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What am I in for?
a magnificent waste of time orchestrated by a schizophrenic attention whore
Come back and let us know. I’m curious
A shit translation. Stick with Skinner.
Seconding Skinner, and also recommend Peterson. The Mathers translation is butchered.
What if you wanted to do a ceremony, but God said it could only be on a certain hour, on a certain day, and also you have to not beat off for 9 days beforehand, and the last 3 days you have to fast, oh and also, the sky has to be totally clear on the last 3 days and it can't be windy.

Then you all have to be baptized and wear white robes and go through a whole laid out ritual.

All kidding aside (not really kidding tho because all of that is in the book), these things are basically the crux of almost all mythology involving demons.

It also kind of flat out states that the planets are angels, and considering they confirm the demons to be nephilim, the children of men and angels, I get where the Ancient Aliens guy was coming from now, especially when they start talking about flying pillars and thrones.

Oh, also, the stone that the builder refused? It's often misinterpreted like the stone was unsuitable, but it's actually because it was too big for them to move it without demon slaves.

If you do it correctly it'll be easy and effective. If you fuck it up bad stuff will happen. If you half ass it nothing will happen. If you get addicted to it and think the demon is your friend it will make you crazy and destroy your life. If you don't grow out of it and just keep running around summoning demons for rent money and pussy you'll turn into a weird fat guy with greasy hair and painted nails.

This is probably the most effective entry level magic you can perform (it works and works quickly) and it can set you on a path to getting into the real powerful shit but basically don't get stuck being a demonalator (demons are friends/gods/my BFF we have a good relationship) or just a goeticist (i have now become a weird goth occultist that stagnates and has no character development)
>Entry level magic
>Works quickly

I guess you skipped over all the necessary steps that the book tells you absolutely can't be skipped, like the 9 days of celibacy, the 3 days of fasting, the position of wind and clouds being necessary and potentially able to fuck up the whole thing forcing you to start over.
Hell, read the Bible instead.
>gay sex

That is absolute child's play compared to year long initiatory procedures and astrological magic.

Try summoning a spirit when Jupiter is within 6 degrees of Saturn and it's ruling sign is in the ascendant.

Demon summoning is easy and if you think it's hard you haven't scratched the surface.
the mage with no internal power is impotent
make no pacts with noncorporeal entities
generating currency for them will be unpalatable for all but the morally vacuous
The mage with no internet power is impotent, for where shall he roll his gets and post about how great were his workings?
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we are disconnected
the whole region
do not disconnect, do not reset
expect the technician
>What am in for?
Possible demon possession at worst, gay sex at best
Seriously, Crowley invented OTA specifically to have an excuse to have gay sex, very strange how obsessed he is with gay sex
>getting into the real powerful shit
what is the real powerful shit.
I don't wanna waste time with the superfluous desu

It's personal but it's when you cross into adepthood and it looks different for everyone. You'll have certain spirits and entities that you have an affinity for and will have more than likely discovered your own revealed system for working with them. I would say though, that when your magical reading list has crossed over from Crowley, Levi, Mathers, Skinner, Regardie to Al-Buni, Senior, Zosimos, Artephius, Picatrix, Agrippa, Iamblichus, and PGM you've probably found the real powerful stuff and grown out of the smokescreen of entry level occultism.
Thank you for your evaluation. I too think that real magic is a highly personal thing.

According to that list I should be on a good way.
I avoided crowley, read Levi and Agrippa, what is "PGM" though, never hear of "pgm"?

Greek Magical Papyri. It's a list of magical recipes from about the third century. At first glance it looks like a bunch of random folk magic but as you study the ancient sources it will slowly be revealed what is actually happening in the list of spells. It is the source for a lot of contemporary rituals such as the bornless rite and mithras liturgy. A familiarity with the PGM will reflect time and time again over the course of your magical studies as you slowly realize the process of the highest magus. There are a lot of influences happening and once you uncover the thread you will be able to discern between the great obfuscation happening within the exoteric manifestations of the occult (Thelema, Golden Dawn, Theosophy, etc) and what those traps are hiding in plain sight. Always remember that the occult is occulted. So if you're able to access it out of a clearly defined system you need to strip away the human influence and find the thread.
A world of shit if you instatiate any of these archetypes.
A bunch of bs and nonsense. U r better off just uh, making money with investments than asking some magical being for help. They dont actually do anything useful.
Yeah, Crowley, such a "great magician" that he died of a drug overdose. Fucking loser.

I guess "magic" doesnt protect you from ODing on drugs like a retard hahahaha.
Oh interesting. Thank you for telling me about it and giving me additional hints. I'll save your posts for later contemplation and guidance.
Very much appreciated.

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