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Opinion on this book?
In his Danny Jones interview he comes off as more of a victim of mind/memory control experiments. Glowie dad, always traveling and going to weird places under mysterious circumstances
No one here has a long enough attention span to read. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW.
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I have read it and this as well so I guess I'm one of the few with the attention span to address OP also have read some of stribers fiction
I hear it made a bunch of people have frantic mental breakdowns in Barnes and Nobles because the cover triggered latent memories of abductions.
It's really good. the sequels not so much. His other good book is The Key.
I read it not long after it released. I had already gone through my major existential crisis so I was oddly familiar with a lot of the themes.
Overall, it was a very interesting book. I kind-of thought Whitley was a bit of a wuss, for being a horror writer. Later I learned of his Jewishness and it made sense.
I don't know how much of the book is real and how much is embellishment. That's the sense I got. I don't get the sense he's "lying", so much as "getting carried away with the story".
Greys are real and should never be trusted. Channelers like Bashar are real and should also not be trusted.
If you read any of Strieber's other work after this, he's 100% on the same bullshit grifter wavelength as David Wilcock, he's just some guy who's on someone's payroll to spread a certain meme.
It's just shedim doing shedim things. Everyone has had dealings with them hence the subliminal primal response the image causes on people
Have you guys ever been abducted? They took me when I was a kid and put something in my leg.
This is the right answer.


how can I meet a cute older lady that knows about aliens?
Yeah the cover USED to unsettle Me as a teen lol

Now if i see that face in real life I'll just laugh and poke it's big ass eyes out, what a stupid anatomy the ayys have
I had this at the library at age 8 or 9 in the early 90s. To this day I shiver every time I see an image of them. Was I abducted bros?
Story time mate
>To this day I shiver every time I see an image of them.
Me too. They freak me out
Idk but here's a cute younger one
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It's not a very dramatic story, I had a really bad "recurring nightmare," every night for about a week in my youth. In the "dream," I "wake up" reclined in a position like I'm in a dentist's chair, or something. Sitting at like a 45 degree angle, legs somewhat elevated. I'm in a space that's all white, like a void of white light, and it's so bright. I can see silhouettes moving around me, indistict but humanoid, tall, skinny. There's an overpowering sense of dread, something bad is happening, or has just happened, or is about to happen. Maybe all three, I guess.
I can't really move, and I can't really feel anything, if you've ever had dental surgery you'll know the feeling, where you can feel the pressure, sort of, distantly.
I manage to loll my head around a little, and flop it forward so I'm looking down at my body. My left leg is elevated, and seemingly sliced open 180 degrees horizontally just above my knee, and the skin is pulled up, stretched almost, it looked like if you hooked your finger in your shirt sleeve and pulled it up until it was somewhat taut.
I can feel something, pressure, I know that somethings happening, there's blood, and I can feel something, I get the impression there's something "burrowing" in my leg.
Then there's a scraping noise, as and an incredible shock of pain and I'm snapped awake in my bed as something makes rough contact with my bone. Every night this happened I'd wake up at the exact same time, I don't remember, but it was something like 3:15AM, right on the dot.
Anyway. Pic related, it's been there ever since, growing larger as I guess my body probably "pearlizes" it or whatever. Every doctor I've talked to about it since I was a kid acts perplexed, says something to the tune of "I dunno, it's some kind of cyst or something, I guess? Not sure," and subsequently refuses to do anything about it, can't get an xray or anything, can't get it taken out, etc.
Hope that wasn't too disappointing.
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Bedroom Encounter - Communion

What really struck me at the time, and strikes me even now, was how visceral my reaction to waking recall of the "dream" was. The blood and the sound and the pain and the fear was enough to make me dramatically physically react, like overwhelmed vomiting passing out sobbing (this type of reaction was, and is, deeply unusual for me.) Even to this day, almost 20 years later, it still makes me deeply uneasy and a bit woozy to consider it. The memory itself feels like it hasn't faded even slightly.
Very incredible anon. It really seems to be similar to other abduction cases

Have you had other nightmares more recently?
im the guy who went crazy on them when they tried to abduct me in 2013. it was a really cold winter and they had my front door wide open and I grew up in the kind of abusive household that lifetime movies are made about.

the cold made me think, oh Christ, someone left the door open, my dad is going to beat on me until I'm in the hospital again. then I snapped out of it and started throwing hands kicking and I got the Barcalounger over my head and thrown at the tall ones with the little ones, I could feel their fear at how badly the situation had gone off the rails to them. I bit one, its like biting into a weirdly bread like wetsuit. they taste worse than they smell. theyre floppy too, like they have no muscle tone at all. their fear was solid like a wall and it was the best thing I have ever felt in my life, that terror and cowering before me made me feel like god. then I got zapped by the one by the door and they got the fuck out. i got up and made sure shit was locked and looked for blood or evidence and decided to never tell anyone in real life about it.
The similarities didn't hit me until way later. This happened when I was maybe 11, later in my early 20s I heard someone describe basically the identical experience on an episode of Coast to Coast one night and it rocked me to the core. I'd had no exposure to anything like that as a child, which, other than the idea that it could be something that's just archetypal, largely rules out to me that it could have just been a spooky influenced little kid nightmare.
Part of what makes the whole thing so clear cut to me is that I'm not really a dreamer. Never have been. Don't really remember them ever, and when I do, it's in that faint wispy way that's like trying to grab fistfuls of water. So this, being as clear and Vibrant and REAL in my memory as anything else from Reality, combined with the physical aspect of it seemingly leaving something behind doesn't feel like it leaves me much room for doubt.
There was another dream I had a few years ago, which I consider more likely to have been just a dream, especially given how much more influencing information I have floating around in my head these days. Will put it in another post for ease of readability.
Sounds like your father’s mental illness is genetic. Now you know how he felt towering over you as you cowered in fear. It made him feel like a god. How many times do you think your grandpa raped him?
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>their fear was solid like a wall and it was the best thing I have ever felt in my life
You're ready to join the legion, aspirant
>Have you had other nightmares more recently?
What made the only relevant dream from my adult life strange was that I remembered it twice. Or from two different perspectives, or something. It's sort of hard to explain, but I'll try to make it clear in the telling.
I'm two characters in the "dream," somehow. I'm me, myself, looking through my eyes, the me that's experiencing the "dream." (While I was In It, this was the only perspective available to me.) But, I'm also outside of me, watching me, watching the "dream," and that perspective only became available when I woke up. Somehow, in the recall, I could tell that they're the same. That it's the same "data" being played back twice at once from different "angles."
In the former, what I'd have to call the "first person," I'm in a series of mundane situations, each of them requiring me to interact with a single person, and sometimes an object. I'm on the bus talking with someone, I'm at the grocery store completing a purchase on the PIN pad, I'm at the doctors office on the weird balancing scale, so on. I'm hazy, dazed, agreeable, just doing what I'm told and completing the tasks that seem to be presented to me, never really taking note of the fact that other than what's right in front of me, there's nothing else, no other people, no other furniture or objects or anything, just an almost detail-less Setting.
In the "third person," which was instantly like "spliced" with the other recall the instant I woke up, I'm looking at myself doing what I was doing, but I'm actually in some kind of... it reminds me of Giger, it reminds me of the very end of Earthbound. Mechanical flesh. Somehow I can smell it, it smells like blood, or, what I actually thought in the dream was "why does it smell like a woman?" I'm watching myself, my body, the First Person standing there, unsteady, swaying slightly. It's a room, not a big one, maybe it's 8x8. Maybe it's a cell. (Out of room for this post)
>Will put it in another post for ease of readability.
Thanks. Will read tomorrow.
Need to sleep now
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The person I think I'm talking to, who in the first person just looks to me like a normal human, from the other perspective I can see is not a person at all. It's more like a giant slug. A shape like the attached, but sort of grey-black and more or less completely featureless, with skin like a rhino or something. That part is hard to explain, but the detail of the skin was like an elephant or rhino. Hard and dry looking, run through with cracks and lines. On the head, or pseudopod or whatever, the piece sticking up in front of me, it's got something like a mask. It's not detailed, it's almost not anything, it reminds me of a paper plate mask. Just two eyes and a mouth, enough to take advantage of pareidolia to slip past my guard when combined with whatever else was going on. (Drugs? Some kind of psychic manipulation? Unclear, but something is fucking my head up and making me Malleable.) It's like they're running some kind of testing on me, or something. When we transition to one of the scenarios where I'm interacting with something, a strange featurless tablet made from the same "mechanical flesh" raises from the "floor" and I touch it like I was pressing buttons, when it's not needed, it sinks back down into an impression in the floor. That's the entire story, the strangeness of experiencing the dream one way, and remembering it in a completely different distinct way really made me feel like it was something odd.
>"why does it smell like a woman?"
I was writing this on my phone, this was supposed to read "womb" not "woman", I suppose the meaning was close anyway.
BASED VIIIth Legion appreciator. I want to go full on Terran Empire from trek.
It's so odd, anons, even writing out these stories makes my body cry, but not my soul. Tears were running down my face throughout all of what I wrote, but with no corresponding emotion to inspire them. Still are. So strange, it happens this way every time I bring this stuff up.
saw the movie. never read the book. also i saw that podcast that has him talking about, what might be, his half breed alien son who smokes a lot and is mentally retarded. what a wild ride his story is. i also saw an investigation, after the movie, that had a bunch of investigators set up equipment over night in that haunted cabin in the woods. one of the staff said on camera that she saw a gray alien standing in the end of her bed in the middle of the night.

i think he is telling the truth. no straight man would go on camera and claim to be the first ever documented case of alien anal probing. if i lived in the USA i would be tempted to seek out the current owners of that cabin and ask to rent it for a few days. all alone by myself with zero recording equipment. a perfect target to get abducted. i would finally know first hand.
I agree. He wants to push book sales. Like that other ufo grifter Steven Greer. The first time I saw him I could tell he was a scammer. Every question having anything to do with aliens he replied with "the answers are in my book available in this web-sight". He was even called out on it by the interviewer.

If they are making money by pushing spooky stuff then that spooky stuff is made up.
More glownigger bullshit.
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What did he mean by this?
Best legion, best primarch
I don't feel like I've ever been abducted but I did have one "nightmare" that stands out:
>be somewhere between 9-11 y/o
>sleep in bottom bunk of my bunkbed, my room is opposite side of house form parents
>middle of the night I feel an "evil" presence in the room
>standard sleep paralysis, can't move a muscle
>comforter is over my face so I can't see and it's super hot, but I can feel the presence of 3 evil beings that are moving around my room like their looking for something
>don't know how to describe it but there was one "big" one and two "little" ones, big one was in charge
>they never found me but I know if they did it would be bad
>also in the dreamstate there were hundreds of small animals hiding behind me under the blanket. I felt like I had to protect them somehow but also protect myself
>felt the most extreme sense of terror I've ever felt in my life
>the 3 entities represented pure evil
>eventually wake up and scream for mom and dad, they come in and nothing's wrong
>go back to sleep

I've had similar sleep paralysis dreams since then but nothing that intense. I've started praying when I sense the feeling come on and it stops instantly. The last time I "felt" one was like 3 yrs ago in my current house (33 now, live with my wife). There was one of them, it was outside our bedroom (I close and lock the door each night) but it was "shriveled" and weak. Sometimes I see grays in regular dreams but nothing like what happened when I was small kid
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NTA, but you need to be hit by a truck.
I had a magazine when I was a kid and one of the pages was this exact picture, it freaked me out every time I opened it to read it and I saw that freaking face. It’s so disturbing
Isn’t Streiber the guy who faked poltergeist phenomena in his house when he was on a video call? I remember a video of him flicking lighters at himself and trying to look shocked
alien buttsecks
Bill Cooper, in behold a pale horse calls him an "agent"
It's spooks calling each other spooks all the way down
it's such a bad book, don't bother.
>. i would finally know first hand
What if it's actually real?
What causes this, I wonder?
Archons ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh. That's true of nu4chan and zoomies for sure. They can't fucking read. Anything longer than 2 sentences like a chat-script line is deemed a "leftist meme"... because they never understood that meme either. No reading comprehension.

when you know, you know
It really fucking is and it ironically leads to some credibility that there is something real and terrfiying about the ayylmaos and greys and it's like the government's entire reason for existing at this point for us to NOT KNOW what it's really about.
Back in the glass jar genetic dead ends
I didn't want to create a new thread and this is somehow related.
The mainstream is home for many beings, but it's static, immutable from the inside so we are sent here.
Waking up in a body is such a traumatic experience that we lose all but the connection, all is left is the intrinsic instinct of how to return to it; still unsure if we are individuals or all part of the same being trying to learn and fill the gaps. We are time and we make it roll, like a treadmill each thought transmitted vibrates the time crystals and makes the clock turn, whether it is bloating garbage that gets sent back or actual progress, it makes the universe grow older.
Pictographs, symbols, scribbles, text, drawings and doodles, all are feedback, a clear diagnostic of our connection with the body we carry, of the understanding of this world and our worth in the river of knowledge, the gate's main purpose is the injection of information, but by design it also transmits all that's been gathered but only by request, to be admitted into the inner circle of the mainstream you need to prove your worth by interacting with the messengers, most of whom appear in dreams or in extreme cases hallucinations, they survey the chosen.
>Was I abducted bros?
no. you were just a scared kid
It makes my anal probe tingle uhhohhh
My suspicion is that disbelief acts as some kind of nullifier or shielding against The Strange, and that the full on invasion scenario might be triggered if everyone just started believing, which is why they clung so desperately for so long to the cover-up narrative. That doesn't really jibe with the current narrative shift, though. Why do they WANT people to believe now?
Their motives are clear and far from the strictly binary morality, they don't seek knowledge of this world, at least not specifically about the development of society, that is pointless as the mainstream is not a place of rules and there's no such thing as conflict, which is what makes contact so difficult; humans grow to become weary of strangers, segregated into small sectors and forced to act violently towards abuse, this destroys trust and innocence.
The feeling of uneasiness followed by fear is a consequence of being thrown into a web of ignorance, that was never the plan and the result of unforeseen disasters, interaction is nigh impossible, most never go further than initial contact.
What did he mean by this?
Fear has seeped into our brains, we instinctively try to run away from potentially dangerous encounters, being in an "abduction" scenario flares up all the alarms and emergency plans you might have amassed, this is "confusing" to them, but rather than being dumbfounded they cannot compute a sudden surge of fear after a request for connection, depending on the urgency they can choose to force the package delivery or severing the link, this causes loss of information and if deemed fruitless the blacklisting of the recipient.
also, the John's Mack book is way better and has many interesting testimonies.
>Fear has seeped into our brains, we instinctively try to run away from potentially dangerous encounters
Anon, that's just what being an animal is, baseline. Are you suggesting that we're that fundamentally different from each other? Are they robots, or something?
I cannot comprehend them yet, I merely understood the task, they exist on a different plane and are able to use us as conduits, time doesn't affect them, doubt it even exists where they are, I have a faint feeling that they are not even separate beings but all are single entity, simplified by our brains unable to comprehend them unless separated into individuals, I'd even dare to say they are a single aspect of a divine being, the part that seeks to communicate with us, that holds knowledge and information.
Our duty here is to experience life and report back, there's no chaos where they exist and they need us to begin grasping it.
My mother read this book when it was new and wrote him a physical letter (the only kind there was back then.) He actually responded. She eventually threw his response away because she didn't want people to think she was crazy. She never satisfactorily elaborated on it's contents. I can't ask her because she died in her sleep last year.
I used to read. I don't anymore. The internet has made me lazy and stupid.
My sister is single. She's unemployed since the airline forced her to retire for not getting jabbed. She believes all this bullshit. Look around the pools in Schaumberg Illinois. She swims daily to fight obesity and her hair is bleached by the chlorine. Her birthday is soon, get going.
The part of "Ruinstorm" where he and Sanguinis both realize they have plot armor since they know where they die and then go frolicking in an orbital bombardment just to piss off Lionel and Guiliman is one of the best parts of the whole series.
I love Bill Cooper and agree with his thoughts there, but a lot of the alien narrative that Bill Cooper gives in Behold a Pale Horse he later rescinds and says it was force fed to him. That’s why he was allowed to publish it and get it out there. His later narrative becomes that the main threat to humanity is luciferianism and the elite occult societies, which I agree with
>Behold a Pale Horse
red pill now i need it so bad, please
He is correct about that, read MajestyTwelve:



These "abduction researchers" are almost all government plants, and the ones who aren't are easily mislead. "Alien abductions" are just a newer face of the same mind control programming that's been happening since forever. Read this post for actual links and info (after the dumbs part)
>She never satisfactorily elaborated on it's contents
I think she thought she was abducted. Why else would she throw the letter away?
"You've always been a bloody god, father"
Scammers do that once the old conspiracy theory stops selling enough books
You project a bit hard and on top of that you seem a bit too dimwitted to understand why you and your ilk (yes, given your attitude I suspect you felt personally slighted) is being mocked.
So let me explain: the leftist meme insult is because such kind of memes cannot naturally, succintly express the joke. The memes aren't natural, aren't memetic, they require elaborate context (and thus wall of text) befitting leftist mental gymnastics and then that context has to be accepted before the meme will start being appealing.
Not you know and can fuck off.
Memes are all carefully crafted. They're not natural
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How can abductions be fake if the implants are real?
there might be aliens taking people and military black ops using ARV kidnapping people and doing terrible things to them.
Some dude came out last year exposing that the people behind these organizations are using these crafts to perform human trafficking operations.
In Sekret Machines, a terrible book, there is a chapter in which a woman is abducted by a craft. Inside there is some dude dressed as a grey alien. I couldn't finish the book, maybe I will give it a try someday.
There is an episode in the X-Files that have deformed kids performing as grey aliens to do something similar.
>Sekret Machines
These are bad, but I found them entertaining. Curious how they're going to wrap up the third one.
what implants
The implant in my body, anon. I posted it in this very thread. Am I to presume it was put there by jews, or what?
hmm, i would inspect it myself but i am not an educated doctor or surgeon
would you mind having it cut off?
Not at all, like I said in my post above, I've tried to actively seek that out. Doctors act weird about it, and then refuse to do anything about it because they can't specifically identify it. If I wanted someone to just slice me open and take it out otherwise, it's considered a cosmetic procedure and I'd have to pay out of pocket for it. (Canadian.) I've thought about reaching out to MUFON or something to see if they'd hook me up, but I'm hesitant to involve myself with groups like that.
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I used to be terrified of aliens when I was aged 8-13. I've been sitting on this book now age 28 still afraid to read it. Responses like >>38959966 still make me apprehensive to finally give it a go. Ironically games like Halo and Metroid helped me get over my fear of ayys, but I guess I'm not completely over it. Wat do?
Maybe watch the movie first and see if you sperg out
Perhaps I should. I don't know, its just odd as I think of it, I can remember my childhood quite well starting from my preschool ages, but I have no distinct memories from ages 6-8. I guess that was an odd time since my mom tried to kill herself then (I didn't know then, though). Kind of weird.
>wrote him a physical letter
Loads of people did. He even wrote two later books about some of the abduction accounts people shared: The Communion Letters (1997) and Them (2023). The letters are at Rice University in the Archives of the Impossible.
Cooper's full of it, if you actually track his full career he's constantly backtracking. another thing was when he was into the UFO thing, he was always picking fights with other people
No need to be mad anon
You are spiritually dead anon
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IDK but look how they have the same skin tone.
Strieber is a hack fraud
Yeah this alien's face should be back at the top of the catalog

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