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Flat Earther posters or Nobody General posters?
We are all dumb together
me, obviously
It's a group effort. I actually respect the Nobody posters more because they confine their absurdity to a single thread. Flerfers have to shit on every discussion about space because they're the laughingstock of the internet.
Floids by a huge margin
I nominate Tulpa threads for dumbest on /x/
>poster’s Tulpa seconds this motion
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Flat earth exists and is the matrix. The universe is Minecraft and real space doesn't exist since the destruction of the Empire.

All that exists is Minecraft

The earth is flat because we exist in a computer simulated universe.

Feels real doesn't it? But it's not real.

The nobody is the agent that protects the matrix.

Now you know.
Flerfers, no doubt.
Nobodies stay in their own general, they don't spam threads about their subject.
Flerfers invade every thread about space and aliens. Plus they fail IQ tests on the most basic stuff.
>I actually respect the Nobody posters more because they confine their absurdity to a single thread.
This. Unlike christcucks they have some self respect and know their boundaries.
>The nobody is the agent that protects the matrix
Which is why they have gangstalking threads and intel groups monitoring him? You glowies are absurd.
I always figured that every nobody general idiot was a flat earther, whereas there are probably flat earthers who never heard of nobody general. So I guess nobody general is a special subset of dumbassery.
NG is a government psyop just like flat earth run by the same group. They're both equally stupid and silly.
NG is actually very clever in its concept. The glowies are capitalising on the very most basic concept that everyone wants to be special.
You're meant to look at those threads and think "Hey, I could be the Nobody without even knowing it!"

This is old news to anyone with half a brain, but disseminating information about the NSA pyramid scheme might help a few of the 70 IQ /ng/ers who fall for the ragebait that this thread is.
You, very obviously. Otherwise you wouldnt need to make a thread and ask.
no u
nobody knows that in the grand scheme we are all dumb as rocks
Flat Earthers

I'm convinced there's not a single real soul in the Nobody generals, it's way too fast and schizophrenic to be anything but bots
Meanwhile there are actual humans who shill Flat Earth because they bought into the contrarianism far too much
I know, we were angels and have been "baptized" in the flesh in order to become Elohiym.
The gods don't reproduce in heaven that is done here on earth.
flat earthers are fucking retarded.
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People who start para-nobody threads are the worst of the worst
earth is neither flat nor 3dimensional. because of first matter, prime matter etc, it is a shifting fluctuation of light mixed into uhm huh uhh...uhh...huhhh..wave beams. matter is not really matter but uhh hhuuhh its plasma and u cant feel that part just the idea of self which is real. the rest is nothing. everytime you are touching the universe it is just you touching yourself.
Earth is a globe, it is round and hollow, and travels through empty space, like science says.
Stop making up nonsense in order to feel special and contrarian. Want to be a contrarian, just don't take the jab and shill for the unban of mercury, silver and copper.
no fuckface im t ouching myself
England produce the most entertaining crazy persons... they must be tavistocking the shit out of these vulnerable tools
1st flat earthers convention was in the UK kek
the english alphabet guys are fucking around with the cooks for sure
the absolute state of anti-christ fags complaining about Christians when you have 20x the threads on here collectively applying sudocream to your ass over Christianity
>inferiority complex
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Nobody general posters
You shills never stay in your Lane. You are unwanted and are selling snakeoil. Your whole religion is a scam and never delivers.
>I go to tup to read about tulpas
>christcuck says tulpas are just "constructs of your mind" and states they dont exist if they dont do math

>I go to any space thread to talk about aliens and related stuff
>christcuck spams the thread with flerfer memes and says space isn't real and only his g*d is

>I go to a thread about vax conspiracies, WEF and IoB
>christcuck spams the thread with two more week memes and preach about the second coming

>I go a thread about paganism, platonism and ancient religions
>christcuck spams the thread with bible quotes and christ larp memes, asking anons to convert because it is "tradition"

>I browse the catalog, 1 in 4 new threads is a christian praying or preaching (this decreased recently, don't know if the jannies are finally acting against it)

But it is the antichristians who are causing trouble.
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/x/ has more hollow earth believers then flerfs yet you barely get any discussion about it on here .

My grandpa worked for mission control for NASA and I can say I have the evidence that everything under th3 sun has remained the same.
You don't need 10 fucking threads.
If you'd stay in a general no one would care
>Flerfers invade every thread about space and aliens.
that's because they work for eglin.
how novel. there are no movies, books, or brands that have ever taken advantage of people's innate self-projection to fuel their model.

hollow earth is a lot more reasonable
npcs vs bots
This gave me a good laugh
Well anon it's like this. At the time I'm making this post, when I check the catalog of this board I can find 4 separate threads that specifically make "the nobody" fairy tale "on topic" for anyone posting them

other then your own of course
as this one
makes 5 all at the same time



the last two being mod approved "generals"
the 1st to being more like like yours more interested in the generals then the fairy tale itself

the 1st lucky the mods haven't found their thread yet

and the 2nd more like your where the OP is more curious about the generals then the fairy tale itself

and then there is this thread
that has the world "nobody" in it but isn't about the fairy tale in question

and instead seems to be some lame attempt for some horny bastard to to find other's to have "cyber sex" with instead of "real sex"
preferring make believe over reality for some reason

your thread
dear OP

has the time stamps needed
to prove
it was made before the other's

so that's
why I'm posting in your thread
instead of the others

when I choose
to not slide the board
with threads about "the nobody"

infront of all those
and never will

just waiting
for the day to come
when this is all over

and I never
post on 4chan

>too long; didn't read: How smart are you supposed to be again?
The nobody is a hollow earther
it's still the flat earth people, there's no trick coming. it's not fucking flat
in hindsight, fuck occultists
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It never gets old
my soul
is not anyone's to save
including those who swear I will goto hell if don't bend the knee to a lord and master they can't prove is real

*pats on head*

>not the anon you're responding to btw

Flat earthers are dumb
Nobodies are retarded
you are comparing the intelligence of other's to our own are you not?
>Flat earthers are dumb
Flat earthers (FE) are respoding to the idea that righteousness is based on belief (dogma) they are proviong it by inserting a virus
>Nobodies are retarded
Nobody as is looner?

Probably you out of the three because you entertain the thought of ridiculing instead of understanding and correcting. Flat earthers are brought into a belief that is the result of a deep mistrust of higher organizations while the nobody posters confide in the belief that despite those organizations, their exists someone with the truth with the power to circumvent their monitering. It wouldn't be surprising to see a noticeable overlap in the two groups.
there* fuck. now my whole argument has fallen apart. damn typos
Some dickhead reckons the topology of the cosmos us flat so that kind of rules out the planet having non flat geometries by default
This is an impossibly difficult and well composed question, good luck ever reaching a consensus on this

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