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I don't need trinkets, saints, tradition, or even Jesus to know the supreme being. You can seethe about it all you want, it means precisely nothing to me. Your stories about Hell don't scare me. I am already complete and secure in the immortality of my soul and oneness with God. Because I was never separated from him.
I'm happy for you. I came to the same conclusion when I was around 6. People obviously found and experienced God before Jesus was born. Otherwise there would be no prophesy to fulfill. He wasn't needed to know God before, and He isn't now. It's silly to think God would damn everyone by happenstance of not reading the bible too. How can they be expected to know God without such guidance? The same way everyone else does. That's my opinion. I also believe Jesus is God, as much as anyone can be.
I am the way, says the lord, and no one comes to the father except through me
>New Testament as the proof for New Testament
The Old Testament prophesies of a new covenant which is what Jesus established through His sacrifice. The entire NT is basically a reflection of ehat that new covenant entails.
This is based but please do not fall into the trap of Gnosticism. You will turn manic and schizophrenic and you will experience mood swings.

Be on your own path and find power from yourself, as you are doing.
Then why don't all Jews believe in Jesus?
Noted. I already have a distaste for most gnostics because of their open hatred for life and the physical world.
Gnosticism comes from Egypt and is the dream structure. Its symbol is the ankh. The star of David is the Greek God Aethir.
You're more ahead than most people on this board. Love the world. Love the people around you. Be grateful for those who wish to help and aid you.

Me personally, Ive always had this direct connection with God but I am becoming very interested in Norse paganism because of how connected and grounded into the world it is.

As above so below.
The prophecy said that the Messiah would be from the seed of David. David was a noble Israelite king who brought Jsrael great victories in war and establishing a name for themselves again. So when the prophesied Messiah arrived, they denied Him because of ehat He taught. They expected Jesus to be like David. A powerful WA king to fight nations and bring Israel back to the heightened state it used to be. But Jesus came preaching a message of selflessness, asceticism, love, forgiveness and denial of self. The Jewish were looking for material prosperity as found in their history, and Jesus was saying to look well past that. That is why they denied Him.
>They expected Jesus to be like David. A powerful WA king to fight nations and bring Israel back to the heightened state it used to be

That's a fair thing to assume for the Messiah. What proof is there that Jesus is the Messiah? What did he fulfill?
>A powerful WA
Not really when you read ehat thr new covenant would entail. The prosperity was temporary to fulfill God's promise to Abraham.

As for which prophecies He fulfilled, that can be easily found with a quick Google search. Most notable ones off the top of my head are

Isaiah 7:14: "Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel"

Luke 1:27
To a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary

As well as the suffering servant as Isaiah prophesied as well

Isaiah 42:1–9, Isaiah 49:1–6, Isaiah 50:2–9, and Isaiah 52:13–53:12
You know how dreams have structure according to the symbols of knowledge that we already know? This is the entirety of the map.
So it's not the star of David, but the Ether. Jews are thieves and liars.
They stole the swastika as well, which means heaven - hell - human - animal. 1/3 of his government was jews. He was a jew bastard.
>gnosticism comes from Egypt and is the dream structure. Its symbol is the ankh. The star of David is the Greek God Aethir
They always lie and say that Gnosticism comes from Christianity, liars
Gnostics are we wuzzin again.
>please do not fall into the trap of gnosticism
>just please follow its major premise faithfully
>star of david
>jews are we wuzzing
Christianity comes from Mithraism, it's in fact, the ancient masonic religion of Rome right before it was overthrown by jews. Just like Freemasons now, will have a new religion tomorrow.
Christianity was prophesied in the old Testament and is a new covenant that God established. Masons are a joke.
>the ancient masonic religion of Rome right before it was overthrown by jews. Just like Freemasons now, will have a new religion tomorrow.

Hail Atlantis
Jewkin's Epic prophesied we wuz Qanon operation trust
>Christianity is the original operation Trust
Future proves [P]ast
If any established religion was obviously true it would be impossible to not believe in

You cannot comprehend God
Funny thing is that freemasons have been so desperate to turn me into one of them. They have no real power. Shriners have fucked with my dreams trying to impress me and I'm telling them to suck my dick. You too.
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>assert that I don't need Jesus to know God
>suddenly feel much better, feel actually in the presence of God when before I felt he was silent while I was trying to stick with Jesus

Really makes you think. I have been handicapping myself this whole time. I AM a son of God
Jesus has no religion, Christianity is marketing, inspired from previous marketing. Intel agencies are marketing agencies. Jews are intel networks. You thunk that Mithraism wuz Masonic? Not at that time. It was the first way of subverting the oligarchy (Empror). Europeans experienced refined Mithraism. Heads rolled as per usual. Christianity is the first operation Trust because YHWH loves everyone, Plebians in control! MRGA
>Christianity is the first operation Trust because YHWH loves everyone, Plebians in control! MRGA
>deepest redpill
>judaism and christianity are both egyptian in origin
>lake of fire
>second death

Literally Egyptian.
My life is a living, breathing Hell, an open wound on my soul festering with the maggots of God's angels, and you have the audacity to tell me you have a distaste for me disliking the physical world when everything is lining up right now, as I write this, to permanently cripple me, disfigure me, torture me make me homeless make me scared 24 7 and give me no escape but a desperate need to?

>same exact script as canaanite
>was developed from Heiratic, an Egyptian script
>Moses was a heretical Atenist
>Reality can ONLY be contained by my belief system
This is the cry of the vulgar, we have always understood this, why did we lose this understanding?
Turn the gem to another angle, there's far more beauty to be found. This advice applies to everyone.
Jesus established the covenant that Christianity represents. It is something prophesied since Moses. You can try to twist and confuse it however you want but I'm a first hand witness to its legitimacy. Don't believe me? Try me. Try and cause me harm. If you think it's bullshit then come at me bro. If you can't, then keep your mouth shut. I'll give you 3 days. I'll keep this thread alive till then. See you in 72 hours.
>and you have the audacity to tell me you have a distaste for me disliking the physical world when everything is lining up right now
Do you think you're the only person in the world who's ever had a hard life? Many people have led hard lives yet are mature enough to still be thankful
>It is something prophesied since Moses.
Ok. What about the hundreds of millions if not billions of people throughout history who have known God and had a belief system that didn't include Jesus, Israel, or Moses? They're all just going to Hell right?
Jesus didn't do any written marketing, jews ate the traders with da ching ching, go figure.
Judaism is reactionary, Gnosticism is the Egyptian Kabbalah. Reactionary or anti-religions go into the trashbin.
The Lord judges mankind, not me. It's a litmus test and if ones heart cannot see the value in Jesus, then they're filtered.

Jesus didn't need to. Back then people were hired to write for you. Anyways, you got 3 days. Put your money where your mouth is.
If you pray to God genuinely for the truth then eventually Jesus Christ will be revealed to you supernaturally. Debating is pointless at the level of of divine revelation.

Millions of Muslims who have never read the Bible have had Jesus Christ revealed to them because they are praying to the Creator
>The Lord judges mankind, not me. It's a litmus test and if ones heart cannot see the value in Jesus, then they're filtered.
What about the billions of people who lived and died before Jesus even existed?
>If you pray to God genuinely for the truth then eventually Jesus Christ will be revealed to you supernaturally.
What if I pray genuinely and Jesus isn't revealed to me? Then I must be lying about my genuineness, because Jesus wasn't the conclusion I came to?
That's been covered. Read the Bible sometime.
you are Jesus you fuckhead

"What if"
Don't worry about what ifs, just pray from your heart in all honesty wanting to know the truth
So all of their elaborate creation myths and stories are all just fake, because you say so?
>try to cause me harm
there's no need for that you're already unthinking
Cognitive dissonance is the hallmark of learning and acquiring multiple perspectives, failing to integrate inductive presuppositions as risk factors results in Manichean thinking and rigid rule-deontological close-mindedness. Your inability to recognize that journalism thrives on perspective distortion and personal gain is proof enough of an acute failure at critical thinking.
Christianity is a jew trojan horse, judaism is anti-egyptian holism.
Truly, truly, i tell you, the kingdom of god is within you. I think the story is a double meaning. For those who hath freedom, or want it, they will have. The bible is still so full of wisdom from this angle. Otherwise as a christcuck it does not, and its a "follow jesus or burn in hell". But well, who am i, right?
Yes, but not because I say so. Look, you're under no obligation to accept ehat I'm saying. You're free to believe, say and do whatever you want. As am I.

Nice cop-out. I'm well aware of the things I speak of and I've seen way more than you could ever realize. I've had to deal with cognitive dissonance in thr past due to extreme spiritual phenomena and psychic attacks that left me questioning my own sanity. Like I said, first hand witness. Don't believe me? Try something and find out. That's why I'm challenging you. Don't take my word, see for yourself ;).
This is literally the most braindead take ive ever seen. I hate christianity and love christ-likeness in the realm of the truly divine. It works as an okay moral system.
>, just pray from your heart in all honesty wanting to know the truth
So what would you say if I did that, and I came to a conclusion other than Jesus?
>This is literally the most braindead take ive ever seen.
Why? Why as an outsider should I believe in your religion instead of another one?
I use kabbalah in lieu of toilet paper, you use dog breeds instead of x in algebra.
Wrong nigga woops meant this fag >>38960904
Your god loves slavery. He wants you to chop part of your dick off, do as he says, and follow da jooz, whove been nothing but pieces of garbage since the beginning of time. He does not want you with supernatural powers, and anyone who worships a God that is fairer? Like say, everyone who knows there is one and its not Yahweh?
Without worshippers, Yahweh is no more. Without worshippers or even observers, GOD STILL IS. Fuck your jewish psyop, your actual demonical practices (eating the flesh of your god, making sacrifices because Jesus was one, too, remember?) and what fucking sense does it make to sacrifice god himself? Thats right, none, Jesus is not more God than the rocks and waters of the world are.
All talk, fucking poser.

Nowhere is circumcision expected in thr new covenant. Neither am I expected to follow jews, but Christ Jesus. There is evil in all areas of life. There's evil self proclaimed Christians, too. The Holy Spirit provides gifts which are the equivalent of Spiritual powers. God doesn't need worshippers to exist, as He existed before creation itself. You're just as clueless as the aforementioned person quoted in my post.

Anyways, you guys are all talk with no understanding. I'm done here. Remember, 3 days poser.
You don't know any of the symbols in of themselves that you write about. You fail twice at metaphor comprehension. You can't have a conversation on a level that matters to anyone.
You see why someone outside of your religion would not find this very compelling right?
He does not know that his symbols are distorted.
He's too inexperienced to know what wisdom is. He can't define truth. If he was wise and truthful, he wouldn't use Christ as his distorted composite effigy.
That doesn't matter to me.

I know what I know and that's all that matters to me. You've filled your head with useless information and boast in it. I'm out, have a good one. The only way I can prove I'm not lying is for you to try something. If you want proof, come try me.
>That doesn't matter to me.
I know it doesn't.
There is only one truth and that is Jesus Christ. I know it sounds simple, but that is sort of the point. So simple that pseudointellectuals tend to over look it because it's so simple. Anyways, last response. I've already said all I needed to say. Take care.
He's satisfied with three realms and a few symbols. He's a simple man.
He doesn't care about it enough. He's not passionate.
>There is only one truth and that is Jesus Christ
other religions say that about their creed too. I'm a based deist however so none of this applies to me
>Anyways, last response. I've already said all I needed to say.
>let me get out of here before anyone can question my beliefs too much
Jews are stupid,
they use the symbol of ether as their flag.
It's the same as the four realms for Hitler.
Rothschilds aren't creative, they only need to be smart enough to outsmart simple men.
You can question them all you want. I'll repeat myself one more time. I'm a first hand witness. Don't believe me? Come check for yourself.
You guys are lame as fuck. I've seen what you guys are capable of. I was being groomed by some high level occultists in the entertainment industry. Free masons (Shriners) were desperate to get me to join. These child like FOMO mind games are embarrassing.
>Don't believe me? Come check for yourself.
I did. What I found was lacking. Several questions I had pertaining to my own life situation and destiny remained unanswered. If a belief system leaves questions unanswered I will throw it in the trash
>Free masons (Shriners) were desperate to get me to join.
No one was desperate to get you to join anything. Freemasons literally aren't allowed to ask you to join their group.
I mean, come try something. Attack me, you will see I'm not bluffing. If you can't, then you're full of shit. If you need any more info than whatvhas already been given, then you're not worth your weight in salt.

You dont know shit. They've shown off in my dreams, not just them but others as well. You occultists are fucking lame. Have no idea what you're even settling for and here you are trying to talk big game. It's honestly embarassing.
He's afraid of the greedy shabbos
Diagnosis: your brain is too old to change and you don't have the capacity to be of use to Jesus Christ
>They've shown off in my dreams

You're having dreams about Freemasons because you're having paranoid delusions. I had a dream about your mom
You're having dreams about his mom because you're a PETA marine life activist.
>I don't need trinkets, saints, tradition, or even Jesus to know the supreme being. You can seethe about it all you want, it means precisely nothing to me. Your stories about Hell don't scare me. I am already complete and secure in the immortality of my soul and oneness with God. Because I was never separated from him.
>falling for the jew scapegoat instead of having the discrimination to be god's own son
what a loser
>"I promise you eternal life! and heaven!"
>"I already love God, thanks for the offer though... doesn't make too much sense to me"
>(for some unknown reason?) "This is not okay, you can't just worship GOD, you have to worship jesus or jesus wont give you permission to go to heaven to be with God when you pass of old age"
>"That... doesn't make any sense, God is the most high boss, why would I worship an employee?"
>"well that's because jesus IS God!"
>"Okay so if they're the same person I will just continue to worship God, have a nice day!"
>"NO. if you worship jesus you can have ETERNAL LIFE! and heaven! but if you wont worship jesus, then you will go to HELL forever! because jesus loves you. NOW, if you would simply just fall down and worship, All these things I will give you!"
>"that sounds un-christ-like, and actually un-God-like... sorry this seems off... I Love God so God bless you and have a nice day!"
>"God please protect me from whatever is going on, I love you directly GOD"
Exodus 20
>3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
in Matthew 4 the devil says to jesus:
>8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
christianity has become inverted.
Genesis 3
>"You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Numbers 21-8
>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
John 3-14
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Ezekiel 33
>The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them:
Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Matthew 10-16
>Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Genesis 3-22
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
(The letters to the seven churches)
Revelation 2:1-7
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
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>"This is not okay, you can't just worship GOD, you have to worship jesus
>the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

holy shit
>snake tells eve she will know good and evil
>serpents referenced as wise

>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up
>jesus is referred to as "the son of man"
>both jesus and serpent are put up on a pole (even illustrations of the serpent on the pole appear as a cross shaped like an uppercase T not a lower case t like the jesus cross)

>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

>In Genesis the serpent convinces adam and eve to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil but God kicks them out of the garden of eden before they can eat of the fruit of the tree of life
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

>Matthew 27:46
>46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[a] lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
If jesus was God, then it would make no sense for jesus to ask God why God has forsaken jesus.
>holy shit
Yea. keep reading friend.

>Luke 18:18-20
>18 A ruler asked Jesus, `Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will live for ever?'
>19 Jesus answered him, `Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good"
So jesus isn't good...? Only God is good, so jesus can't possibly be God. I'm not saying anything bad about him, just saying he doesn't logically fit into that role going by this evidence.

Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.

>God is not a man
>God is not human
So how can God be jesus?

Why is jesus referred to as "the son of man" if people say he is the son of God?
Also if jesus is god, then why would god sacrifice god to god?
If jesus died for our sins, then why is the world still full of sin?
If jesus was legitimate, then why did he leave? Why not stay and help everyone?
Also why would God ever portray themselves in a state of weakness, injury, and death? It doesn't seem like something God would do.

Is the bible perfect, and the word of God?
Jesus is a reverse scarecrow. An antiscarecrow. Doesn't he scare the crows? No, he attracts them! The crows? Yeah, the jews that love stealing and taunting. Are we safe to hold a parliament? Car car car
on the other side of things:

>god creates garden of eden and adam and eve etc.
>adam and eve are the first humans ever, very gullible and naive, no prior history to learn from
>adam and eve do NOT have the knowlege of good and evil, and they do not know it is evil to disobey god
>if they did have the knowledge of good and evil, then eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be meaningless
>eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was only significant BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE BEFORE EATING IT
>why would god put the forbidden trees in the middle of where adam and eve live?
>why would god create the serpent?
>why would god let the serpent into the garden of eden?
>god is all knowing and all powerful and knows exactly what will happen
>serpent isn't stupid, in fact it's very manipulative and intelligent
>how could the snake know how to do this? shouldn't it be as naive as adam and eve? (unless god designed the snake for this task?)
>god comes back to the garden of eden and (either does not know???????? or pretends to not know?) where adam and eve are
>god either does not know, or pretends to not know that adam and eve ate the fruit
Genesis 3
>the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
>Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
>Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
>god punishes the snake (THAT THEY CREATED and put into the garden...?) for doing its job?
>god punishes adam and eve, and all of humanity along with them for doing exactly what god knew they were going to do
>god does nothing to prevent this, and appears to have engineered the entire thing on purpose while taking advantage of naive and gullible living beings they created.
If jesus were theoretically allegedly this serpent, then this already confusing situation is even more confusing.

None of this has ever made any sense to me. All of these contradictions have made me very uncomfortable and skeptical. If the bible is the flawless perfect word of god, then how is it possible for it to inspire such confusion?
>If the bible is the flawless perfect word of god, then how is it possible for it to inspire such confusion?
Because you aren't believing hard enough, or satan is confusing you, or something
All this talk and no action lmfao. Should've known better than to expect anything more than a bunch of reject occultists who can only talk shit lol. Fuck around and find out.

Only GOD is real. Everything else is bullshit. There are no other gods. God doesn't need to create them.
God is all knowing and all powerful
God creates a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it, and then God lifts it anyway
God is omnipotent and omnipresent
God is all knowing and all powerful
God is perfect and beyond perfect
God is infinite and beyond infinite
God is eternal and beyond eternal
God is eternal and outside of time
God is limitless and immeasurable
God creates all good and all evil
God creates all light and all darkness
God creates all miracle and all calamity
God creates everything
God destroys everything
God controls everything
God knows everything
God cannot be tricked or fooled
God knows the truth about everything
God knows about the fate of the world, every soul, everyone, and everything
Everything is completely predetermined by God
God created free will, therefore God controls free will, therefore free will is fake except for the free will of God
only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?
God can do anything because GOD IS GOD
God is always with you no matter what
The love of God is infinite, a boundless wellspring that sustains all of existence
The mercy of God is unfathomable, a profound compassion that whispers redemption to even the damned
God has supreme ultimate super intelligence (smarter, faster, more processing power, and more powerful than every computer ever created including giant supercomputers, multi-billion dollar server rooms, and quantum computers, and computers from the future all combined multiplied by infinite infinities)
God can time travel
God is everywhere and everywhen all at once
God is the only one that speaks for God. Whenever humanity tries to step in and say "God said this" it is humanity trying to take the place of God.
based and redpilled king
what "action" are you expecting? We're just declaring our sovereignty from you and your egregore
>Because you aren't believing hard enough, or satan is confusing you, or something
Typical low effort excuse non-answer. You are failing to study the bible hard enough. That is why you didn't notice these details. You were content to believe in ignorance without actually being aware of what you were subscribing to.

Technically only God has free will because if human beings had free will they would all be gods and each of their individual free wills would contradict and conflict with the free will of every other individual therefor making them not be gods and not having free will again simultaneously since they would be unable to avoid being affected by each others wishes.
Only God has free will because only God can do whatever they want, and make anything happen or not happen, completely having the first, middle, and final say and every say in between without anyone else having the power to ruin it or contradict or conflict with it.

Science is the religion of trying to understand reality created by God
Religion is the science of trying to understand God that created reality

Science and Religion, like humanity, are imperfect.

The wisest man knows that he truly knows nothing.
Humanity knows NOTHING.
>If any established religion was obviously true it would be impossible to not believe in

If something is said to be divine and true and perfect, it should be flawless, self evident, and leave no room for interpretation or confusion or fear or doubt.
If the truth can be misunderstood or misinterpreted, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with even the smallest amount of doubt, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with no answers, and only more questions, it's not the truth.
If the truth contradicts itself, it is hypocrisy, and it is not the truth.
If the truth can not answer all questions, it is not the truth.
If the truth requires effort to learn, or effort to convince, it was never really true.
Nothing that is true must constantly and desperately try with great difficulty to convince everyone that it is the truth.
If the truth needs to shame or persecute over a failure to learn or accept, it's not the truth.
If a truth demands blind obedience or is easily disassembled by critical thought, it's a dogma.
If a truth uses fear to convince you it's the truth, it's not the truth.
If the truth can not exist on its own, it's not true.
If the truth needs to be repeated over and over, it's not true.
If the truth needs your help or belief to be true, it's not true.
If a truth cannot stand the test of time, it is not eternal or divine.
The truth should give itself freely without riddles or difficulty or mystery or effort or struggle, and should be known instantly, and the truth should be universal regardless of language barriers or beliefs, because it is the truth.
If the truth excludes anyone or anything, it's not the truth.
Some lies include everyone and everything.
jews are stupid because they don't understand god the thread
Anyone that tries to guide you through fear or guilt or use your emotions against you, even if they have good intentions, wants to dumb you down and manipulate you.

A very common theme in life is for someone to try to sell you something by first creating a fake problem, and then getting a good person to feel doubt or fear or confusion or guilt. Then a person will produce a fake solution and tell you that it's the only way to solve the fake problem they created.

God created everything, God is responsible for everything both good and bad. God is God to those who are good, and God is the devil to those who are evil.

You can not sell your soul to the devil because your soul is not yours to sell. Your soul belongs to God.

"You don't own a soul, you ARE a soul. You are the driver of your body, which is metaphorically like a car made out of meat."

God plays all roles, and nothing exists outside the will of God. The concept of the devil is obsolete.

So imagine some idiot tries to sell their soul to the devil, and not realizing that God is just pretending to humor them and be like "Ohhh yeaaa... right.... sure... you sold your soullll!! oooooh spooky, you literally just gave it right back to me, I've always had it, and it hasn't gone anywhere at all, hasn't even moved an inch because I'm God you silly head. I create and destroy everything, I know everything, control everything. Everything is only allowed to happen through the will of GOD, so I'm God, I'm the devil, I'm also every other diety or angel or demon you imagine up. I'm just playing along with everyone's imaginations, and I put those ideas into their minds too. Nothing exists outside the will of God"
>It's peak arrogance to think there's literally no possible reason why a rational person might disagree or not believe in your religion, just default to calling the other person stupid or "ignorant". You sound like an atheshit chastising someone for not trusting in the science
You're so out of touch that your reply doesn't even make sense in the context of what we're talking about here. Everyone is missing the point. The point is GOD. Every religion has missed that point. God has always been the only thing that matters. Please read through all the larger posts in this thread, and really think. I'm not an atheist, I love God.
It is often said by human beings, that the greatest trick the devil ever played on humanity is to convince them he didn't exist- but I think that the devil is the greatest trick that humanity ever played on itself to convince themselves that God doesn't exist.

If the devil is separate from God, and the devil has power, then God is not all powerful. If God is not all powerful, then God isn't God. If God isn't God, then God doesn't exist. (which means that nothing spiritual exists, which means that the devil doesn't exist.) So this logic is very silly and flawed.

God does exist. God is all powerful. Therefor, the devil is simply a powerless fictional character created by God as a scripted NPC supervillain character that is 100% controlled by God like a puppet, or is an angel that directly works for God and does whatever they command.

The only way that God exists is if God is all powerful, and has free will, and nothing else has any power, and nothing else has any free will. having free will means you have any power at all, even a small amount, would directly contradict the power and free will of God. It is fully incompatible. Only GOD has power. Only GOD has free will. Only God is God.
You can declare whatever you want, but when push comes to show, you'll see who's really on top.
>push comes to show
*push comes to shove
So essentially God is allegedly playing all the roles behind the scenes and controls everyone and everything (characters like jesus and satan are essentially sock puppets), and is gently trolling the shit out of us all in a loving and nurturing kind of way for some unknown mysterious reason, while we are all busy arguing over which characters or religions we think are the truth or which ones are our favorites, similar way to how people argue about their favorite movie characters or sequels. Could it be possible everything we have read is wrong, and was designed to confuse us, waste our time, and keep us lost and distant from God? The only thing we can do is wait patiently for God to come and tell us all the truth directly, otherwise we may never know.

In general the most important points I want to make:
>God is perfect
>Humanity is imperfect
>Don't fall into the trap of worshiping God through another authority or entity or gatekeeper that isn't God.
>Worship God directly
>You do not need anyone's or anything's permission or help to worship God.
>God is all powerful because God is God, God does not need religions, religions need God. Humanity needs God.

>"Nobody is going to read all of that!"
People re-read the bible and re-watch the entire lord of the rings trilogy all the time and those are way longer.

I hope this helps somebody.
lmao every thread I post high quality truth in suddenly gets shill catalog slid like a rock in a lake!
God is not alone, it is a mistake to ascribe God your human understanding

it is in fact when God saw Adam alone in the garden of Eden, God had pity on Adam because Adam was alone unlike God which is amongst an infinity of beings, God is not alone
>God is not alone
Who said God is alone? I'm saying GOD is the only GOD.

>it is in fact when God saw Adam alone in the garden of Eden, God had pity on Adam because Adam was alone unlike God which is amongst an infinity of beings, God is not alone
How do you know?

God can do anything, so it's not far fetched to consider that God made some helpers/friends (angels?) it's not impossible, only because nothing is impossible for God.
>God can do anything, so it's not far fetched to consider that God made some helpers/friends (angels?) it's not impossible, only because nothing is impossible for God.
And when I say "helpers" I'm not implying that God needs any help, rather they're just nice to have around. They CAN help, but it's just out of love for God. Angels can carry prayers and messages to God, even though God already knows instantly, but they're just helping to be cute.
you say God is the only being with free will and that is wrong

our free will is Gods grace, but its real, same as all the being that coexist with God

they are part of God but they have their own free will and love, they are not puppets of God and neither are we
>you say God is the only being with free will and that is wrong
>God created free will, therefore God controls free will, therefore free will is fake except for the free will of God
>only God has real free will
>God is the only one with free will because God is God
>If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?
>Technically only God has free will because if human beings had free will they would all be gods and each of their individual free wills would contradict and conflict with the free will of every other individual therefor making them not be gods and not having free will again simultaneously since they would be unable to avoid being affected by each others wishes.
>Only God has free will because only God can do whatever they want, and make anything happen or not happen, completely having the first, middle, and final say and every say in between without anyone else having the power to ruin it or contradict or conflict with it.
>The only way that God exists is if God is all powerful, and has free will, and nothing else has any power, and nothing else has any free will. having free will means you have any power at all, even a small amount, would directly contradict the power and free will of God. It is fully incompatible. Only GOD has power. Only GOD has free will. Only God is God.

Can you prove that wrong?
>Can you prove that wrong?
Can you prove that wrong?

you are making the mistake you yourself describe

you are trying to understand God with YOUR human logic

and I dont care about "prove" either
>you are making the mistake you yourself describe
>you are trying to understand God with YOUR human logic
Ironically, I'm making the point that God is the one that is right, not me, not humanity.

>and I dont care about "prove" either
>you say God is the only being with free will and that is wrong
>and I dont care about "prove" either
>you are making the mistake you yourself describe
>you are trying to understand God with YOUR human logic
>and I dont care about "prove" either

So you contradict yourself by claiming to understand God with your human logic, but don't care about being able to prove the validity of the assumptions you're making, but fully willing to criticize someone for what you are essentially already doing by your own logic? Why is it that when someone else says something, it's their "wrong human logic" but when you say something, it's flawless and shouldn't be scrutinized lest imperfections come to light? And don't prove it, oh no, that would be inconvenient to re-think the foundations of everything you have ever known. I don't blame you. This is the spider web that humanity is caught inside of. We don't have free will, but we are acting as if we do. We are all intentionally or not, knowingly or unknowingly in a spiritual and psychological metaphorical war of gaslighting each others realities while God watches us and sighs.
>We don't have free will, but we are acting as if we do.

thats dumb, that would make Gods work pointless, which is not

you are usurping God motherfucker, stop deluding yourself
the "we dont have free will" crowd are retarded, in any flavor they come

my logic is not fucking retarded like yours lol, thats the different
>thats dumb, that would make Gods work pointless, which is not
What is Gods work? What would be considered pointless if what I'm saying is true? If God gets their way always, then they are winning, as they always have, and always will. If that would be pointless, then what would you consider the point to be? Have you ever questioned or doubted those who have led/misled you your entire life the way that you are questioning what I'm saying?

>you are usurping God motherfucker, stop deluding yourself
Anon, are you drunk? I'm praising God as the highest and only authority.
saying you dont have free will is not praising God, its spitting God in the face

thats why I say, fuck you, fucking idiot
>saying you dont have free will is not praising God, its spitting God in the face
Definitely not. Explain why you think that?

>thats why I say, fuck you, fucking idiot
Anon why are you getting so mad? I'm saying that God is the most high, the most powerful, all knowing and all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent to the point of controlling absolutely everything. What is your problem with that? Explain it to me better.
It appears that someone is thread sliding this very hard again.
>God created everything, God is responsible for everything both good and bad. God is God to those who are good, and God is the devil to those who are evil.

Dumbest shit ever.
>Dumbest shit ever.
If you don't believe in God being all powerful, omnipotent, and omnipresent, then what do you even believe anon?
>le heckin creation myths
Dude there's really nothing beyond God created the world, full stop
I dont believe a god entity is actually almighty over current events. If such an entity was, we would be justified in ignoring it as irrelevant.
>I dont believe a god entity is actually almighty over current events. If such an entity was, we would be justified in ignoring it as irrelevant.
It's not easy as a human being to accept that God is controlling everything because right now we are suffering a lot. I understand.
>my logic is not fucking retarded like yours lol, thats the different
>I am the way, says the lord, and no one comes to the father except through me
Literally anyone could just walk up and say that.
Organized religion is cancer.
>That's my opinion. I also believe Jesus is God, as much as anyone can be.

I think all the people saying "YOU ARE GOD" "YOU ARE JESUS!" are some kind of evil shill psyop to trick shizos into thinking they're hot shit and everyone gets confused.

It's more of the same thing.
worship the book
WE ARE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>people who say you are jesus or god
WE ARE GOD!!!!!!!

It seems like fake evil propaganda.
>If any established religion was obviously true it would be impossible to not believe in
>You cannot comprehend God
Lupi had decided to open his mouth when Fengxue hit him again with his whisk.
The Chief Magistrate said, “The Buddha’s law and the king’s law are the same.”
“What have you seen that makes you say that?” asked Fengxue.
The Chief Magistrate said, “When it’s time to decide you have to decide; otherwise
you invite chaos.”
Fengxue got down from his seat.
>Lupi had decided to open his mouth when Fengxue hit him again with his whisk.
>The Chief Magistrate said, “The Buddha’s law and the king’s law are the same.”
>“What have you seen that makes you say that?” asked Fengxue.
>The Chief Magistrate said, “When it’s time to decide you have to decide; otherwise
>you invite chaos.”
>Fengxue got down from his seat.
I think that a very common shill tactic is that they try to slide the thread by bumping other threads, and when that doesn't work they just post random off topic nonsense and hope that nobody will know how to reply to continue the thread.
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god is just some faggot that woke up one day with god powers.
That is really cool art, and congratulations OP. We have finally figured it out.
>I am the way, says the lord, and no one comes to the father except through me
It's awfully satanic of someone who isn't God to claim authority of who can or can not be saved by God
ex-atheist here, don't worry anons

I'm here to share the truth.

I took a hero dose of DMT and became conscious in the astral realm. I was a being of light swimming in the void. I was found almost immediately and escorted by what I call the Holy Spirit - to God.

God telepathically reassured me that I was "of itself" and was amused that I was deluded into thinking that I wasn't.

It all pretty much boils down to this...

If everything is God, we are God.

When I went to "heaven" the holy trinity was one. God told me that I(we) have been there for infinite moments and that I(we) had the free-will to choose existence.

Any questions?
God is not controlling everything like some jewish puppet master. Your conception of God is delulu.

Christ is a real human with the ability to shift "realities" at will, who only came to Earth to prove to us and "himself" that we are all the "children of God".

children of God > of God > God

We are God entertaining ourselves through cool simulations. Don't waste your time defaming Jesus or other religions. Religious texts have unfortunately become perverted and misconstrued. Just accept that we are one with source and have fun while we're here temporarily.

Thank God, Jesus, and yourselves. You'll all be "saved" because God is infinitely loving beyond our comprehension.

Love is the answer, unironically. Align with this truth so you can live a good and happy life.

By aligning with love and the one true God above all religions you can save yourself and others from miserable incarnations. This is our purpose.
Because they are retarded and those who weren't became christians
>Because they are retarded

Not very compelling
>If everything is God, we are God.
>Christ is a real human with the ability to shift "realities" at will, who only came to Earth to prove to us and "himself" that we are all the "children of God".

The whole "we are god" meme is a shill psyop designed to hyper-inflate our egos and distract and confuse us away from the truth, and it is being pushed hard in almost every single thread all the time.

The number one argument against it that it can never explain is
>IF I am god, then why don't I have the power of god right now?
>well uhhh I dunno
GOTCHA, we are obviously not god. Anyone claiming to be god is a liar.
We are far greater than we know and can even understand. The potential within you eclipses what you can even comprehend God being right now. If you realize we all are like this, then you can begin to see how truly incredible God is.
>IF I am god, then why don't I have the power of god right now?
Cause i'm not God right now
>Cause i'm not God right now
Are you also not spiderman right now? kek
I'm just two eyes in a skull
>This is based but please do not fall into the trap of Gnosticism.
explain gnosticism?

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