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/x/ - Paranormal

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Post creepy stories or occurences regarding pieces of technology. Mysterious phone calls, hacks or even something paranormal. It can be from personal or someone else's experience.
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Have a homie who programs. Damn near every other program I find an evil eye hidden by the wip game mechanics.
How do I get my computer to look like picrel, I want to be like Lain
Are you using 4chan while running TempleOS?
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Idk if this is really what you're looking for but.
>Playing blood and bacon at like 2am with friends
>friends hop off but I'm bored so I join the first public lobby I see
>as soon as I join the chat is flooded with "leave leave leave leave"
>still haven't even spawned
>spawn in and dude posts my name in chat
>freeze for a second
>about ten minutes go by then I get a friend request on discord from some random account with no PFP
>sends nothing but an emoji and a message like "you will see" or something stupid

It spooked me at the time but I really don't care much about it now. Just a funny story at this point.
>Buy burritos at the supermarket
>Go home
>Go on Youtube
>see an ad for the EXACT SAME BRAND and EXACT SAME FLAVOR of burritos I just bought
>have never searched anything related to food on YT, no one knew I was going shopping, I never even said the word "burrito" out loud near any device
how the fuck did it know
A video about Technomancy:

do lamps/ceiling lights count or is this strictly about electronic technology
Roll the prediction program and tell us how 2024 ends.
Did you use a credit card?
>Be 20
>Friend is 19
One time my phone screen froze and it started to emit low volume speech, mumbling, got my ear closer to the phone and I clearly heard that it said like a whipser "it's closer than you think" in what I think was a female voice, I froze, sounds stopped, screen back to normal, turned phone off and I put it in a lock box grandpa gave me years ago, and went to sleep instead of hanging out with a friend that lived across half the fucking town. I was still shook but I didn't want to look like a bitch so I didn't tell anyone about the incident.
Next day, wake up. Get phone, Turn it on. 4 missing calls, like 60 messages asking me to call back, call him directly, picks up and tells me some bullshit happened last night and he hasn't slept yet from the scare.
Turns out a car crashed into his family's porch were we used to sit and talk, because I hadn't gone, my friend just stayed on the second floor playing Gears 4 in his XBOX. Had I gone, I would have been most likely crushed and killed alongside him as the car apparently just fucking did a harsh turn and slammed right into the porch with no hesitation, took that idiot like a second at best to destroy his car and half of the living room of my friend's house, gladly his dad and mom were out. Next to no time to react had they been in the trajectory of the car, driver dude fucking died, coke and shrooms apparently did him and his perception dirty. (They found some of the shrooms in his car)
To this day I wonder if the voice was attempting to lure me into the scene or stopping me from going into it. I will likely never know. But in a way, I'm glad it was a one time thing.
I'm practically at my thirties now and sometimes I do wonder why did it communicate through a phone like that. But hey, thanks I guess.
Christ is King
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OP here. Thanks for the bumps kings. Here's a short one from me.
>be like 8 or something
>be a stupid kid who fucked around online
>I had xp as my OS so breaking it and getting trojans was very easy
>at one point I hear noises coming from my pc
>it was always running just with the screen turned off
>I would hear music playing at random and people talking
>Once I logged back in there was no program running
>It stopped once I completely reinstalled windows

Nothing paranormal really. Just a bunch of malware or some asshole gaining access to my pc as I was a dumb little shit. This was the spark that lit my paranoia.
the based one has returned. the jannies were censoring post about Terry here

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emojis be heiroglyphs n shiieeett
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back in the mid 2000s i played LSD Dream Emulator before it got popular in the west. i had some weird little private fixation on it that i kept secret. years later, it gained traction in the west, but i got in early.
i played it on WinXP with a PSX emulator. one curiosity was, it has this "bowwnnn" noise that plays on the menu or something, i cant remember. this kind of negative "bummer" sort of tone. whenever i'd completely shut down the psx emulator program and it wasn't running at all, i'd hear the "bowwnn" noise when shutting the computer down. it became consistent. never figured out what caused that.
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back when i was 15-16 this made shit bricks
>playing pirated version of fallout new vegas
>almost done with the base game, decide to complete the DLCs before i finish it
>finish the joshua DLC and now go for lonesome road
>that DLC was a bit scary for me already, too lonely, a lot of deathclaws, the market men and the tunnelers were creepy
>get to the part in the highwat where you have to fight two deathclaws
>try to shot at them with my granade launcher and miss entirely
>notice i actually hit something because healthbar appeared over my HUD
>whoever i hit, it has my real name(i was not using my real name in my character)
>assume its just a NPC, continue forward
>nothing weird happens again until i finish fighting that alpha(?) deathclaw inside that cave they trap you in
>after beating the deathclaw is step outside, i misclick and fire another granade towards a random location(i think it was a building)
>i see a healthbar, i hit that NPC with my name again
>it was a bit more creepy this time, decide that i have played enough for today
>get curious and check if there is any NPC in the whole game that shares my name
>mfw i find dont find a single one that has my name
>delete all the files from that fnv

>inb4 you are a pussy
i know, i was a silly paranoic teenager
You might be a legit schizo
is it really that insane?
there was an old Steam bug where the built in music player would start at random, playing mp3s or audio files from your games
Wtf I've never heard about this. I had steam so that might explain it.
Our first ever computer displayed my dad's name randomly on the screen before we had booted the whole thing up fully. It really freaked us all out.
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Not familiar with fallout: new vegas but im guessing what happened was it was simply using your computers username (assuming your user was the same as your real name) i remember sonic.exe did something similar but i played it on my grandma's windows 7 and it used her name which made it more humorous then anything
>i remember sonic.exe did something similar but i played it on my grandma's windows 7 and it used her name
lol, but you are probably right, at the moment of it happening it scared me a lot because my computer knowledge was very basic, my only real issue now is that i have never seen anyone else complaining about the same thing happening to them, i guess it's because it was pirated from a random page and whoever uploaded decided to fuck with anyone downloading the game
never visit mercurialorder.com
worst mistake of my life!

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