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Flat earth fellas help me out here. No ridicule, I promise.

How do I come to terms with the idea that earth is all there is? No other planets, no asteroids, suns, moons, etc. Just a plane of existence in between the Heaven and Sheol. I like space.
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Thanks. Super helpful
by not getting annoyed/troubled by such petty things
Get a can of soft drink (or as the americans call it 'pop'), shake it up, and then open it. Shaking it up releases gas from the soft drink inside of the can, leading to there being a higher gas pressure inside the can, then the pressure outside the can. All the gas with in the can will rush out to the lower pressure environment out side of the can as soon as you open it. Everytime. Now try to repeat this experiment, open the can up exactly the same as before, but this time, stop all the gas from inside of the can rushing to the outside without using some kind physical barrier, seal or membrane.

That's what the heliocentric model expects you to be able to do in order to explain how a vacuum (no gas, low pressure) can exist next to a high pressure environment (earths atmosphere, the inside of the can), without a membrane separating the two (the can).
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A world-system consists of an earth-disc, a realm of heaven, and a realm of hell. It's a closed system with a set of beings like, humans, animals, spirits, angels, demons and gods.
But, as the Sutra says, there are many world-systems in the universe. Each one has it's own creator-god (Brahma) and it's own spiritual struggle between light and dark.
So what is between this world-systems? "Space"? Or some other, interdimentional frame? There are no informations about that, but there must be something.
the Bible says that Earth is the footstool of God. Beyond the dome is the spiritual realm where God and the angels exist. If you are more spiritually inclined it should bring you a lot of joy that we are literally a few miles away from God Himself. This idea absolutely fascinates me. If you think that you live on a rock in an infinite sea of nothingness it is very hard to fall into nihilism and to think that God is very far away or doesn’t exist at all. We are literally a fish bowl that God keeps around in His room. His plan was to create an utopia for us and to enjoy watching us thrive just like a person might enjoy watching the fish in an aquarium.
very hard not to fall*
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Picrel proves flat earth
The membrane is the ionosphere. It is a magnetic layer that keeps the vaccum separated from Earth.
>look at these rabbi letters, they prove Earth is flat
Earth is round and is moving at intense high speeds through EMPTY space.
>mocks rabbi letters
Doesn't realize that the concept of his space model comes from Kabbalah, literal JEWISH mysticism LMFAOO.
Einstein is a fraud. He copied his theories from Poincare.
The big bang never happened. Earth is uncreated, as is the universe. This does not negate movement, though.
does the gas and liquid in the can have enough energy to reach orbit? That's what this stupid flat earth theory expects you to believe it can do in order to explain how flat earthers are this stupid.
Why isn't there a layer of aluminum between sea level and high altitude air pressure?
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It means your life of degenerate hedonism must come to an end. There is a reason for life. You aren't small cosmic jizz floating through space.


Start with the FAQ, best of luck anon
Oh now that explains it all. Now all you need to is reproduce this electromagnetic phenomena of isolating high pressure environments from vacuums in a lab, sounds easily testable retard.

does equilibrium require energy? gas has a natural tendency to alleviate pressure by flowing into low pressure environments, go back and try to refute what i just said.

How can you have pressure without containment.
>I like space.

Its fake and gay I'm not going to give you any proof that it is just take my word for it bro. Also gravity is fake and gay its like air pressure or something the Earth's flat I don't need to explain shit
All telescopes have cgi in them so it makes it look like there are round planets . If you buy a telescope from Walmart it will have fake cgi to make it look like there is galaxies and planets but its all fake and gay.
pilots need to be trained not to fly into the sun since it is only 30 miles up and uses hot convection to fly above the disc. Their use to be a bunch of videos on YouTube of piolets almost crashing into the sun but they sensored them,
Walmart telescopes are pretty damn cheap. And they have CGI tech in them? Now that’s a steal.
>does equilibrium require energy?
yes. getting into orbit requires even more
>refute what i just said.
i just did.
how about you go back and learn some basic physics and chemistry.
>How can you have pressure without containment.
by pilling gas on top of more gas and so on. vacuum doesn't pull things towards it and matter needs energy to go higher. with those two facts you should be able to unfuck your bad thinking on this subject.
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i've personally almost caught up to the sun while out on runs. pic very much rel. it was literally right behind those trees.
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and here's another. another few seconds and i'd have been right next to it. one day i'll run the sun down.

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