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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
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You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
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Anonymous 10/02/24(Wed)18:07:08 No.38949003
If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
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Previous >>38948959
Hi div
How does R (male) feel about me?
Good morning div
fucked up the format a bit but fuck it we ball
wusspoppin bruv
Good morning!
Morning cutie <3
Yo, good morning THNTZ!
Will I ever date E?
>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife at 25 because muh legacy meme
>Didn't know you have a 1/36 chance of autist son (and increasing every year)
>He is sever autist (you can't detect severe autism during pregnacy)
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive and destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet

How cans this help me?
Any nice surprises awaiting me this month?
>Star, V of Cups, Princess of Disks Rev, Sun Rev, Chariot Rev, VII of Swords, Ace of Swords
He's not in a very good place at the moment, perhaps he's leaving or has just left a relationship that was a huge disappointment. Which is good for you in a way, because you got closer at this very bad time in his life and you kind of became his support.
But, as I said, he's not in the right frame of mind, he's confused, maybe even aggressive, and I get the impression that it would be bad for you to want something to do with this person at this time.
There is a positive feeling, but they seem to come from a very bad place.

How are you doing today?


>II of Disks, Knight of Swords, Strength Rev, V of Wands Rev, VII of Disks, Ace of Disks Rev, Ace of Wands
The feeling is there, but it seems that the lack of courage on both sides to take action to make it happen is making it a missed opportunity.
If you want it, you have to act and try.
you gotta make sure the hoe doesnt have micro plastics in her and she has a good hormonal profile
Could I ask a next gf Q?
What did you have for breakfast? I had cheese toasties with bacon :p
185 im alright for the most part, im nervous how this family gathering will turn out for me.
Trading a couple of queries
Next gf lol?
I'm fine, just a bit nostalgic today. Could I ask you to see how my ex A is doing these days? I've been contemplating reaching out to her and try to see if the sparkle is still there.
How is j feeling about me?
1) Do I have what it takes to earn money with the creative project I'm envisioning?
2) Advice about the project: anything I haven't considered or that I should be careful about?

your qs?
>How are you doing today?
I'm pretty good.
Thank you!!
>you gotta make sure the hoe doesnt have micro plastics in her
nta but good luck with that lmao, also just step the fuck up and look into getting hired help >>38955260
Why did he block me?
Outcome of joining this gym?
Where will I meet my next partner?
probably because you suck as a person
starting now
What am I meant for in this life?
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Taking readings once again, be my practice guinea pigs! I'm a noob, no refunds. I'm slow, but I'll let you know when I stop.

Post your query according to what is written below.
>NO "when sex".
Yes to everything else! Please be warned that love readings can come off as snippy, know what you're signing up for.

>Pay me with a picture that has a significant emotional meaning to you. Don't skimp, this helps. If you can't think of one, come back when you have it.
>Provide a name or alias for yourself and all people involved, and context where needed.
>If occult themed, names of entities involved would help too, if available.
>No personal journey queries either, figure yourself out.
>Feedback welcome whether positive or negative.
What will happen next time g and I meet?
I have a query.
What does SB (female) feel for me, if anything?
I'm a Libra female.
i have morphic fields that function precisely for this purpose
>1) Do I have what it takes to earn money with the creative project I'm envisioning?
>Empress- nine of pentacles- king of pentacles

Absolutely. You have the ability to go the longterm profit with it, using both your male and female energies at the appropriate times to overcome the hurdles of monetasition of content.

>2) Advice about the project: anything I haven't considered or that I should be careful about?
>Magician- 4 of cups- Queen of swords reversed

I would say that while you have the ability to get what you want, you are prone to disconnecting and stop caring, having difficulties with restarting and reconnecting with the right path. Much confusion and uncertainty in your mind. Maybe you'll try to cater to someone and realize you don't actually know how to go about it.
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what did E think when she saw me?
I woke up late today, so I just had a coffee, but I regretted it because now I feel like having a Monster. But I know myself well enough to know that if I drink an energy drink after coffee I get a caffeine rush kek
>Princess of Wands, II of Cups, Moon Rev, VIII of Cups, IV of Swords, King of Swords Rev, Ace of Pentacles Rev
I don't get the impression that you know her or are very close to her at the moment.
She will love you deeply, but you seem to me to be a very frightened person and very afraid of losing when it comes to love, which can lead you to be a very possessive, manipulative and even cruel person towards your loved one.
Be careful with this, you need to heal these traumas of loss from your past, otherwise it will be a great missed opportunity in your life.

Were you the anon who asked me to a reading about a birthday? I hope everything works out for you.

I didn't feel comfortable reading about her life at the moment, but I did a reading about how the feelings between you are.
>IX of Disks, II of Wands, X of Cups Rev, IX of Wands, Queen of Swords Rev, Queen of Cups Rev, Sun.
The break-up was a bit traumatic, I think more for her than for you.
She seems to want to talk to you, to sort out the things you've left open, but honestly don't expect her to have very positive feelings about you, at least at first.
She's very cold towards you, and some of your actions have made her very insecure about herself.
It will be good for you to have a sincere and serious conversation and sort things out. It may not have the outcome you're hoping for, but it will be a very positive reunion.
>Outcome of joining this gym?
>4 of disks, 5 of cups, 8 of cups
You'll meet new people you'll enjoy being with. Expect a pleasant environment with good vibes. Also, you'll get the results you want on your body easily.

>Where will I meet my next partner?
> 8 of swords, 9 of wands rx, 8 of disks rx
Sounds like you'll meet your next partner during a stressful situation like an accident or during a slight delay like at a train station after you've missed a train. It doesn't seem to be someone you know, but rather someone that you'll meet and fall in love.
Did d love a more than me then and now?
Thanks! I'm glad I have the ability to get what I want and about that second question it feels like you've read my mind! I'll have to work on it.
thank you and good luck!
Hey, could you do me a reading? Will I be able to move on from him soon or how long will I take to heal? I want to continue with my life and start healing.
Is it scared of me?
Hi how has your day been so far?
Can I ask if he’ll reciprocate my advances if I make the first move?
Interesting result, especially considering she's the one that broke up with me. I really wish to have a long conversation with her to clarify everything and make any hurt feelings go away. Maybe we could work slowly together to rebuild what we had before. Tysm!
Are the footsteps we hear in this house spirits? The people living upstairs dont have kids yet we constantly hear little feet running

I think it's caffeinated
Is there any tension between the two of you right now? It will be fine if you remain conscious of some things.

>The World rx, Queen of Cups, King of Wands, Five of Swords, The Hanged Man, Three of Wands, Knight of Cups

There's a tendency for one of you to always want to have the last word in anything, and if you want for it to go well, you have to be more conscious of this and learn to concede and see things from their perspective. Like actually do it, not just try. It's the only way for things to work out well. It can't ALWAYS be the same side yielding.
What will happen with Leo? Do I still have a chance with him?
Wood expands and contracts. Might just be the time the sun hits ya roof or maybe animals in live in the walls
>Am I inside the walls?
I'd like to ask if i can trust PS (male)?
Non romantic ofc lol
Pic didn't attach sos
>The Moon, Three of Cups rx, The Star, Five of Wands, Knight of Wands, Ace of Cups
This could be completely odd, my apologies in that case.

There seems to have been some tensions, struggles or drama you may have recently been involved with, which she seems to be aware of. And she doesn't know which side to believe or what to make of it. She likely wondered about that, but ultimately decided approaching would not be the right move in this scenario. She didn't want to stir the pot, and likely figured letting it be water under a bridge may be the best idea in order for things to take a good turn.
Hmmm ty
I will hunt him down
am i a failure in life, i can't achieve my goals because i'm lazy and i hate myself for it
interesting, shes alright to me i was just wondering. i triumph over all trifflery
womp womp and yes, absolutely
Why do I love b so much? Does b love me too?
>Knight of Wands, Justice Rev, VI of Wands, II of Cups, VIII of Disks, Priestess, III of Swords Rev
It's a time of healing in your relationship with that person.
It seems to me that this person feels that they have been extremely wronged by you, as if the only thing they wanted from you was some demonstration of what you felt and you weren't able to give it to them.
There's love, lots of it. But you're going to have to work hard to win back their trust. Start acting more in tune with your intuition and not your fear.

>Queen of Wands, Empress Rev, Chariot, Queen of Swords Rev, IV of Disks
Yes, you will.
Keep up your determination, you seem to be right in the decision you made, you were too dependent and suffocated by this person in a situation that seemed like it was never going to go any further.
You're going to have to be selfish, cold and even a little cruel, but it's going to be the best thing for you.

My day is very quiet, I have absolutely nothing to do at work, thank God, because I'm very tired today.
>Knight of Swords, Devil, VIII of Swords, Moon Rev, Temperance Rev, Princess of Swords, VI of Wands
This person doesn't seem to be very interested in romance; a relationship for this person means imprisonment. This person prefers to have their own freedom.
But at the same time, you somehow seem to create confusion in this person's head, he seems to have a very deep desire for you.
I don't think it's an easy path, nor a very healthy one, you may get hurt a lot along the way, but I can't deny that it can work.

Interesting, because I got the impression that you broke up with her. Did you ever do anything that might have given her the feelings I described?
yes you're a failure in life, you know the answer to this. The better question is, do you want to change this? When ever I feel this way, I like to think or watch the movie "Limitless".
Will I (female) suffer karmic retribution for stringing me along?
can I ask if I get the job I interviewed for last monday?
Are you Cleitus? That was the same impression I had yesterday too, but I didn't want to speculate without an actual pull to read on

>Queen of Swords rx, Ten of Wands, The Hermit, Judgement, Ten of Swords, Six of Wands, Page of Wands, Two of Wands, Six of Swords.

Unsure. It is a possibility, but I see little willingness to change from one of the sides right now, so the healthiest thing would be letting go.

Most of the effort in this seems to be one-sided, which eventually causes a withdrawal in order to lick the inevitable wounds that come with that burden. And it's likely not the first time that this happened either. That person seems to be realising this pattern now, so it's a net positive for them in terms of personal growth.

The other person, on the other hand, seems to be somewhat detached. They're very much a planner, but right now their efforts seem to be pointed elsewhere.
Could you tell me about my future husband?
496 yea thats me
>as if the only thing they wanted from you was some demonstration of what you felt and you weren't able to give it to them.
This is literally how I've felt in the past. I don't feel like this resonates with what she's diaplayed to me at all. We barely know one another, in fact. It's complicated.
Second yeah I'm tired of crying myself to sleep for him and I am tired of always having the same arguments and never really getting anywhere. Three years and I don't think this is going anywhere, no marriage no anything. Thank you for your reading I think I do need to pull back and ween off this
No :( sorry baby, that's a next GF query by another name

Gotcha. There was a sense of avoidance. I don't think it's necessarily out of hate or malice, but she didn't feel like facing you now would be the best thing
Can i ask what would be the outcome if I tried to join the french foreign legion? There's nothing for me here and i can prepare my body for the tests.
Love you bro. We appreciate all that you're doing here
3 of swords
2 of wands Rx
9 of swords

She is getting her karma alright, it will take time but she is going to face the consequences of her actions soon enough. It will ironically be the same way she hurt you. Someone will break her and string her along till she looses everything about her. You might not see it first hand but you will find out through the grape vine

Next boyfriend, legit boyfriend not situationship or any of that bs
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What are E's feelings for me?
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How come i can quit any drug: weed, smoking, benzos, amphetamine, mdma and never come back to them again
But masturbation and watching porn is something that is deeply within me and I cannot just flush down the toilet and be "forced" to quit
Dopamine is one hell of a drug.
Get a succubus
Sorry hope you have a lovely day mouse reader <3
You don't need to quit porn but rather fund a replacement. The only issue with masturbation is the depletion of zinc and testosterone.
Porn is for low IQ coomers that can't control themselves
How can i aproach Sara? How should i start talking to her? Is she interested?
Ain't pulling tarot for this, used the pendulum instead. Yes and no. No in that he is a fairweather friend -- not gonna be ride or die for you. Yes in that he isn't a liar of a manipulator.

And who are you?
I’m also not looking to be tied down so maybe this is good. Shrugs
No. Porn is normal especially for men not in a relationship.
>Strength, III of Wands Rev, X of Wands
I think you're going to make it, you were exactly what they were looking for.
It just seems to me that it's going to take a while for you to get some feedback, but be prepared for the fact that you're going to be working hard in this place. At least you'll feel rewarded.

So another possibility is that this person has a strong impression that you're not being honest with them.

You should definitely move on. If you've had enough of arguing about it and still feel this way, then this relationship is definitely not what you need and, above all, deserve.
I hope you'll be okay, it sucks at first, but with time things will settle down.

>VIII of Wands, King of Wands, Knight of Disks
It seems to me to be a bit of an impulsive decision, but surprisingly it seems to be a good thing for you. lol

I love you all, I'm really happy and feel good here doing readings.
Male, greg
How about for men that are? Lol I bet it's over for those ugly bitches that have boyfriends that love to watch porn
Can I ask what my next bf is like?
first one here, thank you!!
>So another possibility is that this person has a strong impression that you're not being honest with them.
I see. I was pretty honest. It just so happens that my feelings weren't reciprocated. I made a fool of myself. It really feels like you tapped into my energy as opposed to hers.
If I went to that party next month would i get to hookup/makeup with someone there?
Yeah in due time, I am going to start detaching my energies from him, I've been thinking about ending things for months now we really don't agree on anything and he wants one thing and I want another. I want to end things amicably desu
What was LM(female) representing in my dream last night?
Is she your ex?
Will I be able to get a much better paying job by the end of the year?
The deck keeps exploding from my hands and the pendulum stays still on this one. You can choose another query but seems like this one's not flying right now for some reason, sorry!

The short of it is: yes, that is how you go about it. But she'll likely sense you have motives. Something about your demeanor is giving you away, easy to tell. She isn't super interested right now but she'd give you a chance as a friend, at least. You gotta cook her before she's ready.
12 different studies unanimously agree porn destroys the grey matter in your brain, you are the product, its psychological warfare
Yeah it's sad and pathetic for the woman that has a boyfriend or a husband that has a huge collection of porn. A guy must really find their spouse girlfriend repulsive if they rely on porn
Will j find someone else?
I really tried to never spite or resent her, even after our breakup. She could believe I'm trying to do something with a common friend of ours, even if there's clearly nothing between us. Might it be some sort of jealousy?
its a time sink activity that waste the dopamine in your brain, keep being a retard though
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How do most people perceive me? This can be for either strangers or people in my life or even people who see me around the same place but we never interact
If you don’t mind, can I ask what he thinks of me?
I guess you could say. I never slept with her after she told me she tried to ruin her ex's friend group because she thought he was cheating on her. He was not. Can really be sleeping with bitches that act like that act like that
1. When next I move, will it be to a 1 or 2 bedroom place?
2. Will I change career in the next 3 years?
3. Will I marry someone that I have already met?
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Will A and I get married or am I being deluded and he is only using me till he finds a replacement?
Run and run as fast as you can, you really dodged a bullet with that one son but you could ask one of the readers here direct your aq to them
Porn does this but sex doesn't? Stupid
>4 of swords, queen of wands
>page of pentacles rx, hanged man, 8 of wands
>hermit, Ace of cups rev
It could be someone you know/used to know? Maybe you have/had hopes for that guy but things didn't turn out too well. Lack of communication/commitment? Fear of connection maybe? It's odd, the relationship will be stable but it'll require some inner working from both parties to properly commit. Some inner doubts and hesitancy despite the attraction and desire for a relationship. Once that obstacle is overcome things will pick up pace very quickly, maybe too quickly... Cards speak you need to rest and muster that inner passion for life and self confidence in order to get to him first tho.

If you want characteristics...
>10 of swords rx, 4 of swords
>Justice, knight of swords rev
>queen of cups
>high priestess, 2 of swords
I keep getting the feeling you know this dude...like his energy is around you but you refuse to see it? He's been through a lot, you could see him after he hit his lowest point and is recovering. He either works/worked in a legal profession or he's a very just person or self-righteous and isn't afraid to speak/argue if he believes he's in the right, often at the expense of others feelings. Hes fair, but harsh. He might be concerned about wrongs done to him or just fighting wrongs in the world generally. That's his exterior.
On the interior he's got a heart of gold. He's capable of deep compassion and empathy, rare for a guy, especially one with such boundless conviction. I sense he'll bring you calm and sooth your soul. Alternatively/additionally you could be that QofC, seeing this otherwise decent guy picking himself out of the metaphorical rubble and see something in him.
This dude is very intuitive with the high priestess and Queen of cups, could be involved in occult or more likely has a string aptitude for it even if he doesn't know it. Strong female intuion is present.
Blonde, light eyes. Mid weight, above average height.
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why i feel so shit? is it because of gf? is she an emotional vampire? or is there another reason? when the good times will start for me.
Thank you. She deserves it. 3 months down the drain for someone who didn't even put out...
Lemme know if u wanna trade more?
alias warp
gf initial is m.
Wow thank you I feel like my reading was shit compared to yours

Okay your reading surpassed mine by a million okay ask two more queries.
If you have Telepathic connection they can do this, many times unintentionally. I'm experiencing this right now. Only solution is to make her feel love for you.
Will get back to you three in a bit! Last queries I take for today
The length isn't what matters dear, it's if it resonates
Q1: will I be able to correct/repent for my past negative karma? If so how? I too have hurt girls romanticly involved with me. Usually by lack of interest or negligence. Friends, female or male suffered a similar fate. Fear of closeness has caused me to push them all away. I feel I neglected good people and I wish to do better, to right my wrongs.
Q2: next gf lol? Same as you, no situationship or casual bullshit. I think I'm over that childish crap. I want to meet someone who I can trust with my generosity without them just abusing it once again but also reciprocating
there were time when she felt exteremely bad (i didn't know this) but i felt great at that time.
>Knight of Disks, IV of Cups, Hiero, IV of Wands Rev, Knight of Cups, Wheel Rev, V of Disks Rev
If I were to bet, it would be that you already know this person.
Someone in your circle of people, with whom you may have already had some kind of conflict and who you may have been afraid to try something with.
You'll love each other very much, but you'll have very different visions of what you expect from this relationship. One side will want something slower, thinking a lot about marriage and the other seems to want to experience the world more.
It's going to be a relationship of recovery, perhaps of self-esteem, perhaps it's been a while since you felt really loved.


I'm sad that I wasn't able to give you a good read on this situation. I hope everything turns out well for you!

>Knight of Swords, Justice, IX of Wands
I think so, but it will depend a lot on you overcoming any shyness and how you communicate with people. Be honest with people, things tend to work out better for you when you're honest.

Good luck with that (:
Get well soon! Remember, especially when you doubt whether you are doing the right thing, that you are worthy of being happy and loved

That's a good guess.
>I'm sad that I wasn't able to give you a good read on this situation
You gave a very accurate read! From my perspective, that is. Is there anything else you can tell me? About her, I mean.
> I hope everything turns out well for you!
Me too. Thank you!
Yo, u around?
Starting yours and once again thank you for the reading, he does sound like my ex we ended things because he didn't wanted to get married and I did, hopefully he is able to commit this time
Yes I'll get started on yours in a jiffy, thanks once again :)
can I ask about next gf?
Thx anonette. Anything else u wanna know btw?
How are you THNTZ?
Can i ask you for a reading, if you have the time? It doesn't need to be detailed, maybe just one card.
I am trying to be a responsible and good-spirited man, could you tell me what I need to do to keep me on this path? What do I need to avoid or Im not seeing?
Thank you very much.
Could I get a love reading for the rest of the year? It's been uneventful. Male
>Q1: will I be able to correct/repent for my past negative karma? If so how? I too have hurt girls romanticly involved with me. Usually by lack of interest or negligence. Friends, female or male suffered a similar fate. Fear of closeness has caused me to push them all away. I feel I neglected good people and I wish to do better, to right my wrongs

9 of swords
9 of wands
10 of wands
the world
king of cups

You will in due time, seems like you are still struggling to get over the past, there's a few phantoms of some people that are still haunting you till this day and in a way you often wonder the "what ifs" of them, you might need to reconcile with the past in order to move on once you are able to do so, you will be born again. Yes you will be able to repent but you will have to be in good terms with your past and create closure even if you're not able to reach those that you did wrong doings to, but the cards do suggest that if you are able to make amends you do so but if not find other ways to make amends with your own heart. Once that's done the process to heal and repent can begin anew, you will be born in to a different person, one who is kind but also one who knows how to guard themselves as well.

second q will be in another post cuz this thing thought I was spam

well just a quick one.
is he my ex? or someone else?
Was it her in the parking lot?
>>38955897 Male
Does my coworker (LS) interested in me casually or beyond?
Should I buy these enigmas
Did M read my speech? If so, how did it affect her?
no sex doesnt fucking retard, sex induces oxytocin and norepinephrine you don't get that from a screen, stupid coomer reevaluate yourself
>Q2: next gf lol? Same as you, no situationship or casual bullshit.

Queen of cups Rx
Queen of wands
10 of pentacles
10 of cups

Looks like she could be the one you end up marrying anon, you two will click right away when you meet, two broken souls that help each other heal. She has low self esteem issues she is the type that is beautiful but she doesn't know she is beautiful, she's been hurt terribly by her past relationship and is like a wounded cat, but she is more than willing to give love and warmth to you despite of her pain. She is someone who is independent but does come from a family of money, but she knows how to take care of herself, she comes from a very traditional background, father must be a very strict person, her upbringing was rather reclusive or she was the type that was kept locked up in a tower (so to speak) for appearance, she is small, pale and has something special in her eyes not sure if the color or the way they are shaped they are very elusive and mesmerizing. She has a baby face, she is thin but could have had some eating issues in the past. Her hair is brown or dark, wavy and long. She could be a fire sign. You two will have a very happy marriage, she is the type that will commit to you for a long time.
must coom........must coom..........must coom
It doesn't "waste" Dopamine, it creates it. Masturbation exists because people are sad and they're using it to level out their mood. I don't masturbate but I do have sex with girl a lot because she likes it and I can feel her love
sex does create dopamine, masturbation corrodes the sensitivity neurons in your brain so everything else life has to offer is as tasteless as sour scream
why are coomers so pathetic?

Should I install double glazing (in my current home)?
Has expressing my insecurities or feelings of weakness the few times that I have brought my gf and I closer together like she says or have I pushed her away at all?
Thank you for your reads anonette. I hope I don't fuck this up. The repentance or the girl either.
Can we trade as to how/when I meet her?
As to who this guy is:
Your ex:
4 of swords, 2 of swords rev, moon rev
Someone else?:
>knight of swords rev, queen of wands, 5 of cups
Nope, not your ex I don't think. Things with him are largely at a standstill right now and will remain so because...It's for the best? It's for your piece of mind essentially.
He could be someone you're into or who is/was into you but neither of you knew/will know how to go about things. I wanna say this is someone new but that 5 of cups makes me think otherwise. Any previous past ex who fit this?
Did that girl at the store recognize me and if so what did she think of me?
Doing a reading for the first 2 people to reply to this. Gotta be a yes or no question, no "should I" either.
Will the apocalypse be like Evangelion?
Will God honor my request not to see SW until I am free to be with her? When will that be?
Will I get a job by the end of the year
>can we trade on how I meet her?
Or if its J? She's a girl I saw on a dating site, she quickly caught my attention in a weird way
shit question. Ask me something actually relevant to your life right now.
Reword this in a more clear way. What is it you're actually asking here? Cut it down to the bare essentials. One question only
4 of pentacles
2 of pentacles

She most likely did not recognize you at all; this could be partially due to her being in her own little world and just not realizing or taking notice. I am under the impression that it’s not necessarily a personal thing but also that you don’t exactly have a great place in her head either, if that makes sense.
Am I going to die soon?
Am I going to be with SW?
Fairly approachable and easy to talk to, likely because there is something goofy about your demeanor that makes you seem unthreatening. The other side of the medal is that while most don't have a negative opinion of you on first impact, there is something rough or unpolished that gives you an air of immaturity. This is specifically tied to your looks in some way. It isn't a negative trait in the strict sense, but a simple observation.

>Two of Sword, Two of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Seven of Swords, Knight of Wands, The Emperor, King of Cups, The Hanged Man, Ten of Cups
My apologies if this ends up not resonating, just telling you what I see in this puzzle lol
There IS some fear of commitment and it seems to be motivated by behaviors, likely tied to financial matters, or a feeling that you're not pulling your weight enough in material terms. Without knowing the situation, I can't tell whether he is using you or whether his feelings are justified.

It's not that he wants to replace you, or that his intentions are not serious, but feeling safe and secure in a relationship has to come from both sides. If you tried to see things from his perspective, gave up on fruitless things you are chasing and actually worked on changing what is making him feel doubt, the odds of him committing would be much higher. If he is the one not pulling his weight in that sense instead, then dump.
No to be honest, I really thought it was my ex the description describes him perfectly. Ah so confusing. Thank you for the reading I'll throw you a freebie cuz yeah you're pretty awesome!

Not very good with timing as many readers here but I'll try.

Knight of swords
4 of wands
The world
The sun
Ace of cups

You might meet her around new years or when the year is almost over or January the latest here, you're going to find her funny but will be endeared by her personality and you two will hit it off right away, could be due to a holiday or work holiday party. Or a vacation, I keep getting a picture of the beach or somewhere near a body of water, you will bond through music and hobbies in common as well. Very fast paced and crowded but fun, she might be out of her element but you will bring serenity to her.
Thank you!
As to your ex...it could still be him, it might just be that you both need time to regain composure, Especially you. That 4 of swords and queen of wands...it says to restore your strenght and inner beauty. In girlboss speak "treat urself giiiirl!"
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Which career would best fit me?
I got the impression that you already know everything you should know about this situation, maybe you're just looking for a confirmation bias.
If you feel there's nothing more to take away from this situation then it's best to move on.

>Hanged, Queen of Cups Rev, V of Wands, V of Swords, Judgement Rev, VII of Wands, VII of Disks
It's someone you know, someone you may feel is slightly insecure when they're around you. It also seems to me that this person is currently either in a relationship or sentimentally involved with someone.
You seem to have a lot of conflicts, your egos are big and you end up falling out a lot because of it.
I got the impression that it's going to be a very complex relationship, you're going to have to talk a lot about setting boundaries and what you expect from each other.
It's going to take a lot out of you, both to stay with this person and to keep them with you.

I'm okay, today I'm working from home and I always end up feeling a bit lonely when I work from home. But it'll pass soon, thanks for asking (:
>Queen of Wands, IX of Swords, Princess of Wands
You're on the right track, you seem to have the right mindset and dedication to achieve what you want. The only thing you have to be careful of is your anxiety, you have to accept that changes of this kind are long-term, you're not going to change everything overnight.
Results come with time.

>III of Swords, VIII of Cups Rev, World Rev, King of Cups
You look heartbroken. Someone really broke your heart this year.
It feels like there's something stopping you from getting what you want, maybe it's the fear of letting yourself be vulnerable again with someone else and ending up getting hurt? You need to find a balance of mind and heart.
What happened in the past doesn't mean it will happen again in the future. Don't be afraid to fall in love again.
Am I close to being cured or do I need to know more? I am practicing healing
hi /div/
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The Judge of this reading is Via, which one of the two most auspicious omens in this system. It represents change, a path, a road opening before you. The right witness, representing you the querent is A mission, showing you currently feeling some sort of material lack of loss. The left witness, which indicates things to come in the future is Acquisito, an auspicious sign representing gain, benefit and abundance. You will indeed get a job this year.
>II of Swords, VIII of Swords, Princess of Cups
Confusing letters, it seems to me, but at the same time it seems like a confusing and bad situation for you? I don't know.

>IV of Cups, V of Cups, Queen of Wands, VIII of Swords, Knight of Swords Rev, Knight of Disks, VIII of Wands
It seems more casual, with no intention other than to enjoy the adrenaline rush of the situation. It doesn't seem like something with much of a long-term future.
I just got cucked.
Can you do this one?

Much love for the read anon
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forget pic
sure. Mine is: will I actually become friends with this pokemon go guy?
Third one.
Anon, your reading was spot-on and very accurate.
I get anxious because I'm afraid that I'll get distracted or lost in sloth. Also, is hard to accept that all changes come slowly but I'm encouraged by your words.
Thank you very much for your reading and for helping out.
I'm also working from home, trying to enjoy the calmness of being alone. A good coffee and jazz do it for me.
Will T ever be better again?
Second it resonates in more ways than you think thank you. Yeah he is the one with the commitment issues here. I'll try my best thank you anon!

>chariot, ace of swords, queen of wands
SHE IS correct. I suspect she sort of railroad you into this breakthrough which makes her very happy and excited, like she got to a layer of you that you don't necesseraily show.
You're welcome anon! <3
I hope you meet her and you two hit it off. Yeah I need to work more on myself I just want something serious desu and if he is ready for that then I welcome it!


I'll give you some cards here :)

3 of cups
2 of wands

Funny how the world popped in here as well could be her? If she is somewhat related to the beach or lives somewhere near the beach (connecting my last reading) you may have a chance with her to be honest if you can message her!
Interesting, I think I was nutting right when you were working on this query. thx
Tower queen of swords knight of wands

No; the friendship would most likely be feeble and not carry any long lasting potential. However, you could also potentially learn from this and gain more insight to vetting people out and gaining more insight into whether or not someone holds the potential to hold an actual platonic relationship with you.

Thanks again for the read. Trade again?
What's going on between E(male) and T(female)?
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Uh, based
>holds the potential to hold an actual platonic relationship with you.
the way you say it sounds kinda gay

>Thanks again for the read. Trade again?
Sure, where will I meet my next gf?
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Interesting. I do see the having a goofy air around me being real but I don’t see the immaturity bit.
Ty for the read
lol sorry bud.

Does she want to have a long term relationship with me and feel the same way about me that I do wit her? Starting when you confirm
No problem. I hope you get what you're looking for friend
Since you didn't attach a timef rame I asked "will anon be with SW in the future?"

Judge is Conjunctio, an auspicious figure representing union, joinings, meetings, togetherness, contact, ect.
Right witness (you) is Fortuna minor, showing you being in a state of minor success, average happiness, perhaps receiving some outside assistance. Maybe this means someone contributing financially in order to make this meeting happen.
Left witness (things to come is) Amissio, the figure of loss, sacrifice, giving away. This may be referring to you having to sacrifice a lot of money/time for you to be with this person.

If we look at the house chart, the other figure representing you passes to the 9th house, which is associated with long distance travel, perhaps even foreign travel. Does this person live very far from you?
The overall answer is a yes, just beware that it may cost you financially.
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Guilty as charged.
Sorry babes, nearing my limit so >>38955815 is my last free pull for the day! If you are readers too we can trade, otherwise I'll get you another time </3

Mix of methods here since those are several questions
>Four of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Nine of Wands, Ace of Cups, Two of Pentacles, The Tower, Knight of Swords, Page of Cups, Four of Pentacles, The Hierophant, Ten of Cups, Three of Wands, Queen of Cups

While she is an emotional vampire to some degree, she isn't the fundamental issue here.

The issue is you having gotten into this relationship without really knowing her or pretending you could not see what she was really about, being dissatisfied with what she can actually offer, expecting her to provide what that she cannot, and growing weary and doubtful as a result. You can't control her or change her no matter how much you wait for it to happen.

You are the one who has to change if you want this to work, otherwise you're better off being on your own and working on figuring what you really want. Because right now you seem to want a mom and she ain't that.

Things will get better when you figure what you actually want and be direct in seeking it out of any relationship in your life -- be it romantic or not. This entails changing yourself to match those expectations, too.
Morning, /div/.
Thanks, she lives technically close to me but I'm joining the military and we won't be together until afterwards. That will mean a lot of time and distance before we are together. But there's a sort of Odysseus / Penelope thing to it, so I think that's how it's fated. At least, this has been my intuition. Thank you for confirming (unless what I have said sounds off).
Morning <3 How are you today? What did you have for breakfast?
Tell me your breakfasts

Cranberry juice, wbu?
>Does she want to have a long term relationship with me and feel the same way about me that I do wit her? Starting when you confirm
>wheel, 7 of pentacles reversed, page of pentacles

Her feelings are on the change, toiling away for notihng and starting to get some doubts. Still small as it's only a page, but as the wheel turns and the field remains unplowed, the discontent grows and thoughts of greener, more fertile land start to abound.
Ice cream
Mango monster
Just coffee. Glad to see you around!
>she lives technically close to me but I'm joining the military and we won't be together until afterwards. That will mean a lot of time and distance before we are together.

Ohh, that explains the 9th house stuff. One thing that I forgot to mention is that the right witness that represents you is considered to be "Auspicious in time" so I think that shows the waiting you'll have to do.
Good luck with everything anon.
Page of swords
Page of wands

I get a feeling this a little far off.
More or less when you’re grounded and less concerned with the prospect of a gf all together; even in a spontaneous moment when you’re involved in something that sparks your interest and curiosities.
I see you in a position where you’re much more focused on fulfilling your time and energy into things / people / ideas that make you feel good rather than focusing on finding a gf.

What are these doubts caused by?
it's 6 in the afternoon
It’s 2pm you bum the grind started hours ago get your hustle on
>You can't control her or change her no matter how much you wait for it to happen.
i learned this hard way. is there any future for us being together? our sex life is kinda absent too, she seems to be asexual. she was a virgin when we met.
I'll ask you a question instead. What do you want out of this relationship?
Look at this beautiful sequence

Five of pentacles
I'd be wary of your resources, I think there is a small leak of money going on without you even noticing it, cleanse your space and yourself because little by little your fortune and energy are being taken away.

The high priestess
Your energy is kinda aligned with the theme of the month, so I guess it's a great time to follow your intuition and give spiritual practice better chances. Higher self stuff, I think.

How come just coffee?! I dislike it when you do that aaaaa

Hi babes, it's morning in my country sooo..

you're probably right about the mom comment, i want affection and care..to some degree. isn't just called love? also normal sex life.
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Forgive me! ;_; I woke up late, tt won't happen again, I promise
Part of love is accepting the other person as they are. If you cannot feel affection or care from her, your definitions don't match or she is not able to provide it as things are for her. So what are you doing there, exactly?
Yeah, it all checks out. I think we're looking at probably 4-5 years then we'll be together. Thanks again!
think i'm afraid being alone.
Hi, i had chips for breakfast. I know, yikes.. you?
so better than nothing
And what are you getting out of this exactly? You already feel alone.
Sorry if this comes off as blunt, I have a tendency to rip into people when it comes to love.
Being alone is the natural state of things.
eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt
>You already feel alone.
very fucking true lol.
we actually had a break up recently, now we together again, nothing changed of course from the last time and i afraid if i fuck up things we will never talk again. as a friend i like her, but she don't want me as a friend. she will just block me.
not for humans, only incel cope
You need friends to actually talk to in order to heal, honestly, and there is too much baggage for her to be able to provide that as things stand. So don't expect it of her. This is 100% not even about the relationship. You're rotting from the inside out. Find a new light in life that isn't a PERSON.
Anon, those are just words idiots use because they don't use their minds.
to describe idiotic human failures like you who can't get a partner, one of the most basic actions of being a human being. Cope and seethe
Anon, the most basic action of humanity is compassion.
We are going to get archived again, arnt we?
hope so. Incel apologists need to die
Don't open : Retards inside
>You're rotting from the inside out. Find a new light in life that isn't a PERSON.
i just hope she's not dragging me down. i think i felt better prior when i was alone. but maybe just coincidence.
Ignore the retard, there's a particular idiot who's been doing this shit on the regular and very gratuitously. Actual parasite.
Damn, can we get some readers in here?
This is what I was trying to get at. You put energy into a relationship. And generally speaking you get it back. It's an exchange. When there's none to give on either end, this is what happens. Focus on healing, anon.
trading hours only. Go for a run or something useful and come back later, leech
What particular idiot?
The incel avenger
t. seething incel scum
The only thing trading in here are Incel quotes
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I go out to eat and the energy gets bad.

I'm going to do three readings to change the focus of the thread, while listening to picrel.

>Initial, Sun sign and gender
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let's change that
doing 5 reading. No incel shit.

Leave initials and a screenshot of a movie/show you're watching, all in the same reply
And both based
nice quads
Would having sex with I.R (female) be a bad idea?
What is blocking me spiritually right now?
S, Cancer, F
WOW The best quads I've had in years.
thanks for you commentary. i will think about it. maybe will just start focusing on myself without taking any dramatic actions about these relationships. if she want them, she will put energy into them if no, then there's nothing that can be done...
Offering three readings. No next bf/gf, please.
Initial, gender and your favorite food.

Let's change the vibe.

thanks for the eclipse.
That's for the best. It sounds like both of you need time to recover, and whether you do it together or not, it's what is needed. Things will get better, you're just dealing with a gaping wound. Good luck, anon.
J, male, croissants. How will my mothers court case go tomorrow to get her protection order finalized against my dad?
Sorry ): It wasn't my intention.
Male capricorn H Self improvement general, socially and skills wise?


Will the little kitten be okay on this trip with my mom? We've named her Mila for now.
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no query but have this frame from Dawn of the Dead
thank you very much!
H Male cheese How do people perceive me?
Rat anon here. Sorry, I didn't want to stir things up. Was just trying to get anon through that one with gloves off ;_;
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Before I started to do divination I used to get tons of women. I never had trouble finding a job. It took me less than 2 weeks to get hired every time. I never went more than a few months on a dry spell. At some point I had a harem with several women and would fuck 2 or 3 different women in 1 day. I would pick whoever I wanted and they would show up dtf later that day. I had redheads, brunettes, blondes, europeans, western women, asian, south american etc.

I tried an experiement. I tried rituals and divination for 10 years. I gave it a chance. Funny how in 10 years my life went to shit as soon as I introduced all this mumbo jumbo. Suddenly I couldn't find dates. Suddenly I stopped getting hired. Suddenly I statted to get hexed and cursed. Maybe this was all a social experiment. Maybe it was just to pass time. I became an expert at divination. What I learned is that its completely useless.

Do NOT rely on this shit. It will mislead you in life. Instead do things and decide on your own to do things. Dont ask just try different things. I gave divination a chance and it made my life worse. I am giving it up now. I will throw away my cards and everything else (runes, gems etc)

The only *ability* I choose to still do is remote viewing as it is real and it isn't divination. For everything else. I hope you stop partaking in this stupid practice.

Hordeanon, Orcanon, Warzard, Xerok, CacaMaster, Dogpeople etc about 20-30 other names. I have been coming here for almost 15 years. I will permanently leave this place now. You WILL feel a void. Laters bitches. Stay off divination, its just shit.
Going back to the old ways...
aaaaa sorry, I got a work call and this cat cannot say no to work.

Two of wands, knight of cups, the emperor
I feel like your mother's been through a long journey, a lot of self discovery going on low key, however I see frustation and I saw a woman screaming at the top of her lungs in a dark empty room. I hope I am wrong but I can see the judge or the authorities leaning a bit towards your dad's favour and her not getting the whole help she needed, however, what I recommend is to appeal to their emotions and ask for help to all the females possible. Hopefully she gets full protection and support.
That«s what I've been saying for years, but incels and egotists cry and seethe about it
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This is a good movie.
>Suddenly I started to get hexed and cursed
Reading tarot opens you up to this?
>channeling the occult opens you up to energies?
No, bro is just making shit up
as if you'd know lmfao
I think he is a troll. He started a reading least thread and didn't do any because he said it was spam.
oh, it's THAT faggot.
Been reading here on and off since 2016 on anon, lrn2banish and ward if you're having those issues honestly. Do that shit regularly and I'm squeaky clean.
Queen of wands rx, chariot
If Mila doesn't get the proper care she will NOT make it, I have a feeling she should be resting and not moving too much, too much movement is going to scare her and damage her. In order to keep her well and healthy, your mommy will need a lot of discipline with medication and take whatever Mila needs, be punctual with the treatment. Mila will need lots of love and support from mommy, she needs to feel encouraged to live.

Is she a black or calico cat by any chances?
Thank you, I hope it goes well
Indeed. A true and tried brazillian
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MV male hamburgers
how do i look with this haircut?
Thank you! Will check it out
R, male, chicken shawarma over rice
How is my past impacting my present and what can I do to make things align properly?
>Meet Me In the Morning
>Lovers, Ace of Disks, IX of Cups
If you want something more, yes, if you're only interested in sex, no.
It will generate a lot of feelings.
But it would be good sex btw.

>You're a Big Girl Now
>VIII of Swords, Hermit, Knight of Swords Rev
Something or someone is making you feel trapped and is making you feel directionless. You may be wanting too much and this is causing you to be inconsequential, not worrying so much about the consequences of what you're doing.
You need time alone, you need to reflect on your life, on your attitudes and on what you want for yourself. Find out what the next step is for you.

>Idiot Wind
>IX of Disks, III of Disks, Emperor
You urgently need to learn to work in groups, you end up being a very rigid and cold person when you deal with people. This is clearly hindering your progress in life.
how do i look right now 1-10? C ,Leo , M
Hmm, I get it. Thank you!
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J, is my father going to try to hurt my mother in the future if we cant get her protection order finalized?
have I already met my next partner?
would I be able to reach my ideal physique doing the new 2 sets per exercise routine, or sticking to the old 3 sets per exercise routine? starting
S Sag male

What does A (woman) think of me? Thanks if you get to this.
I could answer that in truth since fitness is my hobby and I've been boxing for almost 2 decades, but you want the cards, so sure. starting
Chariot, Emperor REVERSED, Queen of Pentacles, Temperance

I'd say yeah, 3/4 positive cards, and card of chemistry. Slight possibility maybe not a serious romantic partner with emperor rx? But definitely a partner of some sort.
Thank you, I'm trying to do 2 sets with max weights I can handle for 6-8 reps, with 2 exercises per muscle group, full body workout every other day. Will switch to something more standard if it turns out fruitless.
>would I be able to reach my ideal physique doing the new 2 sets per exercise routine, or sticking to the old 3 sets per exercise routine? starting

>10 of cups rev
>page of wands
>10 of wands

You won't like how long it will take you and you probably willtry to force more sessions in the gym, but the strength of discipline and being in it for the long run will help you get excited for the big picture, not some mere idiocy of a kid who only trains to get a Summer bod.
erm... so should I do the new 2 set routine, or go back to the old 3 set routine? I'm in it for life trying to hit personal strength records and an ideal physique.
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What does JM thinks of me? This isn’t a love interest, just a friendship. She was my elementary school friend and then she moved away. Then we ended up in the same college together. But now I’m introverted and I didn’t really say much to her when we were hanging out today.
>As soon as i got into divination
you become isolate.. no body wanna be around u.. Hexes and curses…
Your reality changed when ur perception did
y become a wizard and All of a sudden dimension “invisible” to normal people exist and The demiurge is cursing you ETC.
Only when you think it real them it is

PLZ if u want
can u remote view the realest ‘beyond my thought/manifestation’ what will happen when u die?

>it will only make ur life worse

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