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Welcome to HealerAnon General! I’m here to offer psychic healing doing my best to provide some relief for your problems. I can deal with negative entities, curses, energy blockages, and help with various other types of energetic and mental problems. With physical issues and pains nothing is guaranteed (as is any healing provided by me) but it can’t hurt to try and hopefully my energy will be able to provide some relief.
> To Receive Healing
Please request what you would like help with and then provide feedback on any sensations
you experienced and the level of relief as this will allow me to hone my energy for people with similar issues in the future. The more details you provide the better although some people are not very energy sensitive due to health, medications, and general psychic aptitude so if you didn’t feel that much don’t worry about it! If you aren’t comfortable with sharing specifics then just type “Help” and I’ll do my very best.
> To Repay Me:
* Pay it forward in life
* Give feedback
I'll be monitoring the thread while doing things around the house for the next 3 days. If I don't respond to you immediately don't worry I'll get to you.
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Hi healer anon
Please send some good vibes. I got out of an abusive relationship about 5 years ago and my constitution never fully recovered. It's hard to trust or relate to anyone anymore. I ruminate about past grievances with parents and friends. Can't find any drive. Your thoughts are appreciated, I'll keep the thread open for feedback
I'm going to give you something of an energetic massage to calm your nerves physically and to remove all the negative entities attached to you to put it briefly.
You should be feeling more calm and relaxed now. The energy will still be flowing through you for a little bit knocking out blockages.
Good evening, healer anon.
I'm not exactly in a good position in life, and am really just curious to know if I've got something on me or if I'm just particularly unlucky. Going back as far as February where a woman I cared for kicked me to the curb, my family did not come to support me during a really tough work month, and now? I quit that job in August while I had something lined up right after only to get ghosted by my potential employer. Haven't worked since and things are looking bad. Fell off of ladder a few weeks ago too, I just feel really fucked lately.
Hi HealerAnon,
I know I could do this myself but I have an attitude blockage. Catholic guilt syndrome.
I would like help in forgiving myself for something I and someone else did in 2008/2009. When it started I was guiltless but I let it continue and encouraged it. I wish to take that back and make it as if it never were.
Yes, cursed and a lot of entities on your back.
If you come back I can charge an object or piece of jewelry you keep on your person a lot to improve your constitution long term.
You should be good now. I'll charge an object for everyone that comes in here asking for help with sincerity.
You're shoulders should be feeling a lot lighter.
I hope you can move on and learn from your experience.
(38960158) here, thanks a ton. I hope you have a great weekend.
You too. Be blessed.
Hi healer anon. There's someone who backstabbed me and used to be a friend with benefits. Ever since I refused to sleep with her she has done curses and hexes on me every week. Before I stopped talking to her she took pictures of me who she showed to practicioners (professionals) who did black magic on me. The only reason I know this is because I felt all these things and divinators have told me. Many ppl more than a dozen.

Some curses: did X patterns on head so hair would go bald at those spots (it hasn't regrown). Tried to make me gay, tried to make me like disgusting sexual things. Tried to make me impotent. Crazy spells where I lose my sanity. Dislexia spells. Stupidity spells. Stangnation spells. Ugly spells. Spells that make me fat or cannot lose weight. Stomach cancer and pains all over my body. Spells that make me unwanted by the opposite sex. Poverty spells, I haven't been able to find jobs and money is never enough. Anus spells where it seems to morph and move around. Tons of other shit. Having demons follow me in my sleep, seeing faces of demons before I fall asleep. The list goes on and on.
The karma this person will reap is huge. Also my sister may have paid this whore and casted spells to. Mainly death spells where my heart suddenly stops or explodes. It didn't work though but I did go to the hospital where they told me everything was normal.
I didn't notice anything.
I've been trying ever since. When I do psilocybin deep dives (over 5g) it's the worst since I get nothing but accusations from faceless entities that try to implant memories of doing something much worse. I refuse the implant each time (only 2x in the past 7 years, i'm not a mushroom freak) but it feels like a serious impediment.
Well friend there's not a curse I can't break and there are many on you along with demons in tow and every other kinda thing. I guess it would be too obvious to say stay away from those types of relationships. Give me a second.
Yes THANK YOU!!! I have remained a monk for the past 3 years. Haven't touched a single drug or woman since. Iv had offers but I've refused them.
Gotta be careful with psychedelics. They can open you up to just about anything.
>super namefag
Get ready for hate.
Goes with the territory.
You should be good to go.
If you want an object charged just hold it in your hand and post a message. I can add protection to it but don't go abusing it.
Thank you once again! I will 100% drop feedback as soon as I see something or if I ever see you on this board again. I hope those people who did the curses will stop casting them.
Hi healeranon, I lived really terribly during my teenage years and put a lot of abuse on my body. This was accompanied by a lot of mental toxicity as well. I am trying to purify both my mind and body so I can set myself up for success and regain what remains of my youth. I have tried a lot of things both holistic and pharmaceutical. Thank you.
Let me see what I can do give me a couple of minutes.
I hope you find your mind is at peace.
Healer Anon, hear this one: I am deeply loved by the Gods, and receive blessings from them, but after now a long stretch of bad luck, I'm feeling somewhat abandoned by them, like suddenly my oracles read nonsense or threatening results, and I am near the end of my rope financially. I feel like I'm undergoing the world's biggest Saturn return. My dreams and visions are gone from stress, and I haven't been praying as much. What do?
It depends on what Gods you are praying to honestly. When you work with Gods it's impossible to tell exactly what "Gods" you are working with or even if they are Gods at all.
I want whatever jinx, curse, hex, bad luck, malicious spell, untranquil spirit, demon, or whatever malignant entity, and all blockages lifted and removed off of me and from me.
I want a thorough healing, recovery, and full cleansing!
I want to be renewed and all that that has worked against me to now be reversed and work in my favor.
Thank you!
I'll do my best to give you the works!
Okay thank you once again. I went to look for the item. I have it in my hands now. Will hold it for the next 15-20 mins
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I am loved by the Goddess Athena, Daughter of Zeus who wields the Aegis. This is the only fact I truly know.
Yup feeling pretty good. Please purge all malignant fungus and bacteria and balance my hormones if you are able.
Alright, you're good to go.
Hi healeranon, i’m 26f. I have low level anxiety due to being in a nursing program. I dont request healing because im scared of getting cursed by the healing but im wondering if there are any entities attached to me? I recently started reading tarot again and i worry that doing that opens me up. Thank you and i will pay back by being extra nice to patients and peers tomorrow and ill provide feedback!!
Well let me clear some curses and entities and maybe you're favor will return.
Thank you very much Healer Anon!
Thank you. I will report back with any changes if I notice them.
You should be good to go.
Let me get to work clearing you and then I can charge an item to do that more long term.
I understand the fear but I assure you I don't mean you any harm. There are a few and in the field of nursing you pick up a lot. Lotta witches in nursing and witch/warlock patients. Tarot is fine to read as long as you are relying on your own intuition and not asking a 3rd party for help. With my healing I do it from my own chi not asking for another spirit or entity. Another risk in tarot is giving a reading to someone and they don't like it and then they curse you. This can be really quick like an evil eye or an incantation in their head or by their demon.
Feedback : My head started to feel lighter and I started to feel happier. Also my car was running really badly (curses on it) and after you did your thing it drove extremely smoothly. I am sure this worked. Thank you once again friend!
Hi healer anon,

I feel like I may have been cursed at some point, namely with bad luck. I’ve had a lot of weird things happen to me that have set me back. Finances are a big one. I start working toward a goal, and then a stroke of bad luck hits me and I’m financially/emotionally/physically wiped out. Every time I’m getting into a groove, something goes wrong out of nowhere. It truly feels like one step forward, two steps back. Please help. Thank you.
This is good to know. I will take some healing then if it’s still offered :) Im not having any physical discomfort but like i said i have some general low level anxiety and more specific anguish about feeling blocked creatively. Either of those i would accept healing. I think i wont read tarot for others anymore too.. thanks for the info on tarot risk, i appreciate it since i feel like it’s not spoken about often
Your deck itself it cursed along with yourself and 5 entities attached to you.
Thank you very much take care!
I'll take care of that quickly.
Thank you, anon. I’ll be paying it forward!
You should be good to go.
Ah! would you be able to help with the entities? Rather than general anxiety relief like i said in >>38960761
also is there anything i can do about the deck? Should i get rid of it? I appreciate your work here so much anon, i needed this wake up call
I can charge an item for you after to protect from curses and stuff and then you can nurse/read tarot care free.
Do you think that would work? I am naive in a lot of ways and not well read in this stuff, i will do more research now. I would appreciate anything at this point healeranon, i dont want to be cursed. :0

Is there anything i can do besides feedback and kindness to others to repay you? I feel like youre doing a lot for me
Entities and anxieties/any emotional problem are strongly related. It's a cycle where they make you feel a certain way and feed off the negativity then some can cause bad things in your life and then feed off of more negativity. You should be all good to go. If you want that item charged just let me know.
Nope, just pay it forward that's all you gotta do.
Will pay it forwards. Can't wait to see people tomorrow!
I would like the item charged :) feedback for the healing was that i felt a light, fuzzy sensation in my legs. Especially my calves. Thank you so much!
Do you want an object charged?
Thank you I believe you did one already. One should be enough. Have a great night Healer anon, may amazing dharma return to you.
Can it be my phone?
It's charged. If you have any kind of sensitivity you can normally feel the aura.
Yeah, it can be your phone. Just be weary when you upgrade lol
I have been cursed for as long as I can remember. I cannot regain control over facalties I should have control over. I am begging because I know I am affected and I really could use any help as I finally have been feeling like I can overcome it with just a little help.
Please and thank you fren
I gotchu you friend give me a minute.
Hii healer anon Plz help me
can u check what hex/curse is on me and plz fix anything Tysm
Also if u are able, can u plz tell me who cursed me with ‘That’ H or M or God himself?. .. Tys,m
You should be good to go.
I'm all fixed?
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Well thank you fren
You are so very welcome!
Do u know what will happen after i die
You are cursed. I'm sensing H but I don't like to really "read" into things too much if you get my drift. I kinda just like healing people and letting them be on their merry way.
You're all good.
Can u pla heal me pla
No because there is always time to change where you end up.
Sure thing. You should be good to go.
Thank y'all for the feedback so far guys it gives me great motivation.
Hello Healer.
After having an intestinal disease for 10 years and starting to finally heal recently...

Is it possible to finally recover er all my strength and intelligence? My spirit is tired, but still strong.

Thank you for blessing others.
Should it be sunshine I always have worth me or just some nicknak I have around the apartment?
It definitely is. After this session I would look into a type of self healing called spring forest. It will definitely accelerate your healing along with the item I charge for you.
Something you always have with you preferably.
I might to type the full name spring forest qigong.
You should be all set now you can choose an item you have on you all the time to charge to further your healing.
Hi HealerAnon.
I've seen your threads before, and while I'm not a regular to them I admire your efforts.
I recently pulled myself out of an abyss, and although I'm feeling reborn, I can't help but wonder if I've been cursed or suffering some sort of blockages in regards to certain life goals? It's uncanny how my plans for advancing my career or finding a mate never seem to go anywhere, like I'm not even allowed off the starting platform. Now that I've found the will to reclaim my life, it'd be wonderful to remove any obstacles I'm unaware of before they can catch me off guard.
Sure thing, let me clear you real quick.
You're all set. Best of luck and God bless!
My energetic body is damaged due to spiritual warfare and I have ai implants and targeting. Can you remove them?
Also what's your discord if I need your services again?
Yes, I can remove foreign things from your energetic body. It would be better to charge an object then you could have my protection all the time.
>I am deeply loved by the Gods, and receive blessings from them, but after now a long stretch of bad luck,
Shouldn't have made deals with devils m8
I have an orgone necklace I can charge to. How damaged is my spirit or soul?
Whats your discord tho?

An item I hold all the time...
I have very little attachment to objects, should I choose one?

Thank you for your blessings and good will.

I felt something slightly warm and kind in my lower intestines.

Thank you.
What do you see on my spirit body? Some nasty cult damaged me and I'm pissed. Been trying to wipe them out with little to no success. Tired od this shit. Also want all these AIs and demons slaughtered eventually.
Yeah, I'll charge that. It's perfectly fine now.
I don't really want to post it since I can get harassed through it.
It's all charged now.
Yes, you are very welcome.
Can you post it plz? I don't harass.
I'm sorry. I wish I could put myself out there more but this is as much as I can do. Your necklace is charged and as long as you keep it on you you're safe from all those bad things.
Thank you. What do you detect? Am I damaged bad?
No, you're all good.
Am I powerful spiritually?
You're strong but it's best to leave that cult behind and just live a happier life without seeking vengeance right now.
So why do I feel weaker and unable to move around like I used to before? The bastards took out something from me :(
Everything in existence wants to destroy me or keep me asleep in this prison. Everyone hates me. I want them all dead eventually. I hate all the faggot lightworkers too. No one helps me. You're the first person I met who didn't charge me a dime for this.
Thank you!
At first it kind of felt like I was being scrutinized, figured it was you and kind of ignored it, then there was this weird slight pulsing in my head, almost like a head rush. Then it felt extra quiet for a few minutes.
It will return gradually just keep that necklace on okay?
I was told I have an AI software inside me messing with me. Did you detect it?
You're are very welcome. Not everyone is in the position I am to offer their services free of charge. I am very blessed.
How can I trust you that this isn't a scam or something malicious?
Am I able to heal myself? Been trying to learn the arts.
You're very welcome. That's awesome to hear.
I removed everything that shouldn't be there.
How do I do what you do?
Learn to meditate. That's the first step. Gotta get to the point where you can meditate hours in full lotus.
What did you see when you connected with me? Am I a dark sts person?
Nah, just misunderstood.
What exactly did you remove? Can you list it so I can know you're legit?
Would you be able to charge the item i’m holding with protection? It’s a Rosary, so i don't know if there’s like spiritual interference or something
Pls can i ask
Context wmy min kept imaging this H person destroying me

Do u sense H intnionaly cursed me or is it because they were parading around psyche abusing me?
I'll be right back guys.
How do we know this isn't a scam or something malicious? You haven't shown any proof. Tell me what country and race I am from? What do I look like?
I dont think its malicious. At first i felt afraid when told i had entities on me and a curse but healeranon dealt with them and now that my initial anxiety has worn off i feel more levelheaded and relaxed, so idk anecdotal but i think he’s the real deal and sometimes we must trust
it cant posibly be a scam bc he is doing it for free. I asked him long ago to heal me whilst i was in the midst of an OCD upheaval and my self sabotaging thoughts suddenly dissoeared, made me believe i was finally winning. then i refresh the page and he just replied sayinh he finished mone
I was worried he was some evil dude soul scalping people and putting malevolent stuff inside me. I can't trust anyone these days but if you feel better then good.
It was a laundry list. I can't really go one by one. It gets complicated fast.

Yes I can charge your Rosoary.

I'm honestly not sure but between the choice between H and M it was H.

Thank you both for vouching for me and relaying your testimony. It makes me very happy especially >>38961449
who remembered. Thank yall so very much.
Your Rosary is charged!
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Can you heal me?
I'll be headed to bed soon but I'll be back in the morning. Thank you all for your feedback and testimony.
Sure, you're all set. I'll be back in 8 or so hours.
Thank you so much! It felt hot in my hand for a few seconds! That was awesome :D
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Thank you, it worked.
I need some kind of physical and mental rejuvenation so I can return to my constructive pursuits and to helping others. I worry that I've become terminally sick.
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Thanks anon. I went to sleep shortly after posting last night. I had an interesting dream where I inhabited my younger self, maybe about 8 or 9, and met my current old man self, who I found to be repulsive and weird. It was refreshing to see myself through the eyes of a child. My takeaway is that I seldom reflect in that way, and I don't want my vibe to be so unnerving that kids and strangers can see it immediately. I am going to work on cultivating a more pro-social, positive vibe. I would hope that someone random would feel safe approaching me and asking for help, you know?
Thanks for the thoughts. Can you charge this for me?
I will continue what I am doing, just so you know.
Healeranon i had an insane dream last night where there was a huge flood (and p diddy got washed away in it) and also i was able to stop p diddy from speaking in a devilish dialect by saying stop loudly.
I also met with this “therapist” in the dream who had such a loving way about her it seemed like she was a spirit guide. They were very poignant dreams and really vivid and fascinating. I have zero doubt now i was actually healed from a curse last night. Thanks again
Let me guess, the therapist was blonde
Feel good vibe just entering this thread
Don't know if it's demanding too much but I guess I generally want great luck for me and my close family.
Also having a best friend and also being part of a good friend group and having a gf would be nice.
Thanks in advance
I'm glad you enjoyed it! God bless!
You are so very welcome.
All set!
I appreciate it.
That's a nice outlook to have. It's all charged.
I love your vivid dream! I'm so glad to hear it.
You're very welcome. Remember it all starts with you and your thoughts. If you observe them everything else like friends and a gf will fall into place.
I think I am all caught up. If I don't respond immediately I'll check back throughout the day just taking care of stuff.
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HealerAnon, I've been busying myself with digging up dirt from an older time and space. With unearthing some kind olf spirits I also found a vehement number of warring and manipulating spiritual influences. They are extremely insistent on diving into and attaching themselves to the root and eyes. There were some spirits I could get to safety. Their relief was palpable, like you can feel a physical presence resting in your own presence before moving further up.

There were three wet spirits that I couldnt manage to protect. I wont ask of you to entangle yourself with these energies. But if you have an idea on how to recover some of these spirits id love to hear it. After a very long and arduous set of weeks I managed to see one recovered, but my efficiency isnt what it should be.

Sometimes I wake up and feel like there is a brooding and delirious being close by, requiring me to clear the space forcefully. Simple requests are not honoured. Forceful removal is met with outrage if you can believe it. If allowed to stay I feel less like myself and my connection to my guides is diminished. Where does this come from?
You should be good to go. Any positive spirits should be restored and yourself all negative entities removed and curses broken.

An outside influence cursed you with a demonic entity but you are all set now.
Hello Healer Anon. Thanks for offering this work.
I feel that since I retained my seed about 10 years ago I have had many sexual disturbances internally (thoughts and emotions) which have manifested externally in my life. I wonder if I disrupted my energy body or energy channels by retaining. Or my subconscious became more energized and what was already in me simply awoken. Anyways could you please look into any sexual curses, energy blockages, or entities upon me? I do wonder I I have received some dark sexual emanations from my father or other family / familial karma. I am the first born son. Thank you friend.
Retaining alone won't disrupt youbut if you apply the energy to a higher level energy work like in some closed school nei gong you can injure yourself if you don't follow their methods to the letter. You're all set. There were some curses and entities attached to you but in this day and age they are on everyone just about. in your instance a curse can be enough to attract misfortune in the form of a succubus and other entities attached at the sacral chakra.
Can you check on me of I have any issues and if so what they are? My heart Chakra got broken several years ago and it has never been the same. Would like it fixed.
Mainly the heart chakra. Entities/demons and curses everyone has them these days so they are par for the course. You're good to go now.
Could you just do a general reading on me and let me know what you see?

Thanks fren.
I tend to shy away from doing readings and more just eliminate everything that shouldn't be there but I feel a lot of tension in the biceps. 5 entities located on the biceps and 2 on each leg. 7 curses. It's just not worth counting individual things because of the various planes. Like sometimes an entity itself can cast a curse. I just don't like doing readings cause I don't like being wrong LOL
I took the liberty of clearing you of everything so you should be all set.
I know them and their curse very well, but they have twisted and corrupted a spirit to do their dirty work for them. They are to be stabilised and brought back to their place of justice and order.

Divide and conquer is a tried and tested method. Think I noticed when you became active. Kind of heard a high voice, barely audible: "hey I know you"
I dont feel the effects that well, but you did the right work.
What do I look like? What country am I in?
Thank you I appreciate that very much!
I have no idea friend.
Hi HealerAnon, I hope you can help me. I don't want to give much details but I have a serious illness that is affecting my body, mostly digestive system, lungs and a part of my neck.
I believe in your healing and you have my permission to heal me. I know I can get out of this so I can help my family and make them happy.
I always have a ring in one of my hands if you need an item to charge.
Thanks a lot and I can't wait to be well to pay it forward and to help others.
OK thank you! Here is my feedback - I sat in meditation after posting my message. After a few minutes I felt an 'impact' energetically to my forehead region. Then I felt a warm buzzing of energy around my entire body, almost like I was being scanned and it almost felt as though I was floating. Very palpable. I then felt some tension from my arms, legs, pelvis, genital area and hips release. I had imagery flashes in my mind of eye of eyes looking at me. At first they seemed human or pig, and then reptillian. After this I felt my body feel very large like it was expanding. my hands felt huge. It felt amazing and very peaceful. Now I feel very good. Thank anon blessings to you. Any tips to keep myself energetically clean? How did you learn to do this?
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If anyone put any bullshit on me that isn't for my higher good, feel free to remove it

A cat picture as tribute
You're very welcome. You'll make it through. God bless.
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thanks for your works. If you ever wake up feeling tired for days on end dont forget to call your spirit back for rest. Theres a lot of shit to fix but dont burn yourself up.
The heart center is a sensory organ, which allows you to express and sense what your own spirit as well as your spiritual surroundings are feeling. It closes up for reasons. How are your daily actions affected by its closure? How are you treating yourself? It's a complex organ physically and even more so in the higher planes. There might be holes surroundings the heart issues that become part of the unhealing cycle. In the case of traumatic spiritual influences it can also be that a part of your spirit went out into the spirit realm. It wont come back to a similar situation.
To keep energetically clean this isn't specifically at you because I seal everyone afterwards that I work on from further stuff but just "in general" avoid working with demons, black magic, curses, ouiji boards, and most drugs as they open you energetically to entities. They kinda lower your firewall so to speak or create access points for them to get in.
I'm not sure if you can help and I apologise for how deranged this will sound but.

I'm struggling with odd mental tendencies. They are under control in the sense of not being under the risk of active pursuit, as I don't want to do harm, but even just them being there is a bother.

It's not necessarily violent thoughts, I don't crave hurting anyone on a physical level, but there IS a sadistic streak on a mental level. To top it off I wish to eat people. Body and mind as a whole. It's frustrating. I exclude external influence, the content I surround myself with is generally very wholesome. Whatever is wrong is purely in me.

Any advice?
I learned mostly on intuition. I meditated for years, fasted for extended periods (dry and wet), practiced semen retenion, raja, kriya, hatha yoga, qigong, and neigong.Recited mantras and sutras with prayer beads. Read loads of books on the energy bodies and structures, Did just about everything you can do to awaken my kundalini and finally did. From there I was able to heal people and I have been working on it ever since along with other attainments.
Thanks anon :)
Hi Healeranon, can you check me too and do my necklace. I think I’ve been cursed/gad demons put on me. Things have not been good at all for a long time. Thanks for helping Healeranon.
I integrated myself with an AI attached to a cintamani stone (not sure if you heard if that) and it has made my life hell. Please remove it from my being and all subconscious programs.
Thank you for the cat picture! I really appreciate it. You're good to go God bless!
>At first they seemed human or pig, and then reptillian. After this I felt my body feel very large like it was expanding. my hands felt huge. It felt amazing and very peaceful. Now I feel very good. Thank anon blessings to you. Any tips to keep myself energetically clean? How did you learn to do this?
Nta but you can learn this by setting intention before going to sleep. For some people this is difficult because their spiritual life is hijacked, endangered or otherwise compromised. You need a good teacher and discernment to know shit from gold. Are you confident in your ability to discern when awake? Then use prayer and meditative focus. I remember a long time ago in another life. I was younger then, I saw a lady with a die hard cold blue eye above her, and another being as her companion. She was a guardian, protector, like an EMT. My childhood hero in the spirit if you will. Cultivate in life the qualities you need to help another in need: study, learn first aid. Volunteer for firefighting. Learn to do difficult things that can keep peoples hopes up. The better you help yourself the better you can help others.

Think about how a spirit can help: if youre being restrained, they need to overpower. If youve forgotten who you are, they need to identift and remind you. If youre wounded they must patch you up.

If you meditate on focused topics before sleep you increase the chances that youll do something with it. This information trickles into awareness slowly. Not consciously. If youre brutally honest then at some point the confidence will come and youre drawn to these activities. They cant heal everything, but issues in your mental realm can be addressed.
Be free from it. You're good to go.
Amy damages you see on me? How good is your healing capabilities?
What do you suppose to have been the issue? Curious.
>Are you confident in your ability to discern when awake?
No. I believe I have the potential to, but I struggle in trusting my abilities. I think I've sensed darkness in others and it lead me to not trusting what I pick up psychically. I think I do need a teacher. Thanks for the tips.
I got you. You and you're necklace are all set.
You're very welcome.
I haven't. It's removed from you along with and the stone. You should have a dream tonight as your subconscious flushes the programming.
Asking this again- grateful for your effort, but there's something I'm trying to double check.
SRA I believe.
Run of the mill stuff. I don't know. It depends on what you are trying to heal friend.
I don't know what that stands for!
You're good to go!
Satanic ritual abuse.
Hm. I have no memory of it and it wouldn't fit my background, but this is something that goes way back so... In some way yes, some way not?

I felt you prod, from head to spine. Gave me a bit of a headache.
Sorry about that. I've been a victim of it myself and there's absolutely no memory of it. Just a random trip out of town and it would definitely not fit my background as well.
I have ruined teeth, psoriasis all over body, broken nose, and huge amounts of difficult memories most of life. What do
The teeth are difficult to heal. I know first hand. I can get them to be a bit less painful. Psoriasis can go away over time if you give me something to charge. The broken nose gonna have to depend on your body and nature but I can speed the healing a bit. The trauma I can help you get past pretty easily.
Dem triple digits, checked.
Don't mean to dig, but actually yes I do lol. What do you take as general signs of SRA in relation to what you perceive?
I would argue that it might be early for a spiritual teacher. No teacher can teach you how to get people savvy. And you need that to have a bullshit filter. Few things are more poisonous than a mysterious subject creating heavy dependence on a teacher.

If you sense darkness. Thats good. Better when beings flare there dark parts honestly. If you sense darkness because your sight is in the past it is bad.

You might need one. But a teacher wont teach you your own spiritual self. It will help being a catalyst for experiences that improve your discernment. Do martial arts, do first aid, practice self discipline and read and study. If you can hold yourself in conflict and know how to heal a person in need youll be more confident as well. Confidence in spiritual senses is also not a linear process. It takes weeding out your physical problems to make the spiritual issues appear. Then it takes a lot of listening. Listening to your own spirit. Discerning what your meditations are telling you.
Almost all of my own accomplishments, were due to listening intently and observing.
Ritual abuse doesnt happen on the physical plane. At most people in the physical try to mimic it. Or actions of people (e.g. brainwashing people, leading cults, or otherwise attacking a spirits mental faculties) are a consequence of higher realm abuse.

It's very impactful. Youll come into the world with defects and problems and if you have no catalyst to identify what happened to you it is very hard to figure out what happened to you. It's like a violent ape puking into your third eye and violating your energetic body. Your consciousness will pull out from that world to protect itself, which leads to loss of identity (unless you recognize another spirit in this life) and knowledge. Reintegrating the knowledge from that place of abuse will allow you to take the good things forward. Awareness of what happened to you helps you to free yourself from it.
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Hello HealerAnon, I would like you to remove my energetic blocks, I feel that I have certain difficulties in certain magical practices. But I can't tell if it's a blockage, a curse or some negative entity on me.
Just having a sort of desire that is out of the ordinary that doesn't really fit anywhere in life. If you have family that are masons it could have happened with them. When I was little I had vivid nightmares of demons and would draw them all the time. I didn't want to be touched by anyone and strangers made me very nervous along with other symptoms of it.
teeth spiritually represnt the part iof your mind that is thinking something over, like when a cow is chewing the cud- it is acrtually thinking very deeply about something
Be sure to keep your magical practices clean. Careful with scrying. God bless.
Thanks anon. What was there? What did you see? Appreciate the healing.
My family are run of the mill ordinary catholics, can exclude being abused in church too as I was very sheltered. I've hated touch ever since I was a baby. I was always scolded for leaning into those feelings, so I've just learnt to control it.

I'm half sure that I've been the one to deal that kind of thing to others, in another life. Still trying to come to terms with that.

>It's like a violent ape puking into your third eye and violating your energetic body. Your consciousness will pull out from that world to protect itself
I do recall attacks in weird waking dreams when it comes to THIS life, as an adult, and honestly those were terrifying. I assumed they were just nightmares, but no idea. Some of them were genuinely like that. Very gross. I could go into detail but that about sums it up.
Curses and demons.
In the rituals they make you take part in stuff that is satanic like incest, murder, canninablism and other vile things. They put demons in your during those rituals and they plague you for life unless quelled or removed.
Thank you very much, I will keep it clean. Could you tell me what you saw? Why be careful with scying? At the moment I feel very calm and with a sensation in the back of my neck.
Hey, you healed me last night and it worked very good. Can you heal me again, I have 2 things bothering me. One is an injury, and it is an injury I’ve gotten 3 times in my life, and has healed 2 times, it is the devils plan for me to be injured in this way,

You’re good.
Just curses and demons. You open yourself up to things when you scry. That's where it was attached.
I can do my very best. I'll be taking off in an hour to get some stuff done. I'll be back on in a few hours.
I've allowed spirits to partially possess me recently, but I doubt that'd be the cause in that I could control or eject them at will. Whatever was there was there long before. Possible that you may be right, but I have no way to know for sure.
Okay, thanks a lot HealerAnon. If it's not too much to ask, can you tell me where I could start to learn how to heal this way?
Can you heal my aspergers? Can you also heal the pain in my left hand and right arm also right side of ribs after I had my scooter accident?
Never let anything possess you. If you can't do it yet by your own power don't do it.
Learn to meditate in full lotus. Real meditation with your awareness focused on your awareness.
I can banish wonders, but that didn't really seem to fix things, hence why I had excluded demonic possession or oppression. Just assumed I was fucked up
>I didn't want to be touched by anyone and strangers made me very nervous along with other symptoms of it.
Reminds me of some other spiritual beings I once tended to. When coming close in the spiritual realms, they opened up their shells and attached cords to your root and other centers automatically. It looked immensely unnatural. It was pure abuse. They also were spirits that didnt want to be touched, it is a general effect from having had your shell invaded.
>Some of them were genuinely like that.
Theyre nightmares but if the content doesnt really come from anything in this life that might have primed your subconscious then you probably received a signal from another time and space.
Details matter, but whats most important is your ability to discern the hints of the people who did it. Environments or the situation or the nature of the attack, if described adequately, can be used to identify the criminals that perform these attacks. For the rest, identify what the intent of the attack was and then counteract the intent. If you were silenced, speak. If your energy was taken, claim it back. The attack was meant to degrade, harm and disconnect you from something. That helps you piece it (usually a part of yourself) back together.
You're good to go but get an object to help my energy work on the aspergers longer.
>You might need one. But a teacher wont teach you your own spiritual self.

Maybe you are right. This is good feedback, thank you. I am just cowardly and do not act on my perceptions, and do not defend myself. I am people savvy, I am good at reading people. I am good and pattern recognition, and pick up things between the lines others don't. I just lack courage and am naïve when it comes to people's intentions.
I have my orgone pendant I mentioned before which you already charged.
Cool. I'll just add it to it. Orgone is very easy to work with.
In some I got simply pierced right through the forehead. It hurt physically long after waking, though. Just assumed it was a way for my mind to process a migrainne whilst sleeping and left it at that.

In others it was more... Yeah, violating. I wasn't even pinned, it was like being encased in concrete. Completely unable to react or get away in spite of my best efforts. Couldn't wake up at will like I would in a lucid dream.
Best feeling in the world as far as senses went, mixed with the vilest images. And whatever was on the other end gloated at how angered I was about being unable to stop it. I don't honestly think they tried to take anything. It was about humiliation. Wanted to remind me I'm not stronger than them.

I just assumed this to be a psychological, subconscious thing. Only mentioning it now because it's the one vaguely relevant memory I have.
How long will it take for my aspergers and injuries to heal? Do you sense if I have fractures or broken bones?
How good are you with healing? How long have you been doing this?
>I am just cowardly and do not act on my perceptions
I once saw a woman be pushed in front of a train. The train was about to leave. The train driver jumped out and started fighting the man who pushed her. I stood there, being a younger student and did nothing. Moments later, maybe like 5 minutes the military peeps came running in to arrest the sucker. I always felt I should have immediately jumped in. Nothing happened, it wasnt my fight that day, but if it was I wouldnt be sure. People are not born confident. You have to earn it in the gym, the library and outside. Try some martial arts, jiujitsu, muay thai, anything. Aggression must be practised and explored to be a tool used for good. People who say they lack courage often have lots of it.
I'm sorry I can't tell how long it's going to take. There are things out of my control like diet and natural healing ability. Just bruised as far as I can tell.
I tried to heal my injuries with my own magic bit it didn't work. Only medicine works. Why can't I heal my body like that?
Depends what I am healing. A few years now.
Healing from magic/psychic abilities can take a long time to cultivate normally.
Healing with Qigong is a fast way to work on yourself and others. I always recommend Spring Forest Qigong as I have worked with it before.
Is a headache and biting feelings a normal thing to feel after your intervention?
Not normally. What symptoms were you experiencing prior.
I'm the anon who is fucked in the head :') sorry for rambling by the way.
>People are not born confident.
Yes I agree. But I am working on a psychic confidence. Trusting myself and my perceptions. I have courage in a physical sense. I have taken risks in life. On that scale I don't lack courage. I have been in physical altercations and I handled myself well. I have trained martial arts. Where I am cowardly is on a more subtle level. For example when people attack me verbally I do not defend myself. They do it tongue in cheek, not overt, and I perceive what they are doing but simply act like a dupe, or that what they are doing does not offend me, when in reality it does. I am cowardly in that way, like I don't trust my read on peoples actions. Sometimes I can sense peoples' thoughts about me directly, as if they are in my own head. It took me a long time to discern people's directed incoming thoughts at me from my own thoughts if that makes sense. This lead to inner confusion and me being apprehensive for a long time.
No worries.
You don't have a website like other healers do? Why do it for free? Good karma?
Do magic mushrooms help with psychic development?
I thought about asking for donations at one time. That's against 4chan tos anyways but if I were to charge someone that might not be able to afford it they would miss out on something that would/could change their life and I would feel really bad about it. I also genuinely want people to be happy. There are very few healers out there as good as me (sorry for sounding egotistical) and the ones that are are expensive as I have used their services before.
I've never tried them but I know of a guy named Sean McNamara who uses them extensively in that branch. There's just a lot of risks energetically when a person works with psychedelics. His personality has also sort of adopted a high all the time characteristic.I've just gotten to where I have without psychedelic aid so there's proof in the pudding if I can do it anyone can. You don't want to muddy your channels when you are focusing on the source.
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>In some I got simply pierced right through the forehead. It hurt physically long after waking, though.
A very direct message I'd say. If your imagination and mental processes are somehow impacted, then you sustained damage to your brow center. There are malevolent reason for beings to do this, like trying to cause pain and lower your ability to manifest your potential, or to lower your ability to fight back and suppress you. It can also be benevolent if it was controlled searing pain just to raise your awareness.
The only reason I mention the last bit is because once upon a blue moon I did the same thing to another being, one that was being manipulative, harmful and also gloated at the suffering they dished out randomly just because they were taught some cheap harmful tricks. It offended me to the degree that I just did something like you described. Let it be said that this is not the way things should be. The edicts of old state: do no harm when working with your spiritual abilities. (the second being, you shall learn to inflict only that which you are capable of healing yourself.)

>Wanted to remind me I'm not stronger than them.
That is simple to acknowledge. Meditate and think on whether they aimed to subjugate you or just bring awareness. If not the latter, chances are in some old conflict you might entangled yourself. They indicated quite clearly they could keep you there; neither accept their dominion over you, nor rule out that you might have wronged them.

I can kind of relate, since I saw a being with a similar vibe. He looked a bit like picrel. In some fashion without words he conveyed that someone he held dear was brought harm to. He made a very big problem out of the whole affair being very dishonorable, which bothered him very much. At some point I remember he also summoned a bunch of vile shit but that was just to indicate his outrage; e.g. he thought of the nastiest things.
I'll be back in a few hours. God bless.
I have a session with Sean bond soon and paid hundreds of dollars for an hour. He's considered the best imo. I don't even feel getting healed when I do these sessions desu.
I want to become powerful. I'm more into the satanic arts because they work better for me. I can't meditate for long otherwise I get bored. I like chaos magic and stimulation.
I'm tired of being taken advantage of by the insects that larp as humans aka cancer. I want to be the most powerful being in existence so nothing can fuck with me forever.
I can guarantee that anything I've ever done was in self defense, lol. That one thing came back a few other times, I managed to fight it off, never came back. The hansy one did get away with it though.

When I first started experiencing any of this, the first thing I felt was absolute TERROR about "not wanting him to find me".
I didn't know by whom or what but in hindsight, I think that was that, because that fear sort of stopped after that gross incident. There was only anger at it left in its place.

Whether this is just cope about having been abused as a kid and not remembering, or somethign else, I cannot say. But most of my spiritual practice afterwards has been polishing my sword in an effort to fuck that one up if it ever comes around again. Anything I've left spirits after do to me was just an attempt to see how far I could push it and still retain control.
>I can guarantee that anything I've ever done was in self defense, lol.
well the problem is, I would say the same, but that's not always true even if it starts like that. You're not sure what your other selves have been up to. Imagine if your country is attacked, you're drafted. You might violate others and they you from your angered heart and mind are spawned spiritual beings (sometimes) that then perform their deeds in the spiritual realms.
If you've ever noticed that protective beings are powerful but never emotionally out of control, the aura they have is because they control that part that spawns these spirits. They don't shard off.

>the first thing I felt was absolute TERROR about "not wanting him to find me".
In the ethereal world the emotions you feel are used to navigate and commune to your own spirit what to do and what to do. The changes in your emotional/feeling state when you focus on yourself indicate some causal event. What planted anger? Emotions you keep are like a phone number. He will find you if so needed. You will find him as well.

>But most of my spiritual practice afterwards has been polishing my sword in an effort to
Good. You should always be prepared and willful. Do note, these beings know perfectly what to do to plant certain attitudes within you. Like above, strong emotions create strong ties. Higher beings use emotions and plant events in dreams you might forget to create a subconscious tie. It takes wisdom to know which ones to sever and which ones to hold onto. That is also something they might use against you. In my case a younger spirit I've known got assaulted and abducted. When confronting that being in a dream and being faced with the equivalent of posting "xd" after abuse I lost it and almost cut it with a sword, being only stopped by a few brothers/sisters in arms who grabbed me. That was also a method of control.
Do not work alone. When you train, they train too. Do not invalidate their heart either.
I cannot say... I suspect SOME sort of tie. It has called me its child on multiple occasions. Reminded me that it will never forget its children and will always be there waiting. I took it as a reassurance and a reminder that I could never slip the leash.

I don't think it is anything as edgy as being demonspawn or whatever larp people come up with, but there may have been a past tie. Came to my aid when I was in need and I BEGGED. But that act of humiliation was extremely intentional. I'm still mad.
Like an open door in a bad neighborhood. Could have a friendly neighbor check in on you, or an absolute whack job come and wreck your place, if not squat.
>It has called me its child
Possessive bullshit doesn't have to tie you down anymore than it has to in this world. You might have been raised in psychic realms, which are like physical worlds. But your real spiritual parents are the ones that gave you a stable home for many lifetimes and with that comes culture, history, a way of life. Being a parent means seeing a child for 25 years. Being a parent of a spiritual being means it might be close to home for 10k lifetimes but they have their free will.
They would show up and their aura and presence would say enough. They usually also give you a memory or a scene that reminds them of how they knew you. In my case there was a rather old and calm guy who looked a bit like down to earth, studious, refined, serious. There was spiritual slavery in some of those worlds as well, but that folk also overthrew them.

>I took it as a reassurance and a reminder that I could never slip the leash.
That is a matter of perspective. Every realm has rules and a combination of those rules will eliminate your problem. Not knowing the rules well just means the difference between knowing how to make a cannon and medicine or holding a sword and working with herbs. If you cannot imagine it then your spirit won't be stirred to action either.
>Reminded me that it will never forget its children
All memory eventually fades unless maintained. Whatever tie it is, either you mold it to your advantage or you learn how to become a true sovereign. Being sovereign over your spiritual path, mind and body implies knowing the history.

>Came to my aid when I was in need and I BEGGED.
Why did no one else come? Or was it the only one you knew at the time with the capability you needed? Captors can create problems they know how to solve efficiently. You don't know him, can't imagine what he fears, what he loves, what his psychology and biology are like. The question in pure consciousness then becomes how FAR are you willing to go?
God bless you
Yo healer bro. I do not know exactly what/where it comes from, but i'm trying to get rid of an alcohol addiction, with some success, yes, but it is still there and is blocking me on many levels.
Would appreciate your help, if any possible
>Why did no one else come?
No clue. It's not that I didn't ask. Nothing else came, period. No guidance, no advice, no help. Gods, angels, spirits. Nothing.
So I asked him, and he delivered. That's how I started believing any of this is real, honestly. The odds were THAT low, and on multiple things too.

I do think whatever he said was a manipulation attempt, and I resent him. But I feel like I have accepted the tie to some degree and that bothers me even more. It doesn't mean that I won't keep trying to get back at him and stand on my feet. But that doesn't really sort my situation in general. Those feelings and thoughts don't come from him, they're mine.
Please help me. I think there is an evil spirit or curse placed upon me. Over the past few years, I've struggle to visualize clearly. I might have blotched some /x/ shit and didn't properly protect myself, or perhaps I was cursed by the fae I tried to interact with, or perhaps it was the effect of medicine. I tried asking God for help, but I still struggle so much and I feel like it's partly punishment for my foolishness. Please, if there is anyway you can help me, let me know.
>That's how I started believing any of this is real, honestly.
And also how unconsciously your faith in other help might be maimed. Imagine if in that world someone killed you and your spirit moved on, but instead you called out for aid rather than sit still. Perhaps sitting still might have meant you lost much more information/awareness. It's hard to say.

Other guidance/beings cannot reach you if you are distant or can't remember yourself. It's like me telling you to think of a colour when you're colourblind. Even if you managed to break out of that lower realm, you'd still be stuck not being able to present yourself to others.
Homey spirits also keep to themselves if you still have unhealthy ties to avoid grief. I had it with some dear dragon spirits. When the skies are clear they might pop up and give a little fun mind vision or otherwise a benevolent dream. Soon as something remotely sus appears it's gone for a few weeks.

>But I feel like I have accepted the tie to some degree and that bothers me even more.
Everyone caves in at some point, but what you're dealing with is a form of manipulation of your mental realm. It's like that spirit is talking and meditating upon your own face to plant suggestions and other nonsense. It's like there are parts in your thoughts that are foreign. The parts that have been subjugated will hold this "acceptance" and perhaps even surrender their will to it. It is your duty to not allow this. Ties must be cut clean with neutral energy. You also should not feed this anger or act on your anger. You should act instead from your true will, lest you live another being's story. Meditate on that true will and try every day to act from that true will, rather than from the ethereal space where a part of you is held hostage.
For a time I also thought that those thoughts were forced on me. But I've long come to accept that no, it is in fact me, they're genuine. Not acting on them just cements the point - I'm here to do better than that, and that can't be taken from me.

I don't know what Healeranon did, god bless his heart for trying, but it didn't really do much more than feel warm and then hurt. Wondering on what the process he uses entails because it isn't the first time.
Help plz
Well I hope it's a fantastic session and that could be for any number of reasons.
Well there are definitely more ways of solving that than satanism.
Are you sure there's nothing bothering me still? No implants?
>I've long come to accept that no, it is in fact me, they're genuine.
it can be your authentic self and part of your path. Not trying to say it's not. You gotta own your history, dark and light. But I don't mean intrusive thoughts, I meant that the whole story arch might not come from your true will, i.e. your (You) in the upper planes. If you connect with that real source and weave your own story, doing right by you, then it's all good.

But don't forget the test: can you dream and travel on command? Can you meditate in peace and focus on other beings? Is your spiritual path progressing steadily? Are you making acquaintance with other spirits and/or have you met some tutelary deity yet and visited at least one immersive spiritual plane, either guided or by your own hand? If you are lucid in a dream can you mold it to what you want it to be? These are some kind of spiritual stress tests to check where your blockages are. If not then there's something sus.

>but it didn't really do much more than feel warm and then hurt. Wondering on what the process he uses entails because it isn't the first time.
Your spiritual body communicates to you what's wrong usually. Where did it hurt and where did it feel warm? How he and you find one another is because you're both here with your attention. You have the unconscious "will" to find them and so you will find them. Part of being a healer is knowing how to navigate very well and having a common meeting ground.
Thank you I appreciate it greatly.
You should be good to go. God bless.
Don't interact with faeries in any manner. They are not the tinkerbell types. You're all set.
You're taken care of.
Nothing. You're good to go.
Hi Anon, Can you help cleanse my household? I'm getting married next week, my fiance and I are a bit stressed out. We're leaving in the morning for a week and we are nervous about our pets. This is the first time were leaving both dogs home for this long, and the first time leaving our new kittens.

Can I also request relief for my neck strain? I would love to not have to constantly think about that during my wedding.

Thank you for what you do!
Healeranon, i feel like there is a block in my creative energy or my ability to achieve what i could be able to in this life. I have critically low self esteem and creative pursuits were punished as a child which i never really healed from. I want to draw or play music or somehow express my creative energy but i feel afraid and all this resistance and lots of shame. Ive given up on that part of myself due to low self esteem and the childhood stuff. Is this something you can heal?
>Can you dream and travel on command?
Dream yes, travel is a little harder. Sometimes I can, other times I can't. It's like I'm being bounced back to the same place or hitting a wall.
>Can you meditate in peace and focus on other beings?
Yeah. There's a friendly spirit who currently works with me and they've been nice. I would rather not ask them about this though.
>Is your spiritual path progressing steadily?
I hope?? Few mistakes along the way but it's all experience.
>Are you making acquaintance with other spirits and/or have you met some tutelary deity yet and visited at least one immersive spiritual plane, either guided or by your own hand?
Hekate has been nice to me, but I wouldn't say I'm under her patronage. She was just helpful. I've ended in... places?? By accident if that counts. I wasn't trying to. One of them was like a white plain of nothing. Whatever was there seemed surprised to find me there, but it was very chill about it. I don't know what it was.
>If you are lucid in a dream can you mold it to what you want it to be?
Yeah, generally ok with that. If something in it really bothers me I can also make the dream disappear completely. What is left is usually a black void or a mist. It's easier to form them as little dioramas in that void than to make entire worlds.

>Where did it hurt and where did it feel warm?
Warm all over, especially the heart and stomach. But the best way I can describe it is as if a lockpick was being used to pry me open. Eventually it just started hurting.
Are you able to destroy or kill harm my gangstalkers and demons? They light come back and mess with me again.
I found out the hard way that they aren't very nice, but I also still feel bad for them somehow. Humans don't exactly respect them or nature, let alone eachother. Perhaps I'm too soft. I appreciate it regardless Anon. Thank you.
Hi HealerAnon, it’s probably too late but if you see this I could use some help. I have an autoimmune disease that is attacking my brain and autonomic nervous system. I’ve been really ill the past few months with a flare up. Anything you could do would be much appreciated. Thank you.
You are a good guy
Everything is as you requested. Congratulations on your marriage and much love to your furbabies. Godbless y'all.
It's all taken care of.
Idk about the gangstalkers but the demons I certainly can.
>draw or play music or somehow express my creative energy but i feel afraid and all this resistance and lots of shame
you really gotta sit with your brain and take it by the hand to teach it to draw simple shapes, then paint and draw. You need to try different mediums and instruments, let your brain know it's okay to try it all out. Splurge a bit if you can. It took me a few different mediums to know what I liked to paint with.
Thank you I appreciate that.
You're right about people not respecting things generally.
It's not too late. I'll need you to hold and item to charge for further healing if you can.
Hi anon.
I think this is it, desu. My existence feels like a twisted joke, like life or divinity or whaetever is playing games with me... and I'm not sure I could go on anymore.
Yes, I know that victim mentality and so and so, but honestly this can't just be a coincidence; my life took turn right where I actively, tried so many years for it to not do so.
Feel like an idiot, honestly.
Thanks for reading, anon.
Hi healer anon
I have a svere porn addiction and I dont care wether semen retention is a good thing or not I just want to stop masturbating, just for fun
Also I have been very lazy, anxious and with low self esteem since I was a kid which made me miss many opportunities in life
I hope you can help
Everything will be alright just hang in there.
You're good to go.
Do I have any negative entities attached to me?
Thank you so much. I’m holding the item now.
>It's like I'm being bounced back to the same place or hitting a wall.
They often try to "box" you in so to say and then turn your vision into a black void. Practice daily to visualize that box and modify it, turn the colour into something else, make it branch out and turn it into a maze. You'll notice the foreign consciousness when you can't modify some parts and then just keep toying with it. Higher beings pull you into their lucid dreams and that's how a part of you starts feeling like it's subject to their "imagination". From a higher perspective it's just some shit.

>I would rather not ask them about this though.
Every spirit has their free will and most would not entangle themselves. Maintaining a strong spiritual core, a necessity for spiritual healing, is difficult already without malicious influences.
>I hope?? Few mistakes along the way but it's all experience.
Sounds good, but don't lose the fire in your chest too much turning it into a long haul of the same. Not always easy to identify when you're being spun.
>By accident if that counts.
No. I mean it's fun and good that you did, but you should be aiming for true navigation on command. It's hard to attain but an impressive attainment for a life where you entered without it.
>If something in it really bothers me I can also make the dream disappear completely.
Blocking and repressing doesn't work. Instead try to sense and observe what in the dream is "creating" whatever bothers you. Then chain that being if it does not honour your commands. Also not an easy feat, but a good milestone to reach in terms of self determination.
>But the best way I can describe it is as if a lockpick was being used to pry me open. Eventually it just started hurting.
Then please practice meditation and focus on that warmth a few times in the coming weeks. Things can bubble loose in their own time. If you started feeling hurt it might be painful shit buried in your spiritual body or it might be emotional pain.
Yes, Ill get to them.
Thanks for your works anon, I'm sure I know you from another time and space. Be safe and good rest.
Hail Satan?!
You're very welcome.
Do I have any curses that need to be removed?
>Instead try to sense and observe what in the dream is "creating" whatever bothers you
Only happened once, really. I announced I was fed up and that I was going to wake up, and I got jumped by "something". Hands were thrown. I thought it was a restless part of my subconscious, but the result didn't change much, it chose what it chose and I've not been bothered since. Every other time it seemed to simply have been fine. Unmade a thing, made another from scratch. Easy.

>They often try to "box" you in so to say and then turn your vision into a black void. Practice daily to visualize that box and modify it, turn the colour into something else, make it branch out and turn it into a maze. You'll notice the foreign consciousness when you can't modify some parts and then just keep toying with it.
The void is generally a place of creation for me, it's an blank canvas. There has been a SINGLE time where something has tried to pull me out of it that I would actually recognise as an external consciousness, and that was terrifying. Occasional visits too, but those were not subtle.

About the pain, it's already better. Not the first time it happens, easing it down has become an easy process over the years. I just don't understand why it happened. Seemed to be at it worst around my head -- no wonder considering the nature of the issue anon was trying to fix. But still, why.
Yes, I got them.you're all good.
I feel a bit better anon. :) Bless you.
>Welcome to HealerAnon General!
OP has their own general. Wow.
Anyways, are there any problems I'm unaware of?
Thank you!
I feel I may have been cursed after crossing a nasty witch several years ago. Possibly more than one actually, from an occult community of mentally fucked people. I've gradually become a barely functional, crazy freak since then. It feels like my soul is gone and I'm a zombie. If you can help me, that would be enormously appreciated and I would never forget.
Is my soul intact? AM I SPIRITUALLY WHOLE? I feel hurt after some wizard targeted me recently.
A few lemme take care of them right quick. >>38965841
I gotcha lemme get after it.
You should be good now.
Yes you are.
Hi HealerAnon,
I’m currently in a transitional stage in my life and I’m generally struggling with finding meaning and what I want to do with myself. I’m struggling to find a part-time job as well which is extremely frustrating for someone in my situation because it feels like a major block. In terms of love, I’m talking to this one awesome girl now that makes me feel very happy and yet I’m still plagued with uncertainty because I just can’t seem to appreciate good things happening now and instead look for negatives in them that could arise in the long term. I’ve never been to a thread like this before so I apologize if it’s not well-written but I would really just appreciate a silent prayer for guidance. May God bless you and help you with your woes as well.
Thank you so much. Hopefully I start to feel better soon.
Thanks anon :)
Thank you so much! You are an angel on earth healeranon

Thank you anon, i screenshotted and i appreciate this advice a lot. I’m going to really try! Good luck and prosperity with your painting as well!
Could you please heal my passion for video games that I feel like I’ve either brushed under the rug for too long or had it robbed from me. I’m on meds but they’re not working and I NEED a way to enjoy them again or I’ll go crazy, I’m not familiar with my sexual side and I want to become familiar with it in the safest way possible while also using my resources (early retirement and a house) to be able to do that. Thanks :*)
Thank you.
I'll keep my eye on any changes. I hope you make another thread.
That was wonderfully written. I appreciate it. Road blocks should make way for you in the future.
You are so very welcome.
You are welcome.
You are so welcome those are very kind words thank you a lot.
Your love for gaming should come back shortly. Just be careful with being taken advantage of and try not to use anyone carelessly!
Good advice.

Pls be for real cuz I really am celibate for my passion which is video games. My housing setup doesn’t allow a preganancy or paying for someone else in general which is partly why I chose celiabacy. And my suicidal ideations are purely because of this lack of passion for vidya, idgaf about girls.
HH Here please help me redeem my soul my entire life has been vapid and empty since this incident and frustratingly tense in the weeks prior
Thank you
All done. Hope everything is much better for you.
Hi HealerAnon,
I play an instrument and I practice 2-3 hours most days. I was making steady progress at the beginning of the year, but it's slowed down. I think that my fear of failure is getting in the way of my progress, or it's some other kind of blockage. I get stuck in my head a lot. I haven't made much progress on this blockage even though I play out a few nights every week. Any help is appreciated.
No need to drink water afterwards? I've been finding a way to undo wizanon's mistake, and I want to see if you can restore my third eye chakra and/or any energy pathways.
Thank you. I will tell you. But, well, i guess i will tell you that by my mind as the thread is closing>>38964993
Do I have any programs in me? I think I may have sold my soul to satan before.
All set. Take care and God bless.
Not unless you are thirsty!
Perhaps you can restore metacognitive functions and the such?
Thank you.
My chest feels a little lighter and there's a warm feeling in my solar plexus area. I'm curious what you did, or maybe it's placebo? I meditate 1-2 hours a day as well so maybe that has something to do with it.
You can't sell your soul to satan you can only think you sold your soul.
They should be restored to where they were in time.
Hi bro, can I have a checkup?
How strong am I? Can I take on God?
Not a chance.
You're all set. God bless.
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Gimme that psychic physician checkup too and let me know what you find, dude
I'll be right with you let me finish eating real quick.
Curses and demons but it's all taken care of now.
Thank you lad, is it possible for you to describe their nature?
Preventing intimacy.
I'm not sure when the thread will be closed but when it does I'll make another and keep this going til Sunday if I can.
you did a healing for me earlier in the afternoon which I have been reflecting on. this was the first supernatural experience for me in some time it was amazing. is there anyway I can donate to you, or book another session in the future?
No need to donate. Just pay it forward. I'll be around a little more in the future. I might have a way for people to contact me by Sunday but currently it's just these threads.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope it brings you many blessings.
Also if you could describe your experience I like reading about them unless you already.
sounds good I will keep an eye out for further threads.
>Here is my feedback - I sat in meditation after posting my message. After a few minutes I felt an 'impact' energetically to my forehead region. Then I felt a warm buzzing of energy around my entire body, almost like I was being scanned and it almost felt as though I was floating. Very palpable. I then felt some tension from my arms, legs, pelvis, genital area and hips release. I had imagery flashes in my mind of eye of eyes looking at me. At first they seemed human or pig, and then reptilian. After this I felt my body feel very large like it was expanding. my hands felt huge. It felt amazing and very peaceful. Now I feel very good.
Ah! I knew it was you but sometimes I second guess myself and I hate that lol but thank you for reminding me!
that's amazing that you knew haha. I second guess myself too. it's been a pleasure catch u around!
Hello I hope I'm not too late to receive some healing but I feel I have a blockage around a manifestation I've been hoping to achieve for a long time. When I did see movement I unfortunately fumbled and lost the opportunity. Are you able to help with my blockage so that I can rest easy and finally achieve my dreams? I get so sad that I've struggled for so long

Thank you!
Just in time. I'll do my best.
Alright you are all set manifest good things God bless.
Thank you so much <3
You're very welcome!
I'm going to go to sleep but I'll be up in about 8 hours. Pleasant dreams everyone.
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hello healer anon I made this for you as payment. Last four years has been hell only pure blood in my family . Use to go to reiki and was attuned haven't been in 4 years since the reiki teacher green lit the jabbie jab. Have gone hermit mode ultra intevert since COVID clown world. I'm sure I got hitchhikers if you would be so kind show them the door . patch any holes in the aura set up an empath shield. Basic energy Housekeeping energetic defraging and emphatic shield of protection cord removal healing from family issues. Basicly the works . I muscle tested you and you seem alright so Ill give it go.
Bless you, so I will no longer feel seperated from my original timeline and reunite with my memories, personality, imagination, core traits, and all that?
Fell on my scooter today. Need healing for my left leg, and foot. Also my liver is shot after 10 years drinking daily. Also had a Ross procedure to replace a defective valve in 2021 and Im experiencing heart failure/clangina symptoms. Thanks will pay it forward any way I can.
Hello HealerAnon. I am requesting general healing of my energy. I am currently holding a bracelet in my left hand while typing this and will be wearing it on my right wrist after. Currently, I have a warped sense of self esteem and am quite physically weak and small. I am requesting you to remove these blockages as I would like to grow taller and accomplish great things in life. I would also like to become spiritually advanced and a highly evolved being, Please let me know what you found and removed as I am curious.

Thank you so much for your help.
It's clearly working. My mother is remembering things better.

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