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/x/ - Paranormal

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Sick of all the same threads. Share some spooks, it is October after all.

I got a few from work. If anyone wants to share, not the worst but odd things.
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these digits man holy kek
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This is now an /x/ meme thread
>be me, 8 years old
>single father parent
>dad grew up in a coal mining town
>grandpa worked in a coal mine
>dad told me stories about his dad
>strict and wicked, "spare the rod, spoil the child" type stuff
>when he was growing up he had to fetch coal for the furnace
>said he hated it, had to go into the basement with barely any light and fill up two coal buckets from a box where the company delivered their coal and carry them back up the stairs
>one year we get a coal stove
>gives me the same chore
>two metal coal buckets, big pile of coal outside, and a shovel
>always hated it, have to fill them up over and over every night
>the colder it got the more trips I had to make
>never had good winter clothes growing up, that shit sucked
>snow would like up on the coal so I'd have to dig through that first, get scolded if there was any snow in the buckets when I brought them in
>I was literally only 8 years old and could barely lift the shovel
>if I didn't fill them up enough he'd dump them out on the floor by the stove and make me go out again
>but the reason I hated it the most was every time I'd go out to the coal pile, felt like something was watching me
>live in the middle of nowhere, pine forest
>dead of winter
>one night, porch light burns out
>tell my dad that I need the light to fetch the coal
>no you don't, get out there or I'll beat your ass
>I can't, but he really would beat me if I didn't do i do it anyway
>coal pile is near the trees
>trying to go fast before the imaginary beast gets me
>foot of snow and a layer of ice on top of the coal
>hear something in the trees, too dark to see anything
>retard strength activated, digging coal like a steam engine
>there's actually something there, probably was a deer or coyote, but to me it was some kind of nasty monster
>could have been a cryptid for all I know
>grab the buckets and run
>tfw I have to go back out two hours later because it's the coldest night of the winter
>still feel eyes on me
based and terry a davis pilled
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behind the dubs, a hidden satan. what divine digits are these?
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>what divine digits are these?
to thy I pledge my afinity
oh cubic whos insanity
is 216
I got a few, but these three encounters are the most eerie to me.

First encounter:
>be me, 15 or so
>asleep in room
>suddenly wake up to red cloaked figure standing in my room
>"heh, must be one of my friends who snuck into house to scare me"
>plan to scare them back
>grab .22lr rifles by bed and points it at figure
>figure lifts robed arms and disappears

Second encounter:
>be me, early twenties
>just got back from Marine Corps, settling back into civilian life
>trying to sleep
>white cloaked figure with gold trim appears at foot of bed
>stare it down, unsure what to do
>try to roll off bed
>hit a "wall" that doesn't exist
>cloaked figure raises it arms
>malnourished, charred, eyeless humanoid beings begin to crawl out from behind white figure
>they crawl on walls and roof, wailing quietly
>try to leave again
>charred figure crawls over to me, pins me down and screams in my face
>close eyes cause its right in my face
>open eyes, everythings gone and its morning
>try to roll off bed again
>hit floor

Third encounter:
>outside star gazing with my cousin who lived with me at the time
>turn to porch to get cigarettes
>see black cloaked figure with glowing green eyes in door to house
>tense up
>it turns and walks away somewhere in the house
>cousin saw it too
>tells me its the third time he's seen it in the house
>am broke, so have a lot if roommates over the years
>pretty much every roommate reports seeing it, usually watching them sleep
>we never told roommates about it, until they encountered it
>was sighted 6 times in total
>i now sleep in one of the back rooms, and I feel like it watches me, but ive never seen it since the first sighting
holy kek....
Just an animal
Back in 2011
>solo road tripping near Idaho Mintana border
> camp near highway
>at midnight need to get up to pee
>get approached by floating iridescent orb while peeing
>reach out to touch it
>it just floats away

>been dabbling in remote viewing, CE5 recently
>have heard the warnings that spooky stuff might start happening
>get up to pee at about 2AM
> walk toward bathroom, our big window is wide open because it's summer time and hot out
>outside of the window, about 8 feet off the ground is a red light
>about 6 inches below it is a white light
>think to myself "oh shit it's happening!"
>feeling of dread instantly overcomes me
>reflexively run to and close window/blinds
>as I'm running the white light flashes brightly
>run and hide in bathroom

I started developing a fear of peeing at night after that 2nd one.
> wife and I camping near Rifle CO in our truck camper
>pulled over on some back road, no one else around
>woods have kind of eerie vibe, but whatever, go to bed
>after a few hours strange noise starts coming from woods
>sounds kind of like metal being dragged across metal, like the sound of sharpening a butcher's knife
>direction of sound constantly changing, like it's going in a big circle
>SCHWING, schwing, schwing, SCHWING
>noise stops after a few minutes
>noise starts and stops a few more times over night
>morning comes without incident
>talk to wife "wtf was that noise?"
>"IDK but it was weird"
>wife also says she heard a huge animal breathing outside our camper, she thought it was a cow
>area where we are is obviously not a cow pasture, no sign of cows anywhere
>I'm 3 or 4 years old
>family on trip to lake tahoe to ski
>with some family friends
>all the kids are having fun running around our rental condo
>several times, see something moving out of the corner of my eye
>looks like a tiny person, about the size of a cat
>always just a silhouette, can't see any details other than maybe some pointy ears
>always see it just as it's ducking out of view
>not scary just curious
>we all go to bed
>in the morning our parents say they thought they saw something in the yard
>we all go out to find choclate coins all over the place
>"looks like a leprechaun dropped it's gold, nudge nudge wink wink"

It was St Patrick's day but I had no concept of the holiday or leprechauns at that time in my life.

Those are all of my spooky stories
absolutely witnessed.
>be me 12
>live in a small city in eastern russia
>go camping with my and uncle's family in the local forest
>fuck around all day with the kid from uncles family
>starting to get dark
>shashlik (meat) time
>dad and uncle go get firewood
>after some time they run back, looking extremely distressed and winded, tell us to get in the car and we drive home
>dad never tells me what happened no matter how much I ask
>around a decade later
>dad's drunk, I casually ask wtf happened back then
>tell me they saw a big bear skewered on top of a tree
>pretends he doesn't remember anything later
>be me
>be forester
>working in the woods
>have to go put a bunch of marking flagging up at a new area
>constant feeling of being watched while i'm alone
>stashed my backpack by the gate
>completely vanishes
>no drag marks, its not nearby but all torn up.
>either a tweaker or bigfoot stole it.
>visiting friend in western montana
>chilling outside his cabin around a burn barrel
>5 of us there
>me and someone else see a white blob fall out of a tree about 10 yards away.
>about the size of a basketball
>walk over with an ax to check it out
>nothing there.
Did you piss off a wizarding guild?
I hope not. Idk how I would. I was raised Protestant in the "Bible Belt." We got Masons in my small town (a concerning number of them, actually...) but nothing that screams "occult" otherwise.

Being raised as a Protestant (Independent Baptist) I was lambasted with End Times stuff since I was a youth. I always find the connection to the robed figures and their color schemes interesting.

>red; war
>white (and gold); conquest
>black; famine

When I saw the Red Figure, it was after a particularly nasty breakup with a girl who would go on to ruin my self esteem, friendships, and romantic relationships for the next six years or so. As a Catholic, I try to never resort to "namecalling," but this girl was like an "energy vampire." She would figure out what girl I was talking to, and steer them away from me. She would send unsolicited nudes while I was in relationships with other girls. She slept with my best friend, and busted up our friendship. She even raped me (long story, rape may not be the best word, but it certianly wasnt consensual, even if not physicallg dominated.) That's easily the biggest social "war" ive ever been in.

White figure, I don't really have any connections I can make there, except maybe my dream of being a Career Marine died, and I was disheveled enough to try to do organized crime to feel "apart of something"

Black Figure, relating to famine, is fitting. At the point I saw this figure, was literally starving (but had cigs, I know, I know...). We were eating one meal a day, if that. Was super broke, and could never get a leg up for a year or two. (Crime didn't pay, at least not well in my area)

I deff did some evil stuff; but I don't think I ever pissed off any kind of Sorcerers Guild or anything.
The figure brining out the charred humanoid seems like some symbolism for something you did in the corps. Maybe some dude you roached or supposed to be you in an alternate world where you were hit by an IED. The white one showing up right after you left the marines seems to be the main connection, more than you leaving the marine corps? Maybe? You know your life better than I do, but symbolism for conquest popping up after you left the military makes sense.
Also, to note, we DO have a few people who "practice" witchcraft or whatever. Theyre the "ill sick demons on you!" type of people, but I think it's mostly just a cultural backlash to how wild, unfettered, and scandalous the Protestantism is in my area. The types who say that stuff are usually forgettable, as they are sort of social outcasts (or at least they were, post 2012, that stuff is on the rise around here)
There is just a general rise of people no longer following christianity, which I am a pagan so I'm neutral on the subject (lot's of annoying idiots now). I do think Satanists still fall under the Abrahamic umbrella though, it's just going against the norm.
I agree, I feel like the timing of the White Figure is somehow significant, but I've never been able to "pin it down." War was my six year struggle against a clandestine operator. Famine was my two year struggle to literally eat food (which is wild, really, cause everyone in my home were a band of theives, and we stayed stealing food from big corpo; but it's as if it was "never enough." When I did make a lil money, it seems like the food I bought somehow went longer or was more filling. Idk, maybe im tripping.)

Conquest is a bit harder to find a connection that satisfies, but I feel like its deff connected to my service. My Marine Corps experience was super lukewarm; I was infantry during GWOT, and literally never did any infantry stuff. Only deployments available to us were floats. I did miss a combat deployment by "luck of the draw" though. They needed 20 guys to fill in for a unit deploying to Afghan, and for whatever reason they pulled the 20 from the bottom of the roster instead of the top. My name was second on the top of the roster. I literally never saw them start with "Z" ever again. The fact it only happened once, and in such a pvitol moment for my career has always stood out to me.

Now I'm glad they started with "Z", desu. I sing a different tune about GWOT these days...
From that it may be the figure was telling you how lucky you were. Likely showing you what could have happened to you otherwise.
The way you're talking about it (or at least how I'm interpreting you) proposes the idea that maybe these apparitions were some sort of omen, or herald; rather than the root cause of my struggles. I've never considered them to potentially be "neutral" figures before. I always considered them to the the "orchestraters" of events. Interesting insight, whether you meant it that way or not.

>There is just a general rise of people no longer following christianity

This is true for my area, but in a different way... maybe? (Almost) everyone around here is still some flavor of Protestant; but it just seems like everyone is spiritually dead. It's harsh to say, but it's what it seems like. Its as if 2016 hit, and everyone began spiritually rotting. I don't think ive noticed a "spiritual growth" in many people since around that time. I've seen people change allegiances, so to say, but they usually carry over the same waning zeal. It just seems like people aren't spiritually present anymore, which is so strange. I'm not immune either. I feel it clawing at me, but I'm fighting ridiculously hard to keep my faith and spirit alive.

So its like, they're still "Christian" in name; but not in any practical way. They just kind of do what they want, and pay lip service to Christ. I haven't seen someone (other than myself or my wife) live out a spiritual conviction in a long while. Everyone seems to justify their bad behaviors one way or another these days. You can't even confront them about them (which Christians are suppose to do), because they'll literally just shut you out of their life altogether. Back a decade ago, when you confronted someone about a sin, they'd at least feel bad and say "yeah, im struggling. I do need some help..." but it aint like that no more.

Idk, maybe thats too "in the weeds" any maybe seems a bit "main character" of me to say, but damn. Thats my experience.
That sounds like it would make sense, part of me still thinks its just like bringing it up after.

I think part of the spiritually dead thing is just I think Christianity, at least the most modern traditions, aren't really meshing with people anymore. I was raised agnostic since my dad was raised protestant and my mom was raised catholic. Ended up pagan just since the actual practices/decentralized nature of it fits me more. Plus now you keep getting those oddball tradcaths who act more like muslims or mormons and are insufferable. I think some of the recent change in spirituality could be partially that, with people being put off by some of the more out there people. A lot of the new converts seem to be doing it off of aesthetics alone.
>Plus now you keep getting those oddball tradcaths who act more like muslims or mormons and are insufferable.

I would consider myself a "traditional Catholic", but not a "tradcath" if that makes sense. I find that Tradcaths are actually only LARPing for a revival of 1800's Catholicism.

Im more in the 1400-1500's, myself.
>nudity isnt sinful, lust is
>modesty is about dressing honestly, not "hide dem tiddies"
>Church should be a big influence on everyday life (bring back all the feasts and celebrations, pls)
>Patriarchal society (modern Catholicism is just Feminist Lite)
>Church encourages Christians to actually stand up against injustice instead of "just trust the secular system bro"
>Christians fight to protect and preserve the Christian way of life

I may be a Traditional Catholic; but I aint a Tradcath lol. You may dislike me even more than a Tradcath, but it is what it is. You seem chill, so I'll say too much about myself
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>>38967777 (Czech'd)
Over the head of the glowie is the mark, and over Apu is the dub
I agree with basically all of those even though I'm pagan, mostly because most of those plus allowing pork and alcohol are the only reason christianity spread into Europe to stay.

I do think the modest dress thing mostly boils down to the same reasons even modern modest clothes are lighter materials than before. Mostly just because we have central heating now and most people aren't spending most of their caloric intake on simply maintaining homeostasis. I think most of the "immodest clothes" ei short shorts and tank tops or whatever girls are wearing now are more for other women but then again our views of modesty have changed a lot. Used to be super common for kids to not wear clothes and for laborers to be naked. At the moment we have a weird both puritan society but also lax at the same time.
I feel like theres a Lord of the Rings meme for this moment... lol

Sad that so many modern Catholics disagree with the bulk of Catholic traditions and teaching, but claim to be "traditional" (read 1800's Catholic). Yet, on /x/ of all places, I find a pagan who seems to agree with the actual traditional opinions of the Church. It's wild out here. Crazy how we took different walks to get to same/similar conclusions on some pretty fundamental elements of morality.

Also, Puritans and Quakers influence are the scourge of modern America, and most people just don't realize it. A big push towards Catholicism for me was doing ecclesial (sp?) study on American Churches, and finding the fingerprints of Puritans and Quakers on all of them (save Catholics and Orthodox). The post Puritan/Quaker society has certainly effected American Catholics in a bad way, but at least it doesnt have its fingerprints all over it. At least the Catholic Church tried to resist (until about World War I, give or take)

I wish I could make people understand how warped Puritan/Quaker views were, and how they unknowingly follow Puritan/Quaker traditions to their own detriment. I percieve that the radical atheist wave (in America) is a response to Puritan/Quaker influence. All the original Puritan/Quaker strongholds are the most atheistic now.
I don't know if it counts for spooks, but my fiancee had a dream of a creature, which maybe you guys can explain what would it be:

-Demon from my dream-
It had the shape of a horse and a corpulent humanoid from the waist up, I would even say that it had the characteristics of a bull, it was similar to a centaur and a mimotaur mixed together, but the face was not bovine. His skin was gray and embossed, reminiscent of the skin of a hippocampus in some parts, it was like armor, but it was his skin. The face was indescribable, it looked like the balrogh from the lord of the rings, and it had two wide and thick bull horns on the sides, it didn't look big in size, but extremely strong, I knew in the dream that if I fought him directly I would lose, so I focused on fighting at a distance, but he had a battle axe in one hand and that gave him an advantage.

I was like with some kids or something. I know they were creatures that I was protecting. I don't remember what they were. But I felt that this thing was manifesting itself in different forms and only in one part of the dream I could see that form. Something told me that it was its real form, and what it wanted was not me, it was what I was protecting, so I had to fight it or else it was going to take them away.

I remember I had to fight from a distance throwing things, or with my bow [which lol, came out of nowhere], because the battle axe he had was one of these long ones with double blades, and the cuts he threw sometimes buzzed.
It was a really bizarre vibration, my body was on fire.It was like every part of my mind was screaming beware.And the worst thing is that it was also fast, so more than attacking I had to spend it dodging. It's weird, normally I don't lose when I dream this kind of confrontation.
But in the end I escaped with what I was protecting. But I didn't defeat that thing.


So basically that's what she dreamt about. I don't know if it is an important detail, but I'm a Christian and she isn't.
See the thing about European paganism, and pretty much every religion, is most of it is an overlap, at least for the cultural parts. Arguably the trinity is an indo-european concept or at least very similar. Wotan sacrificing himself to himself to learn the runes isn't that different at least conceptually and in terms of significance to Christ doing the same though for differing reasons. Also part of it is you have the Havamal, which is effectively the same as proverbs, it's effectively old man advice from a farming society. Granted there's more about swords and boats but it's still similar advice. I do think Christianity's influence on Europe is overstated in terms of art and culture, as without it we'd be in roughly the same spot maybe without the puritans in America. Well and maybe now that without the pagan focus on ancestor veneration that can be some effect.

I don't really have an issue with most Christians, but I do think for most people of European descent, it simply doesn't fit us. My biggest issue with how modern Abrahamic religions are acting, and by that I mean those very vocal minorities you get in any group who people view as the whole group, all seem to have converged onto being way to prudish about everything. "Please pray for me I drank some boxed wine and got a little drunk and saw a demon" type people, who treat their religion like an aesthetic or a club and while the study all the theology imaginable view a scantily glad anime girl as worse than satan. It's weird, like dawg it's erotic art and alcohol, humanity has had that for ages, we've had alcohol around longer than cats, thinking the cavegirl next door has nice tits is older than fire.
Hit the character limit.

Too many people now are simply educated beyond their intelligence, which goes for everything from politics to religion to ecology. An average IQ midwit going to college for forestry is why the forest service is fucked. I am using that as the example since I am a forester and it's one of those fields were there are so many interlocked interconnecting things that seem simple. Granted some parts are dead simple, don't plant shade tolerant trees in a south western aspect stand that was recently a clear cut, every tree is going to be roached and die. I think it's simple since it's a puzzle and I am just autistic, but the amount of people even in the field, who don't understand that if you have too many trees it's unhealthy and it's likely better to go in and log them instead of letting a wildfire destroy a hillside, is frankly baffling.

I'm sure me also being in forestry has affected my spirituality since I'm often in the middle of nowhere, but my spirituality definitely has affected my views of the world more. My friend was always confused by my views since many are contradictory without thinking about it, until I explained I am pagan and genuinely have many of the same values/ and views that would be around back in the day, of simply getting things done even if it seems harsh.
Phone rings, old phone still has a cord, hooked to an answering machine. Phone rings as I stare at its creepy familiarity.
It rungs, I jump, terrified I let ot ring. Machine picks it up, female machine voice... you have reached ***-**** The caller is unavailable please leave a message after the tone.
Man voice, deep.
"Bitter is better. Better is bitter. Hahaha."
I return to staring at the phone, it seems terrifying I don't know why, it rings I jump, Machine picks up... you have reached ***-**** The caller you are trying to reach is dead.
Man's voice. "Bitter is better. Better is Bitter. Hahaha".
I'm staring at a phone terrified, it rings, I jump. Terrified I let the machine get it...
>Too many people now are simply educated beyond their intelligence, which goes for everything from politics to religion to ecology.

Bro.... this. I don't think I've ever seen a string of english words put together that explains how I feel, until now.

I actually hate knowing as much as I do, unironically. I hate researching, I hate the stress it puts me under because I take it seriously. I hate the deep dives and rabbit holes I go down in search of truth. Before I converted to Catholicism (before it was even on my radar), I did a bunch of research trying to figure out why it sucks to be alive today (gross simplification). In my research, I accidentally "reinvented" a handful of Catholic Doctrines; just to find out these ideas already existed, and have for two millenia, but just aren't publicly taught anymore.

I hate that whole process, but I feel like I must do it, because so many go on believing such nonsense that is actively ruining their lives. I would love to have trusted authorities and just do my thing, but it's all so messed up I have to try to be "smart."

I wasn't born to be "smart," dawg. It emotionally and mentally drains me, constantly, trying to suss out all the nonsense. But I must subject myself to study well beyond my capacities, for the benefit of my family.

Idk if that makes sense, but I really resonated with you saying that.
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In 2018-2019 I worked over the summer at a cash toll booth on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. I worked mostly evenings to midnight in a four hour shift and only had one odd event happening during that time.
>late night about an hour out from my shift being up and just dicking around on my phone
>occasionally have to let a trucker or car through but that late at night its mostly people using EZPass or just not driving across the state
>eventually hear this mean sounding engine and look out to see a cherry red rat rod that rolled low to the ground
>comes up to my gate, but doesn't pay immediately and instead kills the engine and pokes his head out to speak
>"Woah, slow night or what! How much for the toll, sonny?"
>it was a bald older guy who wore an equally red suit and black, thick rimmed glasses
>make small talk and ask if he was coming from a car show or something and that i liked his car, and my dad wanted to make a rat rod too
>said he was just out for a drive since he could speed this late at night and that he had to be somewhere tomorrow anyways
>asked where he was going and he said he was going to a meeting tomorrow
>he then asked me about my dad and said "Well, if he wants one like this, I'll let you buy it from me!" in this really chipper voice
>i asked how much and he looked me over and shook his head, "Actually, not right now, but maybe some other time."
>i was confused and just said how much the toll was which was a dollar
>give me a $5 and tells me to say hi to my dad for him
>he peels off leaving no tire marks and doesn't even have break lights so he's gone quickly into the night
>get a text from my dad like five minutes later saying he found a rat rod on ebay that he wants to buy and if i want to put some money towards it with him
Just a very strange circumstance that I didn't feel creeped out by but definitely know something was going on with that.
Oh it's shamelessly ripped from a craig and terry song. Pretty good logging music. I believe it's on the endangered species album, the the song is common ground. Good album about the frustration of loggers vs environmental laws that don't actually make sense. Plus gypo crummy is an absolute banger when you're post work drinking.

I do think that's most peoples issue, and arguably it's evolutionary lag. Basically evolution has moved slower than we have progressed. That's why we get fight or flight responses when a pretty girl talks to us. But we also have evolutionary lag with culture. The modern culture of everyone being special isn't really accurate. No offense to you but I think most people would be better off doing menial labor. Not everyone can or should be a forestry turbo autist. There is a reason humanity was arguably blessed with a segment of the population having autism or adhd or ocd, having a detail oriented autist is going to help your tribe a ton, same with someone who's restless unless doing something or needs everything exact. The whole thing of "you need a college degree for this job that is basically sending emails and doing meetings" is stupid but exists because highschools don't teach that as they should. That's simply cultural evolutionary lag. I'm in uni at the moment, I have about another year until I'm done, and I am definitely not the best academically but those who are only focused on the grades end up missing the forest for the trees (pun intended), and while they know the book stuff, they'll never have an independent thought and struggle outside of the forest service. It's an autists field, and if you aren't autistic or at least able to think for yourself, you'll be okish. Which is fine for them even if I could never do that. Some people are just going to be average and that's ok, you don't need to be the best.
Also dropping my discord here if you want to chat more, about to go hangout with the gf.
Was it the same rat rod?
holy hell that's scary, siberia always gave me chills(and not for the climate)
Same general style, but no. It was black. Ultimately said no to it because it was like $5,000 and a few states away.
>In Iron John, the prince, disguised as a knight, rides a red then a white then a black horse. These colours have a logical symbolic progression in relation to a man’s life: the ‘redness’ of his emotions and unbridled sexuality in younger years; the ‘whiteness’ of work and living according to law; and the ‘blackness’ of maturity in which compassion and humanity have the chance to flower.
Time to put down the Book of Revelation and read Robert Bly
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that fucking bear had it coming
jelly powerless sheep, just call us weird because we see the universe as playdoh in our hands, we are the same kind of weird as artists are 'mad'.
>time to put down the Book of Revelation

Well, I no longer subscribe to the Protestant mythos expounded from the Book of Revelation. I certainly consider it divinely inspired, and prophetic, I just don't trip over the details anymore. Spent two decades doing that and never got it right even once. I take the Catholic *shrugs* "it means what it means, we just don't really know exactly what it means" approach now.

But I've never heard of Robert Bly, and presuming you're not lying to me, the colors and order of the horses and meanings (albeit, a bit vague, maybe vague enough you can use it like horoscopes) is interesting, and relevant to me.

>red, emotion and sexuality
>appeared to me after a breakup, emotions were high, and this was the first girl I ever slept with
(Also, the red figure had a "tarot meaning" if that means anything. I remember googling it frantically, finding a red cloaked tarot card, and the meaning being something like "change your course, or you gonna die." I don't really believe in tarot cards, but that did happen.)

>white, law and work
>just left marine corps, my first "job" and it certianly has the "law" aspect, being a gov job

>black, maturity, compassion, humanity
This ones a bit of a stretch in my case. That period of my life was the most depraved, godless, compassionless, dehumanizing period ive ever experienced. And the ex mentioned above did a number on me, but those couple years were worse. The only thing that changed my trajectory was getting put in a position to murder a man, and having this sinking feeling that God would abandon me if I did it.

Red and white are p accurate. Black, not so much. Still interested in the color scheme and line up of the colors. The way I experienced the apparitions "goes against" the Revelation order, being white, red, black, and pale. So Robert Bly's proposed order is a lot more relevant.
>behind the dubs, a hidden satan. what divine digits are these?
whatever the code was it was overruled by your mighty quads. c-c-combo breaker.
Incase it wasn't clear; I did not kill anyone. I ended up in a position where that was the expected outcome, but I just dipped out instead. Real turning point in my life. Don't do crime. It will lead you to crazy places.
Or maybe you're just a mentally ill faggot
red, white and black are common in alot of religions for some reason, and folklore. snow whites mother prayed for a child 'as red as blood, as black as iron, and as white as snow', which gave her snow white, who had lips like blood, hair like iron bars, and skin white as snow

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