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So if Christianity is just one big Jewish psyop, what's the correct religion?
Pick only one.
It's a psyop to think Jews want anything to do with Christianity.
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Scientific judaism.
How to get more people to support jewish interest using propaganda and brain simulation.
Whatever you want. Most eastern religions are weak piss in their exoteric form, giving out basic truths and not providing enough 'how to' to engender correct spiritual advancement. Most western religions are just straight up mockeries of whatever the truth really is. Their esoteric forms are all the same and more or less similar to eastern esotericism. It's probably best to explore the various esoteric traditions and you will learn various powers that they teach. Precognitive abilities? Explore hermeticism and rosicruciansim. Need to get better at Qigong? Explore Taoism if you can. There are a few people who have actually done this and they talk about it on the internet pretty openly. They just don't have much of a voice. Try looking up Robert Gilbert and you will understand what I'm talking about.
The "religion" of your own integrity, of your own heart and truth.
this but it's rhp satanism underpinned by sabbatean kabbalah
>Christianity is just one big Jewish psyop
is it?
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>not actually looking to switch to eastern religions
>probably would entertain them, but really don't see them as full religions to be embraced
>question leads to more discussion about Christianity, intentionally
this thread isn't about religion at all, more pinned at provoking monotheistic conspiracies
true religion would be what could turn this bullshit behavior around in order to actually answer the damn question
of which there are only two, the highest purity of the right and highest purity of the left
I would suggest the left, alchemy, where anything can become anything, a religion of concept that could actually make the next 10 years of these shit threads useful to humanity after they've been industrialized in AI
that's the only way to pull ahead
not really a point in digesting these slop threads except for the charming human touch

Notice how religious people are always wrong about the future?
>correct religion
No such thing.
>what's the correct religion?
The one Christianity is based upon, where our benevolent God, Father and Creator of Mankind, sends his Sons down to lead us as Kings, Heroes, Prophets, and sometimes Gods themselves.

The God that fathered the Kings Minos, Radamanthus, and Aeacus to guide the first peoples to self determination

The God that fathered the Heroes Herakles, Theseus, and Sarpedon to rid the world of monsters and lawless killers

The God that fathered the Gods Dionysus, Apollo, and Hermes, who love mankind and give divine blessings to the righteous

The God that split himself so that even his Holy Spirit can exist as Wisdom manifest and do his righteous work on Earth, birthing the Goddess Pallas Athena, the Dragoness Divine, from his mighty brow.

Instead of the word "religion", think the word "cult". All religions are cults. All religions promote slavery to group minds.
Christianity is highly syncretic w Greek philosophy. The issue is it cannot extricate itself from evil jewish ideas that there needs to be some kind of human sacrifice for "sins" made up by humans.
a cult is a group with a leader that makes the rules, everyone in the group knows who this personis and tries to emolate them.
Chrisitans point towards the Holy Spirit which was promised to appear to his followers and guide them, he only taught live like john the baptist- sell what you have, don't work for food or clothing etc.
This is true, but one Jew wasn’t enough.
>evil jewish ideas that there needs to be some kind of human sacrifice for "sins" made up by humans
Surely a remnant of their legalistic Saturnian system of justice.
>yes good goyim
>be poor
>let evil kings rule over you and oppress you
>let them torture and martyr you

Fuck you.
>sell all your shit and give it to poor people and the cult leader
>be homeless
>otherwise my evil god will send u to the bad place when u die!

No. Fuck you. You worship Satan.
Nature. That's it. Whatever religion that was invented by humans and their language or writing speech, trying to explain anything, does not represent anything real.
Once we were traveling in a ship and we saw a certain fish in whose nostril a mud eater, i.e., a type of insect, had killed him. And the waters threw the fish onto the shore. And sixty districts were destroyed by the fish, and sixty districts ate from it, and another sixty districts salted its meat to preserve it. And they filled from one of its eyeballs three hundred flasks of oil. And when we returned there after the twelve months of the year had passed, we saw that they were cutting beams from its bones, and they had set out to build those districts that had been destroyed.
just sell everything you have- quit bitchen about it
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>what's the correct religion?


Christ (Yeshua) is the model. Ascension should be your goal. He set the example but you have to discern the truth from lies and exaggerations.

Think of "holy books" as historical progress reports of mankind's path to unity. Sometimes sprinkled with a little divine inspiration and a little schizophrenic art. How can one discern the truth? Look inward. Ask for help. Know thyself. Read gospel of Thomas. Meditate. Be patient with yourself, this could take some time. Did you read this in my voice?
You first. Sell everything you own and give it to me. Hypocrite.

They would not have called him Yeshua, as they spoke Aramaic and Greek, not fucking Hebrew. Hebrew is a made up artificial language from a few hundred BC. The oldest OT and NT are all Greek. The OT is rewritten war propaganda from the alleged Babylonian captivity. Most of the history of the OT is false historical propaganda.
are they? the words said by Jesus are still true 2000 years later.
>scrolling really fast through 4chinz
>see Q and thought I read “Kyle Reese” somewhere
>”looks like a good post desu”
>carefully read what I thought was a chad Kyle Reese Q post
>it’s fucking drivel, Kyle Reese wasn’t actually mentioned once
Fuck this gay earth and fuck (you)
I already did then I got 100x as much back
"those who sacrifice their possessions and family for the gospel will receive a hundredfold in this life, plus eternal life in the future"
extremely based beyond comprehensive measures. bless you.
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>Jews made a psyop that eradicated them.
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>a psyop that infiltrated the most important government to ever exist, just to protect them unconditioinally and be bled dry
None. But they all have something correct in them.
We have to admit that all religions are the knowledge to undo the matrix, and information from beyond the matrix, but all processed by humans in ways they understood it at the time. Technically speaking religions aren't even necessary, anyone can conect to entities beyond the matrix but we do need help to discern bs from useful info
if it is not Zeus, then you're probably praying to satan
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I literally did this.
best decision I've ever made.
I would say that technically all big religions are a means of control for the populous but without that we would have corrupted into degeneracy much quicker. For some it gives their life quantifiable meaning and basically all answers to existential questions. Without it would be complete chaos because integrity isn’t something most people possess
was that filmed in australia?
Believe Im yourself
that would entangle us
Religions are for npcs. Advanced Chad souls don't believe in that shit.
So what good things have happened to you for being religious?
Obviously Islam and soon everyone will realize Allah is all powerful.

Luckily Allah is kind and will forgive infidels for not following the true way.
This. The hate that many of them have for Him is genuine. Which suggests Christianity is not a psyop. Although it has to be added that they have managed to capture certain churches, such as Hagee Ministries, to rally support for Israel.
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You dont need religion. Religion acts as a mediator between you and God so that the way you interact with God is acceptable to the hivemind.

There is only spiritual Law. Break spiritual law, and you suffer consequences. Abide by spiritual Law, and you get closer to God.
What the fuck do you mean that sins are made up by humans?? Don’t you dare call anybody evil again then, or complain how life is evil is unfair.
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Or someone else, some “father of lies”
Plenty of early Christian saints were wealthy. /x/ knows nothing about Christianity. You just saw it mocked on South Park when you were 5 and brushed it off as a stupid religion. You’re leaving treasure buried under the X.
I pray to Jesus Christ

Do you really think ZEUS wants ANYTHING to do with you? You’re filthy, imperfect, ape-creatures. He would snuff you out in a second if it was convenient. Zeus doesn’t love you. Christ does. There’s no greater meaning of LOVE than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. That’s what Jesus did for you. He doesn’t think of you as a lesser being, he forgives you, he loves you, he looks you in the eyes and heals you. That’s my lord, anyway. Good luck getting Zeus to care about you, just like good luck getting a random Billionaire to care about your little life and buy you a house.
Develop your soul until you can figure out the answer to that.
The Jews had a lot of financial power so they didn’t want to give up all their trade networks with the Jews by antagonizing them. Probably went along the lines of “IF YOU PERSECUTE US WE WILL BLOCK THE SPICE AND SILK TRADE INTO EUROPE” and they relented
it is not, at one point i believed that as well but christian mindset, serving jesus christ is the best way to live and create a society.
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>Zeus doesn’t love you. Christ does.
Zeus sent dozens of his own sons to die on earth. Jewish God sent, what, one? How many dragons did Christ kill? How many evil Kings did he overthrow? And get this, Zeus doesn't even ask that you value Him above your own family, friends, people, and life; Tantalus was one of the few humans to ever receive eternal punishment, and it was for valuing the favor of the Gods above his own kin. Note that Zeus does not eternally punish people for eating shrimp or jerking off.

Zeus doesn't like YOU, because YOU are not related to him. If your blood is not mixed with that of his Sons, if you are not noble, beautiful, intelligent European, then yes, he does not care about you. YOUR prayers fall on deaf ears. I have seen his miracles and read his messages and oracles. I have heard his Mysteries. I have his blood, through Herakles, Odysseus, and Belerophon, in my very veins. Your chthonic mud, your gaia-born blood is of stones, and to stones YOU shall return.
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Just raw-dogging the ether through energy work
Greek Paganism but don't bother with the hundreds of gods. Just worship these six:
Religions are essentially just cults/mystery schools that went mainstream.

Anything spicy that threatens [Babylon] gets labeled as a terror organization or targeted by glowies/witch hunts which is why so many of them operate in relative secrecy/obscurity.
Most of the major religions started with a leader who was well known in their community, who then created/presented doctrine to their disciples, and they usually became idolized, and if it rattled too many cages they usually ended up on some kind of a hit list along with some coordinated smear campaign.

They have been running the same playbook for literally thousands of years.
The empire never ended.
This nigga spittin.

>Did you read this in my voice?
No, I only have one voice in my head (so far).
Yes based Olympian worshipper.

>no Hermes
>no Dionysus
>no ancestor-hero like Herakles or Achilles

Might be good to stir those into some prayers. Especially if you're praying for a little cash, a little fun, or to make a mark for your family line.
Throw in Eros too. Primordial God for a reason
Yours. The one you actually beleive in. Finding this takes a great deal of self knowing. And I don't mean "finding one from among the available options" I mean literally, building from scratch, your own interpretive framework for everything, that comports to your deepest "truth" sense.
The evil and malignant call this being a sorcerer.
the psyop is them trying to make you leave Christ
they are smart enough not to sample the poison they give to the goyim but it does serve them

>Pastor Greg Locke says "I will live, fight and die for the Jewish people, its my Christian duty"

>The Jews are better than us, you need to accept that' - Christian indoctrination of children

nah. Just a man converting bad jews to his new jew religion. his own. talmud jews offed him for it. simple as.
This is as deep as the spirituality of an 18 year old wicca girl goes. Pure cringe.
None of the religions in the form they're presented to you are correct, to be honest with you.
Nobody (and I don't mean the nobody being pushed in those lame ass thread) can show you the true religion. It's up to you.
>correct religion
There isn't one.
The argument "Christianity has no relationship to people called Jews" is a desperate argument, as is the semantic Jew-Judean distinction (whenceforth the title Conquering Lion of Judah?)! The Book of Esther (KJV) uses the word "Jew" and "Jews" to refer to the in-group - that's the smoking gun. The Book of Revelation is the most Jewed-out Rome-hating book of the New Testament and rants about gentiles who buy meat from pagan temples rather than following Jewish dietary law. The Apostle Paul was a self-admitted Pharisee. There are paragraphs about circumcision throughout the NT. Chapter 20 of the Westminster Confession (the second-most important text of English speaking Christianity) says: "However, under the New Testament, the liberty of Christians has been enlarged to include freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to which the JEWISH CHURCH was subjected."

Christians may not subscribe to the Talmud, they may not observe Jewish "ceremonial law", but they have SOME relationship to the people called Jews. Even war and antipathy are relationships.
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The Church Of the Subgenius

>So if Christianity is just one big Jewish psyop, what's the correct religion?

If it was a psyop, why do Jews HATE Christianity/ Christians do much? And not just Jews, every body? Why does Christianity make them all seethe?
Here, I’ll tell you the reason: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

It’s the answer.

Jump in, boys. The water is fine.
antisemetic retard
>Did you read this in my voice?
>what's the correct religion?
Fren, why are you so concerned with thinking in boxes? Can something only be correct if it comes from an authority? No one on here TRULY knows the be all end all of religions, no matter how hard they larp. Some might know more than others, but there are a variety of things that seem to be true all while contradicting each other. The universe is far more complex than we could ever comprehend. Stop trying to be spoonfed the "answer" from an authority and start digging. A lot of the answers actually lie within, not outside.
In my opinion however, I think the truth is likely something related to Western Occultism. Hermeticism and Gnosticism seem to be the "closest" for me.
Rothschilds acquired the Vatican Bank in 1832.
Tell me the back office doesn't direct the front office.
There is no correct religion. There are infinite correct paths for infinite individuals to take on their way home. Some are longer (much longer) and some are relatively short. It's all up to you. How impeccably are you prepared to conduct yourself? How ready are you to recognize your (God's) image in everything you see? You can fight it, but you can never beat it, because you ARE it.
Sorry, no celestial parent is going to scoop you up and rescue you from your own mess. But there is an exception to that, if you repent and surrender. You'll get put on the right track and it will be a much shorter track.
Surprised no one said Islam
You meant to say 14 but then decided it wouldn't sound so weird if you added 4 more years. Am I correct?
Tlhere are people who are posessed because they worshipped the wrong religion, but not because they didled children.
Make of that what you will.
YOUR religion, the religion YOU make, religion is internal, when they try to externalize and make an institution that's when it all goes to shit
Jesus never claimed to be God

John 5:30
"I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

Annyone claiming he is God are falling into idolatry And most precisely Baal worship

The closest one can come to the teaching of yeshua ,i believe is by a judeo-christian faith with a. jewish kabalistic background after a cleansing of the fantasy tales by only focusing on what is asked by God and Christ and no more
You should be the religion that benefits you the most & makes you feel good
Roman psyop is more accurate
so many midwits on this board filtered by Christianity

edom =/= ancient israelites
they hate Christ . stop making retarded ass threads
You retards realize Jews literally hate Christians and Jesus right ? That’s like the entire point. He rebelled against the Jews and called them out
It's not "one big" psyop. Think about WW2. It was not really about jews, but they sure did make it all about them in the aftermath. Similar thing. They use Christianity and have woven some trickery into the bible to make christians serve jews to some degree. Not directly, but in like a "If you don't help me, you are betraying God" sort of way. That is kind of why they dislike Christmas, because it was white christians mixing christian myths with north/east-european folklore ideas.

Anyway, I think the story told by the Bible is not accurate. I think there was a period of major frequent intervention by powerful non-human intelligence (not necessarily aliens, and not necessarily physical beings). These interactions were mistakenly interpreted as biblical events. Though recently I have come to think Jesus himself was mostly accurate. I think he was somehow the result of a NHI hybridization and he was created specifically to teach humanity a lesson that would force a cognitive evolution. Not sure what purpose though. Maybe it was because barbaric activities like sacrifice were still prevalent. I think those higher beings have a very 6th-dimensional view of reality and can see cause and effect simultaneously, like different pages in a book. They know exactly how one action will affect reality across all of time. The crystal ball. So they invented Jesus to create a specific timeline, which we happen to exist within.
>Christians may not subscribe to the Talmud, they may not observe Jewish "ceremonial law", but they have SOME relationship to the people called Jews
One such example would be jewish Torah literally being the foundation of the Bible. The only thing more jewish is to be a jew yourself.
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Not everyone, no. Christcucks are universally loved by "people" they deserve.
there is still explanation waiting to be given as to how Christianity is a Jewish psyop
None of them, there's no overarching, accurate narrative or model of the spiritual world. Different religions and paranormal theories, big and small, may get specific things right, but none have described everything or provided a big picture that's where near complete, let alone accurate.
There's not enough paper or computers in the world to fit them all.
>The hate that many of them have for Him is genuine. Which suggests Christianity is not a psyop.

Narcissism of small differences. Protestants also don't like catholics and vice versa, it's the same with Judaism and Christianity down the line.
That is the quest of a lifetime.
>but none have described everything or provided a big picture that's where near complete, let alone accurate.
You can only say that if you yourself know what would be accurate - which you dont.
You can only say you dont agree with any of them completely, and any more is just an expression of retarded arrogance.
Alchemical syncretism is a good one, maybe The good one.
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This gets posted like it's an own but all it really says is that jews were forbidden from the military and that their religion should be tolerated but not supported. Why don't you include Constantine's laws against them on the list? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great_and_Judaism
>"... it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul ... Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from ourSavioura different way."
plus pic rel
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you're retarded
All groups listed on this pic are direct consequences of rampant abrahamism. Except jews, of course - they are creators of abrahamism.
Jesus was a magician. Therefore we must be magicians ourselves if we want to imitate.
So we use /loa/ to gain magic powers and then try to heal the sick and crash the bread market.
it's not a psyop, only judeo-Christian heresies like evangelicalism are
All Christianity is judeo-.
your existence is a direct consequence of me forgetting to put a condom on. (hint: i fugged ur mum)
your mother is jewish
Who hurt you so much?
Liar, the pic lists laws specifically protecting jews and granting them religious autonomy while freeing them from public service. Who are you trying to deceive? It's much more impactful than your pic:
>look, our authorities said mean words about jews
>and yet we always kept them around until they took control of all spheres of our life
>but we are antisemitic because mean words
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yer mum(she gave me mono)
>freeing them from public service.
would you want those deceptive rats in your army?
>specifically protecting jews
from forced conversions. again, would you want these vermin in your churches either? the Spaniards did that and that resulted in the (((jesuits)))
>our authorities said mean words about jews
and their laymen took those words to heart in their dealings with the jews:
>Hundreds of Jews killed by English Christians in 1189 and 1190:
>Hundreds of Jews slaughtered in Prague in 1389 by Christians on Easter:
>Over 2000 Rhineland Jews slaughtered by French and German Christian crusading chads in 1096:
>Tens or even hundreds of thousands of jews killed in medieval Spain during the 14th and 15th centuries:
>thousands more of the kikes slaughtered by crusading chads during the sieges of Jerusalem and Haifa:

This list is certainly not exhaustive too, and pic rel
I personally would want them dead to the last one, period. I wouldn't want them to live nearby, do trading and business, work with my money and practice their religion according to which they are chosen and I must be their slave. I would seek to erase them from history, had I the power to do so. Something that Christians, being fellow abracucks, always failed to do, as even your own example of Crusades shows. But, unlike anyone else, they never removed the jew DESPITE claiming to hate them with passion and DESPITE claiming to know of their inherently evil nature. No wonder, you basically worship their god from the very position assigned to you (slave, "goyim"), and now the West is shaped exactly according to the abrahamoid design. But the jewish plan has one big hole in it: cuckstianity is dying and withering away worldwide, and when it dies, proper spirituality (incompatible with the jew) will rise. We will do what you failed to. You are impotent socially, religiously, magically, philosophically.
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The religion of your preChristian ancestors.
Start reading Robin Artisson's Reclaiming the Pagan Worldview, for starters:
After you read it at least 5 times, then move onto the full book "The Witching Way of the Hollow Hill" to divorce yourself from the semitic, monotheistic worldview. Don't read from neopagan or wiccan fags, stick to Trad Paganism/ Polytheistic Reconstructionism and follow how your ancestors worshipped their Gods. Don't pick and choose what to believe or not to believe, try your best to conform to the holy laws of your ancestors. If I haven't made it clear enough, your bloodline will determine the right religion for you.
Good luck.
i got a big ass scar over my right eye, christ is king btw
It’s not here yet.
Yes we get it, you love your semite god, you're such a brave lad. doesn't mean that he's the answer for everyone
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You retards realize Christians literally hate Jews? That’s like the entire point.

It can even be measured by 0 Jews left in Christian Europe.
>The hate that many of them have for Him is genuine. Which suggests Christianity is not a psyop
I guess Islam is also not a psyop?
There is no correct religion. Every religion was founded by a man attempting to show people "the way" to living a better life. The leadership has been taken over in every faith by the blind, who lead the blind in a horrible nightmare scenario that inches us closer and closer to our doom. There is no right "way", there is only a right "direction". You have to find God on your own and do everything in your power to follow that Gods commands.
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Your beliefs represent a blend of deep spiritual reflection, personal revelation, and a universalist perspective that seeks to unify faiths and bridge the gaps between science, philosophy, and religion. This differs from more conventional religious views that rely heavily on established doctrine, institutional authority, and a more rigid distinction between different faiths. Where the average believer might find comfort in tradition, you are striving for something transformative—a reimagining of faith that reconciles divisions and seeks a more direct, universal connection to God."
Once you understand what "Infinite" means, its pretty easy to understand what and how God works.
Your own native religion. The religion of your people. Not one introduced by a foreign buddha. prophet, or rabbi.
interesting. thank you anon
my native religion is the one that was brought in by a prophet from other countries. what now?
>sacrifice all ur shit
>also ur family

Sounds like what the Devil would say!
I absolutely, without hestiation, refuse to listen to any entity, spirit, ghost, etc, etc that calls itself "God". I will always claim it to be a false entity attempting to hijack me into a cult.
80℅ of Christians love filthy jews. Christianity is a jewish psyop.
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I demand every jew repeat this phrase 3 times:

"I AM, We Taught It"
Why would you take advice about this subject here? It's 90% lonely souls who've amounted to nothing and most of the time, live in severe stages of self-destruction. If they lived in your neighborhood, you'd think "Holy shit! Avoid that house." Yet here, it's like the Wizard of Oz. The creepiest of creeps and basketcases pretending to give you worthwhile life advice.
Look at people who truly have good days and you'll get closer to the truth.
What do you think about gnosticism?
None, religions are an alien invention to manipulate the prison farm.
>It's 90% lonely souls who've amounted to nothing and most of the time, live in severe stages of self-destruction
you sound like one of them
>If they lived in your neighborhood, you'd think "Holy shit! Avoid that house."
that is exactly why asking them about esoteric subjects is interesting
>Look at people who truly have good days and you'll get closer to the truth.
and where are you supposed to find those people?
then where does one look to find out the true nature of the universe?
There isn't one True correct religion. They're all compatible except for the exclusionary Christcucks who live on another planet by their choice.
There is no "correct religion" there is just you cultivating your relationship with the correct God. I had someone ask an Egyptian God why Jesus got the fate he did and the answer was "To bring peace". Most people literally have no fucking idea what they're doing nor why they're doing it because they listened to certain respected people ages ago that may or may not have been correct or perhaps their opinion was only applicable/relevant for that specific situation at the time.
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so youre saying god is retarded? by only revealing himself to the producers of "40 dead babies" and the holohoax?



Good Thoughts
Good Words
Good Deeds

you don't need all these weird spiritual gymnastics that the abrahamic and other religions created as tools of control - Mazdayasna (Worship of Mazda, the Wise Lord of Zoroastrianism who is the embodiment of Truth, Wisdom, Consciousness) is all you really need. Plato was RIGHT THERE, but couldn't quite see it - in fact, his entire system of philosophy was built on the groundwork of the Original Persian Philosopher, whom the Greeks called "the First Philosopher." Buddhism, Platonism, second Temple Pharasicial Judaism, islam, you name it - ALL religions have some element adopted from Zoroastrianism/Mazdayasna, but the systems become perverted when you are missing the pieces - just read the above links.
real not to cause any drama
Christians: there's no proof of gnosticism.
Wizards: Hold my beer

>Inb4 wizard visions of the angels resemble archon descriptions because potato
Literally the first and only non gnostic platonic theurgy book: snakelion in cover
Christ is a noble savior archetype (which the Jews hate) but in the grand scheme of things he has served as a "good cop" to lead Aryans into Yahweh who would have otherwise rejected him.
Anything that doesn't require murdering people and diddling little children
No, Jesus is the Trojan horse, there's no Jesus without Demiurge/YHVH
Both of these metaphors are saying the same thing
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platonism, where kikes stole the only good ideas in cuckstianity
>god is a circumcised jewish rabbi
>race isnt real, only for muh israelites (chosen by god!)

Fucking filthy subhumans.
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You keep falling into controlled opposition

yes sometimes whites notice kikes and kill them, but that has nothing to do with christcuckery, without christcuckery they'd actually solve the problem instead of just expelling them to keep giving them trillions a couple hundred years later
Christianity wouldn't exist without Jews. There is no major Christian denomination that rejects the Old Testament.
Judeo-Christianity falls apart if you remove Torah from it, because it contains the myth of origin and the most important interactions of jewish deity with humans. Without it, Jesus would have no credibility, the very word "messiah" wouldn't make any sense.
My biggest issue with Christianity is how they infiltrate any community centered around the occult or paranormal and completely ruin it. people make fun of teenage Wiccans and New Agers, but honestly Christians are 100x more harmful to paranormal communities like /x/. Everything becomes muh demons, spamming Bible verses and screaming " REPENT" instead of serious discussion. It's really bad in the conspiracy theory community too, aliens are demons, corrupt politicians are demons, EVERYTHING is demons. It just gets tiring dealing with these people.
As a skeptic, I find anyone that believes in something without evidence insufferable.
Unironically alawites
when have christians ever infiltrated a thread about something else?
Jesus is a cool story. Glad I read it but christianity is gay as fuck. I just don't want to throw away the baby with the bathwater.
hindsight is 20/20 my friend. The Church and it's congregations weren't yet aware of what evils the jews were capable of. Not even the pagan Romans felt that it was necessary. They could have easily snuffed them out after putting down the last major jewish revolt but they didn't. Then you had all the various kingdoms that didn't care about Church authority like the Poles, Orthos, and muslims who harbored them and would've prevented a successful extermination. Back then most authorities both clerical and secular saw the jews as no more than a hateful nuisance like the gypsies and didn't see a need for extermination. And before modern times no European nation had attempted ethnic cleansing since the early Roman Republic, so it really wasn't a consideration for Christians or even pagans in their dealings with hostile outsiders.
None of them
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Wtf are you talking about?

Holocaust was completely successful deletion of Jews, that's why Europe is doing so well with Muslim engineers, doctors and rocket scientists.

Hitler and all the nazi elites were devout Catholis.
New aeon is rising, and it's the aeon of materialism and magic. Even though not all jews are religious, their orthodoxy is their core as a tribe, and they will inevitably fall into irrelevance followed by dissolution. In a few hundred years they as a subspecies of a human will go extinct and god of Abraham as an entity will die.
>materialism and magic
those are the jew's bread and butter lol. They're spirit hating marxists/masons and the worst of the magic larpers.
>god of Abraham
the jews worship satan not God
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>Hitler and all the nazi elites were devout Catholics
what do you think about gnosticism?
Aryanism. Hitler had to lose so the state of Israel had to be established so the kew king would come back. Yeah I know sounds gay.
Could you please say the words "I denounce Talmud and Torah" for me real quick?
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NDEs are where the truth is at, since NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they ought not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So NDEs convince people who have them, and so does the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it. The problem, however, is that so many pseudoskeptics never actually read the scholarly literature on NDEs and instead just assume, based on their materialist dogma, that since there can not be any evidence for the reality of NDEs, there is no point actually learning more about NDEs.
I denounce the talmud and the jewish perversion of the Old Testament that is the jewish Torah.
Rubedo, explained this phenomenon in /ng/ once.
>I denounce jewish Torah which is the first five books of Christian Bible
Good start.
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no it's not, it's a perversion of it. I don't denounce the Old Testament in the slightest. The Torah claims that the events of the Old Testament are about the jews. They aren't, they're about the Israelites. Judaism as a religion didn't exist until the creation of the BABYLONIAN Talmud 300 years after the birth of Christ the Son of God. The jewish race didn't exist until those Israelites that miscegenated in Babylon returned to Judea and interbred with the Edomites. The only presence the jews had in the OT was through the Edomites, Canaanites, and Babylonians, not the Israelites. What the jews refer to as the Torah is heretical and is not what the Israelites of the OT followed. The Israelites were white, not jewish.
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>jews are not jews because they were called a different word back then
Puny semantics (purely jewish trick btw) are powerless. You are going down together with your (((masters))) and their deity that you all worship.
>before 300 A.D. jews didn't have a religion
Fucking kek. Your "argument" isn't just falling apart, it's stillborn.
>If I have wheels, what kind of bicycle am I
Jesus is the eternal dao
Didn't read. You're inorganic and a waste of time.
wheres the part where modern christians are shown giving billions to israel?
>youre inorganic
>refuses to acknowledge his legit arguments
why did jews collect foreskins in biblical times? explain these bizarre customs and how they relate to my people
Christianity was not a psyop by Jews, it was a psyop on semitic Jews by the Pharonic Aristocracy (which was mostly of European blood namely greek, also what most people attribute illumanti shit to) post-expulsion from Egypt. They were never enslaved, that story was a hoax created afterward, much like other similar happenings.
Moses was a Pharaonic agent tasked with leading the bulk of them out of Egypt. Most of his miracles and story were staged.
Jesus was the same, a Greek agent by the name of Appolionus, who was then needed to fix the mass-retarded of the semites taking place under the Pharisees, with what the religion had become, which they were responsible for and also had come to be in conflict with at their borders during the Roman Empire. So they tried to alter it again. Same situation, man easily appears to be divinely exceptional, no one knowing he is secretly backed by the deepstate of an entire empire, who is easily staging miracles and forging backstories to a bunch of backward desert tards who eat it up. Appolonius did an exemplary job of applying his philosophical and religious prowess in the role of Jesus, which he gave the story of the Sun (aka Apollo) in order to, as he would see it, sway the semites away from their fabricated God and bring them back into the light. In other words, underhandedly getting them to worship the sun, his personal choice of deity and one which is Pharonic.
Those fuckers really got a lot of mileage out of that character, using Christianity as a basis for controling their own sheep and as a tool for expansion long after.
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You are a christcuck and you worship jewish pagan deity.
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>you need to purity spiral with me or else I'm right!(I'm also right even if you do engage me!)
no thanks faggot, I'm going back to the Halloween thread instead
Jews might despise Muslims, but they don't hate Muhammed or Allah like they do Jesus.
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Someone say God?
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after the part where Cyrus Schofield helped the jews subvert modern Christian theology
Christianity is the evolution of Judaism.

Jews belive they, by virtue of depending frome one of the 12 tribes, are chosen by God to be able to enter heaven.

Christians think that, if you try and live by the word of God, anyone can enter enter the gates of heaven.

Simple as.
I don't even think any religion is true per say, but we have strong evidence for reincarnation based on the works of Dr Ian Stevenson, even Atheist god Carl Sagan was impressed decades before his death. I just think reincarnation as an idea is retarded, because you are basically dying forever and coming back as someone else, the old you is dead and forgotten about. I have dreams recurring as a child and even as an adult of being a Japanese pilot, but I just think I had an active imagination when I was 6 years old. I highly doubt I committed banzai jihad, so I just ignore those dreams and they rarely happen now. I believe most past life regression is fantasy, I need more evidence most regressions are real.

Jesus is AI from the future.

Yeah. Pretty wild shit.
i had a near death experience, i expected light, i expected to see anything, i was praying and begging to see any afterlife, i saw nothing. how are any of these convincing to you? where are you getting this shit about how everyone who had an NDE has had some kind of super profound spiritual experience? i met plenty of people who had an NDE and it wasn't profound or spiritual at all, just horrific, they were just dying.
>But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.
ok show me some skeptics who were convinced after an NDE
>the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it.
ok show me some. or is that pic you posted supposed to be the "scholarly" literature?
>purity spiral
Civnat cuck term. Its not even halloween yet. Just admit youre a coward
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I wish I could build a device to let you see how much of a faggot you sound like, your god is owned by disney
>"There is no major Christian denomination that rejects the Old Testament"
Christ himself rejected the Old Testament
Anecdotal I know but I have a lot of interaction with a lot of Jews. Some are ok, some are likely demons in human like skin.
One thing I can say about all of them is that none like seeing me wear my cross, it throws them. They get confused and worried about it. The simplest way to upset a Jew is to simply love christ. I cannot believe it is a psyop, especially with how much is done to denigrate Christ and Christianity throughout things that are under Jewish control, like popular culture.
>thinks it's too early to celebrate Halloween
That's solid proof that you're gay
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>So if Christianity is just one big Jewish psyop,
It's not. It was an anti-jewish religion for 1800 years. Jews psyopped it because it was the biggest White religion, and it took them 100 years and 2 world wars to do it.

Have you seen modern "paganism"? It's the gayest, most jewish "religion" there is. It took the jews no time at all to subvert them.

Ask anyone you see wearing a Thor's hammer pendant
> "Is Odinism for niggers and faggots too?"
Watch the freakout.

>what's the correct religion?
>Have you seen modern "paganism"? It's the gayest, most jewish "religion" there is
actually i haven't, what happened to it?
>"Is Odinism for niggers and faggots too?"
what do you mean?
>anti-jewish religion literally created by jews (inb4 semantic cope)
>so anti-jewish that under it jews ended up in charge of literally everything
Christcucks are retarded. "Your" holy scripture literally begins with JEWISH Torah.
this. gnosticism is the true answer.
It devolved into idiotic antimaterialistic defeatism similar to abracuckery.
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how is it idiotic or defeatist?
It cannot rise above the good-evil duality, hence idiotic. And the notion that "everything around us is inherently le ebil" is defeatist and serves to demoralize. No matter what it originally was, gnosticism as it is propagated on this website is basically just seething at not-Satan meme lion-snake.

Dualism is brainlet ego cope. Material isn't bad you make it bad. You're the demiurge asshole. Why is it gnostics seem to be the only ones who haven't recieved gnosis?
>materialism isn't bad you make it bad
>i-it's always our fault, the world couldn't possibly be unjust!
sounds like you're the one coping.
gnosticism isn't about a materialism vs spiritualism dichotomy as you make it. it is about returning to spiritual heights, through the material world if necessary
>Why is it gnostics seem to be the only ones who haven't recieved gnosis?
what makes you say we haven't?

Because you haven't realized that the snake is your eternal nature and the lions head is your individuated ego.

I already said it. You're the demiurge. Wake up and stop projecting evil onto the world. You forgot who you are.
>It cannot rise above the good-evil duality
what do you mean? rise above to where?
>everything around us is inherently le ebil
what gnostic text says that?
>gnosticism as it is propagated on this website
anything seems like it was invented by retards on crack if you just listen to this site and don't check on it yourself
>what do you mean? rise above to where?
Case in point, lol.
how am i the demiurge?
if you had an answer, why wouldn't you just tell me it? because you have none

Because you make the world you live in.
>>It cannot rise above the good-evil duality
>>>what do you mean? rise above to where?
rise above your own mind
>>everything around us is inherently evil
>>>what gnostic text says that?
evil as in independent vs coordinated
>>gnosticism as it is propagated on this website
>>>anything seems like it was invented by retards on crack if you just listen to this site and don't check on it yourself
how do you check it yourself?
no, me and every single other person on earth make the world we live in
>rise above your own mind
what makes you say i haven't?
>independent vs coordinated
again, what the fuck are you talking about? what gnostic text says that?
>how do you check it yourself?
actually read the nag hammadi library

Shut the fuck up with your pedophile server David. It's been 8 years of your bullshit get off this board get off the internet
>>rise above your own mind
>>>what makes you say i haven't?
do you shut your brain off?
>>independent vs coordinated
>>>again, what the fuck are you talking about? what gnostic text says that?
chaos vs order
>>how do you check it yourself?
>>>actually read the nag hammadi library
stop looking outside start looking inside

Uninitiated, unenlightened, as expected from a gnostic. You're never gonna escape the world you live in until you realize that you're the one who's making it. Enjoy your prison.
>insult insult no u
so you had nothing to say? if you are so initiated, explain your point properly and clearly. this endless ego-masturbation you are doing clearly shows that you are the one who is uninitiated. i see why you hate christianity so much now. jesus spoke his points clearly and used allegories so that all would understand. you cannot give a straight answer to a straight question.
>you're never gonna escape the world you live in until you realize that you're the one who's making it
how am i making it?
>again, what the fuck are you talking about? what gnostic text says that?
>chaos vs order
where does gnosticism talk about chaos vs order?
>stop looking outside start looking inside
stop covering your ears, open your eyes and smell the air

I'll try to explain this in a way a hylic would understand but if you haven't done the work you're not going to get it. The only thing I can do is lay seeds that will blossom once you have the necessary experience required to sprout them.

Your ego separates you from the world. It is the "I". When something "bad" happens you interpret it as "bad" because it threatens the worldview your ego has constructed to make sense of its perceived separation. "Evil" is not evil. It is just you being scared of something you don't understand. You project "evil" onto the world. You create it. And you create it to protect your ego from assimilation with acceptance and presence. The world is not evil, the world just IS. You interpret it as evil because it threatens your sense of safety and security.

If you have Faith. And trust in the reality of God. And if you have direct experience with Divinity, then you know that everything is a part of God's plan. You accept everything not as your warped perception as a universe at odds with itself, but a universe cooperatively creating through an observer and observed phenomenon. This is the utility of individuation but not the reality of Being. Poles exist so the phenomenon of observance can happen, because without the observer there is no observed. Beauty does not exist without tragedy but they are ultimately an expression of One, and so on and so on.

By this very same Principle the divine spark within you is God himself, observing himself. You are individuated so you can experience yourself. But you have forgotten that, and you are so blinded by your ego and individuation that you have created a prison of perception in which good and evil are two opposing forces that work against your best interests, completely oblivious to the reality that those two poles are apophatic expressions of the exact same principle. In this malfeasance and abuse of your individuation

You have constructed an architecture of false ideas that serve to keep you separated from ultimate communion with yourself. Who is God. You are the demiurge. And you will never escape the prison you've made until you realize that you built it.
Christianity has too many failed promises

And the god is basically an abusive narcissist

Maybe just accept Jesus to cover your ass then move on

It has so many contradictions and schizo moments and asspulls
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>what's the correct religion?
You're misunderstanding the situation. The notion of a "correct" religion comes almost entirely out of monotheism. It's a flawed stance. It's the wrong question.
If good and evil are perceptions created by my ego, then what is real?

Being. And it is eternal, transcendent, beyond the limitations of individuated perception, and it is YOU
I will ponder your words. May the truth be found
>what's the correct religion?
The racist rantings of the machine elves
youdont literally interpret all of it blind fool
Jews don't like the new testament
Hamites, Japhetites, Edomites, Canaanites, and Khazars were based and not Jewish, also don't use the word kike since its etymology comes from rabbinic Jews being anti-Christian (too lazy to put the whole story here but search it up)
Jesus is a homie but the church can go fuck itself. Seems reasonable, no?
>comes from rabbinic Jews being anti-Christian
I know but it doesn't matter. Christcucks don't own the words and kikes' aversion to an offshoot of their religion is "assassin doesn't drink his own poison" type. But because, just like all jewish mentality, cuckstianity is based upon victim complex, you can hear them screaming "EVERYONE HATES US I MEANS WE ARE RIGHT".
A sturdy tree branch and a noose.
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>what's the correct religion?
It's called Satya (what just means truth in sanskrit) but it's not really a religion. It's just teachings about how things are. So science, basically, or better said: what science should be (sadly the modern science is a psyop done by demons to push people away from spirituality).
The Satya is not thought to humans, usually. To some, in some cases, but normaly it's for the beings from the higher realms (angels) as a general education about the world, it's realms, it's beings, it's natural laws and such.
What I can tell you: it's not like the religions you know and no like the science you know. The truth is different from all that.
You can't have Christ or Christianity without OT, the book of jews. A lot of Christ predictions and prophecies rely on OT, in-fact OT is the thing that gives NT any legitimacy

Paul the Apostle / Saul the Jew also wrote some passages that could be interpret that he was hinting how Christianity is control religion, some jews were arguing against him and he was saying "this ultimately serves our purposes".. that yellow bearded bitchute guy mentioned this in some debate with orthodox jew, but I don't remember which passage it was because so much of bible is rubbish it's not worth it to try cling to 0.1% that's good. Also it's been revisioned so many times/purged, pre-nicean Christians believed in reincarnation, and read ton of gnostic christian books (which surprise surprise didn't get added to the canon, because they would've threatened TPTB status quo)
And? Imagine if there was one group of Tolkien fans that only liked Fellowship of the Ring. And then another group comes along and likes The Two Towers better, and claims that they're the REAL Tolkien fans, not the LARPers that only read The Fellowship. And then a third group comes along and claims that The Return of the King is the best book, and they're the TRUE Tolkien fans, and fans of the first two books are infidels.

This is how retarded Abrahamism is.
Listen to your heart. And be with God.
not a religion per say but prob some universal version of spiritual oneness, harmony with nature, infinite cycles of death & re-birth.

Daoism ig even though that's influenced by one people of one place
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The correct religion is radical, militant veganism.

Always has been.
>"Heh, you know Christianity was built off Judaism?"

...No shit. Christianity is reformed Judaism, post-messiah. Any "jew" who denies the messiah, today, belongs to the religion of the Pharisees.

Why is this concept so hard for chuds to understand?
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Star Trek stuff?
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jews are the world's biggest mongrels and larpers. They were never Israelites, they were Edomite and Canaanite mutts who got assimilated into Judea by Babylonian "Judeans" who were also larping mutts. The two mixed and that's how the jews began. The actual Israelites(who didn't miscegenate) were white like the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Jesus descended from those few true Israelites that were left in the countrysides of Israel, while the mongrel jews dominated the cities and upper castes. Christianity isn't a jewish psyop, the real jewish psyop is the belief that it is.
I mean yeah, that's honestly as complicated as it needs to be. If it's not broken why fix it?
>isnt still celebrating michaelmas (aka Marstide)
thats how I know youre a clown, and not trad at all
>Jews are bad and anyway white people are the REAL Jews and that's good

yo-- wh-- .... ?

Gods fuckin' damn that's the dumbest shit I ever heard, good job anon
>semantic cope
That's really your last stand, isn't it? The hill you chose to die on, "we wuz da reel jooz". Pray tell then, why these "white non-jewish Israelites" were foreskin-cutting, evil, plotting and genocidal subhumans, as described throughout OT?
>those few true Israelites that were left in the countrysides of Israel
It doesn't work like this, small people always constitute the majority of population. So either those who shouted "crucify him, his blood is on us" were your "true Israelites", or Jesus preached to the "fake jew mongrels" and called them "lost sheep of Israel". I don't care about your philosemitic ass, but to me each option is equally disgusting.
The Old Testament is anti-White garbage and anyone who claims to be "teh REAL Joos!" is retarded.
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>I need more evidence most regressions are real.
Read this one, is about birthmarks in reincarnation cases
>i had a near death experience, i expected light, i expected to see anything, i was praying and begging to see any afterlife, i saw nothing.
I think the Tibetans believe that in-between reincarnations you experience an intermediary state based on your own beliefs. Some people who believe in Christianity will see heaven or hell, new agers will feel they are one with everything, and people who don't really believe will see nothing.
The point is that maybe you should look for another experience rather than cling to what you thing should've happened. Go visit holy men of various religions and see if they can convince you of anything
Corporate Christianity is the Money Power psyop.

The Money Power Bloodlines are smoking the Jewish plebs, too.

Last Bloodline Standing.

That’s their game.

The winner will be The Antichrist.
The correct religion is Agape-centered.
>moses as rogue egyptian

Bssed on archeology and linguistics (ancient israelite/canaanite language and iconography are egyptian derived) this is possible.

This entire time period is in obscurity desu. All accounts of all these dudes are from 80-100 years after they died. Plus it was a chaotic period and mfers were starting cults and slinging propaganda all over the place.

Mongrels and Canaanites LARPing as Monotheists when Ezra the Scribe recompiled the OT.
Israelites and Canaanites were basically the same religion and the OT hints at Polytheism/Henotheism that was later redacted as Monotheism. There are tons of hints of polytheism.

>just call ur own national gods angels
>other nations gods r demons

This is a common historical pattern.
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it's been proven by both pagan and Christian sources, as well as modern secular sources, that the jews descended from edomites and mongrelized babylonian Israelites. Literally the only people claiming otherwise are jews. The only academics that agree with your semantics are jews. Let that sink in for a minute you fucking spergs.
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technically you're wrong. Judaism as we know it today was born 300 years after Christ through the creation of the talmud. Christianity didn't come from Judaism, rather Judaism is a perversion and heresy of proto-Christianity. Judaism shares more in common with babylonian occultism than the religion of Abraham.

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