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Felt lost and hopeless. Turn to christian god because I was looking for hope and deliverance.

He gives me 5 serious illnesses in a row. Literally shitting myself each day is a possibility now. Everything in my life falling apart. The few relationships I have betray me. In every situation it almost always goes bad.

I ask for bread and he gives me stones. I ask for fish and he gives me snakes. All of the nice bible verses have turned out to be false promises that I have to make excuses for. I keep groveling yet things get worse.

I'm worse off than I ever was as a cringe atheist. Where is the peace and protection that was promised? I'm just being abused and constantly gaslighting myself this is the work of a loving god.

I've had experiences that lead me to believe there is a creator. But he's not a loving father and more like a deranged narcissist who just does whatever satisfies his ego.
I saw this one faith healing pastor talk about how you shouldn't turn to God when things have already shit the bed and "Now" you need help. What's got you down?
>But he's not a loving father and more like a deranged narcissist who just does whatever satisfies his ego.
Welcome to Satanism, this is what we know to be true.
>He gives me 5 serious illnesses in a row
Prove it was God.
Like satan isn't a narcissist. Literally sacrifice animals and people to him.
As a christian I was under his protection and sovereignity when it happened

that's not what the bible says though. he says he invites all the broken hearted, oppressed, hungry, poor, etc.
>come to me all who are weary, and I shall give you rest
God is extremely forgiving. OP is a troll.
Most likely.
>As a christian I was under his protection and sovereignity when it happened
That's a straight up lie. If you truly were a Christian you'd understand your situation very well. A Christian isn't one who self identifies as one.
Care to tell us what is troubling you?
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>here's comes the christian gaslighting

Is it so hard to admit god can fail his promises? That the bible exaggerates his benevolence and is basically marketing material?

You think you're better than me? Move Mt Everest to Washington DC in the next 10 minutes.

If you can't Jesus himself says you don't even have the tiniest faith and are just a bunch of frauds.
Sure buddy.
Read your Bible and you'll realize animal and human sacrifices are for Yahweh, not Satan.
You'll also find that Satan is the truth teller to God's narcissism - that's why he got punished.
Satan freed us from God's rule by giving us knowledge.
You fell for the religion con, anon.
Now, pull up your big boy pants and start the great work.
YOU are the source of your rest and relief. But it takes a while to learn that.
Damn, posting this link again.
well, to be frank with you... you spent your life as a cringelord atheist. even masons look down upon your kind. if you had just been a fencesitting agnostic you would've had a much easier go at this.

because things are terrible you try to curry favor from a god. welcome to your new fate; a trial of the gods.

a multitude of options stand before you and it's your call on how to proceed, sir.

every man is narcissistic.
every woman is borderline.
this is by design.
Protestants are fags when they say shit like that. You should always turn to the Lord and praise and glorify His holy name. At the same time, don't expect a free lunch. If you have needs in this life that you can fulfill by your own hard work, then you should work and count it a blessing that God made you capable. If you have needs that can only be met by others, get with your community, and again it's a give AND take relationship.
Have you not read Job?
>you spent your life as a cringelord atheist
Not completely accurate. I didn't go out of my way to fedora people. I just didn't give much thought about god. I practiced christian morality at the very least because that was my upbringing
That's also known as testing the Lord.
He doesn't fail promises and this isn't gaslighting. This is me calling you our for what you are, a dishonest troll rage baiting. Enjoy your (You)'s.
>muh job

this is not a uplifting story christians try to portray it as. god basically destroyed an innocents man's life just so he can have a gambling night with satan.

also how can you trust a god who will ruin your life even if you kept all his commandments?

>if you obey me I will keep and bless you
I still don't see Mt Everest relocated to America. You don't even have a speck of faith and you claim to be talking down on me lmao. Faithless frauds.

That is not testing the lord. He himself says that you have this ability bestowed on the faithful.


lol of course

>abuse flying monkey

How am I dishonest? It's god who didn't hold up his part of the bargain not I.
Just stop jerking off
Jesus spoke in parables and allegory, he didn't literally mean you could psychically pick up a literal mountain and move it, he meant that with your faith you can overcome any challenge in your life.
>Truly I say to you
>Nothing will be impossible for you
>Um achyually he didn't mean it that way though!

I put my 100% faith in god. Dedicated every molecule to him at one point. He failed me.

Here's more nonsense that fraud tells you

>>7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

I ask to be delivered from sickness that I didn't even have prior to trusting him and he gave me more illnesses. What a deranged asshole.
He's the demiurge, of course you're going to be in shit if you follow him.
Seems you gave up pretty easily, that's not 100% faith
>more gaslighting
>you have no idea how long I struggled

I was unironically prepared to die for him at one point. Enough betrayals and failed promises will make you rethink that.

He knew abusing me this way will result in my discouragement. So it's all his fault. If he healed me or blessed me I wouldn't shut up about his grace and glory but he'd rather be an abusive asshole.
Once I started to see Satan in every bad thing is when I got out of your mindset. He laughs at you when you blamed God.
>inb4 God lets it happen
We're here to be tested to see if we can enter God's kingdom, we are not there yet. There's always going to be bad things in the world and in your life, how you choose to react to it is the point of us being here.
>normalizing abuse

Who created satan? I didn't ask to be born but he wants me to dance in his sick audition.

He loves to abuse people who follow him. But his blessings are limitless for all the evil people who don't even try to be good.

I'm starting to smell bullshit.
Well, they are the same being
Try praying to the actual God, with no preconceived notions of Jesus or Christianity. Pray to your creator.
The best thing is to ignore and also curse at god when this happens. Like be extremely blasphemous and test the fuck out of god. Dont be a Christian pussy. I think God does not respect pussies. So if shit sucks, curse at god and say his mom is a whore. Just to prove ur not a coward. Ive done so many times.
OP is an energy vampire. If you start feeling weird arguing with him just start to ignore him.
Like I said the world is a test, God created Satan.Tough shit. The trinkets of this world are nothing compared to the treasures of Heaven and can hardly be called blessings, I'm thankful that I have food to eat and a roof over my head. If you're after material riches that bad this isn't really the thing for you.
>We're here to be tested to see if we can enter God's kingdom, we are not there yet.

ooof see this is the trap slave pussy cowards fall into, you believe that thus u dont get spared the testing
If God created Satan to "punish" us, then I will declare myself as Satan and punish the rest of you. Mostly by making fun of cowards and slaves to faggot cuck boomer troon governments.
I don't really get tested as far as I'm concerned, like I said I'm happy with food to eat and a place to sleep. Your choice of reactions to situations is the true testing, which occurs for everyone alive including you.
Basically, either God is 100℅ on my fucking side, I become Satan. BC I dont fear death. I can literally turn the Bible into a sex joke and presume God also thinks thats funny.
If all u ask God for is food and a place to sleep thats probably all you get.

I want to be rich, and have lots of sex, and go to space, and have even more sex. If God is perfect, God will grant my prayers as promised. Also I want to see a lot of jews get wrecked.
Tough shit? Isn't it a glaring plot hole that the holy god created the literal devil lmao. Does this not send warning bells in your head.

>because you can be trusted with little you can be trusted with a lot

Why should I trust the jewish yahweh deity any further when he can't even help you in the creation he claims to be sovereign at.

>just keep quiet about the beatings kiddo. one day your dad will take you to disneyland
Yeah tough shit, he is God and you are not, that's what >>38960539 is seething about.
>normalizing abuse
>bunch of stockholm syndrome narcissists afraid of the biggest narcissist

there it is. the crystallization of the christian
It's not abuse tho
This is true. It's the same oneguy making anti-Christian threads over and over pretending to be sincere (sometimes) and then arguing with everybody that tries to help him.
>says the battered wife for the 9435346th time

god created humanity to fall. god created satan. god created this liveleak abuse world. then pretends he isn't responsible for any of it lmao.

according to god most humans go to hell. yet he's fine with this result. people call him savior but he doesn't even save the majority of humanity lmao. this is all admitted in the bible.
Oh, I see
what help do you provide?

>just keep grovelling harder!

lol I've held out for years already. this god doesn't care or outright hates humanity

how can you look at this miserable creation and go "hmm yes this is proof of a loving god"
I dont seethe. I just curse at God when things go poorly in life and demand better, bc I am not a coward like u. If God is honorable, God will respect my lack of cowardice.
I was full of life and hope and energy before god took it all with his abuses
I just find it odd how he was so active in the bible and now he seems to just observe us
>according to god

According to jewish cultists from 2000 years ago.
Its bc religion is 99℅ bullshit.

Deepest redpill, humans are in charge of the planet, not magical gods.
well the bible does say the earth is ours that part I know but I think it'd be a little too quick to say we have everything figured out, there are a lot of patterns and synchronicities that happens in nature and within ourselves that to me show an intelligent design, i may be wrong but I find it all very fascinating.
In the Bible most of the way it's 1 or 2 people per generation that have a euphoric spiritual encounter. Most of the population is commoner Israelites. Exception to this are the multitudes that got healing from Jeezy Boi.
Read Liber AL vel Legis
There are obviously unseen entities messing with humanity and influencing events though
I don't think "messing with" is the right way to look at it, they have their objectives one being as complete freedom as possible in order to more perfectly judge man, they do coordinate somethings only in order to maintain the system, if they didn't occasionally organize things the world would have been gone along time ago
Christianity is total trash.
But feel free to keep at it until you're ready to admit that what you're doing now is yet more stupid than atheism.
So yahweh does fuck all and demands your unconditional worship, how nice
>>I'm worse off than I ever was as a cringe atheist. Where is the peace and protection that was promised?
This is never promised. In fact you're promised great hardships.
trueeee the abrahamic god does demand blood to pay for sin. But it's okay to spill blood for god.
try allah then.. or baal, you stupid cuck
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LEL no refunds
>If your offering is a goat, you are to present it before the Lord, lay your hand on its head and slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood against the sides of the altar. From what you offer you are to present this food offering to the Lord: the internal organs and all the fat that is connected to them, both kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the long lobe of the liver, which you will remove with the kidneys. The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the Lord’s.


>Then he must sprinkle the blood with his finger seven times over the altar. In this way, he will cleanse it from Israel’s defilement and make it holy.
Leviticus 16:19
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JOB is a coded story about a gentile being punished as a scape goat for the jews sins against YHWH/SET

If I was God, I wouldn't like cowards or weaklings either. Not saying you are, but why beg favors from a higher power when you have the incredible human capacity of strength, willpower, and discipline?
>He gives me 5 serious illnesses in a row. Literally shitting myself each day is a possibility now
This is actually a good thing. It means your body is cleansing itself
The Christian God is being extremely based and giving you exactly what you need. Your body's purging itself of years of atheist cringe and your whole life's dismantling (so you can be rebuilt into not cringe) and you wanna whine about it???? God's so good you don't deserve his grace yet he gives it to you anyway. And your gay ass interprets it as torture. Waaaaaaah!! I'm shitting parasites God's so mean!!!! When your old cringe self is completely shattered and broken and you reform as a gigachad, it'll all make sense.
This guy's says when he decided to stop working with demons and pursue improving himself spiritually tons of bad things started to happen
You are insufferable.
You sound like your parents hit you and then yelled at you for screaming in pain.
You are retarded.
Apologize to God for being a whiny homosexual sinner and stop taking the hormone pills and maybe you can be Chad too

Could you keep it to just one of these stupid threads a day?
I'd rather be Stacy, thanks <3
>my yoke is light
>come to me and I will give you rest

>actually that was all bullshit

>stockholm syndrome abuse victim

>god creates you
>beg god for existing

you are getting cucked by the old testament god, you need to raise the chrism and pray to jesus' god, the Father
I prayed to God the Father and God the Son (Jesus)

I even used his original names because I thought it would be more pleasing (Yeshua, Yeshu, Iesous)
>stockholm syndrome abuse victim
There are too many to be counted
wow 5 in row at this point you should convert to satanism

but seriously you should not put your faith in any religion because this is a uncaring world already so don't let your guard down or worst trow you money at some church and risk becoming homeless
I want a church girl that go to church girl
>and read yerr bible
god gave you two options
you should have listened to doctor chud
Thats not what it says. Read the greek.
Do you even know what death is? Do you hear the laughter? Do you know who is laughing?
>that's not what the bible says though. he says he invites all the broken hearted, oppressed, hungry, poor, etc.
The copy I have says God wants the worthy. "You must be perfect like your Father is perfect." You must have the copy they give to Reddit atheists.

I'm not sure if you noticed but typically God's saints and prophets live difficult and dangerous lives. Their children die, or meteor showers destroy their towns, or they get put in slavery, etc. Usually their lives are a multitude of shitty things happening to them. The problem is you're going through this now and instead of rising to the occasion you are cursing God and demanding some imagined service you believe you are entitled to, as if God is some sort of subscription based secretarial service.

I guess it sucks to suck. Figure your own shit out then if you're so much smarter than God.
You have to atone for your sinful ways
>he's so close but doesn't get it

because the bible has endless contradictions lmao. then god just picks and chooses what he wants.

>no one is perfect but Jesus that's why his sacrifice is required
>actually you have to sacrifice yourself and be perfect

it's all schizophrenic
>I'm not sure if you noticed

>Follow god
>he abuses you
>but blesses evil people

Oh I have noticed
good post. that's it
No it's not. It's the most basic bitch evangelical copium.

What heavenly father can't even prevent evil? Where was god and his legions of angels when satan came in the garden?

He was probably jerking off in the corner because of all the narcissistic bullshit he was going to get for himself
>Praying to the Jewish demiurge
>Praying to Jesus
That was your first mistake dude
Become unmovable by the 8 winds
Why should God prevent evil? More specifically, why should he prevent evil things from happening to YOU? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you---a whinging, feminized bitchbaby---are undeserving of divine protection?
>God is your heavenly father who cares for you and protects and loves you :DDD


Ah the duality of christians. Notice the continuous trend of normalizing abuse.

Let's make this simple. When you love something do you ever want them to suffer?
You think love == servitude. Yes, this is why your life sucks.
>If you REALLY loved me you would buy me a pony!
Again, feminized. Narcissistic. Totally out of touch and out of depth.
This is why you are neither capable of receiving love nor giving it. You are the sole architect of your own suffering.
It isn’t tho. Saturn in the form of Yahweh just abuses people regularly and they take notice.

“Why do men learn through pain and suffering, and not through pleasure and happiness? Very simply, because pleasure and happiness accustom one to satisfaction with the things given in this world, whereas pain and suffering drive one to seek a more profound happiness beyond the limitations of this world. I am at this moment in some pain, and I call on the Name of Jesus—not necessarily to relieve the pain, but that Jesus, in Whom alone we may transcend this world, may be with me during it, and His will be done in me. But in pleasure I do not call on Him; I am content then with what I have, and I think I need no more. And why is a philosophy of pleasure untenable?—because pleasure is impermanent and unreliable, and pain is inevitable. In pain and suffering Christ speaks to us, and thus God is kind to give them to us, yes, and evil too—for in all of these we glimpse something of what must lie beyond, if there really exists what our hearts most deeply desire.”

+ Fr. Seraphim Rose
"A continuously happy life produces extremely unhappy consequences. In nature we see that there are not always pleasant springs and fruitful summers, and sometimes autumn is rainy and winter cold and snowy, and there is flooding and wind and storms, and moreover the crops fail and there are famine, troubles, sicknesses and many other misfortunes. All of this is beneficial so that man might learn through prudence, patience and humility. For the most part, in times of plenty he forgets himself, but in times of various sorrows he becomes more attentive to his salvation."

+ St. Ambrose of Optina
"A life without sorrows is a sign of God’s disapproval. We should not envy those who live without sorrows, for the end of their sorrowlessness is grievious."

+ St. Nikon of Optina
"Blessed is the man who uses his sufferings, knowing that all suffering in this brief life is loosed on men by God in His love for mankind, for the benefit and assistance of men. In His mercy, God looses suffering on men because of their sins – by His mercy and not His justice For, if it were by His justice, every sin would inevitably bring death, as the Apostle says: “Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1: 15). In place of death, God gives healing through suffering. Suffering is God’s way of healing the soul of its sinful leprosy and its death."

+ St. Nikolai Velimirovich
Yeah. God is there to give you strength to get through the tough times. He isn't there as a sugar daddy, where you come looking for a free handout. He will just reject you, as he doesn't know you.
>"Hahahaha, life is great. I love living, fuck God, stupid bitch never did anything for me."
>Lose everything, debt piling up
>"OH NO. God, help me. I will be a good christian. Let me prostrate before you, you like this right? Give me free shit to help me get out of this horrible situation that I put myself in by being a dick head."
>God punishes you harder
Just stop thinking that God is a free bail out. Ask for forgiveness, humble yourself, pull yourself up by your boot straps and do the right thing. The only thing that you need to communicate with God about is if you are unsure if what you want to do is the right thing.
>"Hey God, I want to go hang out with the buddies tommorow. Jeremy is having a lot of trouble lately and I feel like he needs someone to listen, but I know I promised the wife to work on the bathroom remodel. I'm I doing the right thing? I am? Ok, I will tell the wife we will do it tomorrow. Don't want my friend to kill himself because I wasn't there for him."
"My dear, suffering is a gift from God! It is a mistake to run from your own suffering. You are truly free only when you are struggling, when you are present on the cross. Suffering brings deep wisdom and make you reflect more seriously on your salvation."

+ Elder Arsenie Papaciac


"Everyone has a cross to carry. Why? Since the leader of our faith endured the cross, we will also endure it. On one hand, the cross is sweet and light, but, on the other, it can also be bitter and heavy. It depends on our will. If you bear Christ’s cross with love then it will be very light; like a sponge or a cork. But if you have a negative attitude, it becomes heavy; too heavy to lift."

+ Elder Ephraim of Katounakia


"Suffering is an indication of another Kingdom which we look to. If being Christian meant being “happy” in this life, we wouldn’t need the Kingdom of Heaven."

+ Fr. Seraphim Rose
"Sufferings bear so much fruit that if we were a little wiser we would not want to “come down from the cross”."

+ Elder Sophrony


"You need not be despondent. Let those be despondent who do not believe in God. For them sorrow is burdensome, of course, because besides earthly enjoyment they have nothing. But believers must not be despondent, for through sorrows they receive the right of sonship, without which is impossible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

+ St. Barsanuphius of Optina


"The Lord, as an artful physician, subjects us to various trials, sorrows, illnesses, and misfortunes, in order to purify us like gold in the furnace. A soul that is hardened in various sins does not easily undergo cleansing and healing, but has to be forced to a great extent, and only through lengthy experience in patience and suffering does it become accustomed to virtue and begins to love God, from Whom it was alienated after becoming attached to all kinds of mortal sins. Such is the purpose of the trials and tribulations sent to us by God in this life."

+ St. John of Kronstadt


Eventually, you will see suffering as a blessing. It is strange. It takes time. I can't really describe it in a way that doesn't provoke ridicule. Hopefully these quotes will help you out OP.
>He isn't there as a sugar daddy
you need to get your mouth washed out with soap after that one- WATCH IT BUD!

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