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Spiritual check up thread. Answer the following queries and get a totally free spiritual check up to see how you're doing! Who is god? Who is Buddha? What did you do today? Thank you, and have a blessed afternoon.
>who is god
>who is buddha
the prophet

>what did you do today
wasted it
Good good. You are already beginning to awaken. Try to aim for stainlessness if thought and mind. Achieve the pure mind. What is the pure mind? A mind free from attachments to rites and rituals, a mind that is completely peaceful/free from all duality.
Some nigger
I am afraid this is not what seeking should look like.
>who is god
>who is buddha
who isn't?

>what did you do today?
I walked to the bus stop, to start
Good most excellent. An answer made with determination. Emptiness flows from your words.
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>who is God?
a loose-fitting term for the energy-force that created the experience we relate as LIFE {the all}
>who is Buddha?
from what I understand, a messenger in the wilderness
>what did you do today?
went to a job i don't like
God is God

Some dude.

What I felt like, which wasn't much. But I did talk to some friends so that was cool.
Is that when it goes quiet? Cause I been zen for awhile then. I just be, most the time. I don't even meditate. I'm just shut off.
Good. Try to be more hopeful.>>38961904
I see. Well, if you desire heaven, this is a good start.>>38961922
Yes. Research the prayer of quiet, by saint Teresa of Avila if you can. A pure mind is a mind that is completely free of all categorizations and attachments. You may say his mind is Buddhist, Hindu, daoist.. but that only applies if he has not the pure mind. The pure mind is free from all these labels. This is what the sutras say, and I believe it
... I just remembered how to contact Galactic Command
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>Who is god?
Ishvara is the eternal, almighty, unchanging force of the one and all. It's beyond the understanding of humans. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are manifestations of this force in the world, in forms that can be understood by humans.
>Who is Buddha?
It's said he was a man how reached a mental state of perfect balance and harmony beyond suffering and desire, and was teaching methods of meditation to reach that state to other people.
>What did you do today?
Drinking coffee, internet.
>Thank you, and have a blessed afternoon.
Thank you too.
Too much preacher vibes. Not good. I didn't ask for an invitation to join the false religion of Hinduism. Your explanation on Buddha is point in case. True. Have a good day.
>Who is god?
The Emanator sleeps.
>Who is Buddha?
One who follows dhamma perfectly for long enough so that it remains perfect from that point on after realization sets in.
>What did you do today?
Not that much yet.
>Thank you, and have a blessed afternoon.
You too :D
He sleeps? Do not sleep. Wake up.
A pretty good revelation about Buddha. Well said. However, what is the dharmakaya then?
>Who is god?
The whole we are fragments of.
>Who is Buddha?
A shard that pieced itself together.
>What did you do today?
Wished someone a happy birthday, spoke to friends, did chores.
I see. I don't like how you talk, sounds rather.. unnerving.
I've been a bit ravenous lately, could be that. Anything in particular that rang odd?
Uh.. no? The general vibe.>>38962668
Why sleep?
It sounds more like a mental state to me but I guess if you have an interpretation that you think might be better for it, I would like to hear that anon :D
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>who is god
who isn't amirite? *laugh track*
>who is buddha
buddher? i barely know her! *laugh track*
>what did you do today
oh boy... do i have a story to tell you *laugh track*
>thank you
no, no, thank YOU! *applause* haha, i'll be here all yuga folks!
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>Why sleep?
Bcoz comfy
I see. What's your verdict, then?
I just read a couple of days ago maybe yesterday about the dharmakaya. It is something like the ultimate body of a Buddha.>>38962684
No.. no wake up. I made us some fried onions and some cheesecake is ready as well.
As time goes by, we must endure the suffering that comes out way, whether it be done by ourselves, others, or any other source. I would say you're good.
>Who is god?
depends on who you are
>Who is Buddha?
no one asked it's better to ask How is Buddha doing?
>What did you do today?
none of your business anon
Hmm... Been trying to keep the fire burninng and not to lose sight of what matters. The general energy lately has just been having an influence, it can be difficult to resist.

Thanks for your time and good luck out there, OP.
I sense a spirit of doubt, and of distrust. A stench as it were, of ignorance and of discord.
Thanks. You too.
What method are you using? Is it based on vibe?
>I just read a couple of days ago maybe yesterday about the dharmakaya. It is something like the ultimate body of a Buddha.
I read about it just a while back before I posted but yes, realization of the ultimate body cannot happen without a certain kind of mental state that isn't so much taught as it is found and even built up over time in some cases if the individual has the capability.
>No.. no wake up. I made us some fried onions and some cheesecake is ready as well.
It's more fun to be an emanation though xD
I use the pure mind. Through continuous meditation and contemplation it has been perfected to it's pure form. I can discern. I use the spirit of discernment.
I see. I'd ask what you would answer those questions yourself, but that would skew it for everyone else.
Only if they read the answer before responding. What is god? Many true statements can be made. God is invisible. Unseen, but moving and always aflame with his own fire of knowledge.
Yeah, that tracks
It's not an ultimate answer though.. I'm not enlightened and do not claim to be. But once I'm enlightened obviously I can give an ultimate statement on the question of god, who he is, and so forth.
okay well you know where you are
who is god
The purest of pure, the filthiest of filth. Permeates everything
>who is buddha
A man who found his own godhood

>what did you do today
Ruminated on emotional noise
All. ?. Having a profitable yard sale tomorrow. Going to go out to Find Treasure later Today. Making Prissimmon butter .
I don't sense clarity. You seem to be confounded and not know what holiness is. Also a strong confusion regarding what non-duality actually means translated into words.
GOD: One Infinite Creator
Buddha: Adept, enlightened man on a mission
Done today: It's morning, I've scrolled, I have work open, my head hurts. Not much done yet.
You seem balanced. Proceed.
>who is god?
not a who. or maybe he is?
>who is buddha?
awoken, but inadvertently led to billions sleeping tighter than ever. hindu jesus.
>what did you do today?
read, overate...
Who is god?
Who is Buddha?
A man who doesn’t know everything What did you do today?
>who is god
>who is buddha
he who bewilders mara
>what did you do today
fell into cycles again
>who is god?
>who is Buddha?
A speaker of the truth but not the whole truth. But highly enlightened nonetheless.
>what did you do today.
Still doing today but I woke up and started working from home. Did LIPR in the morning. Stretched. Went to a job site and measured a few things. Bullshitted with the crew. Wished them a good weekend. Went back to work. Got horny and jerked off (bad bad bad… I know). Went on this site. Now typing this. Good afternoon and be blessed too, OP.
>Who is god
i think he is a big cog
>Who is Buddha?
dont know shit about him. though buddhism is about frugality and wishing there's nothing after death isnt it, shit way to think if its that
>What did you do today?
the solitude is paying off lately, I just realized how bad i numb bad shit around me, i'm trying to make an outlet for it
>who is god
There are many gods, yet none are immortal or all-powerful. Those gods that purport to be are deluded, just as a Brahma was described in the early discourses.
>who is buddha
All sentient beings contain tathagatagarbha.
>What did you do today?
I went to the gym and turned on white noise for the whole hour. I will be finishing my reread of Mengzi.
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God will always be a beggar
God will always be a fish not to be eaten by women
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Bot post
Good thread OP-ji






Who is God?
An idea, or, something to call what can't be understood wholly?
Who is Buddha?
Not sure, it's only recent that I've started lurking and trying to sort out what's insane babbles, bad actor posts and just literal bullshit.
What have I done today?
Nothing of note. wage slaved, and found myself on this thread.
t. Attention seeking faggot tourist
>who is god
>who is buddha
>what did you do today
I caused living beings to gain entry into the unsurpassed way and quickly attain the body of a buddha
>Who is god?
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
>Who is Buddha?
A wise man, but also an ordinary man nonetheless
>What did you do today?
I explored the beauty of God's creation that is nature. The trees and mountains were beautiful, and the cold running water purified my soul
>Who is god?
i thought i was going to get scared and cry profusely.
>Who is Buddha?
i thought i was going to get tricked and cry profusely.
>What did you do today?
i wrote about it in my diary and cried profusely.
>Thank you, and have a blessed afternoon.
it's extremely late evening now. i had a blessed afternoon and cried profusely. diary bless! i hope that you had a blessed afternoon and evening. goodbye forever!
>who is god?
Divine Consciousness

>who is Buddha?
Ascended Master, "Enlightened One"

>what did you do today
Had a productive day at work and an enjoyable evening with a neighbor friend.
Who is god?
God is a metasymbol and we are symbols, and so is everything a symbol. God is all of these at the same time.
Who is Buddha?
Buddha is a title given to a meditator that can experience timelessness and see all of his life as movie clips of lessons.
What did you do today?
I worked on creative images and had insightful conversations.
Well you're okay. >>38965386
Good, pondering is good. Proceed and ponder further.
A little pessimistic. I sense negativity where there shouldn't be one. Work on it.
Thanks. You have a good routine. Verdict: use your free time better. Contemplate more instead of porn.
You're in the beginning phase of something great. Seek solitude to contemplate and meditate, or also pray. That will give you the needed satisfaction to endure the suffering one has to endure to awaken.
>some guy i met the other day
>everything i could
Focus yourself on solitude. It is a great treasure house. You seem to have a lot of positive energy flowing through you. Use it wisely. Do not get angry at the world. Overcome it.
Thank you bro.
Good. You have serenity it seems. Use it for good ends. Reading is good.
>Who is God
The God of israel, Abraham, Jesus
>Who is Buddha
A philosopher I guess.
>What did you do today
Browsed the internet until night fall
Ok.. this is a little too simple. Contemplate emptiness some more.. it is the most important aspect of the buddha-dhamma.>>38967704
You're not a seeker.. this thread is not for you. You should become a seeker though. That's the true christian way. Work out your salvation.
Enjoy the journey, friend.>>38967955
You're not on the path. You are not a seeker.
You are possibly not a seeker. There is a moment in which someone becomes a seeker.. you did not have that moment in life yet.
If you are not a seeker then this thread is useless for you. But yeah nice answers I guess? God bless
>Who is god?
>Who is Buddha?
God hiding.
>What did you do today?
The day is not yet.
I sense pride and the spirit of rejection. Work on it.
>Who is god?
Our liberator and redeemer.
>Who is Buddha?
A pupil.
>What did you do today?
I've just woken up. I won't do much today.
Seekers seek confirmation bias, got it
sars please answer the query and do the needful
I'm a seeker of a redheaded gf
everyone, idk, today is resting day
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Nobody and everyone
Had breakfast
>Who is god?
God is the universe, god is in everything.
>Who is Buddha
Buddha is an avatar come to the physical plane to help reduce suffering of humanity. Buddha is my friend.
>What did you do today?
I only woke up an hour ago. I'm going to do my 45 minute meditation soon. What I do is focus on the inhalation of breath entering my nose, and then the exhalation. After that I count up to 10 then start over. I've done this for a few months now and have noticed my mind quieting down and I am more self aware, but other than that not much has happened. Sometimes I zone out and then snap back in but that doesn't happen often, and not during every session. I am seeking feedback to have more deeper experiences and breakthroughs.
I think God is whoever created this universe. God can be seen in the flamingo or any other highly specialized-for-its-environment creature. God is the love that created us too. We all are “made in God’s image”.
Buddha was born in 400 something BC i think. I took a class on buddhism in college but i don’t remember much. He learned lots through meditation so he is ascended / enlightened because he recognizes how our thoughts affect reality.
I just woke up and am drinking green tea in bed. Later today i will go to the library to study.
Thank you for the free spiritual check up :)
Let go of the anger you hold towards certain individuals close to you in your life. Be forgiving of yourself, trust your instincts. You will soon be ready to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness.
You have what Christians call the gift of discernment. When you orgasm think of your most ambitious plans and ideas and they will become your reality. Take care of animals. Be wary of individuals you will come across who will seek to manipulate and use you for their own selfish ends.
>Let go of the anger you hold towards certain individuals close to you in your life.
Wow, how'd you know this? Tips for letting go? I have a cousin that occupies my mind, he criticizes me and I replay times he was rude to me often. Sometimes even fabricating things he hasn't even done.
You can’t ascend or accomplish anything of note as long as you’re consumed by your own gluttony be it gustatory gluttony or emotional gluttony. Start taking tender care of plants immediately, do not allow them to die. You need to show that you can nourish and appreciate life. You have very low vibrations and attract characters on a similar plane as your own. Good luck.
Anger will destroy you if you let it. You’re self-righteous and very immature. You will be tested soon, keep an open mind and have a willingness to do good if you want to walk a different path. Right now your ego shuts down most of your potential.
You’re lazy and childish and driven by a need to look good in the eyes of others. Your sense of pride engrosses you. You actually haven’t suffered a remarkable amount regardless of what you think. As a child you were loving and open, you need to return to that state. Help your friends whenever you can without expecting anything in return.
Matthew 6:1-34

Read it immediately and reflect on it. Read it often. I am compelled to tell you to start doing this immediately. You need to heed those instructions.
>Who is God?
The source
>Who is Buddha?
The prophet
>What did you do today?
>who is god
not real
>who is buddha
a mentally ill street shitter charlatan
prescribed mind control pills to a bunch of mentally ill patients. the ones that really need them won't take them, but this is all i can do for them. did not have any explicitly tell me that they browse this board today.
It’s good that you’ve been able to make peace with things that have troubled you. Work on empathy, apply youself to everything you do. Make sure your efforts in all areas of life are worth it and contribute to good. Beware of anger because it will destroy you if you allow yourself to be consumed by it. Get rid of all unhealthy habits in your life, whatever they are. Make sure you’re not seeking to take advantage of anyone you care about. Be fastidious and pause before you speak.
Your parents did what they thought was best under the circumstances.
>Who is god?
>Who is Buddha?
idk never met the guy. a stick figure to do appeal to authority for many
>What did you do today?
Browsing and discussing on /x/, drinking tea, eating lots of choclates (half a pound choclate already)
> Thank you, and have a blessed afternoon.
I thank you
This is very fascinating, thank you tons. I appreciate you saying that i have that gift, i will read about it and try to develop and use it for good.
You don’t have to answer but is orgasming while thinking of things considered “sex magic?” Should i only do that while alone? I find it interesting you picked up on that, its an area of strife for me, sort of..
Ive been told to watch out for manipulative people before, i appreciate another warning. Thanks for the check up!! you are an interesting anon with definite spiritual abilities beyond my knowledge!
>Who is god?
I don’t think I am capable of answering this question. I can only state my opinion, and I don’t really have one since there is not enough evidence for an answer
>Who is Buddha?
Imo, a made up figure to give credibility to the writings that came from Tibet and other lands. You just go “Buddha said this” and the Buddhist go “oh then it is the absolute truth that can’t be challenged” which is extremely convenient to the ones who wrote those books
>What did you do today?
I drove to Barcelona to hang out with my family and say goodbye to my cousin who is moving to Ireland. We are currently drinking beer and they’re talking about stupid things and I wish I was home learning how to write Zero Knowledge apps in Ethereum
Quit being a doormat and should work on establishing healthy boundaries with people. People admire and appreciate you, be open with the good ones and you will be blessed in return. There’s no use in crying over spilled milk, at a certain point you have to let go of things.
woah shit I felt that .. seems likke you really takking your time figuring out stuff huh.
well I appreciate you want to be thorough in the results of your check ups.
Choose a path and stick to it. Having a closed mind is a spiritual dead-end. Beware of the company you keep and how their negative energies can become yours. Life is rewarding and expect the unexpected but you need to work hard in all areas. Do not be consumed by cynicism or nihilism.
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Thankk you.
only problem is I don't feel like opening up anymore. idk. anyway thank you so much for looking into it

>who is god
Me. You.
>who is buddha
Was. A misunderstood wise man.

>what did you do today
I was(still) sad after a heavy drinking night . Studied, went for a walk, coached flatmate playing elden ring.
How, though? On the one hand I hate the government and relying on their money so I want to become and entrepeneur and build my own wealth, but I’m also into spirituality and I hate this world and becoming tangled in worldly matters, so I think I would also want to become some type of wandering beggar or something like that, but what evidence is there that this is actually useful to your soul? Every religion has a different explanation about what happens after death, and they all seem equally reasonable and equally nonsensical. How can I find a lamp to walk the path? (Pun intended because I have been looking into Atisha’s “lamp to the path”)
Pride will be your downfall if you let it. Be smart when choosing to use substances as many will succumb to them and ultimately become consumed by them. You are your own worst enemy. Read Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None. Borrow it from the library if you have to.
not very nice or spiritually healthy of you
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I get these bad vibes from an online acquaintance and normally don't really give a shit about things like that. They're coming to the US soon near my state, we aren't meeting up, and I haven't even talked to him about it or not him me. I just get bad vibes from it. Why? How do I stop that?
Quit talking to that Canadian
Worse, they're European, and even then we barely speak.
>Who is God
Ultimate potential. The most generalized, abstract object possible.

>Who is Buddha
A specific, hyperobjective manifestation of God that can be experienced via a path.

>What did you do today
Sold my wares at a farmer's market. Took a long nap. Played some chess online. Practiced guitar. Worked out. Made some steak some squash for dinner. Smoked weed and am browsing the internet now.
Don’t take advantage of people but having said that don’t be a pushover. Get your ego in check, fast. You will be meeting someone very soon who will change the trajectory of your life.
>Who is God?
Creator, Destroyer
>Who is Buddha?
Teacher of Dharma and of a path to enlightenment
>What did you do today?
Went out about town.
You’re arrogant and guarded. If you lose hope there won’t be any coming back. Contribute your talents to something worthwhile. Be willing to love and be loved in return.
>who is God
>Who is Buddha?
I don't know anything about him, except I heard he found freedom
>What did you do today?
I yearned, for what? Couldn't say.
Merely changed the direction of said hope.
You’re on the right path. Beware of temptations you will be presented with soon. Use your conscience do discern what is right.
Thank you Anon, I often get to points where I have a hard time telling whether I'm on the right path still or have fallen off, a little bit of validation or even warning is always appreciated. I will keep your advice in mind, thank you again.
Whoever perceives the whole, and decides to nurture it.

Same answer, different natures.

I relaxed for a bit, taking some time off to better my mood.
>>who is god
>>who is buddha
same figure as Christ. gods incarnation within a bubble of bubbles
>>what did you do today
not sure
>Who is god?
"everything everywhere all at once"

>Who is Buddha
enlightened human who achieved abnormal amount of freedom and peace for planetary standards. the disillusioned.

>What did you do today
eat, drink coffee, take shit
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>who is god
the farther shore. the thing towards which all things move
>who is buddha
what remains when all things that aren't the buddha-nature are removed
>what did you do today
i reconnected. i don't know if it's a mistake. when i connect i feel further from god. but when i disconnect i feel death looming. i wonder if i should fear death or not. it often feels like god beckons me to die. but i also feel that i haven't finished doing whatever it is i came to do. part of me thinks if i still feel fear towards death, which i do, that i must still have some purpose to fulfill. but i am blind and cannot see any purpose before me. the other possibility is that god wants me to give myself wholly. to always trust that whatever i did was right and that i would not die until it was my time. i want to do so too. i wish i did not fear death, but i do. i want so badly to live, but i can't see a future. i have no vision anymore. nothing seems like life, just delay. i think what comes next, what comes after death is more important. i hate delaying the inevitable. it is more disgusting to me than anything. if all terrible things or even beautiful things could be done instantly i would have it so, so long as they were inevitable. the uncertain can remain yet to be seen. but that which i know is inevitable like death, i sincerely wish it would just be done. and yet in my weakness i still fear it. imagine fearing what you long for? i am silly and i hoped disconnecting would grant me wisdom. i think it's granted me wisdom but made me more ignorant too. there's an immense wisdom in living simply. enjoying simple joys like a warm meal, a big yard, kids, cars. but i know too that attachment to those things will only set you up for failure. the obvious answer is to enjoy without attachment. i can do it. but i cannot do it with regards to life. i can neither enjoy it nor relinquish my attachment to it. being alive is the worst knot to unravel. all else falls to my gaze. life bewilders.
Who is God? - first cause/thought. collective consciousness.
Who is Buddha - thinker. Everyone can and is Buddha.
What I did - spent time with friends.
God is goodness

Buddha is just the first human soul to achieve goodness and reach the 13th dimensions

My partner is literally the embodiment of Sophia in the flesh, so far we just woke up, kissed and she’s rolling me a joint so we can exchange energy and pray in this Sunday morning.
God is everything that is and that isn't. It is the ultimate oniscience and unconsciousness at the same time. It is time itself in the form of eternal duration with no beginning or end. It's unlimited space expanding on ethernal nothingness.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is a man that understood that existance is pain, thus seeking and finding the one true form of existance, which is recognizing that you are God experiencing individual human existance. We all are Buddha himself, by his own words. We just need to understand it.

I am just living my life. Have no idea how I can be useful in my life, so I just study, try to, give my best at work, try to be a good man to those around me and try to keep my mind clean of bad stuff, although I fail very often
>who is God?
The number one.
>who is Buddha?
The number three.
>what did you do today?
Count until a thousand, repeatedly.
Good post. Keep searching. Read something powerful and contemplate it. One day you will reach hopefully the realm of non-volitional thought
No issue bro. You're good.
The prophet of what?
Op here do not read that book, read gnostic manuscripts or the Buddha agamas.
Quick answer and I enjoy it. Proceed.
Ego is still obstructing your ascension. Work on it.>>38975314
I am afraid this is too simple to be true. You are obstructed by ego. Let go of yourself. Let yourself fall into darkness.
Too simple. >>38977024
Too much text. Silence is gold.. observe the all through meditation. Proceed.
No that is new age. It's actually an affront and insultive but you don't realize that yet. Drop the new age nonsense and start seeking.
Wrong because Buddha gotama is not a man, a Buddha has transcended his humanity. You are clouding your view with this new age crap. Let it go.
Hey so this is an anonymous board and is like 85% women so anyways is it true that you fantasize about big black cock? I will tell you your future if you answer truthfully.

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