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What does the G stand for?
gay, cause you have to suck dicks to move up in rank
It obviously stands for gizzmatic
But there is something about mary.
It stands for Gold because they are Jews.
as in
great architect of the universe
It's a generative G, the eye of providence.
We've seen this thread before. The Aubrey Plaza thread really has you scared huh. We're on to you Satanists. Justice for Robert!
The whirlwind or spiral symbol comes from ancient times, it represents a lot of things related to natural forces of creation, the sun (god), growth, winds, water, life, the infinite, etc.
The eye of providence is a vagina.

It obviously stands for sex with underage Girls
33rd letter
Gaped. It's a reference to 1992.
Generative principle. Creative power bestowed to us by God.

You probably already know but the square and compass represent a male (compass) doing missionary with a female (square).

There are variations of this, too. Look up the symbol of Thelema. It's a unicursal hexagram, consisting of two identical triangles and a five-petalled flower in the middle. A symbolic depiction of gay sex (identical triangles), with the flower representing an anus.

All of these Gnostic (for the lack of a better term) movements see everything in life as a continuous sex act, so they harness the sexual energy for self-actualization, or they channel it through various rituals. The more unnatural/wicked these rituals are (the further away they are from the godly ideal of a husband+wife), the more energy they claim to harness.

These traditions come from Egyptian occultism, which dates all the way back to Sumer/Mesopotamia. Their scribes claimed that they were taught these occult practices (among things like art of war, seduction, drug-making, etc.) by the Apkallu, whom they consider to be divine helpers. After the Flood (a supposed event), these Apkallu co-mingled with humans, creating semi-divine hybrids. Other religious systems call them by different names, but it's always the same group with the same relationship (Titans-gods-demigods, fallen angels-Nephilim/giants, etc.). The Bible (and the contemporary literature which the New Testament authors had access to, like 1 Enoch) call these Apkallu 'fallen angels/sons of God', and don't see them as helpful; in fact, they attribute the continual falls of humanity to them. Their granting of knowledge serves to help our destruction. This view isn't improbable, seeing as we're able to use whatever technological advancement to destroy ourselves (most humans can't even govern their phone-time). (1/2)
Thelemites especially made a practice of harnessing powers through ungodly acts, especially against the concept of marriage (Christian). The sexual revolution of the 60s is largely attribute to Crowley, and Thelemic thought in general.

Jack Parsons, one of Aleister Crowley's (founder of Thelema) most famous students (so-called father of rocketry), was a proud cuck, raising a kid his fiancée (Sara Northrup Hollister) had after an affair with Wilfred Smith. Later, Parsons befriended L. Ron Hubbard (founder of scientology), who proceeded to cuck him with Sara, and eventually ran away with her, stealing most of Parson's life savings (lol).

Crowley himself blah blah blah (2/2)
God or as he is called in Masonry the Great Architect of the Universe.

Gender. They found a word more gay than gay.
thanks doc
snoop dawG
>What does the G stand for?
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It stands for God, but each degree has a different G word. Stands for Gacha, imo, cause Mason's drop loads of money on masonic swag like rings and hats and shit.
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then why do they marry little niglet boys


Generational trauma-based mind control ritual abuse
You already know the answer don't you?
>see everything in life as a continuous sex act, so they harness the sexual energy
>The more unnatural/wicked these rituals are (the further away they are from the godly ideal of a husband+wife), the more energy they claim to harness.
This seems so backwards. Wouldn't the creative and generative power one can draw from this be based on and in line with male and female uniting? Makes me think of Sabbateans but just seems like an excuse to do degenerate shit.

Gilgamesh. The true origin of Freemasonry.
goji berry
Your anus meme :)
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No the effort poster got it right. They might tell useful idiot Christians it's God, but it refers to the generative principle of the mystery schools. >>38963171
thanks doc
Can someone please fucking explain this shit? ffs
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>It's not "God"
Gay. The big secret is that they take in the ass. That's their third eye being open rigth there. Free masons are so gay.
Modern Freemasons aren't the original. It's a purposeless organization nowadays, only a front for a mafia and control. Almost every organization of note has been hijacked over the past ~150 years. There is a power somewhere. A power so organized, and vicious, that is capable of infiltrating and subverting even the most organized of men.
The Digit Gods would seem to agree with you. Based in the context of that 2-part comment, this Sabbatean degeneracy nonsense is most likely a 'gift' from these Apkallu who sit back and laugh as they devour up all the loosh generated by such wicked acts.
Alphabet ends at 26, now start it over A=27 G=33
Rare case of first post best post being true
The Grifter
God, the Grand Architect.
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The logo is a square and compass, referencing the creation of the earth, the circular earth placed upon the square foundation - the squared circle.
The G is God, who made the earth.
Freemasons gate keep flat earth, they know the earth is flat - their logo itself references it, but they refuse to publicly acknowledge flat earth.
>look into it
So if you keep going like a musical scale the letter G is 33. That's what you said. But G is the seventh letter of our alphabet 7. So actually they took the number 7 and used it an octave higher which is the number 33. 7 represents perfection. So this is key!! Free masons mock God because they are saying they are 2x (two times) more than God. 7 is said to represent God, but free masons go by the number 33, which as I said is 7 one octave higher. So they are so fucking megalomaniacals! They think they operate in a "higher frequency" than God Himself! They mock God and say He is a megalomaniacal figure, a tyrant, an evil Ruler, but it's just them projecting theirselves. It's all projection from their part. God is 7. Something you will never be by your own. Oh, those who think they know themselves. You are walking in the dark. One blind leading the other to the Abyss.

Source: Trust me bro.
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G represents the heart of God, which is boxed into the limitations of the Mind by the square of matter and encompassed by time. It also represents the eye of the heart (pineal gland) captured by time, which is the mind (brain).
Ground. Have you never been in an elevator?
The G stands for God, Gnosis, and Geometry.
Geometry is the knowledge of God.
The generative principle
Gay sex
>muslim lodge
>child bride
>allah wills it

Now watch this thread die
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Clowns represent Anunnaki, right?
Is it true?
Nah, underworld goblins.
Media makes them green and dark-green lipped but that's not what they look like.
They're pale as snow from a lack of vit D and have blood-coated lips from all the raw foods.
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The G spot is inside the butt hole. Above the g is the sacrum and the split at the hips
Freegaysonry is gay the
nobody ever explains that photo.
Goy, because Freemasonry is just talmudism for the goys
They tell each grade something new. God, Gnosis, Generative Principle, but at then end it's >>38970711
You have a good pic of what one might look like?
Afraid so
G spot
Secret revealed, thank you worshipful master.
It's the 7th letter of the alphabet
thats the great architect of the universe symbol hence an architects tools making A and U around the G
It was "Gentoo". But Jews were bad with computers at the moment and got everything wrong
god, also G is the 7th letter
would it be useful if you would read it as a reference of Gimel the third letter of the hebrew alphabet? (it would represent a "3" then too.)
(it would be perfect if you would find a plausible way to interpret it as a 6. but I'm not successful enough in this enterprise so far.)
a cyrillic "S" ("C")
on its head, for serpent.
(this is not meant to be taken serious.)
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i got you
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is it a Pei? (read as an F, for freemasons, freemasonry?)
so freemasons like to mock jesus and jews, by being jew pedos themselves? dayum, that's some 4d trolling right there
if you see it as a Pei, you can read the letter as a "P" or a "F". you know a "P" like porn? (funny coincidence)
look up the meaning of a black mass.
it could be disputable if the marrying part would be a mocking. instead of really having a strong bonding (in a "to satan" meaning).
Genesis not God. It’s all about the act of creation and as a man you have the ability to paint and women can be painted on.
>like to mock jews
in my opinion I would dispute this part.
(I can be wrong.)
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>To see the Black Mass as simply a mockery is to misunderstand its magick. Also, the Black Mass does not require those who conduct it or participate in it to believe or accept Nazarene theology: it is simply means that the participants accept that others, who attend Nazarene masses, do believe in at least to some degree in Nazarene theology – the Black Mass uses the energy produced by those beliefs against those who believe in them, by distorting that energy, and sometimes redirecting it. This is genuine Black Magick.
So, in essence, it does indeed mean trolling, to see the other seethe. But it still makes me think that you are in service to malice, because you are performing it yourself, you are becoming the very thing you hate. This is the same as thinking that Freemasons are good because they're doing everything in their power to fulfill God's prophecies, thus, ushering an age of millenary peace and prosperity, somehow thinking doing God's work, but in the process, they're submitting the world to darkness and suffering they do not like.
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they do it to mock christians for worshipping a fictional pedo, as they pay taxes to pedos to fund pedo activity.
>by being jew pedos themselves
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yes. christians think they are opposing evil, when they are the primary reason it exists. much like the united states is the great satan, paying taxes to fund genocides and murdering children. all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing, and christianity could not be any better at indoctrinating people to "do nothing"
the irony is that is what jesus' "tying up the strong man" story was always about. disarming the enemies of jews.

on the other side you have the part of revelation that talks about "those who say they are jews, who are not, shall come and worship at my [jews'] feet" and how they are rich. this is referring to transjewish people, christians, but more specifically the freemason/zogbot types who are *publicly* christians, who worship jews and are afforded their privileges.
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it was always a pedo cult from its very inception. you might not know this, and i dont want to alarm you, but jews rape kids.

but what would happen if there were a religion which catered to jews, who rape kids?

now imagine that religion, has its own spin-off religion, and over the course of millenias, has recruited 2 billion to stand and uphold its cause, aspiring to become the spiritual heirs of jews who rape kids?

welcome to reality anon.
On my planet it means hope
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Freemasonry is a continuation of Gnosticism and as such G, among other things, is a reference to Gnosis.
This seems like a massive misreading of Crowley, but it's not too bad. I have to insist that your view of Duality is a bit vapid and disagree that any of this has something to do with gay sex or "doing bad shit, nigga".
>Gnostic movements see everythign in life as a continuous sex act
That's not it at all. The sexuality of Man is the perfect example because all of us are well affiliated with the binary of the sexes and, on a physical level, what their combination produces and its meaning. It's an innate understanding in us that evokes an array of emotions and touches on about as many symbolisms.
>harness the sexual energy for self-actualization
Cultivate would be a better word, but this is a reasonable expression. It's about the unification of the opposites. I have to insist that it's just a strong metaphorical representation, maybe the premiere representation.
It's Alchemy, anon. It's Yoga. It's about the "unification". Look to the Satyr, Pan. Look at Dionysus. It's a reference to Horus-Re, the Bennu Bird, the Phoenix. It's about overcoming the carnal flesh, transcending it, to reunify with the divine aspect of yourself, the transcendent part of (You).
>I-it's not about sex!
>But it really is and here's why...
Just go away, you're not going to convince anyone that Crowley was teaching people to raise their life energy and transcend carnality.
>inb4 oh but he was being symbolic!
Piss off, not even his imitators think that, except when it's convenient for them
Great moogly googly
I see the thread, think "giggity", go in to post, and you're the first thing I see. Who else, but Quagmire?
whoa. taylor swift is a descendant of gilgamesh?

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