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how do you respond without sounding unenlightened?
sneed's feed and seed
You don't. If you were enlightened you wouldn't not care for there is nothing to prove, or ego to defend. Simply avoid low vibe discussion
Don't respond, or do. Who cares
The idea of the self, of 'I' and 'me,' is nothing more than a tool crafted by the ruling classes to divide and conquer. It is a construct that upholds individualism, separating us from the collective spirit of humanity. Proto-fascist social imperialists invented this illusion to maintain their power—tricking us into believing that we are separate, isolated beings, each with our own selfish desires. But in truth, there is no 'I,' no 'self,' only interdependence. The capitalist elites use this lie to justify exploitation and violence, manipulating people into thinking they must dominate others for personal gain. Fascism thrives on this division—on convincing people that their worth is tied to an ego that does not exist. True liberation lies in realizing that we are all part of the same vast network, inseparable from each other, bound by karma and class struggle. Only when we transcend this false self can we build a truly equitable society
>True liberation lies in realizing that we are all part of the same vast network, inseparable from each other, bound by karma and class struggle.
No, this is why atheists never gets enlightened. The realization about the dependent origination.
no. if you're enlightened it's actually your karmic responsibility to remind low bugmen of their place because if you let an insult go unanswered their soul will experience demotion. so you say shut the fuck up faggot or something similar that they can understand.
>if you let an insult
you have to be dumb to see the wojak's response as an insult
That would be a limitation, why not double down on the truth even harder for giggles or to aid others.
>True liberation
>bound by karma and class struggle.
try again
Do you really want to see ghost being eaten alive?
I don't think so.

One day, in the morning, Bhante Mahāmoggallāna dressed in his robes, took his bowl and double-layered robe and went to Bhante Lakkhaṇa and said to him, “Come, friend Lakkhaṇa, let us go to the city of Rājagaha for alms.”

“Alright, friend,” Bhante Lakkhaṇa replied. Then, as he was coming down from Gijjhakūṭa Mountain, Bhante Mahāmoggallāna smiled at a certain place. Bhante Lakkhaṇa asked him, “Why, friend Moggallāna, did you smile?”

“Friend Lakkhaṇa, this is not the suitable time for that question. Ask me that question when we meet the Blessed One.”

Then, Bhante Lakkhaṇa and Bhante Mahāmoggallāna walked for alms in the city of Rājagaha. After they returned from their alms round, they had their meal. Then, they went to the Blessed One, worshipped himrespectfully and sat down to one side. Bhante Lakkhaṇa asked Bhante Mahāmoggallāna, “This morning, while you were coming down from the Gijjhakūṭa Mountain, Bhante Mahāmoggallāna smiled. Why, friend Moggallāna, did you smile?”

Bhante Moggallāna replied, “This morning, friend, as I was coming down from the Gijjhakūṭa Mountain, I saw a skeleton moving through the air. Vultures, crows, and hawks were chasing after it. They were pecking at it between the ribs, stabbing it, and tearing it apart. The skeleton was crying out in pain. I thought then, ‘It is unusual, indeed! It is amazing, indeed! That there exists such a being, that there exists such a non-human, that there exists such a life.”
Then, the Blessed One said to the monks, “Monks, there are disciples who have gained the divine eye and special knowledge. They can know, see, and witness such a non-human. Monks, in the past, I, too, saw that being, but I did not speak of it. If I had spoken about it, there might have been some people who wouldn’t believe my words. If they had not believed my words, it would have led them to their harm and suffering for a long time.”

The Blessed One continued, “Monks, that non-human being used to be a cattle butcher in this same city of Rājagaha. As a result of that bad kamma, he was boiled in hell for many years, for many hundreds of years, for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years. As a remaining result of that same kamma, he has been reborn as a ghost and is experiencing such terrible pain.”
Based lmao
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You can't be enlightened for long.
it's heckling from the peanut gallery it's retarded skepticism in bad faith it absolutely it disrespect and must be answered with the appropriate condescension.
to elaborate: being enlightened is to be one with god. god doesn't tolerate retards he owns them. there is no meeting in the middle there is only smite from on high.
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>enlightenment is death of the ego
Get so good that it's natural.
There is no true scotsman, by the same token.
Then I guess I'm not enlightened :)
>by his rules I just said I'm not enlightened

Ita hipster rules haha, like my girl friend from high school who used to go to lowkey coffee shops and dress semi classy amongst other things but SWORE she wasn't a hipster
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I wouldn't respond anything.
I have attained enlightenment.
>"I wasn't talking to you, but ok."
>Return to meditation
The great Way has no gate.
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on what occasion do you even have to convince someone that you are in fact enlightened? do you just randomly approach people in public?
>how do you respond without sounding unenlightened?
what an odd thing to say.
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"okay man"
meaningless soundwaves don't demand a reaction
flesh is vibrating air, why do you care?
What would he know about that, he’s not enlightened is he?
redditjak is right
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Attachments are the problem, not desire. Desire free of attachments is pure.
Makes no sense to compare fucked up human identity with how gods identify, not that we could know if or how gods relate to creation.
Karma retard an enlightened being is so to help humanity telling the loser to fuck himself is saving him the karmic retribution of insulting god to his face
and god cares because he is a petty bitch?
oh no a human insulted me, thankfully the enlightened dude defended me
Who is there to be enlightened?
God is the enlightened dude and it’s a sin to insult god so god corrects you so that you don’t suffer
>gods are enlightened
except buddhism specifically denies this, so why do you keep spamming this when it falls apart for the first word?
You wouldn’t find yourself in that situation to begin with if that doubting voice didn’t exist within you to begin with. If I hd actually attained it (I don’t even know what it is), I wouldn’t be asked this. By definition.
So it’s a moot question.
you clap with one hand(and soijak disappers)(he got teleported into volcano)
>we no hindus no no no
>killing cows gives you hundred of thousans of yeads boiling in hell and then you float as ghost skelly to be pecked by astral ravens and you still feel pain
retarded shit jeets are really ill, that's what you get sfter bathing in ganges for 50 yrs and breeding your sisters for generations(I bet that's stil better karma than killing a cowerino for a steak huh LMAO)

I would bring a logician.

Ask, "What is enlightenment?"

If the reply is a sound and valid argument for the existence of a concept of a phenomenon, then ask him how he verified that he has attained this phenomenological state.

If the reply is logical sound and based on observable phenomena and is logically or empirically verifiable, then ask how this state of enlightenment was attained and what are the consequences of achieving enlightenment. Analyze the reply using current mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and neuroscience to determine whether what they said seems possible.

It is possible a PhD'd psychologist might need to be consulted as well, however their analysis will likely include some degree of subjectivity since the phenomenon in question supposedly within the mind, thoughts, and soul of the observer.

You might need an agnostic theologian expert in defining and identifying heresy to determine whether this is purely a religious experience or an objective empirical phenomenon as well. The inquisitor should be an expert in the philosophy of science and dialectics.

You could start with, "Hey, great for you!"

But I feel that would be more appropriate after the steps I have outlined have been completed.
You are on the wrong board

This is how you find out if something is actually magic or if it is mere bullshit.

Real magic exists. It is not disproven by such inquiry. Such inquiry verifies its existence.
be ready
You wouldn't have the desire to convince people you're enlightened. You left such silly notions behind you a long time ago. If you feel any need to asset spiritual superiority, then you havent taken the first step. Whereas anyone spiritually inclined would recognise something special, a je nais se quoi, in the aura of an enlightened individual.
>1v1 me or shut the fuck up.
Always work for me.
poo in the loo
I would think verifiability would be the hallmark of enlightenment.

Very sound approach. But logical soundness does not rely wholly on empiricism.

Especially considering the seemingly unsolvable Mind-Body Problem.

Logic is a great and fatal tool, but even logic has it's limitation.
Verify to who? Those who aren't worthy do not deserve to know anything. The mysteries protect themselves, and for very good reason.
That's why we include the psychologist and theologian. We could try to find a mage too but they're scarce.
You are a gatekeeping reptilian.
Verify to me of course.
I have nothing to gatekeep. I dont even meditate
Double post. Your arrogance makes you the reptillian.
I think the problem in reality will start at defining what "enlightenment" is.
But of course if all people involved can agree on one definition of enlightenment and on one definition on "achievement of enlightenment", and we further assume that there exist definite signs of "achievement of enlightenment" that can be measured by the available means and that again all involved parties agree on, then yes, we can measure with absolute certainty in the frame of this definitions and means and involved personal if enlightenment according to the agreed definition has been achieved or not or only partly.
enlightnement is when another voice (Holy Spirit) appears in your head, not a feeling but a voice you can see when you turn your mind off, now when you do it there is silence because your eye is blind
"Suck my dick"
That's nice, but only your definition. I found that in spiritual things, words are most often one of the worse carriers of information.
I am not saying anything if I agree or not agree with your definition. I don't care what enlightenment is. I cared only about responding to the the theoretical example of logician anon. So no, I will not engage in discussions about what enlightenment actually is or is not.
real magic doesn't get proven it gets shown to those its meant to.
Thats not enlightenment, thats possession. (Most likely demonic)
I would just be asking what the person who said they achieved enlightenment meant. I'm not trying to make a semantic argument or decide what it is based on anything but the individual's experience.

There is no right or wrong answer, just determining if what the person says they experienced makes any sense.
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Thank you.
Because he's right. The true state is the one of eternally striving for enlightenment.
You dont hold the ungraspable by claiming to have grasped it.
If I can't prove it's magic then how can I know I'm practicing magic and not just fooling myself?
Hum- didn't they say Jesus had a demon?
it gets shown to you. magic is a feeling that comes over you. the veil is lifted and you know. and no amount of 'evidence' will lift the veil for those from who it cannot be.
to elaborate: the veil actually gets put back in place afterwards. even for those whom things have happened to, uncertainty replaces what was known. this is living in the material world.
i have had countless insane and unexplainable experiences. physical manifestations of otherworldly phenomena. but still sometimes it is certain and sometimes it is like an odd dream.
that skepticism is good. you need somewhat of a scientific mind. Do you yield results? Are the results repeatable? Prove it to yourself. More importantly, dont take others word for it, you have to prove it yourself
this is actually the complete opposite of magic. science is a lie, the mind is a trick. knowledge is a priori, and not in the deductive sense but as in it precedes phenomena. you will just know, and it's not related to what is actually happening or what will happen. and then that knowing will leave you. magical knowledge filters the unworthy and uninitiated in this way. no amount of "proof" will ever convince a dumb cow, otherwise it would have already done so. right now there is a blueprint for human incarnation in the form of the human design system, it's easily the most revelatory knowledge ever given to mankind, and hardly anyone knows about it and far fewer understand it.
wrong, you think like this because of religious indoctrination, you mistake knowing with blind faith.
no lol it's because i am a seriously magical person who has done shit that you can't even conceive of
That is surely a promising attempt of finding inspiration.
If you are interested in enlightenment, give this kid a listen. He's spot on. It leans more Taoist, but with the tech of sniping awareness.
>being enlightened is to be one with god.
That's the joke, innit? Almost cruel, it is.
The pharisees allegedly said that. I don't trust that book, but that's what it says. It was an accusation because they lost their cool after J-man owned them again and again in every debate. Allegedly.
I came with a bad tone there, apologies. I do like what you're saying, but i dont believe you've understood my point well.
I dont endorse science in its current form, which appeals to nerds, that said there is some science which does come close to magic like quantum non locality.
What im talking about is the method, which is why you and I are able to talk like this on basket weaving forum. The method can be applied to a practitioner too, you need a bit of faith at the start, but you remain skeptical and your experience is the guiding compass, the prover. I dont see how you can possibly reject the importance of skepticism. Skepticism does not mean to dismiss things, it is to investigate to its fullest till you come to a consensus
no i just don't care at all you have no idea what you're talking about
Starts at 04:10 I just tried it. was absolutely worth it
Because that is what he was telling them.
Cool video desu
The bible has been scrubbed but they werent smart enough because they don't know the true meanings. For example Luke 5:37 "no one puts wine into wineskins that already have wine in them, they put wine into empty wineskins" Strong's H178- he was teaching them how to contact a spirit- the Holy Spirit.

"You're probably right"
i'm good homie really i am
Oldie but a goodie.

Try and maintain that state. Deepen it. Still it further. It goes a long long way. Takes many years to go to the end. Much to learn. Much to let go.
Two answers:
1. Mu, an enlightened would not have to worry about seeming unenlightened
2. More enlightened than you, faggot. Lmao got 'em
So you can become a God if you arent enlightened? Whats the point of enlightenment then?
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To be above the gods.
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How would you know what a true enlightened one would say, unless you were an enlightened one yourself?
So now I ask, are you enlightened? If not then you must admit you don't know what an enlightened one would say. If you answer yes then you have contradicted your first statement by claiming you are enlightened.
Enlightnement is when another voice (Holy Spirit) appears in your head, not a feeling, but a voice you can see when you turn your mind off, now when you do it there is silence because your eye is blind. Your normal mind is the antichrist.
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The lotus blossum blooms eternal; if enlightenment is a finite goal then over infinite time any who seek to reach it, and pursue it, will reach it.

You are forever.

Behold a Buddha.
You have to kill the ego in order for it to be reborn.
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>A Zen master sits in meditation, their face serene. A young monk approaches, eager to learn. "Master," the monk asks, "what is the true nature of enlightenment?"

>The master points to a nearby flower.

>The monk looks at the flower, puzzled. "Is this enlightenment?"

>The master smiles.
>shakes the old master
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Your response wouldn't sound like anything, if it's on a computer screen. People might interpret your response a certain way, but their interpretation will largely depend on themselves. You cannot control how others see the world. Instead, I suggest simply being as honest and clear as possible. In any case, perhaps you have something to learn from the other person.
no you don't, the mind is married to the body, the husband loves his wife, this is the ego- talk shit about my wife and you will be beat.
That was about new vs old wineskins. Wine expands as it ferments, and a skin which had already been stretched from storing wine would burst when filled with new wine which still had to expand. Basically it was a metaphor for looking at something new from an old perspective.

You're thinking more like this scene from The Forbidden Kingdom
"Then why are you still here?"
Your wife is a goat
I send all of the unenlightened contrarians I meet to Hell so they can run wild and free in their natural habitat.
that is the common interpretation
you dont need to talk about my wife
I'm going to jerk off to the idea of raping your wife in front of you, now. Shouldn't have brought her up with such bravado.
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Go ahead bitch
way better than youll ever do- EAT IT BITCH!
that sounds incredibly difficult to discern from schizophrenia
how the fuck would you know?
because he just described enlightenment as hearing a voice and schizophrenia is also described as hearing voices
how would anyone know whether they were enlightened or schizo? the reason enlightened people do miracles is to prove they're not just schizos with delusions of grandeur. so a better description of enlightenment is being capable of producing miracles, because any schizo can hear voices, but only enlightened ones do miracles.
schizos think the voice is outside their head
what kind of miracle?
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Gods are still in the cycle of reincarnation.
Can you at least understand bassic buddhist ideas if you're gonna spam this stupid thread you made?
>Whats the point of enlightenment then?
Nothing is eternal, the gods are specifically seen as non-eternal in buddhism. Impermanence in ALL things, especially the self, is the central tenent of buddhism.
Enlightenment is freedom from all of this, something higher away from concepts such a form and being.
the schizos i've talked to say that during their episodes they genuinely believe they converse with the voice of god, and by extension, they're also god or godlike
and by miracle i mean like walking on water or making water into wine, stuff that isn't possible without god
conversing with? the other (non normal self talk internal dialogue) voice does not act like a second mind ramballing on, when i look at it, it address the present situation simply as go - no go, say someting or don't, do this or don't. The idea is already in my head and it affirms it or says "just wait."
you are god like because yuo have a mind, you obtained this when you ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life is the Holy Spirit. The voice has power, scary power, but not me i am just a mind like you.
why does it sound like you're speaking from experience? do you have the voice of god? how did you get it?
Garbage eaters cult 1997
>But of course if all people involved can agree on one definition of enlightenment and on one definition on "achievement of enlightenment", and we further assume that there exist definite signs of "achievement of enlightenment" that can be measured by the available means and that again all involved parties agree on, then yes, we can measure with absolute certainty in the frame of this definitions and means and involved personal if enlightenment according to the agreed definition has been achieved or not or only partly.
This is already the case. Nirvana is perfectly defined and the buddha said how to verify a guy is awakened.

Canki Sutta (MN 95):

How is truth discovered? Here a bhikkhu lives near some village or town. Then a householder or his son goes to him in order to test him in three kinds of ideas, in ideas provocative of greed, of hate, and of delusion, wondering, "Are there in this venerable one any such ideas, whereby his mind being obsessed he might not knowing, say 'I know,' unseeing, say 'I see,' or to get others to do likewise, which would be long for their harm and suffering?" While thus testing him he comes to find that there are no such ideas in him, and he finds that, "The bodily and verbal behavior of that venerable one are not those of one affected by lust or hate or delusion. But the True Idea that this venerable one teaches is profound, hard to see and discover; yet it is the most peaceful and superior of all, out of reach of logical ratiocination, subtle, for the wise to experience; such a True Idea cannot be taught by one affected by lust or hate or delusion."

In the Vimamsaka Sutta (MN 47) he even provides means of testing a Buddha:

Bhikkhus, by the bhikkhu who could examine the thought processes of another the Thus Gone One should be examined on two things. On things cognisable by eye consciousness and ear consciousness. Are defiled things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness evident in the Thus Gone One or are they not? When examining he knows. These defiled things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness (*1) are not evident in the Thus Gone One. Then he should make a further examination: Are mixed things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness evident in the Thus Gone One or are they not? When examining he knows. These mixed things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness (*2) are not evident in the Thus Gone One. Then he should make a further examination: Are pure things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness evident in the Thus Gone One or are they not? When examining he knows. The pure things cognisable by eye and ear consciousness (*3) are evident in the Thus Gone One.


You crush anything in your way to enlightenment with wrath - true enlightenment is no longer suffering such embarrassing worms
Finally, in the Thana Sutta (AN 4.192):

"It's through living together that a person's virtue may be known, and then only after a long period, not a short period; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is discerning, not by one who is not discerning.

"It's through dealing with a person that his purity may be known, and then only after a long period, not a short period; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is discerning, not by one who is not discerning.

"It's through adversity that a person's endurance may be known, and then only after a long period, not a short period; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is discerning, not by one who is not discerning.

"It's through discussion that a person's discernment may be known, and then only after a long period, not a short period; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is discerning, not by one who is not discerning.

>bare attention and believer of a true self

the guy is a run of the mill non-enlightened dude clinging to eternalism
That infinity metaphor is really useless as there is a whole field of math dedicated to the study of multiple levels of infinity, ie; that there are infinities that contain other infinities and are thus provably larger.
i wouldn't be affected by it int he first place, the sentiment soijak is spouting is coming from an egalitarian worldview where no one is better than anyone which is 100% false. it is influenced by Christianity, being american or just being anglo in general. i'd tell him he's a product of cultural conditioning and that he's fucking retarded.

though i do agree with soijak regardless. a truly 'englightened' being is dead. not a physical entity or being. But instead of trying to bring the meditator down i'd instead call him out for heresy as no embodied being can truly be enlightened, not even nirmanakaya.
nobody said gods are enlightened. i know the goddesses and they are not even reasonable or mature. they fight, they get jelous, they have a similar level of faggotry that humans have. It made me quite disappointed really. But whatever, i still love them regardless.
god's are barely higher than humans in terms of righteousness. though most don't even care about it. do you know how dark some goddesses are?
it's just for those who are tired of living and don't deserve to suffer. the universe
there literally is no secret, masters troll people by making them do ridiculous shit to punish them for misunderstanding that you just have to be a decent, self aware person. For making a mockery of spirituality by thinking it's about robes and chants or whatever, for striving for power and control. the universe is a system that will raise the worthy individuals, most are quite literally barred from entering any meditative state.
>Desire free of attachments is pure.
doesnt exist

Why do hedonists keep wanting to desire and cherish desire above all?
What are yous cared of?
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If Buddhah was enlightened he'd pay me to give a fuck.
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So you purposefully avoid mean words baby? Baby need change diaper yes? Boo hoo lmaoo
Only applies to Buddhism which doesn't work anyway.
thats vanity, lmao
Sorry to be a partypooper, but you most likely wont ever gain enlightenment. You don't consist of the whole universe or the multiverse.
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A silent gratitude and Reverence.Attention on the sacred moment. The great ones that greet you with joy, adoration, respect. It feels sublime. Elation. Breaking through. Profound awakening, in awe, humble as if bowing, but raised, then you descend and feel divine incarnate. Namaste, padme padme, we are one this now here.
>This is already the case. Nirvana is perfectly defined and the buddha said how to verify a guy is awakened.
This is cool and all, but Buddha is not an authority to me and I do not necessarily agree with any buddhist literature.
Furthermore there are myriad different sects of buddhism which often times go completely different about things.
Even the greater currents: Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana are irreconcilable removed from each other in their dogma.
Which also challenges the fundamental claim of many buddhist, that buddhism is supposedly not dogmatic, but only teaching "truth".

Now considering your little stories:
>While thus testing him he comes to find that there are no such ideas in him, and he finds that, "The bodily and verbal behavior of that venerable one are not those of one affected by lust or hate or delusion.
vague, we have no means to verify what the actual test questions were, nor we can verify if the judgement of the tester is sound.

"pure" not defined and I will not necessarily agree on a definitiion
"defiled" not defined and I will not necessarily agree on a definitiion
again veracity of judgment of the tester (human element) can not be verified.

And again I do not agree if dogmas of buddhism, but of course if you find someone you can test for attainment of enlightenment with this person.
But anyway thank you for putting in the effort and providing primary sources to make the discussion less vague. That approach I appreciate very much.
Monist bullshit.

>we are one
Pay my bills and wipe my ass.

it's your duty and imperative as a bodhisattva to tell the unwashed masses that you're enlightened and to help them achieve nirvana and buddhahood.

A better response to "I have attained enlightenment" would be screaming SOURCE???
The soijak is right but a Wheel Turning Monarch does need to assert themselves, declare the teaching, and make many unequivocal statements.
I got weird with myself. Energy and I are the same and different.
>Yes, from SOURCE.
no it's not there is a hierarchy in materiality
there is no one saying anything - just sounds and colors appearing in the one mind.
I mean if you kill a buncha creatures for a living why wouldn't you go to hell
I don't think this is cow worship rather just a recommendation for ahimsa
Thinking you are enlightened is not enlightenment. Telling yourself you are enlightened isn't enlightenment.
"You're right".
No need to announce any spiritual progress of yours, especially since there's many traps along the way.
silent punch

>a TRUE enlightened person would never say they're enlightened
uh. they would?
It's warm for this time of year.
Suggesting that being a cuck is the only option? Why not mount a fierce defence for any or no reason?
By not responding. NEXT QUESTION
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you are a cuck
How would an unenlightened person know how an enlightened person should or would behave?
God didn’t give a shit
Easily, there are no shoulds or shouldn'ts, life is but a game.
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I turn 360 degrees and walk away
You ask them what is enlightenment and proceed from there.
have a retarded logical argument with soicuck until he gets confused and backs away.
Pretty much. Ignorance can be exhausted, enlightenment cannot.
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>Pretty much. Ignorance can be exhausted, enlightenment cannot.
>yfw (your face when)
my point is that logic is bullshit and not even logical. it's founded on lot's of preconceptions and already agreed on truths.

i suspect that you are something worse than a science loving soiboy, you are a buddhist who only knows mumbo jumbo.
None of these masters of enlightenment in Buddhism ever truly reached what they claim. Motherfuckers had and have the avows of countless others and their hardships and experiences that lead to their awakenings does not equate at all to the modern Western recluse NEET T. me who only goes out for a walk to get their daily Big Mac for sustenance with that being the only time they use their voice to say they want a fucking coca-cola with their big mac and then they then go back to their shithole apartment with that the only people they ever see in their waking life for years being the ones at fast food restaurant, and then they go back and argue on 4chan about how some up their ass bald head fucks in robes surrounded by pretty buddha and dragon sculptures surrounded by their bros spewing empty spiritual platitudes and claiming to want for nothing all the while their peaceful life is handed to them by OTHERS BECAUSE THEY PRETEND THEY'VE ATTAINED SOME SORT OF IMMENSE INNER KNOWING AND PEACE TO FOOL RETARD MASSES.

"same lol"
i already know buddhists are LARPers and NEETs are everything buddhists claim to be and more.
Hah, even worse than that - I worship the devil
why worship the devil when you can just be a normie who abuses everyone close to them while doing drugs and being ignorant.
I don't have to choose. I engage in both. Hail Satan.
>i want to be tortured for all eternity
still don't get this one.
Boobtits are perverts that just think about cooming
Who says I want to? Who says I will?
Either reincarnation is true and it is endless and there is nothing one can do about it, or it is not true and suffering will end when life ends. Or it is true and it can be ended, in which case there remains only one thing to do, which is to become enlightened. The thing about enlightenment, though, is that it happens to you irrespective of your will. It is gifted, not taken.
In all cases, I detest the creator and its creation and will burn it all to ash given the choice. I would not spare any of you, for you all deserve nothing but nothing.
you got your theology all fucked up.
>Either reincarnation is true and it is endless and there is nothing one can do about it
you can do something about it
>The thing about enlightenment, though, is that it happens to you irrespective of your will. It is gifted, not taken.
it is gifted to righeous people, not satan woshipping normniggers
>In all cases, I detest the creator and its creation and will burn it all to ash given the choice. I would not spare any of you, for you all deserve nothing but nothing.
you have no right to if you are also a shitty person.
"No it's not"
Keep yapping. Maybe some day someone will listen to you.
Samsara never ends. Atma's attachment to it does.
>there remains only one thing to do, which is to become enlightened
>it happens to you irrespective of your will
So there is absolutely no need whatsoever to try and achieve it through physical or mental state, and anyone advocating a process to become enlightened is a liar and wasting your time.
>irrespective of your will. It is gifted, not taken.
enlightenment happens when you follow the 8 fold path, it's not a gift and it's not about will power.
No one chooses to follow that path.
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The first guy to whom he declared himself awake, remembered that he answered because he was asked, basically said:
"oh. Cool"
And then he left.
so right look where Jonah ended up- easy wind blowing.
>low vibe discussion
what's that?

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