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/x/ - Paranormal

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I am posting this today because I had a run it with what I am 99.99% sure is malicious subliminal messaging yesterday.

So, unfortunately I have a problem with porn, and so I was looking at a vid I had downloaded. Now, I knew about this message for a little while now, but yesterday was the 1st time I tried to amplify and slow down the vid to actually hear it.

It sounds like whispering, multiple people I think, but I cannot make it out beyond that even though I amplifiedit to 300% and my laptop's volume is on max and I slowed it. I think I might hear something about Jesus and Satan and turning to Satan, but could be wrong. It starts towards the end of the intro and outro. I probably should not plug this person, but for the sake of the post I will.

Her username is Helly Rite. It unfortunately took me a while to realize that it most likely means a hellish ritual, and even more unfortunately I have not stopped watch her.

Maybe one of you anons can run that bit trough some software and make out what it says.

Also, I would like to hear your runins with subliminal messages, be it on film, in songs, in pictures or elsewhere. Picrel relates to the fact that the Blue Da Ba Dee song reversed sounds like "Hide the bodies, eat the bodies".

Thanks in advance as always!
Anyone up to deciphering the subliminal message?
Why don't you just go to Church like a normal person instead of imagining messages about Jesus and Satan in your porn?
>Listening for EVPs in porn.
I-i'm not a coomer...
Because, Mr. Fedfuck, the abundance of subliminal messaging in all kinds of big media indicates your meddling with the psyche of the average person. Please proceed to kys right now.
>be namefag
>don’t get personal army to make your own thread into effort
OP ur a faggot
Ah yes, the Feds surely have their own division of psyops dedicated to putting garbled messages in porn videos to fuck with people like you. As if pushing unrealistic beauty and sexual ideals on the general populace isn't enough of a manipulative tactic.
Buy an ad instead of making a potentially interesting thread only for it to be a retarded whores adpost
Damn man
>Unrealistic beauty standards
So you are no fed, just a faggot
Could you post the audio that you're talking about in a vocaroo

Ok, will try.

Here it is, might sound slightly off as I had to make my laptop record its own audio:

i heard "the cash, send it" it's probably just a money vampire spell
I am super aware of subliminal messaging but I am fragile and therefore still find myself falling for them like a wiener. It is my new years resolution that I gain the strength to resist even more than before.

Interesting, I felt it might have been saying similar stuff too. Anything else you can make out?
prince charles appearing with his back turned in an old kids tv show

You know its name?
Anyone else got any idea the stuff it is saying?
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I had a malicious negative subliminal message yesterday from the tv.
I'll tell it so you guys can start paying attention to how dumb and evil the media really is, and how stupid they see their audience as.
What little respect they have for you.
It was about some public interest story about bears living in the national parks.
Some contest they do every year to raise awareness of wild bears called Fat Bear Week.
They film bears with wildlife cameras and the biggest, fattest bear is declared the winner.
Well, they interview a bear guy, and he went on gushing about how this is the first time a FEMALE bear was fat enough to be in the running.
Usually, the fattest bears are males.
Then he went on to disparage the top male bears looks. Talked about how mean and nasty he was. Pointed out his hanging, pendulous belly. Talked about how he didn't need to do much work for his salmon because all the other bears fear him, for being so big and alpha ( as though it were a negative attribute ).
To which the talking head news lady gushed back smiling,
" Well you know I'm always rootin' for a MAMA bear!"
This bear story was sandwiched in between two stories on the U.S. presidential election.
I'm surprised those idiots didn't call the male bear orange, for good measure.
But I guess they were going for subtlety.
This is a short article about Fat Bear Week.
Bambi Sleep.
maybe she had her tv on in the background
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>be on /x/
>argue from incredulity

wew lad.
>bearbreaking has extended to the schizophrenics
>he thought a wildlife tv show was an attack on trump because ???
Oh what's this? are you picking up on patterns based off of entirely separate data points? reminds me of a mental illness i once heard. To verify, approach the nearest normal set of people (mom and dad presumably) and ask them if they think the bear tv show was an attack on the President of the United States. If they look bewildered, you have officially gone off of the deep end into crazytown.
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not sleeping
But hey if you go to a therapist and tell them about what you've been experiencing (i have insider gangstalker knowledge of your life so i know you've only recently escaped the matrix) and you leave the place without a schizophrenia diagnosis, I'll buy you McDonald's.
Why are you so disgusting and manipulative?
People like you, with limited minds, are the problem with the world. You are the problem. You are why everything is so stupid. You are the " lowest common denominator" of a person, who the media is aimed at, in their propagandistic efforts.
You are a media-fed rat. And you don't even have the mental capacity, or the wherewithall, to be ashamed of yourself, for it.
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Nta, but the poster you are responding to is a fear based individual, of low mental capacity.
Sadly, it seems like most people are like her.
Its why the propaganda has been so effective up until now.
But thankfully, that era is over, and people are waking up out of their sluggish mental states, faster than ever.

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