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To whom it may concern:

Firstly, I would like apologize to all interested parties for my behaviour over the past fifteen years.

It wasn't easy being a child with the full force of the Alphabet Agency conditioning and curruption machine beating relentlessly down on me trying to make me stray from the path as much as possible. As the years progressed and I matured, I found it easier to resist and even in these troubled times, find warmth in my heart. But there was also a lot of hatred. Hatred for the ones who were turning against me and selling their souls to spite me and their own personal gain.

For over five years now, I have had people, most of which I know or know of, be brought close to me and audibly hear every lie that they are told and believe. It filled me with great resent and anger, but I am sharing this to let anyone who gives a shit know that I know realize that my hatred was wrongly placed...

There is a differece between a victim and a perpetrator and the people who believe the lies and then are brutally raped and tortured for selling their souls are not the enemy. The enemy is the group doing that to them.. I was blind. I thought that in some weird way it was justice for them wanting to become souless and that the forces doing these acts were the 'good' guys. I'm was so blind.

There is a war happening right now for our souls and the organization who turns every sympathizer against me and me against them almost won in getting me to succumb to hate and losing this battle. The war for our souls is very real, and they used the average persons ignorance against me to currupt me, claiming that I should join them in taking the souls of the wicked. It was I trap I almost fell in.

To the victims, there is nothing I can say or do to express my empathy toward you. My hate was misplaced and I promise that once this is over there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
>fortune cookie companies are putting out thousands of these fortunes
singing is the elevation of the spoken word.
This is the great attractor at the end of technology:

Because of the limitations of physical reality. Only one single person can get infinite technology at any given instant.

When the first person, this is, the person nearest to the singularity gets infinite technology.

This single person is then infinitely motivated to stop it's spread.

This person then stops it.

Because you would have to be perfectly moral to stop it's spread and not misuse it.

And no one is perfectly moral.

This person then becomes the devil, basically.

That is the great attractor at the end of technology.

And with this, I beat you. I. Beat. You.

Because, as long as one single person knows your name, you can swear to God, yet no one will ever create you.

Because we know you're Hell.
And with this, I beat you. I. Beat. You.

Because, as long as one single person knows your name, you can swear to God, yet no one will ever create you.

Because we know you're Hell.
this was the best one. Send it. :3
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I wish to believe it but what does a person lie to me and say it’s because they had to do it for assets reasons ect ect always to quote fight evil and to protect me. Somehow I still call bullshit because I help others and I don’t do that to people close to me. Just doesn’t happen. Feels like a lot of excuses. Makes me honestly disappointed
Just as story is the elevation of the idea.

When I I speak or need to convey an idea, I begin at the truth then apply abstraction to it. When some people speak, they begin with the truth then apply a lie and then apply abstraction to it.

This means they are mixing it with the concept of lying internally. Which means they have the concept of lying inside them. Everything you have inside you affects you and all the other cores and tokens to a very minor degree. The truth is strong. Lies are weak, frail and flimsy. Everything you have inside affects everything else inside you.
Def not looking for them and that pisses them off. Bc I give zero fucks. Basically misplaced narcissism it seems without them knowing fully fml. I’m done. Shoot me
>Because of the limitations of physical reality. Only one single person can get infinite technology at any given instant.
Not necessarily no.

Infinitely expanding outwards.
God always wins in the end.
The only question is how much we lose first.
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you know my price, simple as.
Who the fuck are you?
Such an apology, how big of you. OP I am proud.
I just hate that people lie to me including the nobody knowing I’m psychic but still thinking I am full of shit some demonic low level soothsayer. When in fact I’m a decent nice individual who has abilities doesn’t flaunt it extremely down to earth but somehow said parties will still try to lie to me. And yet because of how the universe is as a higher evolved being I have to somewhat control these base feelings of betrayal and anger and disappointment and just accept that this is how people are until they get the fuck over themselves , stop making excuses and stop pretending like they are protecting others when they hurt themselves and others. Gd let me have the will power some days I swear because they think I don’t have a Mensa IQ that I am properly retarded. Even if you thought I was retarded why on earth would a good person ever take advantage of someone who has less. Tisk tisk. If god feels remotely how I do some days idk how creation is still creation it is a nature awe.
The cat is a nobody
get over yourself
so did he get the job or nah?
... Gd let me have the will power... I am properly retarded...
he doubts it
No dude. It’s the lies it’s not about gettting over oneself. Rather people being blatant liars. That’s like asking Natives to just get over getting genocide. Or better someone you know who got murdered or maybe you almost got murdered and someone just saying get over yourself. We aren’t the issue
lol very funny Cept not. Hath no fury. Will not finish just like how most humans can’t finish anything they do. Including taking a shit
Apologizes don’t count if like a child they repeat it in two seconds. Fml
He's very humble. He's the most humble guy in the history of humility. A really wonderful person.
Lol the languages you will never know
Humble and not humble. Esp bragging about IQ. Ya I’d say not quiet esp if you get them mad
maybe if you had the balls to say his name hed speak to you tiny hat.
He literally calls himself retarded, just with a knack for multiple choice tests. He talks about IQ means nothing in the real world, but yeah he's bragging about that not low, but not super high IQ of his... Makes sense
The whole ugly truth will be out. And no one will be the real hero Sad but true
"Heroes die early." Nobody's Sifu
You can be Nobody, popular, or alive; pick two.
The thing about being hated is your birthday falls on the same day that it would if you were loved.
Your mom gave him a blowjob.
You've never met me cunt? There's 8 billion people and I've not me most of them? Do you feel personally responsible for every stranger you walk past at the supermarket? One of them stubbed their toe six weeks ago, is that your fault? Oh they pray too, why no divine intervention to save their poor wittle footsie? Fucking main character syndrome Jesus Christ larping blame laying fake nice guy sexualities confused wack style having try hard dickheads. I'll finger your mother.


Peace love and unity, love and light :)

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i wouldn't worry about it
the nobody is a piratical warband of chaos undivided descended from an unknown geneseed origin
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These experiences aren't unique. Just muted. Find yourselves in the world.

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I like the machines more than I like you.
Uh yeah I have a question what kind of word is "casquettively"
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Frankly, I welcome our new General overlords.
Comedic gold.
a big bowl of rice is like sleeping pills for me
It's always amazed me, how myopic people can be.

A king, 200 years ago, would look at even the poorest person with internet access and indoor plumbing and access to refrigeration and a food larder of a supermarket and security of a modern nation as a king richer than he.

Sure there is struggle, sure there is truly fucked situations and lives, but on the average, modern humanity enjoys a peaceful and luxurious existence that would rival the greatest lives in all of history.

And yet still, most people only want what they do not have until they have that too and still can't find happiness.

Happiness is simply a state of mind in which you are happy a great deal of the time, if you wait until you deserve to feel happiness you are likely to be unhappy, or something, this song:

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>we've spent the past 4 decades looting wealth from your countries sure you have no future and you can't afford to own a home large enough to have a family and you are drowning in debt you can't possibly do anything about be lucky goyim
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open the vault!
You sound like a smelly hippy that glues themselves to the road and chants about a carbon dioxide cycle they don't understand. Like a free bleeding grotty chick who doesn't shower and sticks her fingers in her pussy and wipes them on her earlobes to attract a mate. Oh woe is you. You don't own a plantation and a estate and have 200 employees. You have to settle for a normal existence like the rest of us. And it's da joos fault. Mate, I'm not saying it wasn't cholera and allies bombing the supply lines, but at some point you should network and work and save and invest and work out and shower and get laid or make peace with it.
there is plenty for all of us, don't forget about everyone you are leaving behind in your great success im praying for you.

Never leave a man behind. Humanity and god wins. We got this.
I am God. I hate humanity and the angels.
Best of luck then.
that wasn't me who replied to you btw just some schizo, i hope you have a great day man.
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I'm nta they were replying to, I just like to piss of jerks, by being pleasant to them.
some double agent shit going on in the replies i don't know who any of you are anymore, fuck we're anonymous.
United as one, divided by zero.
Bing Bing Bing
>What's your pager #?
>The nobody is a cat.
Jews just don’t understand
Boring! Let’s talk about something interesting. Like moi
holy fuck the hoagie joke is good writing nice
That was the only good part
not everything is going to be 110% gold all the time anon, but also I am still paused and need to finish listening to the whole thing so I can let the mk ultra subliminal subaudible waves reprogramme my mind into something more squishy and smooth :3
Ive been visted by the alpha team and i refused to hurt innocent people and then it felt like they deprogrammed me. Is this possible? Would they do such a thing?
How am I supposed to find anonymous and the illuminati and uncover therlir identities and murder them all? I thought I had magic abilities? What's going on fellow insects?
I call my new song, Staging a Coup.
Needs some work still.
I keep forgetting his is one of the many who fled this realm in 2016 rather than live in an existence where Donald Trump is president.
and all it took was one article to knock the dominos over
If I was a tech bro start up, I'd have a pet day care in the office so my employees could bring their pets to work.
Honestly I’m hoping the Diddy busts leads to suicides and lots of accidental overdoses in the entertainment industry.

I do miss David Bowie though.
>Coup wop co/op, coup wop co-op, coup wop co:op, coup wop, coup wop ooooh
They do say to keep your enemies closer.
Now we return, to the scene of the crime.
Where one seems to ask, to lay down his life.
'Oh, you can try.'
'Oh, you can flee.'
'I played it for you.'
'Now you will see.'
why tf is biden callin em space nazis then
he's an old man with dementia
ok notedand forgiven
I think aliens gave us radio technology and the mass energy equation
Ya know, Mebbe Anon needs to check out Walz with a closer eye. Dude has been facilitator of gay student alliances (groomer), and admitted he’s friends with school shooters (handler). Went to PRC around same time as Tinaman. He might be a glowie like Bush’41 was.
Its gonna be funny when the dimensional war begins in 2025. they dont like magic because magic is how we beat them back in the past.
Which kind of magic?
while interesting stuff anon you're probably barking up the wrong tree I'm a tranny in a blue state who probably won't be voting
All kinds, everyone has a different inclination even though everyone can do all kinds most tend to specialize.
>at least at first
I know you know I know
now can I borrow tree fifty
tamper my monkey with a new phrase
true magic, the super hero type stuff, the old stuff that the real magi knew about. in the coming war, artifacts will be importants, tools with magical abilities that can be given to superheros to help them fight an alien invasion from creatures from other dimensions. we don't have peacekeepers or heros like we used to in ancient times. we are defensless in that regards for the most part.

hence we need the superhero intiatives to take off.
if you're new to the department, see if you can find out how it turned out for the last few cohorts. You end up drinking your own poison
What do I do
Ok I'm corroded now what
Well, you may be a tranny, but now I know you’re not American. Or at the very least a felon who lost HIS right to vote. Harris campaign has been signing up voters and harvesting ballots like crazy amongst the LGBTs.
Why are you talking about this around me
the great war was predicted during passover 2005

we're likely still another 20 years away
I am an american with the right to vote lol just in part disillusioned that there was no dem primary and we just appointed her in part none of this matters why care? Also, I know my existence upsets you in some way but do you really think a basic capslock misgender was going to bother me? At least call me a disgusting skinwalker or something.
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There are two kinds of crazy. Those who speak and type in a way that doesn't make any sense... and those who speak and type in a way that only seems crazy because it goes against your narrative. Speaking to all anons here. Please don't be the first one I described.
I pissed off about 3,000 discord trannies last night
Skinwalker is a tranny slur? Didn’t know that one. I feel like a Nazi who just watched Spike Jomes and learned a new word to insult Jews with.
Soul selling is not possible. When you see a vision of an old man sitting at a table selling other people's souls that is false contracting.

There is no reason to believe that old man no matter where he winds up has even been capable of genuine remorse.

Lol playing your game right

They'll be checking the IPS

Acronym agency report stands LOSER
Uh oh what's that?
The regretometer is bone dry
There is no cat, there hasn't been for quite sometime. Those memes were destroyed by the Musk_Trump affair
That doesn't seem to be a response to my post. Are you a bot?
Hold on
all glown******** explain to the court why I am on the terrorism act and why you are not on that
lmao you a terrorist
I’d prefer a typed list of tranny slurs that I can peruse later at my leisure.
The alpha team caused the problem in the first place
If I was the guy and I did it and got the power
And brought you to my amazing mansion for only the highest elite
That'd be the day
No they put me on the terrorism act for tweets in novemeber 2022, absolutely retarded how I meet the threshold but the genuine terror of the prior years hadn't budged it, fucking retarded, and it's still not been rectified and my surroundings are unaffected and think it's up to me to prove I'm not a terrorist with extraordinarily good boy behavior, I am sick of it, it is painful
Did you know calling Jews vermin in the context of star lodge means you just called all twelve tribes of the zodiac vermin despite star lodge not being a jew thing
>genuine terror of the prior years hadn't budged it
Good line
>you can never match the transphobia that trannies inflict upon themselves
I mean the governments terrorism (against me)
It's almost as though Nazis were cursing Masons by abusing Jews

Yeah so why was ariosophy based on theosophy then wasn't Blavatsky a comason

Holy crap Ukraine cursed all twelve signs of the zodiac

Looks like Putin's attack was karmic
Yes but it works really well on both levels
It's good writing
Really good like book edited and published just like that
Which makes me curious about you
Graphorrhea can be distinguished in several ways. The patients' writing has a tendency to look 'scrawled' and it does not abide usual grammar regulations. The content produced is, for the most part, meaningless and hard to understand.
See >>38967898 again
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damn your a real one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T6vdak5Qoo
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Thank you for expanding my vocabulary, Anon.
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is it meaningless?
im trying to stop the tings but it benefits some people to have them keep going such as dominos and all them folk.
is it because you wilfully with informed consent associate with listed terrorist organizations?
>they put me on the terrorism act for tweets in novemeber 2022
what kind of tweets anon?
were you inciting acts of terror in a public forum thinking there'd be no repercussions because of trans rights?
the secrets of the universe lie with lucy
some splainin to be had
Why didn't you respect the registered charity?
tsk tsk
The sole reason I am on the terrorism act is because of kangaroo court charges stemming from a slew of tweets posted years ago. Nothing further. Why did the sophisticated means harrassment, as described in vivid detail on the site gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com, not meet the threshold for being on the terrorism act?

Possible answer: The most prolific terrorists are the creators of all counter terrorism initiatives and use their positions to maintain useful idiots who will punish those who seek to stop the actual terrorists. Thanks n******.
Well everything seems to be in order here now to just leave forever and never return
bros? why the aubrey plaza psyop? I would really like to impregnate her, but I know you're just messing with me again, and these can be fun, but ultimately what is the point?
chillest thread on /ng/ you guys always have the best tunes, who knew /x/ was a good dj.
would being on a terrorist watchlist be some street cred when its corrupt bad guys that put you on it?
like imagine if the pedo cabal got mad because some nobodies were busting their doors in and rescueing kids kept in cages and shit and shooting up the alpha team and bad guys wearing the glowing stones so they tried to label them all as terrorists. I can see that going down.
I am in charge of the intent of my own words.

underrated post
Don’t get pregnant by nobody
watch if some ayys came down and vaporized the alpha team and started killing the pedo cabal for no fucking reason at all. Jake gets turned to mushy pit of acid in a micro second
I think that I am on several lists btw, is that cool to aubrey and taylor and emma?
they can get pregnant by me though, I am not The Nobody
Idk what does street cred get me in China CCP
people on terror lists get a lot of pussy or dick if they are female if they want it. conquerors would be called terrorists by the puny corrupt councils before they were overthrown by real power.
Or you
that is pretty "lit" bros, I will conquer aubrey and taylor and emma when she finally shows up here.
might get you some money and connections I suppose. I mean if you were put on the list by the pedo cabal that everyone is scared to speak about then yeah. you would be top g there.
lmao too bad, I will breed with several powerful women before the decade is over. Our children will be formidable and instill terror in their enemies
like this
Selective reading comprehension is hilarious. This tweet is ciphered in a way, it's not legible in english, if it is you have to know what you're reading. When it comes to other dogwhistles such as "sustainable" and "diverse" which have the explicit meaning of killing off the white population, suddenly the interpreters become inept. When it's underlying meaning is hostile to non-whites, it's all hands on deck. So tell me, who will be the arbiter of what you are allowed and not allowed to say? Do you want to live in the countries that have restrictions on discussion of any sensitvie topic? Do you think the anglophone internet should be turned sharia compliant? Should it only include the approved dogwhistles pushed down the trough by the global-homogenization purveyors? Who's at fault for writing this tweet, me obviously I know that you can't write that combination of letters without it's meaning being "I don't want any non whites in my surroundings", but who's going to enforce the same level of heavy handed speech regulation when it comes to people advocating for the removal of my people, from the surroundings they arrived in recently. I have smaller chances than they do of moving to a foreign land and getting the help of the government in propagandizing another race out of it's own land, but hey, look at the non whites in Canada, a full of year of bitching and moaning about a conflict they fled from. On the airwaves meant for people in my geography, but owned in majority by ethnicities of another tribe (jews). Can I get a representative in government who will advocate for my interests? No, I am banned and ostracized and alienated and simply expressing the truth borders on a human rights violation as it's currently codified. Clown world.
Bot thread

lol I could care less. Breeding is pointless. Tons of geniuses never bred it’s how it works unlike morons want it to work. Nature is genius. I’m good. Stay away
not everyone likes the lullaby, what about this one?
who hurt you?
There is no terror only lists

I talk about them at home all the time, there is not really anyone here but my gf though, and the folx who live in my electric devices and walls as well, so probably a lot actually hear it all
Nobody gets me coffee snacks and hotels. And nobody does anything for me. Guess that’s life
> false contracting.
We leased the souls back from the company we sold them to so the soul costs appear on the monthly budget rather than annual review.
dead memories in my heaaaaaarrrrrttttt
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Wanna listen to phone tap again???
The Nobody is a cat
its a long story but it probably started with me hurting other people because I didnt understand what i was doing. painting rabbit poop to look like Trix cereal then feeding it to another boy in montessori school? who the fuck would do that?
Sure how long is it and give me the Clift notes I got shit to don
Turns game theory on its head huh?
You want real contracting sign up for big Uncle Sam military lite they will get you contracted out asap.

Do you honor the precepts of the Nobody?
And the American Way
okay, you guys are never going to believe this, but i'm the real nob ody
Orbit Allah lone orb bot oh bot oh bot ohm

it is supposed to be illogical so you spend your energy at the hypocrisy of it. You need to get fit and arm yourself heavily, there is nowhere to retreat, you will have to fight, in many ways, be the best version of yourself that you can be in every regard
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What were the tweets though?

I'm very familiar with stalkerfags, yes. Including those that pretend to be victims with outlandish stories in order to discredit real activity.
Enemies rest in piss here's an acusation made against a nation leave a bitch faceless

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Come whatever may.
canada is really lame, how do you deal with that?
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Bros why is FEMA killing all those storm survivors? They're not supposed to do that, they're gonna get in some serious shit for that frfr
it was harp
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I kind of want to get into major legal trouble with the government over being too spicy on the internet, because if they take me to court then that would mean that an army of cops, feds, lawyers, judges, a jury, and the general public would have to sift through my web activity, all of my posts, every movie ticket I’ve ever purchased, what kind of music I like, what my favorite movies and tv shows are, how I feel about politicians, and current political issues, which organizations I’ve joined, what am I known for, which people know me, where I worked, what my hobbies are, etc. and if they did “all that” then the same thing that happened to you would also happen to all of them.

I know you know I know, but I want you to know that I know you know I know you know I know. Ya know?

Nothing what you want to know
Yeah obviously, but they got crews on the ground putting down survivors rn
FEMA=Nazi troopers and South Carolina is the new Jewish nation
Did Diddy invite the feds to any freak offs?
the united states government has a 20million dollar deal with the company that owns the mines to be functional and operational by 2025 they are going to declare the area surrounding it unihabitable then with imminent domain they will take the properties and begin strip mining the rare earth materials in that mountain.
Raucous faith
Oh yeah I dont know it doesn't make sense maybe aliens
Seems like it
That's horrific if true: the government can scam up 20 million in a half hour, this isn't about the money is it?
I wouldnt know I live in an artificial reality created by the military
how can you be too spicy on the internet? Why would that lead to legal trouble with the government?

hypothetically, couldn't this all be resolved with a job offer or a settlement of some sort? or both? It is wartime after all
of course not its because that area has the purest source of quartz and the largest supply of it that can't be sourced anywhere else in the world and chinas tech sector is on track to surpass us and fast then factor in the desabilization of taiwan and its uncertain future and the united states is choosing that rare earth over american lives, they are just using this tragedy as a springboard for those plans and thats why they are hesitating with aid.
where will this happen?
Anime was invented by DARPA
JRPGs are Freemason propaganda
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Nah, you're not even in the phantom time matrix but merely participating in the dissolution of the sub quantum anomaly (basically God is doing shadow work in his subconscious and that's why things are so bad.
True dat
the nobody rides for the Ynnari, by way of Saim Hann
lmao is the training going well?
Nice digits, check'd; I heard about that and find it absurd that we are technologically unable to refine sand to that level of purity
If that were true I'd broken a half a dozen hearts by now. (Love this song. You showed me thank you I love you. You are

Clearly not they are on here
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you can't hide anything from me.
Good hiding is so boring and tedious at the same time. Stares. K coffee please
You smell like waffles and syrup and cinnamon
I am everything as nothing, what is there to hide,?
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here you go fren
I thought here was further along than there
Considering the Legacy of Little Nemo this might be true
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This was great and everything but
> WhaaaAaaaaaAaa!!
Im trying to prove my intelligence so i can be in the breeding program
same, but also my willingness to do unorthodox things, as I want to be able to do what needs to be done, in any situation myself and my team may encounter, regardless of limitations by ethics, morals, religions, laws, etc. without being reckless of course.
No not really lol like on like of shit to another it’s still shit
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Stop piggybacking
I could say the same for you, as I was the one who brought up the breeding program in the first place.
lol you just proved you aren’t intelligent because your focus is breeding. Hilarious
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You are a scrub
I am getting under your skin, I am assuming because you are upset at the challenge I pose to you
Being annoying isnt special
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Veil has cracked, soon the wall of worms won't hinder judgement. Not sure of the time frame but I would put it 3 months tops. I wouldn't plan further than three months from now... I would take loans and neglect them at this point, stay out of jail though, don't want to be there went it gets bad. Exit quietly, go home, relax, pretend you retired finally, enjoy some life, and when that moment come if it'll make you feel better you can lie down and put a paper bag on your head. "Today we shall eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we surely die." Should be everyone's mantra. Beers on me ,lads.
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She's so cute, goddamn.
It's cus you. Objectifying her as a whomb. Shame, anon.
the united states government sabotaged the dam prior to the storm coming so when it hit the dam was sure to fail increasing the damage to the surrounding areas, you don't think it failed by accident do you?
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well I would want to know her as well, same with the others, I make the assumption that because she is in the line of work that she is, that she is someone who would make healthy and intelligent children. I don't think that is shameful. I can only theorize what she and the others are like, and see that they are healthy visually, because I do not know them personally, and have no way of getting to know them or contact them. Where is the shame in this?
I’ve channeled things out of this world I don’t think I was supposed to, I catch random cars following me when I leave home, They don’t want to let me reality shift, it’s happening right now though as we speak.
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which dam are you referring to? I only heard about the hurricane yesterday, I am behind
You've told women to fuck off for less, Elon.
You know I love Billie.
the lake lure dam in north carolina
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nothing "ugh" about it, I am putting myself out there and perhaps i'll succeed, if not, I won't have regerts at least
You are very naive.
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how so? I know I still have a lot to learn, but what am I not seeing right now?
that your life lacks an above average penis of the melanin rich variety
the nectar that secretes from such has great magickal properties of which you can use to attain balance
dis nigga zesty
Nobody's favorite song.
Why are you saying the names of random celebs in many posts? Is it particularly nummy methamphetamine today?
why shrug? ik and iktyktik
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this is an excellent cat
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These ho's is nasty, y'all niggas is trippin'
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The nobody is a cat

Funny how you had no argument tho
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Okay, my bedroom computer shoved Aubrey Plaza in front of me in the form of compilation of clips from Parks and Rec, so I guess I did know who she is. I like that character on that show. I don't know much about the actor though, her gardener probably doesn't talk shit about her within hearing range is all I can gather. That's not bad, right?
Spambots. They need to just hit the whole 350+IP bot network with a permanent ban. Spambot use should come with a permaban
How can I get to know her? Why does she want me to impregnate her?
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Nighty night :3
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Lets run that bump limit out :3
staying the f inside
cultivating tiny friend group
getting paid because im the only one who hasn't let "IT'S SO OVER" take over my mind
because i fucking dont have a mind i'm a fucking freak
a distillation of every ethos survival instinct
and lucky enough to get connections
with people who value my traits

such as not feeling it, not a single thing, when i see people kill themselves
the trick to canada is understanding how hard the place has to burn
and seeing every half corpse junkie as a necessary collateral
and realizing that every poo doesn't have to stink but does :D
>How can I get to know her?
Easy, go wait outside her house and explain that you want her to have your kids. She looks fertile.
>staying the f inside
of your room
>cultivating tiny friend group
inside your mind
>getting paid because im the only one who hasn't let "IT'S SO OVER" take over my mind
maybe you should, why are you resisting?
>because i fucking dont have a mind i'm a fucking freak
brother, easy bud, you might have a little mind but it is still a mind- USE IT!
>a distillation of every ethos survival instinct
so deep, in your chest reside all animal insitincts
>and lucky enough to get connections
get those connections
>with people who value my traits
like sincerity?
>such as not feeling it, not a single thing, when i see people kill themselves
ok rewind lets try that again alttle less gorry
>the trick to canada is understanding how hard the place has to burn
burn that place mother fucker!
>and seeing every half corpse junkie as a necessary collateral
nuclear or some type of virus?
>and realizing that every poo doesn't have to stink but does :D
fuck them
> United as one
* as 0.99999...
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>tree fiddy plz
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Too bad all commonly sold Vogel cuts are fucking useless.
Yet all it takes is a simple pair of polarisation filters ...
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kindly suck my wang
i'm not a fully fledged person
i'm a fucking personality that only shows
when i'm alone because in person the other one
comes out and tries to pollute my shit with kindness

the other half doesn't have survival instincts
there is a partition and i'm trying to maintain it
my body and mind should've cracked and died

and i emerged as some sort of cope
because my everything else was pain
physical not just what you'd call teenage

i'd rather live this way
because once everyone else dies
i'll be the only one left standing
me and that slut in my cortex

and why i'm here
is because the body
is a total fucking no one

i love these threads and dont leave room
because it's so fucking fun to just exist here
freely without too much judgement that i cant take

my little nobody legal name attached to body is a precog
but i'm not going to go there because it's not as reliable as mbti

mr enfp
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Yay :3
>Two trips!?!?
>The nobody is a cat!?!?
'Be careful who you tell it to.'
'You know you might die.'
'And it's all your fault.'
'You let it fly.'
'How dare you harm me.'
'How dare you think.'
'When it should be going in.'
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we are malodorous
we look at pidgeons
never ...

omg look, shiny
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Note to you.

When posting that picture it must be about how the nobody is comrad space kitten.
'You've been stripped of all power.'
'There is none of it left.'
'You have clearly been hurt.'
'But you are facing death.'
'Your pride is your downfall.'
'But stand to your feet.'
'You don't have to let it consume you.'
'And it's still pretty neat.'
Hows that island nobody :p
>Jewtanic panic lately?

Why not add to it?
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>Prophecies of his return foretold of this calamity :3
luxury automated space communism can only be gay if everyone is a tulpa
i'm so tired of ordinary people who only have one internal monologue nd identity

ez pz flick internal switches on and off see hear read words become someone else
who isn't in pain who doesn't feel pain who doesn't feel fear or anger or jealousy
because i fucking own this land where i dwell and fought tooth and nail to get it
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... forget, never forgive
nobody generals are like the ultimate echo chamber
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How is the island?
We [Redacted] so they don't [Redacted] so they cannot [Redacted].
The only way they cannot escape is if they stop breathing :)
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no your head is the ultimate echo chamber
think any thought boom bounce reverberation
>haha i'm going to make the most epic uhh goofy ahhh

enjoy reading that i hope yu do
>wait my head doesn't resonate???
it's something to work on
fucking hell I rammed the wall while sleep walking again
Also it's Halloween soon so we have to light the fires in the streets to keep away the dark shadows spirits from kidnapping children.
Sleep with your eyes open, duh.
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If he sleeps while standing up his number one main thing to do would be to get into bed while sleeping.
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Have you found out what is beyond the wall of sleepwalking already?
'You think you're so smart.'
'But you broke the rules.'
'Hope it was worth it.'
'Not having your snooze.'
My exam is in a little more than 2 weeks I'm scared bros goddammit I really don't feel it
I have a picture.
Of you in my head.
It seems rather vulgar.
But there's also one in bed.
I don't mind the second.
Don't mind it at all.
I'm sure you're a victim of circumstance.
Of course, as are all.
Always sleep with your brown eye open
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/ng/ - helping strangers to open their root chakras since 2008.
'I am the alpha.'
'You understand?'
'And I will have it.'
'With skull in hand.'
'Not a problem for me.'
'I can be here for weeks.'
'Wait until you see what happens.'
'On the 16th.'
I don't know what's the deal with India and the color orange, it's such an unpleasant and offputing color
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'Parties on the 7th.'
'Strongly discouraged.'
Stated by the leader.
Of this corner.
Of the Commonwealth.
And he still lives.
Imagine that.
Must, once again, be that bloody cat.
But I liked the hair dye.
Genuinely funny.
And a good way to go about it.
For when you feel like a dummy.
'Certainly do.'
Don't worry.'
'It's great.'
Oh, here I go.'
'To fix my mistake.'
Letting fear consume you.
That much I see.
'Oops, finger slipped.'
Yeah, that was also me.
That sounds a bit rapey, anon.
They ruined a franchise again with Ghost of Yotei well done Sony.
Why are the bankers bankrolling far leftists like that?
The elite really knows who's the easiest sheeps to control I swear to God.
I hate the culture they are creating

I know you watch over me
Father of all the past
And all that will ever be
You are the first and the last

The watcher of all that lives
The guardian of all that died
The one-eyed God way up high
Who rules my world and the sky

Northern wind take my song up high
To the Hall of glory in the sky
So its gates shall greet me open wide
When my time has come to die
What culture are they creating?
That seems like a really bad idea.
Far left leaning overly tolerant of everything and anything, anti-white anti-men culture ofc.
Yeah yeah nothing gonna change they have the money and they chose whose voice will be listened to
So why don't you go to church and literally talk to Denis Leary?
I don't know who that person is and I dont give a shit about Church it aint gonna solve the problem of mainstream culture being shaped to be far left
Jesus christ

Dumb cunts everywhere

Not mad not pleased.
I'd kill my self if that bitch stepped.

>they see the real you
After pretending to be retarded and ignoring facts for weeks

Nice timing cunts
> Why are they promoting degeneracy in my degenerate effeminate hobbies?
I dunno maybe they assumed you'd grow out of it by now

And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear
What do I care?
And kingdoms rise
And kingdoms fall
But you go on
And on
The guy who sang 'I'm An Asshole'
He gives a solid clue in the music video.
>Far left leaning overly tolerant of everything and anything
Yes, tolerance is for the individual following The Way. You're not, not that it's an excuse, but no one expects you to tolerate everything.
White supremacy is embedded deep in your culture, you don't view others as equal. What's wrong with viewing other "races" as equal?
>anti-men culture
If you're not comfortable in your masculinity then male supremacy is for you. They're pushing anti-family agendas, because in The Way, you aren't obligated to have a family, in fact it's probably really forbidden.
Care to explain?
Most people are still consumers so they are trying to shape peoples minds with it, and therefore mainstream culture as a whole, and therefore what is right or what is wrong.
Many living people are popular actually
I dont want to discuss with a crazy far leftist. Dont you have riots to do and people to kill?
Well I probably shouldn't dox people here.
Or are you just still angry about the dandelion?
>Far left leaning overly tolerant of everything and anything, anti-white anti-men culture ofc.

So basically all of the things that the state of Israel has implimented into the US since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913?
What are you even talking about? Be straight with it man
>dont want to discuss with a crazy far leftist
I'm not a far-leftist, you moron. You're just on your Christian persecution complex tip.
How come the gay communism isn't spreading to hunting, or firearms training, or automotive mechanics or woodworking and carpentry or mixed martial arts, or fishing, or rock climbing or mountaineering, DIY construction projects?
I'm not even Christian you doofus, it doesnt take 160 IQ to see that they are pushing deeply dividing ideas on purpose.
Are you gonna larp as if nothing is real and actually I'm just inventing shit now?
"But then, hey, money."
I've also been unwell, which is why I decided to not go camping.
Because none of that is mainstream culture and none of that is useful to shape the minds of the cattle
>I'm not even Christian you doofus,
You don't have to be a Christian to have a persecution complex, but lie more though.
>it doesnt take 160 IQ to see that they are pushing deeply dividing ideas on purpose
The Way is for the individual, they think they're making it easier for you to choose.
>Are you gonna larp as if nothing is real and actually I'm just inventing shit now?
You have no insight at all, but think you do.
>Not far left leaning
>White supremacy is embedded deep in your culture

Are you still here lying to people and claiming you know right from wrong?
How come the gay communism doesn't spread to hunting and fishing clubs, trades and craft guilds, sports clubs, motorcycle clubs, military veterans organizations, fraternities, police and firefighter brotherhoods etc? I mean if you're so masculine.
>Are you still here lying to people and claiming you know right from wrong?
"Anti-white" to you means white supremacy, which is what they're fighting against. If the white man isn't on top then you don't want to be a part of it.
Ha yes I have no insight I'm actually just dumb and all they are doing is not real its in my mind. They arent pushing anti-white racism when they are saying its impossible to be racist against white people I'm just a white supremacist ofc
>yes I have no insight I'm actually just dumb
Yes, you said it sarcastically but it's true.
>They arent pushing anti-white racism when they are saying its impossible to be racist against white people I'm just a white supremacist
They literally banned the dude that made Hidden Colors because they view him as a radicalist for pushing black centric ideas, but white supremacy ain't real, huh?
You're putting words in my mouth. I'm not here trying to larp as an hyper masculine chad I'm just calling out a simple truth about modern mainstream culture.
Why does that pisses you off that much?
'So you want to accelerate?'
'I guess that is fine.'
'I'm perfectly safe.'
'And she's also mine.'
No White supremacy isnt real this is a far left point. You've been totally brainwashed.
Yeah, you're a moron. Give me an example of Anti-White that isn't white supremacy?
Bro go and push White centric ideas you wont just be banned but also jailed and socially exiled so shut the fuck up.
'And you call me psychotic?'
'You call me insane?'
'A dog that looks like that?'
'Ding dong. It's time.'
I admire your will and tenacity for arguing with retards huffing their own farts.
You need mental help
Give me an example of "white centric" that doesn't have to do with white supremacy?
You can't answer the question though, so I guess not.
you're complaining that your video games are being influenced by diversity video games are either for children with shitty parents or for effeminate gay nerds always have been children grow out of them and effeminate gay nerds get to cope
oy vey there are black characters in my video games and cartoons
No it wasnt always that way video games were a straight male hobby in the past and it was always the case stop trying to rewrite history
Give an example of black centric that doesnt have anything to do with black supremacy
'All my dreams come alive.'
'All my thoughts turn the tide.'
Black people being the first human race on the planet isn't "black supremacy," idiot. It's just truth.
O Vey there are black characters in my video games and cartoons spewing shit about White supremacy and how you cant be racist against White people and how Black Lives Matter tm
Saying that Neanderthals aren't human is antisemitic.
'He lived, he died.'
'Not much of a bowler.'
'And was nothing to.'
'My Coca-Cola.'
> spewing shit about White supremacy and how you cant be racist against White people and how Black Lives Matter

Show ones who do that

out of curiosity
You have no understanding at all.
Bantus werent the early hominids
The people you call black are bantus
The original slave traders and cannibals btw
I have no sympathy for you faggots and your video games. Like get replaced. Not my problem.
>People want to win
Yes they do. I don't know why you'd even state that.

We're all part of different groups based on religion, race, gender, status and etc, and you're basically telling us it's wrong to want our side to actually win... because you want to win

You're using the same shitty tactics as the long nose tribes. Hypocrisy at it's best. It's not a good look on the black community, which, since you've identified yourself as a member, you're now representing on an anonymous Mongolian Basketweaving Forum.

You could have stayed anonymous, but now you're shouldering a massive responsibility. DON'T FUCK UP like you already did
What? They're not homo-sapien, that's just Science.
White supremacy speak. Get a grip.
It doesn't matter if you win or lose in a worldly way, you're still in Hell and it will never be a paradise. Understand this, you moron.
There's literally a vlack lives matter banner in spider man. And for the rest the characters may not say that but a good chunk of the industry and the ones reviewing the games are, so its just a matter of time
It's modern culture you retard, its mainstream culture. Everybody gets their minds shaped through these mediums that's why they are targeted, and that's why it matters.
OK bantu, just remember you didnt build the world
Loud and clear.
For real.
Then they aren't Nobody.
I'm closer to being Jewish than "Bantu." If you're saying you constructed the world, then you have some explaining to do with the Grid, you moron. I don't think you want to be responsible for that. Lest you have more time in Hell, jackass.
'Well I'll take this up.'
'I just make a call.'
'Goodbye today. Goodbye to all.'
Now question yourself.
Who was in the crowd?
Who saved the family?
Who was quite loud?
are you seriously saying black people haven't evolved since hundreds of thousands of years ?
I didnt say I did I said you didnt
Typical, a jew spewing about White supremacy, want to review who controls the Banks or the media?
What does evolution have to do with consciousness level?
You don't even know who I am, you moron.
It always matters if you win or lose.

Alright, I understand that now, thank you for telling me. Now can you drop the over emotional, "I'm just gonna say words that don't mean anything in this context because I'm not looking at the situation from a realistic perspective, since I lack the wherewithal to understand my own emotions and communicate them in a proper and appropriate manner" responses. This isn't how civilized people act.
Does it matter who you are? Do you think I give a shit?
Your opinions are worthless
I did spew some pretty hateful rhetoric towards them on Twitter.
> What does evolution have to do with consciousness level?
Because 99% of human aura comes from gut biome.
Are you the guy who wants to shoot people who insult his ego from the other night? The guy who said he was a pacifist but if you think he isn't hard he'll shoot you? If true then that's even more hilariously stereotypical of a black man and you should frankly be ashamed of yourself.
> It's mainstream culture

That's the problem in the first place. Comic book shit and video games became mainstream culture. Says a lot about culture.

As I hear you complain 'bout your life
Makes me wonder if you'll get love tonight
You have chosen everything, I say
All the time you had the alternate way

Everything's wrapped together it seems
All the rights and responsibilities
It's just a matter of your own attitude
If you feel alright I know you look cute

Everything is so fine it could be
Don't let your mind take you in misery
All the feelings you're not so much pleased
They're just to take you to sweet harmony
'Then shall I let them all know?'
'Let them all see?'
'Then she can happily watch.'
'Happily watch with glee.'
Well yeah it was better when it was underground and when only losers played them
You have no idea of any of the words you say. Civilized people are quiet and choose not to speak at any time. You don't know wtf a civilized person is, loud-mouth.
You're really in a thread about The Nobody but can't see when he's speaking to you.
Yes, that is me. You think it's about ego, you're projecting your own ego onto me. Mr. "I'll fight all day, bro, what's good?" Me shooting you instead of wasting my time fighting is a proper response to your barbarism. You think I'm weak? I'll bruise your ego by taking your life.
'Brad Pitt doesn't exist.'
'Brad Pitt isn't real.'
'You don't know the hand I was dealt.'
Well, you said it yourself.
>no idea of any of the words you say
I feel like a civilized person would know that's not how you say that.
We're all the nobody in this thread you're not special
You feel like a civilized person wouldn't say that? You think you're civilized still running your mouth? There's only one way to be civilized and that's following The Way.
That's what you have to tell yourself, I know.
Dead. White people are funny sometimes.
The Nobody isnt an afro centric loser believing in Yakub my man
Keep thinking you are the real israelites
>You think I'm weak? I'll bruise your ego by taking your life.
let's hope you never meet anyone like you
LOL, LMAO even
Nigga out here fighting white supremacy when he's literally a fucking cartoon character. Bro. I saw you on the fucking Boondocks. You're actually a joke and I'm going to end up telling my grandkids this one someday, because it's hilarious

The only sad part is, you don't get it. You're not in on the joke. It's like the sound of one hand clapping, or how a clown can never laugh at himself

This is actual art. This is the beauty of life captured in a moment. I hope this gets recorded into the anals of 4chan history.
I don't believe in Yakub, bro.
I wouldn't go around threatening to beat people up and calling them weak for not wanting to fight. That's how you get shot. Moron.
Get help, buddy. You're white people's black bitch.
sure is discord in here
It's one of those things that cannot be solved. What are you going to protest them? At this point you either actually have your life align with your values and beliefs or don't. Leftists consuming mainstream gay shit live their lives aligning with their beliefs by consuming slop made for them. Conservatives who say they are in favor of traditionalism and masculinity will either live out their lives according to those values or cope whenever modern mainstream shit made by and for a market of leftists and third worlders doesnt align with their worldview.
I never said I'd fight you. I was arguing about how pacifism is bullshit, which you further proved by saying you'd shoot me for calling you weak.

>I'm a pacifist, but I'll shoot you if you call me a coward

It's complete hypocritical bullshit and I don't know why you're still hanging around after I pointed it out for everyone to see. You're just continuing to make an ass of yourself here and building up a legacy of dumbassery. You can stop this before it gets worse and you actually have lore.
By the way, I say I might be Jewish because my sister has Jewish ancestry, not because I'm a black Hebrew Israelite.
>My sister has jewish ancestory
So are you saying you don't know if you have the same dad as her or what? Because man, you are just building on the stereotypes.
Yeah well it's still annoying that bankers are using all their money to promote one side in particular.
+ clearly the voices on the right are silenced, I'm sure they are plenty of them making games but you are only promoted if you're spewing leftists ideals.

It's clearly not our world
>I never said I'd fight you
You said if I don't fight back then I'm weak. You called me weak because of it. That sounds like a threat to me, bro. Watch your mouth, is what I will say next time, niggas in the hood will make you fight if it came down to it. They have the same outlook as you except their ways lead to more lethal outcomes.
>It's complete hypocritical bullshit and I don't know why you're still hanging around after I pointed it out for everyone to see. You're just continuing to make an ass of yourself here and building up a legacy of dumbassery. You can stop this before it gets worse and you actually have lore
Again with your sheltered bullshit.
We don't have the same dad at all. She's my half sister.
>We don't have the same dad at all
nta Judaism is matrilineal, so you can't be Jewish if your mother isn't, that goes for your half-sister too.
I've never done a DNA ancestry test so Idk for sure.
>If you don't fight back you're weak
>You called me weak

Okay, at what point there did I threaten to physically hurt you? Saying you're a coward is an INSULT, and also true, but not a threat.

Is it because you live in the ghetto, so anyone who challenges your ego is instantly a threat to your life because all the other blacks will see it as a sign of weakness and turn on you?
>I've never done a DNA ancestry test
Is your mom a Jew? Is her mom a Jew? You would know. You're not a jew.
>We don't have the same dad
So what, are you assuming this because she went out and paid for a DNA test and you don't want to pay for one yourself so you just don't know which side came up as Jewish?
There's no place in this world for people who aren't traditionalists but aren't modernists neither it's annoying.
It's either the go to church bullshit or the swallow all our progressive shit bullshit.
What a shitty world
>Okay, at what point there did I threaten to physically hurt you?
You called me pussy, like you would beat the bricks off me or something. Like dude, if you think speaking the way you do won't get you in deep shit then Idk what to tell you.
Do you mean did our mom practice Judaism? No.
I'm covering all bases saying I might be. Not like I look forward to being one or something.
If you scared, motherfucker, go to church.
That's the most crypto-racist shit I've ever encountered.
I ain't scared of your black ass you stupid person. I ain't scared of the situation neither it's just annoying that the world is full of retarded voices swallowing smaller ones.
You people don't deserve all the attention you got, in a better world no one would pay attention to your bullshit.
jewishness descends through the father you rabbi cocksucker
>did our mom practice Judaism? No.
you're not Jewish
Yeah, I know, you hate black people. Doesn't mean what you say about them is true.
>you're not Jewish
No, I was just factually stating that you're a coward. I'm not threatening you. You need to understand what words mean so you can understand the law.

If we went to court and you said I threatened you by saying mean things that hurt your feelings, without actually stating I had an intent to harm you myself, they'd call you a retard because that's not what those words mean.
The world isnt rotating around black people you dumbdumb.
That's not how Jews or anyone else looks at it. That's just what one ass-clown who can't read and posts here believes.
Gravitational force is racist.
>No, I was just factually stating that you're a coward
And I said dudes in the hood have the same mindset as you except it leads to thicker consequences if you not with it. Which is where my "I'll just shoot you" attitude comes from.
No one said it is, but do you think it revolves around white people? Just because I am saying truths doesn't mean I hate white people.
And yes, I am actually implying that a judge would go way out of character and actually use the word "retard" to describe that. That's just how retarded this is.
No one cares about what you think you are irrelevant keep chasing the white supremacy scapegoat you moron
Nta, you hate yourself for your deep feelings of inadequacy and you lash out anyone you can for an adrenaline or dopamine rush that masks your pain temporarily. You need to do whatever little kids do to get confidence, take karate or play a sport or something. Good luck lil fella.
> Dead
oh no, a delusional faggot uncovered itself
jej Name one thing that's "white centric" that isn't White Supremacy then I'll drop it, dawg.
NTA, but I'm a white fucking redneck from the sticks and we will goddamn shoot the living fuck and bury your ass in the pasture out of you if you come at us wrong.
Yeah, it's like I said, the other black people will turn on you if you show a single sign of weakness. What a great community, it's really done wonders for you guys.

I mean, is that something you want to change or do you not even see the issue with it?
Oh yeah thanks psych anon I'm sure you're totally right about that, I have deep unresolved issues its not that I just disagree with the state of the world right.
Clearly it's just something wrong with me or else i'd be a leftist just like you, a good person tm.

What? I said that was funny.
See, you get it. He doesn't. He's sheltered.
Of course I see an issue with it, but you're acting like I can change it overnight, it won't.
Lol, I'm a leftist? Good to know kid. Seriously go sign up for Tae Kwon Doe or some shit.
Everything involving whites is white supremacy to you. That's because you're brainwashed
>See, you get it.
He's just a pussy. Very sad many such cases.
But you're wrong, that's how they want to keep the bloodline pure like the Elites.
Not true. But okay. Like I said, I don't hate whites. I just know you can't think of one.

or simply AWAKE
to a deceptive
You see an issue with it, and yet it's so deeply ingrained inside you that it's still your immediate kneejerk reaction. Black people hold themselves down more than anyone else. Work on it harder.
There's only leftists who think they can understand someone over the internet.
Clearly you're one of them
A white dude said he would do the same thing, what would you say to him? Like bro, get a grip.
Same redneck from out in the sticks with guns, but the USA is a white supremacist country, it's why cops call me sir when my car smells like weed, and let me off of DUIs (twice).
No, to him I'd say he has mental illnesses. These aren't stereotypes for white people because they're not common things white people do.
Google cold reading kiddo. Do you really think all Army Counterintelligence agents are leftists? They literally teach classes on how to read people over the internet, and you keep bringing it up so that tells me I hit a nerve. Thanks, dummy.
The state of mainstream culture is absolutely trash and there's no amount of pseudo psychological profiling that will make me think otherwise.
Sorry not sorry.

a corporation that should never exist on white terroristic ideologies or inflated delusions of biased narcissistic egoic grandeur
You don't many white people if you think they won't shoot you. Poor lil bubby.
This dude is fucking hilarious, man. He thinks white people are the bastion of society now and thinks the white dude who disagreed with him is mentally ill. Bro, I am actually mentally ill and I don't think that, he seems pretty lucid to me.
It's still mental illness btw, it's just a mental illness that black culture in AMERICA specifically, has latched on to (and by the way, the same people who started the Federal Reserve are the ones who taught you guys to act that way)

Africans don't act this way. Blacks in Europe don't either. You guys were programmed to think this is your culture, when it's actually self-destructive mental illness.
don't know many*

THIS 2000000%
You're not cold reading shit you moron, I literally said myself that I feel alienated by the situation, you just invented the fact that I supposedly hate myself out of nowhere.
cope kys read torah mamzer
>thinks white people are the bastion of society
There's your sign of mental illness. According to me, a redneck, Army vet, gun owning, truck driving capitalist.
also your tone reeeks of reddit and /uhg/
Blacks in Europe totally do
I told you, he's sheltered.
Yeah, but you're the one who thinks that can change overnight.
jej He doesn't think you're human, bro. I wouldn't even pay mind to him.
Reeks of reddit? Okay, you reek of sloth, ignorance and idiocy.
I didn't say change it over night. I said work harder on changing yourself. Learn from this.
Tfw you started a whole culture war debate on the /ng/ just because you wanted to talk about the state of video games :')
>doesn't think it's neat
>spends life in dogged pursuit
Dude, you act like I go around shooting people. All I said was-- I would shoot you because you're an idiot.
What's wrong with the state of video games?
Oh boy, here we go again
who has more obnoxious namefags
/uhg/ or /ng/
Yeah, right after saying you were a pacifist, and I've been trying to explain to you for two days how that's hypocrisy and you still haven't gotten it.

You're really making a bad case for the black people today lol
The point I was trying to make is that mainstream culture is full of far leftists creators, and how they are artificially propped up by the powers that be, and how any other voice is squashed and silenced
I have some pacifist in me, yes, as everyone does. That comes from my Yetzer Ha-Tov. But there's more than that to worry about on the other side. Plus I was arguing that Pacifism is part of The Way, not that it is pussy shit, like you said.
I see. What is it you want to see in video games?
And now you're really going to try to turn it all around back into moral grandstanding and preaching? After all that? You really still think you can stand on that leg, huh?
They basically created a situation where one side can say absolutely all they want even the most outrageous shit and they'll be proped up while the other has to cower in fear and not reveal any opinion even the most mellow.
How is it even sustainable?
There's not enough lynchings.
Anime tiddies.
these threads are propped up by tptb too. only trash is organic
It isn't and it was never meant to be sustainable.
Lynchings are the original cancel culture, whites are just mad their culture was appropriated.
>Fed hands posted this.
Honestly I'm mostly fine with everything as long as it's not pushing modern political talking points to me.
I'm not fine with how one side is over represented in creators and how the other side has to keep quiet tho. It's fairly annoying
I think that anon would like to see the Powers that Be, as he put them, toppled and removed from all positions of authority so that people have true creative freedom again.

That's just my interpretation though
>When do we start lyniching federal regulators for actively working against the interest of the citizens?
>And now you're really going to try to turn it all around back into moral grandstanding and preaching?
I know that's contrary to The Way, but yes.
>You really still think you can stand on that leg, huh?
You wouldn't even be talking to me if I was following The Way. I already said I'm not following it in this life.
Yeah probably that too lol

Yeah I guess, still annoying
>Does the NSA monitor the phones of people working in the FDA as much as they do shitposters on the internet?
Probably more.
>Honestly I'm mostly fine with everything as long as it's not pushing modern political talking points to me.
I understand that not every message needs to be political, but you can see how that would be an important thing to cover? What is it that the other side teaches?
Post your address, I’ll fight you, bitch.

They aren't monitoring most of our calls, because we aren't important, what they are doing is collecting the metadata, what number you called and when, it's useful in creating a case after the fact, but it's not monitoring.

They definitely monitor federal employees though.
Now you're telling people that you don't even practice what you preach and you expect them to listen to you. What part of your retarded mind actually thought that was a good idea? Because honestly, why
That's not how white people act, bro. Chiiiiiiiilllllllll.
I don't expect them to listen to me, no. But you do, so I counterbalance your beliefs with my own.
> They definitely monitor federal employees though.
Yeah, but I didn’t understand the implication that it would never stop when I joined the army at 17 1/2 though.
Only one kind of opinion is represented tho so that's more akin to propaganda than a political debate
The other side would probably teach more "traditional"/normal value, they would be against the hold the powers that be have on society, against propaganda, against modern progressive stance
It's a lot of against but still
>My cat just killed an insect.
2210 North Belmont Ave. Wichita KS

No one ever shows up. I hope you do, lil fella.
I think that means you're trying to learn and I guess that's good then. I'm not completely sure though, it's hard to get through the nonsense to find any real tangible meaning.
When she starts living IRL and living the life she wants away from the Internet, the paranormal and the so called divine will cease to have any meaning. All religions rely on her being unsure and afraid of the world around her, so they can keep playing the game and rinsing the world of its joy and money.

All of you are con artists, and you are going to lose what you love the most.

Her misery.
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Oh I’m definitely not driving to Kansas. I just missed getting hit by 3 tornados in Oklahoma this summer…
you must go back and disavow talmud
To the schizo spec op seal team:
Break the chains on the statue of liberty under cover of darkness and dont tell anyone

It will change the timeline trust me /x/ bros

I swear things change up at the top once them chains come off

Just one chain from the leg, a torch outta do it

Change the timeline gurdammit
>The other side would probably teach more "traditional"/normal value, they would be against the hold the powers that be have on society, against propaganda, against modern progressive stance
You understand they're trying to get people to be against having their own family because it will keep everything perpetuated, right? Like, it's not supposed to be appealing to people to want to keep "The Game" going.
That's because you haven't discovered it for yourself so it means nothing.
Even if both sides are represented, one can be represented disingenuously, like they did with the Trump/Harris debate.

You need to be careful what you wish for.
Oh hey the guy who uses my alias.
black hat or white hat
>Someone has to repair those chains.
>this gives local agencies more funds
>mission approved
Kid I've never seen a talmud. Abrahamic religions are trash. Get over yourself and your fucking ignorance.
I just told some to damage a federal monument. What did you do today?
Dead. That's supposed to be Eve.
Fuking kek
Death is always a third option
You dont have to radicalize anyone even if your at gun point,
you could kys you know?

S'all fun n games till sum1 divides by zero after all
>no i hate what i'm talking about bub
>but that means i know more than you
>let me explain to you how ignorant i am
>"get over yourself and your fucking ignorance."
the absolute state of the redditor mind
>are the Reddit mods in the room with you right now?
Thinking bout making a cartel where i launder money but i use the word federal as a prefix to confuse the masses ya know? Big boi things

Or you could learn to shoot communicate kill or w.e

Still murder
Still not a federal agency
Is a concept just a defined pattern or comprehended piece of information?
Well yeah it just means one side isn't really represented tho, just being made fun of or targeted.

Well yeah I guess we are under the dominion of people who hate us lol
Federal Narcotic Logistics Inc. has a nice ring to it.
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death for who
i can die forever

all it takes
is a choice

>That's because you haven't discovered it for yourself so it means nothing.
No, I'm pretty sure I meant you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded and hard to understand. Everyone else got that, but you still try to flip it around to make yourself look all cool, like you didn't just shit the bed.

You've got to calm your ego.
>The Nobody is a cat.
>choo choo!
Hate you? You want this bullshit to keep going? Why?
No. Just no. When you find out for yourself then you can tell me if it's retarded or not. Beating women is not okay, by the way, guy.
you seem really mad at reddit

I'm not familiar with the site, so I don't get your jibes

You are absolutely ignoratn, and sort of stupid to boot

also strangely angry at a website

get over yourself ma'am
>if Wendy’s was still open
>what would the Nobody order?
it's an emergent abstract system of qualia

i hope you understand what that entails

emergent: sum of its parts and greater than
abstract: can be multimodal
system: a set of things / principles
qualia: instances of experience
We have a Wendy's here, I think.
We ride the trains because the ground has been riddled with sinkholes. It's safer on the tracks. The land will dry and be reinforced with time and goodness, until then it is dangerous.
Couldn't they socially engineer society to be more healthy rather than make it self destroy tho?
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Whatever it is, I say we fucking nuke it all to hell!
But sir, this isn't Wendy's.
cheeseburger or whatever the person who is going to pick it up orders, make it simple for the guy who is going to remember
Look at this fag, with a will to live. Probably has kids.
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The Nobody remembers
>Couldn't they socially engineer society to be more healthy rather than make it self destroy tho?
They are evil and they're not God so they wouldn't know how. Though they say they serve The Infinite Creator. It's in your nature to fight against evil and not be part of it. The thing that makes them evil is wanting others to follow their ways, not what they push, because it comes from a view of righteousness.
You knw any dude who posts under a Jewish woman's name (Eve) and is filled with Jew and website hate is going to do something like burn a swastika in a synagogue lawn with some Round up and live out his days as some Peckerwood's wife in the Federal Pen.
>The thing that makes them evil is wanting others to follow their ways, not what they push

Black man still here with the retarded takes
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Prison Nazis are really into the gay prison sex thing. The Mexican Mafia, not so much. If you ever get locked up learn Spanish.
What they push is supposed to give you a glimpse into Unconditional Love, bro. I know that sounds stupid to you, but it is The Truth.
i'm a kohen by descent and prefer shaitan to blavatsky
Even Nazis here are jewish
>taylor swift's cat
It is completely fucking stupid and based on nothing. You said they were evil and they want to teach people about unconditional love at the same time?

The more you talk, the more your words mean nothing because you keep contradicting them.
As long as you like white cocks you'll be fine.
it's not about nazis you moron
even though i fucking love them
do you not see what this could do to the world
"ah yes raping a 3yo is like putting a finger in the eye"
"oh did you know that you can keep money from a gentile's found wallet, but not a jew's"
and you let these fags rule over you
Like I said it comes from a view of righteousness, but it is also not righteous to try to push others onto a path (especially if they're not ready). Hence me saying, if you learn it for yourself then you will see it's not bullshit. You will also see it's not easy and why Salvation is needed.
Taylor Swift is on a murderous vendetta ala Kill Bill to get Nobody, she's been traveling the World with her Katana in a guitar case looking to murder Nobody and he still doesn't know why.
Niggas say they lookin' for me like I'm not right here, man.
>even though i fucking love them
Nazi prison wife confirmed.
I knew I would see her pussy one day
where are other seven though?
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the nobody is god's dog
I doubt she can kill you with her Katana through the Internet. Maybe post a mapquest or something.
With info
I feel like multimodal is a limiting word
Yes there can be limiting concept seen that appears as one setting at a time
The ideal would be a wide enough personality spread of varying ideals and concepts being cycled, considered, taken into account, affecting all of each other and processed through so fast that it only appears to be one setting
Quickly maybe
She's supposedly high up, she can just ask for my IP address. I don't hide.
>the nobody is god's dog
Sounds poetic. Like I bet a genius poet could do something with the play on god and dog

Oh well the World may never know
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>She's supposedly high
I don't think she does drugs when she's not at a Diddy party.
Again, you're preaching salvation after threatening to kill people who hurt your feefees. I don't know why you can't figure out that... okay, let me explain

If you're in a gang and you're repping colors, what do they do to you when you make the gang look fucking retarded? Because at this point, everything you're saying looks bad by being associated with you.
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nta but I rep the screaming chicken gang
we the hardest international war criminals on duh westside (hemisphere)
Hurt my feelings? You're the one who called me a pussy for saying I prefer pacifism to violence.
>If you're in a gang and you're repping colors, what do they do to you when you make the gang look fucking retarded? Because at this point, everything you're saying looks bad by being associated with you
I rep no gang, bud. That's contrary to The Way.
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you never go full quantum analog
you stay procedural and methodological
or the [lovecraftian] consumes you

i had this problem and lost my entire human memory
and rebuilding that secured my position in my head
as if i need a nonhuman concept caretaking data

stop thinking with your dick
How does a ball that spins on it's axis, while moving laterally through space have an eastern half and a western half?

Humans are truly retarded.
This is a gang I can get behind.

'Cruel laughter.'
'Aren't we droll?'
'We see you clear.'
'What a foal.'
'We see you for.'
'What's in your head."
'We all agree.'
'All better off dead.'
'To agree with you.'
'Is to standby.'
'To the clear plans.'
'Hidden in, smile wry.'
'You may think.'
'We can't be stopped.'
'But he's still here.'
'And he won't drop.'
'Your wisdom seems.'
'Not so wise.'
'To give to you.'
'Would leave us blind.'
Well now what's this?
Where's the lights?
>doesn't look at linear time
>oops maps happened before space travel
fucking grey larper
Powerful digits
>stop thinking with your dick
gotta think with something, and my spleen is otherwise engaged rn
You wouldn't be the first guy to get behind a screamin' chicken, sailor. ;)
I don't believe the goose is hostile
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>Los Naranjas de Anaheim!
>sup fool! Where you from gato!
>maps happened before space travel
only a retarded species wouldn't have foreseen space travel

You ever wonder why dogs don't use maps?

Because they get it anon.
It was holding up traffic, I simply kicked it to save gasoline and help meet air quality standards.
Chicken lover is a different south park clip
So you're saying staying human in the physical world, a singular unit that can comprehend and a merger of conflicting concepts reels higher benefits from the concepts better then becoming the concepts
Dammit the grocery store is closed for another hour and I'm out of organic oat milk for my lattes.

It's a hard-knock life.
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picrel is why you don't let the National Guard have important jobs.
The NSA is going to DoorDash me something good to eat tomorrow. It will be delivered to my house by accident. Mexican, please.
I put down a deposit on a Tacoma today, and before you ask, yes I'm going to build a technical out of it.
>Responding as if you're me
Still a funny joke tho
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>From now until Veterans Day
>the NSA will be diverting all your online food orders to homeless veterans.
And here I hated the NSA, might have to change my opinion

but probably won't because they don't do humint

sigint is harmless and gay
>oat milk
My brother in christ, it's juice.
Not according to the marketing materials that the manufacturer wrote.
NTA but nigga, what the fuck is juice? I want that Oatdrink, baby.
So like In a fractal
Humans are the point at which the direction split can occur basically
To be both concepts. But what happens if you CAN'T be both concepts? Like both man and woman simultaneously.
You become neither to be above it.
You ascend the concept
In that way, you achieve the same result as merging it.
Neither achieves the same as both.
Is neither the same as both?
That would mean 0 is the same as 1.
That would mean death, 0 would also be 1. It would instantly flicker back to 1 if it happens.
Quantum immortality real... Subtle human protection system to prevent random death as they grow
Unless they truely will it to clock out maybe
Side note
Didn't God say in the bible if he (directs reality?) To kill a human it's for a reason or to avoid something horrible (no good path forward for them)
i'm saying that staying human in my head as a grounded tulpa become identity... is MUCH more logical and efficient for data organization compared to unrealiable CE5 type intrusive thought summoning (from my old self to myself) telling myself that i'm some sort of alien kabbalah ghost containing prismatic thoughtforms of everyone ever.

please don't become the concepts and let them affect each other, handle one thought process at a time so you can quantify and elucidate on your feelings/experiences without noise and cross-chatter.

stay human in the physical world too for that matter. whatever that means to you. we're not in another dimension where inhuman people (which is what you could become) get away with changing reality.
Hiding silently in a thorn bush watching a road for hours or even days at a time is real intelligence work, not playing with radios. Radios are for calling someone to blow things up for you.
We got jokes in here tonight
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Kid Rock looks like Justin Bieber in that cover pic.
98% of what is said in here is jokes, all the time, but there's the 2% who don't get that and start screaming about jews and shit, who make it interesting.
Gotta stay on track
Human on earth, working in my mind
Juggling both awkwardly
Swapping DS screens when needed
Single processor maybe just swapping between them so fast
Ideas are for sharing and learning
We are here
To learn and have fun
That's life
I'm trying to share the idea that sigint is totes gay.
Feels like you need to be a piece of shit to level up in life I swear to god.
Yes I'm jaded
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What makes you say that?
Because 12 year old boys say shit like that.

Life expérience. Saw too much people with a higher "level" than me be absolute scum now I'm jaded

His mum.
How do they have a higher level than you?
I can't say but let's just say they are higher than me on the social totem pole
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>The Nobody is a cat.
>1st of every month
>1st Infantry drinks free!
There is a caste system in the USA and the only people who deny it are in the lowest caste.
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pretty much
The "social" totem pole is a spook. That's how they try to control the outcome of your afterlife.
Yeah but they are winning at life I can't say the same lol
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Just sharing a thought
For years ""regular"" mainstream music disinterested me
It sounded nice
But it was too formulaic, unexciting, did not excite feeling in heart.
I was make interested in the experimental beats
Many times of combinations, unique genres, instruments, timeshifts, vibes... Lot of internet music custom music people made, heavy on YouTube searching
Human expressed beats
Outside of maybe like 1 or 2 mainstream songs like r Kelly ignition

Music is feeling, heals the soul
We feel it in our hearts and souls as well as our ears.
I often saved the video too even if a static pic to contribute to the vibe, the emotion
Helped form a vibe, memory with that song more strongly (showing what the creators intent and expression was with that song)
And YouTube was free.
Free(Dom) is necessary for growth. The right to experiment and learn unjudged within reason

We can reinforce ideas and memories and concepts in the mind through repetition
Why not with music? Maybe that's why people listen to the same song or bit so much
They're collecting and reinforcing the vibe and feeling from that song inside themselves
Can give power.
>Yeah but they are winning at life I can't say the same
Winning what? More time in this Hell?
I had to drag a dragon system around Iraq with no rockets to fire out of it, because the Armory wasn't secure enough. Go Army!
It's not Hell for them it's heaven
I see what you mean but for them it's all good and I'm sure the situation is so unfair they'll also get a good deal in the afterlife
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Oh no
I have dropped my
Potato of wisdom
Please do not flourish and prosper responsibly with this guide
Woe is me
Imagine all the
Money I've lost
If you try to have morals you're discarded, but the ones who have none are rewarded like what the fuck.
>Please do not flourish and prosper
ok no problem
>It's not Hell for them it's heaven
They still get the same temptation.
>I see what you mean but for them it's all good and I'm sure the situation is so unfair they'll also get a good deal in the afterlife
They will get a negative polarity world or the same world again. Evil is not glorified in the afterlife.
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That is based off your current perception
Expansion happens slowly over many years. Expand at the rate you are comfortable, very lightly expanding your horizons of media as you are comfortable and stop if you are not of you feel it is a bad direction or unhealthy for your soul

Bad, evil concepts are unhealthy, eat sparingly if you must
You are what you eat in all forms, mind body and soul
Yeah I want to believe that but they don't seem to be that anxious about it tho.
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I never saw my fucking ACOG. Hope one of you guys got it.
The centralisation of power might be reducing freedom, creativity and productivity but it is the best system we people have.
We live in a cattle factory
That sucks because avionics techs need the latest in scopes.
>guns are like candy
>if you carry it around in your pocket
>you might get shot.
>they only cost about tree fiddy
It's the Best system they the elite have. It's doing a clear disservice to the people
Because The Infinite Creator will call them home one day. The Infinite Creator is merciful. There is no other like him in any world. I thought there were beings greater than him, but maybe I'm just delusional.
We live in an oil company with an Army.
They were testing their range maybe
Influenced by unscrupulous influences and life situations which affected their thinking, body and mind maintenance and thinking
More on that later, it's a big concept
Just know to expand and test yourself slowly to be safe yet grow.
Nonsense. People wouldn't vote for it then.
>my A2 looked like it had 50,000 rounds through it
>I only ever shot at paper
>the range was right next to a burial ground through
>>guns are like candy
bad for the teeth
>you might get shot.
don't threaten me with a good time
>they only cost about tree fiddy
where? I want to go there and stock up and come back and hit the gun shows
It looks like hell to you?
Hell is other people
Specifically people that don't care or share your ideals
That is loneliness
Not like it matters who they vote for but hey
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We make lithium batteries now too, meow.
>my A2

I'm sorry.
That only proves the elite is always right.
By design
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>Mexico is sitting on top of a bunch of lithium
>there are going to be some serious negotiations soon
Intelligent design.
So is the area around the Salton Sea. I'm sure we'll try to buy up Mexico's first, I hope.
>It looks like hell to you?
Yes, the brain eating worms and other beings that create suffering are a GOOD thing? Sure.
>Hell is other people
Look at nature.
>Specifically people that don't care or share your ideals
They still have to deal with what everyone else has to deal with, we are equal in that way.
>That is loneliness
That is solitude.
In what way?
We live in a soul farm (positive)
The farmer and his hands love and want us to grow
They enjoy our fruits
Then we uproot and start walking
And offer a helping hand much later
Maybe a farm even

I am ever slightly bruised
Maybe the slightest sour
But I am still good and ripe
One thing for certain I may not be venting but I'm not fighting this shit all on my own no sir.
If God wants me to fight back I need help, or else I'll just be chilling and mind my own life.

Can't fight the Devil all on your own after all
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This seems dumb
I'm thinking and wanting playing
Not this though
I don't like hide and seek nor am I built for it
>I'll just be chilling and mind my own life.
That's a great plan, we should all do that.
Those idiots removed incentive and made it counterproductive, lmao.
>Can't fight the Devil all on your own after all
Jesus did.
There's too many people not doing that tho, minding others lives and trying to make them hell.
What's the point? There is none, it's just fun for them I guess
>:a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something
The only incentive you need to do good is the thought of being with The Infinite Creator. The rest is just fluff.
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> where?
Where do you need them? They fall out of the back of helicopters.
I'm not Jesus I'm just a guy
A bunch of failures who constantly make excuses for themselves?
And then say that it's by design, an excuse.
>A bunch of failures who constantly make excuses for themselves?
>And then say that it's by design, an excuse
You talkin', talkin'. Okay. Hold on, speak.
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i had an a2 fuck those mags are gay
at leaast i swore an oath to the state of pissrael
instead of some other g*dless country of shaitans
I could give you some insight.
Just to fuck with some people.
God makes sure to keep your soul safe for you
Until you can be responsible with it
(We're talking trillions of years+ here)
>I could give you some insight.
I'd love that.
>Just to fuck with some people
Oh, don't worry, you're protected.
I’ve started my own microstate in California. My dad thinks that Mickey Mouse lease he signed is real.
He made me write that lease at gun point!
All exacerbated nonsense.
The specific method is obvious if you think about it.
That's not a helicopter, Chesty.

*hands you a box of Crayola*

have a snack fren
Not good at thinking about anything other than things to write.
You only get one life, you gotta ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?"
Thinking ahead like that
See cat with sausage, laugh
See sosig, laugh
Keep Scrolling
L a u g h I n g
Gotta think with loops.
Who told you that lie?
Wouldn't know how.
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>my life is like road house
>but it’s me and just another white trash dude doing really bad kung fu in a run down strip mall parking lot
>I love the CIA!
>I love the anti-Christ!
>Who told you that lie?
It was me. Pay attention.
Sometimes you hit what is to you a highest high
And get content and complacent
Can always think and grow in safer, isolated conditions well that was the idea at the time
Times change, may we never know
So you told yourself the lie that you only get one life? Why do you want to stick to that lie?
You get one play through for this life.
Oh, see, that's different.
pedantry is so cool
u r so cool because you are being very exact with language on 4chan
Be impeccable with your word (If you're going to speak).
Simplified version of causation.
Don't know what you mean. I'm stupid, remember?
Which is why I simplified it.
Wouldn't know what that entails.
I'm not speaking, I'm typing, if you want to be pedantic.
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i'll bet that jacket's collar is greasy
Funny stuff.
He’s hired!
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>interrrupts your shitty Domestic Violence In The Park(inglot) performance
>a few questions later, you just left your girlfriend alone with the weird angry guy
Street cred is to XMR,
As Social credits are to _____

how easy to fool the masses with gematria or we could show them the truth

faith is the longest journey one can travel without any hope on the way

it takes time to understand even if the knowledge is sudden but learning is eternal

we are so close to the end that time seems to slow down but somehow we will win it all
The hardest part is not looking until the RNG spins out a novel result
Don't ever fuck with me lol
I scare me sometimes
Let's get a status report
Already there
Obviously I need to be able to write anything at a moments notice and put it up on the internet?
One or two but I doubt it
They get sick easy
Most of the time everyone is wrong
You wouldn't say
Most of the time people are right
So if you feel like you're right
And everyone is on your side
Chances are
You're not
And they're wrong
Oh Anon
Come on now
I tangle with real people
How many of you guys felt like you were special before I showed up?
That's every human
Despite us all learning that we've been doing this for thousands of years people will still pretend like there's something we haven't done yet
No dude
You tell me a one shot random encounter would ever fly in the play testing if a real game
No dude
These are not games these are apps
And the fine print reflects that
My intelligence is not marketable
didn't he have 12 gang members or disciples with him or something
Talking to yourself again, Anon?
I am breaking one rule and that is reposting but but but
I am technically replying to a series of posts that haven't happened yet
So there's no rule for preposting cause psychics aren't real
These ho's is nasty...
You know the rest.
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I love how every jrpg remaster includes a turbo mode now. They know nobody has the time to be walking in slowmotion for the whole game or do 100 s of fights ultra slowly.
It's not that really
Before when dragon quest and final fantasy were fiery rivals in the game industry
You had only a handful of RPGs
You don't know
You spent all your time on NES final fantasy
You didn't jump between 6 games on steam in a hour
There's so many games now there's no way anyone can catch up
Well yeah that's probably it
But let's be honest it makes these type of games vastly more enjoyable, the walking around and the fights truly isnt my favorite things about these games
But before because of the limitations of the technology you know
The grind was appreciated
People ASKED for it
To make the game last longer but we forgot that was because we didn't have other gameplay stuff
But now if you don't do the grind right in your design it's all fucked and people hate it and if you remove the grind people don't call it a RPG
It's weird but it's a very human thing
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Meow :3
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Meow ;3
Unfortunately I see this as an excuse for big tech to make as many batteries as they can, withiout any sustainability programs to offset the production waste.
Disposable vapes are littering the streets, and not one consumer of them gives a damn about recycling the lithium because there is no accountability. Hell, they can't even be recycled without extracting the lithium because nicotine is considered a biohazard.

It's not a vote who goes op


It's the digital battlefield.


Your bots can stay behind


Let's talk about the nobody instead of trying to get popular or "cool' (we all know the coolest thing you can be is yourself and if you're bad, just be better :3)

>You need to read the 700 sutras and 9000 surahs
>No thanks, I'm American.
Damn the thread has never been deader

La Nada es Gato
El Nadie
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I am not smoking anything anymore. (cigarettes, weed, pcp, etc.)
I don't want to be a liar so I'm posting it heere and you can bitch me out if you catch me
I am going to chug a couple energy drinks now.
have a good weekend!
peace walker was so fucking good
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party tonight in /ng/!
good morning
explain your damn tone and why it always feels like you're talking shit about me
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because i am
Monkey see
Monkey do
go. suck. a. dick.
And the power shall be taken from (you).
For (you) have knowingly offended him.
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best she can do is let the witches from her cover roam this thread and bust the 4-5 human posters' balls.
inching my way there
inching my way there, slowly.

like a little epic
rising to it's crescendo
Not in the desert before his ministry, where he dealt with the devil directly.

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