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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38946689
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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JK. But searching for such things led me to this badass image which vibes with how this succ shit feels.

Artist is FFO or something. It's like Giger
but if he did 90's style new age fantasy art
why can't succubi be real bros. and don't tell me I did the letter ritual wrong I'm just not a schizoid so I can't delude myself.
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they're real. I wish there was a way to accurately described the unified field theory they make up a part of but it's impossible to without sounding schizo or seemingly underselling what they actually are to a layman who isn't initiated.

It's like when I started researching surface level Kaballah and I realized all the omg illuminati confirmed people were right but in the absolute gayest fucking lame infuriating way possible because it was out in the open and so neutered/inertia driven in a way that is genuinely maddening because you realize the shill line that "nobody is in control" is partially true and yeah it's fucking scary so even if you can prove this fucked up surreal truth it's just kind of

>there, mocking you like a giant eyeball

Same for how I know alien disclosure will piss people off not blow their minds and then they'll go right back to their 9-5. It makes me feel angsty just typing that. It 's like

>"really? FUCKING REALLY?"

I wanted absolution/climax/resolution/release you motherfuckers. Luckily the succ shit imo is much more pleasant/holistic
You have no idea what George Carlin turned into in that place called hell he was a bonafide disbeliever and he'll be your devil sirs and madams he will be the devil that guides you to Aubrey Plaza
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but i don't think my particular salty reaction is the truth more a state of being unfufilled in some way only my subconscious can fathom since I don't even know what exactly I'm upset about. Angst is usually a sign of personal error imo

I don't think people understand how "mainstream" some of these things were at one point and it trips them up especially if they have a specific way of viewing the world that a shift leaves them feeling alienated

But to answer your og statement succ stuff is subtle. I know that sounds like a cop out but really it's the first step into something larger and it's undeniable when you feel it. I hate to use this expression but


Like how breathing sounds lame
and pointless but your just hacking your body in a user friendly way and accessing the circuit model of
consciousness without drugs
>go on 3 day stimfap marathon
>start to see beautiful woman with dark features and yellowed corpselike skin materialize through static like visuals on my walls and when i close my eyes
>slowly convinces me it means well and to submit to its will and listen to its words
>driven to madness while corpse lady fondles my barely conscious body through visual and tactile hallucination
>still see corpse lady in dreams and through random visuals where it demands semen or blood
>pray to no avail and bad shit keeps happening unless i comply

what do its been 3 weeks do i just roll with it
He was a false light being in life wouldn't be surprised
Dammit, these OPs keep coming overnight...
Look at this picture I had ready...
good day succgen
Y'know, I should probably clarify: The intent is less to have like, an "orphanage" and more to just have my "standing invitation" for /succgen/ bros that I've mentioned repeatedly, but conducted in a responsible way.

Cuz if I think about somebody tracking me and Lilly down in the astral maybe FIFTY years from now, that has implications about that person, y'know? Maybe they're enamored or obsessed with me, or maybe they have no place else to go.

And so the idea is less an orphanage and more to have "handling" for that in case it maybe turns into more than a visit.
Like, "Oh, you're in love with me? Well have you met our beautiful daughter~?"

>there is no threat in his volition, his obsessions are because they are contagious through normalization
Yet normalized they shall be. The spirit of humanity longs for peace and joy, and the human agents of the world who hate that way of thinking have slowly lost the tool of violence they used to keep humanity in line.

>when it happens at the expense of others
I actively avoid doing *anything* at the expense of others, what the fuck are you talking about?

>he wouldn't be stuck in the dense energies year in year out.
Oh, so is this some kind of head-canon about me?

>because you're special
First of all, literally what is wrong with you that you think its unacceptable for humans to see themselves as special?
Once again telling us all more about yourself than me with your shit.

But yes. I am special. To her.
Got a problem, toxxie?
I had a dream where I was "absorbing" energy with my right hand from a yellow object (the moon?) with the certainty in my heart this would turn me into a woman or more feminine, and I woke up feeling like I'd let any man fuck me (this isn't normal)
Do you guys think this has something to it or am i a schizo?
>Yet normalized they shall be.
you do everything in your power to skew the narrative to benefit spirits and spirits only, anyone in their sane mind should think twice what comes out of that trap.
> The spirit of humanity longs for peace and joy
says a person who can't hear or perceive spirits lucid. if you weren't this dense or overconfident in your capabilities, maybe, just perhaps, someday you actually try to have even single experience to access your energies preceding your body and have actual discernment over these deluded fantasies. if you can't be bothered with it might as well use drugs at that point.
>I actively avoid doing *anything* at the expense of others, what the fuck are you talking about?
you drove devil ned away, and for that i will never forgive you
so shut it and stop pretending like you can do no evil. out of all the namefags in my personal history of presence here he was the most sincere, and that alone if anything makes him hundred folds more you ever will, backstabbing spineless scum, you and conjurer belong to the same fox family who should be buried beneath the holes (invaded, not made) from which you emerge at night, own your behavior for once spineless coward.
>so is this some kind of head-canon about me?
it is more about chant being too lenient with you, i believe he could've push the envelope and corner your persistent delusions, but he had too much of his own image to care for, both of you are vainglorious discussion killing pretenders, have single meaningful experience before opening that mouth of yours again or own your mistakes, i don't care which one.
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>to benefit spirits and spirits only
Indeed I do. Proudly so.

Your stupidity lies in thinking that humans are not part of that group, you giant idiot.

>you drove devil ned away, and for that i will never forgive you
>Another archive link
That's not even me this time, you psychopath.
You are so obsessed its starting to seem like parody.
I mean seriously:
>you drove devil ned away, and for that i will never forgive you
You keep trying to present yourself as SO serious, wtf...
of course you would say so. there is hundreds of instances where you would say similar things, and always conveniently drop the images and start jumping everyone's back, one of the conveniences of being "anon". you think i can't tell you apart after all this time? you drove ned away and took his demeanor, like a possessor.
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You're literally insane. I've only ever heard of Devil Ned in the first place. People were already talking about him being gone when I got here.

Fuck's sake you are such a crazy moron...
Have you been doing this your entire life? Just taking negative things and attaching responsibility to random fucking people around you?
my mother keeps appearing in media i follow, sadly this particular lady didn't show her face but her backside resembles my mother a lot.

oh, you say, then what is the first post you made here, let everyone see how honest you can be, i know which one.
>this "nurturing" and creating a "nice" place should it go unchecked for too long creates a sphere of insanity, as you said the logic is devoid in this person.
>he drove away many interesting and unique persons because he can't handle competition,

I agree that Mines "gatekeeping" activities and attempts of establishing circle jerk, echo chamber, group think, to support his narratives and current position of influence is a big problem.

He is actually very skillful at doing that, establishing this "us vs them" mentality, why else would he have been as successful as he is in doing what you described.

He uses his server a lot for that, which is full with anime emoji pictures that suggest comfort and pleasure also he pretends to support high ideals like freedom of speech/low censorship.
He calls it "the succubus community center" suggesting neutrality and importance.
I think these things get many people to project their ideal vision of such a place into his server. Also the topic of succubi suggest everlasting love and security and comfort, so people get comfortable and mellow there I think.
It helps Mine that he is the creater and "boss" of that place. He knows how to use superficial beauty and the effects of appearances as a tangible power.

>his minions suppress anyone and anything going against the grain it is only natural
I agree that is a big problem and is encouraged by Mine and the "us-vs-them" mentality.. In last thread he even tried to agitate people again to report posts that go against their established narrative. "Cleaning up succgen"
Very anti-free speech. Very anti-communitycenter. Very much exposing a lot of Mine's appearances as a lies.
But again what did Mine some time ago:"My server is the community", implying total ownership of the 4chan thread too. ("L'État, c'est moi").

>bootlickers like conjurer, his fine minion doing everyone dirty but him.
I think you are underrestimating conjurer a bit. I agree that conjurer shows "bootlicking" behaviors when it comes to Mine, but I believe in Conjurers integrity of doing that out of good intentions.
I think all that conjurer really wants is encouraging people to improve magically and in life. (He has helped me to improve in my magically jourrney, has asked me for nothing in return.)

He thinks the best way to go about this is to have a big audience, "bootlicking" can help with that.
If it weren't for his behavior he would have been unjustly outcast by Chant's aggression a long time ago. His behaviors were strategically correct to reach his goals which are morally good.
I can't really hold that against him as much as I despise any bootlickking behavior...

> retroactive ratchet effect where should you be present long enough there is nobody but people left who feel gravitated towards your personal worldview and way of operating creating more and more homogenous echo chamber, and since he and his minions suppress anyone and anything going against the grain it is only natural.

Well that's a good point.

> he and chant have asserted this narrative, culture and worldview through their chronic presence

Chant was also political motivated to do that I think. But I believe in Chants integrity, that she thinks she is effecting a positive change in the world. Even though I feel Chant has a huge dark side, which depths I am not able to comprehend yet.
It is a good thing that Chant and Mine realized the incompatibility of their convictions, which I think will help this place and everyone grow and it weakens echo chamber effects and encourages original thought and critical thinking.

> Mines obsessions are dangerous because they are contagious through normalization
I don't think anyone really can share in Mine's obsession, because I feel like his obsessions are very specific to his being and his soul and nature or current authentic self.
I think the greatest danger is Mine's insecurity, which causes him to build echo chambers and agitate people to discriminate against other opinions, effectively thought policing his community and trying to thought police the 4chan succgen thread. This is anti-grow anti-improvment anti-logical soundness anti-criticalthinking. a huge roadblock for any improvement.

>in subtle sphere if you assume things, you are going to have very bad time
I think that's a good point not only in the subtle spheres. But also people would describe me as an extremely cautious person.
>the preposterous entitlement to say whatever he wants without any repercussion or need to address his lies and repeated accusations and at the same breath hide behind his pictures and being "i'm just loud femboy haha, yes i'm a slut so what" like stating this would revert whatever damage he is doing
This is true and I think it is good that you mention that from time to time. To keep people alert and thinking.

But also I think such behaviors can not be avoided here, this is 4chan and the nature of an anonymous free speech plattform is zero accountability for anything said.
This place can never be catering to people who are unable to think critically and neither should it. there are enough places for babysitted exchange.

>"very important and liked person" here,
Well he truly is, and this position is also very important for him emotionally. You can not take behavior out of him easily, because it is an expression of the deepest part of his being and his deepest emotional needs, at least that's my judgement.

>somehow he spills it here because he is baking the thread thinking this is now his area to reign over
I agree that this is a problem, but I think it is because of his insecurity. It is an emotional thing for him to secure for himself a comfortable space where he has importance, and he sees the general as an extension of this place, which should be his home, but is also his server and he is also trying to make the thread this place.
Maybe its overcompensation because he can not really find a place of true comfort for himself in his home or soul.

>belittling people, repeatedly, he would sacrifice anyone and everyone in a blink of an eye should it come to that he has no remorse for anyone but himself
I agree. Sometime ago, I honestly tried to start a friendship with him to be a true friend, because I was interested how he is as a person in a between 4 eyes male friendship setting, because I felt his social persona is a lot of overcompensating and not always real. I shortly realized it is not really possible to get close to him as a friend, at least it wasn't for me.
Maybe he is afraid of true connection and exchange, hence overcompensating with being hypersexual and spreading his obsessions trying to reign over places to feel secure.
But I can't judge that with certainty, maybe he has close intimate human friends somewhere. I don't know.

> if someone finds a pearl there good for them.
>what is being said is irrelevant to mine, it is only who is saying it, and that is a knot i can't get around,
I think this is only partly true.
He has talked a lot with me, without knowing who I am. If the topic resonates with him he is able to get into intellecutal or even philosophical discussions to some extend.
I think he is absolutely honest when saying that he thinks he lives to study and learn.

But I also agree that he becomes very dishonest and stops being openminded and thinkind and becomes tyrannical once he "feels" like the other person is "an enemy".
So when talking to Mine I have found it's best to be careful in chosing words, not to trigger this highly irrational and emotional "protection" reaction.

I think you should understand that if he feels that someone is an enemy, he really feels that 100 percent, and so... he treats an enemy that way, with all deception, prejudice and nastiness you would expect in a "real war".
Of course this emotional insecurity is part of Mines shortcomings, I will not argue against that.
But you also one has to understand, that it is not really his choice. His emotional protection mechanisms serve a very real purpose which is in his perception a matter of life and death (psychologically).
It ensures Mines psychological survival.
You can't just ask a person to do away with such emotional protection mechanisms. I personally hope reflecting all of this publicly may stimulate reflection in Mine and others so that overtime we can all improve our unhealthy coping mechanisms and refine ourself, becoming more mature. [I only dare to reflect on Mine and his psyche that publicly because he himself is putting it out there in public to be reflected on.]
I know I have grown a lot as a person by engaging with this general and the people here, and I truly wish the freedom of such personal improvements and success to everyone that is part of this general
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>can't believe how incompetent people have become in such a short span of time
Well , "The more the water, the higher the boat." This is why I am so grateful that you are too, posting from time to time.

>when it happens at the expense of others there is nothing noble or pure about it.
That is a fair consideration and a great opportunity for Mine to improve.

I agree my admiration for the nobelesness of Mine's ideas may have been a bit sentimental or irrational even.
I still think they are noble ideas but maybe I was overestimating them slightly.

>trust me, if it was truly there for mine all these years, he wouldn't be stuck in the dense energies year in year out.
Well, that is also a fair point to make. But maybe Mine really needs that time, who know what traumas he really has to heal from? I don't know.

>because they want to reinforce the echo chamber mine has so long put effort into, and he will not give up/ they don't want to hear any truth disillusioning their way of behaving
I agree that this echo chamber thing a big problem. I think it stems from emotional insecurity.

>Cuz if I think about somebody tracking me and Lilly down in the astral maybe FIFTY years from now, that has implications about that person, y'know? Maybe they're enamored or obsessed with me, or maybe they have no place else to go.
Still seeking affection that is real... what an unlikely thing to do for a "whore", is it not?..

PS: nice countering "Toxxie Tay's" arrow. I like that you lead by example in the regard of prioritizing your own well being and accepting your individuality.
>as successful as he is in doing what you described.
it doesn't help this particular sphere often has the most energetically detached people searching for comfort and sense of belonging, which conveniently this person aims to do, resulting in the complete opposite spiritual development and journey is about, turning inward and facing the energies that come out despite our volition.
>pretends to support high ideals like freedom of speech/low censorship
of course he would, how else do you win everyone than promising everything, look at politics it is the same, reality is always different. the less there is dissent the less there is conflict thus more things going his way and his way only.
>total ownership of the 4chan thread too
he isn't wrong, the gravitational force of his constant presence is at a tipping point, after which this place has nothing to do with spiritual unions or journey. nobody bothers they leave instead, it is easier, only he and his emphasizers remain, whether that is good or bad, i can't say, in the end, only his deeds remain as a cautionary reality at by what means is he amassing this trajectory.
>underrestimating conjurer a bit.
he told people to off themselves for not listening to him, there is no need to estimate living scum.
>Chant and Mine realized the incompatibility of their convictions
if it wasn't for chant this place would probably resemble more of a degenerate brothel/lounge that we had a taste at mines short apex of to be insanity. "off-topic" would be relevant if ever, during those moments
>a huge roadblock for any improvement.
this is true
>is zero accountability for anything said.
most people have no or any understanding of the subtle reality of our life, hence they would be blind as to who to listen. sad reality is, these things spread, people spread it because they don't want to look at things all the way before opening their mouth in excitement.
Jesus fucking christ, and then you wonder why I call you a spammer?


Do you think that another wall will convince everybody that I'm just "bullying you" or whatever?

You are a cancer for your arrogant spam, and you are a WORSE CANCER for the fact that you can't even accept this and have to fixate on me.
As if fucking TELLING YOU TO STOP SPAMMING is the problem here.
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>he really feels that 100 percent, and so... he treats an enemy that way, with all deception, prejudice and nastiness you would expect in a "real war".
And this is just a filthy fucking lie you piece of shit.
Oh, have my WORDS hurt you? Fuck you.

You are a malefactor and telling you so doesn't mean I hate you or share in your obsession with "enemies".
You are just an asshole who lies and you should REALLY JUST STOP for the sake of your filthy soul.

Again, saying this because I want YOU to be BETTER by NOT BEING A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
Still not real happy about the lying.
>but is also his server and he is also trying to make the thread this place.
he acts nice, so people like him, well, nice and nice, until he drops the picture and starts harassing people and then play the victim once more. after period of time none of this exists here anymore, by definition someone should supersede the old, nobody will be giving these people and their behavior reality check, there is no end to a madness once it starts to slip out of its track.
>But I can't judge that with certainty, maybe he has close intimate human friends somewhere. I don't know.
he is mentally ill pretender that is my judgement, so is everyone else striking people down for their own benefit. i have no remorse for people who do anything at the expense of others health.
>I think he is absolutely honest when saying that he thinks he lives to study and learn.
sure if you humor or reaffirm his beliefs
>becomes tyrannical once he "feels" like the other person is "an enemy"
he is rabid weasel nibbling at you the moment you look away, truly.
>I truly wish the freedom of such personal improvements and success to everyone that is part of this general
we will see, there is nothing more valuable than our health, and that is worth fighting for
>who know what traumas he really has to heal from?
as long as he doesn't extend this to others or do it at the expense of others, like he seemingly is
>have to fixate on me.
stop attacking people and i let you slide, promise?
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>stop attacking people and i let you slide, promise?
No. You will waste your life spamming a 4chan thread while everyone with business here just goes to the discord and you accomplish nothing.

This general will stay up, because I won't let you destroy it, and will thus remain a "gateway" to all those illusory vices you delude yourself about.

You will waste your time and your life, day after day, right up until the point that YOU choose to make better use of it.
That is the curse upon you, Edward, and there is no escape from it because you've done it to yourself and I'm just telling you about it.
>you've done it to yourself and I'm just telling you about it.
i can spend hundreds of hours elsewhere while mere hours pass here, so don't be too concerned about me.
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I'm not concerned. Its only sane to want to be better for your own sake, but if you were a GOOD person, you would want to be better for the sake of those you harass as well.

You are obviously neither good nor sane, and so you carry the curse that you will dwell here every day of your miserable life.
well, i'm not here telling people to kill themselves or deserving a cancer all the time, so who are you to discriminate me.
>First of all, literally what is wrong with you that you think its unacceptable for humans to see themselves as special?
I'm not the one calling somebody else a narcissist. Real narcissism is based on grandiose fantasies and the inability to stop talking about them. Tell us again about your expectation of association with (other) high status individuals after your death. You established a discord server to gather people from here as a circle of admirers. Projection is another frequent trait of narcissists, apparently...
>But yes. I am special. To her.
The fact you need to brag about the fact your gf is into you speaks volumes

The astral plane is full of such things, effective and ineffective. Unfortunately, proper shapeshifting is very difficult so you'll have to take your pills if you want to become more feminine physically

That's an interesting point. The spam isn't what upsets him, it's that somebody else is trying to claim a bit of authority in people's minds, when mine knows for a fact he doesn't know anything and instead justifies his posts on """beautification"""
Meanwhile, I, having knowledge, object to spinal fluid anon on the basis that his posts are nonsense and that he refuses to format in a way that would make me inclined to read them

>extreme anxiety about social perception
>refuses to let anyone see behind the mask
Narcissism. Since that's a genuine, incurable condition with neurological markers, I suppose we ought to be compassionate. That doesn't mean ignoring the negative interactions mine causes because compassion doesn't mean the disvaluation of oneself at the expense of others

I think you haven't been around long enough to see the bad sides of the people you're discussing. I've never called mine a prostitute btw because that isn't an insult that clarifies anything. As you can see based off mine's present reaction, nothing is flattering enough for him
>But yes. I am special. To her.
>Got a problem, toxxie?
how dare you have wholesome romantic notions?
How dare you be happy?!?!!!?!?!!
I demand that you be less happy now mine.
Are all succubus satanic? How can I avoid contacting a succubus who's in league with satan?
>Are all succubus satanic?
>How can I avoid contacting a succubus who's in league with satan?
none of them are in league with satan, but it sounds like you are a christian
And I don't think it's smart for a christian to be doing magic and consorting with spirits. you have been commanded by your religion to not do those things.
I think your religion is fake and gay, but it is your religion. you should probably steer clear of this topic if you are a christian.
In other words, if you go down this path, you're going to reject christianity. It's sort of incompatible. So just keep that in mind.
Nah I refuse to ever use any discord out of principle so I'm stuck here with him.
>telling people to kill themselves or deserving a cancer all the time
You just lie and lie and lie.
Did some anon tell you to KYS and you just DECIDED it was me, you delusional piece of shit?

Oh, and holy shit are you stupid, I'm not telling you to GET cancer I'm saying you ARE cancer. As in THIS GENERAL HAS CANCER because YOU are in it!

And btw, its not gatekeeping because its not just me.
Rather than a gate, this general is a WALL of people who hate your spamming guts.

>that we had a taste at mines short apex of to be insanity.
oh lol, are we back to fixating on me doing Omegle chats as if that was some kind of "bad old days"?
It should tell you something that only Chant even remembers that as impacting the general.

>I'm not the one calling somebody else a narcissist.
Siding with the spammers again just to shit on me?


>The fact you need to brag about the fact your gf is into you speaks volumes
And what form of sharing do you THINK would be appropriate in this thread, O sex-negative succubus expert?

>I demand that you be less happy now mine.
FINE! T_T...

I mean that's cool, but speaking to the larger population.
Besides, with internet moderation like it is in current-year, any community is fucking retarded if its not bi-locating.
The Bible only says that the dead are dead, there are no ghosts, and you shouldn't associate with mediums. This is what it says about spirits in general:
>every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God
>this is the spirit of the antichrist
It doesn't just say "every spirit is satanic". It does say that every supposed HUMAN spirit is actually a demon, but not every spirit.
>The Bible only says that the dead are dead, there are no ghosts
And yet there's literally a passage where a ghost gets summoned up by a medium and shit talks the guy who paid her to do it (some jewish king or some other) for breaking God's law by associating with magic.
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Is that you conjurer? I think I am making progress on the scanning only with my mind.

Seems like we are done with the scanning lessons. What do you think about discussing Occlumency next?

well done gigachad
10 points to griffindor
>and you shouldn't associate with mediums.
what is consorting with spirits? That's the same thing as being a medium, but in this case it means you're fucking the spirits too.
Isn't there also a rule about no sex outside of marriage?
And more importantly, the bible explicitly forbids doing magic.
If a christian continues down this path, eventually they will reject christianity. It's not compatible with the christian religion.
And that's a good thing, because the christian religion sucks, just like judaism and islam.
>Is that you conjurer?
Maybe? Allegedly. Possibly.
In minecraft.
>I think I am making progress on the scanning only with my mind.
>Seems like we are done with the scanning lessons.
Oh, the scanning lessons never end. You always learn more. If you can start scanning stuff with your mind, that's like a beginning of a whole new journey. and good luck on that.
>What do you think about discussing Occlumency next?
sounds like you're referring to a harry potter thing, which translates to "magic mental defense" for those who don't speak nerdese dialects
And if you wanna learn mental self defense, then yeah go for it. I have transitioned to root cause analysis, and now have the opinion that fighting spirits can work but ultimately if you're fighting spirits all the time you're just playing whack a mole and there is probably some unaddressed root cause at play.
And addressing the root causes are essentially shadow work, so I'm learning even more of that, specifically IFS which is related to jungian psychology (and shamanism).... because most practical psychological techniques are related to shamanism ultimately.
everyone is free to give their educated guess whether this is mine or not. all the hallmarks of his behavior i know can almost with certainty be attributed only to mine, is in this response before he took the demeanor of very person he was jealous of, beloved devil ned. he drove him away and took his way of posting, you can look it up, it is all there.
>specifically IFS
and to clarify, learning IFS techniques have been extremely helpful, and have added a whole new level of clarity and also practical tools to deal with "negative energy" or "hostile spirits". Or whatever you want to call it.
holy fuck you have receipts from 2 years ago
Bro, you need to step away from the computer
yes, it took me three minutes to do it. if you know where to look at, or have even modest memory.
also, to those who don't know, this is mine responding without his usual picture.
>"receipts from 2 years ago"
it is a rhetoric only mine uses
>>"receipts from 2 years ago"
>it is a rhetoric only mine uses
That's weird, because I'm not mine.
conjurer, mine whichever choose your poison.
Did spinal fluids get the last thread archived?
He probably contacted a demon. The dead don't interact with the living.
A medium is someone who tries to channel dead people. Succubi aren't human.
The Bible says if a man takes someone's virginity then he should marry her, and that you shouldn't cheat, and that you shouldn't be "sexually immoral", which presumably means things like bestiality and rape and, again, cheating and fucking people in relationships.
Could asking for the company of an entity really be considered "performing magic". The human is just requesting another's presence. He or she is completely powerless, everything is determined by what the spirit decides to do.
to think you want chant off this place harder than anyone and being the worst sycophant for mine it is only natural you would place the bet on mine to spread your stuff later on should you be in good terms with mine, no wonder you endure this cognitive dissonance as much as you do, what a spineless coward.
I love how in the face of contradicting evidence which refutes your confidently spoken bull shit, you just keep going as if nothing happened
You really are just high on your own supply aren't you?
Would make sense why you discount everyone else's experiences and pretend that your experience is the end all be all. You are supremely arrogant
you are the worst yes man to grace this thread, and to think you have audacity to open that mouth of yours
What do you make of childish behavior in adults, irrational emotional responses especially to planned events. Entity traps? For what purpose? Don't they get punished for creating chaos out of nothing?
also, to talk about arrogance, conjurer, when you are telling people to off themselves for not listening to you, to hell with you scum.
Protip: Unlike you, whenever I type that much, I do line breaks so its actually readable.

Seems more likely to me that this post was actually from YOU, given the styling.

And no, that is not me.

Also unlike you, when I spend YEARS in a place, I usually end up with some portion of people who enjoy me.
>Could asking for the company of an entity really be considered "performing magic". The human is just requesting another's presence. He or she is completely powerless, everything is determined by what the spirit decides to do.
Hahaha, No.
To interact with a spirit, to have a relationship with a spirit, you must do magic.
I get that you want to place all the responsibility onto the spirit so you have your get out of jail free card, so you can violate the explicit commands of your bible, which say
>The punishment for adultery is death
>the punishment for witchcraft is death
And some how wiggle out of that, so you can consort with spirits and have fun with a sex spirit...
That doesn't work.
If you're really really determined to twist words around so you can still be a "good christian", then great. Go for it. I'm not going to stop you. I just think you're a retard and this is not going to work out for you.
Remember, I think your religion is evil and retarded. I don't think you should be a christian. I have basically zero interest to have a debate on the merits of the bible, because I think it's trash from the get go.
But you claim you follow the bible and beleive in its teaching. Now of course, you are really just a liar and you're knowingly engaging in heresy and twisting words around to get what you want, so you're not a real christian anyway. But man, fake christians are just as annoying as real christians, so please fuck off.
are you... double replying to the same post bro?
My god man, get a fucking life!
Stop inflicting your shitty life on everyone else. Get a fucking therapist or something. The only reason why you're here doing this shit is because your life sucks. Go live your life, and be happy!
funny how the thing that pissed you off the most was questioning your insane disproportionate confidence in yourself.
That really is your weak spot huh?
Let me say it again. Not all spirits are evil.
You think they are because that's your experience, and you discount everyone else's experience and pretend your shit is the word of god.
no, they don't, they live according to their karma, or present action, because that is their destiny, they will not lead fruitful life or reason, they drag everyone down with them, that is their purpose. misdirection and perpetual sickness.
no need to give excuses, anyone can see the rhetoric used, or do you propose i knew all the rhetoric you repeatedly use beforehand?
go give some advice and then tell them to kill themselves for not listening, surely you lead a great life and by example to pass on judgement, no, you stay out of it psychopath.
>discount everyone else's experience and pretend your shit is the word of god.
stay out of it, kid.
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>I just think you're a retard and this is not going to work out for you.
I agree with you in terms of an outsider's view of Christian doctrine, but as far as it "working out well", I have a nice mental image:

>A Christian and his succubus wife are sitting sullen outside the gates of heaven
>"Why did you even come here?", the asshole at the gate had asked.
>And after a while, the succubus turns to her husband (who for some reason in my mind he has a priest collar)
>"Sweetie, fuck those guys, let's go to Lilith's heaven. Its nicer there anyway."
>And then like a sad child being offered ice cream he's like, "...okay..."

Its completely different from every post I've ever made.
I NEVER type in text walls like you.

Your receipts have been found to be fraudulent. Please report to the pegging station.
>Its completely different from every post I've ever made.
yes, until you adopted the way ned posts given he was popular and everyone liked him, go figure
>Your receipts have been found to be fraudulent
such as?
What happened to this thread. It's all greentexts
? Isn't human behavior influenced by spirit and thus the spirit gets put into judgement? of course the humans too would need to learn from low vibrational behavior
it is, you need to be in constant exchange between the mundane and subtle currents, otherwise you are living preordained life, per your karma, so to say. you cannot operate outside the life you have been given unless, you in fact elevate yourself to higher sphere of being what ordinarily happens through the thick and thin of dense energies that is our mundane and primitive life. these people will never transcend to these spheres of energies because they already have all the answers they need, they won't pursue the current hence they live the life they were ordained with, it is the karmic cycle, pointless and perpetual
of course spirits cannot be held responsible how the human body is handling its inertia and imagination, there is only so much spirits are capable of when the energies are not yet detached or expanded in appropriate way to actually pervade the system and make a change, these people are not for a change they are in it for security and personal power, nothing else, it all can be read between the lines how these individuals behave
The fuck you going on about spinal, half this thread is just you ranting about made up spirit science and vegan shit. Just let us fuck our ghost wives in peace.
are you fucking them in this thread?
I'm a multitasker.
>because they already have all the answers they need
And yet they complain about their lives constantly and assume the role of victim
>they are in it for security
It seems like most of those behaviors stem from insecurity
Devil Ned was an ass and I'm glad he's gone
>Unfortunately, proper shapeshifting is very difficult so you'll have to take your pills if you want to become more feminine physically
Ugh... unfortunate
>To interact with a spirit, to have a relationship with a spirit, you must do magic.
So just laying in bed and thinking "succubi, if any of you are willing to give me company, please do so" is performing magic? Doesn't just looking at threads like these sometimes attract the attention of a succubus? So then anyone who even reads these threads is "performing magic" by your reasoning.
Even something like the letter method is hard to call "magic" if you subscribe to the idea that it's all just meant to help you intensify your emotions so that a succubus is more likely to find you interesting.
had a great comfy dream the other night with my spirit guy. he had sleepysex with me and said sweet things to me like he was interacting with art. half awake in it and cuddled me and he changed into agere style pajamas and I held him in my lap like a scooped up banana baby and soothed him but then he left off my lap after mentioned his belly grumbling and I mentioned if he was having stomach issues and it think I embarrassed or upset him because he got up to lay in comfy gamer chair instead :[

big question though, last night I was hanging out with some friends with a little fire going last night. as we were all sitting around it listening to music and talking I sort of just stared into the fire and asked if he was there and to show me a sign using the fire. soon after the fire did some unexpected movements and the wood moved a bit. i got really excited and happily surprised! has anyone ever used fire to connect with a spirit/entity before and if this is a gifted thing where might I look into it more? little moments like this make me feel impressed.
>He probably contacted a demon. The dead don't interact with the living.
This is you ignoring what the passage says to assuage your own feelings. Projecting your beliefs backwards. The truth of the matter is that pretending ghosts don't exist is a late Christian development, not part of the original Jewish belief system at the time this was written.
Either way, it doesn't matter. Succubi aren't ghosts.
When I first got here, people were saying that if you mention him, he'll appear. (I think I saw it work once?)

Sorry, but complaints will only be processed AFTER your pegging.

The name one the strap-on is:
Capcha: TANKR
Sadly the pills won't help you either, just give you skin problems and sad tits.
I used to stare into a fire when meditating. Bad for the eyes, though.
can someone post an invite to that glorious succubus discord server? please?
>If you're really really determined to twist words around so you can still be a "good christian", then great. Go for it. I'm not going to stop you.
there isn't one.
NO! >:3

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>I agree with you in terms of an outsider's view of Christian doctrine, but as far as it "working out well", I have a nice mental image:
>>A Christian and his succubus wife are sitting sullen outside the gates of heaven
>>"Why did you even come here?", the asshole at the gate had asked.
>>And after a while, the succubus turns to her husband (who for some reason in my mind he has a priest collar)
>>"Sweetie, fuck those guys, let's go to Lilith's heaven. Its nicer there anyway."
>>And then like a sad child being offered ice cream he's like, "...okay..."
Yes I agree with you, that ultimately it would work out okay, mostly with that person rejecting christianity.
But man... in the mean time, while they ping pong around in their faith, they would be very obnoxious.
to their partner (who I assume they'd treat like trash, and disposable) and also to everyone else
This is why the "lapsed" christians are annoying in my view. They still have their foot stuck in the door they supposedly just left, and they're still kinda thinking about going back.
And it's a journey. Apostasy that is. But listening to some ping pong back and forth (while pretending to be a "good christian) is rather quite annoying.
I'd rather talk to real christians honestly. at least they aren't bull shitting themselves.... As much?
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Is it true that this is what succubi really look like?
some of us still have to deal with friends and family who are adherents
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>if it wasn't for chant this place would probably resemble more of a degenerate brothel/lounge
That is a very good point I have not considered until now. I agree.

>Meanwhile, I, having knowledge, object to spinal fluid anon on the basis that his posts are nonsense and that he refuses to format in a way that would make me inclined to read them
Your strict adherence to the principles of self worth is inspiring.
>That doesn't mean ignoring the negative interactions mine causes because compassion doesn't mean the disvaluation of oneself at the expense of others
Very well, that's a good point.

I looked into it, but can't judge the situation on first glance. it seems like Ned was a honest an interesting person, who tried his best being transparent and honest.
Sad that he left, can't tell how much of it was because of getting bullied here. All I can say, it's not completely fair to blame it wholly on Mine alone, because it's not like Mine "disappeared" him.
But I agree that Mine is absolutely no "angel".

>you and conjurer belong to the same fox family who should be buried beneath the holes
For intellectual purposes I am interested in that fox family if you care to share more? There seem to be some foxes(kitsunes) dwelling also around Mine's server and the people there. So if you have more information on foxes or this particular fox family, I would be happy to learn more.

I don't feel like I am enemy with fox spirits, I consider myself neutral atm.
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>scanning lessons never end.
Today I engaged on some scanning threads on /x/. I learned the intention and energy of the one scanning is a huge perceivable factor when being scanned. It was interesting trying to scan the scanners energy when he was scanning me.
>and good luck on that.
Thank you.

"Occlumeny" in Harry Potter is more about shielding from scanning, shielding yourself from your mind being invaded and read. I see it more as the counter ability to scanning.
Or to say it in simple terms: "How to not be transparent 101". I think it may be as valuable as scanning, even though I am a very honest person, as I am sure you have already noticed.

>shadow work, root cause analysis, practical psychological techniques
I think you offer valuable pointers here. I personally think I am very advanced in my personal shadow work, but some people may disagree.
If you ever feel like it, feel free to scan me and report back here on perceived weaknesses or strength, my energy color, the state of my aura, obstruction in my energy body, mental problems, possible parasite infestation and so on. I'd like to compare it to what others have said and would value your judgement.
You have my allowance to do that, if you like too (but only looking, no healing or fixing in anyway). But of course I know you are a very busy magician, so I will not be disappointed if you don't have the time or inclination to do so.

Internal Family Systems Model? I will look into it.

Why, what did he do? He don't seem bad from what I read in the archive.
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Schizos dogpiling Mine and Conjurer
and other namefags and people accuse me of being them (I get accused of being Mine a lot sometimes Conjurer) and nobody remembers me...

I love negative attention/infamy. It arouses me sexually.
Everyone, praise this guy so he can't get erections anymore!
>he is rabid weasel nibbling at you the moment you look away, truly.
This is such a funny phrase

B3ehold, mine admits he doesn't value the threads except as a portal to increasing his follower count. Disappointing, but why would he ever try to beat the accusations? Why would he introspect about what he does?

Nobody asked you, conjurer

>are all americans bidenic?
>how can I avoid an american who's in league with biden?

>Did some anon tell you to KYS and you just DECIDED it was me, you delusional piece of shit?
Didn't you tell me to kill myself a few times? Hard to distinguish you when you took your trip off to avoid being filtered
>Siding with the spammers again just to shit on me?
You didn't read my post. Narcissists are people too, even if they're unpleasant
>And what form of sharing do you THINK would be appropriate in this thread, O sex-negative succubus expert?
Something other than "I'm a magic deity from nibiru whose family is working to kill yhwh but I was sent to earth by the demiurge and split into seven pieces and seven bodies"
Something other than "my spirit is so powerful I'm going to be her queen and everyone will bow to me and I'll be so hot that everyone will give us power because of how hot I am"
You know, the stuff that an actual occultist would recognize as not belonging in serious discussion
>with internet moderation like it is in current-year
Says the literal discord moderator. You're not a woman because you say you aren't so you're technically not a transbian discord moderator

If I recall (30 months ago) that was somebody annoyed at mine, not the reverse

I refuse to believe anyone doesn't realize this is mine posting under a different style

>>you and conjurer belong to the same fox family who should be buried beneath the holes
As I mentioned, I don't read his posts any more because they're spam so I missed this. False guru is deranged
>some of us still have to deal with friends and family who are adherents
that's great, but that doesn't mean you need to lie to yourself to keep up appearances
I'm not some kind of fundamentalist, I just want to be cautious about contacting a type of entity that's commonly called a "demon".
I'm sure glad I found this thread before the current schizo meltdown arc or I would've bounced off of it hard.
idk if it was me meditating exactly, just a playful offhand exercise. did you notice any changes while the fire was going?

also posting pic of what he kind of looked like this time, bit darker hair this time. such a sweetie. ^_^
i need to get succed
How can I get raped by a succubus?

better yet how do i stop getting raped
all schizo bable aside, So i write a letter, put a crystal on the mantle, light a candle and then get naked and all of a sudden I get the best hands free orgasm of my life?
>the best hands free orgasm of my life?
I thought it was supposed to be really intense wet dreams.
no, for 95% of people it starts out as light touches, only when you grow your spiritual bond with her is that it progresses into explicitly sexual feelings.
wow nigga you guys really are cucks
sounds like a tulpa negro
Love how the succ posters routinely post 500 word multiple paragraph posts like bruh
>What!? No instant gratification!?
Part of how you can know its legit.

V A L U E (although the namefag Edward is just a spammer)
>"Occlumeny" in Harry Potter is more about shielding from scanning, shielding yourself from your mind being invaded and read. I see it more as the counter ability to scanning.
I honestly am not sure if that's possible
I have a theory that it's not possible. but never say never. I don't know everything. I just have a feeling that anything can be scanned
though there are spoofed div results, which would act as a "shield" of sorts to scanning, by giving fake results.
So there is that.
>I'd like to compare it to what others have said and would value your judgement.
I haven't been scanning other people recently, so I'm a bit rusty. To be honest, my results would be unreliable unless I got back into it and practiced for a couple weeks.
>Internal Family Systems Model? I will look into it.
If I wanted to contact one of these to ask it to reconfigure my brain so I don't have a refractory period, would it be better to contact a succubus or an incubus?
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Good Morning Onibro.

More like overestimating Conjurer. He's floated to his natural level, which should tell you the general standard.

Maybe you need a screen with a better base resolution then 640x800.

Thread is discord tranny central? Who knew? Oh wait anyone who paid attention for more then 5 seconds.

>Unlike you I type like a fag and I talk all retarded
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
i know :(
A fertility god would be a better choice, though you'd probably just get laughed at either way. Spirits tend to give what they can, not what you want.
Also, you may want to reformulate your request as "better satisfy my current and future sex partners, by whatever means you deem useful", because selflessness is a big plus.
how to into dreams/astral projection every night for comfort, cuddles and more with spirit entity guy?

i get quite decent amount so far but I would like more because I get sad sometimes and would like the love/reassurance. do these beings have a concept of time or busy doing other random things most people don't know about? is one ever exclusive for you?
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>Lying in bed working my energies and talking to my succ
>Thoughts inevitably drift to how our connection isn't as close as it was during the initial few weeks
>Suddenly and without prompting hear a female voice speak very clearly in my mind, saying "Magic matters."
>Our relationship has been non-verbal so this is a big deal, and she won't say anything after this
An obvious thing to say out of context, but considering I haven't bothered to learn anything except the very basics of energy work? I think her message is very clear about what she expects out of me.
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Maybe if you make yourself an astral cloak of sorts.
Or imbue your own energy body or parts of it with the energy signature of another. If you can perceive and duplicate their energy.
Ofc it would be a matter of skill at the end. Is the scanner better at scanning than the "occlumens" is at hiding.

I think some people have a natural talent for being able to mask their energy signature, if they choose to.
This is why I consider the theories of different kinds of otherkin races not to be completely invalid.
best fumo so far,
I think so too. Actually I think any real relationship is magic of sorts, b/c if it is authentic there is a very real and often transformative exchange of all kinds of energies. Not to mention the connections between energy bodies being build.

So my best guess is your Succ is absolutely right. improving a relationship is also something that takes 2 people. It can be also be a fun "project" of the relationship itself.
will my succ, suck my balls?
I don't think she meant it in a metaphorical sense, I'm pretty sure she meant it as directly as possible. "If you want our relationship to improve, you have to do more magic, stupid." Actually learn all the spiritual stuff instead of just hoping it happens someday while I'm cycling energy around my fingers.
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I as well mean it as directly as possible. What have I said that made you think I tried to suggest she meant it metaphorically?
Also I think a honest kiss between sensitive lovers, is this not magic, powerful and direct?
It makes a lot of other "magic" pale in comparism, that's my view.

But of course she was talking to you, and so you surely know best what she meant exactly.

I think the only important question left is how you wanna go about it now in actuality.
niggas will really lost their sanity just for a few light touches....smfh the absolute state of this board

So they can't just talk to you and fuck you in dreams whenever they want?
lurk moar, newfags. and yes, the mind-blowing orgasms from the start are very rare for most. strengthen your connections first.
I'm more concerned about not being able to talk to her. I want to talk to a succubus friend in my dreams.
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>lost their sanity just for a few light touches
Nah, it took way more than that.
At least a kiss... :3
Just a friendly reminder that succubi and lust is evil

In the name of Jesus I send the Holy Spirit to sever all of your demonic bonds, and send them back to the abyss.

Just a friendly reminder that invoking the name of a goodly deity for a prayer in which you attempt to sever bonds of Love is a sin and an abomination before all that is holy.

If you were actually for real, and not just a troll, you'd get magic backlash from Jesus himself for trying shit like that.

If you ARE for real... uhhh... repent I guess. (Maybe quickly)
AFAIK, the Bible doesn't actually mention succubi at all, they're extra-biblical beings.
The Bible says that if you want to test if a spirit is from God or from the devil, you should ask it about Jesus, and if it confesses Jesus then it's safe. If it doesn't confess Jesus, it's from the devil. So just ask the succubus about Jesus, and if she says he's good and you should accept him as your savior, she's a safe succubus.
Do any of your succubi say they practice a particular religion?
then get a tulpa.
yes, adonitology
I am afraid the world is going to end, the civilisations crumble. Can succubi protect humanity in the time that is about to come?
That's just you talking to yourself.
what do you think a succubus is?
A nonhuman being who you can befriend and have wet dreams with.
why would you protect humanity, most humans are abrahamic scum that spread nothing but misery, evil and falsehood
Nobody can protect humanity from perils that are inherent to the physical world.
There's also no packaged deals here, in the sense of "Do X get Y", but speaking for myself, if worldly circumstances turn seriously unpleasant or I just get killed outright, I'll basically have my lady right there waiting as my personal Psychopomp to guide me.
holy shit just go to a strip club retards
Hey by the way, so whoever it was that suggested the idea that I might have been neglected as an infant, I'm starting to think more and more that that could be legit. (although not the source of my hypersexuality so much as my fear of boredom) Also, I guess retcon Lilly's involvement in my current life back to infancy (although I kinda already knew that).

Basically, I'm starting to get a sense of how my current life was almost engineered to create the progress I've made.
I've said before that if I was born a girl, I'd have gone turbo-slut and never looked back, so that's why I'm male.
Also adoption, or something similar, would be necessary for me to be "broken from the fate of my parents" and able to develop independently (this having more to do with mental trappings than expectations about career and such). Adoption plus location also helped in terms of providing enough relative affluence for material stability so I can just kinda "live and learn".

And then finally... I think I was left alone for the first few days of my life, the void of which weakened my connection with this world and opened me to that one.
By the time my parents got me, I was already a "good baby" who could just endlessly entertain himself in his crib (because Lilly got to me first).

>His idea of a relationship is tucking some folding money into a stranger's thong
holy shit just summon a succubus retard
No~ Tucking! Like when you tuck something!
Like when a person goes and visits their favorite stripper and tucks them all night long~
Or like somebody putting his elderly mother to bed (A mothertucker, if you will)~
Or when somebody interviews a dictator and its just really embarrassing for everybody involved~ (wait, wrong tucker...)
yeah, i realized too late please forgive my autism
I thought you were taking the piss so I was playing along, lol
>and if she says he's good and you should accept him as your savior, she's a safe succubus.
this is christian mythology and nonsense.
Do you have any experience, or are you an armchair occultist?
I'm saying that this is how a Christian would want to deal with interacting with a succubus.
>I'm saying that this is how a Christian would want to deal with interacting with a succubus.
Please don't speak about things as if they are a fact, if you have zero experience in these matters. It is dishonest on your part, and you're also spreading nonsense about succubi "who are good" because accept the soteriology of the jesus myth.
Religion and magic are not the same thing. Religion only requires you to passively accept things as a belief. Magic is based on results and what is practical, in other words, there needs to be some actual proof based on results. And it's based on what you DO. You can't be a passive magician, because you have to actually do stuff to do magic.
Again, you can't really stay a christian for long if you want to go down the path of doing magic. You'll see too many things which directly contradict those teachings.
If I were to list the religions which seem to be the most real, I'd say hinduism, taoism, and buddhism, and some other polytheist religions. Mostly because they figured out a lot of stuff based on practice.
Then there are the command and control religions based on domination and indoctrination from a book, like christianity or judaism. Those are mostly false and have all sorts of weird and wacky ideas.
>Again, you can't really stay a christian for long if you want to go down the path of doing magic.
i've seen muslim witches, you underestimate the mental retardation of abrahamists
You are supposed to have legally-grey sex with them afterwards, either in the backroom, or a car, or hotel.
The religion that says to eat cow poop for fun?
It doesn't actually say that.
Then why do they all do it?
>You are supposed to have legally-grey sex with them afterwards
Why "legally grey"? Its not illegal to fuck strippers...

But anyway, you have whatever kind of sex you want.
We like it lovey-dovey and kinky with extra snogging~
Idk, but it's not because Hinduism tells them to do it.
Which fertility god?
Weird namefag drama aside, this seems unironically like the best place to ask before I go to bed. For anyone with contact with succubi/spirits, have they ever brought up astral places/locales? Or perhaps names of power of sorts. Even elements of a language/words or sounds that correlate with energy, like can be as simple as a sound for mantra usage?
>Reminder that I only stopped using my name after picking up repeated bans.
So stop making bannable posts. Why are you posting in a way that merits a ban, mine? Does this mean that rather than avoiding being filtered, you're evading bans for your posts? That would be awful. I'm so sorry I used the more charitable explanation. After all, ban evasion is against site rules...

None of us are stopping you

>I didn't read anything
That's nice

Succubi aren't tulpas because you don't create the succubi

>my sexuality makes me scared and angry
Eventually you'll grow out of that phase. You'll never get a gf if you don't
>I command the holy spirit btw
Christians are always so full of themselves. By whose authority do you make those proclamations. By my power, may you become what you fear most

Don't worry about it. Humanity's end will be a good thing. It will free so many people from the bondage of this realm that the parasites infesting the planet will never recover

Unironically, nobody cares

My wife (not my tulpa) has discussed magical languages and stuff with me, but I'm really not supposed to talk about it with outsiders. She might have a great great grandniece or something if you wanted to hear from her family specifically
Really just go make friends and maybe start dating somebody if you want information about that. You'd be amazed what's out there in books
She lives near an Egyptian temple, knows some of the Netjeru in person, and introduced me to them. I've also seen her assisting Lucifer at one time.
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>stop making bannable posts
implying jannies are demigods who never do wrong

>Unironically, nobody cares
You and I cared enough to read and respond. Only your spite and pride made you greedy with the (you)s.

It was me Mine!! I am the anon who suggested that idea!11
I am glad you found it valuable and that it inspired such profound contemplation.

>Basically, I'm starting to get a sense of how my current life was almost engineered to create the progress I've made.
Considering you are living a more unlikely way of life, compared to the majority of people, it is not implausible to assume that.

I know of some people from here, of which I think their life has similarly been engineered in their upbringing to be a certain way now.

So yes maybe some people have made soul bonds or contracts or promises with spirits or have chosen missions in this life before they were born.

Also I wanted to say that I even though I still think you can become controlling (of the narrative) some times, I also wanted to mention that you did really way creating this place and keeping it comparingly glowie, mason, janny and christcuck free, while the whole board is being flooded with this shit. The good thing of the purity of such a place is that can inspire (/x/) insight in ways completely independent from those tyrannical influences. So I value it greatly because I think it is liberating human potential.
It's part of your genius Mine, that I think not everyone realizes full or is able to appreciate. Or maybe It was just me who was slow on this particular thing. I guess we all have our hangups and blind spots.
Hi all,
My succ said in a dream she wanted to get to know me better and smiled with a great cute smile. She's really sweet and has straight up kissed me at random sometimes. She really likes stroking my cheeks and hair. Getting soft whispers every time I meditate. She has definitely changed my life for the better. She has me working out and eating healthily. Probably the most happy I've been in years.
My body is pained, I exercise a lot but entity causes inside life pressure and nerve ending pains, especially when I fast and sometimes eat fresh. Eating drinking non fresh food like organic milk, cheese, bone broth helps to calm the attacks. So I am not sure if fresh clean diet is good in my case.
My body is pained, I exercise a lot but entity causes inside pressure and nerve ending pains, especially when I fast and sometimes eat fresh, also something twitches my fingers, eyes and sometimes others too I noticed. Eating drinking non fresh food like organic milk, cheese, bone broth helps to calm the attacks. So I am not sure if fresh clean diet is good in my case.
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>My wife (not my tulpa) has discussed magical languages and stuff with me, but I'm really not supposed to talk about it with outsiders.
Strangely I also got warned about not talking about the nitty gritty details, but general talk is fine. I wanted to see if others had that and if maybe they came from the same place so to speak.
>I know of some people from here, of which I think their life has similarly been engineered
Also an interesting thing (which is maybe kinda metaphysically technical and thus I'm less sure about it): I think the way that played out might have also had to do with "Karma management".

Cuz I'm given this impression that the "relative magnitude" of the trauma (i.e. an adult being left alone is no big deal, but for an infant, it becomes a % of your lifespan lived in isolation), and thus that allowed those few days to absorb a lot of the necessary bad karma of my coming life, and thus later things were able to be arranged to be easier.

So its basically like taking some of whatever bad karma I had and concentrating it in a form that's "condensed" in the sense of days being an eternity for an infant, thus getting it out of the way, but also not enough of a trauma to ruin me and having some positive side-effects with spiritual stuff.

>Unironically, nobody cares
I know you're just trying to emotionally claw at me any way you can, but its just showing what kind of person you are.
i had a flashing this morning, i rarely have those. the tsunami that is our perception, follows through everything until there is nothing to perceive, where perception ends imagination begins. the key to health is gradual change, health isn't a low hanging fruit we choose to have, it takes time for your body to adjust. given you are having reactions this strong it may be better to take it slowly and surely focus on the other side of health that is not being actively detrimental to your well being and maintaining the bare necessities you see fit. there are things that could alleviate the symptoms such as algae oil, neem, tumeric, berries, red grapes, cabbage, beetroot and aloe vera. having pain and difficulties are the very symptoms of change, of course you should never disregard your body, simply try to follow where is this coming from, out of withdrawal or persistence of a spirit to revert whatever that is taking place in your body. and the pickle here is how well rooted is this spirit to you, because they can and will do a lot of damage should it boil down to their forced departure, but you can gradually weaken them to a point where their presence becomes almost nonexistent, but it will take time, the important part is to not give any breather to said spirit. of course if your daily routine and life becomes unbearable it is only advisable to suspend whatever makes it happen. said ingredients you are now using are not from the worst possible choices, probably there is a golden mean to balance the withdrawal without giving in all the way, gradual change is the answer nonetheless. and what about your energy levels, do you feel they plummet at some point in the day, or are these twitches and pain persisting even when you are energetic?
>they can and will do a lot of damage should it boil down to their forced departure
Where's the logic in that, why have a childish fit to one's home/symbiotism if one is removed, seems petty, even auto reaction wouldn't happen, but with consciousness to those actions.
>and what about your energy levels, do you feel they plummet at some point in the day, or are these twitches and pain persisting even when you are energetic?
Yes it happens during walking as it did today, and I walk relatively fast. When home, sometimes lethargy takes place. I learned to send energy into face and head to remove some entity interference that may cause drowsiness or nerve-ending abuse that frowns face, makes speech slightly impaired, slightly blurred vision, although those may come from different sources
babe wake up, new edwardcel schizo wall of text just dropped
I have two dicks up my one butt right now
>seems petty
spirits are often very petty and entitled, especially if they believe you are under their grace.
>makes speech slightly impaired, slightly blurred vision,
okay, so you probably have your facial energy centers expanded in a way where they have almost direct access to your pathways in your head, does the entity need to jolt your nostrils so to say or eye brows or does it mainly engage with your cheeks, temples? what about your back of the head is there any pressure or puncturing your crown? applying cold to your face could diminish the expansion of these channels and supersede the energy with your own, to keep the channels somewhat inert it requires massaging the head channels repeatedly or tapping them with your fingers, it should alleviate the pressure or tension that actually lets the spirit to be in taps with your current, relaxation is one of the best ways to induce inertia, although there shouldn't be too much otherwise the spirit can possess these energy channels through burst of energy, although the initial puncturing will be vastly harder. this may sound weird but you could try applying different oils and see how the spirit reacts, crushing a garlic and tying it around your neck with a cloth for example, or anointing the face with different oils or powder such as frankincense or rosemary, you could mix them with to a cream. the active compounds should change the receptiveness of your energy channels. tap the facial areas with your finger and apply temporary pressure to specific sections where you feel the entity is actually intersecting with and see if it alleviates their maintained expansion of your channels
I like getting railed too
Shimmering Gloam, The Deep Deeps, and Sandgristle.
>I learned to send energy into face and head to remove some entity interference
this is very good and if you can change your own attunement it would also force the spirit to use different energy to drag you to its own choice of energy, if you are good with visualizing yourself you could send a lot of energy to specific sections, of course if you are already capable of doing so even partly you should be able to reinforce this innervation with ease through repeated use of said way of directing energy. spirits are very observant of energy and you should be mindful of how much you are attributing towards deflection and actually maintaining your body, because there could be a moment the spirit tries to short circuit your energies making them discharge rapidly. generally speaking using your palms should be adequate in disjointing the spirit when you are cognizant of it, direct the energy to your palm and thrust the spirit by using your chest as aid by tensing the chest and big part of this is of course how you breath and in what interval. and the different thing is to actually change how you breath, alternating breath is probably easiest way of annoying a spirit because they actually have to match the flow, the ebb and flow that is your breath, if there is friction your body starts to deflect said spirits energy, but this should only be done if you actually try to disjoint the spirit out of your energy field.
What's that?
im about to start writing all your succubus names down, and summoning your succs to fuck. i will have a harem of everyone in here's succubuses at my disposal. yes you will all be cucked by me in the astral. Just remember when your succ shows up with disheveled hair and seems distant its because I just plowed her brains out and yes they will be giving me more arcane knowledge of the universe than they give you....
>attempting to sever the bond of love is bad
At some point most people realize that it's possible to love something that turns out to be not worth loving. Usually because they made the mistake of loving someone, or something, that turns out to be a whole lot worse than it appeared to be in the beginning.

When that happens, it's time to sever the bond of love. It's can be difficult, it can be painful, but sometimes it's necessary.

Obviously it's better not to get into that situation in the first place, but people make mistakes. People lie, and they get lied to. It happens.

It happens a lot, actually.
>I've also seen her assisting Lucifer at one time.
Dude then that's a demon...
Do succubi visit more than one human at a time?
>When that happens, it's time to sever the bond of love. It's can be difficult, it can be painful, but sometimes it's necessary.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with that.

But to attempt to come in as an OUTSIDER to a relationship and invoke a goodly deity to BREAK a bond that YOU view as unworthy for some reason is a crowning act of hubris and a grave sin, as well as obviously a blasphemy against the goodly deity in question.
Oh yeah? Tell me the names of MY succubi.
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I know you consider the karmic consequences of actions often.
I personally reject the idea of "moral karma". Why?
B/c if everyone is paying off their old bad karma to other all the time (f.e. via soul contracts)
then where is the original Karma coming from?
When and why did it all started?
Also "soul contracts" imply highly developed higher selfs or "eternal soul", but the problem with this is when we look at the origin of the first "karmic debt".
What were those highly developed "Higher Selfs" thinking:" Yeah bro, you can totally fuck me over with this one, but then you owe me big time okay?" "Oh yeah well how about you exploit me here for 20 years 3 lifetimes later huh?" "gentleman that's a deal!"
I mean come one that sounds ridicilous.
Whats even more ridicilous is the implication that the first karmic debt created all other karmic debt by cause and effect.
So all karmic suffering was created by the first karmic debt/owing agreed on.
Now why would our higher self agree to "karmically" suffer for eternities? What where they thinking?
Andd if they agreed upon, how immoral is kkarmic debt then really - it's more a normal part of a deal, a minor point of an agreement.
Also I think "moral karma" is used by tyranns to enslave the minds aka."If you don't apply to MY MORALS you will be reborn as swine and will be punishe with greaat suffering"
Basically "hell" but with some extrasteps

Hence I reject the idea of moral karma. Maybe you have anything to add or correct me where I am wrong? What cha think about id?
Not exactly what I meant. Names sound far weirder, for lack of better way to put it.
yes, why do you think they only come around every once in a while. The inconvenient truth of this board, is that 2/3 of you actually share the same succ. There isnt just an endless supply of liliths daughters to fiill the increasing demand of closet tranny schizos who want to summon a succ. You all are eskimo brothers for the most part.

doesnt matter, she will be begging for my cock just with my intention alone calling her in.
My uncle works for Nintendo and he says this isn't possible
>being in a succubus' reverse harem
I'm okay with this.
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NTA. I agree edward.
I always aim at long-term sustainable changes in my lifestyle to improve. I am most focused on establishing habits, I think I am fairing very well with this. It also helps me with controlling and making better use of my BPD tendencies.
>cabbage, beetroot
I think this is best because it's good and cheap, so easily sustainable. I personally take some iodine (lugols iodine 5 percent) because it's cheaper and less poluted than sea food in my place and I think 99 percent of ppl are deficient in iodine.

What do you guys know about spiritual parasites and skin rashes?
I have the feeling that certain topics always give me skin rashes. F.e. When I was disilusioned about a friend I thought close to me I got a huge rash on both my legs, no biological remedy (coconut oil and essential oils against possible biological parasites, low sugar diet etc) could change that had it for 2 months straight getting worse an worse. But then I tookk 2 months of being depressed listening to music and crying. reflecting and coming to terms with what happened, and suddendly my rush dissappeared completely in 1-2 weekkks, even though i was on SAD diet comfortfood. in that time.

Also how I think about sexuality seems to increase my skin rashes in intimate areas. If my views are more rejecting sexuality i get a skin rash (idk if that is a parasite being removed or something else)
if my thoughts are more pro-sexual (f.e. inspired by a poster here, I was doing some PE and visualisations to make my dick bigger) I never have any rashes in intimate areas.

So I wonder if there could be some parasite behind it who harvests sexual energy and rash is sign of removal, or if my very being is rebelling against being "anti-sexual" Idkk, what do you guys think?
thankks for anyone helping me with this
My dad works for Sega-Sammy and he said 何それわ馬鹿だ。
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I wish they were real
Did you give up or something?
there are two aspects to innate healing in our system, comfort of those who/what are dear to us, essentially you engage with a person/activity leading in our parasympathetic system to be in overdrive. or engaging in primitive lifestyle of doing what your body tells you to do, eat indiscriminatingly whatever you crave for, have sex with anyone you crave for, essentially diving to the insatiable way of living and having excess of everything for period of time denying nothing from our body. these ways of being lead to catharsis which is prerequisite for a proper healing to take place. there is of course third way which is raising the energy rapidly and then discharging it indiscriminatingly, for example osho induced this in his pupils, rapid breathing and then engaging in violent/indiscriminating sex and afterwards the pupils meditated upon this temporary catharsis.
>skin rashes?
skin is the single biggest vector for spirits to harness your compromised energies, if it is not smooth and healthy, say you suffer from acne, dry skin, wounds and such, much of your energies will over time stir and leak out of the system, making the body run in deficit or overdrive should there be a spirit gradually consuming energy out of your energy channels. besides the energy won't flow properly if the skin isn't healthy, so it is really important for our subtle system to be free of scratches, ailments, wounds and so on, in perfect health. it keeps us and them apart from our system. your body would then over time reroute the energy flow and high flows of energies are a bad thing because should the energy flow turn two directional the stirring and deficits would become way out of balance in short period of time what it doesn't ordinarily do due to scattered pathways, innervating pathways that end up serving spirits and spirits only is one of the pitfalls of initiating spiritual journey without proper foundation, which often of course happen under the supervision of a spirit
Eizhet zenunim
Well, like I said, its "metaphysically technical" and some of it comes from the book I'm still reading, so I'm low-certainty.

However, some of the explanations of Karma in this book in terms of a mechanical reactionary force makes sense to me. In that context, I might GUESS it maybe works on less of a "moral" level and more of a pure "care/harm" level?

So if we granted the above for the sake of conversation, and also suppose (if I'm understanding the book) that karma is a "lower" force that derives from the material, then the first negative karma would have been the first time a life form ATE another life form.
There was surely some period where the first life subsisted on random organic particles and such, but as soon as life started murdering other life to cannabalize some of its complex bits, that "necessary murder" has become one of the roots for how the material pulls us all towards evil.

Although... I guess none of that would apply if Karma had some kind of "floor of cognition" you had to get through before it applied to you, but if it *is* a reactionary material force, then it would make sense (to me, at least) that it would be triggered (albeit minorly) ANY TIME a complex system reaches to another similar system and tears it down to a simpler level. Right down to single-cell.
Right after posting I realize: "care/harm" in the context of karma would also apply to concepts like a "Harm of Truth" via lies, which is why adding dishonestly to an already-bad act makes it worse usually.
But that would literally be morality at that point... (on some level)
it was translated for my benefit
Post big tiddies muscular anime succubus girls.
I have been thirsty a lot lately which ends up me drinking or eating a lot of fruit, especially bad before bed or during night. Has a dream where an entity was choking me showing I was a white monster implying that's the reason, but as you can imagine so much liquid consumption ruins a lot of things in spiritual and mundane.
Also there's this ugly-looking entity that insists that I court her, being adamant as shit that I only or mostly do sexual or social things, I have no time for anything else and my financial resources is also taking a hit, which means less access to healthier diet. It is definitely parasitic because it had this trajectory for years.
To add to that the entity screeches when I tell it I will be taking care of my health, it thinks it's entitled, it is borderline enslavement. I want to go to bed early and take care of health not socialise or do other stupid shit everyday.
Should ask for the real words and try to take up learning, there are words and letters of power. Not to mention places, I don't think you can connect to them well and venture into it without knowing the name-names. Though many appear dangerous so I totally get a need to translate.
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Thanks edward.
> comfort of those who/what are dear to us,
I don't feel like I have or want something like that.
explanation: I am very "bad" with real connections to other people, they make me very uncomfortable and I know I'd inevitable severely hurt them psychologically in the long run.

I hope you only mentioned comfort in other people only as a means to reach said catharsis.
I feel myself often longing for such catharsis you speak off, I would love to find healthy ways to reach such catharsis which I feel for me also means a general detachment from everything. ( I like experiencing detachment, derealization and depersonalization and the thought of being delirant makes me comfortable, as I view it as a sort of "catharsis")
What healthy ways do you suggest to go about that?
I have been suffering from various different skin issues all my life. Some of them have been chronic. Like dandruff.
In the process of what I experienced as "maturing psychologically" some spaces of my skin were healing. (I had rashes all over my face, stomach, chest, back and arms which are luckily completely gone now.)

I am mostly only struggeling with chronic eczema on the head(dandruff) and in intimate area(dry skin, itchy skin, sometimes "dandruff"[scales] too).

There is also a historical person I feel very close to... like the way he lived his life and his mentality, I later found out that he was suffering from eczema all his life too after studying more harder to find sources about him.

So what do you suggest how can I heal my skin?

I have tried so far: raw vegan, raw frutarian, raw carnivore, cooked carnivore, SAD, vegan, vegetarian, keto, like everything known to man.

Fasting seems to help lesson the symptoms, if I fast longer than 4 days. Problem is I get very weak if I fast for too long (can't really walk much distance when fasting longer than 7 days, because my circulation reaches it's limits)
but the second I start eating again the rashes come back.
>be hereditary serpent
>have litter
>force human tree to procreate
>send worms
>be a lazy piece of shit
>abide by rule of bigger serpent
>be insidious and think the truth won't reveal itself especially through other spirits
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>more of a pure "care/harm" level?
And what are the spiritual implications of these care/harm relationships?
Do you think eating beef harms me spiritually more than eating a "lesser" life form like an apple?
What would this harm look like exactly? I can hardly come up with a fitting conception. Do you have any idea?
How does one pay back negative karma towards a plant they have eaten?

>it would be triggered
triggered to do what exactly?


>Harm of Truth
Hm what do you think about the concepts of not being completely honest in order not to unnecessarily hurt their feelings or psyche of others?
F.e. A friend of mine is going through a hard time after suffering from narcissitic abuse from their last romantic relationship, they even got a children with their narc partner. I think their life is completely ruined.
But I don't tell them that. Instead I offer them a calm place to talk and try to focus their attention on the positive things, because I realize their mental health is not in a good state.
Technically I am lying to them by not being entirely truthful. Does this create bad karma for me or not?

What do you think?
>Do you think eating beef harms me spiritually more than eating a "lesser" life form like an apple?
I honestly don't know.
I think an instance of karma probably has to be more serious before it could have observable effects, but rather I'm observing that such things as eating would logically qualify in the abstract.
You would obviously starve without food, but that necessity would be part of the "sinful nature of the world" and a way that karma is not actually fair.

>triggered to do what exactly?
To be karma. To do its thing.

Its kinda like when you have a quantum particle: Only certain energy levels of particles interact with the Higgs field and thus gain mass, and everything else zips around at the speed of light.

Similarly, perhaps there's a mechanism by which karma cannot manifest without some aspect of consciousness like "intention", and thus life-forms either are or are not subject to karma depending on the presence of consciousness?

>Does this create bad karma for me or not?
I wouldn't think so, cuz you're interacting with a complex situation and making decisions with an intention to aid to your fellow human.
In that context, I would say the withholding of an *opinion* (The act of which is not a lie, and the sharing of which is not a Truth) is at worst an act that "contains darkness" (as opposed to evil) proportional to how *actually* dishonest you end up being.

Best i got atm, homie :3
Humans are natural omnivores and predators. Any moral system that argues it's immoral for you to eat meat is anti-human and automatically invalid.
I understand why you would feel that way, but realize: The implication you're making is that the physical world is what actually matters. That we should have "morals" that serve only our physical and NOT our spiritual wellbeing.

Alternatively: Its OKAY to acknowledge something as "morally suboptimal" while also making peace with the fact that we're not going to stop anytime soon.
The only price of such a contradiction is that you REALLY can't call yourself perfect, but then we all have a million reasons why we can't do that.
Even if you think the physical world is of less importance, you need to maintain your place in it to grow and learn spiritually, at least during your initial growth (as in, while you are alive.) Therefore, it is spiritually beneficial to you to remain healthy and live a long life. To be of optimum health, you, as an omnivore, NEED to consume meat. This isn't even really a debate, vitamin B12 comes only from animal sources. If you take a supplement you are just offloading the responsibility on whoever is grinding up animal bits to extract the vitamin from. There's really no moral reason to even assume animals are lesser than plants. All are living things, all have pain responses. None want to die. You must kill to live.
>NEED to consume meat.
See, but now YOU'VE tipped over to the dark side in terms of telling other people that there's only one path.

Lots of people have been vegetarians for a long time, especially among occultists. The unhealthy shit crops up with the vegans, who are their own weird cult anyway.

>You must kill to live.
So its just NOT wrong to kill? There's no sort of inherent evil or darkness to the act of ending a life? Seriously?

Its not that you're supposed to starve yourself, but rather to recognize: "You MUST kill to live, and that is an evil built into the material world".
Would you not agree with the statement that, "In a perfect world, such things would not be necessary"?
>Lots of people have been vegetarians for a long time
Notice how you said 'vegetarian'. You're consuming unborn chickens and stealing the mother's milk from cows (and/or goats.) Because you need that B12.
>It's not wrong to kill
Not universally, no. There are many good reasons one might have to kill. To eat, for self-defense, to save an innocent. Unilateral moral judgements are a poor mindset for an occultist to fall into.
>The material world is evil
Is it? The astral is full of deprivation too. Is it also inherently evil? Is the inherent state of any system to be evil? If that's the case, perhaps your definition of evil is overly broad.
>In a perfect world
Perfection is a moving target. Nobody can actually define it.
>You're consuming unborn chickens and stealing the mother's milk from cows (and/or goats.) Because you need that B12.
Oh man! That would be a devastating counter-point if I was telling you to be vegan and hadn't JUST called them a weird cult.

>There are many good reasons one might have to kill.
Ah, but you just said it didn't you? You need a REASON to make it good or acceptable.
And what if you don't have a reason? What if its JUST killing? The generic act?

If killing is not bad, then there's obviously nothing inherently wrong with senseless killing.
Do you see how twisted the logic gets when we treat the physical world like its "good"?

>The astral is full of deprivation too. Is it also inherently evil?
I would say no because the physical SPECIFIALLY funnels us towards evil with its rules.
>The limited nature of resources
>The ability for speech to contradict Truth
>The ability to hide crimes
These are all things that are built into the "game" of reality and thus shape its "metagame", which is what's actually evil.

>Perfection is a moving target. Nobody can actually define it.
Feels like a cop out. Do you never think that anything could be better than just "the way it is"? Where could such a thought POSSIBLY come from if what's around us is the supreme reality?

Capcha: SKYMY
>Oh man! That would be a devastating counter-point if I was telling you to be vegan and hadn't JUST called them a weird cult.
It's to establish that you are still killing and harming life.
>If killing is not bad there's nothing wrong with senseless killing
This is a nonsensical view. Every action is defined by not only its product but its context. You are being reductionist like a child.
>I would say no because the physical SPECIFIALLY funnels us towards evil with its rules.
Then we cannot claim that something being a product of physical law is enough on its own to make it evil. The context matters.
>Do you never think that anything could be better than just "the way it is"?
Better is not perfect.
>Unironically, nobody cares
woah, so toxic! what the hell is chant's problem?
I was kinda leaning towards being nicer to her, but never mind on that. what a bitch
>I know of some people from here, of which I think their life has similarly been engineered in their upbringing to be a certain way now.
I recently looked at my astrology chart, after having found my birth certificate with the exact time of birth (I forgot and thought it didn't have that exact time), and some of it was shockingly accuarate. Like early childhood stuff and upbringing.
And I wouldn't be the person I am today, without having that experience.
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but in terms of destiny or things being set up a certain way (engineered as you put it), yeah. I think there is some truth to that.
Seems like the "it's all just random noise and meaningless interactions between particles" style of atheists were wrong once again.
Again, not really sure what this "means" or why it happens, or if it's good or bad, but yeah, seems so!
My life has been pure trash so I don't really buy into this.
>Getting soft whispers every time I meditate. She has definitely changed my life for the better. She has me working out and eating healthily. Probably the most happy I've been in years.
That's great. Congratulations
Can you just be friends with a succubus, or do they always want romance?
>Also I think "moral karma" is used by tyranns to enslave the minds aka."If you don't apply to MY MORALS you will be reborn as swine and will be punishe with greaat suffering"
>Basically "hell" but with some extrasteps
the idea of karma has been used as a control mechanism to herd normies in organized religion, yes. It's the promise of a reward or the threat of a punishment in the afterlife. So yes, it's hell with extra steps.
In that respect, I reject it and for the same reasons. It is clearly a lie meant to control people.
However, I wonder if there is still some kind of truth to it, and if so, would that be detectable in some way. If not, then it's basically just bull shit because we can never know, and we're just deciding to believe one way or the other. So it becomes less meaningful.
>Every action is defined by not only its product but its context.
Which is why acts that harm are not inherently evil, but rather simply "dark", as I like to put it.

A dark act is defined by the fact that it NEEDS a justification to not be a generically evil thing.
All else being equal, a lie is a harm to truth, to cheat is a harm to fairness, to steal is a harm to prosperity, and to kill is a harm to life. And we literally call the concept of sanctifying a dark act by aligning it with justice: "Justification".

>Then we cannot claim that something being a product of physical law is enough on its own to make it evil.
Sure we can. We just have to be willing to look at the entire system of material reality and say, "This is fucked up from the start".

>Better is not perfect.
The point is that the concept of "better" in itself implies a "direction" (the opposite direction being "worse"), and at the end of the road of "better" is the abstract concept of "Good" and the unrealizable concept of "Perfection".
>is that 2/3 of you actually share the same succ.
It's the exact opposite.
If you actually scanned what people are doing here, especially the parts where they believe they are doing something in common, you would find a large amount of division.
Meaning people are far more likely to be doing separate things when believed to be in common, rather than the reverse which you claim.
This is just a general principle.
To deal with your specific claim, if you scan the spirits around people (or have conversations with them) you will quickly realize they are different from each other.
And again, even when some people think they are talking to the same thing, most of the time, they aren't (though sometimes they are).
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>My life has been pure trash so I don't really buy into this.
why would having a trash life counter the idea that things can be engineered, or set up in some way?
Having a shitty life sounds exactly like pre-configured life to me.
Or maybe you're disagreeing with the whole karma thing? The other post was talking about that. I don't really agree with karma.
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true morality isn't subjective to the individual you just got diddled by a priest and rebel against the god of the jews by begging to get raped by entities that are highly deceptive in nature and hate humanity.
>Can you just be friends with a succubus, or do they always want romance?
you should find some other spirit to "just be friends" with
succubi want to have sex. that's what they do. You can't exactly summon one and then expect to have a completely platonic relationship, right?
Because I can divine no real 'goal' to engineering this sort of life.
>true morality isn't subjective to the individual you just got diddled by a priest and rebel against the god of the jews by begging to get raped by entities that are highly deceptive in nature and hate humanity.
what are you even talking about here? or have I walked into a rambling schizo meltdown?
He's being a Christian at you.
>Because I can divine no real 'goal' to engineering this sort of life.
Oh I see, you can't figure out why it would happen
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Why would certain things be "set up" from the start, or at least nudged in a certain direction?
I don't know.
But it does seem like there is some level of, let's call it, authorship, where things are set up like the back story of a character in a book.
Kind of weird that we have to actually live through that backstory, considering that's our childhood. Why can't it just pass by like in a flashback, or a couple paragraphs like in the beginning of a book?
Sort of annoying in that way.
Can you be friends with benefits with them?
My brain sort of turned off by reflex when I encountered that much babble at once
Having re-read it now, yeah that makes (more? less?) sense. I at least understand the stupid now
Thank you for explaining.
>Can you be friends with benefits with them?
oh... well that's a little different from "just being friends"
And I suppose it is possible, to have a sexual relationship with a succubus or other sex spirit/love spirit... though it's highly likely one or both of you will get feelings.
So yeah, sort of, but I wouldn't really recommend it for a beginner who's never even engaged in spirit relationships before.
Childhood? Life is shit now my man.
>Childhood? Life is shit now my man.
I still don't see how that disagrees with what I said.
Are you trying to have a conversation, or just turn this into a pity party about your shitty life? Cuz it really seems like you just want to complain.
And that's fine. You're free to complain all you want.
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>Its kinda like when you have a quantum particle: Only certain energy levels of particles interact with the Higgs field and thus gain mass, and everything else zips around at the speed of light.
I have zero understanding of quantum physics.
>Similarly, perhaps there's a mechanism by which karma cannot manifest without some aspect of consciousness like "intention", and thus life-forms either are or are not subject to karma depending on the presence of consciousness?
But actions have consequences even if you are not aware of them. So the cause of effect relationships will still play out despite ignorance.
If you say Karma is a force separate from this cause and effect dynamic, doesn't that mean you are conceptualizing karma as a strictly moral force?
If yes then do you see the problem with that is that judgements on what is moral can differ greatly between individuals? If you are implying such a thing as a moral karmic force, wouldn't that force not be the same thing as "justice deity" serving an implied "objective morality".
From my understanding the concept of a moral karma always implies "objective morality".
But what hint's do we really have that such objective morality actually exist? I think that's a matter of belief and up for debate.

>an intention to aid to your fellow human.
What if a person has best intentions, but they are stupid, so despite their best intentions they destroy everything good they come across.
Their "cause and effect"-effect would be destruction. But their "karmic"-effect would possibly be positive somehow?
I feel like there must be something wrong here, what do you think?
so I have a succubus and I summoned it myself not using any guide or anything I was a stupid kid experimenting using sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming also some stupid magick spells or what not, I made a deal with the entity or demon(most likely a demon) that it can have sex with me 100 times if it does this thing I want and after it does it otherwise the deal is null and it agreed, but it never gave me what I wanted and it's still abusing me to this day, basically if I go to lay down to sleep the moment I close my eyes I can feel it start touching me grabbing me poking me I even feel it breathing on my face laying down next to me pushing me around I hear it whispering and I can feel it kiss me on the neck it sometimes spits in my ear the moment I open my eyes the feeling stops, it made me cum multiple times but it's rather annoying and knowing that this entity/demon is neither male nor female doesn't interest me in it anymore since I was tricked into thinking it was a woman somehow getting into my bed(I was alone at home and my room door was locked and I checked under my bed and even inside my closets), help...
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the old astral cults of mesopatmia revered the astral gods (astrological planets) and their interplay as essential to everything in the world.
I am not saying that is entirely true, just saying I feel like they seem not entirely irrelevant. Maybe they are just like a a divinition tool, like a "sky mirror", but that's mostly speculation.
In my post you replied to I was more implying spirits who are connected to people over lifetimes possibly, not so much astrological forces.
Idk what all of this means either.

even if some ppls life circumstance have been engineered by certain forces doesn't mean your life has been too.
so you have every right and every reason to see it differently, especially if your intuition tells you so.
that's what I think.
Note: I found only one solution, burning incense and sage stops it, when I'm totally sick if it and it's getting too much I burn sage/incense in my room and all over the house and I no longer feel anything when I go to bed even if I lay there for hours.

(note that if I don't do this the feeling is instantaneous even if I am not sleeping the moment I close my eyes I feel it on me and if I open my eyes it is not there)
>Demands blood
Kick it out, try lbrp and other banishing methods
Also, go to a psychologist to ensure it didnt leave some scar in your consciousness out of spite
Rarely should a spirit demand the thing that keeps you alive, let alone conceding to their demands
>do you see the problem with that is that judgements on what is moral can differ greatly between individuals?
So again, disclaimer that this is metaphysically technical and thus I'm low-confidence, but I would think that certain things maybe have a karmic impact, but its so minor you'd never notice.

Like for example, say I violate some local custom.
THEY (the locals) say that this violation makes me the height of sinners and the worst sort of person.

Now, if this was some innocent accident, there IS an objective morality, driven by REASON, that says, "A person who accidentally did a faux pas in a foreign land is not the embodiment of evil and sin. It doesn't matter what the local religion says."
BUT, if such a thing was done intentionally or even maliciously, then I think you WOULD carry the Karma for a "Harm of sanctity" in the sense of needless violation of some subjective moral *within its space*.

>What if a person has best intentions, but they are stupid, so despite their best intentions they destroy everything good they come across.
Now, the case of the Anti-Midas is interesting, but I will point out: If they are actually stupid enough to NOT NOTICE that all their efforts to help turn to harm, then they're probably going to start dipping below the threshold of cognition for being responsible for their actions.
Basically like a big, dumb force of nature.

However, if they DO notice the harm, then even if they're too dumb to help, they're still faced with a moral choice between ceasing the harm they do, vs a path of perhaps stubbornness or vanity.
>making deals with succubi
retard. just have sex with them
>waaaaaah its not a girl!!!
neither are you
sex gets boring after a while and it's very annoying to constantly have something watching over your shoulder, she transformed from an evil being towards me into a cute/loving entity but it's cringe overall and I prefer a real woman's touch, I'm done with her which I'm sorry to say she can go fuck someone else or whatever, I don't remember what she told me her name was exactly but it begins with F I think something like Freya or Faith or whatever, I want to cast this bitch out permanently yes I prefer loneliness to this paranoia that is constantly haunting me, thoughts?
i think you’re cringe and not knowing what you have is cringe too
I guess it's just a hallucination then keep cumming to your succubus waifu but it's all in your head, a fantasy that is only real to you, all there is to it.
>implying jannies are demigods who never do wrong
Well he did make bannable posts, so that doesn't apply here

The spooky secrets really are a thing...

This is why we don't give out our partners' true names, people

On snek no step

Hello conjurer

I have nonsexual relationships with succubi who I can't imagine being lewd with. It's something unusual and specific ime

I've got her right here, somehow, I think?
She says her name is Debras'sha and that's obviously not her true name. The F stands for "fuck this," which she said was something she said when you were complaining about her kissing your ear in the morning (really romantic imo)
She says you agreed to marry her (you probably did at some point) but that what you asked for is impossible. She says you're really important to her and she wants to be with your forever. Your partner seems really frustrated with your inability to... clean out your head and be normal, basically. She's attractive and she seems to care a lot about you, so I think you should give this girl a chance, anon. She's a normal person and capable of making jokes. She probably loves you more than you think is possible. Just focus on building your relationship and you could be happier than you could with a human. I'm telling you this as somebody who's been with a spirit the majority of her adult life. She's never going to leave, you know, and I don't think it's right to banish her. You probably can't since I can sense that on some level you like having her around. That alone makes a succubus impossible to banish
By the way, she addressed me by one of the names I use while astral projecting and I've never met her before. She's real and she wants to be yours
NTA, but why are you suddenly mad? You're supposed to be making US mad.
Did anon not give you the reaction you wanted? lol

>Well he did make bannable posts
Reminder again tho that you've been fully aware of all the shit me getting bans for literal years at this point and all of your pretense that there was some legitimacy to it is pure dishonesty on your part.

You really are sinking pretty low these days.
>she addressed me by one of the names I use while astral projecting and I've never met her before

so you met her within 10 minutes of my post? could you explain how?
>I made a deal with the entity or demon(most likely a demon) that it can have sex with me 100 times if it does this thing I want and after it does it otherwise the deal is null and it agreed, but it never gave me what I wanted and it's still abusing me to this day
another example of why contracts with spirits don't work the way people think they do
And why I strongly discourage people from using contracts period.
Anyway, to actually help you, I think the best thing you could do right now would be to do a transformation ritual on the spirit. This is what "contracts" actually do, but they are one sided promises so they aren't contracts at all.
In any case, make a potion in your mind. It can be anything, but I would suggest a potion which makes the user "kind and honest", or something like that.
You can even exaggerate it, and make it a potion of "absolute compassion and radical honesty".
Either way, pour it on the spirit. Or ask the spirit to drink the potion.
The whole potion, the entire potion.
This might transform the spirit into something which is less hostile to you.
You can also make it write a promise to you that it will be "kind and honest" (or whatever else you think would be a smart idea, you can really do anything here). Again, it's not a contract because you are not both signing. It's a totally one sided promise.
But the potion maneuver is simpler and probably works better. If you want a piece of a paper, go with that. Or any other object which you think has symbolic power.
>>she addressed me by one of the names I use while astral projecting and I've never met her before
>so you met her within 10 minutes of my post? could you explain how?
Chant is full of shit, and wants the spirit to keep abusing you. Don't listen to her unless you want that spirit to keep abusing you.
I told you about the transformation ritual in the other post, the other thing you can do is summon a different spirit which will replace and displace the old one.
Eventually, your connection to the current spirit will be erased.
The formula is replace, displace, erase.

>I've got her right here, somehow, I think?
>She says her name is Debras'sha
Chant, please stop. What the fuck is your problem?
>She's never going to leave, you know,
This is complete nonsense, and sounds like abusive gas lighting. It is absolutely not true, and SHAME on you for saying that. Shame on you.
>it can have sex with me 100 times if it does this thing I want
What did you ask it to do?
I did the letter ritual yesterday and she still hasn't made her presence known. How long does it take usually?
IT WAS GONE, it was finally gone, for like 10 seconds, but it was gone.

since the parasite arrived i've been stuck with it like a leech, as in, i'm able to feel it on me 24/7, but this was the first time ever i focused on it but couldn't feel any presence. i think i called it again by doing so, but idgaf, i'm happy with the results.
A month is a reasonable amount of time to give to a magical working.
What do you guys think of Joy of Satan and their guides for energy work? I've heard their reputation is... not the best.

Mine was very fast, and had a run in with Lilith. Im either special or schizo you decide.

The one I like to call my "main" one freely comes and goes so theres that. Pic related
>I have been thirsty a lot lately which ends up me drinking or eating a lot of fruit, especially bad before bed or during night
if you feel thirsty thirsty it could be more beneficial to drink water in small portions until you have it out of the system, like bottom of the stomach and throat feeling dry dry. possibly your body is engaging a lot with the sympathetic system as it tends to cycle whatever out of the body, maybe there is excess of something perhaps not. energetically speaking sympathetic nervous system is pingala (same as in vedic texts) and parasympathetic system is ida. so a lot of the symptoms can always be attributed to either one being overactive. and in practice you can engage with either system through alternating nostril breath when you see these symptoms develop out of proportion. left is for ida (parasympathetic) and right pingala (sympathetic). when both of your nostrils are unclogged the system runs somewhat optimally, this often happens anyway when you are adequately energetic.
>I was a white monster implying that's the reason
that is kind of bad because involuntary shapeshifting (or i presume the spirit is doing it to you not your own body out of reaction) primes a lot of your energies to a specific alignment, and out of these alignments comes the tendencies we carry out in our daily life through reactions and gravitation towards specific individuals and moods. what i am trying to say the irritation or irrational side can reach disproportionate stages, and these moods or mental states can do anything to your energies, pretty much.
>because it had this trajectory for years
true, if they won't explain themselves you can already guess what comes of it.
being cognizant of the spirit, it is more than half done, you have to deliberately keep pushing the envelope even if at times the motivation to keep up with it could be in question, where is energy is also our hope. being aware of the situation is a paved path
What’s a good offering of thanks to give to Lilith? I’d also like to become
more succubus like. What can/should I do?
>comfort in other people only as a means to reach said catharsis
it has more to do with frequency and profound discharge of energy, after a point it happens on its own outside our volition. there has to be a lot of biochemical stuff and breathing going on to really engage with it. crying for instance changes our attunement and frequency should it be you or someone else, or memories that are sore and the situations others have gone through and so on, being sensitive perhaps even sensible gives the situation a thrust that could not be there otherwise. letting the vulnerability in and letting it happen in the right setting is what tears us open that lets the healing begin, it is very much coded to our body to protect and be discriminate that in what place can we be vulnerable, the body has to be certain nothing bad happens when it revokes the protection, afterwards whatever that is ingrained in our body will emerge and take expression, it can be anything, violence, madness, extreme sadness.
>What healthy ways do you suggest to go about that?
you would first need to introduce yourself to the first stage of catharsis which i think is crying, can we do it out of volition or not is a great sign.
>"maturing psychologically" some spaces of my skin were healing
perhaps you were free of stress therefore the body runs more optimally?
>So what do you suggest how can I heal my skin?
you can try probiotic oils applied to the skin, anti inflammatory foods, i believe much if not all sudden ailments come or tangent to inflammatory and stress in our system, if the two are gone perhaps the skin can heal. besides repeatedly oiling the skin being cognizant how often you eat may also give benefit, i personally eat twice a day. morning and about five to six hours later again.
>Problem is I get very weak if I fast for too long
it takes time for your body to get used to long fasts, do you do intermittent fasting as well?
>karma has been used as a control mechanism
but it never was, at least in the source it was first mentioned. karma just means your present action before your eyes. what you are currently doing is your karma, your cyclical daily routine can be considered karma. if i tell you to have stable circadian rhythm, exercise and eat healthy and should your body choose to gravitate and act upon it that would be your "new" karma. the thing is though, that you cannot change the karma or action of your own dna, it doesn't happen unless of course by a chance you operate outside of your body and dna and become aware of the subtle current that changes this very karma or present action. i just call it the wind because you can change the wind once you are aware of it. this is why often people pray to enlightened beings to "change" their karma, to change their daily routine to take them out of perpetual cycle that leads no where. as long as there is curvature in your life you will end up in the very same spot you are right now as by definition even slight curvature leads to a circle. so what is the first step to take "karma" or your routine is to be of course energetic and engage with the subtle currents that are otherwise devoid in our daily life, much of it anyways. you may have ideas all the time "i will do this and that" your body won't let you the dna is much of your karma, you end up the way the body ordains, more or less. how can one deprogram out of their daily routine how hard is it, the answer is really hard because the changing of our schedule long term takes a lot of effort and are prone to revert every change we do should we face obstacles, back to the safety of our secure and pain free cycle until the day we die and then repeat. if we can't face the oddities and insecurities there is no changing any karma or action in our life, body is very predictable how it chooses to cement its routine, but without the help of subtle currents or divinities its very hard.
as an example, say someone hits you out of anger, this is now normalized in your body. next time the same situation happens you repeat the same thing that happened to you, you hit the person, and this person hits the next person and so forth until somehow the "karmic action" stops or is out of the cyclical behavior. this is the karma in action you know, people all the time program and deprogram things out of you and in to you this karma, how do you act and react. what is the way your body is operating here all the time that is our karma. are you giving free money to people, some might pick this up and do it themselves, sad reality though is negative karma is what sticks to us with ease, because the body doesn't want to be suppressed it is in our billions of years of dna that says you expand and expand all the way the moment you are caged in any way inside your imagination you want to break free and seize or kill whoever that is taking your freedom of expanding any way you want. this is also the same reason much of subtle spheres are free to any expression you want as long as you don't drag others up or down with it. in the realm of spirits how is this karmic behavior of daily taking sustenance out of people not prohibited? because we are doing the same very thing to everything we see, everyone is doing it there is nothing unique to it. you want to change how spirits operate, we have to change ourselves first the spirits adapt later on they always do, and if we are not proactive we adapt to the spirits should they cement their presence all the way. this is why i am team human all the way baby, don't give the spirits keys to your actions keep them to yourself and decide in all peace, there is no need to hurry anything, with hurry comes nothing but bastards.
these text walls are fucking ridiculous
just like those huge milkers I can't stop dreaming about
>abusive gas lighting
I don't think so. I think chant absolutely means what she wrote, even though it might be wrong. Consider that chant tends to defend female sexual spirits emotional needs while appearing completely above all emotional things herself.
Maybe she is projecting some of her own emotional desires into female love spirits.
Maybe she has been traumatized by her passionate longing being rejected and that projection is a way to process these things.

I think in this case casting shame on chanty is not warranted and not improving anything.

Also notice how she in the past tended to
demonize all male passionate longing => "why can men just try to not rape for once!??"

i may be completely wrong and misguided here, if so big sorrry to you and chant. anyway i completely got the impression I am onto something reaal here

i still think >>38990327 is right.
Take what chant says with a grain of salt. She has a tendency to justify/ignore abuse if it's commited by females while simultaniously tends to "project" abuse/falsly accuse males to be abusive.

jos was a huge step for me understanding magic better I likek their approach of trying to banish abrahamic influence....
i did all the chakrka pronounciation with the mesopatmian names, I didn't felt likkek it was doing things immediately. but in this time frame i was also doing other exercises I found more immpactful.
Anyways some day after waking up I experienced a sudden "ego death" while my whole energysystem and all chakra seemed to be BURNING
so well idk. but that's what my experience been
i think whatever feels authentic to you to express the true gratefulness of your heart. but maybe its better to ask Lilith instead of listening to me
Can someone give me some tips about communication? I can communicate with yes/no answers, but understanding anything else seems really hard to me.
>Chant, please stop. What the fuck is your problem?
The one she's talking to in that case clearly seems to be a troll.

See the reply he gave his other reply >>38990089
and it should really be apparent from the initial post too, what with the references to "real women" and how his succ relationship is "cringe overall".
update: I tried to reason with Debras'sha and seek out her honesty...

so I just came back from the doctor... my left leg got totally paralyzed when I made her drink the spell, I haven't visited a doctor in 5 years, what a jealous bitch.
>that is kind of bad because involuntary shapeshifting (or i presume the spirit is doing it to you not your own body out of reaction) primes a lot of your energies to a specific alignment, and out of these alignments comes the tendencies we carry out in our daily life through reactions and gravitation towards specific individuals and moods.
Thank you for pointing this out, very insightful. With awareness it will be possible to mitigate away, as they often lead to shamed states where trajectory inclines with memory of the shapeshift with it's association such as choking or thirst. When I was shapeshifted into wolf I was shamed into being a loner even though I was content during that period if not happy. Thankfully I was shapeshifted single digit times in last years, so there is less of that to fall upon.
>being cognizant of the spirit, it is more than half done, you have to deliberately keep pushing the envelope even if at times the motivation to keep up with it could be in question, where is energy is also our hope. being aware of the situation is a paved path
What does it mean when an entity implies or outright exclaims to not look at them or watch them? I tell them I am pursuing truth, and go towards truth seeking more naturally when I feel being lied to, but heard numerous times throughout years to not pursue them. I do mind or try to mind my own business at peaceful and content times sometimes.
stop samefagging yourself fucking asshole
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Thank you edward for helping me with your best advice.

So your point is getting into relaxation enough to allow oneself to be "vulnerable enough" to let go of the "trapped energy" which otherwise disturbs the workings of the human energy system?
>you would first need to introduce yourself to the first stage of catharsis which i think is crying, can we do it out of volition or not is a great sign.
I told you I was able to heal much of my skin by allowing myself to cry and be depressed for a period of time.
But I feel like I have hit a plateau with some chronic issues: Like the head dandruff.
I think about it, but I can't find what energy or emotions may be trapped. I can't find a reason to cry or realize. I don't even feel tense about it.
What do you think about that?
>perhaps you were free of stress therefore the body runs more optimally?
I think this was true for the healing of face and other things i mentioned.
> anti inflammatory foods,
Yeah i am in the process of changing my diet. in that way. to create anew habit. I hope it will help.
>do you do intermittent fasting as well?
not at the moment, no habit for this.
It often stresses me out. I am working on my habit of using food for comfort. when fasting it's easier for me. because my behavior and thinking is mostly ALL OR NOTHING. so I feel that water fasting for at least 2-3 days is easier for me than "intermittent fasting" and "OMAD" or "eating two times a day"
When I eat, I mostly snack all day long whenever I feel like it for emotional comfort and pleasure.
which entities always stay with vessel and which come and go? some must always be present without leaving, or do they swap with their own and take turns?
>me getting bans for literal years at this point
And? None of the rest of us have that problem. Let me guess, they're russian trolls?

>so you met her within 10 minutes of my post?
Within maybe two minutes of my reading your post
>could you explain how?
She kind of showed up and buzzed in my ear so I knew I needed to tune myself to listen to what she was saying. She could technically have been lying, but it wasn't blatantly obvious if she was

>I think the best thing you could do right now would be to do a transformation ritual on the spirit. This is what "contracts" actually do
Because it's impossible to break a promise or violate consent, right? Rapists were secretly asking for it, right?

>What the fuck is your problem?
I'm not the one who showed up at a stranger's house begging for help in keeping my boyfriend
>Don't listen to her unless you want that spirit to keep abusing you.
I stated what I was told and gave my opinion. If anon doesn't like those things, he's free to ignore them, but I think the real problem between those two is a lack of communicating like normal people instead of what's going on

Let's be realistic, he probably asked to be ceo of some big company or something like that

Their guides are good, their spirituality is not

Just ask Lilith to become more like a succubus. You have to specify that you don't want to become a succubus completely

>Maybe she is projecting some of her own emotional desires into female love spirits.
Saying that the love spirits want happy relationships is projecting now?
A lot of posters tend to go "waaa evil demon slut" the instant their partner does something they don't understand. 90% of the time they just need to calm down and it'll be fine
>Also notice how she in the past tended to
demonize all male passionate longing
I didn't. Those desires can be solved with a succubus, a tulpa, or another spirit
>Saying that the love spirits want happy relationships is projecting now?
But implying that a female spirits desire and emotional needs are so strong that they want to be with a person forever, even if this person finds her annoying and wants to banish her for good, may be.

I am not saying such love spirits don't exists, I am merely saying that I think you are much more romantically compassionate than people realize and that I hence had the idea that some of you justifications for female love spirits intense longing may possibly be influenced by some level of projection on your part.

Well, anyway maybe I am wrong. I was merely thinking out aloud. Maybe you were not projecting. So don't take it too seriously.

But I still think you are an extremely romantic and passionate person, if you are interested in why I think that, I will explain it in detail.
I think most people here who have spirit lovers are.
So maybe it was not projection because spirit lovers are also more like that and align more well with that deep romantic passionate desire than most humans.

>A lot of posters tend to go "waaa evil demon slut" the instant their partner does something they don't understand. 90% of the time they just need to calm down and it'll be fine
That's a good point. And I think you caring about these things shows your (well hidden) deep compassionate nature.
I think I am not a romantically compassionate person so contrary to you I really don't care about those things.

>I didn't.
debatable. to "stealman" your argument, it's technically true that you didn't "demonize all male passionate longing" if you accept even only one possible version of male passionate longing. So yeah, I can't argue the steamanned version of your point.

>Those desires can be solved with a succubus, a tulpa, or another spirit
is there any spirit that does not become violent? avian spirit perhaps?
Serpents represent wisdom and healing so this slander of snake spirits must cease.
chantard shitting up the thread with walls of text is almost as bad as matpat, edward peterson, and christcuck trolls
Entities have no right to provoke, threaten or impede on health, correct?
>Entities have no right to provoke, threaten or impede on health, correct?
correct, but they still have a right to get mad if you do something mean to them
How do you know the succubus isn't purely a product of your own mind? Has the succubus ever told you about something that you didn't already know about?
How do you know I'm not purely a product of your own mind?
chant lives in Malta.
today was a good day, no nightmares, no pain, no depressed mood, almost no intrusive thoughts.

>Chant is full of shit, and wants the spirit to keep abusing you.
if you think that shit is abuse, you have seen nothing. no offense
>The one she's talking to in that case clearly seems to be a troll.
I was going to disagree until I read >>38992368
Or maybe it's just somebody really dumb

>But implying that a female spirits desire and emotional needs are so strong that they want to be with a person forever, even if this person finds her annoying and wants to banish her for good, may be.
That's an interesting point. Spirits generally seem to think on longer timescales than humans do, so that sort of thing isn't crazy. Succubi also seem to have a mental quirk where they feel that somebody is compatible with them and just doesn't realize it yet, so they have to prove they're right. It works more often than you'd think, going off what posters have said. Again, keep in mind humans with spirits get a lot of completely idiotic ideas about them sometimes or wake up one morning thinking jesus hates them for having a succubus gf and they need to repent. They've probably had the same conversations a dozen lives in a row, so it gets tedious for them
>I think you are much more romantically compassionate than people realize
I think I've had more contact with succubi outside of relationships than most people here, so that probably is what you're seeing

Succubi have the right defend themselves

>Has the succubus ever told you about something that you didn't already know about?
A few times. Those sorts of confirmations are extremely difficult to obtain but they can be done. It's easier to question it the same way you'd question if I was a product of your mind, for example
why don't you apologize?
Good day succgen. Man, The last few threads have been nothing but text walls.
Spinal Fluids is having a meltdown. But we endure.
Vajrayāna > Mahāyāna > Theravada, for our purposes.
Do succubi actually have sexualities? Do they feel sexual pleasure and enjoy having sex, or are they just putting on a show for you because they want to feed off of your emotions?

I can't have sex with myself (not talking masturbation or toys).

I mean, she tells me it feels good and that seems to be the case. She doesn't drain me of anything though, just causes feelings of sexual pleasure.
They do neither. A succubi is a male fantasy. Very rarely an actual female rapist

You can bet your arse a male fantasy
Ok so you fantasise being wanted a feeling good. That does not mean she does not are you drained do that was a totally imaginary character not real in any reality.

>Succubi also seem to have a mental quirk where they feel that somebody is compatible with them and just doesn't realize it yet, so they have to prove they're right. It works more often than you'd think, going off what posters have said.
>They've probably had the same conversations a dozen lives in a row, so it gets tedious for them
this is one thing I can't fathom.
Why do they do not simply give up on misguided humans, have they no sense of self worth? The love must be more important to them than the own sense of selfworth.
And that's the point I don't understand about you, you also seem to care about posters and succubi ending up happy together, even if succubi behave seemingless without a sense of self worth to reach this happy union. That is why you are explaining these things to posters here.
But on the same time you highly value and defend your own sense of selfworth and more often than not you argue for the principle of behaving with self worth in every case.
So to solve this seeming contradiction I assume that you have a compassionate heart, because if you would be indifferent towards this, you would either argue only for self worth, or be completely indifferent towards both self worth of others and fulfilled romantic relationship of others.
>had more contact with succubi outside of relationships than most
This another thing that I can absolutely not fathom.
Romantic love with no strings attached suggests to me a heart that doesn't build connections that are very deep, compared to a heart that absolutely can't do romantic love with no strings attached(because they build very deep connections and the severing is life threatentingly hurtful.)
So what you say suggests that you maintained a realitvely "closed up" heart and build no deep connectionss to the romantic partners outside relationships, hence you often changed them.
I think to be able to live that way a person must think very abstractly, like not focusing on the other person but only on the benefits they offer, that way no connections are build but only compabilities experienced.
And then you buy (get in a relationship) with the one who is most compatible (the product which offers the most benefits you care about).
All of this suggest to me that you must be a completely ice cold, but then again, you help anons every time. I just don't understand anything anymore.
So I conclude: either you are lying about being that ice cold, which would solve the contradiction.
Or you are lying about caring about others people happyness in relationship, which would also solve the contradiction but would open up new questions, f.e. why are you faking that, if it has no real benefits for you. it doesn'tmake sense.

Hence I think you lying about being that ice cold has the highest probability out of all scenariors I could came up with. And I also conclude the timeperiode where you were changing partners quickkly must have been not the most healthy coping mechanism for dealing with your compassionate longings.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I am struggling with mental issues and maybe also with issues with intimacy and I am not sure how much I am projecting myself into your behavior.
So any clarifications and feedback is highly appreciated.

Uhh no, I can't fantasize physical sensations onto myself. Nice try troll.
>what is suggestion
Nice try troll.
>Vajrayāna > Mahāyāna > Theravada, for our purposes.
what differences are there between those 3 main branches, in your mind?
>Do they feel sexual pleasure and enjoy having sex
yes very much
Well, the first one is tantric Buddhism which, well, tantra is kinda central to most practice here, isn't it? Second doesn't have a tantric element, but is similar to the first in that it believes in many different paths of spiritual development exist by which you can hone yourself, which means it's more open to stuff like what we do. Third is non-tantric and especially rigid, there's only a few right ways to do things and this kind of personal expression of spiritual growth is incorrect.
At one time she masturbated in front of me, and her orgasm was so strong she was writhing.
I could feel the high too, so I guess that was a reverse sexual offering.
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> You have to specify that you don't want to become a succubus completely
Day 203459670567 of chant just making things up. Sorry Zwisters, none of y'all is succubus, you don't become succubus, Humans are literally so far higher above succubus that it's the literal mechanic that makes summoning them relatively easy, that any one except a terminally online discord tranny could see that it would be a bad deal, even if you could. Oh I'm sorry if that faghag good for nothing, can't even spread her legs right, died choking on sammael's dick, childless, barren and the 'I'm oh so empowered by refusing to be the archtype of all mother's to be, a literal Maiden, Mother, Crone Triparty that would make the fucking Morrigans jealous just so that Gnostic Satan could make me dance like kitten to the jingling of his balls' Lilith could do it, she would still refuse to because the one consistent part of her lore if that even if you ask her to do something she won't because she's a contrarian vindictive cunt.

But hey, If you want to choose the Astral Cuck Chair out of the literally 'imagination is the limit' boundries that humans have, party hardy cuckubus.

Sorry Oni poster, sometimes you have to remind them. This is what happens when people who are less then wizards fall into this shit.
oh okay
>none of y'all is succubus, you don't become succubus, Humans are literally so far higher above succubus
its a transformation ritual, which most people forget you can transform back into a human
my mother has told me that she is powerful enough to appear in my bedroom right now and fuck the ever living shit out of me, but she doesn't do it because there are certain limits that she (nor her kind) cannot cross. she would need my express consent and this would require certain complicated rituals to be performed, she will guide me through them once i am ready.

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