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/x/ - Paranormal

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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

Useful tips before posting:
Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.
Anonymous 10/02/24(Wed)18:07:08 No.38949003
If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (embed) (link dead)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz (embed)
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed)
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed)
A compiled Rider Waite card explanation
Hello dive, third archive this time. Someone has it out for us
They are just upset they didn't get their love general.
Trading schizo query
Sure, what's yours
Will I be able to find an alien/actual non human bf or will I have to settle for an ape?

What's yours?
what's the main thing I can look forward to happening to me this month?
Still trading this since anon ain't about that life apparently
Hi, i will trade you.
I had an amazing wet dream with a grey nigga last night. He was mounting me and shoving his stiffy in my Va

My Q is will I become God
LMAO tell you what sure whatever, deal. Starting
aq do i have a mental illness
What has A brought to my life?

/div/ has been going at full speed for a few days
What does that mean, we have been getting archived like crazy.
Ten of Cups, Queen of Swords, Tower, Knight of Wands, Ten of Wands, Five of Swords, Death, Ten of Pentacles

Nah, and honestly you seem to be stubborn about this which will put a strain on your relations for a while. It probably already does. You'll eventually do great in life once a major shift happens and you realise the impact your behavior has on others. You'll decide it's time to transform and move on from the idea.

Ain't gonna be god but you'll be cushy
The anons who are trolling this thread must be reporting it or something, it's been weird since monday.
Bummer. Thanks for the reading!
I see. Hes been on a role as of late. No clue why.
It's strange that the thread was archived shortly after he failed to monopolize the subject when readers showed up to take up the focus.
I may just be imagining things, but weird.
Will I look good or more attractive to others with this haircut I'm getting tonight?

Starting when you confirm
Nah, that sounds about right. A shame. He keeps scaring the readers away. I would but I dont have my cards with me
I don't think he's being that successful if that's their goal, I think the readers are just busy right now.
Confirming and starting
Cool readers lately, too bad I got no queries left kek, been hanging around here too much these past few days for no reason.
I don't know their goal, I think they are just being a shit
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Heck that guy trying to hijack my last reading actually, doing simple yes/no readings until other readers show up to liven the place up.

Post memes as payment and a name for yourself/others involved. Any query goes.
I may have a few more questions to ask about the oni spirit I want to court and I also want to ask a reader about my mother's safety. I think she may not get her protection order finalized and I want to know if my father will try to hurt her.
Mouse anon the hero we need but don't deserve
6 of Cups, 3 of Wands, World
8 of Cups

The opinions of others won't really factor in much but the haircut will do good for your self-esteem. Whatever is lingering within you to seek approval from others at this moment will dissipate and you'll feel good about yorself and more confident without concern abour what other think.
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Alright mouse man.
J, If my mother cant get her protection order finalized tomorrow, will my father try to hurt her in the future?
>4 of pents, 6 of wands rx, 10 of wands

Well it seems like in a sense they brought you a form of security and restrictive comfort if that makes any sense. It seems like they do contribute to your life in a very passive manner but you or them might not validate those claims by addressing them or giving credit when credit is due. I do have a sense that this person does kind of burden you with how they are and their responsibilities and how they carry themselves especially in regards to acknowledging what they do bring to the table. It seems like they bring you a level of unrecognized comfort that can be stressful at times.

I'd be Greatul for some feedback
Nah he doesn’t do next gf
Am I a hero genius king?
am i close to achieving it?
They were using a world of warcraft character as their avatar.
Restrictive comfort is a perfect description actually. Very correct cards and spot on reading, thank you for the reading and giving me some clarity.
Damn bruv your family situation sounds terrible
It took you so long to figure it out? The thread haa been gwtting shittier since gman became a mod.

Go fuck yourself you fucking "Telepathic" degenerate coomer. You suck far worse than the incels you hate.
Fuck off. That's not a troll. That's a regular reader on here you idiot
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After I end my relationship with A, would there be chance for me (M) and D?
No where the loov?
So hes the incel shitter, It makes sense now. He keeps derailing the thread. I'm a mobilefag, gimme a break
My mistake chief. I got confused.
Will he think about it? Yes. Will he do it? No. He is more of a coward than you realise.

One day... maybe...

No to hero, yes to potential to be one. No to genius. ????CONSISTENT YES to king???? I don't know of what but okay then, gratz anon lmao

Um, cheeesed to meet you?!
The troll is sometimes pretending to be other readers, he did it with wow guy, with thntz yesterday and I think with mouse reader too.
389, thank goodness. I feel much better now.
I will do 3 and take a break from /div/.
Stay safe out there.

>Concise query

>One day... maybe...
I believe
That makes sense, he really has it out for us.
>I don't know of what
Kek that’s what they all say.
>No to genius
HWAT?! Nuh-uh, can’t be right, but anyway I’ll take it, thanks mouseanon.
Seems like a no, sorry

No :(

Will my blonde crush who's a Gemini try and message me soon after what's happened?
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Will I get along with my co-workers and stay for a year if I work there?
Ace of Pentacles Rx, 4 of Cups Rx, 2 of Wands Rx, 9 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, Page of cups

Eventually, yes. You didn't specify the gender you are looking for but you could go either way.
You're going to meet a redhead but she's s bit past her prime and with a taste for a chaotic lifestyle.
Pubs and the like är probably the place You're going to find your redhead, but it's going to be a flibg/hook-up at most.
Something you will do to talk about the fire bush later on.

5 of Pentacles Rx, Page of Pentacles Rx, 5 of Wands, 8 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles Rz

Unlikely if nothing changes. Let's day that you're going to be face with s myriad of conflicts and as result you're GOI to feel yourself stuck. You're going to be lacking on many fronts there and even when the time is right, should you not change your approach, your wish will be far fetched.

4 of swords, magician rx, temperance, 2 of wands

She needs time. That is: if she decides to message you, of course.
If you two had some conflicts, she will probably make peace with the anger and feel receptive towards you again.
I'm bored, I'll do a couple queries,
no occult, no gf
post something funny
And that's it for me, Div.
Maybe someday I will be back, but I hope otherwise.

Take care, be good, do good.

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will affirming to into sleep work
Yes, but it seems more like it will work in a way that will give you a push to get the prerequisites in order, rather than simply being magic.

Neither of them

Yes to getting along, no to a year

Maybe I need to get my mind out of the gutter but. WHAT TOYS. ANON?
I don't understand sorry
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will that option damage my hard drive?
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would I more likely get my ideal physique if I did the new 2 set program, or the old 3 set program? thank you
Trading incel Q
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How do I earn money fast?
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Ok I’ll bite. I’m is: what does A think of me? Thanks if you get to it.
Now we are just taking the cake gman.
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The other anon left so I’ll ask this one again: what does A think of me? I apologize for asking lol..
What is going on between E(male) and T(female)?
starting yours
We about to get hit with round four on the archive boys. Let's fucking goooooooooooooo
New to /div/, could someone explain this whole story to me? I don't want to derail the thread, but I see people commenting on it all the time and I get confused.
It's a janny thing.

No :(
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How can I up my finances? I’m a NEET rn trying to start a business but idk what to do
The old classic cunny confusion spell. Works like a charm on mods
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she thinks your low self-esteem and lack of effort is preventing you to live to your potential
She is the second coming of Abracadabra. Don't let Hades find out
I thought you left the thread. Lol. Not sure what that means but thanks.
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Will I be offered my old job back within the month of October? Pic is funny tho I don’t personally connect with it.
Me either, you ask an open ended question to a pendulum and you get that! Only yes/no my fren
Does he run the div discord or some shit?
He might want to telepathically fuck her gman style
The second cumming of christchan
Alright, let's not get this thread archived as well.
Oh goddddd that AI slop, yes from the pendulum by the way
Abra use to act like Isabella whoring herself to all the div men for attention, typical pick me slut. There's always one like this every div generation
Of course she has nudes, typical whores.
would I more likely get my ideal physique if I did the new 2 set program, or the old 3 set program? just maybe 2 cards for each? i'll give u 4 card reading back
Bruh, all the readers left
Wasn't she a druggie as well? Heard she use to do coke to stay skinny
I'm still here, but no one has posted anything funny
/div/ has reddit tier humour
I'll do three more readings, I had a terrible headache earlier and I'm still recovering.
>Initials, gender and sun sign.
>Any song that's been on your mind recently.
What can I do to start making money? I’m a NEET rn and want to do business or something but idk

The Passenger - Iggy Pop
KN male virgo

will that option damage my hard drive?
I clicked on any reply and ended up screwing up Kek ignore my stupidity.

Hierophant RX, 2 of cups RX, Magician RX, 10 of Cups RX
give me your q
Lmfao nigga you replied to the nudes

What does JM thinks of me? We been friends since elementary and then she moved away. But then she goes to the same university as me. And we hanged out today at a club meeting, I’m a little introverted. So I only talked to her a few times. I’m not sure if I was being boring or anything
Will I ever be financially successful, or am I destined to be poor for the rest of my life?
Kekled a lil inside
Trading 2 Part Query
If you got a headache just take a break man. You don’t owe the forumgoers here anything.
My brother you need a break from this hell
Brother don't drain yourself like this
Thanks for your concern, but I need to do something to occupy my mind until my working hours are over and I can log off and go to sleep.
Ok the answer was yes.. interesting.. anyway yea it is AI created obviously but the joke itself was about AI so maybe more fitting than typical AI slop? Thanks for the read btw.
>isabella whoring herself
As far as i’ve witnessed all she did was break every discord guideline set in place, only to be greeted by a flood of dms from this faggot her every night with words of heartfelt reassurance.
Mine is: why do i keep pulling reversed cups like three of cups rx two of cups rx knight of cups rx when asking advice from my angels
would I more likely get my ideal physique if I did the new 2 set program, or the old 3 set program? just maybe 2 cards for each?
starting your reading
Starting yours
4 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, knight of cups, lovers

maybe you are being too reserved which might lead to material hardships and to develop long-term material success you need to network more and surround yourself with the right people and advance in these relations idealistically and diplomatically and optimistically emotion-wise, maybe you lack such a network now, or the one you surround yourself with is lacking or you have no real good connection with them
>New 2 set: 4 of pents, moon
>Old 3 set: 10 wands, tower
New 2 set will get you admirers and you’ll be very satisfied with your physique. Old 3 set actually may lead you to injury. Get the impression with the new 2 set you will “look hot on the beach” with people miring
I specifically love this live version. But I always miss Bowie singing the lalalala in the chorus :')

>VI of Wands, IV of Disks, Death, King of Cups
Kind of an obvious answer, but you need to change your life completely. It seems to me that you have the potential to develop a very healthy financial life, you seem to be good at saving money and you have good goals in mind.
Maybe start studying some kind of investment, you seem to have a good mind for it.

>IX of Disks, VII of Wands, Queen of Disks

>IV of Cups, King of Wands, VIII of Swords, Knight of Swords, Star Rev, IX of Disks, Hermit Rev
The fact that you're a very closed person ends up separating you a lot, if you want to have something with him you'll need to change that.
Sentimentally I wouldn't be able to tell you, there seems to be a lot of insecurity on your part to make him connect with you in this way, but he has a lot of physical interest in you.
He seems to me to be a very centered, generous and compassionate man, especially towards you, so maybe you shouldn't be so uncomfortable around him.
yahooo!!!!!! thanks
I think this is spot on, i wasnt looking at the cards from a career aspect before but i definitely think its about networking since im almost done with a degree and have to decide where to do residency. Thanks anon!
dead crow in my yard. crows keep approaching me or staring at me. is this anyone trying to talk to me? or are crows just retards. usually never had them come near me
I never see dead crows theyre usually too smart to die
Im afraid ill get cursed if i read this so im going to pass sorry
T, female, aries
black hair, alex G
They don't want you to approach the body, they do this when one of their own dies, let them be
fair, but i just recently move and the crow that was dead was at my own house. still being approached by them prettt weird amount. its probably nothing though
Leave them gifts
ok:) yay:)
Sounds like an omen.
they are frens
>closed person
I know! I’m changing that by going into social events. Also this person is a girl lol.

Should I have met up with her tonight?
Sorry, I'm extremely dumb tonight

Finally free, good night /div/ until tomorrow or another day.

Drink water and be safe.
Goodnight, I think I will stay on a little longer. I still want to ask a few questions about how I should court my oni wife and help her open up to me. I hope the drama stops
Aq, how will things go tomorrow?
Why has this nasty situation showed up out of the blue? Is this a test? Some reflection of my weakened state? Sorry if this is the vaguest shit, skip if you like, I’m just hanging with you boyiz here tonight.
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offering reads
How will tomorrow go for me?
>>38957497 this one please <3
Will I return to my homeland one day? In what circumstances?
Will I find love?
Consequences of me starting to stream?
What should I do to attract a gf?
She want it done in the year 2024 or 2025?
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king of wands
it will go well for you, people will apreciate you better. You did something that impressed your boss.

4 of wands
probably a celebration or a party, you might end up meeting someone that you connect well with them. Maybe a new romance or a good friend could go either way.

6 of cups
yes but it wont be soon, but when you do people will welcome you with open arms they will relive the memories of the past and you will have a hella of a good time.
Should I start day trading
Should I learn reiki?
Future wife’s looks and personality?
What did LM(female) represent in my dream last night?
What are " L's" perceptions of me?
Will I be with J again?
Does H think I'll be married in 2027?
Thank you
Would R take that deal?
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ace of cups
yeah probably around november you might meet someone in a wedding or something where family gathers, or an intimate gathering. Might be a water sign

ace of pentacles
money money money! here comes the money!
it will be very lucrative for you, your charisma will get you far

you need to be charming and kind, act like a gentleman, not the fedora type an actual man. Most men are are girly men now a days and wait for women to act, try to go for the traditional women type they would be more accepting of your advances.

the sooner the better 2024
Very cool, thanks, I’m chill with that
Can you describe my next boyfriend?
Can you do this one?
Can you do a vibe check on me?
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8 of pentacles
not yet, try to learn more about the market itself you could end up making a mistake it's best you ask the experts and learn from them

go for it, it will help you heal and open your heart to better opportunities.

queen of swords
she is just and a bit strict, really loyal she will want a monogamous relationship. She is tall and skinny, might have dark or light brown hair. She is pale but enjoys having a tan she is in to sports and has a really healthy lifestyle

7 of cups
its more of a you thing, she is someone from your past and someone who you want to connect with but seems like it's just a want, a really deep want of yours.
50/50 I am sensing alittle anxiety, maybe some regret about something stupid you said to some chick your trying to impress. forget about it, she dont care and doesnt even remember.
Can I just ask queries about other people’s future just because I’m curious about it? Does that work or is it bad taste in divination terms??
When would it be best to go on my trip to city S?
Kek second time I got this exact same card for this exact same query about a car.
When would it be best to leave my current town? The one I’m physically in right now not necessarily the place I’m the most attached to..
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Can regular Tarot readers describe their recent experiences with the Tower?
You can, no problem with doing this.
did j will pay me? did l will kill me?
Yeah I have a bit of anxiety atm but it’s under control. Not unrelated to a girl but only tangentially
>some regret about something stupid you said to some chick your trying to impress
Doesn’t narrow it down that much lol.
If it’s the girl I’m thinking of, I guess I’m glad, although she already forgot me once so… Kek.
Nois thx
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9 of swords
there's a bit of deception coming from their heart, they are let down by something you did

it will take a while before you do, might need some healing of wounds in order for you two to start again

high priestess reversed
H doesn't want you to know, if this is a spirit yeah they want you to concentrate on other things. theres something you're forgetting that is quite important.

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Take a ticket and wait in line, when your number is called your prophecy will be given to you.
The Tower is the most misunderstood card in the entire tarot. Whenever I do readings for other people, I feel the terror in their eyes when the tower comes out.
Recently, in the last readings she's given, she's been very precise. I think Tower and Devil are the most accurate cards in my deck when they decide to show up
Aight, hit me with it.
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had to divide shit because of this new spam shit 4chin haz

ace of swords
yes only if you're honest about said thing, and make sure you keep your end of the bargain

papa bless

hanged man
seems like you are stuck in something and something is using that to take advantage of your situation, could be occult related try to cleanse yourself anon

3 of swords
seems like you're going through a rough patch, try to cheer up things will get better. Take care of yourself, the rain won't last forever anon, there's always a rainbow after it. This too shall pass
Waiting in line.
Thank you
hiiii, am I getting better at listening?
I like it. It's the equivalent of taking a box of sand and shaking it up to delete the patterns traced on it. Rough approach to change but it gets the job done with it's gloves off.
Hmm that's weird. Very weird.
Thanks for the reading
Does H believe that R will be alive when I get married to G?
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10 of swords
the melancholic type, he is a drama king, enjoys conflict and might have a victim complex, might also try to gaslight you, avoid this weirdo he is going to make you as miserable as him.

no more readings the wild ride has ended for now
Thank you!
Thank you me skeleton
>992 thanks
Taking one
should I be worried about the visit to my home country?
^ - ^
do i exude power?
Who's the love of my life? I'm female.
i got a golden tickkett
Who will be my life partner? I'm female.
Ok prophecy pls. Thanks lol.
Should have I not entered the parking this afternoon?
Does E's mom want E to die so she can collect life insurance money? starting
that's kinda dark ain't it?
Ace of Swords, 9 of cups RX, chariot, 6 of pentacles, High priestess

I mean, you followed your intuition---which was correct---or you know the answer deep down. Either way, none of these cards are bad except that 9 of cups rx---ruined someone's buzz? lol
Tarot is perfect for this sort of stuff
What is N feeling now for me?
How does he feel about me?
>Strengh rx, 3 of Wands rx, 2 of Wands rx, clarified by King of Pentacles
man, she's clearly very very conflicted in a shitty situation, which she wants an end to, the King of Pentacles clearly indicates money is a topic, but I'm not confortable make any more judgments than that sorry
I'm asking about Eugenia Cooney lol, she's a youtube celebrity and anorexic with an enabler mother and makes lots and lots of money---but comes from a wealthy family... just wondering! thanks
did I say anything wrong?
wanna trade again?
Nosy cunts like you are the exact reason why I dont read for faggots on here anymore. What business is this of yours?
Mama Mia, what did he do but ask about her health. She is obviously in a bad situation. It's more personal than your average love read.
Mmmm tickettt please

Thanks anon that’s nice
It’s not like the person knows Eugenia Cooney.
Yeah maybe you’re right, it resonates, although I interpret it in more than way, not sure what it is. But thanks.
That is true
She's promoting anorexia to little children by constantly making videos for her young fan base showing off her unhealthy, and deadly, choices, glorifying it, normalizing it, being proud about it and profiting off of it. It can be my business if I want it to be at that point, because I want to gain knowledge of what is causing such a horrific scenario to play out to become more aware about life in general so I can be a better parent, person, friend ect. I had an idea to raise awareness about her issues because I can think of a simple solution, depending how grave the circumstances are. Anyway, you're a fag.
How can/when will I find my dear muse?
She’s not gonna fuck you anon
im a girl. nice try retard
You see my intuition told me you were, I guess this truly is /div/ after all throroughafterhowever

Future of my (M, Taurus) relationship with her (F, Libra)? We’re just friends atm
So? Maybe you’re a lesbian with an ED fetish, those are probably out there.
When you do divination on spirits and people, do they become aware of it or is it just a small feeling they get for a while?
Not really on topic but the above question made me think about goosebumps. What are those? A spirit passing through you? Someone observing you? Some timeline shift?
Sensory reaction of fear, anon.
Then the aftermath of Burger King is fucking terrifying
9 of Cups
Page of Cups
10 of Wands
things are gonna be fine for some time, probably some dating, but the relationship will eventually become one sided and a bore
Na I’ve literally never gotten them out of fear, but at moments where I’m, not sure how to describe it, maybe inspired, or full of something, I feel as though someone has “seen” me doing something specific.
I mean, "excitement" ,comes in many forms.
Bros never used one ply before
The worst thing is that shiver on the back of your neck when you feel someone is watching you and you look around and there really is someone staring at you.

Will I ever speak a word to her again literally ever? Thanks.
explain to me how that would make any sense, retard
Yeah that’s annoying, your instinct is usually to look away after that but it’s such a bitch move, I gotta make a note to just stare back and then walk up to whoever is staring if that ever happens to me again.
Unfortunately I live in a place where if I do that I'll probably end up getting stabbed kek.
Dumbass, there are lesbians and people with an eating disorder fetish, how does it not track that someone might be both things?!
Could I please have a reading?
Sometimes I wonder if the reason so many men are single nowadays is because we accidentally turned our cumsocks into a collective egregore that keeps us alone to feed off of us.
She’s not glorifying it, why can’t a ED person post their life? She not telling eating hacks or anything
In some fashion
Do they know what is being asked about them or by who?
Do I have a chance with his dad?
No it’s because of the Jews
Wheres my jew to cum in? I didn't get the memo.
Who's the love of my life? I'm female. Thanks!
Don’t be gross, Jews are full of parasites, why do you think they replicate that behavior in society through usury. You’d be safer sticking your dick in sewage water.
Spirits would be more attuned, varies by person.
I see. Thank you.
Something tells me we arnt getting our tickets pulled.
Really should work on the consent thing.
No we ain’t but it ok
I did want dat prophecy doe
It is what it is anon
You're going to be a totally different person soon
Dont tell me... hes going to wake up left handed
Do I need to act more aloof in love?
I am left handed already
Damn, we were too late. Rest in piss anon
Damn dude, that’s some foreboding shit o_o
>Rest in piss
This is a bolshevik idiom, disgusting.
You're going to meet a cute girl at the clerb
I dunno, drink it for all I care.
You like to drive at night
Really? Wow that’s awesome man. I sure wish I knew what a clerb is however ( ._.)
Will w or r do anything to d?
I dont have a car silly
Nope, I like to walk at night though.
Best time to walk, or super early in the morning.
doing some readings and have a query of my own

same thing keeps happening love wise, am i being too careful or am i being too direct?
Money situation for the rest of year?
do i exude power?

You don't have a home?
Im sorry anon, I dont have my cards. Could I ask you an occult query?
What are my long-term financial prospects?

His feelings about getting it this year or next year?
I do, I just dont drive
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What might N be feeling for me now?

If you'd rather not do that one can I ask instead what might happen between us both?
Does he think I’m cute?
Can someone give him his read first?
Oh okay
sure, ill see how i do
How can/When will I find my dear muse?

Currently doing your reading
You're being too careful
Hmm also fate is at play here
What’s a thing that will happen soon?

As for your q: I think you need to be more cautious. I am basing this on literally nothing so idk.
Thank you. i will be summoning a very soft and timid oni spirit that likes kissing to be my lover in a few months. I would like to ask when I summon kissy oni in the future after I have improved, how will she treat me at first? Will she be happy or very shy?
nine of cups reversed, three of pentacles, queen of cups

focus on being practical and dont impulsively buy, you will do best with collaboration or some sort lf support system.
wheel of fortune
seven of wands reversed
three of pentacles reversed

the long and short of it is that you're being too cautious/non-committal but there may also be an element of "fate" involved or it may be a blessing in disguise somehow
I'm very honest and have a hard time hiding my emotions. How do I hide how much I crave female attention so I don't get ghosted for being desperate?
I hope I'm not beating the thread up too much about it
tower reversed, queen of pentacles, three of cups

if you are worried of something negative occuring it seems like it wont really be the case, you could be misinterpreting intentions.
Do you know about the theory that egregores hijack minds to get summoned?
It doesn't have anything to do with egregores. I have been practicing magick for awhile and just think oni are cute. This one is very timid so I was just trying to figure out how I should expect when I first meet her.
I mean, it sort of does.
Thank you so much
Does he hate my guts now?
:0 saucy… i’ll do captchamancy on this: mk4yxg “make for your king” i’d say you have a chance go for it!
It would solely be for revenge but he is kinda cute lowkey
Revenge for what?
What should I be focusing on?
two of swords reversed, temperance reversed, nine of swords reversed

it seems the spirit will grow accustomed to you and will stop being shy around you
Him being disrespectful
I probably won't... but if somehow the opportunity presents itself I'll take it
Disrespectful how?
hierophant, two of rods reversed, ten of swords

seems N isnt thinking much about you at the time, theres some stuff clouding their mind
Thank you
The cards seem a bit scary but I hope they are good
He doesn't like my outfits
she might get the freak on, but im not sure if its a freaky oni
Thank you tarotnoob
i would fell you and still have time for og boomerang cartoons
seems like you already have met them, but youll have to see how to reconnect with them again. just focus on being on the right path morally and rethink who it might be.
Well, I did put in the letter that I wanted to be very romantic and sexual with her. I wanted her to feel comfortable. I learned she was very timid and I just didn't want to push her and scare her off
it seems she will actually come through w that
So you feel the cards are telling you she will open up to me.
did M curse me with DA? urs
Will I work with or be friends with N?
did what T did to supossedly help me actually backfired?

I feel that she messed with my energies and things are worse now.. but I could be wrong, maybe it even helped me.
the chariot, 10 of wands. page of cups.
you’re to determined to makes things workk between you both and it will feel exhausting, being their friend may lesd to burnout.there is potential for connection but its fragile
Star 6oc wheel of fortuneX
No, I'm feeling that you're doing it to yourself by not letting go of the situation. Yeah you really need to let go of the past. Im sorry my friend
q? Mine is did H curse me with DA
Will I get a nosejob next year?
7 of swords 6 of swords the sun.
yes, you’ve carefully considered getting it done and it will boost your confidence
>hanged man
>judgement X
You seem to be stuck on this person. You should try to salvage this relationship or communicate with them to get closure. I'm not seeing any curses here.
Does J love me?
Will I marry soon?
Who are you? Who would you want to marry?
I don't know I'm trying to manifest it or see what fate says
4ow qow the moon
Also some shufflemancy
They like you alot but they quite trust you or think that they would be worthy of love from someone like you...yeah they like you alot but guards are up
AQ (please)
What would be the result if I was to express my anger now?
The hermit the chariot the empress
Unfortunately not at this time. The chariot came up which says that there will be a good outcome in the future though. It just might not be as near of future as you might have hoped. The efforts you take will lead to satisfactory outcomes. You are being advised to focus on self care, the intergration of the feminine in your life, and ultimately creativity in reaching your goals. Thinking outside the box so to speak.
Why was I so into jacking off to Jana Fox last night? It's like my brain got replaced with a simp brain.
Makes sense
Will T and B ever get back together?
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Anger, the sometimes last ditch effort catalyst for an always, surely, guaranteed result. However, it is a most dangerous path. Many suffer from the unknown, whether it be fear, a longing, a curiosity. We find comfort in progress, in process, and in result. Events will happen, we have no control over that. Yet, we can inject our own influence into the progress of our own scenarios. Anger, hatred, and the like, expedite situations quickly, there is no doubt. However, a connection burned through anger finds more difficulty in being repaired than one bruised from the simple truth of reality. This can be delivered with a level mind and still yield similar results, even if slow moving. The choice is yours.


Your quick to action spirit can be admirable, but the coals with which you play will burn your palm, if caution is not heeded! Either way, I see a positive turn for you, unexpectedly. This will not last, but you can revel in the joy of the moment when it shines.

Would she work together with me on this project?
Did he feel the relationship as intensely as I did?

What will the outcome be of mine and N's relationship?
Does A like me romantically?
If I'm your A and you're my A, I did lust after you at one point but you changed yourself so that your no longer my type. But assuming you're a dude like me and you're thinking about a girl:
> six of pentacles
She sees you as someone who can make her fall in love with him.
Q? feel free to skip this but...should I go to a doctor this week or next week? or will the problem go away on its own that's on my arm? I don't have money or insurance. It's not life threatening.
can you help me with this one? you?
feel free to skip
When am I going to find, marry and have children with my ideal partner?

Does my exT still think of me or want to reach out? Starting
>Chariot, ace of pents, knight of swords

Yeah I think I would say go and get it looked at. Doesn't seem like it's going to be anything life-threatening or too scary or spooky to get handled, but you would benefit by taking control of the situation and going out of your way to get it done. But sooner the better genuinely. It'll save you a lot of hassle and stress later on
You there anon?
this year: death rx, emperor, king of wands, 7 of cups rx, 4 of wands, knight of cups RX, 6 of wands
Strong possibility this year, if you complete all the necessary steps and sacrifices of having complete agency over yourself and sovereignty and control in your life, and are the person you want to be---as well as knowing exactly what you want from someone---if you are unwilling to let the old die/or become your best self, then it won't happen---but with all these positive cards, high likelihood you are on the right path this year...and if not this year...very easily you can obtain a good relationship with the ideal partner when you are ready.
With knight of cups RX, maybe you are not ready for romance or are open to it this year---as you are in the process of taking control of yourself and your life and becoming your ideal self and creating a stable foundation for yourself.
6 of wands last card....everything is up to you when you want it and when you are ready.
Death RX.... if you're not ready to kill the old reality, you won't find them, but if you do successfully transform and are ready to evolve, it'll happen.
9 of cups RX, King of Swords RX: Marriage next year isn't your wish and wouldn't make any sense logically.
Within the next 2 years: 9 of cups, ace of cups RX, judgement RX, hanged man, 8 of pentacles.
Engaged in next 2 years: 4 of cups RX, wheel
Married next 5: World, Page of Wands
Kids in next 5: Knight of Pent, Temperance RX, 9 of cups RX, Sun, Queen of Pentacles RX, page of cups

Okay so... everything seems to be in your control but the journey there...you're going to have to get clearer on what you want, what it will look like, and who it'll be with...you might get your wishes, but then decide the offer isn't good enough, the person isn't good enough, will want something different, will gain a new perspective, and realize the person isn't what you want.
You have both cards of success and rejecting offers because of realizations.

Sorry, I'll answer yours anyway even though someone else helped me out.

Think: Hermit, 10 of Pentacles, High Priestess
They're very isolated from thoughts of you, but will always see you as family/forever to be trusted, and get intuitions about you...synchronicities that they pay attention to, they feel you sometimes, you're still ingrained in their subconscious.
Reach out: 7 of cups RX, empress RX, page of swords, hierophant RX
They might think it isn't an option, it wouldn't be the right thing to do, despite maybe interested in some small talk or light stalking, and if this is a female, they think the male should reach out first per traditional rules. Or, it would be a fruitless endeavor.
Thanks this seems accurate.

Have a goodnight anon
How long until me and my Gemini ex talk again?
will I marry someone from EE? or from elsewhere? starting
Sorry, got held up. Here’s your reading:

King of Wands, 8 of Wands, the Sun

Get it checked out. It’s nothing serious, but it would be good for your own peace of mind, since you won’t believe me if I just say it’s fine.

There’s really nothing else to say but that.
>Ace of pents, 5 of wands, 8 of wands rx

Well it does look like you will marry someone from EE but it probably won't be for a long while or at least for a good amount of time. I drew five of wands for elsewhere so it looks like there would be too much conflict or troubles you run into if you were to look somewhere else. The 8 of wands rx tells me though it won't be for a while. Just be patient and keep doing what you're doing, it looks like you're on the right path to get what you want.
Ten of Swords - Seven of Coins - Hanged Man
Expect things to take rather long here. You may be hopeful but it won't seem to happen quite soon. If you really do want this however they'll be around, just not now.
I don't expect it to be for a while, thanks. Let me knowing you want to trade again
Yea I'll do 1 more. Can I just get a sex/love life general for the next 3 months?

I'll post after you this time if that's ok.

Starting when you post ur q
why post after me? are you not going to deliver?
I will? I just delivered. What's ur q
Will they be from U,R, or somewhere else? one card for each is fine, starting
> 2 of pents, 2 of cups, 5 of wands (again)

Looks like definitely from r is the strongest card here pertaining to love and affection. You you're more likely to make friends in good connections that'll help balance your love and social life. The person you're most likely to marry is going to be in r. Can't say when this connection will happen but I would be looking in that area.
Empress, Nine of Swords, Queen of Swords
I don't know your gender so I can't pinpoint but if you're a male expect to meet someone new this month, female
potentially meeting someone good as well and you'll be feeling good at the very least. There might be breakup next month or you realize the truth about this person before regaining your composure in the third month and approaching love and dating and such much more logically.
Thanks for the trades anon. Hope you have a goodnight
same , thank you ;)

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