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Is it bullshit or are angelic numbers something worth looking into? Thought it was interesting skimming through it in the store
some of the basic stuff is good to know for identifying symbolism and can help in understanding the more esotericism parts of abrahamic-ism,but some people take it to far and obsess over micro instances of numbers in places where there is no meaning.
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>ceramic buttplug, dude weed lmao, new age angel number paperback, the bible
stop being a fraud, it's time to grow up. numbers mean a lot, they are everywhere, and the systems stringing them together is very intricate and beautiful and a lot of people devote their entire lives to using the numbers to represent the universe we exist in. but just because your microwave clock said 2:22 AM when you were blazed as fuck about to heat up another slop pocket doesn't mean it's a "divine sign of new beginnings, expansion, and cooperation with the universe"

why don't you start with a more basic question if you're serious, when did we start using numbers? maybe follow that up with, why do we use arabic numbers and not roman numerals? and continue from there. angel numbers don't exist and if they did, frankly they wouldn't be simple repdigit numbers, but things like pi or chaitin's constant.

jumbled gibberish vague slop with buzzwords like "indentifying symbolism" "esotericism parts of abrahamic-ism"

seriously what the fuck are you on about, you're just using words that you've seen before and mashing them into incoherent bullshit that a retard might think has some semblance of credibility. don't bother posting such nonsense, we'll all be better off for it, including you.
That’s a moon shaped incense burner. You’re the one who needs to grow up, I doubt you’re even a productive member of society. Zoomer retard
i know what it is retard, and i'm not a zoomer. get a fucking grip.
>I’m not a zoomer I just act like a zoomer ironically
you're the one smoking weed surrounded by halloween decorations and wasting time reading new age bullshit written for women who are into astrology. did you want to talk about numbers or keep projecting that you think i'm a zoomer because i told you to grow up? you didn't even get past the first sentence of my post before being completely btfo. stop wasting both of our time.
Didn't read

Angel numbers give me strength

All that matters is if something makes yiu believe in hope more, even if it's retarded on paper
that's not all that matters but it is important, angel numbers don't have objective spiritual meanings, which is what is being asked here. if they instill something positive in you through your reaction to them, there's merit to that, but it'd be fraudulent to write a whole book about what they mean in any objective manner.
I’m interested in the paranormal, of course I like Halloween and smoking weed. I read your paragraph, it wasn’t valuable to me. No citations, no factual information, no reasonable insight, just blabbing about shit.
lol it's a thread about angel numbers, but you need "citations" and "factual information"
i didn't "blab" about anything either, it was all on topic. i asked why angel numbers would be simple repdigits (repeating numbers) and not more intricate series of numbers like pi or chaitan's constant (both of which are factual information)

why do i even bother engaging low vibrational stoner retards?
nta but you're one of the infinite reasons as to why i despise halloween. every brokedick motherfuck along with every useless cunt who's into the "paranormal" is just another trifling new age piece of shit absolutely ruining divinity and driving humanity even further into the dirt.
halloween isn't about "muh spoopy shit," you reddit tier faggot. it's about community, harvests, and gratitude. you and your ilk have turned it into something completely bankrupt and dead.
i've seen your soul and it's a nothing more than a funko pop. pathetic. living life as a spiritual funko pop.

>just blabbing about shit
i read his paragraph and this is rich coming from someone blabbing all of his degenerate shit for all to see. literal shit at that.
you're interested in pop culture "paranormal" that's why you have crescent moon shaped shit, halloween decorations, probably a ouji board off frame, bundle of white sage, incense, evil eye somehwere.. you're all over the place with no real spiritual volition of your own, and no real desire to know anything, you just think spooky stuff is cool - tis the season afterall! but it's just materialistic shit, and you might think you're cool but it's phony bologna.

as a result of your factitiousness, i herby curse you for 333 days.
I remember a time when you were all playing on iPads I didn’t have to hear your retarded soulless opinions
>noo you’re not allowed to enjoy things you have to like what I like
The world I grew up in had life in it. Sorry I reciprocate that.
Angels are shitting on me saying i’m going to be a dog or that i’m not getting eternal life. I think they’re just hating on me because my future soul spirit has the power of the universe and it fired jesus and is now working alongside me. Buddha and jesus both worked with the true “god” of reality and its completely different from what we all come to know as god from the Bible.
Anyways, i’m acting as like the nobody right now in my powerless human body, but at the same time my future soul self is doing lots of cool shit to prevent many mass killings and diasters/tragedys that’ll destroy the world
Singer has the same name as me
still reaching for the zoomer card? ican guarantee i am older than you, and if by some chance i'm not then it's embarrassing for you to be this much of a smoked-out-retard. i learned to type using mavis beacon, i'm not an ipad kid. stop grasping at straws. the world i grew up in had a soul, doesnt mean i need to have plastic mcdonalds trick or treat buckets all around my house to "reciprocate" that.

you're boring.
sorry, kid. i'm old enough to be your father. if only you knew. i remember connecting to the internet using baud.
>lol internet

>noo you’re not allowed to enjoy things you have to like what I like
strawmans in green text. nowhere did i say you had to enjoy what i like. i simply told you to stop being a spiritual funko pop. you still deflect and avoid this.
>The world I grew up in had life in it.
i wasn't aware that the "world full of life" was ramming stones in your ass. thanks for the enlightenment. i told you that you and your ilk are ruining divinity and driving humanity even further into the dirt. you're the reason why this world has no more life in it.
everything about you is a pop culture fashion statement personality. there's no life within you. only death.
you're the special type of retard who can name the entire mcu but can't even name a single argonaut. you're even so retarded that you think jason himself was one. you're so far divorced from your roots that you don't even know what you are.
just remember; those knick-knack wings you've fashioned for yourself do not make you anything more than a brokedick icarus.

and before you even try to clap back at me like the pathetic coward you are; my first book was aesop's fables as a child. you will never be able to comprehend the meaning of this because of your rootless ways.

before i leave, i'll tell you my favorite argonaut: pollux.
I can't unsee the buttplug.
the weed is bullshit but angel numbers are definitely a way in which god lets you know what's up
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i'm not the buttplug but the other man he quoted.
i just wanted to let you know that these exchanges have been truly "magical" for me. from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul; thank you and may your journey be overflowing with victory, beauty, fortune, and love. i wish you nothing but the best.
BS for sure.
>I promise I’m older than you I just communicate exactly like a little kid
Dude it’s October you fucking idiot. I decorate for Christmas too. I apologize for having a life outside of the internet and don’t have obscure bullshit tastes to jerk off to. I have a family to take care of and responsibilities like an adult, you have the mind of a socially awkward teenager with a lot of free time. I suppose you think a true intellectual isn’t allowed to enjoy novelty but this life on earth is short there’s no reason to not enjoy things. I don’t know where you’re getting that I’m some new age person because I’m not at all. I’m posting in between working. You’re not even employed much less enlightened. You know information but you have no wisdom or life experience.
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same unto you, may we endeavor to perpetually break down these materialist prisons that these poor lost souls find themselves locked away inside through the pursuit of depthless and superficial exercises presented to them by forces they are too naive to reject.

i communicate in whatever way is appropriate for the context. i don't promise you anything, except that if you were sober minded you'd be able to have a more thorough engagement than just ad hominin repetitions about what age you think i am as if it had any relevancy here. you need not apologize for having a life outside the internet. if you have a family and responsibilities then tend to them and stop getting high. nobody said there's no place for novelty, but it's just that.. novelty, and you seem to conflate it for substance, having said as much when you said "i'm interested in the paranormal, of course i love halloween!" as if the two are contingent upon each other.
>i don't know where you're getting that i'm some new age person because i'm not at all
you should look up what new age means, because it's not an attack on your age, it's a term used to describe the modern day amalgamation of many different spiritual philosophies, symbols, ideas, into incoherent and unstructured presentations such as in the angel numbers book you're reading. you have the markings of someone that is only interested in these superficial representations, made evident not by any single thing in particular but the sum of all parts. it's not just the bundle of sage, or the moon shaped incense burner, or the joint, or the haphazardly placed bible, but rather the combination of them all. we've seen it all before.
>you're not even employed
you keep coming in bad faith making grand claims that you have no basis for
you have to reassure us all that you are a real actual adult!! with a job! with a family! i have a job too, but it's totally irrelevant to every aspect of this discussion.

come up to earth
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>*smokes puff of a joint* *cant focus attention long enough to read new age grifter book on angel numbers*
>guess ill just ask people on the internet to explain it to me instead
>they told me it's spiritually empty, and so are all my cool witchy objects
>i'll just tell them that i'm employed and have a family and celebrate every capitalistic holiday by buying crap and decorating my house with it, that'll show them that their claims of me being spiritually bankrupt are completely false!
>since that weed is slowing me down from actually reading what they are saying but it's making me angry anyway i should probably call them zoomers and say they don't have any life experience like me (working a job and buying holiday decorations and smoking weed)
Black riders came from the sea.
There was clang and clang of spear and shield,
And clash and clash of hoof and heel,
Wild shouts and the wave of hair
In the rush upon the wind:
Thus the ride of sin.

yeah? it's october? thanks. are you trying to be a calendar? what's next? a clock? you don't even know what october means yet you sit here and call me an idiot?
i'm unemployed? sometimes i work 84 hours a week. normally, i work 48 hours a week in four days. i assure you that i am gainfully employed. ora et labora. today is the beginning of my weekend. this has nothing to do with your proclivities or this conversation however.
>don’t have obscure bullshit tastes to jack off to
obscure bullshit tastes are the spice of life. every person on this planet has obscure bullshit tastes. you use this as an insult when it's absolutely not. especially considering the "jack off to" bit when you've got a stone plug on display for the world to see. perpetually butthurt.
the depth of western civilization seems to be obscure bullshit to you though which only proves your worship of distraction. so i'll give you a deep cut: the ancient celts would mock, beat, and force their overweight tribesmen to run until they puked. consider this your punishment for being a fucking spiritual lardass.
all of your insults are strawmen and deflections.
again; when did i say not to enjoy things? i said not to make them your life. i don't know how many times i have to say this to you for you to understand. you keep deflecting and moving goalposts to save your love of trinkets and pop culture. the worst part about you?


wake the fuck up, retard. as i've told you, you're completely bankrupt and dead. there's no depth to you. superficial spirituality as you're too weak and too pathetic to do what's needed to be done.

When you decide to go on a spiritual journey masters will set up pitfalls to keep retards and schizos out of gaining knowledge. One of them are angel numbers. You're going to spend the next month becoming schizo studying bullshit instead of growing spiritually. Kek.
Theres your answer.

Same with law of attraction and high magic garbage. It's all one big pitfall.
look at my numbers and you will find the answer.
What is 669 mean?
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I dunno we had a thread about terry davis and his computer regarding angel numbers and the sort.
I made a post saying the evil forces of earth are scared of what god could be and i got trips. I screenshotted it just for reference sake.
That’s an interesting perspective. I got the book because it mentioned arch angels seemed to be something worth looking into but the more I read it the more I’m like well this is nonsense
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>weed, a bible and a buttplug

Sure, man, feel free to read a book and try to get your "vibration up", but the thing about spirituality is the more crutches you have, the less you will move. Furthermore, spirituality first and foremost is about discipline.

Books won't solve your problems, only a determined individual can change themselves. Pretending you can be something spiritual while actively catering to every form of degeneracy is modern... cognitive dissonance at its most refined and typical.

I appreciate your comment, but surely you realize not everyone has a soul? It's one of those bleak truths... basically everyone has to earn one, and most do not. When they die, they return to an ancestral gestalt / noumen... their consciousness expires and it serves no benefit to the Kosmos.
Can you retards shut up about the Bible. It’s my dads old one that he gifted me. I thought it would be funny to have the joint on the angel number book because it’s pretty woo woo shit. You people just want to have something to bitch about.
potheads destroyed
aee you new here faggot?
no one is bitching, we're just making fun of you dumb stoner retard.
>but it was tongue in cheek! the bible isnt even mine! i'm a contributing member of society!! *pufffffffff* *coughing* you guys are retards!
why do you leave your buttplug out on the table like that
I really don't think you need a whole book to learn about angel numbers. Throughout my life I've seen constant repeating patterns that closely corresponded to what I was going through at the time. It got to the point of uncanniness, and I made sure I only counted the times where I saw the pattern randomly without any conscious input. I think it's just your subconscious mind trying to communicate with you.
You are such an incredibly obnoxious loser there is no valuable insight from a pathetic little pissant like you lmao
why are you so butthurt
is the plug too big or what
The only thing objective is that everything is subjective

Even my red is different from your red, T least slightly so
There is a buttplug on your table.
>(insert ad hom bullshit here) (insert lmao here)
faggot retard, did you have something of substance to say or are you only capable of making posts using such a predictable formula. i'm not here to post valuable insight, i'm here to make fun of stoner retards obsessing over the most basic and uninteresting numbers there are.. or were you the other retard that spit out a bunch of incoherent jibberish and thinks that "abrahamic-ism" is a real word? either way i clearly struck a chord as made apparent from your overly emotional response. must be time for another joint (insert lmao here)
angel number confirms - OP is gay

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