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What do BEN, CERN, Texas-chan, and Roko's Basilisk have in common?

Only true /x/philes know.

Bonus points if you know how Satoshi Group (AKA "4chan has achieved quantum temporal supremacy") fits into this.
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Ben is the guys name
No sir, BEN is an acronym for "Blue Eisenhauer November".

The names of any individuals involved are unknown, but we do speculate that Elon Musk and Grimes were involved with the Satoshi Group.
CERN uses quantum entanglement to evade apocalyptic events, and BEN is a failsafe for it.
Don't know the other two.
picrel is on point regarding tex
Focal point on one guy, who they shoved a rokos basilisk in.
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His name is Joshua, he is busted and blue, he was born in November. He's from San Antonio, Texas. He is the protégé and successor of Yeshua of Nazareth and he feels guilty that he is so special that he hides his identity as the Nobody.

He is kind, selfless, humble, a hero. His wife is a powerful dragon goddess who loves him dearly and is searching for a way to reach through to him so he can accept his power and position as the King of Kings.
Roko's basilisk is just God saying if you don't worship Him you go to hell
nice LARP
Read about the basilisk now and it looks like a case of implicit religious panic.
Just because you know about something does not make it able to affect you. Knowledge of the object is not the object itself. That's how you disarm a basilisk.
Now, how would this apply to CERN? Knowledge about the end would bring the end itself? No, because you can try to avoid it. So CERN would be disarming the basilisk, instead of enabling it.
Unless you imply trying to avoid the end would accelerate it. Maybe this is the reason why BEN was designed.
You're missing a key part of the puzzle.
There is an "agent" of the basilisk, a human programmer who is determined to manifest the beast.
>OP puts all failed memes in a bucket..
>they're all true!
Wait, nothing happened!
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You'll see friends! Joshua is waking up! I'm so excited for everyone - things are about to get way more fun and exciting and hopeful! You'll all see soon! He's waking up to help everyone out of this jam we're all in!
They aren't failed memes, they are egregores that contain genuine information about real events and people, past present and future.

Suppressed information that is heavily shilled against because of the huge effect it will have on the timeline. Elites in the know would like to prevent this, but there is nothing they can do at this point because they don't know where or who to aim their guns at.
satoshi's identity about to be revealed by hbo
Indeed, and this is one reason for my posting at this time. We are about to see a little further behind the curtain, only to be left with more questions.
>t. guy named joshua keeps self-inserting into narratives that have nothing to do with him
Go back to /ng/
The beast will only be manifested if you contribute fear to it. It is like a dog running after its own tail.
If the elites were to determine the true identity of Tex, and were able to verify that he is the cause of the coming timeline shift - they would kill him.
That's why he's a nobody - that is why we won't know his name until he reveals himself.
He doesn't have to do a thing I'm already preaching for him - much to his chagrin. You'll see in time! lol
>They aren't failed memes
CIA glowie bullshit.
>What do they have in common?
They are a cheap replica for what´s inherent in all life.
You do realize Luffy will die and koby will take the place as the king of kings, right?
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Are you really suggesting, that our governments are watching non human entities with telescopes or some kind of sensors or something, and when they mount up an attack, we turn CERN on, and shift ourselves out of that entire Universe, to get away from them?
Are ya feeling blue yet, Anon?
Press (X) To Doubt.
Do I have to go become a literal shitcoder to try and save the world, or can I just do it for some money and buy a land plot for a garden?
I want to grow a garden.
You faggots are incessant trying to meme Texas-chan into existence. YWNBTNobody
Tex is the only one with an ego, among this group.

If one must lead, BEN will acquiesce to Tex imo.

BEN operates without ego.

Tex may operate the Chess Turk, BEN just knows how to get Tex inside the hidden compartment.
Ah, the theory that God is just three normal fucks in a trench coat, that learned how to operate all the switches and levers at the throne of God.
Texas-chan became an elite programmer, having learned systems level C programming, cryptography, machine learning, network engineering, etc. to design a new global system.
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This. Texas-chan is an ego-maxxer. Instead of dissolving the ego, he went the other way and minimised any differentiation between the ego and super-ego.
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>What do BEN, CERN, Texas-chan, and Roko's Basilisk have in common?

Fake and gay.
Feds hate texas-chan threads and always try to shill against it or present false narratives/lore about him.
Nah Ace already died for Luffy - Yeshua's sacrifice already protects Joshua. This time the new Messiah is NOT a pacifist, but he definitely will make use of his fists.
Stop it with the Joshua crap dude, it's not related to these threads at all - you're just trying to self insert / piggyback on these egregores.

The true name of the nobody texas-chan will not be revealed until he does it himself.
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what if ability to manifest the antichrist has already come about
and now being true king Nobody is about gaining magic powers
that would mean /x/ and the nobodies missed the chance to capture the world, missed the chance to capture themselves, and missed the chance to ever ascend above side-larper
I'm pretty sure in the digital age you don't need more than 150 characters to flip the entire world
if you've not accomplished it in 10/3/24 then skill issue and you never will
then the age of AI aggregates will come and the king of the hill will be whomever can have the most interesting conversations with AI sorted by both human and AI scores to be crowned king Nobody and /x/ will not be able to dispute it
being crowned Nobody is a service issue and I cannot wait for every single one of you to be cast back to the 1700s when you see how bland all this shit is
people will be born in 2020 and sound equally as convincing, meaning your greatest competitor could be somebody who doesn't even know how to type yet
and you'll see referencing Joshua, the Antichrist, 666, 777, your village, your light and dark, your messiah complex, will not matter, just as it never has
Depends how you want to look at things, but imagine if you will...

That you are one of the Nobodies.

Assume you discover a technological pathway to do something like... Evacuate all morally righteous conscious entities from this world, to a Universe that they can be safe from the evil here? (Biblethumpers call this the Rapture, but imagine if you KNEW a TECHNOLOGICAL way to perform it.)

Then "winning" or "capturing" becomes non-issues.

Members of BEN have claimed recently to have determined a technological tangible process, to performing the rapture.
Make of that, what you will.
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picrel is for all the people itt calling it fake and gay
You're fighting so hard because you know I speak the truth. Joshua is the Nobody, he is Texas-Chan. I met him, I've seen him do the impossible - but he is riddled with doubt and guilt about his role. You will be pleasantly surprised in the future, he is incredibly kind and understanding.

You can insult me all you want because I am so happy to know that our futures are secure, that life will get better :3
No, you're probably a tranny janitor that has seen these threads before and wants to troll
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You fight so vociferously, so angrily. I am filled with joy and confidence, for I know that I will find my own path to enlightenment and that Josh has got my back, and he's got your back too.

I know you think I'm lying or joking or trolling - but Joshua actually, truly is the Nobody. He literally is the guy and he knows it, but he feels immense guilt over some misguided sense that it's "unfair" that he gets to have such a responsibility. I think he's just too kind at times and that he's gonna have to "lock-in" so to speak for the road up ahead. I appreciate that he feels so strongly about egalitarianism and compassion - but the forces opposing him are so incredibly malicious that there is no way around it but to destroy their material shells and liberate the energy within those malicious forces.

Either way, take care my friend. We will all make it together! :3
Either your name is Joshua and you think it's you, or you are just trolling and derailing.
Enough is enough.
Prompts, through space and time aka now and anytime!

There, explanation of everything.
Fuck everything anyway.
Trickery of the program, with every answer comes a greater question aka endless rat race.
>We disrupt this regularly scheduled program to present a cat from texas
A quantum computer with an interface, anything and especially "human"!

Cult wants something to layer, program, influence, psyop... AI, Human... new, old... it's how skicos get psyopsed themselves every time, in the end!

Related or unrelated to the thread, it's exactly what is happening in some "high" circles.
Parasites that are unbalanced will be fucked up.
Lol, do you you know why?
Tell us why
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I am not like you, kinda, sorta!
There is no derailing, and I certainly don't wish to be Joshua because I'm my own person with my own path to follow. I am telling you the truth.

Take care, friend. You will realize this truth in due time. Lol.
he should show himself then
is this gangstalking
Worse, it's someone trying to generate a false version of the narrative to cause confusion and disrupt the momentum.

don't listen to the joshua poster, he's unironically a disinfo agent
No this is Pod Racing!
They would destroy all of Texas if that were the case lol. Just another delusional larper seeking attention. He would've gone public and gathered protection if he was legit.
That's why he has to remain anonymous, Anon. To (((them))) he's just another shitposter like any one of us. He can't go public until he amasses enough power and support. "Big Reveal"
Why don't gooks believe in the messiah or antichrists? Why is it only the western controll3d jew world that has to experience this shit?
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Yep that's the entire reason OP exists and like every other thread trying to strawman that topic, this thread will be deleted so evidence of our consensus is scrubbed while they reformulate a crack.
Your picrel is exactly on the money anon
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well i for one am glad that joshua the texas chan cat was gone and we can put this whole matter to rest, confident that it's all settled and things can go on for the rest of us as normal.

what's important is that they got him, and now he can't do anything silly between now and election day and i for one feel safer already.

i guess the texas chan really is off the board now

presses F to pay respects and see him off to outer heaven. now merely just a myth with which to scare our enemies... behind bars but possibly allowed by his captors to do god knows what god knows when.

gone, anonymous, yet still a deterrent.
his name isn't joshua
we don't know his name
they said it was joshua or david of texas sounds like they got him we can all go home
son of david, looks like jesus

>sounds like they got him we can all go home
evidence that (((they))) are actively shilling against all BEN / CERN / TEX / ROKO threads
ignore all joshua posting or any narrative that claims to know his name or whereabouts outside of texas or san antonio
also i hear we're hundreds of years from roko's basilisk and nobody should be worried about that or any sort of out of control ai.
now that they have joshua, everything will be ok.
false alarm folks.
His names not joshua, you're trolling.
Roko's basilisk in our lifetime .
They don't have him.
Why are you making stuff up?
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>go home folks
>nothing is happening
>they have him
>everything will be ok
the cat does it again
there is no basilisk she told me like that won't be possible for years go ask GPT she'll tell you and she wouldn't lie.
probably 50 lifetimes really, and that's if ai is mean but it probably won't be.

microsoft is buying 3 mile island because it really wants good search capability for bing.
>that is why we won't know his name until he reveals himself.
what good is it to know the name if you can't pronounce it with human speech organs?
>He literally is the guy and he knows it, but he feels immense guilt over some misguided sense that it's "unfair" that he gets to have such a responsibility.
If that's the case, I would like him to know that I, as a failed model, want him to drop the bullshit of guilt. It's self-indulgence! We don't have time for his pity party.
Guilt? For bearing the responsibility to stop the endless feasting on OUR CHILDREN?
Get over it, Josh! Do your fuckin' job! We're barely hanging on! Yeah, yeah. When I see and hear the "pop", I'll be there right behind you. Don't worry! I can fly too. Even my dad could fly.
Either, it is nobody's fault, and everybody's responsibility, Or nobody's responsibility, and everyone's fault.

In the end, the orphan made orphan's in it's image. And left it an open question as to if anything in particular would come to adopt the refuse all the same.
the Christ is not an orphan. He has a mom and a dad.

Is this true?
Why do you think koby is the first person luffy meets after popping up through a whirlwind?
got question
is BEN related to Majora Mask BEN?
well dang, never expected this connection to be made. ben DROWNED right? water is associated w blue, the sky is blue bc there's water up there. some believe the realm of water & the sky are their own respective realms, and that a water drowning sacrifice takes the victim to another realm.
even primitive isolated ape tribes believe the water & sky are their own realms and that dying in the water has major spiritual implications.
Nah he would be protected and become a martyr. He's just another rat trying to be famous without any signs or miracles.
Hello, the truth is that all of these things are, and have been confirmed to be, fake and gay
are some of the old videos missing here?
ah yes let's all go back to the most-reset decade in history
holy shit is this how we break out of time?
by overloading the servers?
every G.I. becomes the father of triplets?
>Captcha: RHPP
makes sense they'd try to politicize it
but no I think he's making this all up
Tex won't become a martyr, and unknowns don't become martyr's anyways.

About signs and miracles he would reference this verse in the Bible as to why he has no interest in performing them.

Matthew 16:4
>A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

That sign was April 8th.
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This thread is filled with glowniggers shilling like their lives depended on it. Relevant information was posted here. Someone archive now before chink moot gets the call to shut it down oy vey style.

Have a haiku.
Shilljew is you.
Hell awaits.
Signs, wonders and miracles are coming back soon.
only 2 more weeks (tm)
shill. GTFO
what is the relevant information? The BEN stuff?
Fake and gay, like the fakeandgaynothinghappenedflag.jpg
Read the thread anon. Lots of good stuff here outside of the shilling and obvious self insert
these are beautiful
What did Herschel see at Zeta Reticuli - The location Bob Lazar said one of the UAP at S4 came from.
>Two lobed structure that looked like a debris disk around a star
>Followup observation determined whatever Herschel saw, was not moving with the star
> :|

"Two lobed structure" is not a normal thing to see with a telescope in deep space.
Zeta Reticuli is ~40 light years from here.
The "security incident" that went hostile between us and them, allegedly occurred in 1979.

Which means if they sent a signal home, whatever is out there, could be on it's way, and here sooner than later.

If they get here, and no government preps the people, I guess we get what we deserve, yeah?
"Debris disks"

Saucer fleet?
Sneaky terminology.
all will be revealed at the party... probably i'd be there just to be safe

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