then, and I'm eight now. Just kidding, I'm 28. But yeah it was very cool and I couldn't get enough of staring at everything, I couldn't find any patterns like words etc. In the letters, it was just fascinating to observe.
There's obviously more to these different compounds than just upticking DMT concentration or you wouldn't get such varying effects of these drugs. Though definitely part of the same family of drugs, there's a lot of difference between them such as increase/decrease in stimulation which couldn't be explained by dmt concentration alone. High dose mushrooms will have you floored, high dose acid or mescaline analogues can have you climbing on the walls
There's sites selling it and shipping it as "reptile bedding" cuz it looks like the stuff you put in terrariums. But DMT is found in a ton of plants and I can almost guarantee there are some growing in your own country. Just gotta do some research. Start on erowid or DMTNexus
For some reason, the police usually don't bother cracking down on DMT retreats that often. I've seen it in a few countries.
I often see bands or ribbons with symbols on them while under the influence of stuff like this, but it doesn't look like Japanese or Jewish writing. It's more like the ÄÖËĀŮ you see in some European countries but with more dots and its often merged so that one letter represent all or most vowels. Might have something to do with me being Swedish though

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