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How long has this been in the bible?
>Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like FROGS come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Is pepe an unclean/malevolent spirirt?
What did Saint John see when he was high off his ass on the Island of Patmose and wrote Revelations?
He had a psychotic episode/half of it was a veiled secret allegory against the Roman Empire that he wanted to collapse.

They had this supersitition at the time that emperor Nero would die and come back to life. So he was the Antichrist, thats why 616 = nero ceasar
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>Is pepe an unclean/malevolent spirirt?
Yes, but so are the jews who wrote the Old Testament and the people (cryptojews actually) who read it outside of the context of the New Testament.
This sounds like jewish disinformation.
Perhaps John wanted it to be about the Roman Empire, but he wrote about Babylon which leaves it more vague because Babylon in the Bible can be a metaphor for the current world hegomony.

It's a city that sits on seven hills, Rome sits on seven hills, but guess what, so does Washington DC. Also interesting that Washington DC uses Roman architecture, if John did actually have a vision of the future it's understandable how he would think he was seeing Rome if he saw the buildings in Washington DC in his vision.
I think it is Kek the god of chaos, unironically. A lot of deities are real, at least in the sense that their spirit is real. I think some of them are created thrpugh human consciousness and require human worship to maintain existence.
But also some spirits are ancient and exist even outside human Consciousness. Kek is likely one of those, either that or we inadvertently reawoken it.

He seems to be the Sheogorath of our reality. I wonder if Kek took different forms from that of a frog.
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The Egyptian frog god Kek is the equivalent to the Roman Lucifer (Venus) and Greek Phosphoros (Venus). Frogs are fertility totems in both eastern and western cultures. Kek’s wife is a cat.

Y’all are unironically ngmi.

Revelation wasn't written by that John, and frogs is quite clearly referencing the plagues of exodus. next.
Absolutely not, this is The Beast's response to God pouring out his wrath at the end times. Because right after this verse is the beginning of Armageddon.

If we're living in the end times, and pepe is the spirit, then pepe is a harbinger of Armageddon.

Also it says three unclean spirits, the plague in Exodus was an entire hoard of frogs.

Pepe is a dead meme, Kek is embarassing, Revelation references the plagues of Exodus a whole bunch of times, explicitly. Literal NPC.
That's bs. Revelation has yet to happen and the catastrophic events noted of in thr Bible are proof of that.

Always has been in there.
>and frogs is quite clearly referencing the plagues of exodus. next.
Lol, no it's not.
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>The book of Exodus is the story of God rescuing the children of Israel from Egypt and forging a special relationship with them. Exodus is the second book of the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses), and it’s where we find the stories of the Ten Plagues, the first Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, and the Ten Commandments.
The book gets its name from the nation of Israel’s mass emigration from Egypt, but that’s only the first part of the story. This book follows Israel out of Egypt into the desert, where the nation is specifically aligned with God (as opposed to the idols of Egypt and the surrounding nations). This is the book in which God first lays out his expectations for the people of Israel—we know these expectations as the 10 Commandments. Most of the Old Testament is about how Israel meets (or fails to meet) these expectations. So if you want to understand any other book of the Old Testament, you’ll need a basic understanding of what happens in Exodus.
It's not referencing the plagues dumbass.
>chapter 12 Satan is cast out of Heaven
>chapter 13 Satan sets up the antichrist and enforces the mark of the beast
>chapter 14 after 42 months Rapture happens taking believers to heaven and sending the 144000.
>chapter 15, 16, 17 God pours out his wrath

You can say that if you want, but there's a very obvious message in Revelation that the beast is the Roman Empire. It's all there, exactly as >>38959418 said, so you have to agree that whatever interpretation you have is secondary to the obvious contemporary anti-Rome message.
There are 7 vials poured out in Revelations, not 10.

It is not referencing Exodus.
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Read any exegesis of Revelation, the references to the 10 plagues are literally not even up for debate, they are just there.

What the fuck are you idiots talking about?
>very obvious message in Revelation that the beast is the Roman Empire
No, it's not. It's clearly obvious that this takes time much later in the future. If it was the Roman empire, there'd be historical evidence of all the catastrophic events mentioned in Revelations.
And fire raining from the sky is mentioned in Genesis with God burning down Sodom and Gomorrah, thr Disciples asking Jesus if they should have fire fall from the sky and thr antichrist using that as a sign to mislead people. The contents of Revelation are yet to happen.

Pepe is the Egyptian God Kek. You give Kek energy everytime you share a Pepe

You have to have never read anything about Revelation at all to believe this. I'd be suprised if you even read the actual book itself.
Burning a third of the trees, scorching heat from the sun(micronova), mountains crumbling and oceans drying up didn't happen in Exodus.

The events of Revelation are much more catastrophic and it's obvious you haven't read it.
He saw 3 based frogs ready to take apart their lies. That's why you're here.
I've read the entire Bible multiple times back to back. You know nothing.
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If you spend more than like 30 seconds paying attention to literally anything the Christians on this board say it is CLEARLY EVIDENT that they have not read the Bible.
Kek is likely the devil imo. Yall made a deal with the devil when you all helped elect trump lmao.
>Pepe is a harbinger of Armageddon.

Probably the biggest one, disguised as an innocent cartoon character.

It's kinda diabolical as fuck once you look at it. The most dangerous one is the most innocent looking one
It never says what the beast is, just that it came from the sea, has 7 heads and 10 horns. Sounds more like a metephor for a nation or empire than an individual.
The lamb with the voice of a dragon is a reference to the antichrist which is one of the heads of the beast, but isn't the beast.

Were there seven branches of government to the Roman Empire? How do you interpret it as being the Roman Empire?
>That's bs. Revelation has yet to happen

Christards will always make up a new fake and gay crisis. Constantine said his enemies were the Antichrist almost 2000 years ago.

Maybe we should...stop listening to people like you...
He's not even refuting my point, just claiming I've never read the book. Yet, I'm somehow aware of the contents of it? Just a deflect and ignoring the point of my retort.
Its clearly obvious that the Book of Revelations is made up shit that people have recontextualized for thousands of years.

Christards love to play Chicken little



>Literary and Theological Parallels Between
Revelation 14–15 and Exodus 19–24

You are a brainlet.
I've considered Trump to be the antichrist. Since he was wounded in the head, but I fully expect the antichrist to die and actually come back.

Also Trump is too divisive to be it. The antichrist will be popular among all people.
If revelation has happened, prove it by providing evidence. Show evidence of the ocean turning to blood and all sea life dying. Show evidence of the catastrophic events of the earthquake that struck, one so strong that has never happened before. Show evidence of the giant sized hailstones. Show evidence of a 1/3 of the ocean life dying.

What's that? You can't? Well, why is that?
Christians will say the world is ending soon for over 2000 years and always be wrong. Eternal doomsday cult retards.
And it's clearly obvious this isn't a discussion for you.

I've provided evidence of theological parallels myself. Means nothing, man.

Read the Sacra Pagina. The thing I'm talking about is the literal catholic interpretation of Revelation, so therefore the most common and well known interpretation. Which is why I keep calling you dumb for saying it's not a thing.
>x y z person i dont like is the Antichrist

Reminder that Christards have said this every year for over 2000 years.
Theres no evidence because...its a false prophecy.

John of Patmos wrote a myth. He was wrong.
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Your first time nooticing anon?
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Most people have a cursory knowledge of the contents of the book without reading it because every December they play religious Jewish and Christian movies and tv shows which provide an abridged version of the major events.
You're entitled to your opinion.
>the literal catholic interpretation
And the whore in Revelation is the Catholic church. I don't care about their interpretation.
>oh no, the goyim is questioning our doomsday cult claiming the world will end every year for 2000 years

Braindead. Ironically you probably will worship an antichrist and think its Jesus Christ
You can question my faith all you want. You have every right to. All I'm saying is that you look stupid with the arguments you provide.
Its not an opinion.

There are no megaquakes. No hailstones can be mixed with blood. You are delusional. John of Patmos just wanted to scare Romans.
Who the antichrist doesn't matter, Satan can use anyone. And ai suspect he always has a candidate in every era.
Nobody knows the day or the hour (that means Satan doesn't either)
Ok, are we done? Or are you going to continue posting here, desperate for attention?
No actually I just broke free of fake prophecies that never ever ever ever come true.

Every single year, some asshole will say another person is the Antichrist, another scary new thing is le mark of le beast. Every year.
>Posted by Anon
Good for you.
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Keep fighting, this is starting get good.
Oh, so basically, you worship Satan and think Satan is an almighty god who can magically use anyone in contravention to the free will your theology is based on?

My point was that your interpretation is secondary :) Revelation is primarily an anti-Roman empire message, where Christ is the lamb and the savior. Glad I could educate you today.
Don’t talk to him like that. Say something more positive.
7 world destroying plagues vs 10 regional plagues.

God didn't burn the forests of Egypt, probably because there were none, he didn't cause an earth quake that rearanged the landscape, like is mentioned in Revelation.

You literally never read it. And obviously don't get it.
This goes back to my theory that most Christians get attacked by "demons" bc its a demonic religion.

>ook ook demons everywhere ook ook

Pretty sure the wikipedia page will explain that the references to exodus are not even up for debate, if you wanna just go read it and stop staying dumb shit.
The fact of the matter is that Revelation is yet to happen and the catholic church's interpretation of it is false. Discernment of the scriptures comes through the Holy Spirit, and the catholic church has shown evidence of its lack of said holy Spirit throughout the ages.
And Wikipedia has anti Semitic warnings in certain articles.
He can use anyone that worships him. If you are not with God you are with Satan.

You are a vessel that can be used by either. Some low level spirit can control most people who aren't saved. Or do you belive demon possession doesn't exist?

The difference being that their interpretation isn't based on wild supposition like yours is, it's actually based on scripture.
Actually, John was very obviously alluding to Jerusalem.

>where the lord was killed
>blood of saints and prophets found in her
>beast (rome) hates whore (jerusalem) and destroys her

Word for word based on earlier gospels and the OT, Johnny boy uses allusions that the Whore is Jerusalem

99℅ of boomer Christians are thus Antichrist worshippers since they love zionism and Jerusalem (also towns and cities claimed to be cursed by Jesus Christ).
Wrong, Revelation is about God kicking Satan out of Heaven and Satan causing as much chaos as he can on earth before he's inevitably defeated and cast into hell.
>You are a vessel that can be used by either. Some low level spirit can control most people who aren't saved. Or do you belive demon possession doesn't exist?

No faggot, Im not a slavemind like you. "Spirits" are not permitted to use me as a vessel. Its ironic bc many Christians deal with more demon possession than nonChristians. So fuck off.
Mine is as well. Nothing in the book of Revelations points to the Roman empire. It speaks of catastrophic events both for land and sea, a war in Heaven, nations rising against nations, Satan falling down to earth and a final judgment. And inbetween these are things that are so great, they would've been recorded and we would've known of their happenings to this day.
>u have free will and moral reasoning
>jk no u dont bc uhhh demons

Fuck your entire theology.

You're just wrong. Sorry. Don't know how many different ways I can say it. Read some interpretations of Revelation other than your own. Enjoy the rest of your night, friend.
I accept your concession.
>their interpretation isn't based on wild supposition
Satan cast out of Heaven
Revelation 12:10-12
[10] And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. [11] And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. [12] Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
>see if ur not in my cult u r "demon possessed"
>we r possessed by totally not demons!
>instead we get possessed by Jesus Christ

No ty I am not gay and other men r not allowed to spiritually enter me.
That's possible too, and I fully expect the antichrist to be a jew, because it will be hard to convince them someone else is the messiah.
>no argument
>resorts to homosexuality innuendos
Oh and secretly this stuff is designed to make u martyr yourself in a shitty holy war. No thanks.
You have to have great awareness and Spiritual prowess to even be aware of said holy war. You keep talking out of your ass.
>u can either choose god or satan
>there is no other option
>oh btw all of our churches/cults yell at each other and say the other church is antichrists
You're obviously possessed of some spirits, since you're arguing on this thread.
God's true Church is a Spiritual congregation. Not a physical one.
I am not a slave to any god entity. You are. I will never allow any god entity regardless of name to archetype possess me. Its how u get cult hijacked.
Good for you, man. You've stated your opinion and have made it loud and clear. Is that all?
Yes, appeal to magical/spiritual reasoning. Basically zero proof of who is actually in the right.

I cast, antipascals wager. I will blaspheme both god and satan and
I have all the proof I need. You cast everything you want, man.
This is not an opinion. It is a fact that no man should tolerate being a slave to any god entity.

Slave to "god" = antichrist spirit to me. Why would a true god need slaves? That god would be weak.
That was a war between Micheal and Satan. It's not a physical war.
Okay man, you've said what you've wanted to say and now you're repeating yourself in hopes of a pointless argument. Why continue at this point? Shows what your ulterior motives here really are.
You don't get to choose though, God the creator has no other place to put people like you once your body releases your spirit. Well there is a place and I think you're aware, but you want to pretend not to be.
You don't have to be a slave, you just have to put your faith in Jesus Christ. The Theif on the cross next to Christ was never baptisted and never did any good deeds. He just put his faith in Christ.
Revelation 13:1
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
>How long has this been in the bible?
at least since the 90s when I was obsessing over Revelation.
It just stood out to me recently, I've been playing around with Suno AI, trying to make songs based on Revelation.

This is a song based on Chapter 16 of Revelation
I have faith in ppl who are alive. I dont have faith in ppl who are in supernatural alleged other realms.
You dont really need faith in people who are alive, since you can physically see them.
Also uh, if all I need is faith in JC, I can be a total idiot, fuck hookers, rob banks, fedpost, and build robots, and go to space.
Whom the Lord loveth he Chasteneth

If you are able to do that and not receive a pumishment, you can rest assured you're not loved by God and you're likely going to hell.
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Wow, so in "hell" I can have sex with hookers? But in "heaven" I cannot have sex w hookers? Incel heaven sounds boring.
there's no sex in heaven
how can you have sex on a 5d light plane, what would the child be? it's like exceeding the cap of heaven
>no sex with hookers

That dont sound like no heaven to me? Although perhaps in "heaven" I can just have female sex slaves? How many side bitches did Righteous King David have?
>no sex in heaven

Im glad im not going to "heaven" then. I would rather have a space colony with hookers. This also seems presumptive to me. Why wouldnt u have sex?
Spirits don't have sex regardless where your spirit goes.
No sex in hell either, retard.
> spiritual realm of purity and bliss
> wants to pay abused women for sex
>This sounds like jewish disinformation.
If this was jewish disinformation they would never paint Nero as a evil character.
>Perhaps John wanted it to be about the Roman Empire, but he wrote about Babylon which leaves it more vague because Babylon in the Bible can be a metaphor for the current world hegomony.
At the time the city of the seven hills were clearly defined as Rome. He was writing to his contemporaries.
I don't know if that statue and computer monitor hieroglyph are actually real.

When you look it up all you get is ads to buy plastic "recreations" of it. I can't find any real sources that show this statue as a real egyptian artifact with photos, nor can I find any reference to that hieroglyph outside of this 1 statue.
Wikipedia shows a totally different spelling for the name of Kek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kek_(mythology)#:~:text=The%20name%20is%20written%20as,word%20for%20%22darkness%22%20kkw.

I still think there's something to this, but that statue/hieroglyph is probably a fake.
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Keks wife is Heket, aka Hecate, who has been widely popular and powerful as of recent.
With that thought... it sounds like philosophy could be a god, or a constitution, or company policy. I mean anything that gets people to get up and do something for some ideal... many spirits then.
If it is the word of God then couldn't it be the same thing multiple times? Does God's word reverberate through the cosmos or sumfin?
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Kek is Azathoth, aka Azagthoth
Nope. It’s Kauket.
worshipping the frog god is a sign you're spiritually fucked up
dragon means old women
beast means nigger

I hope Donald Trump is the Antichrist.

BC that means he will backstab and destroy Israel.

I hope boomer Christians wail and scream as they watch Jerusalem burnt to ashes.

The Antichrist works for God.



Faggot cucks your religion is dead. Christianity is dead. Hell is a jewish lie. The OT is a lie. The NT was a bunch of schizo cultists. The end.
Nope, the whore is Jerusalem

Quote for quote, John is referring to verses that describe Jerusalem.
All mainstream Christians, without exception, worship Satan, and are gullible fools.
if satan is your mind (the same mind in them)
Beta Ceti, and Fomalhaut are stars named after frogs.
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omg wow, so enlightened. You have definitely picked up a Bible and know exactly what you're talking about.
The fuck you talking about? The Antichrist will rule from Jerusalem. He has to be a jew because only a jew would be accepted as a Messiah to jews.
Youre possessed by a spirit too, called Christianity. Which is built on a foundation of mythical OT war propaganda by losers.
The book of revelations will not happen. Delulu jews and ziochristians want to make it happen but they will die first. Fortunately they dont get to rule the world much longer.
>be a mindless retard instead

Yeah, so youre saying thinking = satan. I demand you kill yourself immediately for having any thoughts at all then, satan.
No, there has to be a figure behind it. Man was created by God in God's image. That means we also have the ability to create. When an individual creates a spirit, that's a tulpa and usually dies with the individual if the spirit isn't worshipped by others. (Like how Chris Chan created Sonichu)
That's why God in the bible was so vehemently opposed to people creating idols and images. That's also why Jews control media, so they can create images for people to worship.
if you are taking the book of revelations as a future event which will happen you are missing the spiritual part.
for example: Rev. 20:4 I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
Some peaople imagine literally people having their head cut of, it actually means turning your own mind off- spiritual decapitation
Mainstream Christians:
>jews (synagogue of satan) are gods chosen people
>israel is a blessed land even though JC says its cursed
>will literally go work for jews for free in Israel and support jewish programs

Yes, Mainstream Christianity worships Satan as God.
Idgaf about false spirituality from 2000 year old jewish cult warfare. Its all garbage. Dirt. Trash. Its innately false. Historically false = spiritually false.
>dont even have a thought! No thinking allowed or you are satanic!

This is jewish mind poison, contrary to all reason. Your spirituality is detestable and wicked.
Tl;dr you are a hypocrite (you cant write anything without thinking). Thus you accuse yourself of satan.
>even having a single thought is satanic

This is ultimate slavery to a spirit contrary to reason and thus spiritually a mark of a beast (unthinking animal). Its intensely stupid schizophrenic delusional gibberish.
And I saw
on the cathedral
you were watching me
And I saw
what I should be
In fact, why should I believe the Book of Revelations is true? A man wrote it. That man is not my master. If he is your master, youve made the choice of slavery to a spirit that cannot predict anything, bc he lived 2000 fucking years ago and dead people dont predict the future.
The whole time. Remember, these people probably thought lizards were frogs, too.
>durrr frogs evil bc 2000 year old dead schizo jew who hated romans wrote a book

Christianity is a strong delusion for those who hate the truth.
And Rabba bar bar Ḥana said: I have seen a certain frog [akrokta] that was as large as the fort [akra] of Hagronya. And how large is the fort of Hagronya? It is as large as sixty houses. A snake came and swallowed the frog. A raven came and swallowed the snake, and flew up and sat in a tree. Come and see how great is the strength of the tree, which could bear the weight of that raven. Rav Pappa bar Shmuel said: If I had not been there and seen this, I would not believe it.
just turn your brain off- how hard is it?
Who cares? The Bible is for idiots. You could put anything in there and people would swear by it as being the ultimate truth.
Yup they need to repent. Hyperborea is the false kingdom of light. When they say welcome to hell, it means this is a cesspit of demons. The meme magick is unironically going to usher in the AntiChrist and he won't be a Jew

So yes for many here ngmi
The whole time. That's the answer. What are we doing here?

>still get some weird anti-Jesus static
What are you on about, you stupid shit?
Lizard is mentioned once in the bible.

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