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The soul is inmortal and may or may not continue after leaving your body. However it does not influence your identity or personality in a mayor way, it does not keep your memories, or your name or anything of the sort.
Your body however impacts your identity and personality in a massive way:
Your senses are physical and genetical (Proved by color blindness and synesthesia)
Your memories are physical (proved by dementia)
Your intelligence and imagination is genetical (proved by down syndrome as well as women being bad at 3d rotation)
The three mayor factors that influence how your sorroundings treat you : Looks, height and gender are genetical and physical.
YOU can never be a soul. Your awareness? you can be knocked out: cant be a soul.
Then what does this spiritual nigger want from us? How can it be anything but parasitical if it provides nothing of value?
Get along with him. He ain't going anywhere.
FUCK that little parasite, I don't want no spiritual nigga feeding on me
Your soul influences what you look like to a degree. People with faggy souls take the more faggy genetic traits compared to their sibling who doesn't have a faggy soul.
Wouldn't it be less risky to not have a soul instead of having a faggy soul?
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That is how NPCs are born. You will get the Jewish instructions beamed directly to your brain.
You mean instead of getting them from their thunder god YHWE?
You guys are so dramatic
Just enjoy where you’re at
>Your memories are physical (proved by dementia)
I think a lot of people's souls are wiped to a blank slate or cut-off somehow, and that this isn't necessarily supposed to be the case, your instinctual memories, if you have them, are your real personality.
Not at all, brain damage has been known to cause big personality changes too, doesn't make sense if souls keep memory and personality
"cut off somehow"
Y'know, like being seriously impaired.
This is adding an unnecessary agent (SOULS) in a simpler explanation (Personality being the result of fisical interactions)
I dont think its a good way to go about things. Will watch the vid and reevaluate
However the fact that one missing emotion (like amigdala damage) having big repercussions in the overall personality (more risk taking) despite not affecting memory or anything of the sort directly, it speaks to a more chemical explanation to most of our actions, as opposed to a soul building onto its personality via experiences. Given that the past experiences never changed but the personality still did, its safe to assume personality is independent of the soul.
nvm the video is tomato kenny, trauma as partial disconnection makes very little sense, considering that it creates some big questions for soul mechanics
Soul is a logfile.
If you're attached to a brain which is dysfunctional you can't really express yourself or do much anyway, so no inner personality could show, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Stuff like Down syndrome still allows for personality expression, the problem with the amygdala example is that the personality changes, as opposed to dissipates or is impeded in some way.
> Doesnt store namedata
...Or gets distorted. Besides, I don't think many people here are true to themselves anyway. We all have fake personalities, from the brain, and the intuitive memories making up what we really are, most of us, are either blocked off or simply gone.
like i said earlier, thats substance dualism when it is a more complex explanation as opposed to brain = consciousness explanation.
Furthermore, times like sleep or being knocked out do not correspond with "soul memories” or perspective of the self as a soul. If it was the case that soul is responsible for memories and the such, we would see constant NDE-like experiences while in those states, instead NDE is expressed as a completely different thing by most people who talk about them. There is also the “last hurrah” of dementia patients, where they recover their faculties as they are close to death, and none of them speak of anything close or similar to NDE or soul disconnection.
NDE are quite literally proof that the perspective of humans does not rely on the soul
You have the seat of your consciousness which sends shards of its own being to various lives. When those lives return to their source they bring awareness of that life. This expresses itself as information that enters your bodily mind as a clear and unambiguous vision without requiring substances that alter your consciousness. At least that is the ligmus test for real spiritual development.
>YOU can never be a soul. Your awareness? you can be knocked out: cant be a soul.
The people who talk about this shit evangelically usually have manipulative spirits. Usually with a history of being touched by the spiritual realm and its denizens and then try to drag others into it. The better thing to say this is: you are not your (You) outside space and time. That you has done things with different perspectives and leads their own life. Can it be you if you developed yourself independently from it? What then of the idea that various things from life and even spiritual miasma can distort your sense of self? Or that people dont know their authentic selves?

The parasitical aspect arises when you become aware of higher life and discover that your God given throne in the mental realm has been taken over by foreign forces. Or distorted beyond your recognition or otherwise isnt what you hoped or would know it to be. That is when you must assert dominance over it and bring all your might to bear to cleanse it.

If you dit in that place, have complete overview, insight and personal inmer power and you own your mental sense of self, that is when you can call yourself your "soul". Or your spirit or your most authentic self or your Atman. If you had to summarize who you were across time and space and where youd send your parts and to do what. If you know all those things truly and stabily. Sure.

Also if there are spiritual gold diggers in your auric field then kick them out anon. If you make this post then you know already what theyre trying to do.
>The soul is inmortal and may or may not continue after leaving your body. However it does not influence your identity or personality in a mayor way, it does not keep your memories, or your name or anything of the sort.
>Your body however impacts your identity and personality in a massive way:
>Your senses are physical and genetical (Proved by color blindness and synesthesia)
>Your memories are physical (proved by dementia)
>Your intelligence and imagination is genetical (proved by down syndrome as well as women being bad at 3d rotation)
>The three mayor factors that influence how your sorroundings treat you : Looks, height and gender are genetical and physical.
>YOU can never be a soul. Your awareness? you can be knocked out: cant be a soul.

This is what I'm being TOLD to believe
Do I personally choose to believe this? Nah.
I don't have soul. I AM a soul. I have a body.
I'm not going to let some loser scientists who did "studies" define my reality.

>Did youuu knooooow that things are the way we want you to believe they are?
>did you knooooooooooowwwwwwww?
No I don't give a fuck what you think. The fact that you have to try to convince me is instant proof to me that you were never right in the first place.
>But you don't keep your memories when you are reincarnated!
Who the fuck says reincarnation is real? Why should I care if you think it is?

GOD is the BOSS. when I die of old age, God is coming to pick me up and I'm going to stay in heaven forever.

NDE's are really deceptive!
You give me a really, really weird vibe from right here.....
>Furthermore, times like sleep or being knocked out do not correspond with "soul memories” or perspective of the self as a soul. If it was the case that soul is responsible for memories and the such, we would see constant NDE-like experiences while in those states, instead NDE is expressed as a completely different thing by most people who talk about them.

This is just bullshit talk, for one. "Not all of our dreams are super vivid, so that means our personality comes from our brain"...?

Are you AI or something?


someone gets it
>However it does not influence your identity or personality in a mayor way
citation needed
>it does not keep your memories
citation needed
>or your name or anything of the sort
citation needed

Too many dumb assumptions, you're not going to get anywhere at this rate
>your body
>your identity
>your memories
>your name
>Your senses
>Your intelligence and imagination
>your sorroundings
>Your awareness
Who is YOU?
YOU are the soul.
thank you, I too scoffed at that list of shit in the OP
All SOULGOLEM posts, don't fall for the propaganda Anon.
>Brain damage or intoxication can alter memory acquisition
>Senses can be stimulated via electrical signals
>Genetic is a big factor in intelligence, confirmed by Down syndrome causing lower intelligence.
>NDE are completely different from dreams or unconscious states, even from comatose or vegetable states
Do not be fooled Anon, these spiritual niggers will do ANYTHING to keep feeding off you
Correct. Soul is none of those things. Soul observes those things, says "those things are mine".
Glad you agree with us.
Wrong again SOULPUPPET
>Ego death
Eliminates the idea of “me” without any kind of spiritual practice, simply the observation of thought (awareness)
>Split brain hemispheres
Research shows both hemispheres can hold distinct personalities, awareness and identities after a split, tough only one remains dominant and capable of language
I hope you see the light and end your current parasitical relationship with the SOULWORM
>simply the observation
Yes that is you, the soul.
Glad you agree.
in judges 19 the concubine represnts the soul and the levite sacrifices it to save his body, in judges 21:20 says how to get a new one if your is gone
Awareness/observation is shown to be affected by chemical intoxication as well as physical trauma my dear SOULHOLE, not a great argument. OBSERVATION IS DISTINCTLY PHYSICAL IN NATURE, both in sense and inside the brain. Try again SOULFAG
>Awareness/observation is shown to be affected
So you observe.
Glad you agree.
astral projection
>Alcohol stops the observation, therefore it is physical
this is the level of discourse SOULTARDS are trying to use to convince you to let them FEED OFF YOU. DO NOT FALL FOR THE PROPAGANDA. SOULS ARE SPIRITUAL PARASYTES
>>Alcohol stops the observation
No it doesnt. Read up. Alcohol prevents the formation of memory, which the soul is not.
You are the soul.
>Astral proyection is different from NDE
Ummm idk if you thought this one through SOULSUIT
>Human mind is analyzing info from subtle senses
>Human body/brain has 4D awareness, no SOULSCUM needed, all physical
>Genetic memory allowing for information about faraway places
>Astral proyection is simply not real
The fact that lucid dreaming is said to be very similar to it does not have help this argument my friend
High intoxication does stop the awareness, same with sleeping or trauma, and you can tell because dreaming in particular does not stop the formation of memories, but your sense of self and observation are both fluid and sometimes non-existent. The only possible counterargument is time awareness while you sleep, however during trauma and mental damage, time awareness is also damaged, proven to be physical as well.
thanks for the you anon you are too based for this world.
>wrong about alcohol
>repeats it anyway

>your sense of self
Correct. You. The soul.
Glad you agree.
Just bury your head in the sand.
This is what the elites want you to buy into
>wrong about alcohol
not at all, memory encoding is necessary for a continuous perception of the self, the fact that the memory encoding is incomplete is plenty proof of a broken link in the chain of self-awareness, and on top of that you have the state of passing out from drinking too much, state I likened to sleeping or trauma induced lack of awareness. Unless you can prove a continuous sense of self even under those circumstances you have to admit to a physical (NON-SOUL) Sense of Self, and personal experience of holding a continuous tought before and after a drinking blackout, speak to an intermittent sense of self existing.
That is literally what soulfags want
Reminder that SOUL-IDEOLOGY justifies:
Abrahamism is a cube prison that represents time. Their goal is to make you a non-thinking golem that will use your (limited) time to do their work, to lose any spirituality, and become happily stuck in the flesh prison.
Nay, this is soul propaganda as well, preparing you for a fight after death that will never come, the only truth is that our limited time on earth is what we have and as such we should make our living spaces better and our lives more free
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>he can't project into a picture and touch the furnishings.
it's a simulation
>Being fooled by soul illusions
Sorry SOULWHORE you do NOT have eternal life
You need to be chopped up into 12 pieces to acuratly comprehend "your soul" the sword that is guarding the garden does this
>>your sense of self
>Correct. You. The soul.
>Glad you agree.
>the elites dont want you to know this
>but the sense of selves in the soul are free.
>you can take them home
>I have 40058939 past senses of self
with soul you can unlock the energies for massive feats (maybe)
Literal soulgolem propaganda
The only thing that needs chopping is the soul parasites. BEGONE SOULNIGGERS MY AURA IS FAR TOO STRONG FOR YOU TO FEED ON MY ENERGY
being a soulwhore isn't actually bad though, cause having a soul you can project in imaginative space is a good skill
The SOUL has you, hook line and sinker. this is your brain on SOUL PROPAGANDA.
Stay safe Soul Free Chads
I both love and hate schizos like yourself.
What about trannies? They have the mind of Female, but body of a male. Or vice versa. Explain that in regards to the soul
>memory encoding is necessary for a continuous perception of the self,
No, it's necessary for the body to recollect such.
And it's funny to watch your troll fall away as you flail and be wrong more and more.
You were doing better when you were agreeing with us.
Instead of lying about alcohol, or just being stupid and repeating lies told to you.
Your every guess is wrong.

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